
2017-07-23-Chris Transcript.

Chris Summers PAG:

I have been in legal research on these matters for 18 years. Holes in the process can get you into trouble.

The paperwork is not completing what is prescribed by the United States Treasury (UST) for you to complete and certify that you are the one using these accounts.

The problem that Treasury has is that anyone can do this process to get into someone else's accounts. They have been blocked because of the Emergency Banking Act and other reasons. NESARA and GCR: reorganization of the securities because of the receivership utilizing these funds are no longer valid, so there is a releasing of these SS accounts and a directive you can set forth to get control over birth registration accounts to.

The flaws that I see is that in the past when I did the research with the Foreign Asset Custodian is that indeed they will authorize and license you to become the private banker on behalf of these accounts but you must first prove to them that you are one and the same and that you are with enough knowledge to be able to handle the liabilities of these accounts. THey are not there to grill you or to deny you, they just want to know who they are dealing with.

The paperwork is partly the same as what I took into the local Wells Fargo and I signed each one of them with the UST medallion stamp that was placed upon each of the papers and logged in the bank's records that these papers were authorized and sent to UST to acknowledge a paper trail in the hand of authorized parties that put their seal and signatures on these documents that show that these papers are good to go and that should have no red flags in any capacity as to you to get your private banker's license and accounts as per the paperwork that you are doing.

You cannot do this on other people without a Power Of Attorney (POA) over these issues. You have to announce to UST that you are acting as attorney on behalf of another's estate. This is because of an agreement for compensation to handle their affiars on behalf of them and you will be doing the paperwork for them from now on.

You will not use your identity for public use. This is not a public entity that you are arranging, but a private banker to handle business on behalf of your own estate. THe sites that I had reviewed with Fisher, the real truth call, IUV, that was the old OPPT, the parties that had put their paperwork together, I reviewed them and for my purposes I did not see that that is what I wanted to do, but I cannot make that decision for anyone else. I sent them for your review. If you have questions you can get the websites from group members and view these documents.

For my purposes I work from probate in the private. I do believe I am correct when I tell you that you are going out on a limb to do it the way these people on the websites are telling you. Stop and think: I am a private man, a living man, not a statute, not a code, I have to treat the parties according to what they are in every communication.

What they are doing basically in their paperwork is not addressing that you have secured an estate and that there is a progress of your status. What they do is they start from a commercial venue and going in to use the accounts without the acknowledgment and the authority with the UST that you are good to go.

If you fail to do all this other paperwork that I just got done saying you need to do, there is a chance that you will not be sucessful but also a chance that since UST does not have a clue who you are in using that SS account they could set you up and investigate and arrest you... you are absolutely exposing yourself to this possibility.

THe other scare that was put forward.... You are at risk by not doing some of the paperwork that I have already identified 5 years ago that you need to do in this process of informing them, to be able to use the SS account which is now unblocked because of what Pope Francis did. It is asset-backed right now, the proper way of doing it is how I am describing it to you.

I am unwilling to let Patrick's group or Thomas's group or other samaritans that are trying to make sense of these hidden factors--I would hate to see anybody end up in jail because they did not have 2 pieces of paper. Just remind yourself about the OID proces and how many went to prison for that; similar situation.

Anyway, Thomas: open it for questions or move into the forms that I had the bank medallion put onto before I sent it?

Thomas; People may not be aware about the ACH payments...

Chris: When appropriate, I will move to the forms and processes. Any questions?

Thomas; This is about paying your utility bills by putting in your routing and account number. Get the routing number for your local FRB and SS number as the acct number. Then recently they came up with a 515 number... It looks like very little of that ACH transactions are sticking right now. Some people are getting $5,000 frivolous filing fees out of this. Any questions to Chris?

Caller: Where can we get access to the forms you are referring to?

Chris: We will go over that in a few minutes after questions.

Thomas: Yahoo group files section has a new folder: Get control of your SSN Account, with 3 files. Files also posted in the skype group.

Caller: Are you posting another file onto there now?

Thomas: No, Chris posted the 2 documents and I posted a pdf of the Treasury form.

Caller: Slow down a little bit it would be helpful, I am trying to get as much information put down as possible for Tom to go over to finalize.

Chris: People say that I do talk fast, if I slow down I could decrease the effectiveness of my thinking!

