Derrick Kranke


2009-2010 Postdoctoral Scholar

Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences (MSASS), Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)

Mental Health Service Usage among College Students

2006-2009 PhD Social Welfare

Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University

Dissertation title: The narrated subjective experience of stigma for adolescents diagnosed with a mental illness and prescribed psychiatric medication

Advisor: Dr. Jerry Floersch

2003-2005 MA General Education

Loyola Marymount University

2001-2002 Multiple Subject Teaching Credential/CLAD

California State University at Long Beach

1997-2000 BA Business Administration

Loyola Marymount University (LMU)

Research Interests

Stigma and empowerment among youth, young adults and military-connected populations; military families; mental health; reintegration; qualitative methods; pedagogical approaches to research; social work education

Research Experience

2016 Principal Investigator

Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center (VEMEC)

Lead on qualitative grant proposal on Stigma and Adolescents in Military Families to be submitted to NICHD.

Lead on Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to assess access to care among Team Rubicon military veteran volunteers.

2014 Principal Investigator

School of Education, LMU

Led study of graduate students’ evaluations of innovative pedagogical approach that engaged students in research content. Responsible for IRB protocol, data collection, analysis and dissemination of findings.

2013- Health Science Specialist

Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center (VEMEC)

Qualitative analyst

Responsible for qualitative consulting on multiple projects, contributor to peer-reviewed articles and grant writing. Lead author on multiple manuscripts.

Mentor junior researchers with guidance on writing manuscripts and conducting research.

2012-2013 Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor

University of Southern California, School of Social Work

Lead author on several manuscripts. Mentored graduate students on qualitative methods and analyses.

2011-2012 Research Associate

Case Western Reserve University, MSASS.

Principal Investigator of NIMH study. Responsible for writing grant proposal, and IRB documentation. Lead author on several manuscripts.

2011 Co-Investigator

Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy (NEOUCOM).

Study: Assessing mental health information needs of clergy of Portage County. (PI: Beth Layton) (Grant amount: $2,500).

Responsible for qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and completion of report.

2010-2011 Mental Health Services Researcher

(NEOUCOM): Best practices in Schizophrenia Treatment.

Responsible for qualitative and quantitative data analysis, dissemination of findings, grant writing, formulating scientific advisory council, recruiting study participants, conducting informed consent process with study participants.

2009-2010 Postdoctoral Scholar/Co-Investigator

Case Western Reserve University, MSASS.

Study: College Student Experience of Mental Health Service Use and Psychiatric Medication (PI: Dr. Jerry Floersch) (Grant amount: $75,000)

Responsible for data collection, qualitative analysis, dissemination of findings, supervising and managing graduate students, following IRB protocol.

2008-2009 Project Coordinator /Co-Investigator

Case Western Reserve University, MSASS.

Study: College Student Experience of Mental Health Service Use and Psychiatric Medication. (PI: Dr. Jerry Floersch) (Grant amount: $75,000)

Responsible for participant recruitment, conducting informed consent process, following IRB protocol, data collection, analysis and dissemination of findings.

2008-2009 Principal Investigator

Case Western Reserve University, MSASS.

Study: The Narrated Subjective Experience of Stigma for Adolescents Diagnosed with a Mental Illness and Prescribed Psychiatric Medication. (Grant amount: $18,000)

Responsible for qualitative data analysis (thematic and narrative) of dissertation, and dissemination of findings.

2008 Independent Researcher

Positive Education Program (PEP), Bibliotherapy Program Evaluation. ($1,000)

Responsible for collaborating with educators to evaluate effectiveness of new reading program, conducting qualitative analysis using Atlas.ti software, completing report independently.

2006-2008 Project Coordinator

Case Western Reserve University, MSASS.

Study: Youth Subjective Experience of Psychotropic Treatment. (PI: Dr. Jerry Floersch) (Grant amount: $696.566)

Responsible for recruitment, informed consent process, following IRB protocol, data collection, analysis and dissemination of findings.


2016 Atuel, H., Kranke, D., Weiss, E., & Dobalian, A. (in preparation). Subjective experience of stigma-by-association among military-connected adolescents. R21 submit to NCHCD in June, 2017.

Amount: $275,000 (Role: Co-PI).

2010 Layton, B., Montesano, V., Kranke, D. & Johnson, R. Assessing mental health information needs of clergy of Portage County. Submitted to National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region, and awarded ($2,500). (Role: Co-Investigator).

