
All Tweets From @DrMichelson as of 9/9/20

• Today, Judiciary Committee did not address bus bills HB5038-42 that were on the agenda. Sep 09, 2020 [pic]

• Link to GEER $ distribution by district:  Sep 09, 2020 [pic]

• Website updated:  Sep 08, 2020 [pic]

• MDE Covid Website:  Sep 08, 2020 [pic]

• Today, in Judiciary Committee, HB 5038, 40, 41, 42-Busses: no entry without drivers permission and allow cameras on stop arms for violators Sep 08, 2020 [pic]

• Schl Budget remains uncertain, however, Rep. Miller (R) chair, House Approps School Aid said "...the budget for schools is coming along..." Sep 05, 2020 [pic]

• New Leg HB 6171 - Increase undergraduate tuition grants from 8 to 12 for State Competitive Scholarships (MCL 390.993). Sep 04, 2020 [pic]

• New Leg HB6172-scholastic achievement as alternative to competitive examination to determine eligibility for State Competitive Scholarships Sep 04, 2020 [pic]

• Link for waiver request denial information:  Sep 03, 2020 [pic]

• Sec. Betsy DeVos rejects MDE waiver requests to administer statewide summative assessments for the 2020-2021 school year. Sep 03, 2020 [pic]

• There will be no action taken at the legislative session today. Sep 03, 2020 [pic]

• EPIC released a report that 823 school districts-12% are doing all instruc. online while 86% are doing some level of in-person teaching. Sep 02, 2020 [pic]

• Reported that state will release (mid-September) schools with Covid cases - may include district, location, and number of cases. Sep 02, 2020 [pic]

• The Senate has scheduled 21 days of session before Lame Duck (Dec 1-31) [Sept=12, Oct=5, Nov=4] and the Senate (House add 3 days). Aug 27, 2020 [pic]

• Next scheduled leg session for House and Senate - September 1. Aug 27, 2020 [pic]

• New revenue estimates released today indicate a slightly better funding situation...however, estimates are still down from January figures. Aug 24, 2020 [pic]

• New MDE Return-to-school updates:  Aug 24, 2020 [pic]

• Governor Whitmer signed the set of bills (HB 5911-5913), Thursday, referred to as the "Return to Learn" package - now P.A. 147-149' 2020. Aug 21, 2020 [pic]

• Detroit Fed of Teachers (DFT) voted 91% support to allow for a potential safety strike for school admin. to implement more safety protocols Aug 21, 2020 [pic]

• Gov commits $65 of Cares Act funding for economically distressed districts for implementing digital distance learning modules and PPE, etc. Aug 20, 2020 [pic]

• Return To Learn leg. requires 2 "two-way interactions" per week between at least 75% of their students and their teachers for attendance req Aug 18, 2020 [pic]

• Return To School legislation (agreement) does not provide for actual per-student funding. Aug 18, 2020 [pic]

• Districts must administer a benchmark assessment to K-8 students twice, including once in first nine weeks (Return To School legislation). Aug 18, 2020 [pic]

• The House is expected to adopt Return-To-Learn legislation during its session today Aug 17, 2020 [pic]

• Leg passed Saturday>state funding 75% based on 2019-20 schl yr count & 25% on 2020-21 year count, under the "Return to Learn" school package Aug 17, 2020 [pic]

• Senate Fiscal Agency announced that a Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference will be held Monday, Aug. 24, 2020 beginning at 3 p.m. Aug 05, 2020 [pic]

• Gov. Whitmer was unreceptive Tuesday to Republican-passed legislation that would require public schools to offer in-person instruction Jul 29, 2020 [pic]

• The House has adjourned until Thursday, August 6th at 10:00AM. Jul 23, 2020 [pic]

• On a party line vote-R's yes and D's no the House Ed Comm moved HB 5910-13 to the Ways and Means Comm. [provides contracting out services..] Jul 21, 2020 [pic]

• Reports that a budget deal could come next Wednesday. Although there are many details to be worked out. Jul 21, 2020 [pic]

• eLearning bills (HB 5910-13) referred to as "Return To Learn" package of bills are supposed to be on the agenda next week in House Ed Comm Jul 17, 2020 [pic]

• R's eLearning proposal analysis link:  Jul 16, 2020 [pic]

• The Republican's eLearning proposal (link in following message) testimony was heard yesterday in joint Sen./House Educ. Committee hearing. Jul 16, 2020 [pic]

• Republican's eLearning (HB 5910-13) is referred to as the "Return To Learn" package of bills. Jul 16, 2020 [pic]

• E.O. 2020-142 Section 6a, permits the renewal of a teaching cert regardless of an annual year-end evaluation for the 2019-20 school year. Jul 15, 2020 [pic]

• If you would like to comment to the MI Dept of Educ on continuing federal waivers for assessments go to: mde-essa@ Jul 03, 2020 [pic]

• Next legislature activity > The House has scheduled session days for July 21, 22, and 23. The Senate has scheduled July 22 and 23. Jun 26, 2020 [pic]

• Today in House-There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes. Jun 15, 2020 [pic]

• Several noneduc. bills on the House agenda today including a Whistle Blower bill for state ees (not including educ ees). Jun 10, 2020 [pic]

• House Agenda-There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes. Jun 04, 2020 [pic]

• Today-Senate will consider SB843 regarding epinephrine auto injector admin-school ee not liable in a criminal action or for civil damages. Jun 02, 2020 [pic]

• Today House Agenda-There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes. Jun 02, 2020 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm meet 6/2 (virtual also) to consider SB925, waiver of assess and eval, $ issues, and HB4546/7 dual enroll. credit in summer. Jun 01, 2020 [pic]

• Leg Session Tuesday - There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes. May 26, 2020 [pic]

• Governor Whitmer announced a COVID19 Task Force on Education to recommend - when and under what conditions to open schools. May 18, 2020 [pic]

• Senate Fiscal Agency is projecting a $1.4B deficit in the General Fund & $1.2B deficit in the School Aid Fund by the end of this fiscal year May 14, 2020 [pic]

• Reports from secondary sources indicate the School Aid fund may see a $1.3B shortfall in expected revenue. May 14, 2020 [pic]

• The House has adjourned until Tuesday, May 19th. May 13, 2020 [pic]

• News report > MDE expecting at least a $685 per pupil budget cut if School Aid Fund equals a $1 billion decline in revenue. [speculation] May 13, 2020 [pic]

• Again, today from House Communications: "There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes." May 11, 2020 [pic]

• The House will officially meet tomorrow however, There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes. Apr 27, 2020 [pic]

• One of the Mackinaw Center's proposal for budget reduction > setting state university money at $5,000 per in-state pupil: $412.6 million. Apr 25, 2020 [pic]

• The Senate majority leader instructed budget chairs of approps committees to draft "proposals" slicing 10-30% out each of their budgets. Apr 24, 2020 [pic]

• The House & Senate in session Friday to create a special oversight committee on COVID-19 to examine our government’s response Apr 23, 2020 [pic]

• The House has adjourned until Thursday, April 16th at 10:00AM. Apr 07, 2020 [pic]

• The legislature approved a 23 day extension of the governor’s Executive Order. Apr 07, 2020 [pic]

• The legislature will attempt to get a quorum today with enhanced health screening to extend the (gov requested 75 days) EO for 23 days. Apr 07, 2020 [pic]

• The legislative session is cancelled for tomorrow. No legislative activity will occur until April 7. Mar 31, 2020 [pic]

• To your health.   Mar 28, 2020 [pic]

• Legislators > discussing bills to solve critical educational issues i.e. testing, days & hrs, salary, cert., eval, etc. before leg recess. Mar 26, 2020 [pic]

• Dr. Rice State Supt.>"...state legislature should change...to permit ...for this public health emerg. to be counted as instructional days." Mar 21, 2020 [pic]

• If students are not in school then district funding will be reduced-so legislation is required to fix this problem in the current crisis. Mar 19, 2020 [pic]

• Kansas announced - students will not go back to school this academic (Ohio & California indicated students are unlikely to return this year) Mar 19, 2020 [pic]

• Leg continue discussing legislation to ensure days and hours requirements are adjusted to meet current crisis. Mar 19, 2020 [pic]

• Education organizations working on legislation regarding pay for hourly workers and adjusting mandated school days/hours. Mar 13, 2020 [pic]

• Michigan State University announced today it is suspending in-person classroom instruction and moving to online classes Mar 11, 2020 [pic]

• Documents from today’s Sen Educ Presentation at:  Mar 10, 2020 [pic]

• Third grade reading presentation by MDE at Senate Education Committee today. Mar 10, 2020 [pic]

• Tech Issue Corrected> Website Updated:  Mar 08, 2020 [pic]

• Speakers plan to fix roads by eliminating sales tax on gas and replacing it with an equivalent tax on fuel not received well by Gov. Mar 06, 2020 [pic]

• News Source > MDE estimates 5,000 students (roughly 5% of third-graders) will be flagged for retention because of low reading scores. Mar 03, 2020 [pic]

• Reported Gongwers News “...superintendents have sole discretion (3rd grade reading law) and [it] lacks enforcement provisions…" [State Supt] Feb 22, 2020 [pic]

• HB4274 On House Agenda>Would allow a DC participant ability, while employed, to purchase a fixed rate annuity and variable annuity Feb 19, 2020 [pic]

• New Higher Educ SB 660>Prohibit any org. from preventing an athlete from earning compensation (use of a student's name, image, or likeness) Feb 19, 2020 [pic]

• Interest claimed on 3% (escrow funds) public school ees received from the successful 1917 lawsuit continues & noted as liability in budget. Feb 13, 2020 [pic]

• All capitol buildings closed Wed. & Thurs. - heating issues - no legislative action. Feb 12, 2020 [pic]

• Gov. proposing a $290 million increase to base per-pupil funding / minimum per-pupil funding $8,336 / Range would be $150 to $225. Feb 10, 2020 [pic]

• Bridge Magazine reports, "...[schools] plan to use exemptions...across-the-board to avoid retaining third-graders flagged for retention." Feb 03, 2020 [pic]

• HB 4826 would require teaching free enterprise and entrepreneurship in the 8th grade - in Ways & Means Committee. Feb 03, 2020 [pic]

• The Gov. indicated in her State of the State address she will unveil her plan for eliminating a major provision of P.A. 306, reading law. Jan 30, 2020 [pic]

• HB 5297 in Health Policy Committee - requires schools to notify parents of students that did not pass vision screening Jan 29, 2020 [pic]

• Ballot language to include LGBT in anti-discrimination law approved by state board Jan 29, 2020 [pic]

• Ballot intiative begins to reduce the influence of lobbyists prohibiting meals or other expenses to elected & appointed officials. Jan 24, 2020 [pic]

• Governor Gretchen Whitmer will deliver the formal Democratic response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Jan 24, 2020 [pic]

• MI one of 16 states where lowest-poverty school districts receive less funding than the highest-poverty districts-5th worst nationally. Jan 24, 2020 [pic]

• Website () is not working. Techs working on it... Jan 24, 2020 [pic]

• Bridge News Report > "Michigan residents overwhelmingly agree on one thing: They want trained, certified teachers leading school classrooms" Jan 17, 2020 [pic]

• $$ - General Fund revenue expected to be $11.01B (increase $235.2M). School Aid Fund $13.93B (increase $85.7M). Jan 13, 2020 [pic]

• "Bridge New Source" reported, " Michigan is moving closer to universal, optional preschool for 4-year-olds..." Jan 09, 2020 [pic]

• …not much activity this week, however, the legislature is in session - continuing the 2nd year of the 100th Legislature. Jan 06, 2020 [pic]

• P.A. 162’19 supplemental appropriations for School Aid for Fiscal Year 2018-19 signed by Gov. Whitmer. Dec 20, 2019 [pic]

• The House and Senate will return on January 8. Agendas will be determined and all anticipating the governor's State of the State address. Dec 20, 2019 [pic]

• HB 4269 passed Ways & Means Committee (to House)-allow a student to fulfill foreign language (MMC) requirement with computer coding. Dec 11, 2019 [pic]

• HB 4282 passed Ways & Means Committee (to House)-allow a student to fulfill health education MMC requirement with 30 hours of OSHA training. Dec 11, 2019 [pic]

• HB 4271 passed Ways and Means Committee (to House) that would allow a statistics course or financial literacy course for Algebra II. Dec 11, 2019 [pic]

• New Leg-HB5270>create 4 State districts for election to the State Brd of Educ (8 yr. terms). Current Board members are elected statewide. Dec 06, 2019 [pic]

• Supplemental budget agreement-will restore 27 of Whitmer's 147 line-item vetoes and reverse State Admin. Board transfers-details next week. Dec 06, 2019 [pic]

• New Leg>HB 5258 would cap the salary of administrator or consultants to no more than 4X teacher starting salary or 3X avg. teacher salary. Nov 21, 2019 [pic]

• No budget deal - Beaver, Drummond, & Mackinaw Island schools lose $101- $260K funding...could mean 4 hr bus ride to nearest district. Nov 16, 2019 [pic]

• ...appears there will be no supplemental $ as the House has scheduled no voting on their last day -Code words for "no deal until December!" Nov 12, 2019 [pic]

• The governor and legislative leaders appear closer to a supplemental budget agreement that would restore cuts in education funding. Nov 07, 2019 [pic]

• Today, Senate Educ. Committee will hear testimony on proposed mods to the Michigan Merit Curriculum-providing more flexibility (SB 600/601). Nov 05, 2019 [pic]

• Check to see if you have an election to vote in today at “” Nov 05, 2019 [pic]

• Reported > NAEP test - “the nation’s report card” - state students are treading water on test results as other states’ scores are going down Oct 31, 2019 [pic]

• Discussions are beginning >> possible revisions in the Michigan Merit Curriculum to provide more flexibility & control for local districts. Oct 31, 2019 [pic]

• HB 4974 passed House Educ Committee to Ways & Means Comm. [next step] - for MMC "computer coding" = course for foreign language requirement. Oct 30, 2019 [pic]

• Budget talks regarding supplemental funding continue between the Gov and Republican legislature leadership. Oct 30, 2019 [pic]

• Gov signed HB 4325 > Licensed professional counselors will continue to be able to diagnose and treat patients (codify current practice). Oct 30, 2019 [pic]

• New Leg SB 600 > Modifies MMC-"Core credits" same (math req. Alg I & Geometry) - (Soc St req civics). 4 other credits determined locally. Oct 25, 2019 [pic]

• No action today on House Educ Comm. agenda item HB4989-allow ISD enhancement millages at any school election (now limited to statewide elec) Oct 22, 2019 [pic]

• No action (voting) today on House Educ Comm. agenda item HB4974-allow Computer Coding to fulfill credit in foreign language. Oct 22, 2019 [pic]

• HB 4325 would make training requirements for licensed professional counselors (LPCs) match up with current practice passed Senate - to Gov. Oct 18, 2019 [pic]

• Gov. statement regarding budget supplemental talks: "All I'm going to say is we met today and we're going to meet again next Tuesday" Oct 14, 2019 [pic]

• Supplemental talks continue addressing items removed from budget proposals - in the conference reports - and the subsequent budget. Oct 10, 2019 [pic]

• House & Senate introduced supplemental budget restoring cuts Gov. made to 2020 budget including $35M for charter schools and $256M others. Oct 09, 2019 [pic]

• Governor line-item vetoed nearly $1 billion of the $59.9 billion budget and shifted $625 million within state departments. Oct 03, 2019 [pic]

• Gov vetoed close to $1B in budget including $375M for roads-will also shift $.5B back to School Aid Fund. Oct 01, 2019 [pic]

• > Sep 19, 2019 [pic]

• Governor...pressuring Republican lawmakers to send her a budget before going to extended retreat/conference to Mackinaw Island this weekend Sep 18, 2019 [pic]

• School Districts approved for Labor Day waivers ( and exp. date) at:  Sep 16, 2019 [pic]

• Nominations open at MDE for next year’s Teacher of the Year at:  Sep 16, 2019 [pic]

• 7 school districts will be participating in a project to use electric busses...and an opportunity to teach alternative energy for students. Sep 14, 2019 [pic]

• Budget next step >> Governor receives conference committee report. Sep 13, 2019 [pic]

• Republican higher education budget includes .9% increase ranging from .5% (WSU) to 2.7% (LSSU) (Gov plan=3%). Comm coll receive 1% or less. Sep 13, 2019 [pic]

• ...[cont. budget] $14M for literacy coaches (Gov plan=$24.5M), $15M for a one time reading grant program. Continue higher ed budget... Sep 13, 2019 [pic]

• Republican budget funds cyber schools at 100% (Gov plan=80%), $5M at risk (Gov plan=$102M), $5M early childhood (Gov plan=$84M), cont... Sep 13, 2019 [pic]

• Republican budget plan - passed conference committee - includes a 2.4% increase for K-12 (min. $8,529/pupil) and 1% for higher education Sep 13, 2019 [pic]

• Republicans moved K-12 budget - per pupil funding from $120 to $240 lacking revenue for spec. Ed., CTE programs, and at risk. ...more to come... Sep 12, 2019 [pic]

• New poll-65% oppose GOP proposals to extend payments on the unfunded pension liability of teacher retirement plans to raise money for roads Sep 07, 2019 [pic]

• News Report-"She [Gov.] stands fast on not placing the teacher retirement debt fund on the table as ... new dollars for the roads..." Sep 04, 2019 [pic]

• MSU study finds 47% of pre-K teachers were contemplating leaving the profession because of low pay. Aug 26, 2019 [pic]

• Remind college students>>they now have a right to claim their college address as their voting location as long as they register (Proposal 3) Aug 24, 2019 [pic]

• The Anderson Economic Group reported that there is a 50% chance of losing money on the reported legislative teacher pension bonding proposal Aug 23, 2019 [pic]

• Talks continue on budget (primarily education & roads $)-have until 10/1 to finalize a budget (or extension) to avoid government shutdown Aug 23, 2019 [pic]

• Proposals fix roads (article):  Aug 23, 2019 [pic]

• The House Fiscal Agency reported School Aid Fund is $102.6 million below the recent consensus revenue projections Aug 16, 2019 [pic]

• SBE voted to support expanding the definition of sex to mean sexual orientation & gender identity regarding Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act Aug 15, 2019 [pic]

• State Board of Educ voted to oppose any effort to bond against the school retirement system to fund our transportation infrastructure Aug 15, 2019 [pic]

• Michigan Department of Education (MDE) reported it won't have an A-F grading system for schools until at least March 2020 Aug 15, 2019 [pic]

• Gov Whitmer indicated, "she would be open to a continuation budget to keep state government open" in a news report. Aug 13, 2019 [pic]

• How many long term subs your district?: Aug 12, 2019 [pic]

• Trend?-Charlton Heston Academy in St. Helen, nearly half of classrooms were staffed by uncertified, long-term substitutes last year Aug 12, 2019 [pic]

• A-F school grade update-review panel recommends method by 8/15-9/15 grades assigned schools (5 different categories)-MDE dashboard continues Aug 09, 2019 [pic]

• K12 Inc., the Herndon, Va. public company that provides online curriculum and manages virtual schools topped $1 billion in annual revenues Aug 09, 2019 [pic]

• Budget talks continue....no active legislative sessions... Aug 08, 2019 [pic]

• There will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes for the House or Senate session scheduled today. Jul 24, 2019 [pic]

• The new discussed pension bonding proposal for roads (to bond the unfunded liability) would take over $500M from the State Aid Fund per year Jul 16, 2019 [pic]

• There will be "no" attendance recorded and "no" record roll call votes at the legislative session scheduled this week (Wednesday). Jul 16, 2019 [pic]

•  Jun 26, 2019 [pic]

• If leaders agree on a budget (summer) the legislature can reconvene-19 days in July and August have been scheduled to return, if necessary Jun 26, 2019 [pic]

•  Jun 24, 2019 [pic]

• New leg (SB 380)-introduced to provide student loan forgiveness up to $20,000 for new teachers accepting employment in an 'at-risk' school. Jun 24, 2019 [pic]

•  Jun 22, 2019 [pic]

• Yesterday, the House passed (93-6) a bill (HB 4223) to require dental oral assessments for children entering school (Beginning 2020-21). Jun 21, 2019 [pic]

• House and Senate will continue discussions on next year education budget and road funding (and all budgets) - no agreement impending. Jun 21, 2019 [pic]

•  Jun 20, 2019 [pic]

• The legislative sessions schedule has been modified - extending through June and early July to accommodate budget negotiations. Jun 19, 2019 [pic]

• The House and Senate will reject each other's Ed Budget this week so bills go to conference committee-then serious negotiation begins. Jun 19, 2019 [pic]

•  Jun 15, 2019 [pic]

• The new House Budget provides (less than others) $90 to $180 per pupil increase not reducing $ for cyber schools (Gov Budget-$120/student). Jun 06, 2019 [pic]

• Higher Edu Budget (0.7%) Characterized by a rep. as, "the smallest increase...[in] five years serving on the higher education subcommittee." Jun 06, 2019 [pic]

• New Leg> HB4583, would amend Public Act 306 (reading law) to remove all aspects of retention from the School Code. May 13, 2019 [pic]

• HB 4206, snow day legislation that would allow ‘Gov declared emergency days’ remains in the Senate Educ. Comm. Apr 23, 2019 [pic]

• Today, the House Educ. Committee passed SB122 & 202 - Evaluation Bills that would lower the % go growth measurement back to 25% for 2018-19 Apr 23, 2019 [pic]

• Senate Education Committee passed SB 113 that would allow districts to count days declared as State of Emergency days. Apr 16, 2019 [pic]

• General Fund revenue is $132.5 million below the January revenue estimate and School Aid Fund revenue is $107.2 million less than expected Apr 16, 2019 [pic]