Caller: And for people who are not familiar with this, they can digest the information.

Caller: I have a question; this is for Chris; The paperwork that you are outlining, do you personally feel comfortable that if you fill that out and get the approval you are referring to, would you feel comfortable utilizing this account pre-exchange for your RV?

Chris: Yes, I would not do it any other way. People familiar with my research would not do it these other ways. This call needs to go viral for the fact that it gives you clarification that there are mandated forms by the UST in order for you to have an account and doing any type of transaction, even if it is a private banker's license you need the authority to access the accounts.

They are very thorough with releasing any money; the whole idea about national security and releasing of funds, they have to have a paper trail and authorization. At the real truth call website, the Fisher document...

Caller: My question was do you personally feel confident enough in this paperwork at this moment to go ahead and utilize your SS account to PRE the exchange? Do you feel comfortable enough to do that pre-exchange.

Chris: No. I have everything that is counting on me, I cannot have any dirty blemishes associated with the university, I am not going to take the risk of a glitch for me or the university.

Caller: So we should get knowledgeable and get organized and wait until post-RV.

Chris: With regards to that, I would hate to have peoples' dreams get popped by jumping the gun to get into this and not have the proper paperwork and get nabbed and arrested at one of the exchanges. I did hear that rumor, if there is anything that looks like a dead rat to me I will avoid it like it is the plague. I see a systemic problem, you might be able to get these set up without a hitch, but a word of caution: do the proper paperwork and get authorized by the UST to do the same thing that they are promoting for you to do. You will have access to your accounts because these are in reorganization. Because of this a lot are not aware that you need to place a claim on these assets for your SS or the EE series bonds of the birth registration. Without you putting a claim in, they may leave you behind. I have read court cases and the internal cases, when they cannot find these people to return the money the are pocketing it and putting it into the treasury, that is not right.

Caller: All the rumors that you are speaking of are flying around like crazy, appreciate that you give us paperwork to get organized and then post-RV, post-exchange maybe it will all be even better.

Chris: I will share as much of my understanding as possible. Because you are asking to get authorized by UST on behalf of your estate, it may not be the same one that you get SS benefits, they may give you an asset-related special deposit account. You do not have to put this money that you get from the exchanges into a bank, you can put it into the Treasury.

Chris: I have a different process but yeah I think that when we get this country straightened out we will go asset-backed, it is best to invest into our country.

The beginning stages of the GCR is to give access to individuals to these accounts. The 209 countries participating in this system and being bailed out of the debt, the type of banking system they use is that these countries had to be hydrated (gold-backed)... huge pallets of gold coming in on huge ships every week is a good indication that that is what they are doing for the last 12-24 months, our country is completely gold-backed it just has not dissemminated down to our level yet, the next indicator is the releasing of the blocked accounts, now it is asset-backed and those exchanges are acting on behalf of the UST doing the dirty deed and paying off the debt. Let us pay our own debt.

Caller: When we do access these accounts let's say post-RV, will we be accessing gold-backed currency?

Chris: It is my belief that they are already asset-backed, this was the trigger mechanism to take them out of the receivership.

Caller: If they know that people are not going to be able to accomplish what we are talking about, wouldn't one be able to go with that private account and whether via probate or whatever process, go ahead and put in a requirement like an order for them to appoint a POA or someone or agent to do just what needs to be done, wouldn't that be a viable option for them?

Chris: Yeah, and right here would be a good time.... I am starting the People's University and associates are included, one of which is Gemstone University which painstakingly assists you in navigating your estate and your interests, they would assist and act as your POA on your behalf for these activities.

Caller: You could have a limited POA so that they are limited to that process, it is not carte blanche.

Chris: Yeah, everyone needs to be careful about it. I have almost 19 years in research and I know people are not matching the capacity that I have, I do my best for the layman, but I would figure there is 96% of the public that don't have that capacity and that is why I incorporated Gemstone University so they will be working hands-on and start educating by having the proper process instead of the last 18 years of stumbling and trial-and-error. These systems that Gemstone has perfected are good to go right now, there is no reason why any individual can't get in a provisional or limited manner get up and running.

Going back to a republic mandates that everyone gets educated with this stuff. It is not just a few people that learn how to navigate their estate, we have to teach everyone because no one knows this stuff. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there, I do not try to be a public entity because I have a lot of private clients, I have to stay in the private.

