
What I learned about getting out

That they didn't teach at TAP

William 'Bill' Hunteman


Version 3.3

Last Updated: 2 March, 2007



Hope this helps somewhat. Hope that most of it’s accurate.

This may be a bit long, but there is a lot of chaff out there and a lot of useful mixed in with it. Tried to separate out the chaff and fluff.

PLEASE feel free to let me know your experiences and feedback (except for Grammer and Spelling) on the info. Is it helpful, accurate, understandable? Let me know. bill.hunteman@ or

The areas you gotta look at:

- The mechanics of getting out

- Ceremony (Not gonna have one? You owe it to your shipmates! Also, it DOES help the process. YOU NEED THE CLOSURE!!!!! Yes YOU!)

- Before you get out - THINGS YOU NEED TO DO.

Records and a VA Claim

- Getting a J O B


What did you DO? more importantly, what CAN you DO?

Good luck and know that the rest of us are here for you.

Bill aka goatlocker's 'tomahawkgod'

Mechanics of Getting out.

- Dealing with not wearing the uniform anymore.

First, if you think you aint gonna have problems dealing with retiring, let me disabuse you of that notion. You've put your papers in and are heaving a sigh of relief. "I aint gonna have to deal with that navy stuff no more" Yeah, right.

You got a host of new stuff to deal with.

• Once you leave those gates behind you that last time, here's a newsflash. No one is in charge out there. It ain't got any structure.

• You don't just 'forget' you were in uniform for 20+ years. You got baggage. You want things a certain way. Don't think so? Ask your spouse.

• If they weren't in, they generally a) don't know what being a CHIEF meant and b) don't care. They don't understand just how much you can do. Convincing them is hard. They think you think you are a superman. They as a rule don't have our ethos. So generally, all that you did doesn't really impress them much.

• HR managers do not move at your speed. It usually goes slow. a month from them getting your resume until you get hired is not uncommon. Usually if they are going to hire you, figure minimum of two to four weeks. Oh yeah, HR guys don't usually know what the job is really about. That is known by the hiring manager. So if they don't talk/get along..........

• Observe the niceties. Send notes thanking for the interview. The bigger the position/salary, the more important this is.

• You are only a CHIEF to other CHIEFs now. Companies don't have a CHIEF Billet.


• They kinda expect you to hit the ground running. No takeover period like in the Navy.

• You WILL miss being THE CHIEF. Get used to it, and be honest about it. Have some fellow CHIEFs to talk about it with.

• Find a mentor. A Chief who has already retired and who can put it in perspective for you (Thank you Dennis!)

• Try to not be a bear to wife/husband and kids. You may well find yourself having a short temper and being frustrated. It ain't their fault. YOU put the papers in.


General Retirement/Discharge Info/hints/help/etc



1. When you or your troops are getting out, make sure that 3-6 months prior to getting out, not only do you have an up to date copy of your medical record, you also go to medical and fill out a DD 877, request for medical records. Send one copy to EACH CLINIC(Military) THAT HAS SEEN YOU.

2. Make sure you specify CHCS records also. Here's the deal. Any notes the docs do on you in the computer do not automatically get printed out and put in your medical record. Kicker is that after 12 or 24 months (I forget which) they supposedly get purged from the system. So there may well HAVE been documentation on a service related condition, but it 'disappeared' and thus, no record of it, thus no 'proof' to support your claim.

3. They can put x-rays and CAT/MRI scans on CD as .jpg files. You want this. If they can't you still want either the x-ray or a copy of it. Send in with your VA claim.

4. VA Claim Start NOW! Why did I make this so big? Cause there are rockheads out there who don't file VA claims. It's like the rights of a CPO - If we don't execute them, they will go away. Remember: Pension is for time served. VA is for damages inflicted.

Get a list of ALL the clinics/hospitals you were seen at, phone # address and dates and reasons you were seen there etc. You will need that not only for your DD-877, but also for your VA 21-4128 statement in support of claim, as well as your VA 21-526 VETERAN’S APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION AND/OR PENSION. Start roughing out your statements early. Focus on what the impact is ON THE WORST DAY, not how it may feel right now. i.e. if your back hurts more some days then think about the days it feels the worst. Same for range of motion. It isn't how far you can move the limb/joint but how far you can move it without any pain on the day it hurts the worst.

A word about VA Math.

A guy files a claim. He gets a 50% rating for condition A and a 50% rating for condition B. How much is he rated at?

a. 100%, naturally

b. 75% naturally

c. I don't know, and I await your wisdom.

d. Don't know, don't care.

Both B and C are correct.

You start out a 100% 'abled'. First condition puts you at 50% disabled. Second condition is applied to the remaining 50%, so 50% of 50% is 25%, so you are 75% disabled.

And a word about the % ratings. IT HAS NOT A DAMN THING TO DO WITH YOUR PENSION.

The CFR (Title 38 I believe) sets the rates for conditions. Sleep Apnea is a 50% rating. Another set of tables in the law tell how much money for what percentage rating. So, for a guy with zero dependants who is rated at 90%, gets around $1700/Month. A guy who has wife and two kids gets $1762/month. So you get extra for dependants.

EXCEPT FOR Concurrent receipt. (In a nutshell)

Here is how we got screwed for a number of years. For every dollar of VA money you received, you lost a dollar of Pension money. That is still the way it works if you are rated at 49% or less. If however you are rated at 50% or more, good news. You will (eventually) get your full VA and full pension. Dont ask me about Combat related special compensation or whatever it's called. I'm not eligable for it and have no experience with it. Anyone who does, feel free to email me a blurb about how it works and I'll put it in the next revision.

Here's how it works now. Assume a guy retired 30NOV05. He gets 2000/month from the Navy. He files his VA claim in March 06. He gets his claim back at 90% in AUG 06. Two things happen. 1. His claim is backdated to 1 DEC 05. 2. His Navy pay from 1 DEC 05 to 1 SEP 06 is made tax free by the VA. THEN. His Navy pension is reduced to around $1300 or so. He starts receiving his full VA pension check. He receives navy pension at the 1300 level for a year. Then it is increased by 10%. This continues (raising navy pension by 10% per year) until his navy pension is at it's full amount.

It'll work out something like this (COLA etc not included, consult your dealer, actual miliage may vary. Closed course with professional Driver):


Pay 2006 Claim received 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

NAVY 2000 1300 1450 1600 1750 1850 1900 2000

VA(90%) 0 1762 1762 1762 1762 1762 1762 1762


(NOTE. When you file your taxes you will need your 1099 from the IRS and your claim letter from the VA. Have your Tax guy file for an amended W-2/1099. Otherwise you won't get your taxes back that you paid on the pension money from when you got out until the VA Claim came back.)

Right now, the phase in period is finished in 2012. After that period, there will be no phase in. Now, there is language in the GI BILL FOR THE 21ST CENTURY which is in the House of Representitives which will immmediately eliminate the phase in period for concurrent receipt. So get ahold of your Congresscritter and let them know you want them to support this bill. BTW, the Administration is fighting against this bill, which, based on past performance must mean that it (the bill) is good for us military folks.

5. Take care of your junior troops that are getting out. TAP does NOT tell them everything they need to know about VA claims. Neither does the VA Claim review workshop (They give it here in Tidewater at NAB). If you know they (or yourself!) are getting out, push them to start working on this stuff 6+ months in advance. Also, and you may already know it - but I'll restate it for those who don't know, GET TO THE VA BENEFITS REVIEW WORKSHOP at EAOS -6 months. Then go again at about t-3 months. Take your medical and dental records. If you get over to it early enough, you can submit your claim and they will start processing it. If you wait too long (2 months till EAOS I think) they will not start working on your claim until YOUR LAST DAY IN THE NAVY. Gotta have your DD-214 to submit your claim.