• New Legislation > SB 171 would designate sign language as a foreign language to fulfill the MMC requirement. Mar 09, 2019 [pic]

• Gov. recommends $.5B school funding including $180 boost in per-pupil funding and extra funds for low-income and special education children Mar 05, 2019 [pic]

• Beginning budget proposals should be out this week-House Educ Comm to consider exempt "state of emerg" days from day requirement (snow days) Mar 04, 2019 [pic]

• No new charter schools would be allowed to open in New Mexico until 2022 in proposed legislation. Feb 21, 2019 [pic]

• New Leg HB4208 - Rep. VanSingel (R-Grant) would not allow a family members or similar relationship to evaluate a teacher. Feb 20, 2019 [pic]

• New Leg HB4208 - Rep. VanSingel (R-Grant) add charter school to law > dismiss a teacher with 3 consecutive ineffective evaluation ratings. Feb 20, 2019 [pic]

• Rep. VanSingel (R-Grant) is proposing leg that would remove any limit on number of teachers receiving a "highly effective" evaluation rating Feb 20, 2019 [pic]

• Rep. Ben Frederick (R-Owosso) is proposing leg. that would hold School districts harmless for closing during declared states of emergency. Feb 12, 2019 [pic]

• State Board of Educ. includes Phase II updates on transparency issues for the "Dashboard" and an update from Office of Partnership Districts Feb 11, 2019 [pic]

• State of the State speech is tomorrow. No education committees are scheduled to meet. State Brd of Ed meets tomorrow. Feb 11, 2019 [pic]

• Both education committees of the House and Senate met for the first time this week-no agenda-organizational mtg. Feb 06, 2019 [pic]

• The state's school dashboard has additional information under the second phase announced Wednesday by the Department of Education Jan 28, 2019 [pic]

• @hops68 Representative Pamela Hornberger (R) Chesterfield Twp Jan 25, 2019 [pic]

• New Legislation>HB 4086 -Hornberger (R)- no retirement credit for release time and no union activity during school hours Jan 25, 2019 [pic]

• New Legislation>HB 4087 would allow schools to start before Labor Day however, no school days would be permitted on Monday or Friday in August. Jan 25, 2019 [pic]

• New Legislation>HB 4088 would require popular election of ISD Board Members. Current law is voluntary-voted by ISD Board-not revocable. Jan 25, 2019 [pic]

• Sen. Ed McBroom (R) introduced SB 25 that would require election of state board members 1 each from 8 regions rather than statewide. Jan 21, 2019 [pic]

• Website updated:  Jan 21, 2019 [pic]

• @conradmike Lansing, Mich. – Michigan school counselors are spread thin, with the third-highest student-to-counselor ratio in the nation, according to a recent report from the American School Counselor Association. That ratio – 729 students for every counselor... Jan 19, 2019 [pic]

• Representative Leslie Love introduced HB4054 to mandate 1 counselor for every 450 students. Jan 18, 2019 [pic]

• First education bills introduced relate to school safety. Input, and standards for plans. Jan 10, 2019 [pic]

• The new 2-year legislative session (100th Legislature) begins today. Jan 09, 2019 [pic]

• The State Board elected Casandra Ulbrich (D) president of the board and Pamela Pugh (D) vice president-interviews for Supt. Begins in April Jan 09, 2019 [pic]

• The MI Dept of Educ will hold off implementing the new A-F accountability system...concerns...it may violate federal law. Jan 04, 2019 [pic]

• SB795>Release&union activity time (not in schl hrs)-tax shift (from schl aide fund)-HB5598-605>teacher prep program-HB6314>Innovative schls Dec 19, 2018 [pic]

• Lame duck continues-Senate passes A-F school grading bill-. Long session predicted today. Next msgs lists bills pending. Dec 19, 2018 [pic]

• Lame Duck continues: A-F grading system, Teacher Prep. (Higher Educ), Release-time (union activity during school hrs), Pubic Innov Schls Dec 18, 2018 [pic]

• HB 5707 passed House, now in Senate - 25% of a teacher’s annual year-end evaluation would remain as past 3 years (no increase to 40%). Dec 17, 2018 [pic]

• Busiest LameDuck in 20 yrs-Sen Educ Comm agenda “Innovative Schools”-allows $ for private instruc & no retire. credit for union release time Dec 11, 2018 [pic]

• Public Innovative Schools, A-F grading of schls, released time pres or union activity limitations are on the agenda of the House calendar. Dec 06, 2018 [pic]

• Removing retirement credit for release-time presidents and any union activity during schl day-moved from House Educ Comm today to House... Dec 06, 2018 [pic]

• House Educ Comm passed "Public Innovative Schools" package HB6314/5 (Competency-based educ)-diverts public money for private instruction Nov 29, 2018 [pic]

• Republican leaders want to move HB5526 A-F rating of schools and HB5598-5605 the Teacher Preparation Package Nov 28, 2018 [pic]

• Senate passed SB 795/6 that would prohibit retirement credit for released time presidents or conducting union activities during school hours Nov 28, 2018 [pic]

• The House will begin sessions in December at 10:00 rather than 12:00 to extend the Lame Duck sessions. Nov 15, 2018 [pic]

• Republican leadership suggests Lame Duck education priorities should include HB5526 (A-F schl rating) and HB5598-605 (Teach. Prep Package). Nov 14, 2018 [pic]

• The House of Representatives and Senate adjourns on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018, it stands adjourned until Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. Nov 09, 2018 [pic]

• Election Results on website:  Nov 07, 2018 [pic]

• House is now 58 (R) - 52 (D). [Previous House 63-47). Nov 07, 2018 [pic]

• Definition> "Immediate Effect" requires 2/3rds vote or the bill takes effect 90 days after the end of session. (This could be up to 2 yrs) Nov 07, 2018 [pic]

• Senate now 22 (R)-16 (D), Republicans lose supermajority for “immediate effect” (define next tweet)-will need 4 Dem votes to prevent delays Nov 07, 2018 [pic]

• A new investment board (rather than 1 person) will oversee the public retirement fund system that finances pensions and retirement payments Nov 07, 2018 [pic]

• House Educ Comm, Thurs-Agenda: HB 5543-Background checks for student teachers, HB6314/5-Public Innovative Districts (Competency-based educ) Nov 06, 2018 [pic]

• There will be a House Session this Wednesday. There will be no attendance and no record roll call votes. Nov 06, 2018 [pic]

• Everyone campaigning! - Next Thursday and Friday the legislature will be in session to select leadership. Nov 01, 2018 [pic]

• New higher educ leg - HB 6446 would create the "student loan ombudsman act" that would provide timely assistance to student loan borrowers. Oct 26, 2018 [pic]

• The legislature is on recess-will return for session days Nov 7 & 8-then another 2 week break-returning for Lame Duck sessions Nov 27-Dec 20 Oct 24, 2018 [pic]

• New legislation HB 6452 > an athletic coach, assistant athletic coach, or athletic trainer shall complete training on sexual misconduct. Oct 18, 2018 [pic]

• The legislature is scheduled for session Oct. 17th, Wed., however, there will be no attendance recorded and no record roll call votes. Oct 15, 2018 [pic]

• New Public Act 236’18-reduced req. sub. teach 60 cr. hrs [prev. 90] or assoc. degree. Min. 22 yrs age for 9-12 grades (includes counseling). Oct 09, 2018 [pic]

• State Board of Educ meeting tomorrow includes: 1) presentation of educator evaluation update, 2) update from Office of Partnership Districts Oct 08, 2018 [pic]

• Yesterday, the House Education Reform committee passed HB5707-evaluation bill to keep 25% growth data rather than 40%-now on House agenda. Oct 05, 2018 [pic]

• House Educ Comm Thursday includes HB5707-keep evaluation percentage (growth data) at 25% rather than increasing to 40% this school year Oct 02, 2018 [pic]

• Website updated with all current K-12 and higher education legislation:  Oct 01, 2018 [pic]

• New Leg-HB6867 would require a majority vote of electors for a school district to sell 5 or more acres of land owned by the school district. Sep 26, 2018 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm agenda-HB4421 allow to substitute: H.S. diploma and prof license or certificate in subject matter determined by Brd of Educ Sep 25, 2018 [pic]

• The next legislative session for the House and Senate is Tuesday, September 25th. Sep 17, 2018 [pic]

• "School Finance Adequacy Study" and per pupil foundation increases (2009-2019) added to website. Link:  Sep 14, 2018 [pic]

• Tuesday, the State Board of Education (SBE) did not approve a three-year extension on the current ban on new schools that educate teachers. Sep 13, 2018 [pic]

• New $ projection - School Aid fund revenues in August estimated at $1.1 billion, $61.8 million above the projections. Sep 13, 2018 [pic]

• Webpage updated with current legislation and information:  Sep 12, 2018 [pic]

• Yesterday, the State Board of Education questioned whether state tests are helping improve schools-one board member stated that SAT does not even release questions Sep 12, 2018 [pic]

• Senate meets today - no education legislation on the "tentative" agenda. Sep 12, 2018 [pic]

• Educ Reform Comm agenda tomorrow HB5707-keep evaluation growth data at 25% and a new bill to create public innovative schools. Sep 06, 2018 [pic]

• Leg (France)-All students in France starting this school year must leave smartphones at home or keep them off during the entire school day. Sep 04, 2018 [pic]

• 90.2% of MI students are in traditional school districts - 10% are in charter schools (an increase of 4.7% since 2005) Sep 01, 2018 [pic]

• Teacher evaluation information available on website-link:  Aug 29, 2018 [pic]

• Next Thurs. (9/6) House Education Reform Committee will consider HB5707 (teacher evaluation) regarding growth data & evaluation timelines. Aug 29, 2018 [pic]

• As Leg prepares to begin fall session - news report indicate $4.5B has been diverted since 2010 from K-12 Schl Funding for higher education Aug 24, 2018 [pic]

• 1 educ bill was introduced in only day of leg session in August-HB6283-require state board of educ candidates file financial disclosure form Aug 16, 2018 [pic]

• Note: The House (1-day) session scheduled for August 15, Wed (only Aug session day) - will not include attendance or taking any votes. Aug 13, 2018 [pic]

• Website "Politics in Education" updated with all current education legislation/bills & education links:  Aug 09, 2018 [pic]

• MDE public comment website on proposed social studies standards is extended to Sept 30 at:  Aug 08, 2018 [pic]

• ...SB684(PA230) include info on career opportunities on Educ. Devel. Plans, HB5379(PA243) allow students over-the-counter topical substance. Aug 04, 2018 [pic]

• Gov signed bills-SB343(PA242) require to inform students of in-demand occupations, SB344(PA 241) allow STEM endorsement of diploma, cont... Aug 04, 2018 [pic]

• Governor announces new curriculum-automotive cybersecurity.Masters of Mobility: Cyber Security on the Road-provide training h.s. teachers Jul 31, 2018 [pic]

• Detroit Public Schools - proceeding with a plan to hire teachers who have received no training in the classroom this fall. Jul 16, 2018 [pic]

• Term limits > There are 24 of 110 House seats term limited and 26 of 38 in the Senate. Jul 05, 2018 [pic]

• ..Objections from legislators to the budget included taking $900M from School Aid Fund for higher education & penalties on Partnership schls Jun 13, 2018 [pic]

• Legislature adjourned for summer: adopted school aid budget - $120-240/student (2x formula) - Universities +2% - Comm Coll range .8%-2.8%... Jun 13, 2018 [pic]

• Legislation signed into law (P.A. 145 '18) prohibits student attending same school as victim-if adjudicated for criminal sexual misconduct. Jun 11, 2018 [pic]

• The School Omnibus bill that will determine funding, a result of conference committee reports, should be considered tomorrow. Jun 11, 2018 [pic]

• Higher Education conference report avg 1.9% increase with 3.8 tuition cap. Community College avg. 2.2% (range 0.6-2.8%)...vote next week. Jun 08, 2018 [pic]

• Conference committee reported school aid budget: $120-240/pupil (2x formula), some increases in other areas> will vote on package next week. Jun 08, 2018 [pic]

• Thursday...waiting for the state-aid conference committee to meet to report a bill providing for this year's education funding. Jun 07, 2018 [pic]

• State aid budget process continues as legislature target next week as final session days. Jun 07, 2018 [pic]

• The House & Senate both passed a repeal of "prevailing wage” that has been in effect since the 1960's...does not need the gov's signature. Jun 06, 2018 [pic]

• 4th test today - do not respond Jun 06, 2018 [pic]

• RT @DrMichelson: 3rd test today - do not respond Jun 06, 2018 [pic]

• 3rd test today - do not respond Jun 06, 2018 [pic]

• 2nd test today Jun 06, 2018 [pic]

• test message - do not respond Jun 06, 2018 [pic]

• also, Senate passed HB4084-delete requirement to pass the basic skills examination for teaching certificate and 3 cr reading course for cert Jun 05, 2018 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm also passed SB980-would allow unlimited/uncapped dual enrollment...and SB4069 reduce sub required hrs from 90 to 60 credits Jun 05, 2018 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm passed (to Senate) SB175-allow a CTE credit to replace 1 yr of foreign language requirement (extend sunset). Jun 05, 2018 [pic]

• Fact: There is no statistically significant difference between Florida & Michigan’s scores in 8th grade reading and math despite comparisons Jun 04, 2018 [pic]

• Fact: James Harvey reports the bar is so high that few nations (world) would report more than 50% proficient if their students took the NAEP Jun 04, 2018 [pic]

• Today, Senate passed SB 941-adds Workforce Training Development Plan to school aid & SB 942-Talent Investment Fund in Higher Educ Loan Act. May 30, 2018 [pic]

• Senate may move HB 5355 - change calculation of unfunded liability from a level % of payroll to a level dollar for a more stable effect May 30, 2018 [pic]

• House may move HB 4617-repeal requirement to renew a provisional certificate (create nonexpiring prov cert). Session tomorrow cancelled. May 30, 2018 [pic]

• Today-Senate Educ Comm mtg 3 bills: HB4069-reduce sub req hrs from 90 to 60, SB980-unlimited dual enrollment, SB983-req. school safety plans May 29, 2018 [pic]

• 5/22-Sen Educ Comm agenda: school safety issues, reduce sub teach req. 90 to 60, remove 3 cred reading req. for prof. cert, alt. cert issues May 21, 2018 [pic]

• State Board reviewed a new certification model:  May 10, 2018 [pic]

• A 5 bill "safety package" passed House-would create School Safety Commission to work with schl liaisons & provide training for law officers May 10, 2018 [pic]

• Senate Education Committee passed HB 5093 that would allow previously excluded MPSERS ees (hired prior to 2012) to contribute to the DC plan May 09, 2018 [pic]

• ...these leg tweets contain no opinions/positions on politics- only facts informing leg activity. Yesterday's Trump comment from hackers. May 09, 2018 [pic]

• warning-disregard any messages received with opinions about politicians or events. (Twitter account hacked). Password will be changed... May 09, 2018 [pic]

• Trump just ended the 'horrible' Iran nuclear deal. Now what?  via @usatoday May 08, 2018 [pic]

• Teacher Prep Package: PD for Higher Ed. Educ. faculty, Addt'l costs for universities, removing teach prep. credentials for noncompliance. May 08, 2018 [pic]

• School Safety Package includes: create safety commission, school safety plans, reports of violence, new building regs& law enforce. training May 08, 2018 [pic]

• On House agenda (not necessarily moving) School Safety Package and Teacher Preparation Package. (details follow...) May 08, 2018 [pic]

• Superintendent of Public Instruction Brian Whiston (on medical leave to tend to his health) has died after a battle with cancer. May 08, 2018 [pic]

• Several bills regarding sexual harassment, misconduct, reporting & 'transparency of employment separation agreements' are in committee today May 02, 2018 [pic]

• SB888 passed committee to Senate: stop part time college workers from contributing to MPSERS (of 28 CCs 12 collect contributions-16 do not) May 01, 2018 [pic]

• HB5093 in committee-allow 3% 401(k) contribution for ees who in 2012 froze their DB pension contributions-enrolled in defined contrib. plan May 01, 2018 [pic]

• Senate approps voted Thursday to recommend $18.6 million to schools to upgrade security systems in their buildings and classrooms. Apr 27, 2018 [pic]

• The House approved $120-$240/pupil as proposed by the Gov. Next step-1)Senate passes this-2)revenue est. conf.-3)then compromises & budget. Apr 25, 2018 [pic]

• This week continues the budget process: Exec & House budget passed to floor-Senate budget still in subcommittee. Apr 23, 2018 [pic]

• House Approps passed their budget bill: adds $.5m for "Imagine Math"-no cyber school reduction-adds $25m for school safety legislation. Apr 19, 2018 [pic]

• Approps Higher Ed subcommittee recommendation: community colleges - an average state funding increase of 1 percent, combined $3.2 million Apr 12, 2018 [pic]

• House Approps subcommittee recommendation: Universities would lose 10% of their operations funding if they fail to submit Title IX reports. Apr 12, 2018 [pic]

• House Appropriations subcommittee recommends $120-240/pupil foundation grant (Gov's plan), $25M from the School Aid Fund rather than$112M. Apr 11, 2018 [pic]

• The "School Aid and Education Appropriations Subcommittee" is meeting today to consider a recommendation for the 2018-19 budget. Apr 10, 2018 [pic]

• 21 traditional (low performing) districts/charters will have to consider partnership agreements. There are 16 existing partnership districts Apr 02, 2018 [pic]

• The Legislature continues its spring break - returns for sessions April 10. Mar 28, 2018 [pic]

• Budget process continues-House Appropriations subcommittee recommends an avg. 1% for comm colleges ranging from 1.3 to .8% Mar 26, 2018 [pic]

• April 11th the Supreme Court will hear arguments-can a school district restrict firearms on school property (based on preempted state law). Mar 24, 2018 [pic]

• House Educ Committee reports out Teacher Preparation Bill Package HB5598-5605-includes unapproving University Educ Schools for noncompliance Mar 22, 2018 [pic]

• ...Today-Senate Educ Committee>SB889 another bill to eliminate the basic skills exam for certification. Mar 20, 2018 [pic]

• Today-Senate Educ Committee>SB885 to allow school start waivers (before Labor Day) to continue until terminated by requesting district and.. Mar 20, 2018 [pic]

• Thursday, the Senate Appropriations Higher Education subcommittee will hear testimony regarding budget recommendations from Mich State Univ. Mar 14, 2018 [pic]

• The Michigan Supreme Court keeps in place an injunction barring the state from using a $2.5 million appropriation for private schools. Mar 14, 2018 [pic]

• SB795 moved from committee to Senate-districts would not have to pay for broadly defined (bargained) union leave time (representation). Mar 14, 2018 [pic]

• Gun Leg: "Red flag proposal" sponsored by Rep. Robert Wittenburg (D)-can petition a court to temp take away firearms if a threat to others. Mar 08, 2018 [pic]

• New leg: another bill that removes the basic skills exam from elementary and secondary certificates-SB 889. Mar 06, 2018 [pic]

• New Leg-SB885-would create a 'perpetual waiver' for school start date. Approved waiver would continue until district requests termination. Mar 05, 2018 [pic]

• Appropriations budget process continues with several universities testifying in higher education subcommittee in support of their programs Mar 01, 2018 [pic]

• A-F school grading system-HB5526-passed House Educ Committee today. Mod.-replaces school reform officer with mostly gov appointed commission Mar 01, 2018 [pic]

• HB 4614 is on the House agenda to repeal 2 year renewals and create a perpetual Provisional Certificate as an option. Feb 26, 2018 [pic]

• The number of Partnership School Districts (alternative to closing low performing schools) will grow from 16 to 41 by this fall. Feb 22, 2018 [pic]

• HB4084-new H-5-version that removes 3 cr hr reading requirement now eliminates basic skills test for certification-passed Educ Comm to House Feb 22, 2018 [pic]

• New Leg>HB 5598-5606-package of 8 bills introduced yesterday focusing on teacher preparation and U’s teaching prep programs Feb 21, 2018 [pic]

• Teacher salaries in Michigan dropped an average of $333 from 2011-12 to 2016-17 according to data from the Michigan Department of Education. Feb 20, 2018 [pic]

• Today, the Appropiations School Aid Subcommittee will meet to hear MDE present The "Partnership Model and the State Reform Office." Feb 20, 2018 [pic]

• 100% of community college funding will again come out of the School Aid Fund under the governor's proposed budget. Feb 16, 2018 [pic]

• MDE will release a new system to rate schools on a 0-100 index - below 30 will be marked for improvement - 34% of score based on state exams Feb 15, 2018 [pic]

• 3 mill ISD enhancement share (at renewal) with cyber/charter schools now PA 23'18-cybers must have 100% of students enrolled in ISD district Feb 15, 2018 [pic]

• Gov’s budget proposal intro in Approps SubComm today reflecting $120 to $240/pupil increase (+$25/ high schl student) [House & Senate next] Feb 13, 2018 [pic]

• ...(Thursday, Education Committee agenda) HB5526 - "letter grade system for ranking public schools." Feb 13, 2018 [pic]

• Thursday House Educ Comm agenda includes SB727-remove basic skills test requirement from Interim (alternative) teaching certificate...and... Feb 13, 2018 [pic]

• House Speaker Leonard (R) said he is satisfied with the new MDE dashboard-the Gov and House Education Committe Chair want the A-F system. Feb 02, 2018 [pic]

• Gov. Snyder will announce an increase in the minimum per-pupil allowance for K-12 schools approx. $233-House & Senate proposals to come. Feb 02, 2018 [pic]

• ...House Educ Reform Comm. took testimony on HB 4614 - allow unlimited time for Provisional Certificates (eliminate renewal requirements) Feb 01, 2018 [pic]

• House Educ. Reform Comm. today took testimony on HB4084-a bill to remove the 3 credit reading certification requirement...and... Feb 01, 2018 [pic]