Caller: You mentioned that the currency is now gold-backed for the 209... I understand that all 209 have not came to that point yet... is there a 2-tier means of currency for us now? We have the Treasury reserve note which is the gold-backed and the FRN that only should be used domestically, and they are both notes so by them being notes we still need to be careful as to how we are using that in the private, and it has not been announced yet that the TRNs have been put into circulation although they are for government/international use now.

Chris: In order for them to authorize having asset-backed notes that are internationally traded right now.

We have enough information that all new notes are asset-backed, that was done over a year ago.

In less than a week if not tonight, they said that all forces said they want this thing done before the end of the month, next Saturday.

There will be some kind of communication as to get hooked up with your local authorized people and these are not going to be bank people, if you go to the UST website you will see that the only authorized people to deal with foreign exchange with UST is their agents with military. You will probably get an 800 number with instructions about the locations that you are supposed to go to.

Let me pull up the documents that I have done, I want to bring to the attention that you are the POA over the estate and you have the estate names exactly right. When you choose a name, that name will be permanently a name for the rest of your life. So when you have estate name or entity name or office of representative or office of POA, whatever name you have has to be inevitably put in your will, declaration of status and classification and with that is a cover sheet with your durable POA to show the parties/entities that are going to assign the POA and the name of that attorney so each and every one of your PWs has to be identical with your entities,

This is a BIG stumbling block for a lot of people.

First thing is write down who are the entities: the BC says John Ellen Doe; caps or no caps it makes no difference it is what is in the Vital Statistics, generally speaking it is the same on SS and DL, like with me it is uniform. It has to be recognized and acknowledged and verified behind the scenes with the UST so some of the supporting evidence in your paperwork would be a COPY of your birth registration so there is no doubt that you are one and the same, do not send an original, the same thing for your SS front and back to show that you are one and the same and the same for your DL. Those are the 3 IDs that they require and also down at the bank when they put the medallions on they have to have the same identification.

The first form from the UST: I filled out the 1455, one that Patrick was using, that one was actually included in this paperwork even though it was in the nature of the OMB, I still included that. This is the request by a fiduciary contributing US Securities.

This form is backing your POA which is another UST form that will be combined with this one acting in the financial fiduciary as to distribute the UST, which in this particular case deals with your series EE which happens to be your vital statistics registration of birth, not one and the same as your SS, that is a different beast.

The 1455: the Bureau of Fiscal Services, this would be a document for them, I have to retract that this is an OMB paper, it actually has an OMB number on it. OK, on this particular document where it actually says SS or employer's number, what I did is put my SSN and put and/or my private bank number for the estate, so that would be part B right down below the number 1 where it asks for SS or EIN. The reason for this is you are requiring the UST as to withdraw the stocks, bonds from the public and ask them to place that into a special private depository, that is the reason they have to have what you are launching from and what you are going to get to and that is what Patrick taught about getting the EIN for the private banker, you are going to be closing out the old SSN and transferring the wealth into the private banker's number.

Thomas: He did that as an individual banker, not a private banker; the IB was hired to be the CFO of his own private bank.

Chris: There has to be 100 different ways that any one of us can do, like will and declaration of status and classification, I have a wide berth when I review documents not to interfere with their processes.

If you look at line 2 on this form, it says securities: birth registration, ss account, DL, and other titles of nobility, enumerating the accounts without any CUSIPs. You want the private banker authority, not to spend time looking up CUSIPs. I am not trying to cut corners here, but instead of paying a securities broker to look this stuff up and get the CUSIPs, it takes up time and money. The full audit is coming, I do not spend too much time on this document, it allows them to see that you are one and the same as a private attorney, what they are looking for is the SS, BC, DL, titles of nobility.

Caller: If someone has their CUSIP numbers can we avoid that process? If so, what would we do?

Chris: Well in section 2 all you need to do is put birth registration and 3 lines over it says ID number that is where your CUSIP number is going in. Your registration number would be something from the front of your birth registration... you can play with this stuff but I fill out the least amount on this document, they have all these records over there and they can respond when I put in a subpoena in for the accounting since my brith.

FS 1455 is the name of the form.

