


Software Engineering

Software Project Planning Document

Andrew Polhamus

Nick Antzoulatos

Roger Kid

Chad Guevremont

Scott Wenkstern



|Revisions |

|Version |Primary Author(s) |Description of Version |Date Completed |

|Draft #1 |Andrew Polhamus |We started filling out fields to prepare for the in class |09/26/11 |

| | |workshop for this project planning document. | |

|Draft#2 |Nick |Filled out the rest of the fields after sections like Major Risks|09/28/11 |

| |Antzoulatos |and Minimizing Risks were explained in class. | |

|Final Draft |Nick |Made corrections throughout the document. |09/29/11 |

| |Antzoulatos | | |

|Review & Approval |

Project Planning Document Approval History

|Approving Party |Version Approved |Signature |Date |

|Andrew Polhamus | | | |

|Dr. T. L. Lewis | | | |

Project Planning Document Review History

|Reviewer |Version Reviewed |Signature |Date |

|Nick Antzoulatos | | | |

|Roger Kid | | | |

|Chad Guevremont | | | |

|Scott Wenkstern | | | |

|Contents |

Team Information 3

Team Name 3

Project Title 3

Customer Name/Contact Information 3

Project Overview 3

Project Scope 3

Project Success 3

Project Resources 4

Human Resources 4

Non-Human Resources 4

Key Stakeholders 4

Major Risks 4

Technology Risks 4

People Risks 4

Requirements Risks 4

Estimation Risks 4

Minimizing Risks 5

Technology Risks 5

People Risks 5

Requirements Risks 5

Project Deliverables/Milestones 5

Management Objectives and Priorities 5

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 6

Preliminary Schedule 6

Preliminary Budget 6

References 6

|Team Information |

Team Name

Dot Com Millionaires

Project Title

RU Transit Application

Customer Name/Contact Information

RU Transit Office | 540-831-5911 | info@

|Project Overview |

Our goal is to create an interactive application for the new Radford University transit system. We plan to include a Map with active icons of all of the pick-up/drop off points, which will allow you to view the hours of operation, times of every stop, and other detailed information about each stop. Ideally, we would like to incorporate real-time GPS into the map that would tell the user where the closest bus stop is relative to their location. We will also provide a link to the main website & interactive buttons to auto contact the transit or emergency services. Being able to tell the user when the next available bus will be & what bus to take in accordance with their route.

|Project Scope |

The scope of our project will include gathering the correct maps, and information for all 5 bus routes and their respective stops. We will provide bus schedule data, such as hours of operation, times of each stop, and a digital picture of each stop. Our app will be able to calculate the next bus arrival time based on current time and destination. It will also supply information that is not specified online like how much time the bus will wait at destinations like Walmart and Christainsburg so people won’t get left behind until the next bus. There will be limited secruity in our app because there will be no logging in, or user accounts. A limitation would be being able to use the GPS feature to calculate the location of the user and programming the GPS location of each bus stop. The app will be available to all stakeholders, and anyone who would like to download it. Aside from the App itself, there will no downloadable content; the app will contain all the needed information. Our expected audiance is anyone who uses the RU transit, which is not limited to just students, since anyone can ride the bus with either a Radford ID or a dollar.

|Project Success |

Our project will be successful if the application opens and closes efficiently. The users are able to open up and use the maps. The buttons on the map open up the correct information relative to each stop. The user interacts with all of the buttons. The application can pinpoint the user’s current location. Have a working website to support the app and all of our group documents. The application can calculate the start time, arrival time, and route of a desired destination. The app should provide the users with a quick and easy way to access information about the RU transit system and any of its stops.

|Project Resources |

Human Resources

The Radford Transit front office located on Main Street.

Dr. Lewis

Andrew Polhamus

Nick Antzoulatos

Roger Kid

Chad Guevremont

Scott Wenkstern

Non-Human Resources

Davis 225 computer lab

Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Project 2010

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Adobe Flash CS5

Appcelerator 1.2.1

Kitchen Sink

|Key Stakeholders |

Radford Students

Radford Faculty

Radford Transit Office

Radford University

Resisdents of Radford, Christainsburg, and Blacksburg

|Major Risks |

Technology Risks – Hardware Complicatoins

Facebook complications

People Risks – Sickness

Delayed communication with cilent

Requirements Risks – Not fully understanding each requirement.

Avoid requirements changing over the course of the project.

Not being able to meet the clients’ requirements.

Estimation Risks- Scope Creep (when the scope goes beyond initial scope).

Not being able to complete objectives on time.

|Minimizing Risks |

Technology Risks – We will be creating our app on the Macintosh computers in Davis 225 lab. To understand JavaScript we can pull information from each other, teachers at Radford, Google, and examples from Kitchen Sink. To avoid the freezing problem in Microsoft Project we have made back up saves and will make sure the program fully works when started up.

The app will be created on the same operating system Facebook has, Macintosh computers. To avoid data from being lost in case of a computer freeze, there will be back up data in regular intervals. As well as allocate sufficient time before a deadline in order to fix major problems.

People Risks – In order to avoid risks involving the people in our group we have been communicating frequently with each other about team meeting and project deadlines. We have exchanged emails and phone numbers. We are also filling our peer evaluations to privately express comments and concerns about group members.

In the event of sickness, the project may temporarily be reassigned. As well as allocate sufficient time for a client response such as five days.

Requirements Risks - Make sure that all requirements were clear and reasonable. As well as avoiding changing requirements from devastating us but making sure that the client is happy and their requirements are reasonable before the development phase starts.

Estimation Risk – Attempt to stick to the requirements, and avoid adding time consuming features that are outside of the project scope. As well as padded our due dates to give a couple extra days of time to avoid slippage.

|Project Deliverables/Milestones |

|Milestone/Deliverable |Project Manager |Scheduled Start |Scheduled Finish |

| |(Select a PM for each phase) | | |

|Project Planning |Andrew Polhamus |9/6/11 |9/27/11 |

|Requirements |Chad Guevremont |9/27/11 |9/28/11 |

|Design |Roger Kid |10/3/11 |11/2/11 |

|Development |Scott Wenkstern |10/28/11 |11/30/11 |

|Presentation |Nick Antzoulatos |12/2/11 |12/6/11 |

|Web Design/ Updates |Nick Antzoulatos |9/13/11 |12/6/11 |

|Management Objectives and Priorities |

• What are the consequences for a member missing a meeting?

They will be warned and reported in the meeting minutes and peer evaluations. The team member(s) will still been assigned work which must be completed on schedule. If they fail to continually meet group expectations that person will get fired.

• How will you team compensate if a member does not respond appropriately to expected assignments?

Address them privately, and monitor them to see if additional actions are needed.

• How who will serve as the lead customer contact?

The current Project Manager will contact the client.

• How often will you contact your customer?

We will contact weekly, or when the requirements change or when clarification is needed.

|Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations |

RU = Radford University

HTML = Hypertext Mark-up Language

App = an Application developed for the Android

Route = the designated path that a particular bus takes

Preliminary Schedule

Preliminary Budget

|References |

McConnell Library

Kitchen Sink


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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