

Virginia Military Institute }

October 15th, 2002 }

The following revised Regulations, having been prepared by the Board of Visitors under the authority vested in them, shall be in force from and after the 11th day of November next.

By command of the Board of Visitors,


Superintendent, V.M.I. Cadet Reenactment Battalion

Captain & Tactical Officer, Company A





Paul H. Whitmore ‘94, Superintendent Colorado Springs, CO

Joseph W. Doyle ‘95, President Roanoke, VA

Charles A. Leggett ’93, Vice-President Fort Hood, TX

Gary S. Gulliksen ’94, Member Charlottesville, VA

President, VMI CWRT, Member Lexington, VA

Member Vacant



Col. Charles Leggett Commandant

Capt Paul Whitmore Tactical Officer, A. Co. & Instructor of Tactics

Capt Joseph Doyle Tactical Officer, B. Co. &

Instructor of Tactics

Cadet Sgt Maj Gary Gulliksen Adjutant






|1st Year |4th |Cadet Battalion Regulations |VMI, CSA, Whitmore |

| |CLASS|Spec. Issue: Battle of New Market |Blue and Gray Magazine |

| | |The Battle of New Market |Davis |

| | |Infantry Tactics |Hardee |

| | |Gilham’s Manual of Arms |Gilham |

|2d. Year |3d |Cadet Battalion Regulations |VMI, CSA Whitmore |

| |CLASS|Infantry Tactics |Hardee |

| | |Gilham’s Manual of Arms |Gilham |

| | |History of the Va Military Institute |Smith |

| | |The Young Lions |Conrad |

|3d. Year |2d |Cadet Battalion Regulations |VMI, CSA, Whitmore |

| |CLASS|Infantry Tactics |Hardee |

| | |Gilham’s Manual of Arms |Gilham |

| | |Military History of the V.M.I. |Wise |

| | |The New Market Campaign |Turner |

|4th Year |1st |Cadet Battalion Regulations |VMI, CSA, Whitmore |

| |CLASS|Infantry Tactics |Hardee |

| | |Gilham’s Manual of Arms |Gilham |

| | |Seed Corn of the Confederacy |Gindlesperger |

| | |Crowd of Honorable Youths |VMI: Davis, Ed |

All new Cadets are initially assigned to the 4th Class. However, previous preparation may allow one to be assigned no higher than the third class. The cadets are daily practiced in military exercises. Cadets are reminded to supplement their knowledge of VMI and the War Between the States through other reading.





1. The Military Reenactment Organization established in the county of Rockbridge, near the town of Lexington, shall be continued under the name of “The Virginia Military Institute Cadet Reenactment Battalion,” and for the support of the said school, the sum of ten dollars ($10) shall be annually collected from the cadets designated as “Pay Cadets.”

2. There shall be a Board of Visitors for the Battalion composed of six persons, two of whom shall be non-alumni. One of the latter shall be a current Cadet of the VA Military Institute.

3. The Board shall meet at a time determined by the several members. A meeting shall be held, annually, at such time as may have been designated for their annual meeting in their last resolution on the subject. A meeting may also be called at any time by the Superintendent, the Commandant, or the President of the Board when deemed advisable. And the Board may adjourn from time to time. Meetings may be conducted via telephone, via chat room, or other means determined by the Board.

4. Any vacancy in the Board of Visitors shall be communicated to the Board as a whole, who shall forthwith fill the vacancy;

5. Such reasonable expenses as the Board may incur in the discharge of their duties, shall be allowed by the Superintendent, and paid by warrant on the treasury. Receipts shall be maintained.

6. The Board may make additional by-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this Regulation, for their own

government and the management of the affairs of the Battalion, and may, for the purpose of transacting such business as in its opinion can be properly transacted, by a less number than the majority, authorize not less than three members to constitute a quorum, one of which must be the Superintendent or President.

7. The Board shall, annually, appoint a Treasurer, for the performance of the duties of his office; said Treasurer shall sign a notarized agreement accepting full responsibility for the public funds and absolving the Battalion as a whole from the same.

8. The Treasurer shall, annually, on or before the first day of December make a detailed report of his accounts to the Board to be by them reported to the membership at large. The Board of Visitors shall cause a careful examination of the accounts to be conducted.

9. The Board of Visitors shall appoint Professors to give instruction in Military Tactics, and in such other branches of knowledge as they may deem proper and may remove them for good cause; but no order for the removal of a Professor shall be made without the concurrence therein of a majority of the whole number of the Visitors; and the Board shall forthwith communicate to the membership a full statement of the reasons on which the removal was made.

10. They shall prescribe the terms upon which Cadets may be admitted, their number, the course of their instruction, the nature of their service, and the duration thereof. All so admitted shall make full compensation except as are provided for in the following section.

10. They shall admit State Cadets, free of charge, upon evidence of fair moral character. The position of State Cadet is an honorary one, limiting the rights and privileges of said Cadet in the Battalion.

11. The Board may enter into an arrangement with other units, either individually or collectively, by which the Cadets of the Military Battalion, and the members of the other organization(s), may respectively be admitted to the advantages of instruction provided by the other.

12. The cadets shall be a military corps under the command of the Superintendent, and constitute the Guard of the Institution. Field Command shall be at the command of the Commandant or the first officer in the chain able to command according to the number of cadets at the event.

13. The Superintendent shall, annually, by the first day of October, make a return to the Adjutant General, showing the names, and the number of the officers and Cadets at the Institute, distinguishing those between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, and showing also the public arms, ordnance, equipments, and accoutrements at the Arsenal, and under the charge of the same corps.

14. The Board of Visitors, and Faculty of the Institute, may confer the degree of graduate upon any Cadet found qualified to receive it, after examination upon all the branches of Military Tactics, VMI Knowledge, and History of the War Between the States.

15. Every Cadet who has been, or hereafter shall be, received as a State Cadet, and shall have remained in the Institution during the period of two years or more, may act in the capacity of Assistant Professor of Tactics, for a period specified by the Board, or until excused by the Board of Visitors.

16. The Board of Visitors shall, annually, inspect the arms and other property of the Battalion, and make a report of their condition Superintendent, to be by him laid before the General Membership. All non-standard equipment shall be disallowed.

17. Commissions shall be issued to the Superintendent, Commandant, and Tactical Officer at the Institute, corresponding with those of Major General, Lt Colonel, and Captain of the Confederate States Army.

18. There shall be enlisted in the public guard a Sergeant to serve as Ordnance and Quartermaster Sergeant at the Institute; he shall be borne on the roll of the guard, paid as other soldiers of the guard are paid, and when in service at the Institute, be under the control of the officers thereof.

19. The Superintendent or Board may enlist musicians for service.

20. The first four members of the Board of Visitors shall be permanent appointees; the President of the Civil War Round Table at the Institute shall be appointed yearly. He shall retain membership on the Board as long as he holds the position.

21. The President, Commandant, and Tactical Officers for Companies A and B, shall be permanent positions for those currently appointed, unless resigned.

22. If a vacancy occurs in the positions listed in 20 and 21, VMI Alumni and Cadets shall be considered first.











1. A permanent Superintendent will have the immediate government of the Institution, and be held responsible for its correct management. He will direct the duties and field exercises; and all Instructors, Cadets, and other attached personnel shall be under his command. He will render all estimates and communications to the Board of Visitors, and will report to the membership annually, the number of officers, cadets, and other persons on duty with the Battalion, with a full return of the number, and condition of the public property.

2. The Superintendent will be required to give to the Board of Visitors three month’s previous notice before resignation, and other instructors, Board members, and officers one month.

3. The Professors and teachers shall receive every mark of respect, to which their rank and office may entitle them, respectively; but no Officer, Board Member, or Instructor, shall receive any fee, present, or reward from any Cadet of the Institution.

4. The Professors shall rank according to date of military appointment in such military grade in all details for military duty.

5. All the members will be styled Cadets. The Superintendent is authorized to detail as many cadets to act as Assistant Instructors or Cadet Officers as may be required, and the appointment shall be considered an honorable distinction.

6. During the yearly examination of the Class or Section, Cadets will be examined on the basics of Infantry Tactics and general knowledge of the VMI and the War Between the States.

7. An Academic Board, comprised of Alumni, shall be in charge of all examinations, whether in the field or in the normal manner.

8. It shall be the duty of the Academic Board to designate the Class books to be used in each department of instruction, to recommend for the purchase all such books, maps, models, and apparatus as may be required for purposes of instruction; to examine cadets and decide on their merits, and recommend to the Board of Visitors such as are qualified to receive diplomas.

9. It shall be the duty of each member of the Academic Board to keep note of the Examination of each Cadet, and vote upon the merits of every Cadet, when the Class standing is assigned.

10. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to lay before the Board of Visitors a table showing the Class standings, indicating in such table the names of those cadets deemed by their professors of doubtful proficiency. Any of those Cadets passing an unsatisfactory examination shall be pronounced deficient.

11. No member of the 1st Class pronounced deficient by the Academic Board or Board of Visitors shall receive a diploma.

12. A Treasurer shall annually be appointed by the Board of Visitors, who shall give oath and security for the faithful performance of his duty. All funds belonging to the Institute, and all deposits made on account of the Cadets, shall be deposited in the an appropriate financial institution to the credit of the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion, all deposits and withdrawals to be deposited with the Superintendent. The Treasurer shall keep accounts and all debts and credits to these accounts shall be made upon the order of the Superintendent. No money shall be drawn from the funds of the Institute or from the deposits of the Cadets but on order of the Superintendent or President of the Board of Visitors, and by a check drawn by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Superintendent or President of the Board of Visitors. The Treasurer’s account shall be subject to the revisal and approval of the Superintendent. He shall make a monthly balance sheet showing the condition of the Treasury for the use of the Superintendent. He shall return to the Superintendent, monthly, all receipts for payments made on account of Cadets. He shall make annually a detailed report, to be laid before the Superintendent setting forth all payments and receipts on account of the Battalion, separating in distinct sections, those belonging to the Battalion, the Quartermaster, Commissary, &c., with the necessary vouchers, and make such a consolidated exhibit as shall show the actual condition of the public funds.

13. The Quartermaster, who shall be appointed annually by the Board shall have in charge the collective supplies furnished to the Cadets and shall issue them upon orders given by the Superintendent or the Board of Visitors. He shall keep correct accounts of all supplies which he may receive and of all articles furnished to the cadets, separating in both accounts, the several species of articles. He shall keep an account against the Treasurer, in which he shall charge that officer with all the articles delivered to the Cadets at their proper prices and shall enter therein all proper credits to the Treasurer which may arise in the department. He shall annually prepare a detailed report of his transactions for the preceding year, together with an inventory of the property remaining in his hands and its cost, to be laid before the Board of Visitors by the Superintendent.

14. A Commissary shall be annually appointed by the Board of Visitors, whose duty it shall be to see that the provisions he obtains or is furnished are properly cooked and served up. He shall make requisitions for the necessary supplies for the Mess and be held accountable for them. He shall be responsible for the public property belonging to the Mess, see that the Cadets attached thereto discharge their duties and keep the Mess and its property at all times in a thorough state of police. He shall report all violations of Mess regulations coming under his observations and control to the Commandant of Cadets.