• Today, the Elections and Ethics Committee will consider new legislation that will move all school elections to November. Jan 23, 2018 [pic]

• Tonight is Gov. Rick Snyder's 8th and last State of the State address that will set a focus for the remainder of this legislative session. Jan 23, 2018 [pic]

• Counselor cert renewal legislation is now Public Act 151 ’17 - requires 50 hrs addt'l PD in college prep & career counseling. Begins 2/6/20 Jan 20, 2018 [pic]

• House Educ Comm took testimony on SB544-548 would allow businesses to place money in a students account to pay for schl or private services Jan 18, 2018 [pic]

• SB574 on today’s House agenda-Charters & Cybers would be eligible for funds obtained through a regional enhancement millage levied by an ISD Jan 18, 2018 [pic]

• New - Department of Education Parent Dashboard for School Transparency link:  Jan 13, 2018 [pic]

• Yesterday, Revenue Estimating Conference-projects the state’s General and School Aid funds will see small growth this fiscal year and next. Jan 12, 2018 [pic]

• Reported in news-more charter schools closed last summer than new ones opened-first recorded decline in charters-reduction of 3,400 students Jan 12, 2018 [pic]

• Yesterday, the House passed SB702 a bill that eliminates a district's ability to place ‘deed restrictions’ when selling buildings. Jan 12, 2018 [pic]

• …SB544-9 Educ Savings Acct-private funding for educ, Subcommittee to review/modify MI Merit Curriculum… Jan 08, 2018 [pic]

• … HB4069 reduce sub teach requirement from 90 to 60 hrs, HB4337&SB271 allow school start before Labor Day…continued… Jan 08, 2018 [pic]

• Legislature convenes tomorrow. Selected educ bills remaining on agenda: HB4163 prohibit calendar & schedule bargaining, continued… Jan 08, 2018 [pic]

• House and Senate begin their regular schedule next Wednesday. The subcommittee to revise the Mich Merit Curriculum will meet 1/24. Jan 03, 2018 [pic]

• As we start the legislative budget process - Michigan’s population base increased by 28,866 people in 2017, the largest amount since 2001. Kent and Washtenaw counties gained the most population (1+%). Dec 22, 2017 [pic]

• MIRS news reported, "In a statement released this morning, the Governor's office said the state's Office of Retirement Services is 'diligently working' on providing refunds [for 3% case] to school districts. Dec 21, 2017 [pic]

• Education employees celebrate throughout the state as the MI Supreme Court issues a final ruling today in their favor on the 3% case... refunding escrowed health care funds collected and held by the state…trial Court will decide when/how to return $. Dec 20, 2017 [pic]

• HB4406/7 passed both chambers of the leg. that modifies health education content standards (beg. 2019-20 schl yr) requiring instruction on opioid & drug abuse. Dec 20, 2017 [pic]

• HB4054, allows flashing advisory signs on the rear & front of school busses to warn other vehicles (e.g., caution, stopping, do not pass), passed the leg. and is forwarded to the gov. for his signature. Dec 20, 2017 [pic]

• More than 100,000 signatures over the number needed (315,654) were filed to get a reapportionment proposal on the ballot that would prevent gerrymandering of state legislative districts. Dec 19, 2017 [pic]

• The governor is setting a goal of adopting an A_F grading scale rating system for schools when the legislature returns. The State Board of Educ is developing their dashboard system. This may become part of the budget discussion. Dec 19, 2017 [pic]

• A new study by Alyssa Hadley Dunn indicates "an oppressive testing culture and a punitive evaluation system” are the main reasons teachers are leaving the profession. Dec 18, 2017 [pic]

• Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof stated he will not take up Democratic legislation seeking to repeal the state’s so-called right-to-work law. Dec 15, 2017 [pic]

• House Bill 4069 passed House 64-45 - would lower the threshold for substitute teaching from 90 to 60 semester hours of college credit - proceeds to Senate. Dec 14, 2017 [pic]

• Legislation (HB 4053) designating English as the official language in the state was sent to the House floor by the Government Operations committee on Wednesday. Dec 14, 2017 [pic]

• Legislature adjourned until 1/10/18. Career Tech Bills HB 5145 that provides for non-teachers to lead classrooms passed the house…proceeds to Senate. Dec 14, 2017 [pic]

• HB4054 a bill to allow a school bus to be equipped with flashing advisory signs on the rear and front of the bus for the purpose of warning the operators of other vehicles is headed to the governor for his signature. Dec 13, 2017 [pic]

• The Workforce & Talent Develop. Committee voted out a package of bills that allow noncertificated, nonendorsed individuals to teach (CTE) programs as long as they meet other specified requirements Dec 12, 2017 [pic]

• The House and Senate will begin sessions on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Dec 08, 2017 [pic]

• Legislation to allow all schools and colleges/universities to purchase their electricity from alternative energy suppliers will be voted on next week in House Energy Committee. Dec 06, 2017 [pic]

• The Senate Fiscal Agency stated that SB549-Educ Savings Acct (still in Senate) would reduce the General Fund and School Aid Fund. Dec 06, 2017 [pic]

• The Senate passed on a party line vote, Republicans for Democrats against, the Michigan education savings program SB 544-548. SB549 did not pass and is a part of this package. Dec 05, 2017 [pic]

• Yesterday, Sec of Educ Betsy DeVos approved Michigan’s education state plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Nov 29, 2017 [pic]

• Today in Senate Educ Comm HB4665 (passed House 104-3) would allow parents to keep students enrolled in a strict discipline academy regardless of enrollment criteria. HB4735 allow dual enrollment in another state within 20 miles of border (passed House 64-43). Nov 28, 2017 [pic]

• Legislative sessions for the House and Senate begin tomorrow and are scheduled to recess for the holiday break on 12/15. Nov 27, 2017 [pic]

• Voters Not Politicians (anti-gerrymandering ballot initiative) has gathered over 350,000 signatures with a goal of 400,000 (315,000 required). All are from volunteers-no paid circulators. Nov 21, 2017 [pic]

• Yesterday, the State Board of Education did not take a position on gun legislation to permit people to carry a concealed weapon in schools. The vote was 4-4. (SBE has 4 Dems and 4 Reps.) Nov 15, 2017 [pic]

• Tim Kelly (R) will keep chair of the education policy and appropriation committees in the House after his withdrawal from consideration to serve in the U.S. Dept. of Educ. Nov 14, 2017 [pic]

• Another gun bill also passing the Senate last week would lower the age to obtain a concealed pistol license from 21 to 18. Nov 13, 2017 [pic]

• The House and Senate are in recess for the next 2 weeks and will return on Tuesday 11/28. Nov 10, 2017 [pic]

• The 3 bill gun package allows the concealed carry of handguns in places that have traditionally been off limits to guns, such as schools, churches, day care centers, bars and stadiums. Nov 10, 2017 [pic]

• Republican Senator Marty Knollenberg (only R voting against gun bills) stated a “lack of local option” is why he voted against the legislation. Senate vote 25-12..leg proceeds to House Nov 10, 2017 [pic]

• Gun Bills SB584-586 allowing guns in schools (a similar package of bills) was vetoed by Gov Snyder in 2012-Gov stated his position hasn’t changed... Nov 10, 2017 [pic]

• Senate passes (25-12) SB584-6 permits a person to carry concealed weapon (with permit) in a school, church, or other gun-free zone. Party-line vote except Sen. Knollenberg (R). Nov 08, 2017 [pic]

• Gun legislation allowing concealed weapons in schools proceed as SB 584-586 passed out of committee on a party line vote. Nov 08, 2017 [pic]

• Dedrick Martin, superintendent in St. Johns Public Schools, was named Director of the State School Reform Office. Nov 06, 2017 [pic]

• SB 574 - gives charter/cyber schls the ability to collect revenue from ISD enhancement millages - passed the House Educ Comm yesterday. Nov 03, 2017 [pic]

• House Educ Comm agenda (Thurs): SB574>3 mill ISD voted millage shared with charter/cybers - HB 5157>school start date modifications Oct 31, 2017 [pic]

• The Senate Education Committee today will receive a presentation on teacher and substitute shortages in Michigan. Oct 31, 2017 [pic]

• ...cont. House Educ 4) SB574, Disperse 3 mill voted enhanced ISD millage to charter and cyber schools (now only to traditional public schls) Oct 25, 2017 [pic]

• ...(cont House Educ) 2) HB5126 exempt law enforcement from seclusion & restraint leg. 3) HB5157 Allow pre-Labor Day start (limitations)... Oct 25, 2017 [pic]

• House Education Committee agenda (Thurs) 4 items: 1) HJR M, eliminate State Board of Education and Governor appoints state superintendent... Oct 25, 2017 [pic]

• HB5092 Teach. Retirement-would clarify-funds for the 3% match (MPSERS 401k-type choice) not come from the State-Aid fund or schl operating $ Oct 23, 2017 [pic]

• The Senate will not be voting this week due to a national conference for legislators to exchange ideas on hunting and fishing-related issues Oct 23, 2017 [pic]

• …and in House Educ: HB4805 exempt nonpublic students from Educ Develop. plans (EDPs) / HB5126 exempt law enforce. from seclusion/restraint Oct 19, 2017 [pic]

• Today in House Education Committee: HJR M-eliminate State Brd of Educ/add Gov appointed state superintendent (req. constitutional amend)... Oct 19, 2017 [pic]

• SB 574 passed the Senate 23-14…would provide regional ISD 3% enhancement millage would also be distributed to charter/cyber schools. Oct 18, 2017 [pic]

• HB4181 passed Senate requires 25 hrs of PD in "college prep & selection" and 25 hrs in "career counseling” for counselor renewal cert Oct 18, 2017 [pic]

• HB4735 passed in House 64-43... dual enrollment students permitted to take college courses across state border at nearby universities Oct 18, 2017 [pic]

• In Senate Educ Committee today-HB4422-remove sunset provision allowing MPSERS retirees to work (limited) without losing benefits Oct 17, 2017 [pic]

• HB 4421- in Senate Educ Committee today- would allow…hire sub teacher that had expertise in a subject matter or field…passed House 64-42 Oct 17, 2017 [pic]

• SB574 passed Senate Educ Comm-now to Senate-allows charter schls to get $ from 3 mill ISD enhanced mileage as traditional public schools Oct 11, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-HB5071 creates “federal student loan disclosure act”-(begin 2018 academic yr) provide student all info specific all financial detail Oct 11, 2017 [pic]

• …and Today in Senate Educ Comm: HB4166 delete requirement to hire staff from a local district spec. educ. program when transferred to an ISD Oct 10, 2017 [pic]

• Today in Senate Educ Comm: SB574-allow the payment of regional enhancement property tax revenue to a public school academy and... Oct 10, 2017 [pic]

• Note: An educ. institute predicts that public school enrollment in Michigan will decline more than 5 percent by 2025 Oct 10, 2017 [pic]

• The President selected Mitchell Zais former-S.C. Ed Sec-whom opposed Common Core Standards, for the #2 at the U.S. Department of Education. Oct 04, 2017 [pic]

• HB4327-on House agenda-would allow charters/urban H.S. academies to include in the school's admission policy a low-income student priority Oct 04, 2017 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm Agenda item 10/3 - HB4181 adds 50 hrs career prep and counseling PD (within current req hrs) for counselor renewal cert Oct 03, 2017 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm Agenda 10/3-HB4166 removes employment preference for teachers in special educ programs that get transferred to an ISD Oct 03, 2017 [pic]

• New Study (NCES)-Enrollment decreased in Home-schoolers since 2012. Nat’l trends=3-4% children Home-schooled, 10% attend private schools Sep 29, 2017 [pic]

• Nat’l Leg Trend (New Study) - more states are legislating a simplified license transfer process to assist teachers moving between states. Sep 28, 2017 [pic]

• …also in House Educ Comm HB 4735-expand dual enrollment (with limitations) to out-of-state institutions for districts bordering other states Sep 27, 2017 [pic]

• Tomorrow in House Educ Comm HB 4805 exempts homeschooled students, enrolled part-time, from developing Educational Development Plans (EDPs) Sep 27, 2017 [pic]

• New York leaders have approved a new set of (modified) Common Core State Standards-original Common Core standards are used in 36 states. Sep 23, 2017 [pic]

• MI Civil Service Comm passed new rules prohibiting collective bargaining for seniority (in layoff), overtime sched, others for state ees’ Sep 22, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - HB 4947 would require districts to adopt and implement a policy addressing sexual abuse of children. Sep 20, 2017 [pic]

• …and on the agenda of the Sen. Educ. Committee HB 4181, specified PD hrs for counselor recertification (passed House 100-7) Sep 19, 2017 [pic]

• Today the Senate Educ Comm will consider the new Educ Savings Acct package of bills (Vouchers for private services & other educ)... Sep 19, 2017 [pic]

• A new poll found school choice initiatives ranked low on parents’ priorities rather efforts should focus on ensuring a good public school. Sep 13, 2017 [pic]

• The State Board of Education also urged the U.S. Dept of Education to provide leadership in getting schools to test for lead. Sep 13, 2017 [pic]

• The State Board of Educ approved a resolution for the children covered under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) urging a solution Sep 13, 2017 [pic]

• …These savings accounts would provide vouchers to spend on K-12 education and provide tax incentives for private funding of these Sep 12, 2017 [pic]

• Sen Educ Comm today took testimony on a package of bills that allow parents to open enhanced Michigan education savings accounts for K-12... Sep 12, 2017 [pic]

• State Brd of Educ meets tomorrow:will receive presentation from MASB (school brd assoc) and an update on moving to transparency dashboards Sep 11, 2017 [pic]

• Approps Committee meeting Wed: Quarterly Reports on Deficit Districts-Testimony from Department of Treasury and the Department of Education Sep 11, 2017 [pic]

• Rep. Tim Kelly (Chair, House Educ. Comm) will introduce legislation to mandate school grading system (i.e. A-F). State Board wants dashboard Sep 08, 2017 [pic]

• Reported-2017: 5 new charter schools/11 charters closing (1st time reduction since 1994)/1 new cyber school (Ovid-Elsie, Reimagine School) Sep 06, 2017 [pic]

• Legislature begin sessions this week. House Education Reform Comm to meet with Appropriations Comm to discuss ESSA (Thursday). Sep 06, 2017 [pic]

• MDE: Statewide M-STEP scores this year show math & soc studies proficiency gains in 8 of 9 grades tested-11th grade SAT scores also improved Aug 29, 2017 [pic]

• The Senate begins the fall session next Tuesday, Sept. 5 and the House begins on Wednesday, Sept. 6. Aug 29, 2017 [pic]

• Leadership candidates for the Senate: Sen. Mike Shirkey is a Republican from Clark Lake and Sen. Jim Stamas a Republican from Midland. Aug 25, 2017 [pic]

• Senate deal: If R's retain control of senate in 2018 Sen Shirkey will be the majority leader and Sen Stamas will be Senate Approps chair. Aug 25, 2017 [pic]

• Learning Policy Institute's research indicate there could be a nationwide shortfall of 112,000 teachers by 2018 Aug 21, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-Rep Jeff Noble introduced legislation to limit state funded tuition grants (housing assistance & scholarships) to "legal residents" Aug 17, 2017 [pic]

• An injunction issued against $2.5 million budget money for private schools was upheld by an appeals court continuing a freeze on these funds Aug 16, 2017 [pic]

• The legislature will meet today with no voting or significant activity. Aug 16, 2017 [pic]

• Sen. Hansen-chair K-12 Approps subcomm-stated he is disappointed with the number of schools with waivers to begin classes before Labor Day. Aug 02, 2017 [pic]

• Judge extends freeze on $2.5M in public funds for private schools - in this year’s budget. Jul 28, 2017 [pic]

• Dept of Educ is working on system that uses a school dashboard rather than the current ranking system-part of ESSA-planned release Fall 2017 Jul 24, 2017 [pic]

• Line item to reimburse charter schools that provide transportation for students was removed from the final education budget. Jul 20, 2017 [pic]

• Website updated with all K-12 and Higher Education legislation to date…(with downloadable print copy):  Jul 18, 2017 [pic]

• New leg - HB 4831 (introduced during 1-day July session) HEA higher education grants (Title IV) would require U.S. citizenship Jul 17, 2017 [pic]

• US House panel does not approve Sec DeVos request for using research $ for school vouchers or Title I $ for school of student’s choice Jul 17, 2017 [pic]

• It’s early but possible issues on 2018 ballot: part-time leg, prevailing wage, redistricting, Marijuana legal., sick leave, bridge pipeline Jul 15, 2017 [pic]

• Gov signed SB401MPSERS changes into law yesterday (takes effect for new ees 2/1/18)-Leg on recess until 8/16 (only 1 session day in August). Jul 14, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - introduced during July session (1) day - HB 4814 "would limit millage elections to general November election". Jul 13, 2017 [pic]

• Attorney Gen. Bill Schuette ruled state Supt Whiston cannot withhold funding from schl districts that have offensive Indian American mascots Jul 07, 2017 [pic]

• State cannot disburse $2.5M to nonpublic K-12 schools for state mandates (state budget) under a preliminary injunction issued by the court Jul 06, 2017 [pic]

•  Brain Calley is starting a new petition effort-the legislature must complete regular session by April 15 each year Jul 06, 2017 [pic]

• MSU teacher prep enrollment fell 45% between 2011-14, GVSU 67%, & WMU 62% (federal data) [10% per yr active teachers leave the profession]. Jul 06, 2017 [pic]

• A judge extended the freeze on $2.5 million in state aid for Michigan private schools. A court hearing is scheduled Wednesday. Jul 02, 2017 [pic]

• Governor Snyder returned the School Reform/Redesign Office back to the Department of Education with an executive order issued Friday. Jul 01, 2017 [pic]

• Ignore ‘cat litter’ tweet if you received it - comes from increased hacking in our ‘tech world’. Hope it doesn’t happen again…dwm Jun 30, 2017 [pic]

• Legislature reconvenes July 12 for 1 day. Jun 27, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg: SB487-sponsor Sen. Wayne Schmidt (R)-would prohibit using the term “Redskins” as a mascot, nickname, or group name beginning 9/2018 Jun 27, 2017 [pic]

• HB4163 - prohibit bargaining 'calendar and schedule’ did not pass in a late night session and the legislature adjourned until July 12. Jun 21, 2017 [pic]

• HB4163 the bill to prohibit bargaining “calendar and schedule” is on the House agenda tomorrow. It is on 3rd reading and ready for voting. Jun 19, 2017 [pic]

• Yesterday, HB4054 passed the House-would allow flashing caution signs on the backs of school buses to help prevent collisions and passing Jun 16, 2017 [pic]

• When the Legislature returns next week they will give final approval to MPSERS bills or some modification & send it to the gov for signature Jun 16, 2017 [pic]

• HB4163, prohibit bargaining calendar & schedule was passed to 3rd reading - “on deck” for voting next week. Jun 15, 2017 [pic]

• MPSERS leg (SB401 & HB4647) passed the Senate & House- Includes a different DC/Hydrid plan for new employees-details to come-next vote Tues Jun 15, 2017 [pic]

• Teacher pension hybrid system would close to new hires if it was 85% funded for 2 yrs-reported Sen/House/Gov deal-details to be reported Jun 14, 2017 [pic]

• Educ Funding - Libraries would get a 12% increase (+$1.2 million) as approved by the conference committee...budget process continues. Jun 12, 2017 [pic]

• …the conference committee report could change before approved based on discussions regarding pending retirement and pension issues. Jun 09, 2017 [pic]

• Conference committee approved minimum foundation grant $120/ pupil increase - highest-spending districts would see $60 per pupil increase... Jun 09, 2017 [pic]

• "Tenatative framework" MPSERS reported between gov. & leg leaders-no details available=Reports indicate reduced DB hybrid choice for new ees Jun 08, 2017 [pic]

• MPSERS ( changing defined benefit to defined contribution for new employees) and budget debate continue. Legislative session ends 6/15. Jun 07, 2017 [pic]

• Many legislators are gathered at Mackinaw Island for their Mackinaw Policy Conference. No additional legislative activity until Tuesday. May 31, 2017 [pic]

• Note-If Mich. population had tracked national average increase since 2000 it would be 14M rather than current 9.9M. Result=$9B more revenue! May 31, 2017 [pic]

• HB4181>passed House-50 of the 150 required PD for school counselors must be in college preparation and selection process & career counseling May 26, 2017 [pic]

• SB 384 - Allows for purchase of school buses with sinking fund revenue will receive a committee hearing next week. May 25, 2017 [pic]

• Leg closing the state's defined benefit program for new employees would cost state $46.4 billion over 40 years-new House fiscal estimate May 25, 2017 [pic]

• NEW LEG MPSERS: SB401 (posted on leg website) & HB4647 (not yet posted) would close schl employee pension system for new hires. (DB to DC) May 23, 2017 [pic]

• NEW LEG MPSERS: SB401 (posted on leg website) and HB 4647 (not yet posted) would close schl employee pension system to all new hires (DBtoDC May 23, 2017 [pic]

• Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof said he was open to the idea of a part time legislature if it included an end to term limits. May 19, 2017 [pic]

• Republican leadership (House & Senate) making final effort for MPSERS changes and reconsidering income tax shifts affecting School Aid Fund May 19, 2017 [pic]

• Truancy bills (SB103-6) pass Senate today-prohibit expulsion/suspension solely for truancy/requires annual report to MDE/allows court action May 18, 2017 [pic]

• Package of “truancy bills” in Senate include prohibiting being suspended or expelled solely for truancy or chronic absence from school. May 18, 2017 [pic]

• …continued- May Est Conf...$293 million less in General Fund money and $340 million more in the School Aid Fund (SAF) than expected. May 18, 2017 [pic]

