
| |Old 55-I Guestbook | |

| |2006-2012 | |

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| |[|

|140. Gerald R. Doty - 2012-11-29 20:57:22 |p|

| |i|

|Hi everybody, new e-mail address,(above) tried tech support, never again. will make Branson, keep the lights on & keep it level. Jerry |c|

| |]|

| |[|

|139. George Bracke - 2012-10-06 23:01:39 |p|

| |i|

|Trying to get some info, A friend has a T-6G, tail number 93279, That was based at Goodfellow, then transfered to Malden. I don’t have |c|

|the dates, but does anyone have a picture of this aircraft at either base? |]|

| |[|

|Looking forward to Branson, George |p|

| |i|

| |c|

|138. Jeff Matthews - 2012-07-30 19:30:35 |]|

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|Just ran across tjis site. Its helping to fill in the gaps I have of Dad’s career. I’d enjoy hearing from anyone who knew my father, | |

|William H. Matthews (Matt) | |

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|137. Bitonti Mario - 2012-07-04 17:02:40 | |

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|only memories | |

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|136. richard a christensen - 2012-03-21 18:35:17 | |

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|many happy memories. good luck to all | |

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|135. George Bracke - 2012-02-25 00:13:19 | |

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|Happy 57th anniversary to class 55-I | |

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|134. Bob Klimek - 2011-08-16 14:41:40 | |

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|Now the page is opening after Darrell fixed it! | |

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|Bob | |

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|133. Darrell Robert Schmidt - 2011-08-16 01:30:19 | |

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|This is just a test. The Honorable Robert Klimek said he couldn’t make an entry on our Guest Book because it timed out. [pic] | |

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|132. Connie Conway - 2011-04-28 22:32:04 | |

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|This web site has brought my dad’s past into the future. I had no idea about so many of the things noted in this site. We are looking | |

|forward to meeting everyone at the Dayton reunion next week. | |

| | |

|Wally & Connie Conway - Bob Klimek’s daughter | |

|Audrey Young - Bob Klimek’s granddaughter in law | |

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|131. Howard Crites - 2011-03-28 04:48:38 | |

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|I am looking forward to attending the Dayton reunion along with my wife of 56 years, Marge. We have been to all but one. I finally | |

|retired for the third time, this time as a tow pilot at the USAFA. In 12 years I ended up with over 30k tows. I still fly, but for | |

|recreational purposes, not for hire. The FAA awarded me with the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award for 50+ years of safe flying. I | |

|still miss flying the F-100 "Hun" and the F-4E and F-84F. See you all at Dayton. | |

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|130. kozy Korzan - 2011-02-18 02:18:05 | |

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|Greetings to all. To Bob K-I haven’t received the $ poop on Wright-Pat. | |

|Holly and I will be there on the 4th. Really looking forward to seeing the group again. Regards, Kozy. | |

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|129. Bud Jensen - 2010-08-26 23:44:10 | |

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|55-I This has a special and varied impact in all of us who share this Class ID. The memories are are many, and MR Arnold, You will | |

|never know how glad I was that another Airman, Officer,or cadet also had a maroon Mercury just like yours at that Lackland parking lot,| |

|AND your keys loaned to me and the others fit!!!!! | |

|Those of us who used that "Other" Maroon Mercury all felt the same Im sure!!!!!!! | |

| | |

|Just think what we would have missed. If it meant "Washed Out" Praise The Lord!!! We got to fly and put on THOSE WINGS!!!! Cant | |

|remember who the other "Suspected thieves were? BUD JENSEN [pic]jensen5708@ | |

| | |

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|128. john gogol - 2010-07-31 01:18:06 | |

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|Hello all, | |

| | |

|I am restoring the following T-28A’s and looking for pictures 49-1505 and 51-7708 | |

|john JOHNs EMAIL IS [pic]jrgogol@ | |

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|127. Billy "Pappy" Rawl - 2010-07-17 22:33:45 | |

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|Greetings to Class 55-I from 61-F. I believe most, if not all, of us who went through this program look at it as the 15 months that | |

|changed our lives. I, for one, cannot imagine what my life would have been like if I had not had the good fortune to be chosen for the | |

|Cadet program. I left the military after my obligated service for the greener pastures of the airline industry, as did many of us at | |

|that time of great expansion due to the jets coming into service, and will be eternally grateful to this country and the USAF for | |

|providing me with the training that prepared me for that career. | |

| | |

|You may want to click the link (if it shows) to our class. Who knows, you may see someone you know among the pictures! | |

| | |

|Best of luck to all. | |

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|126. Cathleen Hills DeWitt - 2010-07-01 00:16:18 | |