15. The Superintendent shall keep a register, in which shall be recorded the name of every Cadet, as soon as he shall enter the Institute, with his age and height, and City, County, and State from which he may come; a transcript of which so far as may relate to the Cadets, shall be transmitted to the General Membership.

16. A Surgeon shall be appointed for the Battalion by the Board of Visitors. He shall hold his office for one year; he shall be subject to removal for cause at any time by the Board; and in this case, the Board so removing, shall appoint another for the residue of his term; he shall promptly and faithfully attend in person upon the Cadets, at any event, whenever called upon professionally for that purpose by any of the officers of the Battalion; shall, at the requisition of the Commanding Officer, make careful examination into, and report in writing upon the health of any Cadet, who, complaining of sickness, may ask on that account to be relieved from any of his duties; and he shall generally do whatsoever is proper to be done by him as health officer of the Battalion. The Surgeon shall have the commission of a Major of the Confederate Medical Service, but shall exercise no field or command authority over the Cadets or the lower-ranking commissioned staff of the Battalion.



17. All applicants for admission into the Virginia Military Institute, as Cadets, shall be addressed to the Superintendent, accompanied by notarized applications. Persons must be of fair moral character. Candidates selected by the Board will be required to repair to Lexington or other designated location forthwith and report themselves to the Board or Staff.

18. Admissions will be allowed at any time especially to fill vacancies occasioned by death, resignation, or dismissal, or when the candidate may have been prevented by sickness or other unavoidable cause from reporting himself at the time mentioned in the previous regulation.

19. Each candidate before he is admitted into the Institute, as a Cadet, or Student, must be able to read and write well, and to perform with facility and accuracy the various operations of Military Tactics.

20. Candidates for admission will be examined by the assigned to the 4th Class, unless circumstances are evident to warrant assignment to the 3d Class.

21. No Pay Cadet shall be admitted who is less than sixteen years of age, or deformed, or afflicted with any disease or infirmity which would render him unfit for military service. All those who are under the age of sixteen-the minimum age for bearing rifles at most reenactments-shall be assigned to a special class of Cadet known as Advisory Cadets.

22. Cadets who are under age sixteen as described in paragraph 21 of this regulation, but who will be of the age of sixteen prior to the next event attended by the Battalion, shall be promoted to the category of Pay Cadet, and shall have all rights and privileges of the Pay Cadet.

23. The term of service of the State Cadets shall be permanent, unless evidence is presented of the State Cadet failing to achieve or maintain the standards to which an honorary membership is assigned.

24. No Cadet shall be admitted who has been dismissed from the following: The Virginia Military Institute, The South Carolina Military Academy, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Norwich University, Texas A&M, or any of the US Military Colleges. Furthermore, no Cadet shall be admitted who has been discharged from active military service with a less than honorable discharge. No person convicted of a felony will be accepted.

25. No person dismissed or convicted of a drug charge, weapons violation, crime of violence, or honor violation (cheating, stealing, lying, or toleration) shall be admitted.

26. Each Cadet when he joins the Battalion shall to the following matriculation promise:--“I hereby engage to serve as a Cadet in the Virginia Military Institute for the term for which I have entered, and I promise on honor, while I constitute a member thereof, to obey all legal orders of the constituted authorities of the Institute and to discharge all my duties with regularity and fidelity.”

27. Whenever vacancies shall occur in the Corps of Cadets, whether by resignation or otherwise appointments shall be made from the populace at large.

28. In the admission of Cadets other than State Cadets, the total number of Pay Cadets admitted shall be no higher than 100 in total, staff is excepted.

29. If, after the appointment of a State Cadet, he elects to serve as a Pay Cadet, he shall be immediately transferred to this Class of Cadets.

30. No Cadet discharged from the Institute shall be reappointed or restored under any circumstances, unless application is made to the Board of Visitors to reconsider his case, and it can be clearly shown that his case was misunderstood.

31. No Student under sentence of suspension, dismission, or expulsion from the Institution shall be received as a Cadet or Student of the Institute; unless in such cases as may seem to the Board of Visitors to form proper exceptions to this rule.

32. When an applicant shall be selected for admission, his selection shall be immediately communicated to him by the President of the Board of Visitors, together with such of the regulations as relate to admissions.

33. Cadets, other than State Cadets, shall defray their own expenses, and in addition shall pay annually in advance for instruction in the Institute the sum of $10.

34. Each Cadet will be required to deposit annually in advance with the Treasurer, a sum sufficient to cover his expenses for 12 months; and upon the failure of any Cadet to make the deposits above mentioned, for the space of six weeks after the time required, such Cadet shall be required to withdraw, at the discretion of the Superintendent. Such payment shall be made by the 15th of February, annually.

35. The Superintendent shall make all contracts on behalf of the Board of Visitors and for the Cadets, for supplying the Cadets certain necessary articles.

36. All moneys for the use of the Cadets must be remitted directly to the Superintendent.

37. For all purposes, every Cadet leaving the Battalion shall forfeit his money, unless special circumstances exist, to which application must be made to the Superintendent or the Board.

38. Upon dissolution of the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion, all funds remaining in the treasury shall be donated 75% to the New Market Battlefield State Historical Park and 25% to the Civil War Preservation Trust for preservation, research, education, and upkeep. Equipment shall be retained by members of the Board or donated to the VMI CWRT.



39. Each cadet shall keep himself supplied at all times with the following. This list is not exhaustive. Cadets must check the website for further and more complete information.

|Uniform Item |Description |Supplier |

|Richmond Depot III |5-7 button front |Confederate Tailor |

| |untrimmed |County Cloth |

| | |Quartermaster Shop |

|Richmond Depot Trousers |Unlined, untrimmed |Confederate Tailor |

| |Match the Jacket |County Cloth |

| | |Quartermaster Shop |

|Forage Cap or Kepi |Union Blue or Solid Color |Quartermaster Shop |

| |Confederate |Dirty Billy’s |

|Cartridge Box |1855 .58 Cal Box |CD Jarnagin |

|Jacket Buttons |Recast VMI buttons |Owned By VMI CRB |

|Cartridge Box Plate |Oval VMI Box Plate |Hanover Brass |

|Belt and Buckle |2 piece round VA |Hanover Brass |

| | |CD Jarnagin |

|Cap Box |Standard |CD Jarnagin |

|Canteen |Wood or Bullseye |CD Jarnagin |

| | |Ft Branch Supply |

|Haversack |Union Tarred or Confederate |Haversack Depot |

| |Cloth |Trans-Mississippi |

| | |CD Jarnagin |

|Shirt |Civilian/Military |CD Jarnagin |

| | |Fall Creek Suttlery |

|Socks |Medium Gray Wool |At discretion |

|Shoes |US Jefferson or CS pattern |CD Jarnagin |

| |Brogans |Robert Land |

| | |Missouri Boot/Shoe |

|Weapon/Bayonet |3-band .58 Enfield |Company QM |

| |3-bd .58 Springfield |Lodgewood |

| |3-bd Austrian Lorenz |Reg’t Quartermaster |

|Scabbard |To Match Bayonet | |

|Bedroll |Wool blanket |Fall Creek Suttlery |

|Bedroll 2 |Gum Blanket/Poncho |CD Jarnagin |

|Underwear | |At discretion |

|Shelter Half |2 for pup tent |Haversack Depot |

| | |Trans-Mississippi |

| | |CD Jarnagin |

|Tinware |No Blue Enamelware |CD Jarnagin |

|Knapsack | |CD Jarnagin |

|Eyeglasses |If needed |Reenact. Eyewear |

|Cartridge Box Sling |Unauthorized | |

|Rank Chevrons |Unauthorized | |

|Breast Plate |Unauthorized | |

|Hat Brass |Unauthorized | |

|Sidearms |Unauthorized | |

40. One fatigue jacket of unbleached Russian drilling, with a stand collar, one flat gilt button on each side of the collar, half and inch in diameter, and eight similar buttons down the front.

41. The dress of the Superintendent, Commandant, and Instructors, which shall always be worn when on duty, will conform to that of the Infantry of the Confederate States’ Army, except the button, which shall be the same as that prescribed for the Militia of the State.

42. All articles of uniform, clothing, and equipments, shall be made in strict conformity to patterns and of materials approved by the Superintendent or Board, unless purchases are made from suppliers of HIGHER quality than those listed.

43. No other dress than that which is prescribed, shall be worn by the Cadets or kept in their possession.

44. Each Cadet may unite with others in purchasing for their common use, necessary furniture.



45. No Cadet shall contract any debt on behalf of the Battalion without permission of the Superintendent. Any such contract shall be null and void on the part of the Battalion and the sole responsibility of the contracting party.

46. No Cadet shall obtain from the Superintendent an order for goods or money, unless there be, in the hands of the Treasurer, an amount equal to the amount of such order.

57. The Treasurer shall keep an account open in which money shall have been deposited in his hands, in which he shall be credited, with the sum so deposited and charged with the sums paid to his creditors and for such disbursements proper receipts shall be taken by the Treasurer and kept on file with the Superintendent.

58. Any Cadet will be permitted to inspect the accounts and the public records on application for that purpose.



59. The studies which shall be pursued and the instruction which shall be given at the Military Institute, are comprised under the following heads;

1st. Infantry Tactics and Military Police

2d. Artillery Tactics, the science of Gunnery

3d. VMI and Civil War History


60. This course will conform to the system of Infantry Tactics and Military Police established for the government of the Army, and will embrace the schools of the soldier, company, and battalion, the evolutions of the line, the manual exercises, and maneuvers, of Light Infantry and Riflemen together with the police of camp and garrison.


61. Nomenclature, and description of the different kinds and parts of artillery; exercise of the field piece, of mortar, &c; maneuvers of field battery.

Gunnery—Theory of Gunnery, target practice, with various artillery arms.

Pyrotechny—Manufacture of implements of war


62. VMI History, a study of the Institute from 1839-1865

Civil War History, a study of the causes and outcomes of the War Between the States, from 1860-1865 and the effect of Reconstruction on Virginia and the VMI.



63. The Cadets shall be arranged in four distinct classes. The Cadets employed in the first year’s course, will constitute the Fourth class; those in the second year’s course, the Third Class; those in the third year’s course, the Second Class, and those in the fourth year’s course, the First Class.

64. The Class shall be considered as taking their Commencement following the annual event at New Market, VA, and at no other time shall a Cadet be advanced or transferred from one class to another, unless prevented by sickness or authorized absence from attending the annual graduation, in which case a special examination shall be granted him; but in no case shall a Cadet be passed from one Class to another without a previous examination by the Academic Board.



65. An annual examination of all the classes, preparatory to their advancement, will occur at which time the Cadets will be examined by the Academic Board, in the presence of the Board of Visitors.

66. Any Cadet found deficient at the annual examination in the studies of his Class, shall not be advanced to the next higher Class; and if, in the opinion of the Faculty, his deficiency is to be attributed to utter incapacity, or habitual want of application, or his conduct be grossly or generally immoral or improper, his case shall be reported to the Board of Visitors, to the end he may be discharged.

