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Template for Stock Trak Assignment – PLEASE USE this template and PLEASE TYPE and STAPLE all pages together. Please make sure you provide us with a print out of all your trades with name and account number on top of page (see below). Thanks in advance!

Points – 100 points total – In each of your 8 explanations, please refer to the date and ticker symbols so the grader can easily follow along, thanks! Hit enter to make the room you need.

1. Going Long (stocks) and explanation = 10 points

2. Going Short (stocks) and explanation = 10 points

3. Buy Calls and explanation = 10 points

4. Buy Puts and explanation = 10 points

5. Long on Treasury futures and explanation = 10 points

6. Short on Treasury futures and explanation = 10 points

7. Bet on a currency and explanation = 10 points

8. Purchasing futures options and explanation = 10 points

The last part (last pages) of your assignment must provide A PRINT OUT OF ALL the trades that you made during the semester and for full credit, must satisfy the following two criteria:

9. 20 or more trades = 10 points

10. Trades in JAN, FEB, MARCH AND APRIL = 10 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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