Thomas: I just posted that form in skype.

Chris: The second document is the FS0385, this is a certificate of identity, OK? This is a one-sheet piece of paper, the rest of it is instructions. You can see at the bottom-left it is asking for the financial institution's seal or stamp which is the medallion stamp that gives you the authority with the UST to be recorded on SORN, a registration of your status, classification and who's who of what you are filling out right here all these documents get put on SORN, so that is FS0385 and each one of these documents will require you to have the medallion stamp put on them.

The next one is one that Tom and all of the other sites are supporting. I pulled up my own filled out form 5446 and I will just quickly give you the information that I filed with regards to the sections. On transactions requested I did the redemption of the EE which is the birth registration and this is all verified there is a manual that the UST puts out on birth registration and how they are associated with the accounts so I already checked it out. The owner's SS number is the document that allows you to get into both the birth registration and SS, and the transfer of the EE to a new account is like a merger, you are asking them to set up a merger account, Treasury Direct, to despoit these into a private account for your benefit. The next section I checked off too for transfer of a bond, and c1 and c2, and checked off other "merger of unsecured account into secured account". On number 3 I checked off legal representative of the estate and the estate name, I also checked off the attorney in fact and the person entitled to judicial proceedings you don't have to check that off. I checked off other and put probate there because they have to know that my foundational paperwork is my launchpad. You are starting halfway through the process, where I start is at the beginning where you are fully authorized with the courts standing in line to have access to these accounts. At the bottom: "Redeem all of my savings bonds...". The secured account is for the private banker EIN number, you are merging into the lesser. check off checking. I put the New York FRB banking routing number, bureau of fiscal services. Transfer of securities from one account to another: if they deem that your Treasury Direct for SS is a conflict of interest, they will open a new account for you and by checking all securities it gives them the chance to open up a separate one so they are not in conflict with each other. Just go through the whole form and check off the ones that apply, generally speaking the SS account, you can always go back and clean up any titles of nobility. Your first entry with them just be authorized as the fidciary and they will license you.

Chris: So that's it on that form. Questions?

Caller: I need to use the Treasury Bank routing number or account number? I have the Treasury Direct account so do I need to take my account off of there and replace it with another account number, is that what you are saying?

Chris: The folks doing the ACHs have given 2 different routing numbers, both of them worked, I am fully aware that there are other people using these routing numbers, chances are after you are authorized they will give you confirmation and further instructions of what routing number they prefer you using and this may include Treasury Direct to not be in conflict with that card you are using, they do not have to combine everything into one card.

Caller: If I go to my credit union and ask them on the 1455 form ask them for the medallion stamp, will they know what I am talking about? Is this something every bank or credit union knows and has?

Chris: Yes, part of what I was wanting to bring to this form years ago is what I had found under the Treasury medallion program the county clerk, etc. were set up to process your debt. The debt is sent to the treasury for full confirmation of the public debt.

Caller: Do we go to the county clerk or to the bank/CU? Who will help us fill it out correctly?

Chris: National banks will have a medallion agent, trained by the UST to be authorized to sign this stuff; I don't know about CUs, there should be one agency in every county in one of the banks and they are obligated with no cost. It might be a yellow highlight with a green box and they fill in red in the box, there is no mistaking what they are doing this is high security paperwork, exactly what the counties have been doing all these years by using your SS and on your taxes behind the scenes without you knowing about it, they call it administrative probating of these accounts behind the scenes. This is so secret but was supposed to be available to all of us to settle debts, they got wise and wanted to pocket as much as they could and made us a bunch of idiots but now there is full disclosure and there is no need to hide it under national security anymore. All of this is real and it is amazing how much had to be done to overthrow all of that. It is just amazing.

Caller: What percentage of attorneys know this?

Chris: Well quite a few, when they created the CEMS program in LA, it was a prototype which is all over the place now, every human and business has all of your records and assets and they can attach and put liens/levies on that without a court of law. I asked the auditor how dare you allow this in this state? You are going to destroy people's lives because of rogue attorneys going around and putting attachments on peoples' lives. It was a move in the wrong direction and it prompted me to get my life privatized and if they do start doing that crap to my accounts, which they have since I was born, you have to back out of it. I will get to the affidavit too but there is a process of paperwork that you have to do to seal these accounts and get out from underneath the unsecured debtor system that they have and once you do you become the creditor, that is what we have been looking for all these years.