• May Revenue Estimating Conference forecast lower General Fund Revenues but higher School Aid Revenues. -continued... May 18, 2017 [pic]

• Rep. Tim Kelly chair of House Educ. Committee will become a deputy in the U.S. Department of Education-will probably occur in summer recess. May 16, 2017 [pic]

• Most legislative meetings and sessions cancelled this week after the passing of Representative Kivela. May 12, 2017 [pic]

• Correction New Leg - HB4579 that creates a stipend fund to pay up to $40/day for student teachers (previous msg said “students teachers”) May 08, 2017 [pic]

• new leg - HB 4579 would create a stipend fund and authority group to pay students teachers (max. $40/day). May 05, 2017 [pic]

• MIRSnews report-"Closing school 'new employees pension plans' will cost billions of dollars...Over 30 yrs would increase costs about $20B... May 05, 2017 [pic]

• Senate majority leader Arlan Meekhof stated he has no interest in changing after labor day start requirement even if it is a Republican bill May 03, 2017 [pic]

• New bill - SB 344, creates a STEM endorsement on high school diplomas. Apr 28, 2017 [pic]

• 3 substitute teach bills passed House Educ Comm today: reduce 90 to 60 cr/hr require, expand noncollege areas, remove MPSERS $ district pays Apr 27, 2017 [pic]

• Substitute teaching bills will be on the agenda of the House Educ Comm Thurs. Include reduce 90 to 60 credit hr req., allow noncollege grad Apr 25, 2017 [pic]

• Report - Michigan's pensions were 64% funded in 2015, down from 67% in 2014 this is about the middle among the states. Apr 21, 2017 [pic]

• SB 249-agenda of Senate Educ Comm would prevent local gov from blocking a charter school from buying or renting a former pub schl building, Apr 21, 2017 [pic]

• New subcommittee in Senate starts today to consider revising Michigan Merit Curriculum - high school graduation requirements. Apr 20, 2017 [pic]

• Testimony today in House Educ Common issues of subs including:lowering standards, removing MPSERS contribution (retirees), use non-cert subs Apr 20, 2017 [pic]

• -Legislature back in session today after 2 week break. -Reported-state loses $138M on business taxes in March-down 10.5%. Apr 18, 2017 [pic]

• Legislative break continues this week and next. Website update with all new leg:  Apr 06, 2017 [pic]

• Gov is reviewing state's plan for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and Supt Whiston will submit the plan by 4/30-Leg probably follows. Apr 04, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-HB4421-would allow to sub teach without any credit hrs in college if they have "expertise in a field" (determined by schl district) Mar 31, 2017 [pic]

• ...HB4318 would allow statistics to replace Algebra II. All 4315-4318 passed the House and now proceed to the Senate. Mar 31, 2017 [pic]

• … HB4317 allows student to replace Health Educ. with 30 hrs OSHA safety training…. Mar 31, 2017 [pic]

• 4 curriculum bills pass House: HB4315/16 21st century skills for required arts & language requirements to include computer & CTE as choices Mar 31, 2017 [pic]

• House appropriations subcommittee reported a "higher educ budget" (4 yr U's) -$26 million increase-1. 9% increase-is $9M below Snyder's Mar 30, 2017 [pic]

• Sen Knollenberg (R) new bill would repeal requirement to start school after Labor Day but prohibit school on Mondays and Fridays in August Mar 23, 2017 [pic]

• House Educ Reform Comm took testimony on HB4166-would repeal the preference to employ current staff in a transfer of spec ed program to ISD Mar 23, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg HB4398 would change required 90 to 60 days for sub teaching in K-8 grades (limited to 60 school days). Mar 22, 2017 [pic]

• Tomorrow in House Educ Comm HB4166 a bill to repeal law that gives first employ. rights to ees affected by transfer of local program to ISD Mar 22, 2017 [pic]

• The chair of the Education Reform Committee indicated he will move forward with an A-F grading scale regardless of Dept of Educ plans. Mar 17, 2017 [pic]

• Sen. Dale Zorn has been named to a new Senate subcommittee to review the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC). Mar 17, 2017 [pic]

• HB 4163 - prohibit bargaining "calendar and schedule" passed out of the Education Reform Committee to the House. Mar 16, 2017 [pic]

• Today in House Education Reform committee is HB4163-prohibit bargaining “calendar and schedule”- scheduled to be passed (to House agenda) Mar 16, 2017 [pic]

• Tues in committee-require counselors to renew cert take 50 addt’l hrs PD in "career counseling"&“college preparation"-can be part of reg. PD Mar 13, 2017 [pic]

• Check how the governor’s budget proposal affects your district - new link on website:  Mar 11, 2017 [pic]

• 21st Cent Educ Commission recommends: retain Common Core, more support & training for teachers, eliminate State Brd of Educ, increase funds Mar 10, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - HB4318 would change the Algebra II requirement in the MMC to Algebra II “or” Statistics. Mar 09, 2017 [pic]

• Reported by the Department of Treasury that MPSERS earned 6% return on investments of $82 billion (retirement assets) despite the recession. Mar 09, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - HB4337 would eliminate restrictions on starting school after Labor Day. Mar 09, 2017 [pic]

• Testimony in Senate Education Committee by the EAA chancellor suggests that 40 schools could be on low-performing closure list next year. Mar 08, 2017 [pic]

• HB 4193-same leg as last year to prohibit bargaining calendar and schedule is on the agenda of the House Education Reform committee tomorrow Mar 08, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - HB 4291 would allow educators to claim a credit on MI tax - $200 single/$400 joint - for supplies used in the classroom. Mar 06, 2017 [pic]

• Districts with low performing schools (bottom 5%/3 yrs) will have until April 30 to reach a partnership agreement with MDE or face closure. Mar 03, 2017 [pic]

• Website updated with all K-12 and Higher Education bills. Link:  Mar 03, 2017 [pic]

• Ballot Issue? - Rep. Darrin Camilleri (D) in HJR H introduced legislation making “literacy” a fundamental constitutional right. Mar 03, 2017 [pic]

• Senator Marty Pavlov (R-Troy) appointed by Sen. Pavlov to chair a new subcommittee to study the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC). Mar 02, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - HB4293 would mandate (curriculum) instruction in African-American history for all grade levels. Mar 02, 2017 [pic]

• Today in a Senate Committee SB 103,104,105 on agenda to require interventions for chronic absences rather than suspension. Mar 01, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-SB198 would mandate at least 1 hr. Each week of music instruction with a certified (JX or JQ) teacher for grades K-5. Feb 28, 2017 [pic]

• The Kalamazoo and Saginaw school districts are suing the School Reform Office and other state officials over threats to close 4 schools. Feb 27, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-HB4269 would require ambulance/emeg personnel present at athletic event (football & risk events) likely to result in serious injury. Feb 24, 2017 [pic]

• Governor Snyder stated that rather than close low performing schools in June another 3 months was needed to properly complete reviews. Feb 24, 2017 [pic]

• HB4001, Income tax cut/reduction legislation failed to pass in a long legislative session...Legs are continuing to discuss income tax cuts. Feb 23, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - SB175 would remove the (limit) sunset that provides flexibility in the high school curriculum to substitute CTE education courses. Feb 22, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg - SB173 would require dissolved charter schools to return property and assets back to the state and $ excess to the State Aid Fund. Feb 22, 2017 [pic]

• A new version of the income tax elimination bill would drop the state income tax rate from 4.25 to 3.9 percent over four years. Feb 21, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-SB174 introduced today and introduction/comments in Senate Educ Committee to repeal Schl Code Sec.1280 eliminating accreditation. Feb 21, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg-HB4250 would lower the compulsory school age from 6 to 5 and require a district to provide full day kindergarten. Feb 21, 2017 [pic]

• House Tax Policy committee approved a state income tax rollback plan-would cost $1.1 billion in general fund dollars in its first year. Feb 16, 2017 [pic]

• New Leg.> HB4181 - require addt'l 50 hours prof. development for counselors to renew counselor cert. -PD may be provided by local district Feb 15, 2017 [pic]

• Today > House Michigan Competitiveness Committee agenda item-HB4192-to eliminate Common Core & implement Massachusetts (or local) standards Feb 15, 2017 [pic]

• Appropriation committees continue this week working on all budgets - Senate Educ Comm: presentation from Dr. Yong Zhao on educ. reforms Feb 13, 2017 [pic]

• HB4192 by Rep. Gary Glenn to repeal the Common Core State Standards on agenda next week in the Michigan Competitiveness Committee. Feb 13, 2017 [pic]

• Governor Rick Snyder has named former Lt. Governor Dick Posthumus as his chief of staff Feb 09, 2017 [pic]

• The House and Senate will be on spring recess the first 2 weeks in April (4/3–14). Feb 08, 2017 [pic]

• …these are press reports…Gov’s budget to be released tomorrow. This begins several weeks of proposals, testimony, modifications, etc. Feb 07, 2017 [pic]

• …and…reported that 4 year higher educ U’s will receive additional $36.6 million and community colleges will maintain current funding levels Feb 07, 2017 [pic]

• Governor's budget recommendation may include $50 more per pupil for high school than what schls receive at elementary and middle school Feb 07, 2017 [pic]

• New bill - HB 4163, reintroduced from last session - prohibits bargaining calendar and schedule. Feb 07, 2017 [pic]

• State officials will begin visiting 38 “priority” schools (on closure list) that scored in bottom 5% on state tests for 3 consecutive yrs Feb 06, 2017 [pic]

• All K-12 and higher education legislation updated on website:  Feb 02, 2017 [pic]

• SB 27, repeal sec 1280c (School Code) explanation/summary available on website. (also, School Code) -  Feb 01, 2017 [pic]

• Yesterday, the Senate Education Committee heard ISD presentations in support of SB 27-repeal of sec 1280c (low performing schools). Feb 01, 2017 [pic]

• New- SB 81, Sen. Pavlov, would prohibit the MDE from any Common Core or multistate consortium standards regarding curriculum implementation. Feb 01, 2017 [pic]

• All new House standing and appropriations committees just released - on website (charts):  Jan 26, 2017 [pic]

• House names "Education Reform Committee” - includes 10 Republicans and 5 Democrats-Tim Kelly (R) Chair. Jan 26, 2017 [pic]

• New bill - HB 4085 allows 5 days or 30 hours of professional development time to count as instructional time. Jan 26, 2017 [pic]

• New bill - HB 4084 would eliminate the 3 credit reading requirement for professional certification Jan 26, 2017 [pic]

• New bill - HB 4023, creates a 5 member task force to recommend policies in response to school shooting incidents. Jan 24, 2017 [pic]

• 186 schls are on (2016) list of ‘Priority Schools’ that could be added to the closure list next year-on website:  Jan 23, 2017 [pic]

• House committees to be selected this week. Jan 23, 2017 [pic]

• All new K-12 and higher education legislation introduced updated on website:  Jan 20, 2017 [pic]

• The state School Reform Office 38 schools at risk of closure June 30 due to poor academic performance on website:  Jan 20, 2017 [pic]

• Rep. Kelly (R), is expected to chair the newly renamed Education Reform Committee and K-12 Appropriations subcommittee. Jan 20, 2017 [pic]

• All House committees and committee members will be announced next week by Speaker Leonard. Jan 19, 2017 [pic]

• First education bills appear: use sinking funds to purchase schl busses, require seat belts on new busses, addf’l rear lighting on busses... Jan 19, 2017 [pic]

• Revenue Estimating Conference agrees revenues holding relatively steady. There will be future projections as this begins the budget process. Jan 12, 2017 [pic]

• House passes a serious of resolutions regarding their rules of operating as they begin the 99th Legislature 2017-18. Jan 12, 2017 [pic]

• State Constitution Provisions regarding K-12 and higher education added to website:  Jan 10, 2017 [pic]

• Sen Pavlov, chair Sen Educ Comm, will introduce a bill to repeal the state's failing schools law-identifies the worst-performing schools Jan 10, 2017 [pic]

• Website updated higher educ bills from last session passed to become Public Acts-Click on All Educ. Bills/Laws tab:  Jan 09, 2017 [pic]

• > First Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference to begin the budget process: Jan. 12. > State of the State message: Jan. 17. Jan 06, 2017 [pic]

• Website updated with K-12 bills from 2015-16 session passed to become Public Acts-Click on All K-12 Bills/Laws tab:  Jan 06, 2017 [pic]

• The governor vetoed HB 953 that included a provision to allow billboards on school property. Jan 06, 2017 [pic]

• Politics In Education website updated (bill activity & leg. passed added to new tab “All K-12 2015-16 Bills/Laws":  Jan 05, 2017 [pic]

• Election 2018 Gov. Review>> Dem. - Gretchen Whitmer, former state legislator will run. Rep. - Sen. Pat Colbeck, Senator is considering... Jan 05, 2017 [pic]

• Both House and Senate begin their new 2-year legislative session on Wednesday 1/11/17. Jan 04, 2017 [pic]

• If you received a message from @DrMichelson twitter on books it was not from this account. …will try to fix this.., Jan 03, 2017 [pic]

• CPR bill requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation training as part of the model core academic curriculum signed by the Gov (Now P.A. 388’16) Jan 02, 2017 [pic]

• SB510 passed leg-Prohibit an operator from engaging in certain targeted advertising- selling/collecting a student's information/profile Dec 19, 2016 [pic]

• SB647 passed requiring instruction in CPR & AEDs be included in the health education content standards (begins 2017). Dec 19, 2016 [pic]

• Court of Appeals ruled Ann Arbor Public Schools' ban on bringing a weapon into a school building, licensed or not, is legal, Dec 16, 2016 [pic]

• HB4136 new version passed requires civic portion of U.S. citizenship test be included in content standards (former version-grad requirement) Dec 16, 2016 [pic]

• Restrain & seclusion bills passed- seclusion rooms limited to emergency situations & require reporting to parents-does not ban use of rooms Dec 16, 2016 [pic]

• Zero-Tolerance passed leg-require to consider factors, i.e. student's age, disciplinary history, etc. before suspending/expelling a student. Dec 16, 2016 [pic]

• No major education legislation passed in Lame Duck. Dec 16, 2016 [pic]

• This 2-Year Legislative session is completed. NO major education bills passed. Dec 16, 2016 [pic]

• Energy bills pass - only hour(s) away from ending Lame Duck sessions. Dec 15, 2016 [pic]

• Today and tomorrow left in Lame Duck sessions. No major educational issues passed yesterday. Dec 14, 2016 [pic]

• House adjourns for the week.No more legislative action this week.No education legislation passed from House/Senate.1 more week of Lame Duck Dec 08, 2016 [pic]

• House and Senate finished for the day. Lame Duck session resumes tomorrow. Dec 06, 2016 [pic]

• Lame Duck sessions continue. Next year’s Speaker Representative Tom Leonard stated that it will be a more conservative 2017-19 legislature. Dec 06, 2016 [pic]

• Lame Duck drama continues Tuesday- Senate adjourned with no action on pension legislation. Dec 01, 2016 [pic]

• Thursday Senate Education Committee - presentations on student assessments (MDE), Reading Now Network, and SAT college board Khan Academy. Dec 01, 2016 [pic]

• Lame Duck drama continues tomorrow- Senate adjourned with no action on pension legislation. Nov 30, 2016 [pic]

• School "new employee" retirement bills in the Senate Approp Committee today-create defined contribution only rather than current hybrid plan Nov 30, 2016 [pic]

• Lame Duck sessions begin Tuesday for 3 weeks-Lawmakers have not released agenda-with significant employee benefit and labor issues pending Nov 28, 2016 [pic]

• "Lame Duck” legislative session begins 11/29… 63-47 Republican majority will be the same next legislature (2017-19, 2-year session). Nov 16, 2016 [pic]

• Also: Speaker Pro-Tempore, Rep. Lee Chatfield (R-Levering) House Majority Floor Leader Dan Lauwers (R-Brockway Twp.) Nov 10, 2016 [pic]

• Rep. Tom Leonard (R-DeWitt) was elected to be the next Speaker of the House by the Republican caucus Nov 10, 2016 [pic]

• Recent poll-82 % of respondents said state's school performance rankings should not solely be based on results of Mich's standardized test Oct 27, 2016 [pic]

• Next legislative session is November 9 for 2 days then Lame Duck session begins November 29. Oct 26, 2016 [pic]

• New leg: HB5949-A bill to provide tax credit for textbooks that are required for classes in a public school or higher education institution. Oct 25, 2016 [pic]

• New leg: HB6006-A bill to ensure that every deaf/deaf or hard-of-hearing child has the same opportunity as others for educ growth potential. Oct 25, 2016 [pic]

• New leg: HB 5957-Permit a sibling of a child with special needs to accompany that child on a school bus if space is available. Oct 25, 2016 [pic]

• New bill-HB5988 would extend section 1230 school code background checks for employment to student teachers. Oct 21, 2016 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm- tomorrow-SB1046, a bill that could provide addit'l transportation requirements on public schls for nonpublic schl students Oct 17, 2016 [pic]

• Gov's 21st Century Educ Commission will conduct public hearings around the state-first in Grand Rapids-11/3 Ford Academic Ctr, 3:45-5 p.m. Oct 17, 2016 [pic]

• State Board meeting yesterday-Supt. Whiston: the M-STEP would continue-using it less and adding components-also other tests added to system. Oct 12, 2016 [pic]

• State Board of Education adopts a motion to place a moratorium on state-imposed Detroit Public Community School closures. Oct 11, 2016 [pic]

• HB 4822, Reading Legislation to be signed by the governor Thursday. K to 3 assessments begin 2017, retention/remediation begin 2019. Oct 04, 2016 [pic]

• The chair of the House Elections Committee will hold 2 hearings on reforming the state's term limit law. Sep 29, 2016 [pic]

• Attorney Gen. Schuette issued ruling that - law allows the state to close low performing schools this year in new Detroit Community Schools. Sep 28, 2016 [pic]

• The legislature begins their campaign/election break. They will return for 1 day-Oct 19 and again on Nov 9 & 10. Lame-duck: Nov 29-Dec 15. Sep 26, 2016 [pic]

• 3rd grade reading bill passed yesterday - to gov for signature. Includes assessments for K-3 beginning 2017 & retention/remediation 2019. Sep 22, 2016 [pic]

• House Educ Comm did not vote on seclusion and restraint changes (HB5409-18)-attempts to codify current policy-limits to emergency situations Sep 16, 2016 [pic]

• SBE LGBTQ adopted guidelines link:  Sep 14, 2016 [pic]

• State Board of Education passes LGBTQ guidelines. Sep 14, 2016 [pic]

• Tomorrow-State Board of Education agenda: M-STEP results, suspension & expulsion (K-8), LGBTQ guidelines, better child care system report. Sep 13, 2016 [pic]

• New leg-HB5807-provide a $1,000 grant for each of 5 yrs to attract teachers in shortage areas-a qualifying list to be prepared biannually Sep 12, 2016 [pic]

• The U.S. Supreme Court denied Attn'y Gen Schuette's appeal of the ruling against the legislative ban on straight party voting. Sep 09, 2016 [pic]

• House Education Committee took testimony on Mstep results from the Dept of Educ//also moved leg to provide bus for nonpublic students HB5753 Sep 09, 2016 [pic]

• The gov. believes low achieving schools in Detroit cannot be closed until 2019. Senate majority leader Meekhof wants them closed by December Sep 07, 2016 [pic]

• Senate begins today-House tomorrow.Only 9 days of session until the election. Apparent priorities: energy, criminal justice, driverless cars Sep 06, 2016 [pic]

• New September 2016 list of “Lowest Achieving 5% of All Schools” on website. Link:  Sep 02, 2016 [pic]

• 7 new charter schools will open this fall as 6 are closed-the total number of charters will remain about 300. Mich. has no limit on charters Aug 23, 2016 [pic]

• Attorney General Bill Schuette said he would file an immediate appeal to court’s overturning legislative ban on straight-party voting Aug 18, 2016 [pic]

• State Reform Office will announce by end of 2016 which schools are to be closed for low performance. Article link:  Aug 17, 2016 [pic]

• The legislature begins their session with 3 weeks scheduled in September beginning 9/6 for the Senate and 9/7 for the House. Aug 15, 2016 [pic]

• Melinda Gates at the National Conference of State Legislatures annual summit, urged states to adopt Common Core standards. Aug 12, 2016 [pic]

• The State Board of Educ and education organizations are calling for adequate funding as called for by the recent education funding study. Aug 11, 2016 [pic]

• Attorney General Bill Schuette filed an emergency motion to stop a court order that blocks a new law's ban on straight-ticket voting. Aug 11, 2016 [pic]

• The House Fiscal agency reported this week that state revenues collected in July were up by $19.8 million compared to July 2015 Aug 10, 2016 [pic]

• Website updated with current list of the low performing schools – 2016:  Aug 08, 2016 [pic]

• Reported: State School Reform officer stated that low performing schools remaining on the list could be recommended for closure in 2017. Aug 08, 2016 [pic]

• “New" links to ESSA information and updates on website:  Aug 03, 2016 [pic]

• The State Board of Educ announced it will not consider the LGBTQ guidance document as previously planned on the August agenda. Jul 25, 2016 [pic]

• New page added to website with information for retirees on "critical area subbing." Website link:  Jul 23, 2016 [pic]

• Recent passed legislation "Straight-Ticket Voting Ban" Halted By Judge Jul 21, 2016 [pic]

• Teachers can sign-up to participate in the Dept of Educ (MDE) ESSA Focus Groups at:  Jul 19, 2016 [pic]

• Summary of new Public Act (PA170'16) on Genocide & Holocaust Education [Soc Studies] is on website:  Jul 18, 2016 [pic]

• Implementation of Legislation that eliminated straight-ticket voting in November will most likely be decided next week by a federal judge. Jul 15, 2016 [pic]