2009 Floersch, J., Anderson-Fye, A. & Sellers, J. College student experience of mental health service use and psychiatric medication. Submitted to CWRU Presidential Research Initiative, and awarded ($75,000). (Role: Co-Investigator).

2008 Kranke, D. Funding to support doctoral research: The subjective experience of stigma for adolescents diagnosed with a mental illness and prescribed psychiatric medication. Submitted to Lilly Foundation, and awarded ($18,000). (Role: PI).

2004 Kranke, D. Financial support for program to promote awareness of educating diverse students. Submitted to Lilly Foundation, and awarded ($4,600). (Role: PI).

Qualitative Research Methods Training

Narrative/Structural Analysis

Thematic Analysis

Grounded Theory


Fellowships, Awards, Scholarships

2016 Non-Senate Faculty Development Fund Awardee, UCLA

2016 Mandel School Hall of Achievement

2014-2015 Nominee for Innovative Teaching Award in Social Work Education

2010 Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Teaching Award, MSASS

2010 Honoree, Presenter at the Ohio State University Doctoral Symposium

2009 GADE Nomination, Outstanding Dissertation

2009 First Prize, Research ShowCASE

2007-2008 Fellowship (MSASS). NIMH Funded Project: Adolescent Subjective Experience of Psychotropic Treatment. PI: Dr. Jerry Floersch.

2006-2007 Fellowship (MSASS)

2003-2005 Loyola Marymount Education Grant

2003 Loyola Marymount Department of Education Scholarship


Kranke, D., Weiss, E., & Dobalian, A. (under review). Stigma of “Differentness” among adolescents in Military-Connected families: Theoretical perspectives and implications for practice.

Kranke, D., Weiss, E., Heslin, K., & Dobalian, A. (under review). “We are disaster experts”: A qualitative study of the mental health impact of volunteering in disasters among combat veterans.

Kranke, D., Gable, A., Weiss, E.L., & Dobalian, A. (accepted). “I’m in a good place now.”: A case study of empowerment of a combat veteran engaged in disaster relief. Social work in Mental Health.

Kranke, D., Saia, R., Gin, J., Schmitz, S., & Dobalian, A. (revise and resubmit). Stigma experience among combat veterans engaged in disaster relief. Implications for Military Social Work.

Kranke, D., Weiss, E., Gin, J., Der-Martirosian, C., Brown, J., Saia, R., & Dobalian, A. (in press). A ‘Culture of Compassionate Bad-Asses’: A qualitative study of Combat Veterans engaging in peer-led disaster relief and utilizing Thought Restructuring to mitigate mental health stigma. Best Practices in Mental Health.

Watson, A., Fulambarker, A., Kondrat, D., Holley, L., Kranke, D., Wilkins, B., Stromwall, L., &

Eack, S. (in press). Social work faculty and mental illness stigma. Journal of Social Work Education.

Kranke, D., Schmitz, S., Der-Martirosian, C., & Dobalian, A. (2017). Stigma as a barrier to engaging in mental health services among adolescents who survive natural disasters. Social work in Mental Health, 15(2), 171-183.

Gin, J., Kranke, D., Saia, R., & Dobalian, A. (2016). Disaster preparedness in homeless residential organizations in Los Angeles county: Identifying needs, assessing gaps. Natural Hazards Review.

Munson, M., Cole, A., Jaccard, J., Kranke, D., Farkas, K., & Frese, F. (2016). An

Engagement Intervention for Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions.

Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research, 43(4), 542-563.

Kranke, D., Saia, R., Gin, J., Heslin, K., & Dobalian, A. (2016). Applying an ecological strengths-based perspective to veterans’ experience of reintegration into civilian life. Military Behavioral Health, 4(1), 75-81.

Kranke, D., Brown, J., Danesh, S., & Watson, A. (2016). Ideas in action: Teaching qualitative analytic methods in social work research through the analysis of song lyrics. Social Work Education, 35(2), 229-235.

Kranke, D., & Brown, J., Atia, M., & Knotts, G. (2015). Ideas in action: A pedagogical approach to engage social work students in research. Social Work Education. 34(7), 895-901.

Ricci, K., Griffin, A., Dobalian, A., Kranke, D., & Heslin, K. (2015). Evacuate or shelter-in place? Experience and corporate memory are key to hospital decision-making. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 30(3), 233-238.