6. Research Research Research. But, just like in the mess, no two people have the same opinion on EXACTLY what works. Work with the DAV. ALL they do is work with disabled vets. In my opinion, no other vets organization can top them. But if you don't use them, use one of the National Organizations. Go over your claim WITH the Service Officer BEFORE you send it in. Do what they tell you to do. Get used to the idea that what worked with the HMs and PNs ain't necessarily gonna work with the VA. And there ain't many Chiefs working at the VA.

7. Stop being a tough guy about medical and dental about EAOS -36 months. Start going in for every twinge of pain, sore joints, whatever. If you weren't like the way you are now before you came in, get it documented. DON'T BE A TOUGH GUY. Remember, Retainer pay is for time served AND because they can call you back up to 62+ years old. VA Compensation is for damages inflicted because of or incidental to military service. And just like what we are told about respect and perogatives in the creed, same applies here (i.e. if we don't all exercise our rights, they will be eroded for all)

Things to do before you get out.

1. GET YOUR DAMN DEGREE if you haven't already. TOO MANY GUYS DISREGARD THIS. I don't care what you are gonna do after navy. GET THE DAMN DEGREE. IT WILL HELP YOU SOME WAY OR ANOTHER. Don't have much else to say on this. Except for certain fields, it really doesn't matter what it is in. But you need a BS or BA degree. Navy makes it too damn easy for you not to get it. Don't be stoopid about it.

2. GET ANY AND EVERY CERTIFICATION YOU CAN. I highly recommend Project and Program Management Professional (from the project management institute) for any PO1 and above. We've all done projects. Get the cert. For us twidgets and you engineers, look into the Systems Engineer cert.

For documenting your Project management experience, at least to help you figure out what you've done, use an excel spreadsheet looking something like this:

|Project Number |Project |(Your) Title |

|Budgetary Expertise |Action Plan Development |Best Business Practices |

Project Management: Cumulated over 1,300 hours of project management experience, including over 80 multifaceted assignments, each consisting of up to ten distinct phases. Accurately assess project requirements, resource availability and risk/reward; build consensus among peers, management and subordinates at all levels and backgrounds. Implement quality control checks to ensure highest performance and to optimize available resources. Review and provide input on existing programs to reflect real world challenges.

Training and Staff Development: Deliver unparalleled support in planning and executing excellent training and personnel administration projects. Inspire colleagues to achieve optimal ratings. Develop top-producing leaders consistently recognized for promotions or expanded roles. Display exceptional eye for talent, with the ability to match personnel’s strengths with specific challenges. Develop and implement comprehensive, realistic training opportunities simulating real-time experiences.

Additional Information: Completed over 9,000 hours of project and program management toward Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Anticipated completion date: MM/YYYY.

Technical Expertise: Proficient in Microsoft Office 97 (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), CMTPC, C2PC, FALCONVIEW, PC-MDS, GCCS-M, IMOM, TURBOPREP, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Echolink.


Director, The German Torpedo Society, LLC, Virginia Beach, VA 5/2004 to Present

Determine project plans and milestones, and maintain a hands-on management style for $250K per year Service Disable Veteran Owned Business/HUB zone facilities maintenance and management limited liability corporation.

• Create and manage comprehensive project schedules meeting all state, local and federal regulations.

o Review requests for proposals to determine corporate feasibility and competitiveness.

o Negotiate project assignments, timelines, delivery schedules and compensation with sub-contractors and vendors.

• Devise revenue growth strategies by evaluating existing operating principles and making modifications as warranted.

o Orchestrate critical financial activities specific to operations; maximize investments to increase overall efficiency.

o Develop competitive pricing through vendor and subcontractor negotiations.

Program Manager III, MANCON, Inc., 1961 Diamond Springs Road, Virginia Beach, VA 11/2005 to 9/2006

Provided contracted training and technological development support to the United States Navy’s USN Human Performance Center, with specific focus on the Human Capitol Technology directorate.

• Implemented new Human Performance Feedback and Development program for over 25K enlisted, officer and civilian personnel encompassing multiple performance based evaluation models.

• Developed new Navy enlisted advancement program affecting 25K+ personnel.

UNITED STATES NAVY 7/1984 to 11/2005

Instructor/Assessor, Afloat Training Group Atlantic, Norfolk, VA, 6/2003 to 11/2005

Supervised three military leaders and six civilian software engineers in the evaluation and enhancement of technical operations. Project lead of software development specialists tasked with ensuring system operations compliance.

• Conducted 30 training assignments among 11 vessels and for over 100 personnel.

• Drafted a ground-breaking training plan for tactical Tomahawk weapons control system qualification.

• Inspired development of a civilian warfare knowledge curriculum.

• Constructed a comprehensive training scenario to closely emulate a shipboard environment.

• Volunteered as Virginia Beach’s Amateur Radio Club’s 2004 Field Day public affairs officer.

o Received city recognition for emergency broadcast services provided during Hurricane Isabel.

Operations Manager, Destroyer Squadron 22 Staff, Norfolk, VA, 1/2000 to 7/2003

Developed and executed several key training projects to improve personnel readiness in the areas of strike warfare and administration. Maintained detailed database information to evaluate performance and modified programs as warranted.

• Collaborated in the development and execution of Tomahawk training curriculum; program lauded by senior management for effectiveness.

o Engineered successful completion of over 20 training cycles, including first ever joint American-British exercise.

• Conceived and implemented system control center surveillance plan for Atlantic contingency operations.

• Coordinated over 350 military exercises from the Red Sea in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

o Identified and selected coast targets, developed support procedures for combined task force training.

▪ Coordinated weapons system training, operations and material preparation for nine vessels; ensured compliance with joint task forces, NATO, and naval logistics.

▪ Devised non-conflicting flight paths and the staging of 349 launch exercises from 19 vessels.

• Planned the safe transport of over 17K pounds of ammunition from 16 transporters.

• Coordinated communications and airspace control in highly congested area to aid 18 personnel in completing flights.

• Served as web site administrator and Navy’s Department of Defense and federal compliance certifying officer.

Recruiter, U.S. Naval Recruiting District, Greenville, NC, 2/1998 to 1/2000

Canvassed 1K square mile area encompassing seven high schools and three colleges for officer training program candidates. Created informative multimedia presentations on Navy careers, benefits and educational programs.

Attended career fairs, orchestrated informational assemblies and interviewed candidates for officer program.

• Established strong community coalitions with five local television stations, 17 radio stations and one newspaper to gain more prominent air time for Navy public service announcement.

• Lauded twice by the Pitt County Youth Detention Center for excellence in motivational intervention/prevention presentations targeting youth offenders.

• Referred several highly qualified officer program candidates who gained acceptance into the officer training program.

• Collaborated in the creation and implementation of a new training plan resulting in a 12% decrease in station attrition.

• Aided the presentation of a Navy workshop at the Raleigh, NC Annual Training Conference.

• Assisted prospects with understanding Navy career opportunities, compensation and educational benefits.

Manager, Cruise Missile Division, USS CARON, Norfolk, VA, 7/1993 to 1/1998

Served as database manager; supervised the validation of 5,000+ assignments and effectively managed 20+ top secret documents. Mastered system upgrades and trained staff on completing technical requirements essential to project success.

• Supervised preparation for key performance inspection processes; division received three merit notations.

o Developed cross-training scenarios to improve staff readiness in warfare practices.

o Trained nine emergency coordinating leaders and four watch teams.

o Educated senior management in combatant requirements and unit capabilities.

• Upheld stringent safety requirements for all materials and weaponry handling.

o Oversaw the safe and efficient vessel on-load of sensitive weapons and explosives.

o Implemented safety certification requirements for Tomahawk and harpoon material operations.