67. Immediately after each examination, the Superintendent shall report to the Board of Visitors, who will hold a special meeting for the purpose of receiving and acting on such report, the names of all such Cadets as shall have shown utter incapacity, or whose conduct has been grossly, or generally improper or immoral, and whom he may deem it advisable to discharge.

68. The Board of Visitors in conjunction with the Superintendent will, annually, immediately after the General examination, select for special report the names of such Cadets as have most distinguished themselves in the examination, not exceeding two in each class, and will specify the studies in which they particularly excel; and the standing both for conduct and scholarship of each Cadet shall also be at the same time communicated to them.

69. Whenever a Cadet shall be found deficient in any one of his studies for two successive years, he shall stand ipso facto dismissed.

70. After the annual examination, a diploma signed by the Visitors and Faculty of the Institute, shall be granted to each qualified Cadet desiring it, who shall be found to have deserved it, as well by his moral deportment as his proficiency in his studies.



71. At every January examination, the Academic Board will form rolls, in which the names of Cadets shall be arranged in their respective classes, in the order of their merit or proficiency in each branch of instruction upon which they are examined.


72. Rolls exhibiting the relative merit of the Cadets in conduct, shall be formed by the Board, from the register of delinquencies, for the whole of the academic year, in the following manner, viz:

1st. All the recorded delinquencies of the Cadets shall be arranged in Seven Classes, each of which shall comprise those on nearly the same degree of criminality.

2d. The degree of criminality of an offense of each of the Classes so formed, shall be expressed as follows:

Offenses of the First Class by 10.

“ “ “ Second “ “ 8.

“ “ “ Third “ “ 5.

“ “ “ Fourth “ “ 4.

“ “ “ Fifth “ “ 3.

“ “ “ Sixth “ “ 2.

“ “ “ Seventh “ “ 1.

3d. The total demerit of each Cadet will be expressed by the sum of the products of the number of offences of each class,

4th. The names will be arranged throughout in the order of demerit, those of the least degree being placed first.

73. Copies of all merit rolls, will be reported to the Board of Visitors at their annual meeting, and the rolls will also be copied into the register of merit of the Battalion.



74. The Superintendent or Commandant are authorized to grant leaves of absence to Cadets during an encampment.

75. Every Cadet who shall overstay his leave of absence, will subject himself to be tried, unless he shall produce a certificate satisfactory to the Superintendent on his return, of his having been prevented from returning by sickness or some other unavoidable cause.

76. Any Cadet who shall willfully absent himself from the Battalion encampment, without leave, for a period of twelve hours, shall be dismissed.

77. Every Cadet upon returning from leave of absence shall immediately report himself to the Superintendent, the Commandant of Cadets and the First Sergeant of his Company.

78. No Instructor shall absent himself from the Institute for a longer time than one day, without the permission of the Board of Visitors; nor shall any Instructor be absent from his duty at any time, without the assent of the Superintendent.



79. The Cadets of the Institute shall constitute a Military Corps, and be subject to Military discipline, under the immediate command of the Commandants of Cadets.

80. The punishments to which a Cadet shall be liable, are comprised in the three following classes:

1st. Privation of recreation, &c.; extra tours of duty, reprimand

2d. Arrest or confinement in his room or tent.

3d. Dismission, with the privilege of resigning or public dismission. the punishment of the first and second classes, mentioned in the preceding paragraph, may be inflicted by the Superintendent, or with his approval; those of the third class after a trial by court martial, except in cases of a cadet being willfully and culpably negligent of his duties or studies-or manifesting a disposition and determination to resist the authorities of the Institute, in which cases, the Superintendent is authorized to dismiss, without the intervention of a court-martial.

81. In cases of irregularity or insubordination on the part of Cadets, requiring in the opinion of the Superintendent the infliction of the 3d class of punishment, the Superintendent may convene by public orders a General Court Martial, to consist of not less than three, nor more than five members, and in case it consists of three members, then two officers of the Battalion and one Cadet officer shall be detailed on the Court, provided that no officer preferring the charges, or interested personally in them, shall sit on the Court, whose duty it shall be to try the Cadet upon the charges preferred, and make finding upon the testimony.

82. The senior officer of the Court shall act as President of the Court, and the duties of the Judge Advocate will devolve upon the junior member, but at no time shall a Cadet so serve.

83. The mode of proceeding in such Courts, shall conform as far as practicable to the rules for the government of Courts-Martial in the Confederate States Military Service.

84. The proceedings of the Court, properly authenticated, shall be laid before the Superintendent, and if approved by him, shall be promulgated in orders.

85. A right of appeal from the decision of the Court is reserved to the Cadet; in which case he shall immediately notify the Superintendent of the same, with a copy of his appeal, whose duty it shall be to forward a copy of the proceedings of the Court to the President of the Board, accompanied by the appeal of the Cadet, with his own remarks thereon. Should the case, in the opinion of the President of the Board, require reinvestigation, the President may direct the original proceedings to be suspended, and refer the same to a meeting of the Board of Visitors, to be called by the President for that purpose; otherwise the sentence of the Court shall go into effect.

86. As obedience and subordination are essential to the purposes of this Institution, any Cadet who shall disobey a command of the Superintendent, or any Professor, Teacher, Instructor, or other Superior Officer, to behave himself in a refractory or disrespectful manner to the constituted authorities of the Institute, shall be dismissed, or less severely punished, according to the nature and degree of his offence.

87. Cadets are reminded that they are representing the VMI and the VMI Corps of Cadets and they are responsible for their actions at all times. Neglect of this obligation may cause said Cadet or Cadets to be dismissed from the Battalion.

88. Any Cadet bringing disrespect unto himself, the Battalion, or the Virginia Military Institute, shall be dismissed.

89. Cadets who have been dismissed from the Battalion shall forthwith leave the premises.

90. Any underage Cadet found drinking or drunk shall be dismissed.

91. No Cadet shall, in any way, use a drug of any type, except prescribed drugs.

92. No cadet shall, in any way, use tobacco in ranks.

93. Cadets in camp shall be primarily responsible for their own messes.

94. No Cadet shall be allowed to keep a waiter or a dog.

95. Any Cadet who shall wantonly damage any public or private quarters, property, or their appurtenances (other than his own) shall, besides making good such damages, be otherwise punished, according to the nature of his offense, to include dismissal from the Battalion and civil or criminal charges as desired by the owner of said property or quarters.

96. Each Cadet before he leaves the Battalion, shall furnish to the Superintendent, a certificate from the Quartermaster and other proper officers, that he has returned all property charged to him in good order, or made good any deficiency.

97. Any Cadet who shall lose, damage, destroy, sell, or otherwise dispose of the arms, accoutrements, books, instruments, or other public, private (other than his own), or Battalion property in his possession, shall, besides paying for the same, be otherwise punished, according to the nature of his offense.

98. No Cadet shall go beyond the limits of the Battalion, or other limits as the Superintendent may prescribe without the permission of his Company Tactical Officer; nor shall any permission to be absent from the Institute at night be granted, unless upon special invitation, or to attend divine worship, or upon such occasions, as shall be deemed proper exceptions to this regulation by the Superintendent, Commandant, or President of the Board.

99. Any Cadet who shall insult by words or gesture, shall be dismissed, or otherwise less severely punished.

100. Any Cadet who shall answer for another at any roll call or who shall engage any other Cadet to answer for him, shall be severely punished.

101. No Cadet shall, between tattoo or reveille, be absent from his room at those times for any purpose, without permission from the proper authorities.

102. Any Cadet who shall absent himself from his room at night between tattoo and reveille, for a longer time than half and hour, on any one occasion, or from post at any time without leave, and shall fail to satisfy the Superintendent or Board of Visitors that he did not so absent himself for any immoral purpose, shall be dismissed, or otherwise less severely punished.

103. Duties appropriate for the Sabbath, including attendance upon Divine Service, are encouraged.

104. Any Cadet who shall behave indecently, or irreverently while attending Divine Service, or shall use any profane oath, or execration, or profane the Sabbath, shall be dismissed or otherwise less severely punished.

105. The Cadets are not only required to abstain from all vicious, immoral, or irregular conduct, but they are enjoined on every occasion to conduct themselves with the propriety and decorum of gentlemen.

106. Any Cadet who shall be guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, shall be dismissed, or otherwise less severely punished.

107. No Cadet shall send or accept a challenge to fight, nor be the bearer of such challenge, written or verbal; nor in any way, directly or indirectly, countenance or promote a duel, nor upbraid another for declining to fight, on pain of being dismissed.

108. Every Cadet who knows that a challenge to fight has been, or is about to be sent or accepted by any other Cadet, shall, without delay, give information thereof to the Superintendent.

109. No Cadet shall use any reproachful or provoking speeches or gestures to another.

110. Any Cadet who shall by any means whatever traduce or defame another, shall be dismissed or otherwise less severely punished—according to the nature of his offense.

111. Any Cadet who shall strike, or in any manner offer violence to another, shall be punished in a like manner.

112. Any Cadet who shall beat, or otherwise maltreat any citizen, shall, besides being amenable to the law, be otherwise punished according to the nature of his offense.

113. Any Cadet who shall wantonly abuse the person of any Cadet, shall be dismissed, or otherwise less severely punished, according to the nature of his offense.

114. All combinations under any pretext whatever, are strictly prohibited. Any Cadet, who in concert with others, shall adopt any measure under pretence of procuring redress of grievances, or sign any paper, or enter into any written or verbal agreement with a view to violate or evade any regulation of the Institute, or to do any act contrary to the rules of good order and subordination, or who shall endeavour to persuade others to do the same, shall be dismissed.

115. Any Cadet who shall manifest an insubordinate or refractory spirit—evincing a disposition to resist the authorities of the Institute, thereby disturbing its peace and order, shall be forthwith sent to his home by the Superintendent—but such Cadet shall, after such dismissal, have the right of appeal to the Board of Visitors from the decision of the Superintendent.

116. If any Cadet shall consider himself wronged by another, or by any officer, he is to complain thereof to the Superintendent, who is hereby required to examine into the said complaint, and to take the proper measures for redressing the wrong complained of. Should the party complaining be refused redress, he may appeal to the Board of Visitors for their examination and order on the case.

117. All communications to the Board of Visitors, from any person or persons, belonging to the Institute, shall be made through the Superintendent, whose duty it shall be to forward them to the Board, with such remarks as he may think proper.

118. All publications relative to the Institute, or to transactions at the Institute, are strictly prohibited, except by permission of the Superintendent and or the Board of Visitors. Any Instructor or Cadet therefore, who shall be at all concerned in writing or publishing any article of such character in any newspaper of pamphlet, or in writing or publishing any handbill, shall be dismissed, or otherwise severely punished.

119. The strictest attention to study and all other duties will be required. Every Cadet, therefore, who shall absent himself from any duty of any kind, and fail to render a satisfactory excuse in writing for such absence, shall be reprimanded, put upon extra duty, or confined, according to the circumstances of the case.

120. Any Cadet who shall evince a culpable neglect of his studies or duties, shall be required to return to his home by the Superintendent.

121. The Instructors and Tactical Officers, will be held accountable for the regular and orderly conduct of their respective classes or sections while under their immediate instruction.

