Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report 2017-18Contents: 1.Introduction 2.The College and its Facilities3.The College and the Community 4.Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Objectives5.Our Students6.Our Employees7.Activities during the Year 8.Priorities for the Forthcoming Year1.Introduction Stephenson College is committed to ensuring that we provide an inclusive learning and working environment where everyone can reach their full potential, regardless of their background. Our Equality and Diversity Policy applies to all members of the Stephenson College community and is designed to create an environment where equality, diversity and inclusion is naturally part of our everyday life, covering all aspects of our activity. We aim to: Promote equality and diversity across all of our activitiesFoster and promote good relations between people of a diverse backgroundEliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisationEncourage and widen participation, raise standards and advance aspiration for allOur commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is reflected in our mission ‘excellence and innovation and learning’ and in our shared values.Shared Values:Strive to be the bestBe the college of choiceUse our resources to the benefit of our studentsHelp each other and our environmentShared BehavioursOur shared behaviours are an integral part of College life and we are committed to:Accepting responsibility and being accountable for our actionsPromoting the College as widely as possible Questioning and challenging Leading by exampleThese values and behaviours are communicated through a variety of approaches, including through our student and staff induction processes, student tutorials and a variety of other communication materials. This helps to promote and reinforce our values and behaviours and ensure that they become embedded within the College cultureWe also demonstrate our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion though our Corporate Objectives, grouped into 4 themes:QualityWe will achieve outstanding results by being innovative and using the creativity of all our stakeholdersDiversificationWorking collaboratively, we add value for the stakeholders we serve by understanding and fulfilling their needs and expectations EfficiencyWe empower our colleagues and create a culture to support efficiency and achievement in both organisational and personal goalsCorporate Social ResponsibilityWe have a positive impact on the world around our College by advancing the economic, environmental and social conditions of the communities we serve.Our Annual Report outlines our commitment and approach to delivering our corporate and legal responsibilities for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and to embedding this in all College wide functions and activities. Our approach relies on all members of the College community understanding and taking responsibility for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and for making a positive difference to the lives of disadvantaged groups. We continue to take active steps to provide an inclusive environment for our students, staff and visitors by placing equality, diversity and inclusion at the centre of College life.The Equality Act 2010 uses the term ‘protected characteristic’ to describe a group that is more likely to be disadvantaged in some way. The relevant protected characteristics are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnerships; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation. We recognise the value these different characteristics bring and wish to build an inclusive environment for staff, students and visitors in which they can thrive. 2.The College and its FacilitiesWe are a General Further Education College which attracts students from across the United Kingdom, providing high quality education and training from our industry standard facilities. We deliver from entry level through to HNC/HND Level qualifications across a broad curriculum.We work in partnership with large national companies to deliver effective apprenticeships across a range of specialisms and the success of this work has been recognised in recent years. The College was awarded the Education Partnership Award by the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce and more recently the TES FE Award for Employer Engagement.Locally, we recruit apprentices and students to full time and part time study programmes predominantly from the North West Leicestershire and South Derbyshire areas. Our curriculum reflects local and national priorities and provides strong and sustained progression into employment, further or higher education for all groups of students. Our governors and employer partners play a pivotal role in shaping our college curriculum to meet the needs of employers and the local community. In 2017-18 the College enrolled 6,296 students which included 1,754 apprentices and 635 16-18 year olds on full-time study programmes,Our facilities support and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. All facilities are accessible with lifts for use by students and staff with disabilities and mobility difficulties. Our campus has designated accessible car parking spaces for students, staff and visitors with disabilities.3.The College and the Community The economy and social profile of North West Leicestershire result from generations of activity that have left an imprint on local communities. Specifically there has been a decline in traditional industries and growth in new areas of economic activity which is reflected in newly developing physical and economic infrastructure.Within the North West Leicestershire area, overall economic activity rates are high for men and higher than both the national, regional and county average, but conversely they are considerably lower for women. For