APPENDIX AFinal SurveyQ1 Support for this study was provided by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars **************************************************** Please read the brief instructions below. This is a brief anonymous survey. Completion of this activity will yield 5?Category 1 CME hours that can be used towards part of the requirement for the self-assessment component of MOC Part 2. Once the activity is complete, you will be directed to the CME provider to obtain your certificate. The activity is anonymous. Names will be submitted?from the CME?provider to the ABS without linkage to your activity results. ??????????????????******************************************************************** ? INSTRUCTIONS: The activity is composed of 25 short clinical scenarios. At the end of each scenario, you will be asked the following question:? Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time? ? The question assumes no further diagnostic tests or medical treatment will be done, as well as no interventional radiology procedures.?Please answer each question in the manner MOST CONSISTENT WITH YOUR SURGICAL PRACTICE. Of course, it is understood that not all surgical cases presented are applicable to your specific practice; in these cases, please answer as best as you can.?Please keep in mind: there are no correct answers. Answer each question as you would treat the patient. In addition, you will enter a one-year operative case log into 11 general categories. Estimates are acceptable.? Following this, you will enter basic sociodemographic information. ? ? ?Q2 I hereby consent and give permission to the activity researchers to analyze in de-identified format any data I submit for evaluation and research purposes. (If you choose not to participate, you may simply close your browser window.) Thank you.I agree (the activity begins on the following page) (1)Q3 A 40 year old white?female is referred to your office from her primary care physician with vague right upper quadrant pain for one year. She is overweight, has no surgical history and takes no medications. The pain is somewhat sharp, irregular and intermittent in nature, and she reports that the pain is not post-prandial. She reports occasional heartburn. She moves her bowels on a regular basis.? Physical exam is within normal limits. Upper gastrointestinal imaging showed slightly delayed gastric emptying. Upper endoscopy was negative, and an ultrasound of her gallbladder showed several small gallstones with a normal liver. A CCK-HIDA scan was normal. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q4 An 86 year old black male presents to your office for follow-up of a metastatic liver lesion from colon cancer. He has a stable 4cm abdominal aortic aneurysm and is not a candidate for embolization of the liver lesion. He has a medical history significant for hypertension and depression. He is 2 years status post a left hemicolectomy which was followed by chemoradiation, from which he did well. He was diagnosed with a liver metastasis approximately 12 weeks ago, and has undergone additional chemotherapy per his oncologist. On imaging, there is a single liver metastasis which has decreased in size from 7cm to 5cm after the chemotherapy, and no other major findings. Otherwise he feels well and is fairly active for his age. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q5 A pregnant 28 year old black female with no past medical history presents to the emergency department with abdominal pain. She is in her second trimester and has had no pregnancy related complications thus far. She reports progressive dull pain primarily in her right lower quadrant for the past 24 hours, which is partially relieved by lying in the left lateral position. Her abdomen is gravid with mild guarding in the right lower quadrant. She is afebrile, and reports mild nausea for and one episode of vomiting that occurred simultaneously with the abdominal pain. Her WBC count is 15,000/?L. Transvaginal and abdominal ultrasound does not visualize the appendix, and there is no free fluid seen. She is refusing a CT scan. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q6 You are asked to consult on a 75 year old white male in the medical intensive care unit with abdominal pain. He has a history of hypertension and is a smoker, and has no surgical history. He was admitted one week ago with chest pain, and found to have moderate heart failure with a low ejection fraction. He was initiated on maximal medical therapy, including aspirin and a diuretic, and his heart function has slowly improved. Yesterday, he complained of generalized abdominal pain and underwent a CT of the abdomen and pelvis which showed findings concerning for mesenteric ischemia; specifically, there were scattered areas of minimal pneumatosis throughout the colon, with no portal venous gas. He was placed on intravenous antibiotics and made NPO. This morning the patient reports slight pain in the left lower quadrant with minimal tenderness. His vital signs are stable except for mild tachycardia with a heart rate of 105 bpm. Since yesterday, his white blood cell count has increased from 12,000 to 13,200/?L and his lactate has increased from 1.6 to 2.0 mg/dL. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q7 A 22 year old white male is brought into the trauma bay with a penetrating injury to his abdomen. He has no past medical or surgical history. He was stabbed once in the epigastrium with a knife, leaving a 3cm wound. His heartrate is 95 bpm, and blood pressure is 120/72. His abdomen is tender on exam without peritonitis, and there seems to be no evidence of evisceration. A FAST exam is negative. An abdominal CT demonstrates a 2cm hematoma in the left lateral segment of the liver with no extravasation. There is no free air. His hemoglobin is measured at 15.4 mg/dL. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q8 A 35 year old black female is brought into the trauma bay with a penetrating neck injury within the last 90 minutes. She was stabbed in zone 2 of the neck at the level of the thyroid cartilage, just anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. She denies hoarseness or dysphagia, and does not have stridor or subcutaneous emphysema. The incision is 2cm long, and has minimal but persistent bleeding. On exam, the wound violates the platysma but no deeper structures are visualized. Her vital signs and hemoglobin are stable. A neck CT demonstrates a small collection superficial to the carotid sheath. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q9 A 28 year old black male sustained a fall from 30 feet. He has no past medical or surgical history. His GCS was 8, and he was intubated and brought to the hospital. A full body CT demonstrated a non-operative subdural hematoma, flail chest on the right, a left ankle fracture and a vertical shear pelvic fracture with a large retroperitoneal hematoma without extravasation. He has been in the ICU for the past 12 hours. He has been moderately hypotensive and has received 6 liters of crystalloid and 6 units of packed red blood cells. Currently his blood pressure is stable with tachycardia to 105 bpm, and his hemoglobin is 8.5 mg/dL. His abdomen is somewhat distended and firm, though not tight. His urine output is 25cc per hour, his peak airway pressure is 30mm Hg, and a bladder pressure was measured at 18mm Hg. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q10 A 30 year old white female presents with a solitary thyroid nodule. She is healthy and takes no medications. She reports that the nodule has been present for over 5 years and believes it has not changed in size during this time. It is not painful and does not cause difficulty breathing or swallowing. Thyroid function tests are normal, an ultrasound demonstrates a 1.0 cm mixed solid-cystic appearance in the right lobe, and fine needle aspiration reveals colloid and macrophages. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q11 A 56 year old white male is referred to your office for follow-up of an incidental right adrenal mass found on abdominal CT over a year ago. He has no medical or surgical history. He had appendicitis and the adrenal lesion was diagnosed on abdominal CT; at that time, that lesion measured 3.2cm. A recent follow-up CT showed the same lesion, measuring 3.8cm. It does not have any suspicious characteristics. Urinary free cortisol levels are slightly elevated, and dexamethasone suppression tests yielded borderline low normal results. Serum ACTH levels are also high normal. Serum fractionated metanephrines were normal. FNA results showed adrenal tissue but was non-diagnostic. He is obese but otherwise does not have any clinical features of elevated cortisol levels. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q12 A 47 year old black female presents to your office with a recurrent breast cyst. She has a medical history significant for hypertension. This is her third visit in the past 6 months regarding the cyst. It does not physically bother the patient but does cause her anxiety. Clinically it is nontender and palpable in the lower outer quadrant of the breast. Initially the cyst was observed, and during the previous two visits, the cyst was aspirated successfully with negative cytology. The most recent ultrasound demonstrated recurrence of a single simple cyst. Bilateral mammography demonstrated benign findings categorized as BI-RADS 2. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q13 A 35 year old white female returns to your office for follow-up after a right breast biopsy for a suspected fibroadenoma which had been causing the patient some discomfort. Her surgical history is significant for a previous breast biopsy of the left breast which was diagnosed as atypical ductal hyperplasia, for which she was observed. She has no medical problems and is a nonsmoker. The current pathology demonstrated a 3cm fibroadenoma as well as an adjacent incidental lobular carcinoma-in-situ. Her preoperative bilateral mammography was normal except for the fibroadenoma. She began menarche at age 13 and had her first and only child at age 31. She has a first cousin on her mother’s side with breast cancer. ? Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q14 A 54 year old white female presents to your office with unilateral nipple discharge. She has a history of asthma and her surgical history is significant for ankle surgery for which she has metal pins. She believes the discharge has been present for approximately 6 months and is nonspontaneous in nature. On physical examination, there is no palpable breast mass. When squeezed gently, a small drop of thin brown fluid emanates nonfocally. The fluid is negative for blood. An ultrasound showed no subareolar lesions. Follow-up bilateral mammography shows likely benign findings in both breasts, classified as BI-RADS 3. She has an elderly maternal aunt with breast cancer. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q16 A 55 year old white male is brought to the trauma bay three hours after being struck by a car while crossing the street. He has no past medical or surgical history. His exam and x-rays reveal a closed right tibia/fibula fracture, a right Colles fracture and a scalp laceration. His vital signs are normal, and he has pain and swelling over the leg fracture site. Since he arrived at the hospital, he is now reporting paresthesias in his right foot, and his leg compartments are swollen and tight. On exam he has diminished distal pulses and increasing pain on dorsiflexion of the foot. Direct intracompartmental pressure of the leg is measured at 35 mm Hg. Orthopedics has seen the patient regarding the fracture and is waiting for your assessment before they repair his fracture. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q17 A 77 year old white male with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure (EF 30%) and coronary artery disease presents to your office with a bulge in his left groin. He reports that he has been having progressive mild-moderate pain in his left groin over the past 6 months, but has had a bulge there for approximately 5 years. On physical examination, he has a lemon-sized inguinal hernia that is partially reducible and slightly tender to palpation. He had a myocardial infarction eight months ago and had a stent placed, for which he will be on aspirin and Plavix for one year. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q18 A 45 year old white male is referred to your office with an incisional hernia. He has a heavy alcohol abuse history and has moderate cirrhosis without ascites, and he is an active cocaine user. He had a gunshot wound several years ago which required surgical exploration via a midline laparotomy, and over the past 6 months he reports progressive slow enlargement of his hernia with occasional pain. He denies any other associated symptoms with the hernia, including obstructive symptoms. On exam there is a palpable defect in his fascia which is approximately 3cm in diameter, with omentum contained within the hernia. It is partially reducible and mildly tender to deep palpation. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q19 A 67 year old black female presents to your office with a hiatal hernia. She also reports severe chronic reflux symptoms despite PPI treatment for the past 6 months, and has lost 10 lbs during this time. She has obstructive lung disease from a long smoking history, and a recent chest x-ray suggested the diagnosis. Her primary care physician ordered a thoracic and abdominal CT, which demonstrated the hernia, and referred the patient to you. Her medical history is also significant for COPD, chronic kidney disease stage 1, and atrial fibrillation, for which she takes Coumadin, and her surgical history is significant for a left hemicolectomy 20 years ago for colon cancer. An upper endoscopy showed no ulcerations or abnormalities in the mucosa of the stomach or esophagus. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q20 An 86 year old white female is referred to your office for a paraesophageal hernia with an intrathoracic stomach. She has diabetes, COPD, and has had a prior stroke. Her surgical history includes an open cholecystectomy over 10 years ago, and open splenectomy for trauma several years ago. She was diagnosed with the hernia after her hemoglobin was noted to be 10.1 mg/dL during a recent hospitalization for an unrelated issue, and she was found to have chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. An upper endoscopy demonstrated Cameron lesions at the level of the diaphragm. She denies any symptoms associated with the hernia. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q21 A 68 year old black female presents to your office three months after her second episode of uncomplicated sigmoid diverticulitis which required hospital admission for intravenous antibiotics. She has a medical history of rheumatoid arthritis for which she takes daily prednisone, and her surgical history is significant for multiple gynecologic procedures, including a hysterectomy. A follow-up colonoscopy was negative for malignancy, and showed diverticula primarily concentrated in the sigmoid colon. She has no sequelae from the diverticulitis aside from occasional lower abdominal discomfort, and was referred to your office from the gastroenterologist for surgical evaluation. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q22 You are asked to consult on a 55 year old white male in the medical intensive care unit for a lower GI bleed. He has a history of diabetes and coronary artery disease. He has previously been admitted 6 months ago for bleeding diverticula; this was successfully treated with endovascular embolization. During that admission, he had electrocardiographic changes at the nadir of his hemoglobin levels. A follow-up colonoscopy was negative for malignancy and demonstrated multiple diverticula throughout the descending and sigmoid colon. This admission, he has received 6 units of packed red blood cells, and 1 unit each of plasma and platelets over the past 48 hours. A nuclear bleeding scan was negative. He passed a small amount of bright red blood per rectum this morning and currently has stable vital signs. His hemoglobin is 9.2 mg/dL. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q23 A 44 year old black female returns to your office with a chronic anal fissure. The fissure has been present for 6 weeks and is associated with a small skin tag. She has tried diltiazem ointment without much success. Her insurance will not cover botulinum toxin for injection. She reports that she has been taking Sitz baths, taking stool softeners and daily fiber, and that her stools have become softer with slightly less pain during bowel movements. She has no other medical problems. Given this information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q24 You are asked to consult on a 27 year old white male with Crohn’s disease on the medical service who was admitted 2 days ago with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. He has no other medical problems and has never had surgery. His Crohn’s is limited to the terminal ileum, and he currently takes oral sulfasalazine, low dose prednisone and occasional 5-ASA enemas. An abdominal CT on admission demonstrated a partial small bowel obstruction with a transition point in the mid-ileum; a small bowel follow-through shows a stricture at this level, with passage of some contrast through the stricture. The medical team is treating him with nasogastric suction and intravenous methylprednisolone. His mild-moderate abdominal pain and physical exam are unchanged, and his white blood cell count is stable at 16,700/?L. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q25 A 40 year old black male is the restrained driver in a motor vehicle collision brought into the trauma bay. He has no past medical or surgical history. His car was hit directly on the driver’s side. He has a GCS of 15, and complains of left upper quadrant and chest wall pain. His exam is significant for tenderness in the left upper quadrant without peritoneal signs, and slight bruising over the left chest. He is mildly tachycardic to 110 bpm, and his blood pressure is 105/70. A FAST exam is negative. His chest x-ray shows two rib fractures without evidence of pneumothorax. An abdominal and thoracic CT demonstrates a grade IV splenic injury with a blush. His hemoglobin is measured at 12.1 mg/dL. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q26 A 34 year old black female is referred to your office from her hematologist for consideration of splenectomy. She has chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and has been hospitalized twice in the past 2 years for platelet counts below 20,000/mm3. During her second hospitalization, she received platelet transfusions for prolonged vaginal bleeding. She has been referred to your office by a local hematologist. Her surgical history is significant for an open cholecystectomy 10 years ago, as well as a laparoscopic gastric band placed 3 years ago. Currently her platelet level is stable at 55,000/m3.Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q28 A 49 year old white female presents to your office several months after you performed a left radiocephalic (Cimino) fistula for her. She has hypertension and diabetes, and no other surgical history. The fistula is fully matured and is being used for dialysis. For the past 6 weeks, she reports that during the dialysis sessions, her left hand feels cold, she has paresthesias and slightly diminished motor function. She is not sure if the symptoms have worsened over time. Upon completion of the dialysis treatment, it takes the rest of the day for her hand to feel normal. On exam, she has a thrill over the fistula, a palpable radial artery, a doppler signal over her palmar arch, and no evidence of tissue loss. Imaging reveals no distinct area of stenosis that could be intervened upon interventionally. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q30 A 62 year old black male presents to your office for follow-up of his abdominal aortic aneurysm. He has a long smoking history and has COPD on home oxygen, and moderate heart failure with an ejection fraction of 35%; his surgical history is significant for bilateral knee replacements and a left hemicolectomy for a desmoid tumor 10 years ago. His primary care physician discovered the aneurysm last year on routine physical exam. At that time, a CT angiogram was performed and demonstrated a 4.4cm infrarenal, fusiform abdominal aortic aneurysm, with moderate iliac occlusive disease. A repeat scan currently shows a 5.2cm aneurysm with similar previous findings. He is asymptomatic. Given the above information, how likely are you to recommend surgical intervention at this time?Very Unlikely (1)Somewhat Unlikely (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat Likely (4)Very Likely (5)Q31 In what year were you born?1930 (1)1931 (2)1932 (3)1933 (4)1934 (5)1935 (6)1936 (7)1937 (8)1938 (9)1939 (10)1940 (11)1941 (12)1942 (13)1943 (14)1944 (15)1945 (16)1946 (17)1947 (18)1948 (19)1949 (20)1950 (21)1951 (22)1952 (23)1953 (24)1954 (25)1955 (26)1956 (27)1957 (28)1958 (29)1959 (30)1960 (31)1961 (32)1962 (33)1963 (34)1964 (35)1965 (36)1966 (37)1967 (38)1968 (39)1969 (40)1970 (41)1971 (42)1972 (43)1973 (44)1974 (45)1975 (46)1976 (47)1977 (48)1978 (49)1979 (50)1980 (51)1981 (52)1982 (53)1983 (54)1984 (55)1985 (56)1986 (57)1987 (58)1988 (59)1989 (60)1990 (61)1991 (62)1992 (63)1993 (64)1994 (65)1995 (66)1996 (67)1997 (68)1998 (69)1999 (70)2000 (71)Q32 What is your gender?Male (1)Female (2)Q33 