• Championed the installation and testing of critical personal computer system.

o Served as lead for joint operational control system upgrade; authored and implemented documentation.

o Created and conducted all surveillance system training scenarios.

Additional Experience

Trainer, Fleet Combat Training Center, Virginia Beach, VA, 1/1990 to 6/1993

Maintenance and Operations Specialist, USS Missouri, 6/1987 to 11/1989

Firecontrol Search Repair Technician, USS Charles F. Adams, 1/1984 to 12/1986

Education / Selected Training / Awards / Certifications

Bachelor of Science in Administration/Management Studies, Excelsior College, Albany, NY, 12/2006

Professional Assertiveness ( Overcoming the Challenges of Change ( Building Effective Inter-functional Relationships Writing with Intention ( Leadership and the Knowledge Worker ( System Archetypes ( PowerPoint 97

Advanced Leadership Development ( Heart Saver CPR Course ( Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor

Recruiter Qualifications Standards ( Training Materials Development System Curriculum Developer

Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt Training

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (5)( Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Amateur Radio General License No. KI4BBK, 6/2003


Note the differences between this one and the previous two. THIS is what you should be sending/handing out. I noted above why I decided to use a professional service. Just my two cents worth. Oh Yeah, this one ends up being two pages when I print it for submission. Important - submitting a resume that is more than two pages is wasted time and effort.

Some info/hits from and MONSTER. Also look at

A career objective is best used to focus a resume when you know what position you are interested in. This section appears at the beginning of a resume after the name and contact information. If you are sending your resume to a company in the hopes of landing any job, a qualifications summary would be better for you. It's a good idea to have one or the other, before leaping into the heart of your resume.

The purpose of a career objective is to tell the employer what it is that you want to do. The rest of the resume focuses on supporting this objective and convincing the employer of your ability to do it. If you do decide to use an objective, do not use vague words and phrases. They will not add value to your application. Do not write: "To obtain a position in a progressive company where I can use my skills to increase sales and contribute to the overall success of the organization". Rather, be specific in outlining exactly what you are looking for: "To direct a sales organization at a consumer products company."

Keep your objective focused and precise. As a guide, make it 12 words or less; don't go over this limit unless you feel it will really help you land your job. Ensure that the rest of your resume supports your objective. After you have it written, ask yourself:

• Does my objective position me as a qualified candidate for the position I am seeking?

• Does it emphasize the contribution I can make to the organization?

• Does it entice the employer to read the rest of my application?

Remember that if you do use an objective in your resume, be sure to adjust your resume for the different types of jobs that you apply for.

Objective Examples

Seeking a position in sales where five years of customer service experience will add value.

Position where three years of management experience will contribute.

Corporate trainer, where a thorough understanding of English will be useful. Skilled in public speaking and instructing.

Should I include a career objective in my resume?

Well, that really depends on your objectives. The table below may help you decide.

An objective can be a great way to start your resume if you know exactly what you are applying for. However, if you aren't sure (or you want to apply for a range of jobs) a qualifications summary can be a great way to start. It is generally two or three phrases in length and used to highlight specific skills that are relevant to the potential job.

A qualifications summary appears near the beginning of a resume, after the header. If you choose to use both an objective and a qualfications summary, the objective appears second; however, it is usually best just to use one or the other.

Examples of Summaries:

"Completing a degree in journalism with a minor in marketing. Interned as assistant account executive with copywriting responsibilities at local advertising agency. Sold advertising space for college newspaper."

"Sixteen years of editing and writing experience. Three years of experience managing advertising sales, promotion, production, and circulation. Winner of the Jesse H. Neal Award for Journalistic Excellence."

Should I have a qualifications summary or a career objective?

As stated in the career objective section, if you know what job you're applying for, the career objective is better. However, if you're not sure what positions a company has to offer or what you're applying for, the qualifications summary is better.


Clearly outlines the fit between your expertise and the employer’s needs

Adds up the sum of all experiences. For instance, stating that you have 5 years of budget planning experience may be more impressive than listing it individually under each job, and hoping that the employer realizes that you are an expert in this area.

Provides the employer with a clear indication of what you have achieved and where you have been


For new entrants into the workplace, you likely have not had enough experience to warrant a summary.

Stating a summary will only be useful if you indeed have something relevant to the position requirements.

Some employers find these summaries redundant.

Can I make a resume with neither a qualifications summary nor a career objective?

This is probably a bad idea. The qualifications summary and career objective are fast, effective ways to hook the reader into looking at the rest of your resume. Employers will have to sift through your resume otherwise to find out what you are good for. Additionally, both methods give your resume focus.

This information is generally considered the most important section of the resume. Your task is to show that you have the skills and experience that the employer needs. If you do not have much work experience, then including volunteer experience will enhance your resume. Focus on including experiences that demonstrate your accomplishments and indicate that you have the required skills for the position.

Once you have your information down, you should decide on what type of format to use. There are three basic types of resumes:

1. Chronological

This is the most popular format. It places information in reverse chronological order (i.e. from most to least recent). Employers tend to prefer this format as it (hopefully) demonstrates a candidate’s steady and upward career growth. Thus, the focus is on time, job continuity, growth, and achievements.

2. Functional

A functional resume focuses on skills, credentials, and accomplishments over the course of all jobs held. Emphasis is on what you did, not when or where you did it. Accomplishments, qualifications and experience are grouped together, to emphasize your experience in specialty areas.

3. Combination (Uses a Career Profile)

A combination resume uses a career profile, which is a functional style listing of relevant skills and accomplishments, and then proceeds to describe employment and education histories in reverse chronological order. In other words, it is a combination of the above two concepts. The experience section directly supports the functional section.

NOTE:  Unless a functional resume conveys your suitability significantly better than the other types, a chronological or combination format is suggested for entry-level positions. We recommend that you avoid using a functional resume unless an employer specifically requests that format.

What goes first – education or experience?

In general educational information follows the job experience section. However there are three situations in which education should precede work experience:

1. You are currently in school or a recent graduate.

2. You are changing careers and your education is more pertinent to the new career than your job experience.

3. You are seeking a position where specialized education is a prerequisite for employment.

Remember that whatever information is first will be what catches the employer’s attention. This is why we suggest that you put your greatest asset first – whether that is education or experience.

Your education can also be listed in a chronological or functional format, so we recommend you read these sections first before typing up your education section. Even if education is your biggest asset, it should still come after the career profile section, if you are using one (but before the work experience section).

How long should my resume be?

Usually most resumes are one page long. Your employer is going to be reading a lot of resumes so a long resume will not be greeted with enthusiasm. However, sometimes you will have more information that will help you land a job that simply cannot fit on one page. In those situations, by all means go to two pages. You do not need to completely fill the second page if you use one.

Whatever you do, do not go to three pages or more. The employer will feel that you lack communication skills and will most likely start reading your resume with exasperation

The combination resume has the advantages of both the chronological and functional formats rolled into one. One way to do this is to create a career profile (the functional section) that is placed before your work experiences (the chronological section). The career profile also appears before the education section. If you do not want to create a combination resume, you may still find some of the tips here useful.

Sometimes a section labelled professional or career profile, or simply profile, is used. This section is different from the Career Objective or Summary. It conveys much more detail and contains selected highlights from your work, education, and volunteer-related experiences. You should place it directly underneath your Objective or Summary.

This section tells the employer about your best accomplishments and the benefits you offer an employer. You do not need to list the company you worked for or the dates (though for emphasis you may wish to); these details should be placed instead in your work experience section. Generally speaking, listing more than six items is too much.

This section, in combination with your work experience, is the most important part of your resume, so tell the employer the best things about yourself here. Whenever describing accomplishments, be precise. If possible, quantify your results. For example, you could write "Reorganized order processing procedures to reduce time required by 30%."