122. It shall be the duty of every Instructor or Officer, who is knowing to any violation of the rules and regulations, or to any crime, irregularity, neglect or other improper conduct of which a cadet has been guilty, to report the same without delay to the Superintendent.

123. All immoralities, disorders, misbehaviour, or neglect, of which Cadets may be guilty, to be prejudice of good order and military discipline, though not herein expressly mentioned, are to be punished according to the nature and degree of the offense.

124. In all details of military duty, the rules and regulations for the government of the army of the Confederate States are to be observed so far as they are applicable to, and do not conflict with, the regulations adopted for the government of the Battalion.



125. Each Instructor at the head of a separate company will have charge of, and be accountable for, the instruments and apparatus supplied for the use of the company.

126. No Cadet will tender his resignation unless impelled thereto by urgent reasons which must be fully set forth in his letter of resignation.

127. The Superintendent is authorized to accept the resignation of Cadets. In such cases, the resignation of a Cadet must be tendered to the Superintendent or Board of Visitors, which may take such action thereon as he may think proper, subject at the instance of the Cadet to the revision of the Board of Visitors.

128. The Superintendent, and in his absence the officer in command, shall have power to arrest any Professor or Subordinate Officer, for mutiny, disobedience of orders, unofficerlike conduct, or other offense, prohibited by the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of the Battalion; and on such arrest, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent, or other officer making the same, to appoint a day for trial of said Professor, or other subordinate officer, not less than ten, nor more than thirty days from the date of such arrest, and immediately notify the several members of the Board of Visitors that said arrest has been made, and shall also furnish the person arrested with a copy of the charges preferred against him.

129. Upon the application of any Professor or subordinate officer, it shall be competent for any two or more of the Board of Visitors to arrest the Superintendent, for unofficerlike conduct, or other offenses prohibited by the rules and regulations for the government of the Battalion, and upon such arrest, it shall be the duty of the members making the same, to furnish the Superintendent with a copy of the charge or charges upon which the arrest was made, and furthermore, to fix a day for his trial not less than ten, nor more than thirty days from the date of the arrest, and also to notify the several members of the Board thereof.

130. No Cadet shall be admitted into the Institute until he has shown evidence of their physical capacity to discharge military duty.

131. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to cause the Regulations of the Institute to be read upon parade from time to time, provided all the Regulations be published to the Cadets at least once each year.



132. The Cadets shall be organized into one or more companies according to number, and the officers and Cadet officers shall be appointed by the Superintendent. The selection shall be made from those Cadets who have been most active and soldier-like in the performance of their duties, and most exemplary in their general deportment. In general, the officers will be taken from the first class, and the non-commissioned officers from the second and third classes.

133. There shall be infantry or artillery drill every day when the weather is favourable, at such regular hour of the day as the Commandant of Cadets may appoint.

134. There shall be a dress parade every morning, when the weather permits.

135. There shall be an inspection of the Cadets when the weather permits, prior to the use of any arms, or prior to an event engagement.

136. No Cadet shall be absent from any duty whatever, without the permission from the Superintendent, or upon the recommendation of the Surgeon. When a Cadet considers himself too unwell to attend his recitation, or other duties, he shall apply to the Surgeon, to be placed upon the sick list.


137. No Cadet shall, without permission, retain in his quarters any article of dress, other than the uniform for the Cadets prescribed by the regulations.

138. The overcoat shall not be worn between the 1st of April and the 1st of October, except in rainy weather, or in quarters at any time during study hours.

139. The fatigue jacket shall only be worn in quarters or camp within the limits of the chain of sentinels or at military exercises when directed.

140. Every Cadet shall be neatly attired whenever visited by an officer.

141. The hair to be short, or what is generally termed cropped, whiskers and mustaches shall not be worn. Exceptions to this clause will be made by the Superintendent or Board of Visitors, but it is requested that Cadets comply with this regulation.


142. Cadets acting as officers and non-commissioned officers shall be distinguished by the following badges:

Captains, chevrons of four bars of single lace on each arm, above the elbow, points up.

Lieutenants, chevrons of three bars of single lace on each arm, above the elbow, points up.

Adjutants.—The Lieutenant’s chevron, with an arc.

Quartermaster.—The Lieutenant’s chevron, with a horizontal bar.

First Sergeant.—Chevrons of two bars of single lace, on each arm, above the elbow, points up—with a lozenge.

Sergeants.—Chevrons of two bars of single lace on each arm, above the elbow, points up.

Sergeant-Major.—The Sergeant’s chevron, with an arc.

Quartermaster Sergeant.—The sergeant’s chevron, with a horizontal bar.

Color Bearer.—The Sergeant’s chevron, with a star.

Corporals.—Chevrons of two bars of single lace on each arm, below the elbow, points up.

Corporals of the Color Guard.—The Corporal’s chevron, with a star.


143. No Cadet shall lend or exchange Battalion-owned arms or accouterments.

144. The arms issued to Cadets will not be taken from their quarters except for duty.

145. No Cadet shall alter any Battalion-owned musket, by scraping, filing or varnishing the stock, barrel, or any other part of it; nor shall the lock be removed, or taken apart, without the permission of the officer having charge of the same.

146. Cadets are prohibited from having in their possession any description of firearms or other weapons, not issued to them by proper authority or not in accordance with the weapons or arms provided or other guidance.


147. Every Cadet, on rising in the morning, shall place his bedstuffs in proper inspection order, subject to inspection by the Superintendent of Division, Tactical Officer, Commandant, or Superintendent.

148. Every Cadet shall attend to the good order and arrangement of his own arms, accoutrements, clothing, and their effects; the Orderly shall attend to the general police of the room and shall require each occupant to discharge his proper duty.

149. Cadets shall walk the streets of the camps and pass, with as little noise as possible; running, loud talking, scuffling, or unnecessary noise in barracks are strictly prohibited at all times.

150. Every Cadet leaving his room on a necessary occasion, of for water, when the sentinels are on post, shall report his departure and return to every sentinel he passes, and shall be absent as short a time as possible. If his absence occurs after taps, he shall report to the officer of the guard, whose duty it shall be to pass him in or out, and to report the names of all individuals thus passed.

151. Whenever a Cadet received permission to be absent from his quarters during study hours, or from any duty, he shall show his permit to the officer in charge, and the Superintendent of his division, and shall leave it with the officer of the day.

152. No Cadet shall mark, cut, or in any manner deface or injure any public buildings or private property.

153. No Cadet shall introduce a citizen into the barracks during study hours, upon any pretence whatever, without permission.


154. There shall be an Orderly detailed for each two tents or rooms occupied by the Cadets, who shall perform the duties of police until he is relieved by the proper officer.

155. Each Cadet shall be held responsible for the preservation of all public property attached to the room or tent, for the common use of its occupants.

156. The Orderly shall be held responsible for the cleanliness of the room or tent, the proper arrangement of its contents, and for the strict observance of regulations and orders therein.


157. Each of the Instructors of Infantry Tactics shall superintend a company of Cadets and its company quarters, and shall see that the regulations are duly observed therein. He shall superintend, or instruct at the military exercise of his company, and be responsible for the proper observance of all parades and roll calls.

158. He shall inspect the tents of his division between reveille and tattoo.

159. He shall make to the Commandant of Cadets a report in writing of all delinquencies that may have come to his knowledge since his last report and of the conditions of each room or tent with regard to police. Specifying those in the best and those in the worst order, and the names of the Orderlies.

a roster of the occupants of each room or tent of his subdivision.

160. He shall also visit and thoroughly inspect all rooms or tents under his charge thirty minutes after reveille, immediately after which he shall make a report in writing to the Superintendent of his division, subjoining the word “certified” with his signature.


161. The Commandant of Cadets shall make a minute inspection of the Cadets and their camp, at least once, and will make a special report thereon to the Superintendent.

162. He shall prescribe the order in which the furniture, bedding, books, clothing, equipments, &C., shall be arranged throughout the barracks or camp.

163. He shall make a report to the Superintendent every morning between 8 and 9 o’clock AM, of the condition of the barracks or camp and of the discipline of the Cadets, noting especially such matters as may require his consideration and action.

164. He shall be responsible for the safe keeping and good order of all arms, accoutrements and other public property in use by the Cadets.


165. Each of the Instructors of Tactics shall be detailed in turn as officer in charge for the day; his tour to commence at guard mounting.

166. He shall superintend the performance of all the duties of the day which do not require the presence of the Commandant, and see that they are performed according to regulations and orders.

167. He shall promptly correct all irregularities that may occur in the barracks, or in the vicinity, and shall be in the barracks yard at taps to receive the reports of Inspectors.

168. He shall be present at class parades and roll calls, during his tour; and shall not absent himself from the barracks or their vicinity, except at meal times, without the approbation of the Commandant of Cadets.


169. The officer of the day shall be detailed generally from the roster of Cadets acting as officers, but every Cadet of the First Class shall be detailed to perform this duty once.

170. He shall, after receiving his guard, report for orders to the Commandant of Cadets, and shall receive and obey such orders as may be given him during his tour by the officer in charge.

171. He shall give the guard the orders of the day, regulate the reliefs, and have such of the guard dismisses as are not required for duty.

172. He shall cause the sentinels to be posted at proper times, shall visit them ten minutes after they are posted, and see that they are properly instructed in their duties.

173. He shall take prompt and effectual measures for suppressing all irregularities and disturbances that may occur in or near the barracks.

174. He shall be held responsible for all public property deposited with the guard.

175. He shall report to the officer in charge for orders, immediately after taps.

176. On the back of his guard report, he shall note all violations of the regulations which may have come to his knowledge during his tour, stating the name of each delinquent, with a clear and precise description of his offence and the circumstances of time and place, when they are not necessarily understood; he shall also state, particularly, the orders given him by any authorized officer, and the time at which each absentee at taps returned to his room; and he will subjoin to his report the word “certified” with his signature.


177. There being perhaps no better test of soldiership, and the discipline of a command than the manner in which the duties of sentinels are performed, Cadets should understand the honor and responsibility of a soldier on post.

178. All persons of whatever rank are required to observe the greatest respect towards sentinels, and no officer or other person shall make use of any expression, language, or gesture to a Cadet on post.

179. Every sentinel shall obey the orders of the Superintendent, Commandant of Cadets, Tactical Officers, Officer in Charge, Officer of the Day, and the officers and non-commissioned officers of the guard.

180. At evening parade each First Sergeant shall warn the Cadets of his company, who are detailed to mount guard the ensuing day, always taking those for this duty first who have been the longest off. The guard this detailed, shall be on duty all night, at least one sentinel being on post at a time.

181. Every Cadet of the guard shall appear at guard mounting in perfect order.

182. Cadets detailed for guard shall wear their side arms when not on post, and shall not, during their tour, leave the vicinity of the Battalion or their post.

183. As soon as a sentinel is posted, he shall visit every area under his charge. If he fail to obey the order, he shall forthwith call the Sergeant of the Guard and report his disobedience.

184. Every Sentinel on post, when the call “to quarters” is sounded, shall visit the area under his charge ten minutes after such call.