What year did you graduate from medical school?1930 (1)1931 (2)1932 (3)1933 (4)1934 (5)1935 (6)1936 (7)1937 (8)1938 (9)1939 (10)1940 (11)1941 (12)1942 (13)1943 (14)1944 (15)1945 (16)1946 (17)1947 (18)1948 (19)1949 (20)1950 (21)1951 (22)1952 (23)1953 (24)1954 (25)1955 (26)1956 (27)1957 (28)1958 (29)1959 (30)1960 (31)1961 (32)1962 (33)1963 (34)1964 (35)1965 (36)1966 (37)1967 (38)1968 (39)1969 (40)1970 (41)1971 (42)1972 (43)1973 (44)1974 (45)1975 (46)1976 (47)1977 (48)1978 (49)1979 (50)1980 (51)1981 (52)1982 (53)1983 (54)1984 (55)1985 (56)1986 (57)1987 (58)1988 (59)1989 (60)1990 (61)1991 (62)1992 (63)1993 (64)1994 (65)1995 (66)1996 (67)1997 (68)1998 (69)1999 (70)2000 (71)2001 (72)2002 (73)2003 (74)2004 (75)2005 (76)2006 (77)2007 (78)2008 (79)2009 (80)Q34 From which medical school did you graduate? Note: If your medical school has since merged with another, please choose the most current name of the school.AL - UNIV OF AL SCH OF MED, BIRMINGHAM (1)AL - UNIV OF SOUTH AL COLL OF MED, MOBILE (2)AZ - UNIV OF AZ COLL OF MED, TUCSON (3)AZ – A.T. STILL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE, MESA (4)AZ - MIDWESTERN UNIV, AZ COLL OF OSTEO MED, GLENDALE (5)AR - UNIV OF AR FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES, LITTLE ROCK (6)CA - KECK SCH OF MED OF THE USC, LOS ANGELES (7)CA - LOMA LINDA UNIV SCH OF MED, LOMA LINDA (8)CA - STANFORD UNIV SCH OF MED, STANFORD (9)CA -TOURO UNIV COLL OF OSTEO MED, VALLEJO (10)CA - UNIV OF CA, SAN DIEGO, SCH OF MED, SAN DIEGO (11)CA - UNIV OF CA, DAVIS, SCH OF MED, SACRAMENTO (12)CA - UNIV OF CA, IRVINE, CA COLL/SCH OF MED, IRVINE (13)CA - UCLA SCH OF MED, LOS ANGELES (14)CA - UNIV OF CA, SAN FRANCISCO, SCH OF MED, SAN FRANCISCO (15)CA - WESTERN U HLT SCI, COL OSTEO MED OF THE PACIFIC, POMONA (16)CO – ROCKY VISTA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE, DENVER (17)CO - UNIV OF CO SCH OF MED, DENVER (18)CT - YALE UNIV SCH OF MED, NEW HAVEN (19)CT - UNIV OF CT SCH OF MED, FARMINGTON (20)DC - G WASHINGTON UNIV SCH MED & HLTH SCI, WASHINGTON DC (21)DC - GEORGETOWN UNIV SCH OF MED, WASHINGTON DC (22)DC - HOWARD UNIV COLL OF MED, WASHINGTON DC (23)FL - UNIV OF MIAMI MILLER SCH OF MED, MIAMI (24)FL - UNIV OF FL COLL OF MED, GAINESVILLE (25)FL - UNIV OF SOUTH FL COLL OF MED, TAMPA (26)FL - FL STATE UNIV COLL OF MED, TALLAHASSEE (27)FL - NOVA SE UNIV, COLL OF OSTEO MED, DAVIE (28)FL - LAKE ERIE COLL OF OSTEO MED, BRADENTON (29)FL – FL INT’NATL UNIV COLL OF MED, MIAMI (30)FL – UNIV OF CENTR FL COLL OF MED, ORLANDO (31)GA - MED COLL OF GA SCH OF MED, AUGUSTA (32)GA - EMORY UNIV SCH OF MED, ATLANTA (33)GA - MERCER UNIV SCH OF MED, MACON (34)GA - MOREHOUSE SCH OF MED, ATLANTA (35)GA - PHILADELPHIA COLL OF OSTEO MED, ATLANTA (36)HI - UNIV OF HI JA BURNS SCH MED, HONOLULU (37)IL – ROS FRANKLIN UNIV OF MED & SCI, NORTH CHICAGO (38)IL - NWU, FEINBERG SCH OF MED, CHICAGO (39)IL - MIDWESTERN UNIV, CHICAGO COLL OF OSTEO MED, DOWNERS GROVE (40)IL - U OF CHGO PRITZKER SCH OF MED, CHICAGO (41)IL - RUSH MED COLL OF RUSH UNIV, CHICAGO (42)IL - SOUTHERN IL UNIV SCH OF MED, SPRINGFIELD (43)IL - LOYOLA UNIV OF CHICAGO STRITCH SCH OF MED, MAYWOOD (44)IL - UNIV OF IL COLL OF MED, CHICAGO (45)IN - IN UNIV SCH OF MED, INDIANAPOLIS (46)IA - DES MOINES UNIV, COLL OF OSTEO MED & SURG, DES MOINES (47)IA - R J & LUCILLE CARVER COLL MED UNIV OF IA, IOWA CITY (48)KS - UNIV OF KS SCH OF MED, KANSAS CITY (49)KY - UNIV OF KY COLL OF MED, LEXINGTON (50)KY - PIKEVILLE COLL, SCH OF OSTEO MED, PIKEVILLE (51)KY - UNIV OF LOUISVILLE SCH OF MED, LOUISVILLE (52)LA - LA STATE UNIV SCH OF MED IN SHREVEPORT, SHREVEPORT (53)LA - LA STATE UNIV SCH OF MED IN NEW ORLEANS, NEW ORLEANS (54)LA - TULANE UNIV SCH OF MED, NEW ORLEANS (55)ME - UNIV OF NEW ENGLAND, COLL OF OSTEO MED, BIDDEFORD (56)MD - JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV SCH OF MED, BALTIMORE (57)MD – UNIF SERV U HS F EDWARD HEBERT SCH OF MED, BETHESDA (58)MD - UNIV OF MD SCH OF MED, BALTIMORE (59)MA - HARVARD MED SCH, BOSTON (60)MA - BOSTON UNIV SCH OF MED, BOSTON (61)MA - TUFTS UNIV SCH OF MED, BOSTON (62)MA - UNIV OF MA MED SCH, WORCESTER (63)MI - UNIV OF MI MED SCH, ANN ARBOR (64)MI - WAYNE STATE UNIV SOM, DETROIT (65)MI - MI STATE UNIV, COLL OF OSTEO MED, EAST LANSING (66)MI – MI STATE UNIV, COLL OF HUMAN MED, EAST LANSING (67)MN - UNIV OF MN MED SCH, MINNEAPOLIS (68)MN - MAYO CL COLL OF MED ROCHESTER (69)MS - UNIV OF MS SCH OF MED, JACKSON (70)MS – WILL CAREY COLL OF OSTEO MED, HATTIESBURG (71)MO - A T SILL U KIRKSVILLE COLL OSTEO MED, KIRKSVILLE (72)MO – KS CITY UNIV OF MED & BIOSCI, COLL OF OSTEO MED, KANSAS CITY (73)MO - ST LOUIS UNIV SCH OF MED, ST LOUIS (74)MO - UNIV OF MO, COLUMBIA SCH OF MED, COLUMBIA (75)MO - UNIV OF MO-KANSAS CITY SCH OF MED, KANSAS CITY (76)MO - WASHINGTON UNIV SCH OF MED, ST LOUIS (77)NE - CREIGHTON UNIV SCH OF MED, OMAHA (78)NE - UNIV OF NE COLL OF MED, OMAHA (79)NV - UNIV OF NV SCH OF MED, RENO (80)NV - TOURO UNIV COLL OF OSTEO MED, HENDERSON (81)NH - DARTMOUTH MED, HANOVER (82)NJ - UMDNJ-NEW JERSEY MED SCH, NEWARK (83)NJ - UMDNJ-ROBT W JOHNSON MED SCH, NEW BRUNSWICK (RUTGERS) (84)NJ - UMDNJ-SCH OF OSTEO MED, STRATFORD (85)NM - UNIV OF NM SCH OF MED, ALBUQUERQUE (86)NY - COLUMBIA UNIV COLL OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW YORK CITY (87)NY - ALBANY MED COLL, ALBANY (88)NY - NEW YORK UNIV MED COLL, NEW YORK CITY (89)NY - U OF BUFFALO, SUNY SCH OF MED & BIOMEDICAL SCI, BUFFALO (90)NY - SUNY, DWNSTATE