the Index of Multiple Deprivation, all local authorities within Leicestershire have moved up the rankings between 2007 and 2010 suggesting they became more deprived overall. North West remains the most deprived district in the county with particular pockets of more extreme deprivation in parts of Greenhill, Measham and Coalville wardsA major challenge for North West Leicestershire remains the level of skills and qualifications within the local workforce. Many sectors are in a cycle of shedding lower skilled labour and there is more competition for higher order technical jobs from a wider geographical area.The College continues to aid the regeneration of the local economy through providing opportunities to develop new and improve existing skills, particularly through its extensive apprenticeship offer. We also recognise that our work with those that are currently economically inactive is a valuable and positive contribution to this process. The provision of Sector Based Work Academies which equip unemployed students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to gain employment remains a good example of this.The College’s curriculum offer is regularly reviewed to ensure that it reflects local economic activity. The most significant employment opportunities exist in areas serviced by College curriculum provision including manufacturing operations, mechanical engineering, construction, quarrying, utilities, motor trades and business professions.4.Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and ObjectivesOur Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is regularly reviewed to ensure it remains up to date and in line with best practice. It sets out how we will meet our Public Sector Equality Duty in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and will be formally reviewed in 2019.Our Equality objectives were agreed in 2016, continue to be reviewed regularly and are an integral part of our business planning and self-assessment processes each year.Our four agreed equality objectives are:To seek to attract, develop and retain a more diverse workforce, reflective of the College’s local and wider communityTo support access to learning for different groups of studentsTo ensure that all members of the College community promote, advance and celebrate equality and diversity and our shared valuesTo ensure that attainment gaps are minimised and that all programmes lead to strong and sustained progression into employment, further or higher education for all groups of students.Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group meets once a term, to ensure the College’s policy is implemented across all College functions. This group has representation from key staff and governors and continues to be an active contributor to our College community. The Group’s remit is to:Ensure that the College meets its duties under the Equality Act 2010Ensure the effective implementation and evaluation of the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy.Lead the development, monitoring and evaluation of the College’s strategic Equality ObjectivesEnsure that equality, diversity and inclusion and our shared values are an integral part of College activitiesConsider and share best practiceAdvise and make recommendations to the Senior Management Team and the Corporation, as appropriate, on policy outcomes and impact, through an annual Equality and Diversity ReportEnsure effective communication and engagement with students, staff and stakeholders5.Our StudentsOur students are drawn from a wide geographical area across the county and country. The data presented includes details of students on Education and Training programmes (Classroom Based) and Apprenticeship programmes.In 2017-18 the College enrolled 6,296 students which included 1754 apprentices and 635 16-18 year olds on full-time study programmes,Distance learning accounts for 42% of total enrolments which is focused on providing professional courses for the caring and nursing professions in line with College priorities and local sector needs. The detailed breakdown of student enrolments is shown in the chart below. EnrolmentsStudent Profile Gender The gender profile for all students on all programmes is 48% male and 52% female. Distance learning courses in the care sectors recruit a high percentage of female learners which contribute to this overall position.The detailed analysis for Education and Training programmes and Apprenticeship programmes is shown below:The proportion of female students on education and training courses has increased by 5% from 42% in 2016/17 to 47% in 2017/18The proportion of female apprentices has decreased from 32% in 2016/17 to 17% of the overall cohort in 2017/18.Ethnicity13% of the student population is comprised of students from Black and Ethnic Minority Groups (BAME), a decrease of 1% from the previous year. This continues to compare well with the demographic of Leicestershire as a whole, according to the 2011 census. The population of North West Leicestershire is 98% white British.The detailed analysis for Education and Training programmes and Apprenticeship programmes is shown below: Disability The detailed analysis for Education and Training programmes and Apprenticeship programmes is shown below: 43% of students on Study Programmes have declared disabilities through the enrolment process and in year work completed by the SENCO. This represents a 5% increase from 2016/17 There is a small increase of 2% in those with a known learning disability taking apprenticeship pathways from 2016/17Student Achievement and Success Equality and diversity data is analysed for each curriculum area and provision type to analyse performance of different groups of students according to ethnicity, gender and learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Education and Training programmesEducation & Training Achievement