Kranke, D., Jackson, S., Taylor, D., Landguth, J., & Floersch, J. (2015). “I’m loving life”: Adolescent experiences of empowerment living with a mental illness. Qualitative Social Work, 14(1), 102-118.

Kranke, D., Floersch, J., Jackson, S., Townsend, L., & Anderson-Fye, E. (2013). “I feel like it improves everything”: Empowering experiences of college students utilizing psychiatric treatment. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 16(3), 213-231.

Kranke, D., Jackson, S., Floersch, J., & Anderson-Fye, E. (2013). What are college students saying about psychiatric medication? Health, 5(3A), 595-602.

Kranke, D., Taylor, D., Jackson, S., Floersch, J., & Anderson-Fye, E. (2013). College student disclosure of non-apparent disabilities to receive classroom accommodations. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 26(1), 35-51.

Kranke, D., Guada, J., Kranke, B., & Floersch, J. (2012). What do African American youth with a mental illness think about help-seeking and psychiatric medication?: Origins of stigmatizing attitudes. Social Work in Mental Health, 10(1), 53-71.

Kranke, D., Floersch, J., Kranke, B., & Munson, M. (2011). A qualitative investigation of self-stigma among adolescents taking psychiatric medication. Psychiatric Services, 62(8), 893-899.

Kranke, D., Floersch, J., Townsend, L., & Munson, M. (2010). Stigma experience among adolescents prescribed psychiatric medications. Children and Youth Services Review, 32 (4), 496-505.

Floersch, J., Longhofer, J., Kranke, D., & Townsend, L. (2010) Thematic, grounded theory and narrative methods: A comparative case study. Qualitative Social Work Journal, 9(3), 407-425.

Kranke, D., & Floersch, J. (2009). Mental health stigma among adolescents: Interventions for school social workers. School Social Work Journal, 34 (1), 28-42.

Floersch, J., Townsend, L., Longhofer, J., Munson, M., Winbush, V., Kranke, D. et al. (2009). Adolescent experience of psychotropic treatment. Transcultural Psychiatry. 46 (1), 157- 179.


Kranke, D., DeShone, H., & Gin, J. (under review). Society and support of U.S. veterans.

Other publications

Layton, B., Johnson, R., Kranke, D., & Montesano, V. (2011). Exploring the mental health

needs of clergy. Report submitted to National Library of Medicine.

Kranke, D. (May 2009). Stigma experienced by adolescents diagnosed with a mental illness. Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success Newsletter. Available online at

Chatterjee, P., Moon, H., & Kranke, D. (2008). Technology transfer. In T. Mizrahi & L. E. Davis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social work (Vol. 4, pp. 221-225). Washington, DC: NASW Press.

Kranke, D., Richards, C., & Floersch, J. (2007). Active minds: Supporting mental health

on campus. MindBody Connection, 22.

Academic presentations

2017 Weiss., E.L., & Kranke, D. Combat veterans providing disaster relief in civilian settings: Implications for volunteer wellness. Oral presentation submitted to Council on Social Work Education Conference, Dallas, TX.

2017 Kranke, D., & Dumas, A. Disaster settings as a venue to promote feelings of value among veterans. Oral presentation submitted to Council on Social Work Education Conference, Dallas, TX.

2017 Kranke, D., & Dobalian, A. Disaster relief as a venue for personal contact to promotes feelings of value among combat veterans. Oral presentation submitted to American Public Health Association meeting, Atlanta, GA.

2016 Kranke, D., Weiss, E., & Dobalian, A. A qualitative study of diverse veterans participating in disaster volunteer work: Implications for empowerment building and mitigation of stigma. Oral presentation at Military Social Work Conference, Austin, TX.

2016 Kranke, D., Der-Martirosian, C., & Dobalian, A. Stigma experience among a ‘combat veteran’ engaged in disaster relief. Oral presentation at American Public Health Association meeting, Denver, CO.

2016 Kranke, D. Stigma and impact on mental health service utilization among adolescents who survive a natural disaster. Oral presentation at Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA.

2016 Kranke, D. Using song lyrics to engage social work students in research. Oral presentation at Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Newport Beach, CA.

2014 Kranke, D. Social work’s role in preserving youth mental health after

a disaster. Roundtable presented at Society for Social Work Research, New Orleans, LA.