• The Republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee will introduce a bill - classify attacks against LGBT individuals as hate crimes. Jul 15, 2016 [pic]

• House Bill 5788 was introduced yesterday - require employers to provide unpaid leave to attend academic activities of their children; Jul 14, 2016 [pic]

• The governor will ask for a ruling from the MI Supreme Court regarding the $2.5M budget appropriation for nonpublic schools. Jul 14, 2016 [pic]

• Next legislative session - August 3. Jul 13, 2016 [pic]

• Legislature meets today with no voting/attendance. Jul 13, 2016 [pic]

• According to recommendations in the recently released study - the state needs to add $1.4 billion more for its public schools annually Jul 12, 2016 [pic]

• The legislature returns on 7/13 for one day of session in July. Agenda?? Jul 07, 2016 [pic]

• The Michigan Catholic Conference is considering the voucher/tax credit issue for religious schools as a legislative proposal. Jul 06, 2016 [pic]

• Gov Snyder will challenge the Court of Appeals' ruling to have the state return money teachers paid into the state's pension system. Jul 05, 2016 [pic]

• Michigan Dem Party Chair Brandon Dillon proposed the Legislature reconvene to address major problems especially roads and education. Jun 29, 2016 [pic]

• Released adequacy study found state’s educ finance system becoming more unequal-“Notably successful" districts spent $8,667/student 2013-14 Jun 29, 2016 [pic]

• The Michigan Association of School Administrators is challenging the school aid provision that provides $2.5M for nonpublic schools. Jun 28, 2016 [pic]

• The Gov did not veto anything in the $16.1 billion school-funding bill. Legal issues remain on spending $2.5M on nonpublic schools. Jun 28, 2016 [pic]

• Gov signs HB4796 - prohibits employer from denying "request for leave" for military service and requires reemployment. Jun 17, 2016 [pic]

• HB4493 signed by gov - requires social studies curriculum include instruction on genocide including the Holocaust and Armenian genocide. Jun 17, 2016 [pic]

• DPS bill passed late last night pays off $465M in DPS' remaining debt over 10 yrs and gives $150 million to the new DPS school district Jun 09, 2016 [pic]

• DPS bill passes-the district can hire uncertified teachers, and it would be easier to penalize teachers for strikes (etc)-next step Gov sign Jun 09, 2016 [pic]

• Sen Maj Leader Meekhof said leg talks over Det Pub Schls reform and rescue package “at a snailmate.” Senate is still in session... Jun 09, 2016 [pic]

• Leg-intense work finding votes to move Det Pub Schl reform leg (discussion-hiring uncert teachers, merit pay, closing low 5% low perf schls) Jun 08, 2016 [pic]

• continued...Det Pub Schl leg permits hiring uncertified persons to fill teaching positions, close schl if rated “F” 3 yrs (but not charters) Jun 03, 2016 [pic]

• Det Pub Schl legislation passed in House last night -more funding, contract follows to new named district, merit pay salary, continued... Jun 03, 2016 [pic]

• Detroit Schl Leg passed in the House last night were bills recalled from the Senate and now proceed back to the Senate for further action. Jun 03, 2016 [pic]

• House passes speed limit increase (I75 N of Bay City & I69 from Flint-Lans) to 75mph and Supt of schl district can request 20mph schl zone Jun 02, 2016 [pic]

• Repub legs trying to get votes for a DPS package-merit pay, hiring uncertified teachers, no direct oversight on charters, coll barg issues Jun 02, 2016 [pic]

• New leg - HB 5684 - would allow "statistics" to replace "algebra II" in high school curriculum requirements. May 31, 2016 [pic]

• Detroit Publ Scho funding discussions continue...conference committees to release final budget recommendations...reading leg in conf comm May 31, 2016 [pic]

• Comm Coll funding new projection-1.4% avg., increases vary from 1.1% to as high as 2%. In January gov. proposed 2.4% and the House 3.4%. May 26, 2016 [pic]

• The House Educ Comm will take action tomorrow on package of "zero tolerance" leg providing flexibility for mandatory expulsion & suspension. May 25, 2016 [pic]

• House Educ Committee agenda tomorrow includes zero tolerance bills to provide flexibility from minimum suspension and expulsion mandates. May 25, 2016 [pic]

• Education Adequacy Study, how much it would cost to adequately fund a child, is now due on June 24. May 25, 2016 [pic]

• The House Educ Comm did not take action today on package of "zero tolerance" leg providing flexibility for mandatory expulsion & suspension. May 19, 2016 [pic]

• Study on the adequacy of education funding ($ necessary to adequately fund public schools) is completed but has yet to be released. May 16, 2016 [pic]

• Det Pub Schl Legupdate-Senate version supported by several educ groups.,,House version includes prohibitions in collective bargaining. May 16, 2016 [pic]

• New revenue estimates: School Aid Fund down $56-58 million (from Jan. estimates). Dept. of Treas. estimates come next week. May 16, 2016 [pic]

• State's critical May Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference will take place next Tuesday projecting real funding resources. May 10, 2016 [pic]

• No Senate Education Committee meeting today. State Board of Educ meets with public input on LGBTQ policy guidlines. DPS funding continues May 10, 2016 [pic]

• DPSnews-Detroit School legislation applies to a “Community School” that now only includes Detroit Public Schools. May 05, 2016 [pic]

• DPSnews-allows state supt or parent to initiate legal steps for striking, allows uncertified teachers to teach, pay based on performance. May 05, 2016 [pic]

• DPSnews-$500 million @ $70M per yr is provided. No Educ Commission to monitor charter schools. Admin jobs not transferable to new district. May 05, 2016 [pic]

• DPSnews-The House passed most legislation as reported by the apropos committee. Antiwork-stoppage fines for each day out. May 05, 2016 [pic]

• The Senate Educ Comm will consider SB 647-requiring CPR training for graduation-similar to the House version-also on their agenda this week. May 02, 2016 [pic]

• House Committee (Workforce & Talent Develop.) took testimony-no voting-on HB5463 allow “computer coding” to count as a foreign language Apr 29, 2016 [pic]

• House Educ comm passed HB4136-require civics part of U.S. citizenship test to grad & a resolution to give $ to nonpub schls (special needs) Apr 29, 2016 [pic]

• Today, the House Workforce and Talent Develop. Committee will consider HB5463-allows “computer coding” to count as a foreign language req. Apr 28, 2016 [pic]

• …3. HJR B-Special needs $ for non-public schls, 4. HB4136-add U.S. citizen test req. for graduation, 5. Mandate CPR instruction in High Schl Apr 28, 2016 [pic]

• Today House Educ Committee to consider 5 items: 1.HJR HH-Eliminate the State Board of Educ, 2.Addt’l reading req. for teach prep programs... Apr 28, 2016 [pic]

• School omnibus budget passed yesterday includes $1M for non-public schools for reimbursing... (complying with health & safety standards). Apr 27, 2016 [pic]

• The House passed education "school bus" budget, 72-36 includes next year's School Aid Fund, Higher Education and Community Colleges Apr 26, 2016 [pic]

• Today, Senate Education Committee passed SB 826 (eliminate Common Core) - and passed HB 4493 (mandates teaching genocide). Apr 26, 2016 [pic]

• Tim Kelly(R-Saginaw Twp) is sponsoring a resolution to replace the State Board of Educ with a new Educ Department run by a Gov appt director Apr 22, 2016 [pic]

• U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Flint) said Thursday he is considering running for governor in 2018 Apr 22, 2016 [pic]

• Discussion continues on bills prohibiting restraint & seclusion- only allowed if behavior poses an immediate threat to the student or others Apr 22, 2016 [pic]

• State Supt. Whiston wants the Legislature to hold off on deviating from the M-STEP test (proposed by House budget) until 2017-18 schl year Apr 21, 2016 [pic]

• Yesterday, the Senate Education Committee took testimony on SB 826 - a bill to replace Common Core with Massachusetts standards. Apr 20, 2016 [pic]

• 3rd grade reading legislation continues in conference committees - debating exceptions to retention including parent input as final decider. Apr 20, 2016 [pic]

• HB 5194 moved to 3rd reading in the House - would prohibit school year calendar and schedule from collective bargaining Apr 20, 2016 [pic]

• State Brd Pres John Austin is urging public comment on transgender policy anticipating some changes-policy link:  Apr 19, 2016 [pic]

• Today, the Senate Educ Comm will meet twice-taking testimony on low-performing schools, stop support of Common Core & mandate genocide educ. Apr 19, 2016 [pic]

• Funding for the SAT was not included in the education omnibus budget reported by the House Appropriations Committee Apr 18, 2016 [pic]

• House Speaker Kevin Cotter stated that he did not intend to take up any further supplemental appropriations for the Flint water crisis, Apr 15, 2016 [pic]

• House Education Committee begins discussion of HB 5409-18 establishing a uniform policy for seclusion and restraint of students in schools. Apr 14, 2016 [pic]

• Det Pub Schl legislation continues in the House - No dates have been set for the conference committee on 3rd grade reading legislation Apr 14, 2016 [pic]

• The legislature continues on their 2 week spring break. Karen McPhee Gov Rick Snyder's education advisor, resigned from the Executive Office Apr 06, 2016 [pic]

• New “3rd grade reading” status article - notes differences considered by conference committee. WebLink:  Apr 04, 2016 [pic]

• The legislative study on how much it cost to adequately fund a child's education in Michigan is now expected to be released in mid-May Apr 01, 2016 [pic]

• Reading Bill Conference Committee: House-Cotter(R), Price(R),Zemke(D)/Senate-Pavlov(R),Hansen(R), Knezek(D). Issue: exemptions for retention Mar 31, 2016 [pic]

• The legislature begins a 2 week break. Mar 25, 2016 [pic]

• Reps Cotter (R), Price (R), and Zemke (D) named to 3rd grade reading conference committee to work out conflicts in the legislation. Mar 24, 2016 [pic]

• …cont (Reading Bill) The House did not agree with changes to 'promote child then intervene.' The bill was sent to conference committee. Mar 24, 2016 [pic]

• The 3rd grade reading bill was passed by the Senate with a “good cause” exemption (input teacher & parent). Bill back to House cont… Mar 24, 2016 [pic]

• The House passed the final version of the DPS plan-$47.8M for Det Pub Schls (to keep them open). This bill proceeds to the gov. Mar 24, 2016 [pic]

• House Approp Comm continued hearing testimony-their version of bills regarding funding of Det Pub Schls. The senate passed theirs yesterday. Mar 23, 2016 [pic]

• 3rd grade reading legislation passed the Sen Educ Comm HB4823-added must be 1 yr behind-also has parent/admin/teach "good cause exemptions" Mar 23, 2016 [pic]

• Link to Free Press article on DPS funding package passed by the Senate yesterday:  Mar 23, 2016 [pic]

• correction - previous text/tweet - the entire funding package for the remainder of the school year for DPS passed…next step bill to House Mar 22, 2016 [pic]

• Senate passed Det Pub Schl $50M - allow the district to operate for rest of this school year. A new entity would rule with oversight boards. Mar 22, 2016 [pic]

• The House budget passed out of subcommittee today would eliminate the M-STEP and replace it with a computerized (to be determined) test. Mar 22, 2016 [pic]

• This week House Appropriation committees recommend budgets and Senate Educ Committee takes testimony from State School Reform/Design officer Mar 21, 2016 [pic]

• House Appropriations Committee recommendation of higher education budget Thurs. 3/24 - community college budget recommendation Tues. 3/22. Mar 18, 2016 [pic]

• The House approved by a 104-5 vote to appropriate $48.7M for Detroit Public Schools to meet payroll and operating expenditures through June. Mar 18, 2016 [pic]

• Today, the House Educ Comm heard testimony on leg increasing reading req. from 3 to 6 cr. hrs. to move from Prov. to Prof. cert. No voting. Mar 17, 2016 [pic]

• Tomorrow House Educ Comm will take testimony on HB4823 raises 3 to 6 credit prof. certification requirement (for new teachers after 7/1/17) Mar 16, 2016 [pic]

• The Appropriations subcommittee on Community Colleges will release their C.C. budget on 3/23 and the Higher Educ Comm on 3/24 (current plan) Mar 16, 2016 [pic]

• New Leg: by Rep. Tedder (R-with bipartisan support) - may count up to 5 days or 30 hours of professional development as instructional time. Mar 15, 2016 [pic]

• 3/15 Community College Approps Subcomm agenda: Testimony Early Mid Coll New Jobs Train Prog., Assoc degree xfer report, performance funding Mar 14, 2016 [pic]

• HB4822-Reading bill modified to allow parents to request a "Good Cause" exemption as an alternative to retention in Sen. Educ Comm tomorrow Mar 14, 2016 [pic]

• The State Brd of Educ urged the Leg to remove: 4 restructuring models-converting schls to charters-replacing staff. Now not fed. required Mar 11, 2016 [pic]

• New leg introduced (HB5444) would prohibit Common Core implementation, allow parent opt-out of testing, duplicate Mass. curriculum standards Mar 10, 2016 [pic]

• Reading bills in Senate Educ Comm now include expanded retention exemptions that can be initiated by parent & approved by the local supt. Mar 10, 2016 [pic]

• Senate and House continue attempting to resolve DPS solution and compromising on reading bills. Neither package has moved in chamber. Mar 09, 2016 [pic]

• Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes said Det Pub Schls will not be able to pay staff after April 8-pushing for a solution before spring break. Mar 09, 2016 [pic]

• House Speaker Kevin Cotter said he does not plan to take up any further supplementals for the Flint water crisis. Mar 02, 2016 [pic]

• New Leg:HB 5398 & 5399 (Kosowski-D) allow a majority of all employees in a bargaining unit to vote to undo right-to-work with their employer Mar 01, 2016 [pic]

• POLL: Hypothetical general election match, Clinton leads Trump & Cruz 44 to 39%-Rubio leads Clinton 43 to 41% (conducted Feb 22-27) Mar 01, 2016 [pic]

• The Senate Education Committee will consider several bills that contain obsolete language to remove them from state statutes. Mar 01, 2016 [pic]

• Ann Gabrielle Kroneman (Okemos), Stephen Epstein (W Bloomfield), Kevin Phillips (Kentwood). Larry Ward (Williamston) to serve on MSPERS Brd. Feb 29, 2016 [pic]

• Gov Snyder told gun lobby that any bill allowing concealed weapons in schools should contain an opt-out option for schools Feb 29, 2016 [pic]

• Detroit Public School reform legislation in House committee (HB 5382-87) this week and in a Senate committee (SB 710/11) next week. Feb 23, 2016 [pic]

• Key differences in Senate and House versions of the Det Public Schl reform legislation on website:  Feb 19, 2016 [pic]

• House and Senate have different approaches to DPS leg. that alters the School Code, PERA, MPSERS, and others...may be difficult to reconcile Feb 19, 2016 [pic]

• cont.(Det Leg)-required merit pay comp, max 30 day vacation period, lose teach cert for work stoppage, defined benefit to contr. (new ees).. Feb 18, 2016 [pic]

• Detroit Pub Schl legislation to be introduced include limitations on bargaining, hiring noncertified teachers, no paid release time...cont.. Feb 18, 2016 [pic]

• Former Rep. Tom McMillin (R) announced he is running for a term-limited State Board of Education (SBE) seat. Feb 15, 2016 [pic]

• New feature (left side tab) on website “House Education Committee Log” includes all bills in this committee >status, dates of testimony, etc Feb 15, 2016 [pic]

• Website updated with all K-12 & higher education bills including a .doc file to distribute at meetings:  Feb 15, 2016 [pic]

• Lt. Gov’s Special Educ recommd. include: limit seclusion & restraint, reinstate appeals process, encourage use of mediators for complaints. Feb 11, 2016 [pic]

• HB5193/4 require granting waivers for alternative school calendars and prohibiting bargaining calendar just passed House Educ Committee. Feb 11, 2016 [pic]

• Gov’s budget recommend.: K-12 per pupil Increase of $60-120/4.3% increase for Higher Edu/ 2.4% for Comm Colleges(1st step in budget process) Feb 11, 2016 [pic]

• Testimony today on HB4046 - new school buses would have rear messaging lights to instruct drivers what current displayed signal lights mean Feb 09, 2016 [pic]

• Tomorrow Approps Comm Coll Subcommittee will hear testimony from MI Comm College Assoc & the Executive Recommendation on the 2016-17 budget. Feb 08, 2016 [pic]

• New bill HB 5307 would require vision screening tests in grades K, 3, 6, and 8. Feb 08, 2016 [pic]

• The Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents voted to withdraw their involvement with the Education Achievement Authority (EAA) Feb 05, 2016 [pic]

• EAA to be eliminated. Senate majority leader Arlan Meekhof stated, “It’s gone. We’re not going to do the EAA again.” (Part of DPS package.) Feb 05, 2016 [pic]

• HB5194 make calendar a prohibited subj. of barg/5193 creates mandated waivers for yr-round schl and other scheds. (Ed. Comm testimony only) Feb 04, 2016 [pic]

• HB5156-59 Prof. Develop. bills passed House Educ Comm. >changes days (5) to hours (90)/mandates small group settings/trains admin. in eval. Feb 04, 2016 [pic]

• Appropriation Educ subcommittees to hear State Supt. Whiston's presentation on academically failing schools and ESEA reauthorization. Feb 03, 2016 [pic]

• New work stoppage bills (SB713-15 & HB5235-37) removing teach. certificates & decertification of unions as penalties passed Senate Educ Comm Feb 03, 2016 [pic]

• Local officials filed suit alleging violation of free speech on new law SB571 preventing schl districts communicating info re: ballot issues Jan 29, 2016 [pic]

• HB4059 - Expand substitute teaching for MPSERS retirees to work without losing benefits (critical shortage areas) is now P.A.219'15 Jan 28, 2016 [pic]

• Senate passes legislation approving $28M for Flint with an auditing requirements for distributed funds. Jan 28, 2016 [pic]

• House Educ Committee had testimony (no voting) on Prof. Develop. bills HB5156-59/days requirements changed to hours/50% must be small group Jan 28, 2016 [pic]

• New House bills (5235-37) calling for loss of teaching certificate & fines for union and employees for work stoppages (same as Senate bills) Jan 27, 2016 [pic]

• Website updated for all K-12 and Higher Education bills (legislation) with printout .doc copy:  Jan 27, 2016 [pic]

• Moody’s Investment Service stated that SB571 (preventing schools from communicating about ballot proposals) could affect credit ratings. Jan 22, 2016 [pic]

• New bills SB713-15 fine labor organizations ($5,000/day and remove teaching certificates for engaging in work stoppages. Jan 21, 2016 [pic]

• Gov announced a commission to “investigate obstacles” [in education] last night is StateOfTheState speech - due in November-this year. Jan 20, 2016 [pic]

• Note: The 2016 State of the State will be tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19th, at 7pm. Internet broadcast:  Jan 18, 2016 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education bills updated on website with .doc files to print:  Jan 18, 2016 [pic]

• Petition language to recall Senators Arlan Meekhof (R) & Sen. Wayne Schmidt (R) for their votes on road funding package was approved. Jan 15, 2016 [pic]

• State of the Union K-12 education remarks - website link:  Jan 15, 2016 [pic]

• Positive budget note: There will be $575 million in unexpected money to spend on top priorities this year as a result of a 2015 surplus, Jan 14, 2016 [pic]

• Correction-Revenue Estimating Conf. projects revenues will be lower (mostly in SCHOOL AID FUND [not "State Aid"). Jan 14, 2016 [pic]

• Revenue Estimating Conf. projects revenues will be lower (mostly in State Aid). Gen Fund down $38M - SAF down $111M. [similar for 2016-17] Jan 14, 2016 [pic]

• HB571 (now law) prohibition of communications on ballot proposals by public entities in the 60 days preceding an election will be revisited. Jan 14, 2016 [pic]

• PD bills in House Educ comm. (HB5156-9) require 30 addt’l hrs of PD-add flexibility (hrs rather than days)-focus on eval training for admin. Jan 13, 2016 [pic]

• Det. Pub Schl reform package to be introduced Thursday. House Educ Comm meeting tomorrow to discuss new professional development bills. Jan 13, 2016 [pic]

• No education legislation is before committees this week - most await the governor's agenda reflected in the State of the State speech 1/19. Jan 11, 2016 [pic]

• The 2016 State of the State will be Tuesday, January 19th, at 7pm. Jan 06, 2016 [pic]

• Governor Snyder signed the elimination o fstraight-party voting bill. Jan 05, 2016 [pic]

• The MI House of Representatives begins 2016 on Jan. 13 and the Senate starts on Jan. 14. Jan 04, 2016 [pic]

• Ann Arbor Schl Brd of Educ asked the gov to oppose SB571-preventing schools sending facts about ballot issues 2 months before an election Dec 22, 2015 [pic]

• The governor's budget proposal for 2016-17 will come in Feb- indicating desire to return universities to their level before the 2011 15% cut Dec 18, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Snyder signed HB4059 into law that allows retired teachers to sub in critical shortage areas without loss of retirement benefits Dec 17, 2015 [pic]

• After passing SB13 - eliminate straight party voting - and not passing no reason absentee ballots, formal leg sessions will reconvene Jan 13 Dec 17, 2015 [pic]

• Website reference in previous tweet/text . (left side tabs) Dec 16, 2015 [pic]

• Website now includes all bills from 2 prior legislative sessions (2011-12 & 2013-14) including all bills that became law (Public Acts)…cont Dec 16, 2015 [pic]

• Last leg sessions before the holiday break - election issues (straight-party voting & no-reason absentee ballot)...others may surface. Dec 15, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Snyder is willing to disband the EAA-Education Achievement Authority if he can get a deal on a reform package for Detroit Pub. Schls. Dec 15, 2015 [pic]