Sample Phrases

Here are some things you may want to include somewhere in your career profile and work experience sections:

• added value to the company by...

• awards & recognitions

• contributions made

• exceeding goals

• expense savings

• improving sales

• increasing productivity

• inventory reductions

• mergers & acquisitions

• new policies & procedures

• new technology/product introduction

• problems identified & resolved

• productivity improvements

• profit improvements

• quality improvements

• reducing employee turnover

• reengineering successes

• revenue increases

• start-ups & turnarounds


Here is an example career profile of someone applying for an office position.

Career Profile

• Experienced in administrative duties; scheduled meetings, handled travel arrangements and purchasing.

• Computer skills include Microsoft Excel, Access, Word, and PowerPoint.

• Excellent problem solving.and communication skills. Accustomed to long work hours.

Winner: Employee of the Month 1999 for October and December at Aerostar Inc.

The chronological form is useful when:

Your work and volunteer history show stability.

You have been working in one field for a period of time and are seeking another position in that area.

You have had steady progression with increasing responsibility.

You have worked for at least one year for all full-time employers that you have had.

For combination and chronological format resumes, this is the section on which employers generally place the most value.

The first thing that you should decide is whether you want to group paid and unpaid experience together or have separate sections. If you do not have very much paid experience, then you should group them together. If you are grouping them together then appropriate headings might be: "Experience" or "Professional & Volunteer Experience." However, many have held both paid and unpaid positions simultaneously. Listing these in the same section in reverse chronological order may confuse the employer. If you have at least three paid positions, devote a separate section to them. You might call this section "Work Experience." If you include a volunteer experience section, have it follow the work experience section and use the same guidelines provided below.

How far back should you go? If you do not have a lot of work experience it is a good idea to include all of it. On the other hand, if you have 20 years of experience, then you do not need to include all of it, unless you have a good reason for doing so. Our suggestion is to include only those positions that are relevant to the position you are applying to.

Information requirements for this section include: the employer’s name, location (city & province), dates of employment, position/job title, summary of responsibilities and accomplishments. You do not need to include the full address, supervisor’s name and contact number unless the employer specifically requests it. It's a good idea to leave out the months, not only because this is an easy area to make mistakes in, but also because it will help cover any gaps you may have in your employment history.

State the full name of the corporation rather than using acronyms that may not be familiar to a prospective employer. For dates of employment include the start and end dates. The month and year are sufficient. Do not embellish your job title to make it sound more glamorous than it really was. Unless the job title given to you by the company was unusual stick to that one. In the case that it may be unusual, for example "group leader," you may use something more common, such as "supervisor."

When describing duties and accomplishments, in general the more recent the job the more detail you should provide. However, if a previous work experience is more relevant to the type of work you are seeking now, then more detail on that experience should be conveyed. When providing details of the positions you held, include three pieces of information:

1. Basic responsibilities, industry or company specific information.

2. Specific skills required.

3. Accomplishments/achievements

Try and keep responsibilities brief. Devote more space to your accomplishments. If your job title is relatively explanatory you do not need to go into detail on the specifics. For instance if you were a "Customer Service Representative", you need not explain what a customer service representative does.

Whenever describing accomplishments be precise. If possible, quantify your results. For example, "reorganized order processing procedures to reduce time required by 30%."

Chronological Format Examples

Here is an example for someone involved in software sales:

Software Consultant: Aerosoft Inc., Vancouver, British Columbia (1999-present).

Market network-based software engineering application

• Sell to large companies worldwide. Includes contract negotiations, and software demos.

• Created client base of 200 in 15 months, contributing to strong growth.

• Awarded top sales in region for 1999

Customer Service Representative: Trigun Inc., Richmond, British Columbia (1997-1999)

• Managed sales support and service to clients using inventory control software

• Exceeded goals in set-up time for new clients by an average of 20% in hours per client


Promotions are something you should be proud to communicate, but they are often not conveyed clearly. One way to display that you have been with a company for a long time and received promotions is to first list the company name, location, and when you first started with the company. Then list your most recent position and how long you’ve held that position, along with your responsibilities and accomplishments. Following this should be the position you held before and so on.

Promotion Example

Bigstar Development Corporation - Toronto, Ont., 1984 – present

Marketing Director – 1992 - present

Oversee regional marketing departments.

Developed marketing plans for 4 regional campaigns.

Increased total sales by 15% annually.

Western Marketing Manager – 1988 – 1992

Oversaw implementation of marketing plans.

Supervised 14 sales executives.

Increased western market share from 16% in 1989 to 35% in 1991.

Marketing & Sales Executive – 1984 – 1988

Managed total of 16 sales accounts, 8 of which were among firm’s top 15 high volume customers.

Achieved highest sales in 1996 and 1997.

You can use the sledgehammer approach and add "Promoted to..." in the titles if you feel they will miss the hint.

The functional form is useful when:

Your work experience and career goals do not match.

You have gaps in your employment history.  However, employers usually know that an applicant is trying to disguise employment gaps, thus your attempt may be unsuccessful.

As stated in the overview, in general educational information follows the job experience section. However, put your greatest asset first – whether that be education or experience.

Unless education is your only selling point, only include the basic details: name and location of school, graduation date, degree and major area of study, and relevant/noteworthy awards and accomplishments. The order in which you present this material depends upon what you want to emphasize the most. If you graduated from a well known school, place that first, followed by the degree that you attained.

If you didn’t graduate from the program, and aren’t planning on completing it, you can still include what you did complete. Simply state the school and program, duration of attendance, and the total number of credits you completed. However, if you have attended several institutions without completing a program at any of them, then listing all of these will suggest that you do not finish what you start and will work against you.

Include high school only if you haven’t attended a post secondary institution. Include your GPA if it is greater than a B+ average. If you ranked in the top 10% of your class or better or received honours then it may be useful to include that. However, you can also mention awards in a separate "Awards & Honours" section, as detailed in the Accessories section. If you have had unique educational experiences such as a foreign exchange, a seminar with a famous professor, a research assistant position, etc., include them to demonstrate that you go beyond the ordinary and welcome challenges.

You should also include any licenses, special training, or certifications you have received. If you have several of these to list, you may wish to include a separate section called "Training & Certification", "Special Training", or "Professional Licenses", etc. Licenses should include the name and type of license, where it is valid (if appropriate), and date acquired. Special training should include the name of the course, name & location of institution, and completion date.



Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Graduated with honours, BA 1998


BA: Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (1998)

Certificate: Dale Carnegie Public Speaking (1996)

Your resume can stand out if you go beyond your skills and experiences. Remember however, that skills and experiences are still the meat of your resume, so don't overdo it with these extras.

Awards and Honours

Honours and recognitions can be written in the body of a resume, along with a professional history. Include only those awards and honours that will show the appropriate character for the job you are applying towards. It is tempting to include awards from only the most prestigious donors. It is more important to include awards that relate to the job opening. A position in sales will be complimented by awards with public involvement rather than academic awards.

Professional and Social Affiliations

Often when you have been working in your field for several years you may belong to a professional association. Membership in professional associations conveys to the employer that not only that you are currently a contributing member of your profession, but also that you have a desire to enhance your knowledge and skills for your own future, and that you are committed to the future of your vocation. Its good to list the associations which you have contributed your time and effort. Avoid including associations in which you have had very little involvement as this will take away from your other associations

Avoid mentioning controversial causes that you are involved with unless you only want to work with people who sympathize with your beliefs. Outlier social groups are not often looked upon favorably by employers and should be included with due consideration.

Technical Expertise/Computer Skills

It is especially useful to include computer skills when applying for positions that require such knowledge. If you have technical skills that haven't been used in a job yet, you might wish to place them here.