Rates Summary - Timely?2015/162016/172017/182016/17National Rate16-1869.577.273.081.019+94.295.494.585.716-18 education and training achievement rates have decreased by 5% from 2016-17 but have remained high for 19+ learners at 94% This is mainly attributable to a few full-time courses with low achievement rates such as health and social care.Education & Training Achievement Rates Summary - Overall????2015/162016/172017/182016/17National Rate16-18Retention84.488.385.489.9Pass82.287.585.690.6Achievement69.477.373.181.5??????19+Retention97. detailed analysis of students’ achievement and success by gender, ethnicity and disability is shown below:The overall achievement gap is attributable to high success rates of female learners completing distance learning short courses in the care sector.There remains no significant achievement gap between the achievement rates of male and female adult learners.. There are no significant achievement gaps between different groups of students with different ethicities. However white working class students’ achievement needs to improve to meet college expectations.The achievement of students declaring a learning difficulty for 2017/18 is 83% compared to 92% for those with no declared learning difficulty or disability.Education and Training Overall Achievement 2017/18??????? Has difficulty/disability/health problem1339111082.9%No difficulty/disability/health problem3853357292.7% Apprenticeship ProgrammesCollege apprenticeship success rates are good compared against national rates. The overall success rate for 2017/18 is 74% against a 16/17 national rate of 63%. Timely success also remains above national rates at 64%. Apprenticeship Overall and Timely Success Rates?15/1616/1717/1816/17 National Rate?Overall74.274.074.762.6Timely67.166.063.859.4A detailed analysis of students’ achievement and success by gender, ethnicity and disability is shown below:The are no significant achievement gaps between female and male students’ overall and timely apprenticeship rates. Students with Asian or mixed heritage have lower apprenticeship achievement rates than other groups. There were 17 students of Asian ethnic origin on apprenticeship programmes and 42 students of mixed heritage compared to 635 students who declared their heritage as white BritishApprentices with a declared learning difficulty or disability have an overall achievement rate of 70% compared to 75% for those with no declared difficulty or disability. This represents a small achievement gap compared to 2016/17 where both groups achievement rates were broadly similar.6.Our EmployeesDuring 2017-18, we employed over 350 employees in a variety of roles with a range of specialist and technical expertise. Gender The College’s workforce is 65% female and 35% male. This is broadly in line the Further Education Sector as a whole and is little changed from the data reported in our previous reports.Female employees make up 60% of the College’s Senior Management Team. Female employees make up 45% of the College’s Middle Management Team. There has been a reduction in the number of women middle managers (down from 55%) following a Faculty restructure in November 2017 and as a consequence women are somewhat under-represented in this group when compared with the workforce as a whole. Analysis of workforce profiles in Faculties and Business Support functions show that employees continue to be broadly employed in line with traditional occupational groupings.In March 2018 the College published its first Gender Pay Report based on the snapshot date of March 2019.The report showed a mean and median gender pay gap. seeking to close the gender pay gap, we committed to take action as follows:Seek to attract more women into traditionally male dominated roles within our Engineering and Construction faculties, taking positive action as appropriate.Detailed assessment and monitoring of starting salaries for all employeesComplete the annual review of our Pay Policy and Recruitment and Retention Payments PolicyEnsure that our recruiting managers receive training and support to ensure that there is no unconscious bias in the recruitment and determination of pay processesFurther promote family friendly working opportunities to encourage both male and female employees to discuss arrangements which will not inhibit their career progression and ensure that managers are open to innovative ways of working flexibly.Promote shared parental leave arrangements to encourage take up by male employees.Our activities in this regard during the year are detailed in Section 7.Age The College has an ageing workforce with 43% of all College staff aged 51 years and above. This reflects the position within the Further Education Sector as a whole.Ethnicity The College continues to employ a largely White British workforce, which is reflective of the local community of North West Leicestershire where the population is approximately 98% White British. Employees from black and minority ethnic groups (BAME) make up approximately 9% of the College’s overall workforce, which is increased from 7% in the previous year. This compares favourably with the demographics of Leicestershire as a whole, where approximately 8.5% of the population is from a BAME group, according to the 2011 census.Employees from BAME groups remain under-represented in the College’s workforce when compared to our students which make up 13% of our students10% of the College’s Middle Management Team are from BAME groupsDisability Employees who have declared a disability make up 3% of the College’s workforce, the same as in the previous year. The College provides all employees with the opportunity and encourages them to disclose information relating to their disability or health conditions. Where individuals disclose they require support we work proactively with them to ensure they are supported within the internal and external working environment. Through the implementation of reasonable adjustments and regular reviews they can continue working and the College engages with Access to Work services to secure support and assistance with those reasonable adjustments.The College is also recognised by the Department for Work and Pensions as a Disability Confident Employer.The College will continue to seek to encourage staff to ensure that sensitive information is recorded and updated as part of an annual validation exercise. 