2014 Kranke, D., & Saia, R. Your love is my drug: Tales of adolescent empowerment. Oral presentation at International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.

2012 Kranke, D. “It improves everything”: College student experience of empowerment utilizing psychiatric treatment. Oral presentation accepted at Council on Social Work

Education, Washington, DC.

2011 Kranke, D. & Guada, J. Origins of stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illness among African American adolescents with a psychiatric disorder. Oral presentation at

Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA.

2011 Layton, B., Johnson, R., Kranke, D., & Montesano, V. Exploring the mental health needs of clergy. Oral presentation at Center for the Study of Information and Religion, Kent State University, OH.

2010 Kranke, D. The best practices in schizophrenia treatment. Grand Rounds Presentation at

NEOUCOM, Rootstown, OH.

2010 Kranke, D., & Floersch, J. Self-stigma narratives among adolescents taking psychiatric medication. Oral presentation at Society for Social Work Research, Tampa, FL.

2010 Kranke, D. Self-stigma narratives among adolescents taking psychiatric medication. Oral presentation at the Ohio State University Doctoral Symposium.

2010 Kranke, D., & Bartholomew, J. Minority college student mental health: Gaps and future directions. Oral presentation at Council on Social Work Education, Portland, OR.

2009 Kranke, D. Stigma experience among younger and older adolescents prescribed

psychiatric medication. Oral presentation at Council on Social Work

Education, San Antonio, TX.

2009 Kranke, D., Floersch, J., & Townsend, L. Stigma experience among adolescents prescribed psychiatric medications. Oral presentation at Society for Social Work Research, New Orleans, LA.

2009 Floersch, J., & Kranke, D. Adolescent gender differences in psychotropic treatment experience. Oral presentation at Society for Social Work Research, New Orleans, LA.

2007 Floersch, J., Townsend, L., Munson, M., Kranke, D., Winbush, V., Jenkins, J., & Findling, R. Adolescent experience of psychotropic treatment. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), Boston, MA.

2007 Kranke, D., & Floersch, J. Adolescent mental illness, psychiatric medication and stigma. MSASS Annual Colloquium Series.

Poster Presentations

2016 Kranke, D., Der-Martirosian, C., & Dobalian, A. Reintegration experience among veterans engaged in emergency first aid. Poster presentation at Society for Social Work Research Conference, Washington, D.C.

2015 Kranke, D., Saia, R., Gin, J., & Dobalian, A. Reintegration experience among veterans engaged in disaster relief. Poster presentation at ARC 2015, San Diego, CA.

2015 Kranke, D., Saia, R., Gin, J., & Dobalian, A. Reintegration experience among veterans

volunteering in disaster relief. Poster presentation at Natural Hazards Workshop,

Broomfield, CO.

2010 Kranke, D., Floersch, J., & Anderson-Fye, E.. A qualitative investigation of effects of perceived stigma on services usage among college students with mental illness. Poster presentation at Society for Social Work Research, Tampa, FL.

2010 Kranke, D., Floersch, J., & Bartholomew, J. Self-stigma narratives among adolescents taking psychiatric medication. Poster presentation at Research showCASE, Case Western Reserve University, OH.

2009 Kranke, D. Stigma experience among adolescents prescribed psychiatric medication.

Poster presentation at Building on Family Strengths Conference, Portland, OR.

2009 Kranke, D., Floersch, J., Townsend, L., & Findling, R. Stigma experience among

adolescents prescribed psychiatric medications. Poster presentation at Research showCASE, Cleveland, OH. (Awarded 1st prize)

2009 Townsend, L., Floersch, J., Kranke, D., & Findling, R. Ethnicity differences in family attitudes toward psychiatric medication. Poster presentation at Society for Social Work Research, New Orleans, LA.

2008 Townsend, L., Floersch, J., Findling, R., & Kranke, D. The drug attitude inventory in adolescents: Factor structure and association with adherence. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), Chicago, IL.

2008 Kranke, D., Floersch, J., & Townsend, L. Stigma experience among adolescents prescribed psychiatric medications. Poster presentation at the University of Maryland Conference on School Mental Health (CSMH), Phoenix, AZ.