Hobbies & Outside Interests

This section is often combined with other sections such as Memberships and Activities. If you include this section, keep it short. One or two lines should be sufficient. Include items that complement the position you are applying for. For instance if you are applying to be a physical education instructor, listing that you enjoy sports is a good idea. Be careful not to tell everything about yourself - save something for the interview.

Teaching Assignments

If you have conducted, facilitated, or taught any courses, seminars, workshops, etc, you should include them on your resume. These experiences illustrate leadership, confidence and interpersonal skills.


Unless Military service or other activities are directly related to the position, you should keep them brief (one or two lines at the most). Ensure that you translate experience related jargon to plain English so that the prospective employer can understand it.


Many of these facts can be placed in one section, like this:

Additional Information

Certified Quality Manager: Seratek Quality Control Society

Proficient with PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and Access.

Flexible, willing to travel.

If you've read this far, congratulations! Your resume is well on its way to helping you in your job search. We have more tips for you in the following sections to tidy up your resume, as well as sample resumes that you can compare your own resume to.

Content Tips

Tips On Content - Including the Right Information

Employers need to have skills summarized in a uniform fashion so resumes can be read very easily. To make your resume stand out remember these points:

• Carefully examine the job posting to get an idea of what the company is looking for in a candidate. Find background research on the company by using the company's web pages, library databases, and contacting people in the organization.

• Arrange the resume so information most applicable to job is highlighted and given priority. For example the experience in within the industry may be more important for management positions than education.

• Rather than simply listing your duties or responsibilities, focus on listing accomplishments and ways that you made a difference when working. Show how you have gone over and above the requirements for the position itself.

• There may be special programs that you have completed or skills that you have that do not fit neatly into one of the typical categories of a resume (e.g. military service). It is a good idea to keep a record of these skills. Often they are included under a separate section entitled "Special Skills."

• The best way to overcome weaknesses is not by hiding them, but to identify a corresponding strength to make up for the weakness. For example, if you were applying for a position requiring a Master’s degree while you have a Bachelor's degree, then you should highlight areas of experience to demonstrate you are highly qualified.

• If you have been on the job market for less than 5 years, then the details of your education are a critical component.

If you are in school and also working part-time or involved with sports, include this information on your resume. It will demonstrate that you have time management skills and the ability to multi-task.

Formatting Tips - What does a good resume look like?

• Here are a few necessities to keep your resume professional:

• Use standard margins. Typically the top margin is 1 inch, and the other three sides are 1.5 inches.

• Use left aligned formatting so that the right edge is ragged. The words do not have to be hyphenated, as they would be with justified formatting. Hyphens interrupt the flow when reading.

• Use single spacing between listings and double spacing between sections.

• The resume should be laser printed or typeset.

• Highlight items using boldface rather than changing fonts. Items such as your name, employer’s name, name of institution that you wish to standout can be bolded.

• Do not overdo usage of underlining or capitalization. Minimize use of section changes as it slows a reader’s eye.

• Use bullets to highlight accomplishments. Keep bulleted information down to one or two lines. Bullets make information appear crisp and clear. If the bulleted information is lengthy, this effect is undermined.

• Keep the presentation of information consistent throughout your resume. Lack of consistency gives a resume an unprofessional look and indicates lack of organizational capability.

• Succinct - language is clear, concise and precise.

• Generally, a resume should be no more than two pages. Often when one is longer than two pages, the employer will not read the entire resume.  A long resume gives the employer the indication that you lack communication skills. Most resumes are one page long.

• If your resume is more than one page, in the header of the second page, include your name and "page 2" (just in case the pages become separated when in the hands of prospective employers).

No spelling, grammar, punctuation, or typographical errors.

Never lie.

Aside from the moral implications, if you are hired and your fabrications are found out, you can be dismissed. Depending on how large the business community is in your area, this could ruin all your local career prospects.

Don't use the word "resume" on your resume. An employer is smart enough to figure out that s/he is reading a resume.

Don't include salary information. Sometimes employers ask for this information. Unless you are specifically asked about salary expectations on an application, do not disclose this information

By listing salary information, you might be eliminated from consideration if you are asking for too much, or you may be under-compensated since you indicated that you would work for less.

Don’t attach job references & testimonials.

Usually at the end of the resume it will say, "references available upon request". This is sufficient. If an employer wishes to check references they will specifically ask for them up front. Most however, request them after the first interview. For additional information on see the References section.

Testimonials are not helpful, since you would never include negative comments. Rather focus on your experiences and achievements to show your suitability for the position. If you have written testimonials you can bring these with you to the interview.

Don’t include personal statistics & photographs. Facts about your marital status, age, height, weight, photographs etc, are not important (unless you are applying for a modeling job) and are only invitations for discrimination.

Don’t include personality profiles. It’s highly unlikely that anyone will portray himself or herself negatively, thus positive personality profiles do not have much influence. An employer will likely judge your personality from actually meeting you at the interview.

Don’t copy someone else’s resume. Be original and creative. Start your resume from scratch. It is okay to look at other resumes to determine what is and is not appropriate. Writing your own resume will give you a chance to express who you truly are.

Most importantly, this will ensure you are familiar with your resume. You don't want to be struggling to explain to an employer what you meant by a neat - sounding phrase that you copied.


Top 10 Resume Blunders

by Kim Isaacs

Monster Resume Expert

Make sure your resume is in top-notch shape by avoiding the top 10 resume blunders:

1. Too Focused on Job Duties

Your resume should not be a boring list of job duties and responsibilities. Go beyond showing what was required and demonstrate how you made a difference at each company, providing specific examples. When developing your achievements, ask yourself:

• How did you perform the job better than others?

• What were the problems or challenges faced? How did you overcome them? What were the results? How did the company benefit from your performance?

• Did you receive any awards, special recognition or promotions as a result?

2. Flowery or General Objective Statement

Many candidates lose their readers in the beginning. Statements such as "A challenging position enabling me to contribute to organizational goals while offering an opportunity for growth and advancement" are overused, too general and waste valuable space. If you're on a career track, replace the objective with a tagline stating what you do or your expertise.

3. Too Short or Too Long

Many people try to squeeze their experiences onto one page, because they've heard resumes shouldn't be longer. By doing this, job seekers may delete impressive achievements. Other candidates ramble on about irrelevant or redundant experiences. There is no rule about appropriate resume length. When writing your resume, ask yourself, "Will this statement help me land an interview?" Every word should sell you, so include only the information that elicits a "yes."

4. Using Personal Pronouns and Articles

A resume is a form of business communication, so it should be concise and written in a telegraphic style. There should be no mentions of "I" or "me," and only minimal use of articles. For example:

I developed a new product that added $2 million in sales and increased the market segment's gross margin by 12 percent.

Should be changed to:

Developed new product that added $2 million in sales and increased market segment's gross margin by 12 percent.

5. Listing Irrelevant Information

Many people include their interests, but they should include only those relating to the job. For example, if a candidate is applying for a position as a ski instructor, he should list cross-country skiing as a hobby.

Personal information, such as date of birth, marital status, height and weight, normally should not be on the resume unless you're an entertainment professional or job seeker outside the US.

6. Using a Functional Resume When You Have a Good Career History

It irks hiring managers not to see the career progression and the impact you made at each position. Unless you have an emergency situation, such as virtually no work history or excessive job-hopping, avoid the functional format.

The modified chronological format is often the most effective. Here's the basic layout:

• Header (name, address, email address, phone number).

• Lead with a strong profile section detailing the scope of your experience and areas of proficiency.

• Reverse chronological employment history emphasizing achievements over the past 10 to 15 years.

• Education (new grads may put this at the top).

7. Not Including a Summary Section That Makes an Initial Hard Sell

This is one of the job seeker's greatest tools. Candidates who have done their homework will know the skills and competencies important to the position. The summary should demonstrate the skill level and experiences directly related to the position being sought.