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|Hi, | |

|I am looking for Donald G. Elliot. I believe he was in the May 26, 1944 B26 crash with my grandfather, Willard H. Hills. My grandfather| |

|was the pilot and lost his life in the crash. It was a training flight and all the student pilots survived, including Donald G. Elliot.| |

|I would like to speak with him or with anyone who has information about my grandfather. | |

|Thank you so much, | |

|Cathleen Hills DeWitt | |

|3 [pic]dogdewitt@ | |

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|125. Carl Richards - 2010-06-05 22:39:59 | |

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|Greetings to all members of class 55-India. You’ve awakened many memories of mine as I’ve glanced through this site of yours viewing | |

|photos of our earliest "loves"...the PA-18, T-6, T-28 and T-33. | |

|I was in class 54-K at Marana (1953) and Williams Field (1954). Now, a lone survivor of our 5 man flight at Marana. They’re all gone. | |

|Went on to fly 23 different types of fighters, both old ( A-1J ) and new ( F-4E ). Loved every minute of my 28 year career and would do| |

|it all over, again, in a heart beat. May each and every one of you live to see the century mark in good health, and never fail to check| |

|your 6 o’clock. | |

|Rich | |

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|124. Jim Hicks - 2010-03-02 01:49:59 | |

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|Diane and i are still living the joys of the DCA Reunion. Our Thanks to Pete Zuras and other helpers for another outstanding reunion. I| |

|think we are a great group. I agree with Tom Brokaw in saying we are members of one of the greatest generations | |

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|123. Bob Klimek - 2010-02-20 22:54:58 | |

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|Lucia and I just returned from couple of weeks in the BVI with family on a Moorings 44’ sailboat. | |

| | |

|The 2011 reunion at the AF museum in Dayton, Ohio is firming up. Since we have such a large venue -- the Museum all to our class for | |

|four hours, we are planning on making the reunion one that can be attended by family members; children, grandkids, and the like. More | |

|to follow. | |

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|Bob | |

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|122. Owens John and Gwen - 2010-01-16 22:28:45 | |

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|What a great time we had at the DC reunion. It meant a great deal to John to see everyone and relive a wonderful time in his life. John| |

|and I are thinking seriously of leaving our beautiful lake here in central Virginia and moving to Colo. Springs to be closer to our | |

|daughter and her family. I think we may be approaching the time when the closeness of family will be necessary. Again, tho, I do want | |

|to thank everyone for helping John have a great time. | |

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|121. Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, R - 2010-01-01 01:20:09 | |

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|Happy New Year! We love this website. It has been very helpful for our members. Also, our members tell us that our website is the best | |

|place for veterans to find information about compensation, pension and benefits for veterans. w w w . v e t e r a n p r o g r a m s . c| |

|o m | |

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|120. Ron Weinert - 2009-12-31 00:18:32 | |

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|I have not visited the site for much too long. Darrell, you are still my hero, doing your usual peerless job. Thanks for all that. | |

|I am noting that we are long past the point where the "no longer with us" vastly outnumber the survivors. We are a dwindling group, but| |

|the reunions serve to keep us together in spirit as well as physically every few years. | |

|The DC09 reunion was outstanding in every way, as all of them before it have been. I hope everyone who came will be there at the next | |

|one. Wish we could blast loose those who have not yet attended. The experience of friends and comrades from all those years ago is | |

|unique, and I am glad not to have missed any of them. | |

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|119. BJ Brown - 2009-11-07 20:20:28 | |

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|Hi Darrell ... | |

|It was nice talking with you and thanks for the quick response. Take care and see you at the B-58 Hustler Assn reunion in Las Vegas! BJ| |

|Brown, Bainbridge, GA Class 53E [pic] | |

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|118. Hans Terpstra - 2009-10-15 14:27:10 | |

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|Amersfoort, ok/15/09. Irene and I did not say say goodbye to many on sunday morning leaving Washington,via this e-mail we still do and | |

|wish them well. Our trip trough Virginia went well, thanks to the road map, Pete Zuras gave us. WX sunny and warm. We thank the | |

|committee for an excellent reunion. | |

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|117. Merlyn "Bud" Johns - 2009-09-27 02:35:19 | |

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|116. Roger Bentson - 2009-07-07 04:03:15 | |