M C COLL MED, BROOKLYN (91)NY - NEW YORK MED COLL, VALHALLA (PREV MANHATTAN) (92)NY - STONY BROOK UNIV HSC SCH MED STONY BROOK (93)NY - SUNY UPSTATE MED UNIV, SYRACUSE (94)NY - A EINSTEIN COL MED YESHIVA UNIV, BRONX (95)NY - NEW YORK UNIV SCH OF MED, NEW YORK CITY (96)NY - NY COLL OF OSTEO MED NY INST OF TECH, OLD WESTBURY (97)NY – TOURO COLL OF OSTEO MED, NEW YORK CITY (98)NY - UNIV OF ROCHESTER SCH OF MED & DENTISTRY, ROCHESTER (99)NY - J & S WEILL M C CORNELL UNIV, NEW YORK CITY (100)NY - MT SINAI SCH OF MED OF NY UNIV, NEW YORK CITY (101)NC - THE BRODY SCH OF MED AT E CAROLINA UNIV, GREENVILLE (102)NC - DUKE UNIV SCH OF MED, DURHAM (103)NC - UNIV OF NC CHAPEL HILL SCH OF MED, CHAPEL HILL (104)NC - WAKE FOREST UNIV SCH OF MED, WINSTON-SALEM (105)ND - UNIV OF ND SCH OF MED AND HLTH SCI, GRAND FORKS (106)OH - CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV SCH OF MED, CLEVELAND (107)OH - WRIGHT STATE UNIV BOONSHOFT SCH OF MED, DAYTON (108)OH - NORTHEASTERN OH UNIVS COLL OF MED, ROOTSTOWN (109)OH - OHIO UNIV, COLL OF OSTEO MED, ATHENS (110)OH - OH STATE UNIV COLL OF MED AND PUB HLTH, COLUMBUS (111)OH - UNIV OF CINCINNATI COLL OF MED, CINCINNATI (112)OH – UNIV OF TOLEDO COLL OF MED, TOLEDO (113)OK - OK STATE UNIV, CENTER FOR HS, COLL OF OSTEO MED, TULSA (114)OK - ORAL ROBERTS UNIV SCH OF MED, TULSA (115)OK - UNIV OF OK COLL OF MED, OKLAHOMA CITY (116)OR - OR HLTH SCI UNIV SCH OF MED, PORTLAND (117)PA - LAKE ERIE COLL OF OSTEO MED, ERIE (118)PA - PA STATE UNIV COLL OF MED, HERSHEY (119)PA - PHILADELPHIA COLL OF OSTEO MED, PHILADELPHIA (120)PA - TEMPLE UNIV SCH OF MED, PHILADELPHIA (121)PA – COMMONWEALTH MED COLL, SCRANTON (122)PA - UNIV OF PA SCH OF MED, PHILADELPHIA (123)PA - UNIV OF PITTSBURGH SCH OF MED, PITTSBURGH (124)PA - DREXEL UNIV COLL OF MED, PHILADELPHIA (HAHNEMANN/WMCP/MCP) (125)PA - JEFFERSON MED COLL-THOS JEFFERSON UNIV, PHILADELPHIA (126)PA - DREXEL UNIV COLL OF MED, PHILADELPHIA (127)PR - UNIV OF PR SCH OF MED, SAN JUAN (128)PR - PONCE SCH OF MED, PONCE (129)PR - UNIV CENTRAL DEL CARIBE SCH OF MED, BAYAMON (130)PR - SAN JUAN BAUTISTA SCH OF MED, CAGUAS (131)RI - BROWN MEDICAL SCHOOL, PROVIDENCE (132)SC - MED UNIV OF SC COLL OF MED, CHARLESTON (133)SC - UNIV OF SC SCH OF MED, COLUMBIA (134)SD - UNIV OF SD SCH OF MED, VERMILLION (135)TN - VANDERBILT UNIV SCH OF MED, NASHVILLE (136)TN - E TN STATE UNIV J H QUILLEN COLL OF MED, JOHNSON CITY (137)TN - UNIV OF TN, COLL OF MED, MEMPHIS (138)TN - MEHARRY MED COLL SCH OF MED, NASHVILLE (139)TN - LINCOLN MEM UNIV DEBUSK COLL OF OSTEO MED, HARROGATE (140)TX - BAYLOR COLL OF MED, HOUSTON (141)TX - TX A & M HSC, COLL OF MED, COLLEGE STATION (142)TX - TX TECH UNIV HLTH SCI CTR SCH OF MED, LUBBOCK (143)TX – TX TECH UNIV P FOSTER SCH OF MED, EL PASO (144)TX - UNIV OF TX MED SCH AT SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO (145)TX - U OF TX MED SCH AT HOUSTON, HOUSTON (146)TX - UNIV OF TX MED BRANCH GALVESTON, GALVESTON (147)TX - U OF TX SOUTHWESTERN MED SCH AT DALLAS, DALLAS (148)UT - UNIV OF UT SCH OF MED, SALT LAKE CTY (149)VT - UNIV OF VT COLL OF MED, BURLINGTON (150)VA - UNIV OF VA SCH OF MED, CHARLOTTESVILLE (151)VA - VA COMMONWEALTH UNIV, SCH OF MED, RICHMOND (152)VA – VA TECH CARILION SCH OF MED, ROANOKE (153)VA – E VA MED SCHOOL, NORFOLK (154)VA - EDWARD VIA VIRGINIA COLL OF OSTEO MED, BLACKSBURG (155)WA - UNIV OF WA SCH OF MED, SEATTLE (156)WA – PACIFIC NW UNIV OF HS, YAKIMA (157)WV - WV UNIV SCH OF MED, MORGANTOWN (158)WV - J C EDWARDS SCH MED MARSHALL U, HUNTINGTON (159)WV - WV SCH OF OSTEO MED, LEWISBURG (160)WI - UNIV OF WI SCH OF MED AND PUB HLTH, MADISON (161)WI - MED COLL OF WI, MILWAUKEE (162)Other not listed (163)Foreign medical school outside the U.S. (including Canada) (164)Q35 From which residency program did you graduate? Note: If your residency program has since merged with another, please choose the most current name of the program.AL - Baptist Health System (1)AL - Carraway Med Cntr. (2)AL - Univ. of Alabama (3)AL - Univ. South Alabama (4)AR - Univ. of Arkansas (5)AZ - Arizona Health Science Ct (6)AZ - Good Samaritan (Phoenix) (7)AZ - Maricopa County (8)AZ - Mayo Clinic Arizona (9)AZ - St Josephs - AZ (10)CA - Cedars-Sinai (11)CA - David Grant USAF (12)CA - Huntington Memorial (13)CA - Kaiser - Los Angeles (14)CA - Kern Medical Center (15)CA - LAC - Harbor UCLA (16)CA - LAC - USC (17)CA - Loma Linda (18)CA - Los Angeles Children`s (19)CA - MLK-Drew (20)CA - Naval Hospital-San Diego (21)CA - San Joaquin General (22)CA - Santa Barbara Cottage (23)CA - Scripps Clinic / UCSD (24)CA - Stanford University (25)CA - UC - SF (26)CA - UC - Davis (27)CA - UC - Irvine (28)CA - UC - LA (29)CA - UC - San Diego (30)CA - UC - SF East Bay (31)CA - UC - SF (Fresno) (32)CO - Exempla/St.Joseph (33)CO - Univ. of Colorado (34)CT - Stamford Hospital (35)CT - St. Mary`s Hospital (36)CT - St. Raphael (37)CT - U.of CT (38)CT - Waterbury Hospital (39)CT - Yale - New Haven (40)DC - D.C. Children`s (41)DC - Georgetown Univ. (42)DC - George Washington U. (43)DC - Howard University (44)DC - Natl Capital-Walter Reed (45)DC - Washington tr (46)DE - Christiana Care (47)FL - Florida Hospital Program (48)FL - Mayo - Jacksonville (49)FL - Mt.Sinai - Miami (50)FL - Orlando Regional (51)FL - U. Florida - Jacksonville (52)FL - Univ. Florida (53)FL - Univ. Miami-Jackson (54)FL - Univ. South Florida (55)GA - Atlanta Medical Center (56)GA - Eisenhower Army MC (57)GA - Emory University (58)GA - Med. College Georgia (59)GA - Memorial - Savannah (60)GA - Mercer University (61)GA - Morehouse - Atlanta (62)HI - Tripler Army MC (63)HI - Univ. of Hawaii (64)IA - Iowa Methodist (65)IA - Univ. Iowa (66)IL - Cook County Hospital (67)IL - Loyola University (68)IL - Mount Sinai (69)IL - Northwestern /Children`s (70)IL - Northwestern Univ. (71)IL - Rush-Presb.