7.Activities during the Year Significant work has been undertaken in 2017-18 to ensure that the College’s commitment and policy aims are effectively implemented. Our aim is to:Promote equality and diversity across all its activitiesFoster and promote good relations between people of a diverse backgroundEliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisationEncourage and widen participation, raise standards and advance aspiration for all. The following provides a summary of our activities during the year:Our Progress Coaches continue to engage, mentor, coach and support learners on Study Programmes to achieve successfully. Tutorial workshops for all students continue to reinforce the College’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and have further developed students’ understanding of their responsibilities as part of the College community. The College has an Apprentice Liaison Co-ordinator and two Apprentice Liaison Advisors who support apprentices to stay on their programme and successfully achieve their apprenticeship.? They provide a link between the apprentice, employer and College.? The induction raises the apprentices’ awareness of equality, diversity and British values and the on-programme reviews provides the opportunity to reinforce understanding and responsibilities of apprentices and their employers.During the year we strengthened our Work Experience team, appointing a new Work Placement Officer to work with our Work Placement Coordinator. We continue to ensure the development and provision of high quality work experience opportunities for all groups of students in order to develop their employability skills, raise their aspirations and enable their sustained progression into employment, further or higher education. During the year 80% of students on full-time study programmes completed a work experience placement. In response to the Government’s new National Careers Strategy which was launched in December 2017, we have developed and begun to implement our whole College Careers Education Programme.? As per the statutory requirements we have a named Careers Leader and have begun to evidence and plan activities and encounters for students across all College functions in order to meet all 8 of The Gatsby Benchmarks (see National Careers Strategy and Careers Education Programme).? Our programme can be accessed publicly via the Student Services section of the College website and staff receive termly news and progress updates from our Careers Leader and Work Experience Coordinator. A CEIAG working party was established last academic year with representatives from SMT, management and operations to ensure the effective delivery of the Careers Education Programme.The College continued to effectively engage with the National Citizenship Service, with a further 26 students completing the programme this year.During 2016-17, the College launched Project Pine (Passing Is Not Enough) designed to raise the aspirations and achievement of learners on study programmes, especially at level 3. Whilst it was too early to assess its impact in our previous report it is clear that the initiative has this year contributed significantly in securing ‘added value’ for level 3 students on study programmes. The performance of this group is now in the top 6% of all schools and colleges in England. There are still opportunities for us to improve the level of stretch and challenge we present to many of our study programme students but this success is clear evidence that we can enable our students to achieve very strongly compared to any other provider. The College is actively involved in the DANCOP project. The projects objective is to widen participation in Higher Education from under-represented groups from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. The College has established a material testing workshop to give young people a hands-on experience and introduction to possible HE courses. This benefits students of Stephenson College, Stephenson Studio School and at least 8 local schools who are engaging with this project.The College continues to effectively embed RARPA (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) processes to measure the progress and achievement of learners on non-accredited learning programmes.?This development of individualised, non-accredited learning programmes is particularly valuable for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. The College offers Pathways to Independence and Employment courses and Supported Internships focussing on personal and social development as well as enhancing students’ employability skills.The College continues to provide effective SEND support to students with identified learning difficulties/disabilities. Students with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) have formal reviews to establish a clear pathway for students, and to create Preparing for Adulthood outcomes. An action plan is then created, which is regularly monitored and reviewed. The College uses the Person-Centred Approach in all review meetings which means that students, parents and tutors all make a contribution to the review in the form of written reports. The College works closely with external agencies such as Educational Psychology, Parent Partnership, Adult and Children’s Social Care and Autism Outreach, to ensure that the highest level of support is provided for students. The Student Council continues to meet regularly and is a vibrant and effective contributor to our College community, ensuring that all students have an opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences, irrespective of their background. As a consequence, the College is able to address any identified issues and take any appropriate action in a timely manner.The College’s residential provision was rated as good overall during its inspection under the Social Care Common Inspection Framework. Ofsted commented that ‘Attention to the individualised care of young people is a strength’ and that ‘staff know the young people well and try to ensure that young people are appropriately placed, considering their age, vulnerability, health and preferences. This maximises their potential and helps to keep them safe.’ During the year one of our HGV automotive students, working for Ryder Ltd, was placed second in the Asian Apprenticeship Awards 2018. The awards are designed to celebrate and showcase the best of British Asian Apprentices and the people that employ and train them. Ryder was also named Large Employer of the Year 2018.The College has again facilitated a range of professional development interventions to ensure that all of our students benefit from excellent teaching, learning and assessment, irrespective of their background and that equality, diversity and inclusion is actively and effectively embedded into all learning sessions. Teachers have accessed a range of professional development that has included technical updating, mainly through the excellent relationships with our partner organisations and professional associations/institutes such as The Institute of Civil Engineering. This allows our staff to keep professionally and vocationally up to date and able to access technical knowledge in the development of their programmes. The College continues to be recognised as a Disability Confident Employer by the Department for Work and Pensions. This endorses the College’s positive approach to employing people with disabilities.In seeking to address our identified gender pay gap, we have committed to a number of actions, outlined in Section 6 above. We have identified the need to increase the number of women into Engineering and Construction, which have traditionally attracted largely male applicants. This has included more targeted advertising, including with the Society for Women Engineers, the use of gender decoding tools, recommended by the Government Equalities Office, and positive action statements on all appropriate advertisements. We also actively encourage managers to consider flexible working and job share opportunities. It is too early to see an impact and whilst female applicants remain low, our evidence suggests that where we attract female applicants in these areas, they tend to have the prerequisite skills, qualifications and experience and are shortlisted for interview.We have undertaken a detailed skills analysis for all members of our Corporation and the diversity of our Board will be further considered this year.8.Priorities for the Forthcoming YearAs in previous years we will continue to ensure that we reflect the following in our business planning, building on our achievements and sustaining improvements:Raise aspirations of students from lower income backgrounds to improve success rates for this group, particularly those of white British working class originFurther develop strategies to actively promote and attract students to learning and working opportunities, which challenge occupational, curriculum and cultural stereotypes. In particular, work with a range of employers to develop marketing strategies to increase the recruitment of female apprentices.Review support approaches for apprentices that have a declared learning difficulty or disabilityContinue to develop and enhance work experience placements for students providing high quality work experience for students across all programmes.Ensure that our shared values/British Values are effectively embedded into inductions for all groups of studentsEnsure that equality and diversity and shared values are embedded into our teaching, learning and assessment practice and that we provide opportunities for students to discuss sensitive and sometimes controversial issues in a safe environment. Develop simple but impactful professional development and support materials to enable staff to confidently plan for and exploit naturally occurring opportunities that develop learners’ understanding.Enable students to continue to expand their knowledge of different faith groups, including through our continued engagement with Community Faith Awareness project leaders and visits to places of religious worship.Continue to engage with and implement national and local initiatives aimed at addressing mental health needs of young people.Continue to regularly collect and analyse student destination data, identify and seek to address any identified barriers for particular groups and develop appropriate strategies to ensure all students, regardless of background, acquire the skills they need to make the successful next step.Analyse employee recruitment data and continue to take positive action to address any identified barriers in our recruitment and selection processes to ensure that we attract a more diverse workforce and challenge occupational stereotypes. Our provision within STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) continues to grow and have traditionally attracted more male applicants so it continues to be a priority for us to do all that we can to attract women into these areas of the College’s business.Continue to self-assess against the requirements of the Disability Confident Employer scheme and improve practice, where appropriate ................

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