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|You may remember me as a Goodfellow AFB Pre-Cadet commander and later as a Columbus AFB washout (flying deficiency). | |

|Didn’t hurt my career. Saw more major commands, geography and more types of aircraft as a navigator, later a B-47 radar-bomb-nav guy | |

|in same wing (2nd BW)at Savannah (1962-63)with the grown up Col Tom Ferrebee (Wing DM), the Enola Gay Bombardier, then Ohio EB47E, | |

|Titan II ICBM Missile Combat Crew Commander at McConnell (Wichita), RF4C WSO 125 missions Tan Shon Nut (Saigon)and so on. Lt Col was a | |

|surprise as non-regular nav with no college degree. After 20, Became MBA, CPA and all that goes with that, USAA Mgt, professor, etc. | |

|Going to Oshkosh 25 Jul to 4 Aug to meet sons, Ret USAF MSgt Brad, a hot hang-glider pilot out of Bonita Springs Fla and second son W-4| |

|Matt 20yr reserve completed BlackHawk pilot (Korea, Deset Storm, Iraq) now with ICE (Tuscon). Daughter Karen drives BIG Trucks. Still | |

|thinking about DC reunion. Will let you know after EAA fly-in. [pic]rbentson@satx. | |

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|115. Mauri Foster - 2009-06-29 18:49:37 | |

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|Nan and I will be there and are looking forward to a great time! | |

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|114. Jerry Larson - 2009-05-26 14:54:15 | |

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|Josie and I are looking forward to the great ’09 rdz. | |

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|113. Ben Brown - 2009-05-25 13:33:52 | |

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|My wife and I are looking forward to seeing everyone in DC in September. | |

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|112. Hans Terpstra - 2009-04-23 09:32:50 | |

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|Hi everyone, Irene and I will attend the 2009 reunion. The flight and the room are booked, so until than, Hans Terpstra | |

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|111. Kozy Korzan - 2009-04-13 03:34:10 | |

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|Hi Bob Colley, Just a note about Frank A. Armstrong III. We were at Greenville in pilot training, Class 55-I and later were IPs there. | |

|He and I and three others lived in an antibellum house on lake Washington called "Booger Inn". Frank’s dad (the main character in the | |

|movie "Twelve O’Clock High, played by Gregory Peck) made a couple of visits while he was Commander of Alaskan Air Command. Booger | |

|(named after a dog with one white eye and a big beer guzzler) got a little too wild for those 5;30 am briefings, so we moved to a | |

|neighboring place. Frank was a great guy and a genuine patriot! I was in the 1st Air Commando Wing, Det 1 at Udorn. Frank was at NKP | |

|flying A-1 Sandy’s. I hope this gives you some background. | |

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|110. Lyn Arguello - 2009-03-09 17:10:33 | |

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|I am the Director of Sales at the hotel that hosted your 2000 reunion (a Wyndham at that time) which is now the Colorado Springs | |

|Marriott. We are really hoping you will join us again for your 2011 reunion and I am looking for the contact who will be planning that | |

|event. Although we are a Marriott, we are extremely flexible with rates for the Military renunion market. Please see our property | |

|renovations at marriott/co/mcol/. I hope to hear from you soon! | |

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|109. Dave Bidleman - 2009-03-07 04:26:12 | |

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|I will be there for the 2009 reunion in D.C. Looking forward to the whole shebang. | |

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|108. mike fleming - 2009-02-16 13:46:52 | |

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|Frank Bostrom was my great uncle, would be interested in any information about him thank you. Thanks to all who served | |

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|107. Norm & Mary Dessel - 2009-02-10 23:11:14 | |

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|6443 Lance Court, San Diego, CA 92120-2925 phone 619-286-5033 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting [pic]619-286-5033 FREE | |

|end_of_the_skype_highlighting,let us hear. We plan to see you in Sep 09 at Tyson’s Corner, VA. Norm’s email is | |

|[pic]normandessel@ | |

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|106. Bob Nolley Colonel USAF ret. - 2009-01-24 06:44:01 | |

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|Neglected to add contact information on last messsage. Telephone 804..740.872 and email [pic]jrnvmi51@ | |

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|105. Bob Nolley Colonel USAF ret. - 2009-01-24 06:37:59 | |