Caller: Foreclosure and BK attorneys would know what you are saying and then turn around and put people through FC and BK just bc/ they can make a buck?

Chris: Oh yeah, that is the old american way. What we have located is that the wire transfer that comes out of your SS is put into the FR and they have a window where they discharge the funds coming out of your SS account as being the bank source. THe banks have a relationship with the county, the county is the ?? and the bank is the trustee, the wire transfer is escrow and the banks are creating an escrow account for 30 years and forcing you to make payments to the same money taken out of the SS account. And guess who the investors are? The county. This becomes a really bad situation bc/ the trustees in a trust... can foreclose because of missed payments to the investors. What the banks are servicing is they are maintaining and managing the escrow which is the principal amount of money withdrawn from your SS account and use that as a peg of collateral which both bank and county are hypothecating and using as a 3rd party investment out on the open market, it deserves interest and royalty. When they foreclose on you they take your house and set the trap for they next victim, ripping you off from funds taken out of your SS account. They also bond everything, everything in commerce is bonded individually, they have compound bonding all the way up to the investment, when they fail they collect on that, they cannot lose, it is RICO racketeering at its finest, you are the victim that is depositing trillions into their retirement.

Chris: Next document, transfer orders. Go to FS5179. This is your legacy Treasury direct security transfer request.

Caller: Is that on the skype? I have not seen 5179 yet.

Chris: It is a very simple form, you are putting your legacy account if you have one otherwise you are setting up the account name which will be the all-caps name and make sure you put estate on it, do not make the mistake of not putting estate on it, what you are doing is welding these into a new entity, you want to seal it, I am not sure if they are going to destroy the old SS number, it is not terminated until 15 years after your death certificate was issued. You can change the status by sealing it, making it prohibited by any furhter use by any 3rd party intervener, it has to have your signature with the full disclosure of all terms and conditions with a contract that is notarized by all parties. When you put your all-caps name with estate behind it you are well on your way to at least get the paperwork with the UST done before you do your will or your declaration of status and classfication.

With this one here, line 2 securities identification and amounts, I did not have the information I merely checked off the box transfer all securities. And here again internal transfer to another legacy internal account and you don't have that number you need a new number but check that box if that is what you want to do, you can do any or all of this, this is what I determined was the proper way for me.

The next box transfer to online treasury direct, I put that, the old SS account I put there so I could have immediate access to the funds. The account name would be all-upercase estate. At the very bottom of line 3 first name unsecured SS number, and the new estate number is the estate EIN. External transfer to financial institution. I would give the old routing number of the bureau of public debt or the NY FRB until the UST issues one of their own preference. At least they are familiar if I was to do an ACH I would use this information. I will not wait for them to issue cards.

And it has space for a treasury medallion stamp at the bottom.

The next document, and we are at the bottom of all the documents, then we will go over the affidavit.

This is from the licensing division, I had to find the POA document that I filled out but this one here is kind of important too, the application for release of blocked funds. I could give you the OMB number: 1505-017O.

In actuality this is the request for you to get licensed up at the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), they have the address where this form is to be sent which is the same as the other forms, put in the business name as the all-caps name, put your name first/last, street address...

I did put something in the detailed explanation, it was a summary of executable orders which I had at the bottom of my affidavit, in my case it was a testimony, in my case I had orders that I cut and pasted into this blank section on the very bottom and there is more space down below that.

You have to sign this in front of the officer but they don't have to do a medallion, they will assume that it is one and the same under the bank witness bc/ it is included with the other PW.

The last document seems to be elusive... This is the one to pay attention to the most, durable POA for savings bond transactions. The number is FS5188.

What you are going to do is put the principal heir the original birth name hereby apoints the upper/lower case name as attorney in fact. What you are doing is principal heir, use principal heir on behalf of the all-caps name bc/ congress has already decided that these accounts are considered civilly dead and they cannot act on their own, principal heir because you are first in line, indisputable in a court of law that you are not one and the same, unless the dead entity is a benefit to you...