185. No sentinel shall permit a violation of the regulations to take place within the limits of his post, without taking proper measures to prevent it; nor shall he fail in any case to call for the Corporal of the Guard, and report to him immediately every such violation which comes within his observation or knowledge while on post.

186. Any Cadet who shall neglect his guard duty, by deserting or sleeping on his post, or in any manner impair the security of the public property, by the neglect of the duties devolving upon the guard, by laws, shall be dismissed or otherwise less severely punished.

187. Any non-commissioned officer of the guard who shall fail to post his relief at the prescribed hour, or hours, after taps, shall be subject to the penalty attached to the neglect of duty of a sentinel under paragraph 252.

188. The Sergeant of the guard shall parade and inspect every relief.

189. In all cases not provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the service of the guard shall be performed as prescribed in the general regulations of the Army of the Confederate States.


190. The Superintendent and the Commandant of Cadets alone have power to arrest a Cadet, except in cases of mutiny, direct disobedience of orders, or gross disrespect to a superior officer, in which cases offenders may be arrested; but all such arrests shall be promptly reported, through the Commandant of Cadets to the Superintendent for his approbation.

191. Every Cadet arrested shall confine himself forthwith to his quarters until released, (unless otherwise specially ordered,) except when required to be absent therefrom for the performance of some of his military duties, (to all of which, except those of guard, he shall strictly attend,) and except on a necessary occasion, and for the purpose of going to the mess hall for meals.

192. Every Cadet charged with a breach of arrest, shall be tried, and if found guilty, shall be dismissed.

193. When a Cadet is confined to the limits of Camp any breach of such confinement will subject him to the penalty prescribed by paragraph 258 for breach of arrest.

194. When a Cadet is under arrest or confinement to his room, barracks, camp, or the Institute grounds, he will not apply for permission to go beyond such limits, unless impelled thereto by strong emergency, and when thus impelled, he will make personal application to the Superintendent in writing, setting forth in such application that he is under arrest, and the reasons for which he desires the permission he asks.

195. No general permit granted to Cadets to go beyond the limits of the Institute, will be valid to any Cadet under arrest or confinement—except for attendance at Church in the morning and afternoon services on the Sabbath, and any Cadet who shall go beyond the limits for any other purposes, when under arrest or confinement upon such general permits will subject himself to the penalty of the 258th paragraph.


196. The sick Cadets who remain in quarters, shall not leave their rooms, except for the purpose of performing some duty, or of taking exercise at such times as the Surgeon may have prescribed, with the approbation of the Superintendent; but no such Cadet shall, for any purpose whatever, be absent from his room during any drill, parade, roll call, from which he may have been excused on account of indisposition.

197. Every Cadet excused on account of sickness, from all duties shall be sent to the hospital or to the Surgeon.

198. The sick in hospital, shall obey all orders of the Surgeon, and all such police regulations as he may prescribe, with the approbation of the Superintendent.

199. No patient shall leave the hospital without permission from the Surgeon.

200. No patient shall go beyond the hospital yard without a written permission, signed by the Surgeon, and approved by the Superintendent.

201. When a Cadet is too unwell to attend to duty, he will forthwith report to the Surgeon.


202. Any Cadet reported for a delinquency, and having a satisfactory excuse, shall express his excuse in writing, in the form prescribed, and hand it to the Commandant of Cadets (to be submitted to the Superintendent,) within his first orderly hour, after the publication of the report on parade. No excuse shall be made by any Cadet in any other manned, nor at any other time than is here prescribed, unless he is unavoidably prevented from complying with the above direction, in which case the cause of delay shall be annexed to the excuse, for the consideration of the Commandant of Cadets; but no such excuse shall be handed in at a later period than one week after the unavoidable cause of delay shall have been removed.

203. Any Cadet who shall present a false excuse shall be dismissed; and any Cadet who shall present a disrespectful excuse shall be punished according to the degree of the offense, and the report for which such excuse shall have been presented shall not be removed.

204. No Cadet shall address an Officer or Cadet who have reported him for a delinquency, on the subject of such report unless specially permitted by the Superintendent of Commandant of Cadets; and every officer of Cadet having made such report against a Cadet, shall hold no conversation with him relating to it, unless referred to with the proper permission.

205. When a Cadet is reported absent from quarters, or from any duty, he shall be required to render an excuse or explanation for the same, and when it is not stated that he was at the time in the Barracks, Camp, or within the Cadet’s limits, he will be considered as having been beyond the said limits, and liable to be punished accordingly.

206. All absences from quarters at night, which are unauthorized, and without excuse, will be considered as involving special penalty.

207. Any Cadet Officer failing to properly learn his duty will be forthwith reduced to the ranks.


(Date) _______________________, 18

Report, _____________________________________________

Excuse, _____________________________________________

Respectfully Submitted:

Cadet, _________________________

To Commandant of Cadets.

(Endorsement for the above excuse, on the reverse, and at the top, the whole not to extend more than three inches below the top.)

(Date) _______________________, 18

Cadet, ________________________________________

Excuse, _______________________________________

All excuses shall be written on a sheet of letter paper, folded in three equal parts.


209. No Society shall be organized among the Cadets without a special license from the Superintendent; nor shall any assembly of Cadets be held for this or any other purpose, without his express permission, promulgated in orders.


210. The Superintendent is authorized to prescribe temporarily such regulations of discipline or police as may be omitted and experience may show to be necessary, which shall be reported to the Board of Visitors at its next meeting, and when approved by them, shall be permanent.


211. Cadets shall at all times salute the officers of the Battalion, Officers of the Army of the Confederate States, whether in uniform or not, the Governor of the State, and the members of the Board of Visitors.


212. As no preference is given to any religious sect or denomination in the Institute, officers commanding companies will be held accountable for their faithful compliance that the principle of the Institution may not be violated by their neglect or caprice.


213. No Cadet on leave of absence shall remain in the vicinity of the Battalion camp (except when the parent of guardian resides there,) unless specifically authorized to do so.

214. A Cadet returning from leave of absence will report for duty by “guard mounting.”

215. At events, Cadets shall report no later than 1800 hours (6PM) on Friday. Cadets are expected to report beginning at 1200 hours to set up camp and begin guard detail.


216. A copy of these Regulations will be supplied each Cadet, and it is made the duty of the Inspector of Divisions and Commandant of Cadets, to see that this regulation is complied with.




217. The Superintendent shall also serve as the overall President of the organization. He shall be appointed a Captain and Tactical Officer. The Superintendent shall only use the rank of Major General in official correspondence, and only when necessary. Shall act as Inspector General of the Battalion.

218. The President of the Board shall be appointed a Captain and Tactical Officer. Shall serve as a training officer.

219. The Commandant shall be appointed to the rank of Lt Colonel, unless previous commission authorizes the full rank of Colonel. Shall be the highest ranking person unless the Battalion is authorized the use of (a) Tactical Officer(s).

220. Other persons shall be appointed to the positions in ratio to the actual positions used in the Corps in 1864, with commensurate rank.


221. The primary symbol of the Battalion shall be the logo of the name of the Battalion encircling the Virginia Military Institute entwined acronym (aka the “Spider.”) In no case shall this symbol be used for personal or unit financial gain.

222. The other primary symbol shall be the unique replica of the flag of the Virginia Military Institute created in 1992. No other replica, except one created by members of the Battalion may be used. Only VMI graduates and cadets may carry the colors unless another individual is acceptable to the Board.

223. In no case shall the VMI Cadets carry a Confederate Flag into Battle on Sunday at New Market. Historically, the Cadets only carried their own Battalion colors. The VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion may carry Confederate colors when not specifically serving as VMI Cadets.

224. The distinctive oval VMI box plate may only be used as a cartridge box plate. In no cases shall it be worn as a belt buckle. The authorized manufacturer is Hanover Brass Company of Virginia. Personnel may ask for the buckle to be cast as a box plate.

225. The VMI Cadet buttons shall remain the property of the Battalion and will be returned to the Battalion inventory upon direction of the Board.


226. This organization maintains no official ties to the Virginia Military Institute, its organizations, or alumni agencies, other than having cadets and alumni as founding members and participants. Cadets must make clear to inquirers that no official tie exists.

227. The Representative of the VMI CWRT (or other cadet so appointed) shall serve as the coordinator of cadets and students from the VMI and Washington and Lee University, eliciting support from among the general populations of those two schools.

228. The Commandant, President of the Board, and Superintendent of Battalion shall act as military liaisons with the reenactment community, with the highest ranking individual in primary responsibility.

229. The Board Member-at-Large shall be elected by majority vote of the entire membership and will be so elected for the term of one year. He may be reelected indefinitely. He shall act as the general membership’s ‘voice.’

230. The Superintendent, President of the Board, and Commandant shall be VMI Alumni. All other positions are open to all members.

231. All persons will portray historically accurate roles! Only males will serve as infantry at this time.

232. All persons will sign a liability waiver and medical release for any person as deemed necessary. These forms must be notarized and forwarded to the Superintendent. Parents/guardians will sign for minors.

233. Cadets have one year to equip themselves with appropriate gear, but will not be allowed to take the field with incomplete uniforms or unsafe/substandard equipment.

234. All members shall act as recruiters. The more we have the better we will be and the more clout we will have.

235. Any tentage used shall be: 1. None; 2. Shelter Half; 3. Dog Tent. A-frames are acceptable only for reenactors that have spouses/significant others present. Members are encouraged to remain with the main Battalion camp.

236. Members will be responsible for both membership costs and the cost of attending an event. Dues are required to be paid by the date specified by the Board or Superintendent. Failure to pay event fees or membership dues suspends and individuals rights and privileges within the unit. Members will then need to pay as a walk-on, if walk-ons are allowed.

237. The VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion will not act in any official capacity to help any Cadet in legal trouble as a result of his actions at an event. Members may individually assist.

238. The VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion accepts NO responsibility or liability for any injuries whatsoever in or out of uniform and any unit function. The VMI CRB insists members take responsibility for their own actions.

239. All gear must be marked in an inconspicuous place with appropriate identification information. Weapons may or may not be free of bluing. This is at the discretion of each member. Historically, Cadet weapons were generally free of bluing material.

240. Persons who fraudulently enlist shall be dismissed (purposeful errors on applications).

241. Contemptuous language against the United States and its government shall be unacceptable. Contemptuous language against the United States of the 1860s shall be acceptable. Members are reminded to separate the two eras.

242. Personnel are responsible for their own liability insurance against injury to themselves or other persons.

243. Members of the Board may only be removed by 4/5 vote of the population as a whole.

244. Members of the Battalion may be removed by 2/3 vote of the population or a 100% vote of the Board.

245. Committees may be appointed by the President and are relieved by the President or upon expiration of their assignment. Committee leaders are responsible for their committee operations.

246. The Battalion’s fiscal year is January 1 to December 31.

247. Membership shall be open to all persons with a serious interest in the American War for Southern Independence without regard to sex, creed, color, or origin, who are willing to participate as determined by the Board of Visitors, within strict historical context as 19th century soldiers and civilians of the years 1860-1865.