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|Just located the listing for MIA Major Frank Alton Armstrong,III. He and I grew up together while his father General Frank A. Armstrong| |

|was in Europe during WWII. | |

|I finally located his widow this year and am assisting her in seeking the details of her husband’s last mission when he was shot down | |

|from ground fire October 6, 1967 over Attopeu Province, Laos. Any assistance from fellow 1st Air Commando unit members would be | |

|appreciated. | |

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|104. D’Agostino Davide - 2008-12-09 17:32:53 | |

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|I’ll try to be present.... | |

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|103. Caesar Doyle - 2008-11-23 23:19:46 | |

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|Found your page...this is a needle in a haystack search!! Looking for Robert Mallory who was USAF stationed in the south of England | |

|1955-1956. I think he was from Texas or NY and would be aged 72 to 78 now. His bio daughter, Loraine is trying to contact him. Her | |

|mother is Irish, and called Theresa, and a relationship was formed in 1955. Any news or ideas how to contact Robert would be | |

|appreciated. You won a war, so this can’t be too difficult for you old soldiers. Ta. [pic]caesardoyle@yahoo.co.uk | |

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|102. Atwood, R.O. - 2008-10-29 02:39:04 | |

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|Pris and I will be there. | |

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|101. Keith A. Welch Sr. - 2008-09-22 03:09:03 | |

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|The son of Colonel Jerry L. Welch USAF class 53 FOXTROT. | |

|I like your website, it has a lot of memories for me growing up as a fighter pilots son. | |

|I was looking for some pictures and stories. | |

|I have a 2009 Ultra Classic Harley Davidson that is going to be completely repainted. It will be a Tribute bike to my father and the | |

|American Fighter Pilot. On the front ferring will be a T-38 on the ground with 2 F-5s flying in the dark clouds. A set of command | |

|pilots wings will be hiden the clouds. A t-6 will be on the right side of the tankand a modern jet on the left tank. | |

|The poem High Flight will be on the trunk. Lots more will be on it. | |

|So, I just want to say thanks for your web site. | |

|Like to meet you guys sometime. | |

| | |

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|100. Warren Green - 2008-08-27 20:11:27 | |

| | |

|Have just changed my email address from to [pic]wgreen53@cfl. | |

|please change in your address book. | |

|wgg | |

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|99. Andrew J. Garber - 2008-08-25 23:54:27 | |

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|I was a B25 crew chief at Vance AFB 1952-1956. Greatly admired you guys who flew them. Was on fly status for most of my tour, and | |

|worked at Kegelman for some of it. I had a Base yearbook during that period, but can’t find it. If someone has one and would copy it | |

|for me, I would be very grateful. Thanks | |

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|98. Charles &Shirley Harger - 2008-08-21 03:35:37 | |

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|Life is really great and we count our blessings! | |

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|97. Kozy Korzan - 2008-07-09 22:46:38 | |

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|When the reservations open up, Holly and I would like a room for the duration at the base camp (read that the Holiday Inn Plaza where | |

|the good times will roll, probably until at least 2100 hrs.) If we need to do make the res ourselves, please let us know. Hated to miss| |

|ABQ. | |

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|96. George Bracke - 2008-07-08 20:38:03 | |

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|I signed up last year and will attend, with my wife Sharon, Looking forward to this, George | |

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|95. Bob Butterworth - 2008-06-08 17:09:49 | |

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|My wife Arline and I will attend the reunion. | |

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|94. JERRY LARSON - 2008-05-24 14:33:25 | |

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|Josie and I will be there. | |

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|93. Samuel - 2008-05-05 22:34:49 | |

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|YiXW9g Hello! I’m Samuel Smith, i’m from Switqerland i and find your site really brilliant! | |

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|92. Darrell R. Schmidt - 2008-05-02 23:06:16 | |

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|Gus Ronge has informed us that our Belgian classmate, Michel Augustus, has taken the final flight West. He will be missed. | |

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|91. Ken Gero - 2008-04-13 12:54:27 | |

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|Sadly, I report that I received a call from Bernice Ellwanger that my friend and our 55-I classmate, Bob Ellwanger, passed away April | |

|2, 2008 in San Angelo TX. Bernice will continue to live there. They have two sons who also reside in the area. | |

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|90. Don Blair - 2008-03-14 19:59:38 | |

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|I plan to attend with my wife Nancy. | |

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|89. Chuck Harger - 2008-01-17 22:09:22 | |

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|Shirley and I will be there for the reunion. | |

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|88. Pete Zuras - 2007-12-18 21:04:01 | |