• According to a budget report MI spent 7.5% less per student than in 2008.Nationwide there are 297,000 fewer teachers & 804,000 more students Dec 12, 2015 [pic]

• End of calendar year session next week may include tax&voting issues (straight party&absentee ballots). Other Educ bills may be considered. Dec 11, 2015 [pic]

• State Board of Educ adopts 7 strategic goals to bring Mich schools into the top ten ranking nationwide. Website link: Dec 09, 2015 [pic]

• 4 groups are pushing for the Supreme Court to hear a case that would allow school vouchers in every state. Link:  Dec 07, 2015 [pic]

• A New Mexico court granted a partial injuction preventing use of new teacher-evaluation system until a court decides if the system is fair Dec 07, 2015 [pic]

• Link to new article (and list) on website of 11 school districts in budget deficit that may face state oversight:  Dec 04, 2015 [pic]

• House Committee passed HB4724 no-reason absentee voting(must be done in person)-may be politically tied to eliminating straight party voting Dec 03, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4059 (allow limited subbing without pension/health penalty) refers to critical shortage subjects-Link to summary:  Dec 03, 2015 [pic]

• HB4059 passed Senate- Eliminates sunset on subbing (limited) retired public school employees without forfeiting retirement/health care Dec 03, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm will take testimony today on State School Reform/Redesign Office with regard to Michigan’s academically failing schools. Dec 03, 2015 [pic]

• House to take up absentee, straight-party voting today. House Educ Comm took testimony on bill to require citizenship questions to graduate. Dec 03, 2015 [pic]

• Educ committees (agenda) this week: GED test (definition change in "tuition pupil" & “certificate”) - and allowing school door lock devices. Dec 02, 2015 [pic]

• A Michigan Court decision dismissed a lawsuit objecting to the University of Michigan's ban on guns. Dec 01, 2015 [pic]

• Legislation for the next 3 weeks include: 3rd grade reading, eliminate straight party voting, Det Pub Schl reforms, and guns in schools. Dec 01, 2015 [pic]

• All education legislative bills updated on website with .doc file printout available for meetings:  Nov 30, 2015 [pic]

• Individuals pursuing post-secondary educ has dropped 9.6% (700,926 in 2010 to 633,012 in 2014) (from committee testimony) No leg this week. Nov 24, 2015 [pic]

• MI clerks are promoting “no-reason absentee ballot” if the leg. adopts bills to eliminate straight-party voting. Rationale-longer lines Nov 20, 2015 [pic]

• No formal legislative session or committee meetings this week. Nov 19, 2015 [pic]

• Last week-Senate passed leg that would eliminate straight party voting in elections (an appropriation $ was added to prevent a referendum). Nov 17, 2015 [pic]

• The legislature is not in session until December 1 and then will consider Detroit Public School funding and reading legislation. Nov 16, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Snyder said he would veto current gun legislation allowing closed-carry weapons in schools-he stated it “should be a local option." Nov 13, 2015 [pic]

• SB279 (would eliminate retirement credit for release time union officials) passed the Senate with SB280 (prohibits bargaining release time). Nov 13, 2015 [pic]

• New leg-would extend a tax credit to educators - $200 for a single or $400 for a joint return for purchased classroom supplies. Nov 09, 2015 [pic]

• SB491 passed Senate-Non-certified individ. with 5 yrs “occupational experience in a related area” could obtain an alternative teach. cert. Nov 06, 2015 [pic]

• Governor Snyder signed SB103, teacher-administrator evaluation bill today. Next educational issues: Detroit Schls and reading legislation. Nov 05, 2015 [pic]

• The Senate will pass (now voting) on a road funding package that could significantly affect (decrease) the General Fund. Nov 03, 2015 [pic]

• Leg activity this week should concentrate on "road funding" during legislative sessions. Several educational issues may rate lower priority. Nov 02, 2015 [pic]

• …cont (pending leg)-extend sunset to hire retirees, extend use of sinking funds, flex high school curriculum, expand BAs at comm colleges. Oct 30, 2015 [pic]

• Pending legislative activities affecting educ.-road funding, third-grade reading, guns in schools, protecting student data, next msg... Oct 30, 2015 [pic]

• The Republican chair of the Appropriations Committee is now suggesting it might be time to “tweak”Proposal A (1994 state school $ plan). Oct 28, 2015 [pic]

• 17 Republican lawmakers oppose currently proposed social studies standards by MDE. Link for MDE SS standards page:  Oct 27, 2015 [pic]

• Reading legislation HB 4822 is now in the Senate for consideration. Changes are anticipated as it progresses through the committee process. Oct 23, 2015 [pic]

• House Education Comm took testimony on HB4894-to protect student data from marketing by vendors…and referred sinking fund leg to Aprops Comm Oct 22, 2015 [pic]

• Teacher/Admin evaluation bill passes Senate. Oct 20, 2015 [pic]

• New bill introduced 4989 would elect State Board of Education members by regions (8 created) rather than statewide (current process). Oct 19, 2015 [pic]

• Changes to reading leg (yesterday) include: extend implementation date 2 more yrs (2019-20) and more flexibility for ‘good cause exemptions' Oct 16, 2015 [pic]

• Reading (HB4822) and evaluation bill (SB103) passed the House, both with amendments. (Details to come) Oct 15, 2015 [pic]

• New Bill-SB567 introduced (Knollenberg-R) to remove the restriction on school start date (return to local control). Oct 15, 2015 [pic]

• SB 442 that eliminates open-carry (pistol [CPL] license) and replaces it with closed-carry passed the Senate Judiciary Committee today. Oct 13, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Education passed from committee HB4390 a bill to substitute personal economics or financial literacy for 1/2 mandatory credit in Econ Oct 13, 2015 [pic]

• Yesterday, new analysis added for SB103 teacher/admin evaluation-Link:  - Or go to website:  Oct 13, 2015 [pic]

• All K-12 & Higher Education bills (with status) updated on website with .doc file for your meetings - Link:  Oct 12, 2015 [pic]

• ...also House Educ Comm took testimony on SB209/211-encourage teaching patriot documents, i.e. Dec of Ind. etc and other founding principles Oct 08, 2015 [pic]

• House Educ Comm today took testimony only on HB4493 require the teaching of genocides (& establish a commission) in HS Curr AND [next text] Oct 08, 2015 [pic]

• Sen Educ Comm passed to Senate SB491-modifies alternative certification in critical areas for occupational experience over major/minor req. Oct 08, 2015 [pic]

• Sen Educ Comm reported to Senate HB 4059-allows retirees to sub in critical shortage areas without losing pension (extends previous sunset) Oct 08, 2015 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education bills (legislation) updated on website:  Oct 07, 2015 [pic]

• Directions for others to subscribe to these text messages: Enter in the number “40404” and in the “Follow DrMichelson" Oct 07, 2015 [pic]

• Next week (new target dates) the House should be ready to consider teacher/administrator evaluation bills and reading legislation. Oct 06, 2015 [pic]

• Thursday the House Educ Comm will consider 2 bills-teaching specific topics in US History (about genocide) and (patriotic documents) Oct 06, 2015 [pic]

• Institutions that overpaid in MPSERS : CMU, EMU, Ferris State, Lake Superior State, Michigan Tech, Northern Michigan & Western Michigan Oct 03, 2015 [pic]

• MPSERS system overcharged 7 universities going back to 1996 - resulting In a $112 million refund (0.25% of total MPSERS assets. Oct 03, 2015 [pic]

• (2 msgs) Next Wednesday=Senate Educ agenda: SB510 restrictions on use of student personal data, HB4390 allow alternatives to HS econ credit. Oct 02, 2015 [pic]

• (2 msgs) Next Wednesday=Senate Educ agenda: HB 4059-extend sunset for retiree sub teach, SB 491-alternative cert. in critical shortage areas Oct 02, 2015 [pic]

• SB103, the education evaluation bill passed from House Committee and now proceeds to the House floor and Senate (40% eval on student growth) Oct 01, 2015 [pic]

• Sen Educ Comm took testimony on SB491-modifies alternative certification in critical areas for occupational experience over major/minor req. Sep 30, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm took testimony on HB4059, remove sunset allowing retirees to sub (critical shortage) - no pension penalty with limitations Sep 30, 2015 [pic]

• SB 98 on Senate floor adds: Nursing, Ski Area Management, Allied Health, Info. Tech., Manufacturing Tech. - as B.A. degrees @ Comm Colleges. Sep 24, 2015 [pic]

• House education committee passes a version of the 3rd grade reading leg - includes retention with some alternatives. Now to House action Sep 24, 2015 [pic]

• Today 1. Higher Ed Aprops Comm meet for testimony from EMU and Oakland U regarding their tuition increase 2. House Educ Comm for reading leg Sep 24, 2015 [pic]

• The legislature is not in session today. Tomorrow, the House Educ. Committee may pass the current version of reading legislation HB 4823. Sep 23, 2015 [pic]

• A new bill, HB4882, requires schools to publish an annual dashboard with stud. growth, st-tch ratios, grad rates, $ spent on instruct. etc. Sep 21, 2015 [pic]

• A new bill, SB491, would expand alternative teacher certification from requiring major/minor degrees to ‘occupational experience.' Sep 18, 2015 [pic]

• Next week the legislature will meet on Tuesday and Thursday. No session on Wednesday. Sep 18, 2015 [pic]

• Reading leg HB4552 did not pass in committee today. Mods include: delay in start, remove state test as trigger, others. Cont. next week... Sep 17, 2015 [pic]

• Leg sessions continue/3rd grade reading requirements in House Educ Comm tomorrow/New State Supt. testified in Approps Comm (deficit schools) Sep 16, 2015 [pic]

• Bills introduced yesterday would require high school sex education courses -to include instruction in affirmative consent or "yes means yes" Sep 16, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4552 is on the agenda of the House committee Workforce & Talent Development this Thursday. Sep 15, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4552 the leg. requiring additional hours for counselors to advance in certification has been modified to require specific Prof Develop. Sep 15, 2015 [pic]

• A joint Approps subcommittee will meet Thurs. for Testimony - Eastern Michigan University and Oakland University on recent tuition increases Sep 14, 2015 [pic]

• Lt. Gov. Brian Calley announced a Nov. 3 primary & March 8 general election to fill the seats of former Reps Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat Sep 12, 2015 [pic]

• Yesterday, a bill (SB 489) was introduced to change the electoral college procedure to be based on 1 elector for each congressional district Sep 11, 2015 [pic]

• Tomorrow (in addition to 3rd grade reading leg) the House Educ Comm will consider bills to add a high school STEM endorsement to diplomas. Sep 09, 2015 [pic]

• The Legislature has recommended a Colorado-based firm to conduct a study on the adequacy of education funding in Michigan. Sep 09, 2015 [pic]

• Washington State's highest court has ruled that charter schools are unconstitutional and not “common schools (term in Wash. State)." Sep 09, 2015 [pic]

• Thursday, the House Educ Comm will consider minimum benchmarks of 3rd grade reading that are required for promotion to grade 4 (HB 4822). Sep 09, 2015 [pic]

• Next week Republicans will retreat at their fall conference to focus on state politics (post Snyder governorship) and national politics. Sep 04, 2015 [pic]

• Road funding and Ethics Committee hearings will take much of legislators time during the first few weeks of the fall session. Sep 03, 2015 [pic]

• The MI House is back in session 9/9/15. The House Education Committee will meet 9/10 to consider HB 4288 Reading Legislation. Sep 02, 2015 [pic]

• New 3rd Grade reading legislation (retention and remediation). Website link (bill&summary):  Aug 20, 2015 [pic]

• No legislative activity other than 2 committees (not education related) scheduled as the House deals with internal Republican matters... Aug 10, 2015 [pic]

• The Board of Canvassers approved language for a ballot initiative that would raise the state's corporate income tax from 6 to 11% (+$900M). Jul 31, 2015 [pic]

• New article posted from Bridge -"School Choice or Revolving Door?” Website link: Jul 30, 2015 [pic]

• Transportation: HB4319 becomes Public Act 128-a bus stop does not have to be made,at an abandoned (defined) railroad track grade crossing. Jul 29, 2015 [pic]

• Recent Poll-69% of the 600 Michigan voters asked - support hiking the business tax as a stable road-funding source. Jul 29, 2015 [pic]

• A ballot proposal petition to get 315K+ signatures is likely by “Let’s Vote Michigan” to allow voting by mail (ballots mailed to reg voters) Jul 25, 2015 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education legislation including current status updated in website. Link:  Jul 21, 2015 [pic]

• Correction - Next House session - August 18. Jul 21, 2015 [pic]

• House adjourned until Tuesday 7/26 - no quorum present - No activity. Jul 21, 2015 [pic]

• Short leg july session - road funding continues unsettled and the focus of the legislature. No other leg likely until September 9 Jul 16, 2015 [pic]

• Early Warning Legislation Summary - Weblink:  Jul 08, 2015 [pic]

• Early Warning (for deficit districts) bills on agenda in Senate Education Committee today. Jun 18, 2015 [pic]

• SB279/80 bills affecting release-time presidents (negating retirement credit and prohibiting district funding) delayed in Senate. Jun 17, 2015 [pic]

• This week - House Educ Comm - SB103 Teacher/administrator evaluation legislation. Jun 15, 2015 [pic]

• ...also in Sen. Educ. Comm-HB4325-30, "early warning bills" require more reporting of deficit & authority from State Supt to State Treas. Jun 15, 2015 [pic]

• This week Senate Educ Comm - SB279, prohibit paid release time for union representatives and conducting union business during school hours. Jun 15, 2015 [pic]

• The House Committee on Education will here testimony on the Senate version of SB 103 - Teacher/Administrator evaluation bills. Jun 11, 2015 [pic]

• Today the new State Supt. of Schools Brian Whiston will introduce himself to a joint committee of the House & Senate Education Committee Jun 10, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm to consider SB280-prohibit districts paying for conducting union activities during schl hrs. (release time, representation) Jun 06, 2015 [pic]

• House Education Committee took testimony on Senate-passed teacher/admin. evaluation bills. Budget process continues. Jun 06, 2015 [pic]

• Budgets moving today...Senate Education Committee will not meet this week... Jun 02, 2015 [pic]

• …also, there is strong movement to include $30 million for a proposed 3rd grade reading initiative. Budget conference committee-meeting Tues Jun 01, 2015 [pic]

• Per pupil foundation increase appear to be approx $100/student (plus/minus $40). Min. districts receive 2X basic. Max get 1X (sliding scale) Jun 01, 2015 [pic]

• Legislator’s ended this week at their Mackinaw Leadership Conference (GOP). Next week - decisions on budget, teacher eval., labor issues... May 29, 2015 [pic]

• The Senate passed HB 4041 - would remove Family Independence cash assistance for a family with a child that is constantly truant from school May 28, 2015 [pic]

• The Dept of Tech, Management, and Budget will spend $500,000 to study what per pupil resources are necessary for educational proficiency... May 27, 2015 [pic]

• Budget process continues - Higher Educ may result in a 1.5% increase - allowing a 3.2 raise in tuition = for a potential 4.7%+ in revenue May 27, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4594 in House Educ Comm today - testimony only - would extend 1-12 enrollment opportunities for nonpublic school children to kindergarten May 21, 2015 [pic]

• Teacher/admin evaluation bills pass Senate - SB 103 proceed to House - process continues. May 20, 2015 [pic]

• Conference committees for the budget should be named this week or early next - starting the final negotiations for all appropriations. May 20, 2015 [pic]

• Budget moving - Higher Educ projections: 1.5% increase - between the 2% increase the Gov & Senate proposed and the 1% by the House. May 20, 2015 [pic]

• The Senate is scheduled to vote on a teacher/administrator evaluation bill today. New sub bills are on the agenda. May 20, 2015 [pic]

• Leg activity: >Teach/admin eval bills >Budget >Road funding >Limiting release time pres. funding & union activity during school hours May 18, 2015 [pic]

• Webpage link for May Revenue Estimates:  May 16, 2015 [pic]

• Revenue estimates in: 2015 Gen Fund +$223M, Schl Aid -$5.9M / 2016 Gen Fund +$168M, Schl Aid -$20M / 2017 Gen Fund +$121M, Schl Aid -$42M. May 16, 2015 [pic]

• No teacher/admin evaluation bills move this week-Prevailing wage hearing in committee today-Senate schedules sessions canceling summer break May 13, 2015 [pic]

• Legislative agenda this week includes continuing progress on budget talks and Senate floor discussions on teacher/administrator evaluation. May 11, 2015 [pic]

• Next week the legislature will continue the budget process (including road funding proposals)--Senate agenda, teacher/admin evaluation. May 08, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4390 - allow 1/2 credit of personal economics or financial literacy for the 1/2 required econ credit passed the House 110-0. (to Senate) May 08, 2015 [pic]

• New bill HB4552-add a required course in career prep. for Middle and H.S. counselors or have 3 yrs experience & proficiency in those areas. May 07, 2015 [pic]

• House Republicans are focusing on fixing Michigan's infrastructure within existing state funds-which are part of current budget talks. May 07, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Education Committee not meeting this week. House Education Committee will hear presentations on teacher evaluation legislation. May 05, 2015 [pic]

• School budget passes the Senate. Several weeks of this process continues as the foundation grant will probably be between 50 and $250. May 05, 2015 [pic]

• 2 new House bills would require homeschool parents to report names, ages and other data to the local school superintendent. In House Ed Comm May 02, 2015 [pic]

• Weblink for SB103 (new substitute version) of teacher/admin evaluation bills that are now on the floor of the Senate: Apr 29, 2015 [pic]

• New fiscal analysis (summary) of "Early Warning Bills" (HB 4325-30).- website link (pdf file):  Apr 29, 2015 [pic]

• SB 103, Teacher/Admin evaluation bill proceeds to the Senate agenda. No $ for training included, 25% to 40% stud growth factor by 2018, Apr 29, 2015 [pic]

• The school budget process continues. Summary-Gov, House, and Senate proposals range between $50 to $274 in foundation grant. Apr 28, 2015 [pic]

• Governor Snyder proposed requiring training for all school board members in deficit districts. MASB said the cost would be approx. $2M. Apr 25, 2015 [pic]

• House Educ Committee passed HB4390 allowing financial course substitution for the .5 required economics credit in the H.S. curriculum Apr 23, 2015 [pic]

• House Educ Committee passed SB139-allowing limited non-nutritional fundraisers (e.g., Girl Scout cookies) with amend for parent notification Apr 23, 2015 [pic]

• Early Warning bills (deficit reporting) are stalled in the House. Budget process continues. Evaluation bills remain in Senate Committee. Apr 23, 2015 [pic]

• The House Education Committee meets today to discuss mods in H.S. Curriculum allowing alternatives for the .5 credit req. in economics Apr 23, 2015 [pic]

• Yesterday, Senate Educ Committee took additional testimony on SB 103-Teacher/Admin evaluation bills. No voting-bills remain in committee. Apr 22, 2015 [pic]

• No action taken in House Education Committee on SB 139-allow non-nutritional fundraisers-limited times per week. Apr 16, 2015 [pic]

• No action taken in House Education Committee on HB 4390-alternatives for Econ HS curr requirement. Apr 16, 2015 [pic]

• House Appropriations (subcommittee on education) meets today for a presentation of MDE student assessments. Apr 16, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4390 in House Educ Comm today-allow students to satisfy 1/2 cr. econ requirement with course in personal economics or financial literacy. Apr 16, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Educ adjourned without taking action on SB 103, teacher evaluation bills. ...details later... Apr 14, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Snyder will announce "within weeks" an education plan that will hold all public schools, including charters, to higher uniform standards Apr 09, 2015 [pic]

• No legislative activity this week. No schedules available for next week education committees. Apr 08, 2015 [pic]

• The Great Lakes Educ Project proposes to shut down Det Pub Schls and allow students to attend surrounding schools including private schools Apr 08, 2015 [pic]

• New bill - HB 4422, reduces 'red tape' for school reporting. It would create a Red Tape Removal Task Force to delete unnecessary reporting. Apr 06, 2015 [pic]

• School groups say, "Banning open carry in return for concealed weapons 'absolutely' won't fly…” regarding new gun legislation. Apr 04, 2015 [pic]

• Legislators continue to the 2nd week of their 2 week recess. Apr 03, 2015 [pic]

• New - HB 4394-95: Allow local schools, intermediate districts or public school academies to hire noncertified teachers. Mar 30, 2015 [pic]

• New HB 4396-Allow schools to start classes before Labor Day, but require that schools not be in session on the Friday before Labor. Mar 30, 2015 [pic]

• The Senate School Aid Educ Subcomm. today approved a K-12 budget (similar to the gov’s). The House proposed budget conflicts-more to come Mar 25, 2015 [pic]

• The House proposed their initial School Aid Fund budget and is in conflict with the governor's. Website link:  Mar 25, 2015 [pic]

• Promoting leg to keep quality teachers note: the cost of teacher turnover nationwide is about $7.34 billion a year. Mar 23, 2015 [pic]

• Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley signed leg that will allow charter schools to open after a one year battle to join 42 other states with charters Mar 23, 2015 [pic]

• New bills HB 4325-30 create a reporting structure for examining the budgetary assumptions that schools use to create their financial plans. Mar 19, 2015 [pic]

• The House Educ Comm took testimony (no voting) on a STEM endorsement on diplomas (HB 4284/85)-Those opposed wanted other subjects included. Mar 19, 2015 [pic]

• Brian Whiston selected as next State Superintendent of schools. Mar 18, 2015 [pic]

• Today, the State Board of Educ will make a decision between 3 finalists to be the next State Supt of Schools: Menzel, Whiston, Markavitch. Mar 18, 2015 [pic]