248. Cadets of any of the organizations listed in paragraph 24 shall be required to pay only $8 per year.

249. Any member may make a statement of grievance against the Battalion or any member of the Battalion. This grievance must be made in writing to the Board, who will serve as the adjudicators of the grievance. Any member of the Board against which grievance is made shall recuse himself from the procedure.

250. Informal meetings are preferred, but it is essential that proper decorum be maintained.

251. Donations in the form of monies, services, or items that are of service or use to the membership shall be accepted. The Board shall not accept any donations, which in any way violates the regulations of the Battalion, creates a conflict of interest, or presents a quid pro quo conflict for the Battalion.

252. No contribution shall be accepted for the direct benefit of any specific member.

253. No member shall receive any compensation for any expenses, unless authorized by the Board.

254. All requests or solicitations for fund-raising shall be submitted to the Board of Visitors who will evaluate this request. the proposal shall be detailed in what it will accomplish, the timeframe of the project, what the funds shall be used for, and how it directly relates to the Battalion goals.

255. Use of Battalion Logo, Letterhead, or Name, without prior approval from the Board or Superintendent is prohibited. In no way shall any be used for personal purposes.


256. While in uniform, no modern anachronisms shall be tolerated.

257. Cadets shall be properly attired in at LEAST an authentic shirt, trousers, or shoes. Glasses must be period or contacts must be worn.

258. All orders given by officers or NCOs shall be properly, promptly obeyed. No order considered improper or hazardous to one’s health shall be given. Any order so given shall be ignored.

259. All proper respect shall be given to the Superintendent, Board members, or officers and staff of the Battalion in accordance with rank and position at all times.

260. Cadets will salute officers of both armies at all times. If officers and men remain in camp, salutes are not required, except the first time one greets said officers, when called to report to a tent, or when making a report to an officer.

261. The flag of the Confederate States is the only one required to be saluted. Saluting the flag of the United States is optional for those who may desire out of respect for the modern-day military and United States. That will be left to personal conscience.

262. All weapons will be cleaned at the completion of an event or at the end of each day’s events. All weapons will be inspected daily. Dress parade will be held and a full inspection held at least one time per event.

263. Chronic absenteeism shall not be tolerated unless medical or other emergency exists.

264. Basic military discipline shall be maintained after completion of daily activities. However, a more relaxed attitude in military demeanor will be permitted.

265. Children must be under control of their sponsor at all times.

266. Civilians are reminded to dress and maintain appropriate wear of civilian attire at all times in camp. Any civilian not dressing as a 19th century civilian is asked to avoid the camp during high-spectator-traffic times.

267. Amendments may be offered to the regulations by a 80% majority vote of all members meeting, with a quorum present, provided that any amendment be provided to all members at least four weeks prior to the meeting. The Board may also change the regulations by itself.

268. The Board of Visitors has the right to evaluate and pass final judgment on the participation of any individual within its ranks regardless of the individual's age.


269. Age 16 or older – Those in this age group can participate as musket bearing military soldiers with no particular restrictions unless a particular event sponsor places one on those who are less than 18 or 21 years of age. 

270. Age 14 and 15 –Participants in this age group must meet all uniform and equipage requirements of the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion. Any member in this age group must have an active parent or another member of the Battalion serve as a sponsor. Any member who serves as a sponsor, but is not a parent of a participating child, is directly and at all times responsible for the welfare and conduct of that child member. Any breach of discipline or unacceptable behavior on the part of a child in the age group is the direct responsibility of either the active parent or sponsor.

271. Age 13 or Younger – Those in this age group will have their potential participation evaluated on a case by case basis by the Board of Visitors with this body having the final approval/disapproval for participation with the company. Any member less than 13 years of age must have a parent as an active member of the unit, and must have the written approval by the Board for participation. No children in this category are authorized to wear a military uniform, but must appear in period Civil War civilian clothing appropriate to that child’s participation. Any breach of discipline or unacceptable behavior on the part of the child in this age group is the direct responsibility of the parent.

272. The Cadets as listed in paragraphs 269 shall be known as ‘Advisory Cadets’ and will automatically be upgraded to ‘Pay Cadet’ status immediately after the New Market event within the year prior to their turning sixteen (16). If other events are attended, none in this category shall fire a weapon in combat until they are sixteen years of age.

273. It is the direct responsibility of the parent or sponsoring member to insure that the child member of the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion has the necessary transportation to and from an event; has food, clothing, and field equipment necessary for full, authentic participation; and that the child is active in support of Battalion activities. The purpose of this Battalion is to provide an active outlet to a child member who is seriously interested in the Civil War period impression.


274. President & Superintendent

• Preside at all military and parliamentary and executive committee functions and meetings.

• Ability to appoint the committee chairman and members and dissolve the same.

• Give direction and purpose at a high level for the unit through input from the general membership.

• Coordinate programs with event organizers.

• Is expected to attend all Board of Visitors meetings.

• Will handle all the financial transactions within the company's business.

• Will act in the capacity of a financial planner in regards to company finances.

• Will give a regular report through the newsletter.

275. Tactical Officer

• In the absence of the president, he will perform the duties of the president and all special duties assigned by the president.

• Shall be in a support role of maintaining order at all organization functions.

• Shall work in a more operational day to day capacity with the First Sergeant, Second Sergeant, and Company Clerk in the field.

• Shall be in charge of recruiting for the company membership.

• Shall be in charge of a company of Cadets at an event.

• Is expected to attend all Board of Visitors meetings or at least provide any reports on projects that are currently being worked on or completed to the Secretary for distribution to the group.

276. Commandant

• Will command the VMI Cadet Battalion when possible

• Will serve as a liaison for the VMI Cadet Battalion in discussions with reenactment military commanders.

275. Cadet Sergeants

• Appointed by the President or Commandant. Permanent terms must be ratified by the Board of Visitors or majority vote of the Battalion.

• Will act in the stead of the Cadet Sergeant Major at events in a military capacity only.

• Expected to keep in contact with the Cadet Corporals to keep up to date on the status of the membership. This should be done periodically, twice a quarter at the minimum.

276. Cadet Corporal

• Is appointed/voluntary position given by the Board of Visitors.

• Will have a platoon assigned to each of them by the First Sergeant.

• Is expected to keep in contact with their respective platoons on a periodic basis, once a month.

• This may be accomplished by any means deemed necessary by the individual Corporal, however consistency is strongly encouraged. Also do not call just to be calling, a purpose makes the difference. Contacting the membership about a week before the next event seems to be most effective, however, this does not include events within the same month or at the Corporal's discretion.

• Is another communication link to the membership.

• Should contact their platoon membership two to three week prior to the scheduled events, special projects or events with a short turnaround time, for event participation, equipment needs, clarification, and questions.

• They should also strongly encourage and coordinate ride sharing to events for the new men.

277. Private

• Is a volunteer that signs on to perform as prescribed by the bylaws and policies of the company.

• Is expected to attend the annual meeting and is to provide input on topics that are brought to the general membership so that everyone’s voice is heard.

• Is expected to turn in an event signup sheet twice a year to give the company an idea of what events they will be attending.

• Is expected to attend the Camp of Instruction to learn and hone his skills as a soldier, as well as, learn firearms safety, so that it may be performed at all times.

• Is expected, at appropriate times to play the strict part of a military soldier.

• Is expected to work with the elected officers and committees to their fullest, to make our company living history experience a memorable and fun one.

• Is expected to keep in contact with their corporal about events and any problems that may arise concerning the company.

278. Adjutant

• Keep minutes of parliamentary functions, organization meetings, and military functions, as directed by the President or Vice President.

• Maintain external communication for the company which in to include, but not limited to, event information and registrations, vendor contacts (to be coordinated with Uniform Committee Chairman) and any other deemed by the President or Vice President.

• Will keep in contact and give direction to NCO and other appointed personnel.


279. Consumables Impression Policy  Purpose: The VMI Cadet impression is only as good as its members and how they conduct themselves. One obvious point that all can improve is the intrusion of modern day consumables (food, drink, and cigarettes).

280. Requirements: All members will adhere to this policy during hours designated by a program or event. The Uniform Committee will provide examples or sources for items required for compliance for the different categories.  Exceptions: Modern medication will continue to be placed in its original container, however it should be in a poke sack or out of public view as much as possible. The Board of Visitors will gauge other exceptions on a case by case basis.  

281.  Food falls into two situations, food for your Haversack and the Company mess.

A. Haversack - When bringing period or modern food to an event, it needs to be placed in a period wrapping paper (brownish wax paper), tin container, or poke sack. Period food should also be placed in such containers.

B. Company Mess - Canned goods should have the labels removed. Meat should be thoroughly wrapped in brown wax paper still in the plastic. Eggs should be transported in cartons to the event then transferred to a box or cloth towel. Bread will be taken out of the plastic wrap and placed in brown paper or wax paper. No grocery bags will be permitted in camp; a wooden box with rope handles should be used. This will take some practice and preparation up front but will be worth it.

282.  Drink and Food Containers - When modern drinking or food containers are brought into camp, their contents are to be transferred to a period container as soon as possible and the modern container hidden till it can be placed in a proper trash container. The preference is that these containers are not brought to the camp at all, but this is impractical at times. If you want to get a modern drink, take your cup with you and get it filled it is usually a better deal for the money.

283.  Tobacco Products – When portraying the VMI Cadet Battalion, no tobacco products shall be used when in ranks. Only period tobacco products may be used in camp or after hours.

284. Alcohol use - Alcohol use is restricted to after hours when the camps are closed. Underage persons may not use alcohol. Use of alcohol by underage members or by members deemed "out of control" is grounds for immediate and summary expulsion from the unit and the event.

285. Drug Use - Drugs may not be used by anyone, anytime, for any reason. Users of illegal drugs will be expelled and may be reported to the local authorities.


286. A potential recruit is defined as any person 16 years of age or older that could be a new member of VMI Cadet Battalion. Only potential recruits should sign the register book at events and they will be contacted by the recruiting staff and or other members. Any member that is contacted by a recruit under the age of 16 should refer to the juvenile policy of the VMI Cadet Battalion and contact the recruiting officer immediately.

287.      The recruiting officer (Superintendent, President of the Board, or other appointed person) should be contacted immediately after any member makes contact with a potential recruit. All leads and recruiting registration sheets should be forwarded to the recruiting officer immediately. After all information is compiled, the recruiting officer will assess the potential recruit and distribute responsibility/procedures of contacting the potential recruit.

288.      A member of the recruiting staff and or designated member will contact in person and or by phone all potential recruits. The recruiting officer should be updated to any new information on potential recruits. The recruiting officer will authorize the mailing of membership application and new member kit. The recruiting officer will contact the Board, with any information about a recruit receiving a new member kit.  


289.      Purpose - The mandatory attendance to the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion Camp of Instruction is to insure not only that the recruit has the necessary soldier skills, but has been fully familiarized with all the firearms safety procedures of the company. This familiarization is meant to protect the personal safety of the recruit and other members of the company, and prevent any potential liability to the company.

290.      Requirement – All recruits joining the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion must attend the Annual Camp of Instruction prior to participation in the field with the company. The purpose of this policy is to insure not only the recruit has the necessary soldier skills, but has been fully familiarized with all the firearms safety procedures of the company.