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|Got a phone call yesterday from Herman Liebaut, my roommate at Malden. Said to put him and his wife down for DCA09 - all the way from | |

|France! Hadn’t talked to him since 1954. He had gone to Colorado Springs, the only reunion that I didn’t attend! Pete Zuras | |

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|87. Atwood, R.O. - 2007-12-13 16:11:13 | |

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|Priscilla and I will attend. Looking forward to it! | |

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|86. Jim Monk - 2007-12-11 17:33:22 | |

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|James G.(Jim)Monk and Wife Shirley Monk plan on being at the 2009 Reunion. Cheers All | |

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|85. Ed Unser - 2007-12-09 19:53:35 | |

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|Evelyn are expecting to be at the DC get-together | |

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|Ed Unser | |

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|84. Dean Roach - 2007-12-08 23:19:45 | |

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|Dean Roach will be at the reunion with his wife. | |

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|83. Norman Dessel - 2007-12-06 02:16:45 | |

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|Dear Pete,unless something happens to prevent I will be in DC at Tyson’s Corner Holiday Plaza fornthe full visit. I missed a few and | |

|I’m really regretting that fact - got lots of fences to mend. If I can be of help, let me know, Pete. The politicl fur fliying should | |

|be over by then. I’ll see if Mary wants to go along. That’s our old stomping grounds - lived in Vienna, VA for a year and a half, my | |

|family with me. Norm Dessel | |

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|82. Jerry Blalock - 2007-12-04 19:01:19 | |

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|I tentatively, at this early date, plan on attending. | |

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|81. David & Effie Bidleman - 2007-12-04 17:31:48 | |

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|Effie and I will be attending the 2009 Reunion. | |

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|80. Kozy and Holly Korzan - 2007-12-04 16:07:17 | |

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|We plan to attend the ’09 reunion. | |

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|79. Tom Sawyer - 2007-12-04 14:49:26 | |

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|Faith and I plan to attend the reunion. | |

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|78. Hans Terpstra - 2007-12-04 11:11:04 | |

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|Irene and I plan to attend the 09 reunion, Hans | |

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|77. Len Jankowiak - 2007-12-04 05:19:32 | |

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|Shirley and I are planning on making this one in D.C. | |

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|76. Dean Eggen - 2007-12-04 04:22:44 | |

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|I am planning to attend the DC reunion in 09. Dean Eggen | |

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|75. D L "Pete" Chinbur - 2007-12-04 02:00:34 | |

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|Pete Z ; My wife, Ellen, and I are planning to attend. Pete Chinburg | |

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|74. Earl & Muriel McHardy - 2007-12-02 23:42:58 | |

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|Earl and I want to be on the list for the hotel in Washington DC for the reunion. | |

| | |

|I get lost on these sites but my computer son is here to help. | |

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|73. Ken Gero - 2007-12-02 16:07:10 | |

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|I recently talked to the three widows who attended ABQ07;In addition to Suzie, Bettye Dean and Carol Hamm are planning to attend DCA09.| |

|Ken Gero | |

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|72. Charles V. Hoggatt - 2007-11-27 17:01:48 | |

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|I plan to attend, need King room if still available, Chuck * | |

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|71. Suzie Nelson - 2007-11-26 03:08:41 | |

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|Dear All; | |

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|Looking forward to seeing all in DC09. What a wonderful time I had in Albuquerque seeing all of Stan’s buddies. The great stories he | |

|had to share about you all and the incredible stories you had to tell about times while serving. Suzie | |

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|70. Merle & Yvonne Bechthold - 2007-11-09 01:58:36 | |

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|Pete, | |

|We sent you our confirmation back in Sept. | |

|No change. Just got back from Europe. | |

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|69. John Burnett - 2007-11-06 17:17:33 | |

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|Jetta and I are planning on attending the reunion in 09 in DC. | |

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|68. John Owens - 2007-10-24 20:40:28 | |

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|If things stay as stable as they are now, my wife Gwen and I definitely plan to be there. | |

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|67. Ben Brown - 2007-10-17 12:57:57 | |

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|Ben and Basak Brown looking forward to attend. [pic] | |

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|66. Merlyn "Bud" Johns - 2007-10-16 18:07:24 | |

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|I and my wife Elvira will be at the meeting DC09 | |

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|65. Bob Klimek and Lucia Casale - 2007-10-16 17:25:43 | |

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|Lucia and I will attend DC09. In fact, we are already here and waiting for the rest of you to show up. We can’t wait much past 2 more | |

|years. Back to hibernating. [pic] | |

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|64. Lee Wolfe - 2007-10-16 17:15:45 | |

