Hot Zone

Hot Zone

By Richard Preston

Directions: There are 3 questions below in bold. You must answer these 3 questions and any 7 others of your choice.

Something in the Forest

Why were the workers burning the fields? What impact does this have on the migration of microbes and natural biodiversity of an area?

Howe does the ease of plane travel make us more succeptible to infection?

What if Monet had crashed and “bled out” on the plane? What might some of the consequences have been? Write step by step safety guidelines for flight attendants or other airline personnel in a situation like this.


The author lists 4 possible intermediate hosts. Make a case for or against any 2 of them. (p. 39)

Project Ebola

USAMRID is located outside Frederick, MD and Hazelton Labs in Reston, VA. Locate each of these on a map and explain the pros and cons to each of these locations.

How are HIV and Ebola similar and different?

Total Immersion

“Virusees are ambiguously alive.” Defent the truth or lack of truth in this statemtnt.

Explain “hot” as it is used in this book.

Ebola River

Get a map of your region and make a quarantine plan. What roads, transportation routes, or other means of travel do you have to close and why? Explain if you close traffic in, out, or both and why?

Pretend you are a high ranking official at Ft. Detrick and Ebola has just escaped from your lab. Whrite orders to the people you oversee, a press release, and at least one letter to the president or other necessary high ranking official.


“The incredible thing about living systems is that no matter how small the view, it is just as complicated as ever.” What does the author mean by this? Describe some of the complexity about cellular and molecular levels of life.

Chain of Command

Describe CJ’s reaction. What does it mean for a scientist to be skeptical and how does it apply to this case? How does it benefit/ inhibit a scientist to be skeptical?

Garbage Bags

The characters are all worried aobut the news media getting hold of the information. WHat would you do here? Keep it a secret? Try to get information out in front of the story? Let it all out at once? Choose a course of action and defend your decision.


After looking at the list of items carried in, list three other items you would have brought and explain why.

Imagine you are the Day Care director next door. You’ve seen the news reports. Do you stay open? Defend your decision.

A Man Down

Describe all the human contacts you have had since you got up this morning. In case of a dangerous exposure, how would you begin the process of contacting them and maybe quarantining them?


In debriefing this long day,

a) make a time line of events (use chapter sub-headings if it helps)

b) write 4 recommendations to CJ about things that worked and didn’t

The Most Dangerous Strain

The CDC did not put John Coleus into isolation. Why not? What would you have done?

Summer Camp

Summarize what the author has to say about AIDS and HIV’s path to the outside world as a consequence of habit and decisions. Explain and justify your agreement or disagreement with his statements.

The author uses a poetic metaphor “the revenge of the rainforest”, to describe a scientific hypothesis. What is the hypothesis? How accurate/inaccurate does the metaphor portray it? What do you think about the use of imagery and metaphor to describe schientific material? Is this good or bad? Does metaphor distort scientific reality?

How does the author describe the impact of humans on the natural landscape? Is he being fair? Explain and give reasons for your decision.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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