291.      Exception to Policy – A temporary waver not to exceed a nine-month period can be granted with the approval of the Board of Visitors. The only circumstances where such a temporary wavier will be granted will be when a recruit joins after the annual company sanctioned Camp of Instruction has been conducted, and that recruit is uniformed and equipped to take the field with the company prior to the next Camp of Instruction. If a person joins after the Camp of Instruction, he must arrive at the reenactment site the day prior to its start for an intensive training session.

a. Squad NCO conducts and certifies that the

recruit passed a block of instruction of basic drill and weapons handling/safety.

b. Adjutant tests and certifies that the recruit has satisfactorily completed the basic block of instruction of basic drill and weapons.

c. The Board of Visitors considers the recommendation of the Squad NCO and the First Sergeant and approves/disapproves participation of the recruit.

d. Failure to have approval of any of the above requirements will mean the recruit cannot participate as a company member until he attends a Camp of Instruction.

292.      Follow-on-Training – The recruit will attend the next available Camp of Instruction even if previously receiving a certification for exception to policy. Under no circumstances will a second exception to policy be granted.

293. This is a volunteer organization, we are attempting to recreate the quasi military atmosphere of the Civil War era company. These means there will be times when you will need to subordinate your ego and play the strict military role and there will be times when you can bust loose, play pranks and just have fun the way our ancestors did in an attempt to make the war bearable. It also means in order to operate in the 21st century you will be asked to do your part in making the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion the "best in the field".

Excerpts from the

General Regulations

Of the

Army of the Confederate States, 1864

1. All inferiors are required to obey strictly, and to execute with alacrity and good faith, the lawful orders of the superiors appointed over them.

2. Military Authority is to be exercised with firmness, but with kindness and justice to inferiors. Punishments shall be strictly conformable to military law.

3. Superiors of every grade are forbid to injure those under them by tyrannical or capricious conduct or by abusive language.

21. Cadets appointed by Confederate law, shall be assigned to such duties, governed by the exigencies of the service, as will best promote their military experience and improvement, until a military school shall be established by the Government for their instruction.

70. Commanders of regiments are enjoined to avail themselves of every opportunity of instructing both officers and men in the exercise and management of field artillery; and all commanders ought to encourage useful occupations, and manly exercises, and diversions among their men, and to repress dissipation and immorality.

71. It is enjoined upon all officers to be cautious in reproving non-commissioned officers in the presence or hearing of privates, unless their authority be weakened; and non-commissioned officers are not to be sent to the guard room and mixed with privates during confinement, but be considered as placed in arrest, except in aggravated cases, where escape may be apprehended.

79. Such articles as belong to companies are to be marked with the letter of the company, and number and name of the regiment and such as belong to men, with their individual numbers, and the letter of the company.

94. Commanders of companies and squads will see that the arms and accoutrements in possession of the men are always kept in good order, and that proper care be taken in cleaning them.

96. Cartridge boxes and bayonet scabbards will be polished with blacking; varnish in injurious to the leather, and will not be used.

97. All arms in the hands of the troops, whether browned or bright, will be kept in the state in which they are issued by the Ordnance Department. Arms will not be taken to pieces without the permission of the commissioned officer. Bright barrels will be kept clean and free from rust without polishing them; care should be taken in rubbing not to bruise or bend the barrel. After firing, wash out the bore: wipe it dry, and then pass a bit of cloth, slightly greased, to the bottom. In these operations, a rod of wood, with a loop at one end, is to be used instead of the rammer. The barrel, when not in use, will be closed with a stopper. For exercise, each soldier should keep himself provided with a piece of sole-leather to fit the cup or countersink of the hammer.

98. Arms shall not be left loaded in quarters or tents, or when the men are off duty, except by special orders.

99. Ammunition shall be inspected frequently.. Each man will be made to pay for rounds expended without orders, or not in the way of duty, or which may be damaged or lost by his neglect.

101. Special care shall be taken to ascertain that no ball cartridges are mixed with the blank cartridges issued to the men.

102. All knapsacks are to be painted black. Those for artillery will be marked in the center of the cover with the number of the regiment only, in figures one and a half inches in length, of the character called full face, with yellow paint. Those for the infantry will be marked in the same way, in white paint. The knapsack straps will be black.

103. The knapsacks will also be marked upon the inner side with the letter of the company and the name of the soldier, on such part as may be readily observed at inspection.

106. Officers at their stations, in camp or in garrison, will always wear their proper uniform.

107. Soldiers will wear their prescribed uniform in camp or in garrison, and will not be permitted to keep in their possession any other clothing. When on fatigue parties, they will wear the proper fatigue dress.

207. Deliberations or discussions among any class of military men, having the object of conveying praise or censure, or any mark of approbation toward their superiors or others in military service; and all publications relative to transactions between officers of a private or personal nature, whether newspaper, pamphlet, or handbill, are strictly prohibited.



224. The President or Vice-President is to be saluted with the highest honors—all standards and colors dropping, officers and troops saluting, drums beating, and trumpets sounding.

225. A General is to be received—by cavalry, with sabers presented, trumpets sounding the march, and all the officers saluting, standards dropping; by infantry, with drums beating the march, colors dropping, officers saluting, and arms presented.

226. A Major-General is to be received—by cavalry, with sabers presented, trumpets sounding twice the trumpet flourish, and officers saluting; by infantry, with three ruffles, colors dropping, officers saluting, and arms presented.

227. A Brigadier-General is to be received—by cavalry, with sabers presented, trumpets sounding once the trumpet flourish, and officers saluting; by infantry, with two ruffles, colors dropping, officers saluting, and arms presented.

228. An Adjutant-General or Inspector General is to be received at a review or inspection of the troops under arms—by cavalry, with sabers presented, officers saluting; by arms presented. The same honor to be paid to any field-officer authorized to review and inspect the troops. When the inspecting officer is junior to the officer commanding the troops, no compliments will be paid; he will be received only with swords drawn and arms shouldered.

229. All guards are to turn out and present arms to General officers as often as they pass them, except the personal guards of General officers, which turn out only to the Generals whose guards they are, and to officers of superior rank.

230. To commanders of regiments, garrisons, or camps, their own guards turn out, and present arms once a day; after which, they turn out with shouldered arms.

231. To the members of the Cabinet, to the Chief Justice, the Presidents of the Congress of the Confederate States; and to Governors within their respective States or Territories—the same honors will be paid as to a General.

232. Officers of a foreign service may be complimented with the honors due their rank.

233. American and Foreign Envoys or Ministers will be received with the complements due a Major General.

234. The colors of a regiment passing a guard are to be saluted, the trumpets sounding, and the drums beating a march.

235. When General officers or persons entitled to salute, pass in the rear of a guard, the officers is only to make his men stand shouldered, and not to face his guard about or beat his drum.

236. When General officers or persons entitled to a salute, pass guards while in the act of relieving, both guards are to salute, receiving the word of command from the senior officer of the whole.

237. All guards are to be under arms when armed parties approach their posts; and to parties commanded by commissioned officers, they are to present their arms, drums beating a march, and officers saluting.

238. No compliments by guards or sentinels will be paid between retreat and reveille, except as prescribed for grand rounds.

239. All guards and sentinels are to pay the same compliments to the officers of the navy, marines, and militia, in the service of the Confederate States, as are directed to be paid to the officers of the army, according to their relative ranks.

240. It is equally the duty of non-commissioned officers and soldiers at all times and in all situations, to pay the proper compliments to officers of the navy and marines, and to officers of other regiments, when in uniform, as to officers of their own particular regiments and corps.

241. Courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline. Respect to superiors will not be confined to obedience on duty, but will be extended to all occasions. It is always the duty of the inferior to accost or to offer first the customary salutations, and of the superior to return such complimentary notice.

242. Sergeants, with swords drawn, will salute by bringing them to a present—with muskets, by bringing the left hand across the body, so as to strike the musket near the right shoulder. Corporals out of the ranks, and privates not sentries, will carry their muskets at a shoulder as sergeant, and salute in a like manner.

243. When a soldier, without arms, or with side arms only, meets an officer, he is to raise his right hand to the right side of the visor of his cap, palm to the front, elbow raised as high as the shoulder, looking at the same time in a respectful and soldier-like manner at the officer, who will return the salute just offered.

244. A non-commissioned officer or soldier being seated, and without particular occupation, will rise on the approach of an officer, and make the customary salutation. If standing, he will turn toward the officer for the same purpose. If the parties remain in the same place or on the same ground, such compliments need not be repeated.


245. The national salute is determined by the number of States comprising the Confederacy, at the rate of one gun for each State.

246. The President of the Confederate States alone is to receive a national salute.

247. The Vice-President is to receive a salute of two guns less than a national salute.

248. The Heads of the great Executive Departments of the National Government; the Generals; the Governors of States and Territories within their respective jurisdictions, two guns less than Vice President.

249. A Major General, one gun less than General.

250. A Brigadier General, one gun less than Major General.

251. Foreign Ships of War will be saluted in return for a similar compliment, gun for gun, on notice of being officially received of such intention. If there be several posts in sight of, or within six miles of each other, the principal only shall reciprocate compliments with ships passing.

252. Officers of the Navy will be saluted according to relative rank.

253. Foreign Officers invited to visit a fort or post, may be saluted according to their relative rank.

254. Envoys and Ministers of the Confederate States and foreign powers are to be saluted with 7 guns.

255. A General officer will be saluted but once in a year at each post, and only when notice of his intentions to visit the post has been given.

256. Salutes to individuals are to be fired on their arrival only.

257. A national salute will be fired at meridian, on the anniversary of the adoption of the provisional constitution, 8th February, 1861, at each military post and camp provided with artillery and ammunition.



290. The inspection of troops, as a division, regiment, or other body composing a garrison or command, not less than a company will generally be preceded by a review.

291. There will be certain periodic inspections, to wit:

1. The commanders of regiments and posts will make an inspection of their commands on the last day of every month.

2. Captains will inspect their companies every Sunday morning. No soldier will be excused from Sunday inspection except the guard, the sick, and the necessary attendants in the hospital.

3. Medical officers having charge of hospitals will also make a thorough inspection of them every Sunday morning.

4. Inspection when troops are mustered for payment.

292. Besides these inspections, frequent visits will be made by the commanding officer, company and medical officers, during the month, to the men’s quarters, the hospital guard-house, &c.



322. On all parades or ceremony, such as reviews, guard-mounting, at Troop or Retreat parades, instead of the word “Rest” which allows the men to move or change the position of their bodies, the command will be “Parade- Rest.” At the last word of this command, the soldier will carry the right foot six inches in the rear of the left heel, the left knee slightly bent, the body upright upon the right leg; the musket resting against the hollow of the right shoulder, the hands crossed in front, the backs of them outward, and the left hand uppermost. At the word “Attention!” the soldier will resume the correct position at order arms. In the positions here indicated, the solider will remain silent and motionless; and it is particularly enjoined upon all officers to cause the commands above given, on the part of the soldier, to be executed with briskness and spirit.

323. Officers on all duties under arms are to have their swords drawn, without waiting for any words of command for that purpose.