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|Wouldn’t miss it. Jan and I both plan to be there. I think Washington will be the setting for a great reunion. For those who haven’t | |

|rejoined the group to rehash old times don’t know what they are missing. Lee. | |

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|63. Dick Whttington - 2007-10-15 14:30:40 | |

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|Dear 55-I Class | |

|Bev and I are hopeful that we will finally attend our reunion in 09. Pete Zuras’name rang a bell, I believe roomates at either Malden| |

|or Williams. We do attend a number of fighter squadron reunions but have not gone that far back yet. It should be great. Dick | |

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|62. EDWARD J KANE - 2007-10-15 14:29:13 | |

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|61. Gamaliel Phillips - 2007-10-14 21:59:28 | |

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|I definitely plan to attend, and plan to bring my sweetie, Andreas Campbell. Phil | |

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|60. Hoyt Hook - 2007-10-10 22:49:58 | |

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|My wife Betty and I are planning to attend. | |

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|59. John Sachko - 2007-10-09 20:16:24 | |

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|God willing, Terry & I will be there [pic] | |

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|58. Bob Willis - 2007-10-09 01:46:26 | |

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|Ann & I will be there | |

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|57. Pete Zuras - 2007-10-08 16:46:12 | |

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|Obviously Jo Ann and I will be there in 09. | |

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|56. Russ Rickard - 2007-10-06 04:44:48 | |

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|Mary Anne and I both plan to attend. | |

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|55. Edd Barnes - 2007-10-06 01:10:28 | |

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|Linda and I plan to attend, Pete. | |

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|54. John Garbe - 2007-10-04 20:45:23 | |

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|My wife, Donna and our daughter Tracy will also attend | |

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|53. George Bracke - 2007-10-04 19:54:53 | |

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|I too will be there, not sure about my wife, George | |

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|52. Harvey Kimsey - 2007-10-04 16:34:50 | |

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|I will attend the 09 reunion. Harvey | |

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|51. Don Gierard - 2007-10-03 20:18:05 | |

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|I and my wife ,Frances, planto attend | |

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|50. Gene Cox - 2007-09-27 17:33:26 | |

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|Wife Bobbie and I plan to attend. We lived in West Springfield for five years while I was assigned to the Pentagon and Andrews and | |

|would enjoy a return trip. | |

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|49. Bob Willis - 2007-09-26 20:24:48 | |

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|Plan to attend with my wife. Bob | |

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|48. Richrd W. Wyatt - 2007-09-26 17:57:22 | |

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|Margaret and I will be there. Hope the Scotch holds out. Dick84 | |

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|47. Ron Weinert - 2007-09-26 17:17:09 | |

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|It is looking like we are going to be "the usual suspects," which is great, but I sure as Hell would like to see some of you wall | |

|flowers breaking out of your hiding places and coming to DC in ’09. It doesn’t hurt, believe me, and you will NOT REGRET IT. I know | |

|some of you have health issues with either yourselves or your spouses, and we understand and regret that you just cannot make it. What | |

|can I do to convince the rest of you to come? Jerry Richey, I am talking to you, among others. Stop being stubborn and rejoin this | |

|gaggle. We miss you and your corny jokes, your attacks on me (all in good fun, of course), and most of all, your smiling face. | |

|Come on guys, life is short, and we will not be here forever... | |

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|46. Wayne F Wootton - 2007-09-26 16:52:33 | |

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|Wayne Wootton plans to attend(1). | |

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|45. Carl & Carolyn Rawie - 2007-09-26 14:00:07 | |

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|Missed ABQ. I will not miss DCA. See all of you there. | |

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|44. Howard Crites - 2007-09-26 13:35:03 | |

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|I plan to attend along with my wife, Marge. Hope the Udvar-Hazy museum is on the agenda! Howard | |

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|43. Ken Gero - 2007-09-26 13:24:34 | |

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|Things being the same, I will attend DCA09. Ken Gero | |

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|42. Ed Unser - 2007-09-26 13:07:54 | |

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|Evelyn and I expect to be there -- in Washington. Expecting another great time. | |

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|41. Tom Craig - 2007-09-26 12:59:22 | |

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|My wife Marsha and I plan to attend. | |

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|40. Dale A. Dyslin - 2007-09-26 12:32:19 | |

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|My wife Bobbye and I plan to attend. | |

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|39. Dick Arnold - 2007-09-26 11:50:16 | |

