
(absentee) ballot – hlasovací lístek (v nepřítomnosti)

(campaign) promises – (předvol.) sliby

(cast the) vote (for) – (vhodit) hlas; hlasovat (pro)

(presidential) debate – (presidentská) debata

Amendment (to the Constitution) – dodatek (k ústavě)

ballot box – volební urna

campaign – (předvolební) kampaň

candidate – kandidát

caucus – stranický výbor

choose/select/pick out – vybrat

Commander-In-Chief – vrchní velitel (President's role as being the leader of the military)

congress – kongres, sjezd

conservative – have a belief or political leaning that favors individuals and businesses—not the government— to find solutions for society’s problems

constitution – ústava

convention – mítink, sjezd strany (Republican C./Democratic C.)

count – součet (hlasů)

delegate – zástupce, zmocněnec, delegát

democracy – demokracie

Democrat X Republican

elect – zvolit

election – volby

elector – volitel

electoral college – sbor volitelů

electorate – voliči

executive branch – výkonná složka

exit poll – povolební průzkum veř. mínění (i.e. after voters exit the polls)

front runner – hlavní kandidát

general election – všeobecné hlasování, volby

gerrymander – to redraw electoral district boundaries for political advantage.

inauguration – inaugurace (uvedení do úřadu)

incumbent – úřadující, držitel úřadu

independent – nezávislý

issues – problémy (e.g. topics focused on during the campaign)

legislative branch – zákonodárná složka

liberal – political leaning that favors the government's role in solving society’s problems and a belief that the government should take action for creating solutions.

lobbyist – lobista

lose – prohrát, ztratit

loser – ten, kdo prohrál

majority – většina

mayor – starosta

midterm elections – volby uprostřed volebního období současného prezidenta

minority – menšina

negative ad – negativní reklama (kampaň)

nominee – the candidate a political party chooses or nominates, to run in the national election

officials – úředníci

partisanship – stranickost

party – polit. strana

plurality – pluralita

political – politický

politician – politik

politics – politika

poll – hlasování, volby; předvolební průzkum

popular vote – všelidové hlasování (US presidential election: popular vote X electoral vote)

precinct – okres, okrsek (volební)

primary (elections) – primárky (el. where voters can indicate their preference for their party's candidate)

protest vote – protestní hlas

recount – přepočet

referendum – a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision

represent – reprezentovat

run – účastnit se předvolební kampaně

running mate – a candidate who is running for office with another candidate on the same ticket. (Example: president and vice president)

runoff – a further competition, election, race, etc., after a tie or inconclusive result.


speech – projev, proslov, řeč

stance – postoj, pozice

straw vote – an ad hoc or unofficial vote. It is used to show the popular opinion on a certain matter,

suffrage – volební právo

super Tuesday – the US presidential primary election day in February or March

swing states – any state that could reasonably be won by either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidate by a swing in votes

term – volební období

third party – political parties other than the Republican and Democratic parties in US elections

town (hall) meeting – schůze obecní rady

voter – volič

voting booth – hlasovací kabina

voting machine – hlasovací přístroj

win – vyhrát

winner – vítěz


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