
Graduate Council Meeting

Marshall Building Room 531

3:00 P.M.

March 25, 2011


Invited Guests: Debra Tomanek, Antonio Estrada

Members Present: Nathan Cherrington, David Chisholm, Andrew Comrie, Matthew Cordes, Indhu Durai, Steven Dvorak, Gautam Gowrisankaran, Dianne Horgan, Kathie Insel, Tsianina Lomawaima, Carl Maes, Kristen Michelson, Katherine Morrissey, Betul Ozkan, Barry Pryor, Eliane Rubinstein-Avila Tim Secomb, , Maria Teresa Velez, John Williams,

Members Not Present/Excused: Zhao Chen, Dennis Doxtater, William Epstein, Suzanne Knosp, Lisa Ordoñez, Andrei Sanov, Megan Stone, Gail Varin, Linda Waugh, Rose Ylimaki

Call to Order and Roll Call. The meeting was called to order by Chair Lomawaima at 3:05 P.M. A member sign-in sheet was passed. The minutes of the February 2011 meeting were approved as read.

Dean’s Report. Dean Comrie gave update on current US News and World Report graduate school rankings.

GPSC Report. Member Michelson thanked the Grad College for the parental accommodation package and agreement to continue the partial fee remission reported that elections will be from April 10-15, 2011. GPSC had 1200 respondents to a fee vote administered over spring break. Dr. Vito agreed to fee passage starting FY 2012. Rec Center may offer free summer usage and Campus health is willing to eliminate copay for preventative health visits. GPSC does not support the IT proposal. Agreed on 3 scenarios: 1) a $1500 increase in tuition each year for the foreseeable future, 2)A cap on increases at 5% per year during a student's tenure (starting at 25k the student could pay 32k their last year but no more), or 3) a larger increase to tuition this year to $5000 with remission of the $3500 to current students until FY2013, but a movement to set the increases at the needed rate now to better predict enrollment trends and revenue options.

Old Business.

A. Mexican American Studies PhD program – Dr. Estrada presented further information on the items below as per the request of council during the Feb 2011 meeting:

1. There is not a critical mass for a PhD program;

2. Not enough research had taken place to determine the need/market for such a PhD program. There had been no study of employability

3. Mexican American Studies had had no conversation with the deans with whom they planned to co-convene courses; and,

4. Funding issues. per Guest Estrada, funding for the new PhD program would come from current budget funds with incremental funding from anticipated grants.

Member Maes motioned to approve with respectful suggestions by a subcommittee which consists of Katherine Morrissey and Maria Teresa Velez to strengthen what the council believes is a truly valuable program. Member Rubinstein-Avila seconded the motion. After a necessary electronic vote, motion passed with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 5 abstentions.

Graduate Certificate in College Teaching (non-academic unit offering)

A revised proposal was brought before council addressing council’s previous concerns. A motion was made seconded and proposal was approved unanimously, subject to an additional member of the CCT oversight committee being added.

Assessment Plan

Deb Tomanek provided a handout describing the new institutional level assessment process and invited input.

Success courses at graduate level

This topic delayed until the April meeting.

Dissertations in Foreign Languages

This topic delayed until the April meeting.

New Business.

A. Plus Minus grading

This topic delayed until the April meeting.

B. Discontinuance and LOAs

This topic delayed until the April meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next meeting of the Graduate Council is April 15, 2011.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Garcia

Graduate Council Secretary


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