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|Good Lord willin and the crick don’t we will be there. Good place to go. I worked there for eighteen years and we have some friends | |

|there. Ron Weinert send me your mailing address and I will send you a couple of pictures. you look fifteen years younger than you are I| |

|have some prints for Klimek also if someone has his address [pic] | |

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|38. Zahle Elms - 2007-09-26 09:57:06 | |

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|If the ol’ trotters are still trottin’, I’ll be there...alone | |

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|37. Skip La Rocque - 2007-09-26 07:58:49 | |

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|Plannin on bein dare wit meye roommate of 51 years. Meye #1 daughter live inn Fairfax, sew wee can kill two stones wit one bird. [pic] | |

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|36. Merlyn "Bud" Johns - 2007-09-26 03:48:24 | |

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|Suffered a broken Achilles Heel last October in Budapest but I think it is getting back in shape so that my wife and I will be able to | |

|attend DCl Count us in for two. [pic] | |

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|35. Jim Hicks - 2007-09-26 03:15:42 | |

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|Darrell/Pete Got my back fixed, got my foot fixed, and just got my shoulder fixed. If nothing else breaks, I’ll be there along with | |

|Diane. Put us down for 2. Thanks for your efforts and if I can help any, just let me know. Jim Hicks | |

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|34. Rex Lawson - 2007-09-26 02:55:01 | |

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|It is my current plans to be there by myself. | |

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|33. Warren G Green - 2007-09-26 01:54:55 | |

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|I will plan to attend at this time with my wife. I am of good health at this time but who knows, 09 is down stream. | |

|Warren Green | |

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|32. Wilford Deming - 2007-09-26 00:09:57 | |

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|Unable to attend but thanks, Pete, for your lead on what will be another fine reunion. | |

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|31. Darrell Schmidt - 2007-09-25 23:45:22 | |

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|OK, Peter, I plan to attend the DC reunion in ’09. Just me. My wife doesn’t travel well anymore. | |

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|30. Ron Weinert - 2007-09-24 16:46:54 | |

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|Put me down for 2 attendees in ’09. | |

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|29. Ron Weinert - 2007-09-23 22:24:20 | |

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|I haven’t visited in awhile. Some of you who couldn’t make any of the previous reunions should make an effort to make it to D.C. in 09.| |

|We would love to see any and all of you---before it is too late. We ain’t getting any younger, or any healthier! Get there while you | |

|can, and renew old friendships and old memories of when we were young and full of fire and hope. | |

|I was thrilled to see Roger Bentson on the guestbook. We go way back, clear to Pre-cadets at Goodfellow and Tech/Sgt Camario. Remember | |

|him, Roger? | |

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|28. John Bailey - 2007-09-02 12:52:52 | |

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|Nice work. It would be nice to track down some of the 57-C trainees and instructors. | |

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|Here is a link for a page originally in the Laughlin AFB class of 57-C yearbook. John Nesbitt was the editor. As his BOQ room-mate, I | |

|think I wrote the afterword but the langugage must have been polished by John. At any rate, the essay contains references and allusions| |

|that only someone who went through the program would recognize. | |

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|27. Roger Bentson - 2007-08-04 01:40:57 | |

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|Greetings to Ron and all! Just got through talking with Jim Hicks about personal history, etc. After graduating with the Ellington nav | |

|class 55-06, 9 May 55, things went well. 20 couuntries, virtually every major air command, B-47s, Titan IIs, RF4C-125 Viet Nam | |

|missions, etc. Then CPA, CMA, Master of Accty,etc for 30 years. piece a cake! Click on the house icon above to visit my website - for | |

|any who care. | |

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|26. Bob Selden - 2007-07-25 01:15:54 | |

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|Hello to all. So many of our friends have gone West...I’m going to try and get to DC reunion. Still flying - Ercoupe and Champ, but, | |

|hey...it’s off the ground!.. BAD NEWS, BOB WILL BE UNABLE TO MAKE THE REUNION | |

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|25. Ron Guerra - 2007-07-23 18:37:53 | |

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|Hello to all fellow class members and good health in our wanning years. This "kid" did 13 1/2 years in the good old USAF fighter regime| |

|and them vacated to AmericanAirlines for another 22 1/2. Retirement has been good . We had the best of the flying years I think you | |

|will all agree. | |

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|24. Larry Ogle - 2007-07-23 13:01:03 | |