University Teaching Experience

2016- Lecturer

USC School of Social Work

Science of Social Work (Fall ’16, Spring ’17, Summer ‘17)

2015- Lecturer

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Social Welfare Department

Dynamics of Human Behavior (Fall ’15)

2015- Lead Instructor

MSASS, CWRU Virtual format

Mental Health Policy (Spring ’15)

2014- Lecturer

Loyola Marymount University, School of Education

Stats, Assessment & Research in Education (Fall ’14)

2014- Lecturer

California State University, Northridge, Social Work Department

Social Work Research Methods (Spring ’14)

Capstone Project (Spring ’14, ’15)

2012-2013 Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor

University of Southern California, School of Social Work, San Diego

Human Behavior & the Social Environment I (Fall ’12)

Practice and Policy in Social Service Organizations (Fall ’12)

Social Work Research Methods (Spring ’13)

Evaluation of Mental Health Research (Spring ’13)

2008-2012 Adjunct Faculty Member

Case Western Reserve University, (MSASS)

Social work with people with serious mental illness (Fall ‘08, Fall ‘09, Fall ‘11); Theories of Oppression and Social Justice (Fall ‘09, Summer ‘10, Fall ‘11). Human Development: Child and Adolescent (Fall ‘11).

Social Work Research Methods (Spring ’12)

Human Development: Adult (Spring ‘12)

2008 Teaching Assistant

Dr. Terry Hokenstad, Case Western Reserve University (MSASS)

Social Welfare Policy

2007 Teaching Mentorship

Dr. Elizabeth Tracy, Case Western Reserve University (MSASS)

School Social Work Practice

Invited Presentations

2015 Kranke, D. Panelist to discuss research on At-risk Populations in Disasters, ARC Conference, San Diego, CA

2015 Kranke, D. Using song lyrics to engage social work students in research. Presented to graduate students at CSUN in Dr. Brown’s Research class.

2014 Kranke, D. Moderator for panel of Children and Disasters, ARC Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

2009 Kranke, D. Navigating the dissertation experience. Presented to doctoral students at MSASS in Dr. Farkas’ Specialization Seminar.

2006-2007 Kranke, D. Schizophrenia and mental health issues in schools. Presented to high school juniors and seniors at Redondo Union High School, Redondo Beach, CA.

Editorial Board/Reviewer

2016- Journal of Social Work Education

2014- Journal for the Society of Social Work & Research

Ad-hoc Reviewer

2017- Military Behavioral Health

2016- Journal of Family Social Work

2016- Affilia

2015- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

2014- Qualitative Social Work

2014- Qualitative Health Research

2013- Research in Developmental Disabilities

2013- Social Work in Mental Health

2013- Journal of Research in Nursing & Midwifery

2013- Journal of Urban Technology

2011- Children & Youth Services Review

2011- Stigma Research & Action

Professional Activities/Service

2017 Abstract reviewer, CSWE 2017

2016 Attended Federal Grant Writing Workshop at Grantsmanship Center, Los Angeles, CA

2014 Attended Center for Teaching Excellence workshop, LMU

2014 Conducted qualitative methods workshop to UCLA undergraduate students

2014 Conducted qualitative methods workshop to VEMEC employees

2012 Developed and led APA workshop for first-year MSW students, USC, San Diego campus

2009 Conducted Atlas.ti qualitative software training workshop to doctoral students and MSASS faculty

2009 Website design consultant (MSASS)

2006-2009 LinksEAST Boardmember

2006-2007 Co-founder Active Minds

2004-2006 Leadership Committee, Howard Wood Elementary

2003 Mathematics Conference (Grades 3-5), sponsored by Math Department, UC Irvine

2003 Mathematics Conference (Grades K-2), sponsored by Math Department, UC Irvine

2002-2003 Beginning Teacher Support Association, Torrance Unified School District

Related Work Experience

2002-2005 Elementary School Teacher

Howard Wood Elementary, Torrance Unified School District

Taught state-based curriculum in general education courses for grades 2-5.

Assessed students and prepared them to perform at proficient levels on standardized tests and subject matter.

Instructed students with special needs: Gifted and Talented (GATE), students with mental health issues, English Language Learners (ELL), and students with learning disabilities.

Helped to develop Individual Education Plan (IEP) for students with special needs.

Professional Organizations/Membership

2009-2016 Council on Social Work Education

2006-2015 Society for Social Work Research

2002-2006 Torrance Teachers Union


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