To create a high-impact summary statement, peruse job openings to determine what's important to employers. Next, write a list of your matching skills, experience and education. Incorporate these points into your summary.

8. Not Including Keywords

With so many companies using technology to store resumes, the only hope a job seeker has of being found is to sprinkle relevant keywords throughout the resume. Determine keywords by reading job descriptions that interest you, and include the words you see repeatedly in your resume.

9. Referring to Your References

Employers know you have professional references. Use this statement only to signal the end of a long resume or to round out the design.

10. Typos

One typo can land your resume in the garbage. Proofread and show your resume to several friends to have them proofread it as well. This document is a reflection of you and should be perfect.


Acronyms That Work

by Carole Martin

Monster Contributing Writer

Have you ever tried remembering information by using acronyms? The trick of contracting the first letters of the thoughts or phrases you want to recall into a short, memorable word can assist you in your story-telling during an interview. Acronyms are mind-maps to keep you focused and on track.

Some common acronyms used in conveying a specific sequence of job-related accomplishments include:

CAB: Challenge - Action - Behavior

PAR: Problem - Action - Result

STAR: Situation/Task - Action - Result

SPARE: Situation/Problem - Action - Result - Enthusiasm

SBO: Situation - Behavior - Outcome

These acronyms remind you to include the important parts of your story -- in a chronological sequence. Consider them a template when scripting your stories. Every story has a beginning, middle and end. Naturally, all parts are essential for a complete story.

• The Beginning -- Why you did it: The reason, problem, task or situation.

• The Middle -- How you did it: The action part of your story.

• The End -- What was the outcome or result: The end of the story.

Whenever you are asked for an illustration of your past work, such as, "Tell me about a time when..." or "Can you give me an example...," think of it as your cue to tell a story, using an acronym.

The Story

If you are asked during the interview, "Tell me about a time when you had to handle an angry customer?"

To be effective, you need to cite a specific example of a past work success. Use an acronym to recall the details of your experience and move the story from beginning to end. Let's use the acronym PAR:

Problem/Situation: "A customer called and was upset about his bill and the extra charges on his account. He was yelling and calling me names."

Action: "The first thing I did was let him talk and get it all out. When he began to calm down, I let him know that I understood his problem. I asked for additional information to make sure I had all the facts. I told him I would call him back within three hours. I then researched his account and the reasons for the extra charges. I did find some errors and presented them to my boss with a recommendation for rectifying the problem. My boss concurred with my findings. I called the customer back and let him know that the problem had been resolved."

Result: "The customer was impressed with my efficient handling of the situation. He apologized for yelling and for taking his frustration out on me. He even offered to send my boss an email regarding my excellent customer service and follow-through."

Notice that all the key parts of the story are there. The point of this account is to demonstrate your successful experience in dealing with irate customers.

Using Acronyms

Using acronyms to prepare your success stories will make a big difference in your interview performance. An acronym helps you remember the details of the story without having to memorize a scripted version. Use your mental outline and follow the pattern.

Six Steps to Handling Money Questions

by Therese Droste

Monster Contributing Writer

Everyone wants as much money as an employer is willing to shell out. Yet when it comes to job interviewing, salary questions make most people squirm. One reason is that such questions pressure you to tip your hand during the negotiating game. Winning the salary you want requires some evasive action on your part. Choose your words carefully, and don't be afraid to redirect a pointed question. These tips will help you stay in control of your compensation.

1. How to Handle Applications or Ads Requesting a Salary History

Diane Barowsky, who works in executive recruiting, advises job seekers not to include salary requirements. "True, when you leave out the information, you run the risk that the employer won't look at you because you've not put a salary in there," she says. "But you run a greater risk of selling yourself short, because you don't know what the range is."

Instead, write that you expect a salary commensurate with your experience and the job's demands. You could also write, "negotiable," because, frankly, salary is always negotiable.

2. What Are You Currently Making?

Answer carefully. State that the new job, while in line with your skills, can't compare to your current job. As such, your current salary isn't a good judge of what you should earn in this position. "Answer: What I'm making is not important," says Barowsky. "What is important is whether or not my skills are what you need, and I'm confident the range will be fair." This allows you to reveal your self-confidence.

In addition, this levels the playing field if there are two candidates, Barowsky says. If you're currently underpaid, answering such a question directly will work against you. "What if you work for a nonprofit, and your pay is lower than that of another candidate who has the same skills and experience but has a higher pay because he is with a corporation that offers competitive salaries?" Barowsky asks. "You could be hired at a much lower figure than the other person would have received. It's not the past salary that's important. It's the skills and experience and what you can do for the organization."

3. Get the Employer to Say a Number First

Every employer has a salary range in mind that it can most often play with, says Barowsky. "They have information you are not privy to," she says. "When you don't know what the employer has in mind, you can underbid yourself. Employers will jump on that. Later, you'll find out that someone two cubicles over from you is making more money for the same work you're doing." So find out what the range is before you state any salary requirements.

If the range is below what you want, state that you expect a range closer to XYZ. And make XYZ at least 10 percent to 20 percent higher than what you currently make. If you're grossly underpaid in your position, hike it even higher.

4. What If You're Really Pushed to State a Figure?

State a range that reflects the amount you want to make. And remember: Employers will always look at the low end of your range, so make the low end as high as you are comfortable with. If you make $35,000, state a range of $42,000 to $55,000 or so.

5. Prepare Yourself by Doing Some Research

Research what others in the field make. Contact professional organizations and get their annual salary surveys. Read professional publications. Network and look on the Web to find out what others in your field are making.

6. Show Us Your Pay Stub

If an employer wants to contact your old employers to verify your salary, think twice about the job. Frankly, do you really want to work with someone who will intimidate you? "If they badger you during the interview, a point where they're supposed to be wooing and impressing you, think of what it'll be like when you go to work there," Barowsky says.

The bottom line is that not only do you want good pay, but you also want respect. And a job that provides mutual employer-employee respect is bound to reap rewards.

OTher stuff for you. use or not. your call.

This is a good program to look into.

Federal Long Term Care Insurance Plan

It's cheaper the earlier you sign on. For me and my wife it's $71/Month. I'm 41 and the wife a little bit younger.

Here is a summary of what to look at:

A Facilities-Only Plan covers all levels of nursing home care, including skilled, intermediate, and custodial care. Care in assisted living facilities and inpatient hospice care are also covered.

A Comprehensive Plan covers everything the Facilities-Only Plan covers, plus it covers care provided at home by a nurse, home health aide, therapist, or other authorized provider (including an informal caregiver). Care in adult day care centers and home hospice care are covered as well.

Consultative Services — You have access to experienced and knowledgeable Certified Long Term Care Insurance Consultants (who do not work on commission) who can help guide decision-making, compare plans, provide personalized rate quotes, and assist in completing an application for coverage.

Informal Care — Unlike many other plans, the FLTCIP’s Comprehensive Plan covers care provided in the home by friends, family members, and other non-licensed caregivers who didn’t

normally live in your home at the time you became eligible for benefits. When informal care is provided by family members, it is covered for up to 365 days in your lifetime.

Care Coordination Services — Long Term Care Coordinators (all registered nurses) can arrange for discounted services, monitor the care you’re receiving, and assist with altering your Plan of Care as your needs change. Access to Care Coordination Services is available not only to enrollees but to their qualified relatives as well.

Alternate Plan of Care — Under certain circumstances, Long Term Care Coordinators can authorize benefits for services that are not specifically covered under this Program (for example, making your home wheelchair accessible).

Competitive Group Rates — Thanks to negotiations on your behalf by OPM, the FLTCIP has competitive group rates.

Waiver of Premium — You do not pay premiums while you are receiving benefits.