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|Enjoyed your page. My class - 56-N hasn"t kept up like this one. I guess my Old IP (Panic) didn"t train me right [pic]LARRY WAS MY | |


|"PANIC". | |

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|23. Darrell Schmidt - 2007-07-18 21:12:19 | |

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|22. Charles Thomas - 2007-07-17 19:44:08 | |

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|Derrell you did a great job. It was really great for me since I have been unable to attend the reunions.Thanks Chuck | |

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|21. Edd Barnes - 2007-07-11 23:30:49 | |

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|I don’t plan to miss another. Cheers!!! | |

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|20. Ken Gero - 2007-07-11 13:50:16 | |

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|Thanks to all who came to ABQ07, to the rest see you at DCA09! Ken | |

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|19. Willis R. Beasley - AKA - Greg - 2007-07-09 22:41:07 | |

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|Sorry I was unable to attend the ABQ meeting. I really enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the web pages. It’s really great. It gives us| |

|a chance to send it to our non-AF friends. | |

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|18. Jim Briley - 2007-07-09 20:47:07 | |

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|This was my 1st reunion. It was a wonderful experience. A gala event from beginning to end. Glad to see all the 55-I ers. A very | |

|special thanks to KEN. | |

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|17. Gene Cox - 2007-07-09 19:48:25 | |

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|Sorry that we were not able to attend. Nice job on the photo album. Looking forward to the next reunion. | |

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|16. Dick Arnold - 2007-07-09 19:21:04 | |

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|Thanks Ken. Thanks Darrell. I really enjoyed myself. You all did a great job. | |

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|15. Jerry Richey - 2007-07-09 19:00:52 | |

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|you still de man! nice to have a computer guru. | |

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|14. Ben Brown - 2007-07-09 17:53:17 | |

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|As with all of the previous reunions, this one was great. Ken did an outstanding job. | |

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|13. Holbrook B. DuPont - 2007-07-09 17:31:04 | |

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|ABQ was the first reunion for us and it was a marvelous experience. The program was well-done. Thanks so much to all who were involved | |

|in the planning, especially Ken Gero. Aloha...come visit us in Aloha-land. | |

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|12. - 2007-07-07 14:10:26 | |

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|[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | |

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|11. Muriel McHardy - 2007-07-02 21:57:44 | |

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|Thanks to everyone for all the work you do. I certainly enjoy the reunions and my boys wonder sometime if Earl’s flying years lasted | |

|forever. They were a wonderful part of our life. Muriel McHardy | |

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|10. wayne wootto, - 2007-06-11 15:58:03 | |

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|Darrell. Great to be with you in ABQ. The picture book is great. | |

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|9. Jim Hicks - 2007-06-10 22:20:57 | |

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|Darrell...Nice seeing you at the reunion. Thank you for doing such a super on the Web Site. It holds this whole thing together. Also | |

|thanks to Ken for his class act. It takes a good man to do a solo reunion for a group of wild and daring guys like 55-I. Already | |

|looking forward to DCA. My best, Jim Hicks | |

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|8. Robert L. Shelton - 2007-06-07 00:18:22 | |

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|Sorry I could not be with you guys, looks like Ken did an outstanding job [pic] | |

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|7. George Bracke - 2007-05-31 01:18:32 | |

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|ABQ, great job Ken and the reunions get better with age. Need to push the 2009 in Washington, especially those that have not yet | |

|attended. | |

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|6. Don Sterling - 2007-02-15 04:03:13 | |

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|A/C class 55N...Bainbridge & Laredo. | |

|Great website, wish 55N had one. | |

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|5. Hoyt Hook - 2007-01-01 19:29:38 | |

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|Great work Darrell. Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous 2007. | |

|Looking forward to Albuquerque. | |

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|4. Lee Wolfe - 2006-12-02 18:20:09 | |

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|Looking foward to seeing all you guys in Abq. Everything is well here. [pic] | |

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|3. Bob Klimek - 2006-04-23 22:29:04 | |

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|Ditto Ron’s comments. I also want to note our sadness at the passing of Ann Willis. | |

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|2. Ron Weinert - 2006-04-23 21:08:30 | |

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|Nice work as always, Schmidt. Thanks for your interest and your efforts. But above all, thanks for your friendship that has lasted for | |

|over 52 years. Priceless! | |

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|1. Darrell - 2006-04-23 18:08:38 | |

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|[pic]This is our new Guestbook. Please sign in if you haven’t already signed in on the old Guestbook. TO RETURN TO 55-I HOME PAGE YOU | |


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