324. There shall be daily one dress parade, at Troop or Retreat, as the commanding officer may direct.

325. A signal will be beat or sounded half an hour before Troop or Retreat, for the music to assemble on the regimental parade, and each company to turn out under arms on its own parade, for roll-call and inspection by its own officers.

326. Ten minutes after that signal, the Adjutant’s Call will be given, when the Captains will march their companies (the band playing) to the regimental parade, where they take their positions in the order of battle. When the line is formed, the Captain of the first company, on notice of the Adjutant, steps one pace to the front, and gives to his company the command “Order – Arms. Parade – Rest,” which is repeated by each Captain in succession to the left. The adjutant takes post two paces on the right of the line; the Sergeant-Major two paces on the left. The music will be formed in two ranks on the right of the Adjutant. The Senior officer present will take the command of the parade and will take post at a suitable distance in front, opposite the center, facing the line.

327. When the companies have ordered arms, the adjutant will order the music to beat off, when it will commence on the right, beat in front of the line to the left, and back to its place on the right.

328. When the music has ceased, the Adjutant will step two paces to the front, face to the left, and command,

1. Attention 2.Battalion 3. Shoulder – Arms 4. Prepare to open ranks 5. To the rear, open order 6. March.

At the sixth command, the ranks will be opened according to the system laid down in the Infantry Tactics, the commissioned officers marching to the front, the company officers four paces, field officers six paces, opposite to their positions in the order of battle, where they will halt and dress. The adjutant, seeing the ranks aligned, will command,


And march along the front to the center, face to the right, and pass the line of company officers eight or ten paces, where he will come to the right about, and command,

Present – Arms!

When arms will be presented, officers saluting.

329. Seeing this executed, he will face about to the commanding officer, salute, and report, “Sir, the parade is formed.” The adjutant will then, on intimation to that effect, take his station three paces on the left of the commanding officer, one pace retired, passing round his rear.

330. The commanding officer, having acknowledged the salute of the line by touching his hat, will, after the Adjutant has taken his post, draw his sword and command,

1. Battalion 2. Shoulder - Arms!

And add such exercises as he may think proper, concluding with

Order - Arms!

Then return his sword, and direct the adjutant to receive the reports.

[For the Corps of Cadets, additional movements of the Manual of Arms shall continue, to include, but not limited to: Left shoulder arms, right shoulder arms, support arms, port arms and order arms.]

331. The Adjutant will now pass round the right of the commanding officer, advance upon the line, halt midway between him and the line of company officers, and command,

1. First Sergeants, outward - Face! 2. To your posts - March!

At the first command, they will shoulder arms as Sergeants, march two paces to the front, and face inward. At the second command, they will march to the center and halt. The Adjutant will then order,

1. Front - Face! 2. Report.

At the last word, in succession, being on the right, will salute by bringing the left hand smartly across the breast to the right shoulder, and report the result of the roll call previously made on the company parade.

332. The Adjutant again commands,

1. First Sergeants, outward - Face! 2. To your posts - March!

When they will resume their places and order arms. The Adjutant will then face to the commanding officer, salute, report absent officers, and give the result of the First Sergeant’s Report. The commanding officer will next direct the orders to be read, when the Adjutant will face about and announce,

Attention to Orders!

He will then read the orders.

333. The orders having been read, the Adjutant will face to the commanding officer, salute, and report; when on an intimation from the commander, he will again face to the line, and announce,

Parade is dismissed.

All the officers will now return their swords, face inward, and close on the Adjutant, he having taken position in their line, the field officers on the flanks. The Adjutant commands,

1. Front - Face! 2. Forward - March!

When they will march forward, dressing on the center, the music playing; and when within six paces of the commander, the Adjutant will give the word,


The officers will then salute the commanding officer by raising to the cap and there remain until he shall have communicated to them such instructions as he may have to give, or intimates that the ceremony is finished. As the officers disperse, the First Sergeants will close the ranks of their respective companies and march them to the company parades, where they will be dismissed the band continuing to play until the companies clear the regimental parade.

334. All field and company officers and men will be present at dress parade, unless especially excused, or on some duty incompatible with such attendance.

335. A dress parade once a day will not be dispensed with, except on extraordinary and urgent considerations.



386. Sentinels will be relieved every two hours, unless the state of the weather or other causes, should make it necessary or proper it be done at shorter or longer intervals.

387. Each relief, before mounting, is inspected by the commander of the guard or its post. The corporal reports to him, and presents the old relief on his return.

388. The countersign, or watchword, is given to such persons as are entitled to pass during the night and to officers, non-commissioned officers, and sentinels of the guard. Interior guards receive the countersign only when ordered by the commander of the troops.

389. The parole is imparted to such officers only as have a right to visit the guards, and to make the grand rounds; and to officers commanding troops.

390. As soon as the new guard has been marched off, the officer of the day will repair to the office of the commanding officer and report for orders.

392. The officer of the day visits the guards during the day at such times as he may deem necessary, and makes his rounds at night at least once after 12 o’clock.

401. Sentinels will report every breach of orders or regulation they are instructed to observe.

403. No sentinel shall quit his post or hold conversation not necessary to the proper discharge of his duty.

404. All persons, of whatever rank in the service, are required to observe respect toward sentinels.

407. Sentinels will present arms to general and field officers, to the officer of the day, and to the commanding officer of the post. To all other officers, they will carry arms.



423. An order will state at the head, the source, place and date, and at the foot, the name of the commander who gives it; as for example:

Headquarters, VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion

Camped at New Market, Virginia, 15th May, 1864

General Orders, }

No. , }

By command of the Lieutenant Colonel C.A.L.

P.H.W. Captain, Tactical Officer, Co A

442. Official letters should generally refer to one matter only. In regard to an enlisted man, the company must be stated.

443. Letters on letter paper will be folder in three folds, parallel with the writing.

444. All communications…are to be marked on the cover “official business,” and to receive attention, must conform to the requirements [of being addressed to the appropriate person in the chain of command or appropriate office through which the correspondence will be routed.


503. Each company has its tents in two files, facing on a street perpendicular to the color line. The width of the street depends on the front of the camp, but should not be less than five paces. The interval between the ranks of tents is two paces; between the files of tents of adjacent companies, two paces; between regiments, twenty-two paces.

504. The color line is ten paces in front of the front rank of tents…

505. The company officers are in rear of their respective companies, the Captains on the right.

506. The Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel near the center of the line of field and staff; the Adjutant, a Major, and Surgeon, on the right; the Quartermaster, a Major, and Assistant Surgeon on the left.



1466. All officers shall wear a frock coat of gray cloth, known as cadet gray; the skirt to extend half-way between the hip and knee; double breasted for all grades….Two rows of seven buttons, placed at equal distances…the distance between the rows four inches at the top and three inches at bottom; stand up collar, to rise no higher than to permit the chin to turn freely over it, to hook in front at the bottom and slope thence up and backward, at an angle of thirty degrees, on each side; cuffs two and a half inches deep on the under side, there to be buttoned with three small buttons, and sloped upwards to a point four inches from the end of the sleeve…

1467. Buttons shall be of the Virginia State Seal variety.

1468. Caps shall be of the form known as French kepi.

1469. Marks to distinguish rank: Three gold braids for Field Officers, two for Captains, to extend from the band on front, back, and both sides to the top of the cap- and the center of the crown to be embroidered with the same number of braids. (Cap braiding is optional)

1470. Sleeve braid/waist sashes are optional.

1471. Rank is as proscribed for the Confederate Army.


All the Articles of War shall be followed and shall apply to both the 19th Century Confederate and 21st Century United States governments.

Parades in Review will be conducted according to the method established by the Virginia Military Institute.


Author’s note:

These regulations for the VMI Cadet Reenactment Battalion

are assembled and modified from the:

• 1854 Regulations of the Virginia Military Institute,

• Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States,

• Published orders of General Francis H. Smith.

These are intended to supply structure and discipline to this reenactment organization to properly honor and remember the historical memory and legacy of the Virginia Military Institute Cadets.

The Virginia Military Institute is the only existing modern-day military unit that formerly served on the side of the Confederate States of America that also has the distinction of having been in nearly continuous operations since 1839. VMI even thrived during the War Between the States and contributed over 2000 graduates to the cause. Not even the South Carolina Military Academy can claim this.

These regulations may seem strict to many of today’s re-enactors, but they are reasonable given that life for the cadets was often harsh and demanding. The regulations are derived directly from the regulations of 1854. We are attempting to accurately emulate the life of the VMI Cadet during the War Between the States.

We also do not want to allow ourselves to bring disrespect upon the current Corps of Cadets and the VMI. We must ensure we protect the cherished Institution of higher education: the Virginia Military Institute, our alma mater.

Rah Virginia Mil!

Our Mission:

Dedicated to preserving and honoring the history, heritage, legacy, memory, and sacrifices of the Virginia Military Institute Corps of Cadets and the common soldier of the several armies of the Confederate States of America; to foster awareness of the role of the Virginia Military Institute and its Corps of Cadets in the successes of the Southern Confederacy; to promote interest in and study of the War for Southern Independence.

C O N T E N T S.


Article I. Organization. . . . . . . . 23

II. Admission of Cadets. . . . . . 27

III. Uniform, Furniture, &c. . . . . 31

IV. Accounts. . . . . . . . . 32

V. Course of Instruction. . . . . . 33

VI. Classification of Cadets and Manner

of Instruction. . . . . . . 37

VII. General Examinations. . . . . 38

VIII. Merit Rolls. . . . . . . . . 39

IX. Leaves of Absence. . . . . . . 42

X. Discipline. . . . . . . . . 44

XI. Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . 50

XII. Regulations for the Interior Police

and Discipline of the Institute. . 52

APPENDIX.- Extracts from the General Regulations

of the C.S. Army. . . . . . 73

Our Means

1. Attendance at the annual Reenactment of the Battle of New Market;

2. Instruction, Seminars, and Talks at Public Schools that allow us to showcase the legacy of the VMI Corps of Cadets in the War;

3. Articles and Letters written to magazines and historical reviews regarding the role of the Cadets in the War Between the States;

4. Supporting the New Market Battlefield State Historical Park in New Market, Virginia through donations and volunteer activities, when possible;

5. Practicing our skills through comprehensive drills in both Gilham’s and Hardee’s Manual of Arms;

6. Supporting qualified cadets and candidates, especially among the reenactment community, for cadetship at the Virginia Military Institute;

7. Supporting the rebirth and growth of the VMI Civil War Round Table;

8. Supporting the efforts of the Civil War Preservation Trust to preserve and safeguard Civil War Battlefields and other resources.

9. Supporting the legacy of the Confederate States, including the rights of persons to display correct Confederate symbols and fostering a dialog of the history and a discussion of ALL aspects of the war.

Our Goals:

1. Educate ourselves and others about the history and heritage of the VMI Corps of Cadets through research, study, and education;

2. Educate and inform the general public of the role of the VMI Corps of Cadets not only at the Battle of New Market, but in the lifeline of the Confederate States of America;

3. Support ideals of the Confederate States, to include: State’s Rights and the right of a people to determine the course of their own futures per the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution;

4. Strive to be among the premier reenactment organizations in the country: dedicated, authentic, well-trained, and disciplined.



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