Guaranteed Renewable — Once you are enrolled, your coverage will not be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums on time. Coverage cannot be canceled due to your age or a change in your health. Your premium can only be changed with OPM’s approval and only on a

group, not an individual, basis.

International Benefits — This Program provides coverage for enrollees who may require care in a country outside the U.S.

Choice of:

•Automatic Compound Inflation Option (5% compounded annually) OR

•Future Purchase Option (increase every two years based on Consumer Price Index for Medical Care with ability to convert to Automatic Compound Inflation Option)

Payout - Choice of:

•Daily Benefit ($50–$300 per day in $25 increments) OR

•Weekly Benefit ($350-$2100 in $175 increments; available only with the Comprehensive Option)

Benefit period - Choice of:

•Three years OR

•Five years OR


This Program is medically underwritten, which means that you will have to answer questions about your health on your application. Certain medical conditions, or combinations of conditions, will prevent some people from being approved for coverage. You need to apply to find out if you qualify for coverage under this Program.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

•Federal and U.S. Postal Service employees and annuitants

•Active and retired members of the uniformed services

•Active members of the Selected Reserve

•Retired “grey” reservists even if they are not yet receiving retirement pay

•Separated Federal and U.S. Postal Service employees with title to a deferred annuity

•D.C. Government employees and annuitants first employed before October 1, 1987

•D.C. Courts employees and annuitants

•Tennessee Valley Authority employees and annuitants

•Navy Personnel Command (BUPERS) NAF employees and annuitants

•Compensationers receiving compensation from the Department of Labor


============Great resource for mailing stuff and printing resumes, business cards, resumes,

retirement invitations and programs etc. Tell hihim I sent you.

POSTNET -– MUCS(RET) Dennis Allard postnet@

5020 Ferrell Parkway Suite 205

Virginia Beach, VA 23464

(Corner of Ferrell Parkway and Indian Lakes Road Store Number: VA115 )

(757) 216-7000 (Shopping center that the Food Lion is in)

========NOB catering (Anchor station reservations etc)======

Ronnie Clymer

MWR NOB Catering

Breezy Point Officers Club

Building SP-45, Fifth Ave

Norfolk Naval Station

Norfolk, VA 23511 (757) 444-0773 option 5

=======Shadow Boxes and assorted nautical stuff=======

Fred LaChance (CPO RET)

LaChance's Seabag

4809 Shell Road

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 (757) 490-4626

Joseph Moody (CPO RET)

Moody’s Seabag2 Inc.

8214 Hampton Boulevard

Norfolk, VA 23505 (757) 228-3295


Officer In Charge

Visual Information Support Center, NAS Oceana

1801 Tomcat BLVD BLDG 321

NAS Oceana

Virginia Beach, VA 23460

433-3426, 3428

VISC NAS Oceana, Norfolk Det

BLDG IAA, 1653 Gilbert ST, NOB

444-3386, 7067

Lance Hilley PH1 Koch PH2 Hertlein

================================ GREAT cakes!===================

HMCM Glen and Tina McBride 427-1825


Some useful Phone numbers and websites


Hope all this helps. Here's some LINKS that I hope will help.


Wildflicken Veterans organization

VETS GROUP Hadit, a good resource

DAV - good explanation of how process and system works

AMVETS - another good 'how it works' kind of site

Indiana Veterans' Service Officers' Association

INVSOA Full VA Claim packet - fillable .pdf forms

VA Rating manual - 38CFR - what = what percentage

Good medical term lookup

National PTSD center at VA

Another VET organization 'how to file a claim page'

More vet resources

Good government tracker - find out what those btards are up to!

Another good what are they doing site

When the politicians say it, these guys tell you if they are lying. FACTCHECK dot ORG

More what are they doing

Veterans Resource Network Assocation

Supposedly good. prices look ok. Will let you know.

Armed Forces Vacation Club

Space A travel site

More what are they doing stuff

Too many lawyers and what non-sense they cause

US Navy Civil Service online application site

This is the link to the SEBOK, which is similar to the PMBOK (Project Management Body Of Knowledge)

PMI certification stuff



Some Phone Numbers/Contact Data

Organization Phone Number

AAFES Catalog Sales 800-527-2345

AAFES Customer Service 877-891-7827

AARP Customer Service 800-424-3410

Air Force Casualty Assistance 800-558-1404

Air Force Retired Affairs 800-531-7502

Air Force Retiree Services Branch 210-652-4663

Air Force Worldwide Locator Assistance (Active Duty Only) 210-565-2660

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 212-870-3400

Alliance of Women Veterans 714-551-2329

America Gold Star Mothers 202-265-0991

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) (Customer Service) 800-424-3410

American Forces Services Corporation 703-528-5444

American Legion 317-630-1200

American Merchant Marine Veterans 941-549-1010

American Military Retirees Association 518-563-9479

American Military Society 301-925-1420

American Red Cross 703-206-8512

American Veterans Commission 301-320-6490

American Veterans of WWII, Korea & Vietnam (AMVETS) 301-459-9600

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Help Line 800-514-0301

Arlington National Cemetery 202-789-7013

Armed Forces Radio & Television Service (AFRTS) 909-413-2236

Army & Air Force Mutual Aid Association 703-522-3060

Army & Navy Union, United States of America, Inc. 330-652-1612

Army, Air Force, Marines & Navy Times Publishing Company 703-750-9000

Army Retired Affairs 800-336-4909

Asbestos Veterans Assistance Information League (AVAIL) 281-681-1827

Association of the United States Army (AUSA) 800-336-4570

Automobile Association of America (AAA) (Customer Service) 800-624-0100

Blinded Veterans Association 202-462-4430

Brotherhood Rally of All Veterans 818-591-6300

Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Help Line 800-311-3435

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 410-786-3000

CHAMPUS (Customer Service) 303-361-1000

Coast Guard Retired Affairs 800-772-8724

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) 202-606-2564

Combined National Veterans Association of America 202-543-2239

DEERS Verification Help Desk 800-538-9552

Defense Commissary Agency (DeCa) Customer Service 800-294-2744

Defense Finance & Accounting Service, Cleveland, OH 800-346-3374

Department of Defense (DOD) Hot Line 800-424-9098

DFAS Cleveland, OH (Retired Pay Customer Service) 800-321-1080

DFAS Denver, CO (Annuity Section) 800-435-3396

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) 859-441-7300

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Help Desk 800-669-4000

Federal Home Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) 800-732-6643

Federal Home Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) 800-373-3343

Federal Times Publishing Company 703-750-7400

Fisher House Foundation, Inc. 888-294-8560

Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) 703-683-1400

I. D. Cards (Air Force Retirees) 800-558-1404

I. D. Cards, Benefits and Eligibility 800-443-9297

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (Help Line) 800-829-1040

Korean War Veterans Association 937-426-5105

Library of Congress (Help Desk) 202-707-5000

Make-A-Wish Foundation of America 800-722-9474

Marine Corps Exchange Headquarters 703-784-3809

Marine Corps Retired Affairs 800-336-4649

Marine Corps Worldwide Locator Assistance (Active Duty Only) 703-784-2507

MEDICARE (Customer Service) 800-633-4227

Merck-Medro Managed Care (Medicare Contracted Pharmacy) 800-903-4680

NAM-POWS, Inc. 972-924-3337

National Amputee Foundation, Inc. 516-887-3600

National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) 866-325-7208

National Association for Uniformed Military 703-750-1342

National Association for Uniformed Services & National Society of Military 703-750-1342