• New bill - SB 208 (Hildenbrand-R) - mandatory expulsion for students who threaten the life of a school employee or school volunteer. Mar 17, 2015 [pic]

• The State Board today said - gov's order moving school reform to the Depart. of Tech., Management and Budget could violate their authority. Mar 17, 2015 [pic]

• The state will soon announce its pick of the K-12 state assessment that will replace both the MEAP and the M-STEP. Grades 3-8 & 11th grade. Mar 17, 2015 [pic]

• Sen. Dave Hildengrand (R) introduced electoral college vote count legislation to move from a ‘winner take all’ to a ‘proportional' system. Mar 13, 2015 [pic]

• [Student/teacher wakeup time!] - Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) introduced legislation to eliminate Daylight Savings Time. Mar 12, 2015 [pic]

• The Governor is considering taking school reform functions out of the Dept of Educ & into the Dept of Tech, Management and Budget (DTMB), Mar 11, 2015 [pic]

• Next State Supt. of Educ finalists: Vickie MARKAVITCH, Oakland Schools; Scott MENZEL, Washtenaw ISD; and Brian WHISTON, Dearborn Pub Schls Mar 11, 2015 [pic]

• HB4059-removes sunset to allow retirees to continue subbing in critical areas & receive continued benefits passed House 108to2-Now to Senate Mar 10, 2015 [pic]

• Website updated with all K-12 and Higher Education bills (includes downloadable .doc printouts). Website link:  Mar 06, 2015 [pic]

• SB 169 introduced by Senator John Proos (R) would provide for a high school diploma endorsement in STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering & Math) Mar 06, 2015 [pic]

• Michigan Teacher of the Year criticizes testing for teacher evaluation. Website link:  Mar 05, 2015 [pic]

• Tomorrow, the House Education Committee will hear a presentation from the Capitol Area Literacy Coalition. No legislative action scheduled. Mar 04, 2015 [pic]

• 6 Candidates were chosen by the State Board as finalist to succeed the current state superintendent. Website link: Mar 04, 2015 [pic]

• Tues leg-activity > Several STEM certification bills were introduced. Also, supplemental funding for districts that experienced dissolution. Mar 04, 2015 [pic]

• Gov. Snyder selected the superintendent of the Ottawa ISD Karen McPhee to serve as his new education policy advisor. Mar 03, 2015 [pic]

• Today, Sen. Educ Comm will consider SB139 a bill to limit-3/week school fundraising events that do not meet schl lunch nutritional standards Mar 03, 2015 [pic]

• >State Board will meet Tuesday to discuss selection of a new superintendent-addt'l meetings likely to be 3/10,11&18 for candidate interviews Feb 27, 2015 [pic]

• Budget talks continue in leg. Evaluation bills will be scheduled for hearing...next 2 weeks (Senate Educ Comm.)...Senate action to follow. Feb 26, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4147 allowing students to freely express their religious beliefs in school - introduced in the House. LegWebLink:  Feb 24, 2015 [pic]

• All education bills updated on website (link):  Feb 22, 2015 [pic]

• Summary of Governor’s Budget Proposal “by district” posted on website (link):  Feb 20, 2015 [pic]

• The Education Trust charter school study questioning “authorizers” is posted - website link:  Feb 20, 2015 [pic]

• House Education Committee completed meeting with 'no action' on legislation. Feb 19, 2015 [pic]

• The Gov’s budget proposal would have some schools losing funding (i.e., Troy & Ann Arbor -lose $55) - others would receive from $1 to $200. Feb 19, 2015 [pic]

• HB 4110 passed today (64-48) - This bill takes $250 million from the School Aid Fund for the General Fund. Feb 18, 2015 [pic]

• Sen. Pavlov (R) introduced SB 102, creating a defined contribution plan for ees hired after 6/30/15. 5% contribution by ee & 80% match by er Feb 16, 2015 [pic]

• Sen. Pavlov (R) introduced new teacher/admin evaluation bill - SB 103. 25% growth data used now and 50% in 2018. No vendors or training. Feb 14, 2015 [pic]

• Governor’s budget proposal specific percentage funding increase for 4 yr. institutions on website (link):  Feb 13, 2015 [pic]

• All education bills updated on website with a new link to the Gov’s proposed 2015/16 budget.  Feb 12, 2015 [pic]

• Also in Gov’s budget: proposes passage of teacher and admin "evaluation bills" includes $14.8M in current budget to pay implementation cost. Feb 12, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Budget Proposal: 2% for universities (tuition cap of 2.6%), 1.4% for community colleges. Feb 11, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Budget Proposal: $75 increase per pupil, $48.6M 3rd Grade reading initiative, $30M for "best practices.” Feb 11, 2015 [pic]

• Yesterday - State Board of Educ discussed supporting an A-F grading scale for evaluating schools from than the current color-coded system. Feb 11, 2015 [pic]

• State Board of Educ discussed a 2 to 3 yr. pause in labeling low performing school until 2017 because of testing changes (comparative data) Feb 11, 2015 [pic]

• Bills introduced to “prohibit" State model curriculum to be based on Common Core - and a similar bill for Next Generation Science Standards. Feb 07, 2015 [pic]

• GOP press release indicates - expanding "school choice" and "creating charter school authorization accreditation" will be on their agenda. Feb 06, 2015 [pic]

• Yesterday, Rep. Phil Potvin (R-Cadillac) introduced HB 4157 to increase the allowable snow days from 6 to 9 days/yr. Feb 05, 2015 [pic]

• The House Educ Committee will meet (joint session) this Thursday with the Appropriations Committee for an overview of the School Aid budget. Feb 03, 2015 [pic]

• Future educ leg -Teacher evaluations, a letter grade system for schools and an emphasis on early literacy will be educ focus of the Senate. Jan 30, 2015 [pic]

• The ACT has lost its appeal of the state's decision to switch to the SAT for Mich high school testing. SAT continues (absent legislation). Jan 27, 2015 [pic]

• Governor Snyder talks (video) about charter school transparency...[and other school reform issues]. Website link:  Jan 23, 2015 [pic]

• The first House Education Committee meeting is scheduled for Thurs 1/29. This will be an "organizational meeting." Jan 23, 2015 [pic]

• Mich is facing a potential $324.6 Million shortfall in the fiscal year that began in October. Article on website  Jan 20, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof has announced legislation to repeal Michigan’s prevailing wage law. (To be 1st bill in Senate.) Jan 19, 2015 [pic]

• New "K-12" education bills, with downloadable .doc file for distribution, updated on website. Link:  Jan 16, 2015 [pic]

• New “higher education" bills, with downloadable .doc file for distribution, updated on website. Link:  Jan 16, 2015 [pic]

• New Senate majority leader Jim Ananich (D-Flint) to consider "paid sick leave" to give employees flexibility for personal illness in family. Jan 16, 2015 [pic]

• Rep. Tim Kelly (R-Saginaw Township) will chair the House Appropriations K-12 School Aid Subcommittee. Jan 15, 2015 [pic]

• Rep. Amanda Price (R-Park Township) will chair the House Education Committee. Jan 15, 2015 [pic]

• The House Fiscal Agency is projecting a $454-million general fund shortfall for 2015 (the impact of corporations cashing in tax credits). Jan 15, 2015 [pic]

• Information-The decision to change from the SAT to ACT was made by the Department of Technology & Management. (A 3 yr./$17M contract.) Jan 15, 2015 [pic]

• Gov Snyder signed into law SB 74 - require Board's to add cyberbullying to their anti-bullying policies. Link:  Jan 15, 2015 [pic]

• First bills and resolutions adopted by House and Senate today - refer to rules, schedules, and other house-keeping items. Jan 14, 2015 [pic]

• The Senate Educ Committee has been changed from 3 Republican and 2 Democrats to 4 Republicans and 1 Democrat. See previous message for link. Jan 14, 2015 [pic]

• Senate committee members selected. Website link:  Jan 14, 2015 [pic]

• No bills introduced. Committee members (and chairs of the House committees) yet to be determined. Sessions scheduled tomorrow House & Senate Jan 13, 2015 [pic]

• On the gov’s desk to sign(?) is SB423 to contract with a qualified vendor for a statewide cost study to determine sufficient[cost]per pupil. Jan 08, 2015 [pic]

• Senate Bill 74 that includes “cyberbullying” as a form of bullying has been presented to the governor (on 1/2) for his signature. Jan 07, 2015 [pic]

• The House begins sessions next Wed & Thurs (12/14,15) and the Senate next Wed only (12/14). Jan 06, 2015 [pic]

• New legislature begins with the following quote from the governor, “We've solved these problems, now is the time to step on the accelerator” Jan 02, 2015 [pic]

• New Senate committee chair assignments announced for the 2015-16 legislative session - website link:  Dec 22, 2014 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education bills status (after adjournment of Lame Duck final session) updated on website:  Dec 20, 2014 [pic]

• Leg ends Lame Duck session. Road funding ballot issue passes without negative impact on school funding. Evaluation bills did not pass. Dec 19, 2014 [pic]

• Last Lame Duck session continues tonight. Road funding appears settled. Teacher Evaluation and Early Warning bills continue on the agenda. Dec 18, 2014 [pic]

• @DrMichelson Dec 18, 2014 [pic]

• The plan would end diversions of School Aid Fund money to purposes other than K-12 education. Leg action continues. Dec 18, 2014 [pic]

• Legislators are getting details of a road funding deal-includes a penny sales tax increase ballot proposal - $1.2 billion more for roads. Dec 18, 2014 [pic]

• Last day/night of Lame Duck session. Road funding (could affect school $) and teacher evaluation continue on the agenda. Dec 18, 2014 [pic]

• House & Senate adjourned. No major legislation moved today. 2 more days of Lame Duck. Evaluation & Deficit district bills continue on agenda Dec 16, 2014 [pic]

• Summaries:: Teach/Admin Eval bills link:  Early Warn bills link:  >Will be modified this week... Dec 15, 2014 [pic]

• Early Warning Bills-withhold State Aid for failure to submit Deficit Elim. Plan or budget plan. Allow State Treas to declare financial emerg Dec 15, 2014 [pic]

• Early Warning Bills and Teacher Evaluation on agenda for this final week in Lame Duck. However, anything can surface. Dec 15, 2014 [pic]

• The Lame Duck legislative session continues with the Senate in session on Monday at 12 noon and the House in session on Tuesday at 10:00. Dec 14, 2014 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education bills (description, status, and link to legislation) updated on website:  Dec 13, 2014 [pic]

• Early warning bills - schools in financial crisis were voted out of committee to the House Floor on a party-line vote (Dems-No, Reps-Yes). Dec 12, 2014 [pic]

• Proposed Special Educ rule changes delayed. Lt. Gov. Calley will work to change several procedures during next year's legislative session. Dec 12, 2014 [pic]

• 1 week to go in Lame Duck. No major educ leg yesterday. Road funding bills still "far apart." Sales tax on Internet purchases passed Senate. Dec 12, 2014 [pic]

• Today's leg activity include (House & Senate) talks attempting to resolve the road funding issue. Prediction-a late evening session. Dec 10, 2014 [pic]

• Schl districts would include cyberbullying in their anti-bullying policies & report bullying data in bill just passed Senate. (Now To House) Dec 10, 2014 [pic]

• Some of the educ issues that may surface in LD include: teacher eval., 3rd grade reading, charter schl expansion, letter grading of schls... Dec 08, 2014 [pic]

• The Lame Duck legislative session continues tomorrow in the 2nd of 3 weeks. Road funding will take center stage. Other educ issues to follow Dec 08, 2014 [pic]

• House Repub leg indicate that their road tax plan, taking $ from educ, and the Senate's, not taking educ $ are bookends to a real agreement. Dec 08, 2014 [pic]

• The regents of EMU voted to keep the contract with DPS for EAA for 1 yr - vote was 6-2. EMU’s president did not want the contract to extend. Dec 06, 2014 [pic]

• New bill-move back the presidential primary date in Michigan & eliminate the requirement for petition circulators to be registered electors. Dec 05, 2014 [pic]

• Estimates are this road funding plan would cost the Schl Aid Fund $800M/year in potential revenue. This now goes to the Senate for action Dec 05, 2014 [pic]

• Last night the House passed their road funding plan-would divert money from schools and dedicate it for roads.Future schl $ would be limited Dec 05, 2014 [pic]

• Speaker Boldger Plan to fix roads would shift gas tax (from sales to wholesale) in steps eliminating $700+ million from the Schl Aide Fund. Dec 03, 2014 [pic]

• Retirement bills in committee had testimony only, no action. (eliminate hybrid plan and move to a defined contribution for new employees). Dec 03, 2014 [pic]

• Details of these bills will be reported once parts to be considered are distributed…stay tuned. (Reminder-msgs limited to 140 characters) Dec 03, 2014 [pic]

• Committees today will hear several bills regarding retirement, a social studies curriculum modification, and reporting for deficit districts Dec 03, 2014 [pic]

• Lame Duck session starts today. The current (Speaker Boldger)plan under discussion to fix roads would result in a $415 deduct per student. Dec 02, 2014 [pic]

• Lame Duck session begins 1 week from today-committees are beginning to schedule meetings. Several critical educ issues will probably emerge. Nov 25, 2014 [pic]

• MI Court of Appeals ruled there is no constitutional obligation to ensure student reading skills.(Reading leg will be critical in Lame Duck) Nov 25, 2014 [pic]

• Both parties are filling leadership positions for next year and preparing agenda for Lame Duck. Not much activity will occur before 12/2. Nov 20, 2014 [pic]

• State Board of Educ will address Science standards at their Nov mtg. Yesterday’s agenda: supt. search, Spec Educ complaints, schl finance. Nov 19, 2014 [pic]

• HB5974 hearing today (House committee on Elections and Ethics) on changes in the Electoral College distribution of votes. Nov 17, 2014 [pic]

• The legislature is now adjourned until Dec 2nd when the Lame Duck session begins and is scheduled (subject to change) to end Dec 18. Nov 14, 2014 [pic]

• A new Lame Duck proposal regarding changing the winner-takes-all Electoral College is now in bill HB 5974. Hearings will begin next week. Nov 14, 2014 [pic]

• The Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act appears to be considered by the House-bills introduced. Article on website link:  Nov 13, 2014 [pic]

• Sen. Dave Hildenbrand (R-Lowell) just announced as next Chair of the important Senate Appropriations Committee. Nov 12, 2014 [pic]

• At a special State Board meeting (yesterday) an Iowa firm was selected to conduct the next state superintendent search to replace M.Flanagan Nov 11, 2014 [pic]

• House and Senate Education committees are not scheduled this week. Although this could change no significant activity is planned until 12/3. Nov 11, 2014 [pic]

• Next legislative session will be Wednesday and Thursday (11/12&13) when they prepare for the "Lame Duck session 12/2-18." Nov 07, 2014 [pic]

• Senate Republicans elected Arlan Meekhof (West Olive) as their next majority leader. Democrats chose Jim Ananich (Flint) as minority leader. Nov 07, 2014 [pic]

• House Republicans elected Kevin Cotter (Mt. Pleasant) as their next speaker. Democrats chose Tim Greimel (Auburn Hills) as minority leader Nov 07, 2014 [pic]

• ...and pictures of new House and Senate legislature (including those just elected):  Nov 06, 2014 [pic]

• Website updated with more election result data:  Nov 06, 2014 [pic]

• No significant education legislation appears on the House or Senate agenda today as they select the their leadership beginning 1/1/15. Nov 06, 2014 [pic]

• Today (the only session this week) House Republicans will choose between Rep. Kevin Cotter and Rep. Al Pscholka to be the next speaker. Nov 06, 2014 [pic]

• Election results - website link:  Nov 05, 2014 [pic]

• ELECTION DAY TOMORROW. The House and Senate will resume sessions this Thurs. & next Wed. and Thurs. (11/6,12,13) and then break until Dec 2. Nov 03, 2014 [pic]

• Politics In Education website update:  (includes a new State of Michigan directory link) Nov 01, 2014 [pic]

• With less than a week before the Nov. 4 election a recent poll in the race for Attorney General has Schuette 47% and Totten 35%. Oct 30, 2014 [pic]

• With less than a week before the Nov. 4 election, new (EPIC-MRA) poll has Rick Snyder 45% and Mark Shauer 43%. [Leg session begins Nov 6] Oct 30, 2014 [pic]

• No legislative session is scheduled until Nov. 6th when both the House and Senate will begin meeting through Dec. 18th (dates can change). Oct 29, 2014 [pic]

• Summary link for HB 5669: . Summary link for SB 1075:  Oct 22, 2014 [pic]

• Educ. Committee recommended HB 5669 to Senate. Received testimony on SB 1075 PD credit for nonpublic schl teachers. (Links in next message) Oct 22, 2014 [pic]

• Sen Educ Committee meets today-agenda: SB 1075, curriculum mod.>teaching genocide Educ, and SB 5669, PD credit use for nonpublic educators Oct 22, 2014 [pic]

• All "Higher Education" bills (including status) updated on website-Link:  Oct 21, 2014 [pic]

• All K-12 bills (including status) updated on website - Link: . Oct 21, 2014 [pic]

• New Mitchell Poll: Gov. Race - Snyder 48%/Schauer 46%. U.S. Senate Race - Peters maintains a 13% lead over Land. Oct 21, 2014 [pic]

• Some committees, including Senate Educ. Comm, will be meeting on Oct. 22-only day the legislature meets in October. No major leg on agenda. Oct 20, 2014 [pic]

• A summary was added for SB 1075. This bill modifies Soc Stud. curriculum to include teaching about genocides - Link:  Oct 17, 2014 [pic]

• The legislature (House and Senate) will meet one day next on Wednesday (10/22). The next scheduled meeting date is November 6. Oct 17, 2014 [pic]

• "New learning expectations for students" in science education will be presented at the Nov. State Board of Ed mtg (prep for New Gen Science) Oct 15, 2014 [pic]

• The State Board of Ed (yesterday) discussed the search process for a new State Supt. Consulting firms and candidates will be selected soon. Oct 15, 2014 [pic]

• 6 companies submitted bids to the State Dept of Ed. to supply testing for state assessments. Smarter Balanced consortium did not submit one. Oct 15, 2014 [pic]

• No leg sessions this week. Expiring 10/1 is the state’s "Freedom to Work specialist” hired to answer public's questions about Right to Work. Oct 10, 2014 [pic]

• Faculty and alumni from Eastern Mi Univ demanded the Board of Regents end its relationship with EAA - next meeting to review will be Dec 5 Oct 08, 2014 [pic]

• New Leg > introduced HB 5861 would provide $2M (transfer from strategic fund) appropriation for a year-round school pilot project. Oct 03, 2014 [pic]

• Legislature meeting today before breaking until after the election (meeting only 1 remaining day in Oct). No major educ bill is scheduled. Oct 02, 2014 [pic]

• SB 66 passed by the leg requiring notification by schl districts of CTE opportunities signed into law- Website link:  Oct 02, 2014 [pic]

• HB 4148, a bill to expand BA degrees at Community Colleges (nursing...), received testimony today in a House committee - no vote was taken. Oct 01, 2014 [pic]

• ...governor's race is a statistical tie in recent poll - Senate race has Gary Peters up by 10%. Sep 30, 2014 [pic]

• HB4148 (Higher Educ) on committee agenda Wedneday-expand B.A. degrees a Comm College (nursing, etc.) Website: Sep 30, 2014 [pic]

• This is the last week the leg is in until Nov 6 with the exception of 1 day in October (22nd).No major Educ issue on agenda-but can surface. Sep 30, 2014 [pic]

• Sen Bill 66 enrolled (will be signed by Gov)-requirement for notifying students regarding CTE courses. Website:  (New) Sep 29, 2014 [pic]

• HigherEd-HB5035-require a comm college in application to determine if educ assistance is available for military service (status: in House) Sep 26, 2014 [pic]

• No legislative session today. Both chambers will be in session next week. Then they will break & meet only 1 remaining day in October (22). Sep 25, 2014 [pic]

• Yesterday, the House Educ Comm adopted a sub bill for HB5778-mandates teaching 6 hrs re:genocide/holocaust in Soc Studies or other subjects Sep 25, 2014 [pic]

• HB 5848 (D-Zemke) - increase per pupil $ for consolidated & annexed districts, referred to Appropriations Committee. Sep 24, 2014 [pic]

• HB5854 (D-Irwin) - reduce per pupil $ for cyber schools by 2/3rds, referred to Appropriations Committee Sep 24, 2014 [pic]

• Legislature continues to meet this week - no major education issue on the agenda. Charter School accountability/expansion may be addressed. Sep 23, 2014 [pic]

• Senate leader Randy Richardville indicated he is not interested in moving changes in the Electoral College. House leader Jase Bolger is. Sep 21, 2014 [pic]

• No major education legislation moved this week in the legislature. Discussion seem to center on “early warning” for deficit school districts Sep 20, 2014 [pic]

• School districts and charters on the deficit list, along with the percent of their deficits to revenues on website:  Sep 12, 2014 [pic]

• No meetings for the House and Senate Education Committees this week. Sep 12, 2014 [pic]

• Senate bills 722-727 create a mandatory defined contibution health plan for all new employees. In committee next Thursday. Sep 12, 2014 [pic]

• New Bill (HB5778 9/9)-add to grades 8-12 social studies curriculum at least 6 hrs each yr. instruction about genocides (including Holocaust) Sep 10, 2014 [pic]

• New Bill (HB 5782 9/9) - increase the 2014 minimum foundation allowance from $50 to $83. Referred to Approps Committee. Sep 10, 2014 [pic]

• Legislative sessions begin today. State Board of Education meets today. Sep 09, 2014 [pic]

• If the legislature pursue cuts to public universities, financial aid may be the focus of those reductions. Sep 04, 2014 [pic]