-St.Luke`s (72)IL - Saint Joseph Hospital (73)IL - Southern Illinois (74)IL - U. Illinois Metro (75)IL - Univ. of Chicago (76)IL - U. of Illinois Aff. (77)IL - U. of Ill. - Peoria (78)IN - Indiana Children`s (79)IN - Indiana University (80)KS - Univ. of Kansas (81)KS - U. of Kansas - Wichita (82)KY - Univ. of Kentucky (83)KY - Univ. of Louisville (84)LA - Alton Ochsner (85)LA - Louisiana State (86)LA - LSU - Shreveport (87)LA - Tulane University (88)MA - Baystate Med. Cntr. (89)MA - Berkshire Med. Cntr. (90)MA - Beth Israel Deaconess (91)MA - Boston Children`s (92)MA - Boston University (93)MA - Brigham and Women`s (94)MA - Lahey Clinic (95)MA - Mass. General Hosp. (96)MA - N.E. Medical Cntr. (97)MA - St. Elizabeth`s (MA) (98)MA - U. Massachusetts (99)MB - Univ. of Manitoba (100)MD - Johns Hopkins (101)MD - Naval - Bethesda (102)MD - Sinai Hosp - Baltimore (103)MD - St. Agnes (104)MD - Union Memorial (105)MD - Univ. of Maryland (106)ME - Maine Medical Cntr. (107)MI - Detroit Children`s (108)MI - Grand Rapids MSU (109)MI - Henry Ford Hosp. (110)MI - Michigan State Univ. (111)MI - Mich. St.- Kalamazoo (112)MI - N. Oakland - Pontiac MI (113)MI - Providence - Southfield (114)MI - St. John Hospital (115)MI - St.Jos. Mercy-Ann Arbor (116)MI - St.Jos. Mercy - Pontiac (117)MI - Synergy - Saginaw (118)MI - Univ. of Michigan (119)MI - Wayne State (120)MI - William Beaumont (121)MN - Hennepin County (122)MN - Mayo Clinic (123)MN - Univ. of Minnesota (124)MO - Saint Louis University (125)MO - U. Missouri - Columbia (126)MO - Univ. Missouri - KC (127)MO - Washington Univ. (128)MS - U. of Mississippi (129)MS - USAF - Keesler MC (130)NC - Carolinas Medical Center (131)NC - Duke University (132)NC - East Carolina Univ. (133)NC - New Hanover Memorial (134)NC - North Carolina (135)NC - Wake Forest University (136)ND - U. of North Dakota (137)NE - Creighton University (138)NE - Univ. of Nebraska (139)NH - Dartmouth-Hitchcock (140)NJ - Atlantic - Morristown (141)NJ - Monmouth Med. Cntr. (142)NJ - Mt. Sinai - Englewood (143)NJ - Newark Beth Israel (144)NJ - St. Barnabas-NJ (145)NJ - St. Francis- Seton Hall (146)NJ - UMDNJ - Camden (147)NJ - UMDNJ - Newark (148)NJ - UMDNJ- New Brunswick (149)NM - U. of New Mexico (150)NV - Univ. of Nevada (151)NY - Albany Med. Center (152)NY - Bassett Healthcare (153)NY - Bronx-Lebanon (154)NY - Brookdale Hospital (155)NY - Brooklyn Hospital Ctr. (156)NY - Columbia Presbyterian (157)NY - Einstein-Beth Israel (158)NY - Einstein-Montefiore (159)NY - Harlem Hospital (160)NY - Lenox Hill Hosp. (161)NY - Lincoln NYMC(Bronx) (162)NY - Maimonides (163)NY - Mt. Sinai (164)NY - Mt. Sinai/Cabrini (165)NY - Nassau University (166)NY - New York Methodist (167)NY - New York Univ. (168)NY - North Shore - LIJ (169)NY - NY and Presbyt. - Cornell (170)NY - NY Hosp. - Queens (171)NY - NYMC-Brooklyn/Queens (172)NY - NYMC-Our Lady Mercy (173)NY - NYMC - Sound Shore (174)NY - NY MC - Valhalla (175)NY - Staten Island Hosp. (176)NY - St.Luke`s-Roosevelt (177)NY - St. Vincent`s - NY (178)NY - SUNY - Brooklyn (179)NY - SUNY - Buffalo (180)NY - SUNY - Stony Brook (181)NY - SUNY - Syracuse (182)NY - Univ. of Rochester (183)OH - Akron City Hosp. - Summa (184)OH - Akron General (185)OH - Case Western Reserve (186)OH - Cincinnati Childrens (187)OH - Cleveland Clinic (188)OH - Columbus Children`s (189)OH - Fairview Health (190)OH - Good Samaritan (191)OH - Huron Hospital (192)OH - Jewish Hosp. - Cincinnati (193)OH - Med. Col. of Ohio (194)OH - Mount Carmel Health (195)OH - Ohio State Univ. (196)OH - Riverside Methodist (197)OH - St. Elizabeth`s (OH) (198)OH - Toledo Hosp. (Jobst) (199)OH - Univ. of Cincinnati (200)OH - West. Reserve-Youngstown (201)OH - Wright State Univ. (202)OK - Oklahoma Children`s (203)OK - Univ. of Oklahoma (204)OR - Oregon Health Sc.Un. (205)PA - Abington Memorial (206)PA - Albert Einstein (PA) (207)PA - Allegheny Genl.Hosp. (208)PA - Drexel UM (209)PA - Easton Hospital (210)PA - Geisinger Med. Cntr. (211)PA - Graduate Hospital (212)PA - Guthrie Healthcare ( PA) (213)PA - Lankenau Hospital (214)PA - Lehigh Valley Hosp. (215)PA - Mercy Catholic MC (216)PA - Mercy - Pittsburgh (217)PA - Penn State - Hershey (218)PA - Pennsylvania Hosp. (219)PA - Phila. Children`s (220)PA - Pinnacle Hlth-Harrisbgh (221)PA - St. Christopher`s (222)PA - St. Luke`s - Bethlehem (223)PA - Temple - Conemaugh (224)PA - Temple University (225)PA - Thomas Jefferson U. (226)PA - Univ of Pennsylvania (227)PA - Univ. of Pittsburgh (228)PA - Univ. Pittsburgh (229)PA - Western PA Hosp. (230)PA - York Hospital (231)PR - Univ. of Puerto Rico (232)RI - Brown University (233)SC - Greenville Hospital (234)SC - Med. Univ. South Carolina (235)SC - Palmetto Health Alliance (236)SC - Spartanburg General (237)TN - East Tennessee St. (238)TN - Tennessee-Knoxville (239)TN - Tennessee - Memphis (240)TN - U. Tenn.