Below that is who becomes the asignee of the POA. You have to watch the words, these are very important, so just understand that the upper and lower case name living entity is swearing into an office on behalf of these accounts, that is the thinking. The office of POA is just that, it is a public office that is recognized by all government entities, and when you are filling that, some of the PW you ought to be doing for probate is swearing into an oath that you will under the original organic laws on the land, anything you want to do, but it has to be on the land that you are swearing that you wil protect the estate at all costs within the parameters of the original organic laws of hte united states, that would be a separate piece of paper you would have to do to be combined with any other statutory authorized form you should always have a copy of your generic common law oath attached to it.

Authorities at the bottom I checked off A,B,and C. It gives you an ACH process on this form... "purchases by ACH or any other authorized payment"... "will not be liable for any loss made by your attorney in fact". That gives it to you right there. The second page: signatures. The grantor, "on behalf of" or "authorized personal representative", you do not have to put your name, I would put upper/lower name to match up to your signatures on your will and your probate foundational PW.

Each one has to be qualified as to be uniform to each one of your documents. Then you should put in your email, telephone number, your new EIN that you are authorized to function off of, that new one is replacing the old so it is going to this POA as to your authorization to receive the duties and obligatoins of the new private banker's EIN that all the other unsecured assets have been merged into.

Caller: That entity EIN, should it be foreign?

Chris: There may be some exceptions of using that like when I created the peoples university that is an international entity. It depends on what you are trying to do, if you are just trying to leave in peace then use a generic private banker number like what Patrick was teaching but in special situations that require you to get a 98-series a foreign trust to completely acknowledge you are not a domestic entity, it just depends on what you want to accomplish, not everyone's paperwork will be the same. Don't go filling in these blanks just because they are blank, some of the stuff does not apply to you on these forms.

Caller: You have given us a lot of information and I have been able to copy down and find each document and copy that PDF; however, there is no way any of us will be able to remember everything that you have told us in terms of lowercase here and uppercase there and all of that and you just got through saying not every form will be the same, so we have the agents with the medallion to help us or hire an attorney or go to your university or what?

Chris: I committed myself to come on the calls for a while to be able to answer questions. The section of the peoples university that I cater to are the 4% of the people that are already adept at legal research.

The PW in front of you, stop and think about the all-caps name and what applies to what, the people on Patrick's call should have a basic idea of the all-caps name and reasonably you could probably feel your way around. I am around all week long doing research, you could always private or skype message me to have a think tank, that is one way the other way is to listen to these recordings, this is precious information, I normally do not do these kinds of calls but I sacrificed my privacy to come and bring this information.

Caller: Thank you very much.

Chris: We are not quite done yet. THe people that actually brought forward the ACH stuff you should really look closely and if you try and do that process without this PW, I have a concern with that. Do the PW that is right, it may cause trouble down the road if you do not, show the Treasury that you have integrity and knowledge, then they will appreciate that you did it right.

I want to give you some clues as to how to do your testimony, you affidavit as to who you are why you are claiming these accounts.

Caller: You kind of went through the oath quickly talking about constitution, declaration of independence, could you clarify?

Chris: it really has a lot to do with what you believe, I have seen a lot of people's wills and status documents. The DoI has gone viral, for 200 years or more it has been a pristine document that shows that you have an unalienable right to throw off government, that is an offer of contract. Once you have signed under the DoI as a co-signer you have gone under that contract, it is almost identical to an international corproate sole where you stand completely soverign from all other countries and you have self-determination and self-ownership and self-government.

Caller: You are talking about contracting under something that is basically created by the people to say that this is what you are doing, so just say that this is what you are doing not contracting with people who came up with this unless you want the all-caps entity to be beholden to this but for the living man or woman why not have them just state what you paraphrsased and use that as something akin to the DoI or Constitution or what have you.

Chris: You can create whatever you want, you should prohibit a civil law system since they are enumerating you as a servant in their civil law system. You can use Bible, ecclesiastical law, Hague--international law.

To have standing in a state you need to be tied to it, so I go by way of labor dispute, I am a private attorney general, that is my tie to the Constitution.

Under conditions of expatriating yourself which you can most certainly do that. I am not a party to this.

I am lawfully authorized to act in any manner necessary for the health...

Caller: This is your testimony?

Chris: yes but I don't want to read the whole thing, just samples.

I do here and now give testimony claims on behalf of the civilly deceased by the very nature itself as a fictitious entity created by...


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