
Oregon Department of EducationRequest for Applications ODE-1156-20Grow Your OwnDate:October 9, 2020Single Point of Contact:Holley OglesbyPhone:503-508-7170Email:Holley.oglesby@state.or.usQuestions & AnswersNumberQuestionAnswerPARTNERSHIPSA.14We (a university) are interested in partnering with a school district. The school district has an existing program, and we would like to contribute to the program as a new partner to create a more sustainable model. Could the school district then apply under the "existing program" track for the grant, identifying us as a partner?The pathway exists currently. This scenario represents an existing pathway. Center your decision around the pathway (is it currently in place?), not the partners.A.15We are a university. Would adding a new school district partner into a multi-district pathway for the existing MAT force this model to be a “new” partnership, or could this be counted as the expansion of an existing program. For example, we could clearly submit a proposal between the MAT and one school district as an existing pathway, since we already have MAT students from that school district enrolled in our program. If, however, we were to submit a proposal with not only that school district but also an ESD (a partner we haven’t yet accepted students from), would that force it into the “new” bucket?Please see answer #A.14.A.16Existing” vs “New” programming. We understand that there is funding available for both types of efforts, but it seems, well odd, that there aren’t some additional parameters or some kind of documentation of “existing” efforts.There is no official source or list of existing GYOs. We will rely on you to tell us whether your pathway exists currently or is new. Please also see answer #A.14.A.17Named Partners. I think there’s still some confusion around this across the state. Our college may be a PRESUMPTIVE partner in a few applications, and the ideal would be to submit a collaborative application that will include as many of those entities as possible. Still, we wouldn’t want to be inadvertently disqualified by our name appearing on applications we didn’t specifically support/authorize/originate. If/as this program goes into a second year of funding (21.22 cycle), there may be some considerations established to what constitutes an officially recognized partnershipThere is no official list of GYOs. We will not be reading your application and checking it against a list to see if it is an existing program. We are modifying the application to require applicants to certify they have permission to include all named partners.Every eligible entity has 2 available application “slots.” Leading an application fills a slot. Being named as a partner fills a slot. Below is an example of how multiple applications affect each other:SCENARIO:ESD1 submits an application (as the lead entity) that includes SD1, SD2, SD3, and UNIVERSITY1 as partners. ESD1, SD1, SD2, SD3, and UNIVERSITY1 have each used 1 of their 2 slots.SD1 submits an application (as the lead entity) that includes SD4, ESD1, and UNIVERSITY2 as partners. SD1 and ESD1 have now used both of their slots and cannot be named (as lead or partner) in any other application. SD4 and UNIVERSITY2 have each used 1 of their 2 slots.NON-PROFIT1 submits an application (as the lead entity) that includes SD1, SD2, and UNIVERSITY1 as partners. SD1 has already used its 2 slots. This application may be rejected.It is very important you have permission from every partner you intend to name in your application. It is equally important to ensure you are not named in more than 2 applications.ALLOWABLE EXPENSESC.10Can we set aside funds for scholarship for summer and fall 2021 if we distribute the funds to college foundations for our 3 college partners in order to meet the June 30, 2021 deadline?If so, previously we also set up scholarship funds through the Jefferson County Education Foundation with funds from the Minority Pipeline. So is this an eligible expense?All money needs to be spent by 6/30 (even if given to others), so funding future year scholarships won’t work for this grant.C.11Can the funds be used to pay a current teacher’s salary that the district would like to move into a new position to manage our high school teacher cadet program, CTE and dual credit programs for high school students?It sounds like your plan would be to include funding for a new position. If this position is part of a partnership and creates a pathway or supports an existing pathway, this is eligible.C.12Can a district use this grant for ESOL endorsement?Yes, as long as your application includes a partnership and addresses at least one of the state’s equity initiatives. Please also see answer #C.11.GENERAL INFORMATIOND.6Can you please give us a list of the 53 existing GYOs?There is no official list of GYOs.D.7Can you provide a list of ESDs? grant targets minority populations. I assume that does not include the white population living below poverty level correct?The overarching purpose of this program is to diversify the teacher workforce. All proposed projects should keep this in the forefront.D.9Is there a recording of the pre-application conference? you share the slide decks from the pre-application conferences?Yes, slides will be provided.D.11Outcomes. We certainly appreciate operational flexibility, but this is an area where some additional specific guidance would be valuable. What types of metrics will be expected if, due to the abbreviated timeline for implementation will be acceptable? We are thinking about the following activity: Developing Appropriate Outreach Materials identifying educator/ teacher certification track courses & associated costsEstablishing formal structured/ collaborative “Mentorship” programming for potential instructorsConducting “point in time” survey/ assessment of local educators and corresponding teacher/ student demographic ratios to try and assess differences between the approximate “start” of the grant period and nearer its end.All of these suggestions are allowable. Be sure they tie into the state’s equity initiatives.ELIGIBILITYE.6We are trying to determine whether our small nonprofit private school would be eligible to apply for a teacher pathway program grant.Yes, as long as there is a partnership and the application addresses at least one of the state’s equity initiatives.E.7Does a school district or ESD need to be part of the application process, or can a non-profit or higher ed institution submit an application individually?There must be a partnership. Partnerships can be made up of any combination of Oregon entities working on or toward teacher pathways with an explicit focus on retaining teachers from diverse populations. ................

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