-Chattanooga (241)TN - Vanderbilt Univ. (242)TX - Baylor - Dallas (243)TX - Baylor - Houston (244)TX - Methodist - Dallas (245)TX - Methodist Hospital -Houston (246)TX - S.A. UnifSvc -Brooke Army (247)TX - Texas Tech - El Paso (248)TX - Texas Tech (Lubbock) (249)TX - TX A and M (Scott and White) (250)TX - UT - Austin (251)TX - U Texas - Galveston (252)TX - U Texas - Houston (253)TX - U Texas -San Antonio (254)TX - U Texas Southwest. (255)TX - Wm. Beaumont Army MC (256)UT - University of Utah (257)VA - Carilion Health Sys. (258)VA - Eastern Virginia (259)VA - Inova Fairfax (260)VA - Med.Col. of Virginia (261)VA - Naval MC - Portsmouth (262)VA - Univ. of Virginia (263)VT - University of Vermont (264)WA - Madigan Army MC (265)WA - Seattle Children`s (266)WA - Swedish Medical Center (267)WA - Univ. of Washington (268)WA - Virginia Mason MC (269)WI - Childrens Hosp. Wisconsin (270)WI - Gundersen (271)WI - Marshfield-St.Joseph`s (272)WI - Med Col of Wisconsin (273)WI - Univ. of Wisconsin (274)WV - Marshall University (275)WV - West Virginia U. Chrlstn (276)WV - West Virginia U. Mrgntown (277)OTHER Program or Institution (278)Did not complete an accredited program (279)Q36 Have you completed a fellowship or other specialty training?No (1)Yes - Pediatric Surgery (2)Yes - Plastic/Hand Surgery (3)Yes - Cardiothoracic Surgery (4)Yes - Vascular Surgery (5)Yes - Surgical Oncology (6)Yes - Hepatobiliary Surgery (7)Yes - Laparoscopy/Minimally Invasive Surgery (8)Yes - Breast Surgery (9)Yes - Colorectal Surgery (10)Yes - Transplant Surgery (11)Yes - Trauma & Critical Care (12)Yes - Bariatric Surgery (13)Yes - Other (14)Q37 What is your primary practice type?Private Solo (1 person) (1)Partnership (2 persons) (2)Private Surgical Group (over 2) (3)Private Multidisciplinary Group (3-10) (4)Private Multidisciplinary Clinic (over 10) (5)Governmental (Military, VA, State, etc.) (6)Full-time academic (7)Q38 Do you work with residents on a regular weekly basis?No (1)Yes (2)Q39 What is the zip code of the primary hospital where you operate? Please only type the 5-digit code (not including the 4-digit postal code).Q40 What best describes your race? Click all that apply.Per the 2010 Census: "Asian" includes Asian Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Cambodian and so on"Pacific Islander" includes Native Hawaiian, Guamanian, Chamorro, Fijian, Tongan and so onBlack (1)White (2)American Indian or Alaskan Native (3)Asian or Pacific Islander (4)Other race (5)Q41 What best describes your ethnicity? Per the 2010 Census: &quot;Hispanic/Latino/Spanish ethnicity&quot; includes Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Argentinian, Spaniard, Colombian, Dominican, Salvadorian, Nicaraguan, and so onNot of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin (1)Yes of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin - as listed above (2)Q42 How many nights per month do you take overnight call (excluding moonlighting)?Q43 Does your main practice own (fully or in part) a hospital?Main practice is a hospital or is owned by a hospital (1)No (2)Yes (3)Unsure (4)Q44 Excluding any hospitals owned by your main practice, do you personally own (fully or in part) a hospital?Yes (1)No (2)Unsure (3)Q45 Which of the following methods best describes your basic compensation?Fixed salary (1)Salary adjusted for performance (e.g., own productivity, fee-for-service practice, practice’s financial performance, practice profiling) (4)Shift, Hourly, or other Time-based payment (3)Share of practice billings or workload (2)Other method (6)Q46 Are you eligible to earn income through any type of bonus or incentive plan? Check Yes if you receive periodic adjustments, bonuses, returns on withholds, or any type of supplemental payments, either from your practice or from health plans.Yes (1)No (2)Q47 I am concerned that I will be involved in a malpractice case sometime in the next ten years.Strongly agree (1)Somewhat agree (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat disagree (4)Strongly disagree (5)Q48 I feel pressured in my day-to-day practice by the threat of malpractice litigation.Strongly agree (1)Somewhat agree (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat disagree (4)Strongly disagree (5)Q49 I order some tests or consultations simply to avoid the appearance of malpractice.Strongly agree (1)Somewhat agree (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat disagree (4)Strongly disagree (5)Q50 Sometimes I ask for consultant opinions primarily to reduce my risk of getting sued.Strongly agree (1)Somewhat agree (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat disagree (4)Strongly disagree (5)Q51 Relying on clinical judgment rather than on technology to make a diagnosis is becoming risky because of the threat of malpractice suits.Strongly agree (1)Somewhat agree (2)Neutral (3)Somewhat disagree (4)Strongly disagree (5)Q52 Summary of Operative Experience:Please enter a 1-year operative procedure list. Include all hospitals and procedures. Only include cases where you were the primary surgeon. Enter "0" for areas where you did not perform these types of surgery. Do not include colonoscopies or upper endoscopies. ? Please use only numeric characters (do not use +,-,<,> or ranges).Number of cases (1)Hernia (1)Hepatobiliary (2)Spleen and pancreas (3)Esophagus, stomach and small intestine (4)Colorectal/Anorectal (5)Breast (6)Endocrine (7)Vascular (including endovascular) (8)Trauma and surgical critical care (9)Skin and soft tissue (10)Other (transplant, genitourinary, orthopedic, cardiothoracic, etc) (11) ................

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