National Association of Veterans Program Administrators 904-226-6350

National Contact Center (To Order A U.S. Flag) 800-688-9889

National Life Insurance Program 800-669-8477

National Park Service (Golden Passes for Seniors) 888-467-2757

National Park Service (Information Line) 202-208-6845

National Passport Information Center (NPIC) 888-362-8668

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) 314-538-4141

National Vietnam Veterans Coalition 202-338-6882

Naval Reserve Association 703-548-5800

Naval Reserve Personnel Center (Records Section) 800-535-2699

Navy Active/Reserve Pay Center 800-346-3374

Navy Exchange (NEX) Headquarters 800-628-3924

Navy Federal Credit Union, Washington, DC 800-336-3333

Navy Mutual Aid Association 800-628-6011

Navy Retired Activities Office 800-255-8950

Navy Uniform Shop 800-368-4088

Navy Worldwide Locator Assistance (Active Duty Only) 901-874-3388

Non-Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA) 210-653-6161

Paralyzed Veterans of America 800-424-8200

Pentagon Federal Credit Union, Washington, DC 703-838-1563

Reserve Component SBP Section (Code 416) 800-535-2699

Reserve Officers Association of the United States, Inc. 202-646-7715

Retired Military Pay Center 800-321-1080

Ronald McDonald House Foundation 630-623-7048

Salvation Army National Headquarters 610-696-8746

Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) 800-419-1473

Small Business Administration (SBA) Answer Desk 800-827-5722

Social Security Administration (SSA) 800-772-1213

The Retired Enlisted Association 800-338-9337

The Retired Officers Association (TROA) 800-245-8762

TRICARE Delta Dental Program 888-336-3260

TRICARE for Life Center (Benefits Information) 888-363-5433

TRICARE Headquarters (Information) 303-676-3526

TRICARE Senior Pharmacy Program 877-363-6337

TRICARE Senior Prime (Central Region) 800-371-6489

TRICARE Senior Prime (Gulf South Region) 800-625-0211

TRICARE Senior Prime (Northeast Region) 888-999-5195

TRICARE Senior Prime (Northwest Region) 800-979-9667

TRICARE Senior Prime (Southern California Region) 800-979-9620

TRICARE Senior Prime (Southwest Region) 800-937-6093

USAA Claims Desk 800-531-8222

USAA Headquarters (Customer Service) 800-286-8257

USAA New Member Information 800-531-8080

U.S. Army Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) 800-633-1128

U.S. House of Representatives 202-224-3121

U.S. Naval Home 800-332-3527

U.S. Savings Bonds (Information) 800-487-2663

U.S. Senate 202-224-3121

U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 800-422-9988

VA Center for Women Veterans Help Desk 800-827-1000

VA GI Bill Help Desk 888-442-4551

VA Gulf War/Agent Orange Help Desk 800-749-8387

VA Headstones & Markers Help Desk 800-697-6947

VA Health Care Benefits Help Desk 877-222-8387

VA Inspector General (Hot Line) 800-488-8244

VA National Service Life Insurance (NSL) 800-669-8477

VA Regional Office Locator 800-827-1000

VA Service Department Burial Benefits 800-697-6947

Veteran’s Group Life Insurance (VGLI) 800-419-1473

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) 800-756-3390

Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. 800-843-8626

Vietnam Era Veterans Association 401-521-6710

Vietnam Veterans Institute 843-538-8402

Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. 301-585-4000

Vietnam Women Veterans (VWV) 800-217-8753

WAVES National Headquarters 207-438-3800

Women’s Army Corps Veterans Association 206-820-6824

Women Marines Association 888-525-1943

Women Veterans of America 561-732-4596

CONUS Space “A” Activities

Activity Phone Number

Charleston International Airport, SC 803-566-5794/5795

Dulles International Airport, VA 800-253-5120

Los Angeles International Airport, CA 310-363-0715/0716

Philadelphia International Airport, PA 215-897-5644

St. Louis International Airport, MO 314-263-6269/6262

Alameda NAS, CA 510-263-3346

Altus AFB, OK 405-481-6350

Andrews AFB, MD 301-981-1854

Atlanta NAS, GA 404-919-4903

Barksdale AFB, LA 318-456-3226

Beale AFB, CA 916-634-2002

Beaufort MCAS, SC 803-522-7807

Bergstrom ARB, TX 512-369-2611

Brunswick NAS, ME 207-921-2689

Buckley ANGB, CO 303-340-9662

Cannon AFB, NM 505-784-2801/2802

Charleston AFB, SC 803-566-3082/3083

Cherry Point MCAS, NC 919-466-3225

Columbus AFB, MS 601-434-2861

Corpus Christi NAS, TX 512-939-2505

Dallas NAS, TX 214-266-6651

Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 520-228-3641

Dobbins AFB, GA 404-919-4903

Dover AFB, DE 302-677-2854/4088

Dyess AFB, TX 915-696-3108/2158

Edwards AFB, CA 805-277-2222

Eglin AFB, FL 904-882-4757

El Toro MCAS, CA 714-726-3936/4687/4431

Fairchild AFB, WA 509-247-5435

Forbes Field, KS 913-862-4558/4557

Fort Worth NAS, TX 817-782-5649/7513

Grand Forks AFB,ND 701-4409/4410

Grissom AFB, IN 317-688-2254/2255

Hanscom AFB, MA 617-377-3333

Hill AFB, UT 801-777-1854

Holloman AFB, NM 475-479-5411

Homestead AFB, FL 305-224-7516

Jacksonville NAS, FL 904-772-2537

Keesler AFB, MS 601-377-2120/4538

Kelly AFB, TX 210-925-8714

Key West NAS, FL 305-293-2769

Kirtland AFB, NM 505-846-1652/2075

Langley AFB, VA 804-764-4311

Laughlin AFB,TX 210-298-5308/5309

Little Rock AFB, AR 510-988-3684

Lemoore NAS, CA 209-998-1680

Luke AFB, AZ 602-856-7016

MacDill AFB, FL 813-828-2310

Malmstrom AFB, MT 406-731-2861

March AFB, CA 909-655-2913/2914

Maxwell AFB, AL 334-953-6454

McChord AFB, WA 235-984-5327

McClellan AFB, CA 916-643-3944/4105

McConnell AFB, KS 316-652-3701

McGuire AFB, NJ 609-724-3078

Memphis NAS, TN 901-872-5331/5332

Minot AFB, ND 701-723-1854/2347

Miramar NAS, CA 619-537-4277

Moffett NAS, CA 415-603-9213

Nellis AFB, NV 702-652-1854

New Orleans NAS, LA 504-393-3100/3101

Norfolk NAS, VA 804-444-4148

North Island NAS, CA 619-545-9567

Offutt AFB, NE 402-294-6235

Patrick AFB, FL 407-494-5631

Patuxent River NAS, MD 301-826-3656

Pease ANGB, NH 603-430-2103/3643

Pensacola NAS, FL 904-452-3311

Peterson AFB, CO 719-556-4521

Plattsburg AFB, NY 518-565-5441

Point Mugu NAS, CA 805-989-8521/7305

Pope AFB, NC 910-394-4429

Randolph AFB, TX 210-652-1854/3725

Reese AFB, TX 806-885-3105/3106

Rickenbacker AFB, OH 614-492-4595

Robins AFB, GA 912-926-3166/4915

Scott AFB, IL 618-256-3017/1854

Seymour Johnson AFB, NC 919-736-6729/5269

Shaw AFB, SC 803-668-3818/5111

Sheppard AFB, TX 817-676-2180

South Weymouth, MA 617-786-2713/2667

Tinker AFB, OK 405-739-4360/4339

Travis AFB, CA 800-787-2534

Tyndall AFB, FL 904-283-4244/4245

Vandenberg AFB, CA 805-276-7742/7743/1854

Westover AFB, MA 413-557-2951/2917

Whidbey Island NAS, WA 360-257-2604

Whiteman AFN, MO 816-687-3101

Willow Grove NAS, PA 215-443-6216/6217

Wright Patterson AFN, OH 513-257-6235/7741

Yuma MCAS, AZ 602-341-2729

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