• New law opportunity for transportation: Application available-new $3 million Schl Bus Conversion from Diesel to Natural Gas Grant from MDE. Sep 02, 2014 [pic]

• Correction-Legislature is in session next week Tuesday, 9/9/14 (autosend date was incorrect). Sep 02, 2014 [pic]

• Legislature back in session beginning tomorrow for 4 weeks. Sep 02, 2014 [pic]

• New bill introduced-HB5728-ability for receiving schl district to decline ownership of buildings & property of a dissolved school district Aug 28, 2014 [pic]

• Yesterday was the only day this week of legislative action. HB4148 (more B.A.’s for Community Colleges) referred to another committee. Aug 28, 2014 [pic]

• House Educ Comm, 8/27, HB4148-granting B.A. at comm coll. in nursing, ski area mngt, wastewater tech, allied health, info tech, manufac tech Aug 26, 2014 [pic]

• School Code references for new EpiPen requirements on website:  Aug 25, 2014 [pic]

• New Law (PA 187'13) requires (2014 schl yr) schools to have EpiPens for emergency treatment of allergies. Schools must have trained staff. Aug 25, 2014 [pic]

• FYI-James Foley, executed journalist, was a former teacher-5th grade bilingual educ-Lowell Elementary School, Phoenix AR. Aug 21, 2014 [pic]

• 18 new charter schools are scheduled to open this fall (14 include high school grades). Charter school total = 303. Aug 21, 2014 [pic]

• All 4 Republican candidates for the State Board of Educ have come out publicly against Common Core State Standards. Aug 19, 2014 [pic]

• Detroit Public Schools will cut pay by 10%$ starting Oct. 1 due to failed countywide tax millage if approved by MDE (24 buildings to close) Aug 19, 2014 [pic]

• The Republican leaders race in the House seems to be between Al Pscholka (R-Stevensville) and Kevin Cotter (R-Mt. Pleasant). Aug 17, 2014 [pic]

• Yesterday, The court of appeals ruled the Dept of Educ can retroactively audit school districts to verify attendance & alter funding levels. Aug 16, 2014 [pic]

• With 2 months left in the state's fiscal year, General Fund and School Aid Fund revenues are falling $115 million short of expectations Aug 16, 2014 [pic]

• New bill: SB 1025 (Hildenbrand-R) Require mandatory expulsion for students who threaten the life of a school employee or school volunteer. Aug 13, 2014 [pic]

• State Board recommends “smart cap” for charters: new charter have to show it would perform well, current schls not performing-no new schls Aug 13, 2014 [pic]

• AARP Poll U.S. Senate race: Peters & Land In 36-36 Point Tie, 28 Percent Undecided Aug 13, 2014 [pic]

• The State Superintendent is considering suspending new charters for 11 of 40 authorizers-list on website:  Aug 13, 2014 [pic]

• New-Higher Educ Historical Performance of Teacher Training Institutions on website (MDE):  Aug 12, 2014 [pic]

• State Board of Education meets tomorrow. Agenda link:  Aug 11, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher tenure and evaluation to appear on Missouri ballot Article on website:  Aug 08, 2014 [pic]

• New MRG Poll (July 26-30): Snyder 44.6% - Schauer 44.3% - undecided 11%. Aug 07, 2014 [pic]

• Yesterday’s primary election results on website:  Aug 06, 2014 [pic]

• Remember to vote today! Aug 05, 2014 [pic]

• Don't forget to vote in the Primary Election tomorrow. Aug 04, 2014 [pic]

• Good article on website that describes how Next Gen Science Standards will try to avoid Common Core mistakes:  Aug 02, 2014 [pic]

• An initiative petition to raise the state's minimum wage to $10.10 by 2017 doesn't have enough valid signatures for the ballot Jul 25, 2014 [pic]

• $$ schls-Saginaw School District plans to close 1 high school after the 2014/15 schl yr. Jul 24, 2014 [pic]

• Legislative Schedule: sessions are scheduled July 30, Aug 13&27. No major issues appear on the agenda. >Regular session will begin Sept. 9. Jul 23, 2014 [pic]

• Beginning today, the Mi Dept. of Ed is holding a 2-wk public comment period on the future of the state assessment at  Jul 22, 2014 [pic]

• The U.S. Sup. Crt stopped short of overruling a key precedent that authorizes unions to extract service fees.Website:  Jul 22, 2014 [pic]

• Public comment is open on the “Model Code of Student Conduct 2014” (Dept of Educ MDE) To access go to  Jul 18, 2014 [pic]

• Need a copy of new Public Act 208 ‘2014 Mi Merit Curr. - (HB 4465)? …on website:  Jul 18, 2014 [pic]

• The House set "budget targets" that included a $90 million reduction for higher education (focus on financial aid). Jul 17, 2014 [pic]

• Senate Approps Comm (yesterday) considered bills creating a new early warning system for deficit schls-no bills moved from the committee. Jul 17, 2014 [pic]

• New polls in the U.S. Senate race: Denno Research has Peters 39.5% - Land 37.3% and NBC News/Marist has Peters 43% - Land 37%. Jul 16, 2014 [pic]

• New poll by NBC/Marist poll released today Snyder 46% - Shauer 44%. Jul 16, 2014 [pic]

• Article - "Michigan Races to Replace MEAP." Website link:  Jul 15, 2014 [pic]

• Article "A Fair Method To Grade Teachers" (comments on bills in legislature) on website:  Jul 14, 2014 [pic]

• Several leg committees are meeting Wed - a vote might be taken in the Senate on a bills dealing with access to medical marijuana. Jul 14, 2014 [pic]

• New Certification Rules on website:  Jul 14, 2014 [pic]

• Gov. Mary Fallin (R-Oklahoma) signed a bill to "repeal and replace" the common-core standards. Jul 14, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher/Administrator "evaluation bills” (HB5223/4) .pdf analysis (as passed by the House) added to website:  Jul 11, 2014 [pic]

• Public high school students had higher proficiency rates compared with their peers who took the MME last year-ACT % slightly declines. Jul 08, 2014 [pic]

• "2014 Michigan Merit Results Show Long-and Short-term Gains in All Subjects" article on website:  Jul 07, 2014 [pic]

• MEAP results -Gains in all subjects, led by big jumps from 2013 to 2014 in both social studies and reading scores of 5.3 and 5.2 Jul 07, 2014 [pic]

• Depart of Educ (MDE) is facing feds investigation that its website on special education rules wasn't accessible to people with disabilities. Jul 03, 2014 [pic]

• A new poll in the U.S. Senate Race showed Gary Peters-D with a lead of anywhere from 3 to 9 percentage points over Terri Land-R. Jul 02, 2014 [pic]

• New poll released Tuesday - Governor Rick Snyder and his Democratic opponent Mark Schauer tied with 40 percent support each. Jul 02, 2014 [pic]

• A group of superintendents called on lawmakers today to return to Lansing “immediately” to increase funding for classrooms across the state. Jul 02, 2014 [pic]

• Gov. approved $53.2B budget with 2 vetoes: $1.5B study of crossings for high-speed rail system and $80K study for ped. bridge in Petosky. Jul 01, 2014 [pic]

• The State Board of Educ is seeking public input on the criteria & qualifications for the next State Supt -. Website:  Jun 29, 2014 [pic]

• Georgia schools are turning down new option to arm teachers, arguing that it doesn't make kids any safer web site: Jun 28, 2014 [pic]

• Inside pols predict Kevin Cotter (Mt. Pleasant) to be the next leader of the Republican Caucus in the House next year-ahead of 5 other reps. Jun 28, 2014 [pic]

• The Flint school district’s deficit has grown by $10 million in seven months to $20.4 million. Jun 27, 2014 [pic]

• John Covington former chancellor of the Education Achievement Authority left that post (resigned) last week with a $74,158 severance check. Jun 27, 2014 [pic]

• (Dem candidate for gov.) Mark Schauer proposed halting creation of any more charter schools until an oversight and accountability review Jun 27, 2014 [pic]

• Free Press runs series of articles on charter schools. website:  Jun 26, 2014 [pic]

• Gov. signed HB4465/66 into law that provides alternatives for math & foreign language in the MMC. website summary:  Jun 26, 2014 [pic]

• Under the new budget Community colleges see a 3 percent increase and universities 6 percent. Jun 25, 2014 [pic]

• The budget (HB 5314) provides $50/student additional for all school districts and up to $125 more/student for the lowest funded districts. Jun 25, 2014 [pic]

• Governor Rick Snyder signed the education budget today. The MEAP exam will continue for one more year under provisions of the budget. Jun 25, 2014 [pic]

• Dem candidate for attorney general Mark Totten called on Attorney Gen. Bill Schuette to investigate charter school spending Jun 24, 2014 [pic]

• Governor Rick Snyder appointed a financial review team to examine the finances of Benton Harbor Area Schools-report due in 60 days. Jun 24, 2014 [pic]

• Detroit Pub Schl projections: 41 full-time positions will be eliminated, classroom sizes will increase to grades 4-12=38, 4-5=43, K-3=25. Jun 21, 2014 [pic]

• HB5451 passed will provide Higher Educ tuition assistance for Mich Nat’l Guard members. Summary of bill:  Jun 20, 2014 [pic]

• A great resource speaker for group meetings or PD-prof devel is 2013-14 Teacher of the Year Gary Abud. website:  Jun 20, 2014 [pic]

• A privilege of covering State Board is selection of teacher & ESP of the year. Walled Lake Schools’ teacher Melody Arabo was named 2014-15 Jun 20, 2014 [pic]

• MMC (HS Curriculum) include changes in Alg.II, Foreign Lang, Science, Phys Ed & personal curr. Summaries on website:  Jun 19, 2014 [pic]

• Great. Go to "" to see recent messages Jun 18, 2014 [pic]

• New tab added to website - “State Board of Education” includes link for agendas and minutes of the SBE:  Jun 18, 2014 [pic]

• RNC activist Dave Agema may run to replace Lt Gov Brian Calley at the Republican State Convention. Gov Snyder supports Calley to continue Jun 18, 2014 [pic]

• Analysis of final budget legislation (yet to be signed by the governor) is available on the website:  Jun 17, 2014 [pic]

• For the record/discussion - Michigan has 548 traditional public school districts, 296 charter schools, and 56 intermediate school districts Jun 17, 2014 [pic]

• In a recent poll a new survey of voters from June 5-8 put Gary Peters at 50 percent and Terri Land at 41 percent for the State Senate race. Jun 17, 2014 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education bills/legislation updated on website with word (.doc) files for distribution:  Jun 16, 2014 [pic]

• The head of the state's reform school district - EAA, Education Achievement Authority - announced his resignation today. Jun 16, 2014 [pic]

• The head of the state's reform school - EAA, Education Achievement Authority - announced his resignation today. Jun 16, 2014 [pic]

• News reports state that the chancellor of the Education Achievement Authority is considering resignation. Jun 14, 2014 [pic]

• Senate and House approved $1.8 million to revamp many of the state’s teacher certification tests - "this could take 11 years”(!!). Jun 13, 2014 [pic]

• EAA legislation did not pass in the Senate. Road funding did not pass in the Senate. Teacher/Administrator evaluation waits for next fall. Jun 13, 2014 [pic]

• EAA/Low-performing...attempts to move it in the Senate this afternoon in the last day of session before summer recess. Jun 12, 2014 [pic]

• The Gates Foundation now supports a 2 yr moratorium on tying Comm Core tests to teacher evaluations or student promotions. Jun 12, 2014 [pic]

• Road funding will be on the agenda today and possibly EAA/Low-performing school legislation. Jun 12, 2014 [pic]

• K-12 budget sent to Gov is a $50 foundation increase, An equity payment of up to $125 so some schools will get a $175 increase. Jun 12, 2014 [pic]

• The Senate passed the education omnibus budget, sending it to Governor Rick Snyder on a 21-17 vote. Jun 12, 2014 [pic]

• Budget conference committees recess - as budget deals progress Jun 11, 2014 [pic]

• Conf Comm update - the total min foundation allowance increases to $7,251 the maximum guaranteed level -- would move to $8,099. Jun 10, 2014 [pic]

• Budget update this morn includes an update MEAP in the 2014-2015 school year while issuing an RFP for new exam for 2015-2016 school year. Jun 10, 2014 [pic]

• This is the last week for the legislature before summer recess - agenda: roads, budgets. (...and monitoring EAA/Reform school bills) Jun 10, 2014 [pic]

• Conference committees also are set for next week on budgets for community colleges. Jun 07, 2014 [pic]

• Conference committees should have budgets next week before summer recess. Revenue appears below the Senate version(between $150-300/student) Jun 07, 2014 [pic]

• Low performing school (HB4369) and Evaluation (HB5223/4) legislation appears to have slowed and are facing the deadline of summer recess. Jun 05, 2014 [pic]

• Evaluation bills (HB5223/24) as passed by the House available on website - Link:  Jun 03, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher/Administrator evaluation bills (HB5223/24) are on the agenda of the Senate Education Committee tomorrow (6/4) for testimony only. Jun 03, 2014 [pic]

• Senate in (rare) session today to determine their final (before summer recess) agenda. Road funding is a priority. EAA may surface this week Jun 02, 2014 [pic]

• On the Senate's flurry of legislative activity, before summer recess, will be a final attempt to pass some form of school reform/EAA bill May 30, 2014 [pic]

• The MI Senate will reconvene on Monday rather than Tuesday to set their agenda for the final weeks of the leg session before summer recess May 30, 2014 [pic]

• Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation Tuesday to raise the minimum wage gradually in Michigan from $7.40 per hour to $9.25 an hour by 2018. May 29, 2014 [pic]

• Info regarding Career and Technical Education proposed mods in curriculum on website (SB 66) -  (Leg Issues Active) May 29, 2014 [pic]

• HJR GG by Rep McBroom (R) introduced today would change State School Board elections to 8 districts rather than state-wide (current process) May 29, 2014 [pic]

• No major educational legislation expected this week - earliest action date will be next Tuesday. May 28, 2014 [pic]

• Melody Arabo, a third grade teacher at Walled Lake’s Keith Elementary School was named 2014-15 MI Teacher of the Year May 27, 2014 [pic]

• A new bill (5596) would only allow a policy that suspends/expels a student if it provides discretion of school officials>>adds local control May 24, 2014 [pic]

• The Senate introduced bills that establishes an early warning system for schools falling into deficit-in danger of dissolution SB950 package May 23, 2014 [pic]

• This weekend legislators will be meeting privately to finish budget targets for the School Aid Fund, higher educ. and comm. college budgets May 23, 2014 [pic]

• Bills allowing more CTE flexibility in the Mi Merit Curr. (MMC) were moved from committee to the Senate yesterday. May 22, 2014 [pic]

• EAA/Reform school bills are not scheduled to continue this week in the Senate (HB 4369). May 22, 2014 [pic]

• HB5581 a bill to move educational testing from MDE (Dept of Ed) to the Dept of Treasury just passed without opposition from House Educ Comm. May 21, 2014 [pic]

• Inroduced -HB 5584 would eliminate the 4th Tuesday in February election date from state law - allowing 3 dates: May, August and November. May 21, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher/Administrator evaluation bills HB5223/4 (passed House 95-14) referred to Senate Education Committee. Hearing to be scheduled. May 21, 2014 [pic]

• This week-Legislative Issues to watch: EAA/School Reform (in Senate), Teacher/Admin Evaluation (in Senate), and continuing budget process. May 20, 2014 [pic]

• New tab (left side) on website - “Election 2014” [candidates and maps included]  May 18, 2014 [pic]

• All K-12 and Higher Education updated 5/17 on website. Includes .doc copy with links to legislative bill tracking -  May 17, 2014 [pic]

• Link to [website] a brief-good article that overviews Common Core and current testing debate:  May 16, 2014 [pic]

• For FY '15 budget, which lawmakers are configuring, General Fund revenue is down $220.5 million and SAF revenue is down $78.5 million May 15, 2014 [pic]

• Revenue Est. Conf=General Fund revenue projected $253.2 million lower than expected in FY '14 and School Aid Fund revenue down $63.7 million May 15, 2014 [pic]

• A state lawmaker wants responsibility for K-12 assessments stripped from MI Dept of Educ and transferred to the state Treasury Department May 15, 2014 [pic]

• Today is the Revenue Estimating Conference. Yesterday, the teacher/administrator evaluation bills (HB 5223/5224) passed the House. May 15, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher evaluations bills HB 5223 passed House 95-14. May 14, 2014 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm concluded with testimony on "concurrent enrollment bills."CommColl courses offered at high schools by teachers. No Action May 14, 2014 [pic]

• HouseEducComm just adjourned after hearing Dept of Educ testimony regarding difficulty in continuing State-developed tests. No action taken May 14, 2014 [pic]

• State Supt M Flanagan said he "didn't have high hopes"-state could create a new standards-aligned test for next year if the leg required it May 14, 2014 [pic]

• Revenue Estimating conference is this Thurs. House Fiscal Agnecy decreased its forecast of revenues by $422+M. May 14, 2014 [pic]

• Senate Educ Comm-tomorrow-Agenda: concurrent enrollment arrangements among school districts and institutions of higher education SB 745-747 May 13, 2014 [pic]

• Tomorrow House Educ Comm-discussion of Michigan Depart of Educ's recent request for 1yr extension of Michigan’s ESEA flexibility waiver May 13, 2014 [pic]

• Spokesperson for Senate Leader Randy Richardville (R-Monroe), said the EAA bill is not on the docket this week. May 13, 2014 [pic]

• House budget passed 97-12...It raises per-pupil funding by between $56 and $112. May 12, 2014 [pic]

• Senate approved its budget...boost spending $13.3 billion and increase per-pupil funding by between $150 and $300. May 12, 2014 [pic]

• -ballot drive for a part time legislature seeks 60 session days and cap leg salary at $35,000 effective in 2017. May 09, 2014 [pic]

• The House and Senate added language yesterday to their budget plans that would keep the MEAP for 2 more yrs. May 09, 2014 [pic]

• Evaluation bills HB 5223/4 NOT running today in House...will be on the agenda next week. May 08, 2014 [pic]

• EAA Educational Achievement Authority HB 4369 NOT running today in Senate...will likely be considered next week. May 08, 2014 [pic]

• New bill by Rep Townsend (D) HB 5550 school must honor parent request to put twin siblings in same or separate grade (unless behavior issue) May 08, 2014 [pic]

• New bill introduced - HB 5544 (D-LIpton) requires education (in social studies) regarding the Holocaust. May 07, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher/Admin Evaluation Bills (HB 5223/5224) moving in House - sent to 2nd Reading. Current version on website () May 07, 2014 [pic]

• All school elections results available at website (). May 07, 2014 [pic]

• @jpakcmu doubt if the amendment would get support in the House May 06, 2014 [pic]

• @jpakcmu some committee members were absent. But would probably have only delayed vote May 06, 2014 [pic]

• @jpakcmu May 06, 2014 [pic]

• Teacher/Administrator evaluation bills (HB 5223/5224) pass House Education Committee. Proceed to House. May 06, 2014 [pic]

• Pavlov (Chair, Senate Educ. Comm.) also said, [After continuing the MEAP] "…we need to be multi-tasking [to]…find the permanent solution…" May 03, 2014 [pic]

• Regarding assessments Sen. Pavlov said, "What we're saying is we have the MEAP. Let's extend the MEAP and rebuild it to meet the standards…" May 03, 2014 [pic]

• The teacher/administrator evaluation bill HB 5223/4 is expected to be passed from the education committee to the House next week. May 01, 2014 [pic]

• New Teacher evaluation bill analysis (HB 5223) available at:  May 01, 2014 [pic]

• Evaluation bills (HB 5223/4) do NOT move from House Educ Committee. H-4 sub adopted. Apr 30, 2014 [pic]

• A news article indicates that the Senate budget "may have narrowed down the state's student assessment options to one company: ACT." Apr 30, 2014 [pic]

• No EAA (Low-performing school legislation, commonly referred as EAA bills) movement in the Senate today. They will be on agenda tomorrow. Apr 29, 2014 [pic]

• Evaluation Legislation (HB5223/4) on the agenda for the House Committee on Education tomorrow. They may pass the bills to the House. Apr 29, 2014 [pic]

• A poll conducted for a conservative organization released today has Peter’s ahead of Land 46 to 41 and Snyder over Shauer 45 to 42. Apr 29, 2014 [pic]

• DrMichelson: Website updated -Politics in Education:  Apr 28, 2014 [pic]

• Website updated -Politics in Education: . All current K-12 & Higher Educ legislation with .doc files to print. Apr 28, 2014 [pic]

• New Bill - HB 5462 (D-Nathan) would give ISDs the power to elect a new school board for dissolved districts. Apr 26, 2014 [pic]

• …exception to the required number of days of pupil instruction for school closures in the 2012-13 school year is now Public Act 29’13 Apr 25, 2014 [pic]

• Next Wednesday the House Education Committee will return to the 'evaluation bills' - HB 5223/4. They may pass these bills - to the House Apr 25, 2014 [pic]

• Yesterday, Gov. Snyder endorsed maintaining the Algebra II requirement for all high school students at the Education Summit Apr 25, 2014 [pic]

• SB902 new bill - counselor cert. requires 45-hour course in “college selection process”or proficiency in standards for College admission Apr 25, 2014 [pic]

• Gov. Rick Snyder said Thursday the Education Achievement Authority is “moving forward” with or without legislation Apr 25, 2014 [pic]

• Gov. Rick Snyder said the Education Achievement Authority is “moving forward”with or without legislation Apr 25, 2014 [pic]

• Senate adjourned. No EAA today Apr 24, 2014 [pic]

• Sen. Rick JONES (R) plans to file a bill that will raise the $7.40 min wage to $8.15 but a lower wage for restaurant workers. Apr 24, 2014 [pic]


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