Spec Notes

CLASS: IV B.Tech II SemesterBranch : EEEFaculty Name: D.DIVYAUNIT - 1Q.No.QuestionsMarksCOBLPI1.Define Betz limit ratio.2M423.1Remember1.3.12.What is meant by stall controlled wind turbine?2M423.1Remember3.2.13.What is meant by pitch controlled wind turbine?2M423.1Remember3.2.14.What is meant by pitch angle?2M423.1Remember1.3.15.What are the disadvantages of wind power?2M423.1Remember1.3.16.Write and explain wind power equation.3M423.1Understand5.2.27.Explain the main applications of wind energy3M423.1Understand1.3.18.Mention the global wind power generation statistics in 2018.3M423.1Understand2.4.49.Explain about the principle used in the measurement of speed of the wind3M423.1Understand 4.3.110.Explain vertical axis wind mills with neat sketch.3M423.1Understand4.3.111.Explain about the wind speed statistics and probability distribution.5M423.1Understand4.3.312.Explain about the wind power and cumulative distribution functions.5M423.1Understand1.3.113.Explain about stall controlled and pitch controlled wind turbines.5M423.1Understand3.2.114.Write a brief notes on history of wind power.5M423.1Analyse1.3.115.Explain Horizontal axis wind mills with neat sketch.5M423.1Understand4.3.1UNIT-21.Mention the any four wind turbine technologies.2M423.2Remember1.3.12.Mention two modern wind turbine technologies.2M423.2Remember1.3.13.Mention the names of any two power electronic converters used in wind turbines.2M423.2Remember1.3.14.Write the efficiency formula in a Doubly fed induction wind turbine. 2M423.2Remember 4.3.15.What is meant by FSIGs and SCIGs.2M423.2Remember1.3.16.Mention the design considerations of a wind turbine3M423.2Remember3.2.17.Mention the generator configurations used in a wind turbine.3M423.2Remember3.2.18.List the modern wind turbine technologies.3M423.2Remember5.3.19.Explain about the DC generator technology in a wind turbine.3M423.2Understand5.3.210.Explain about the AC synchronous generator technology in a wind turbine.3M423.2Understand5.3.211.Explain about three types of power converters used in wind turbines.5M423.2Understand5.3.112.Explain about fixed and variable speed wind turbines.5M423.2Understand5.3.213.Explain about Doubly Fed induction generators and mention the characteristics.5M423.2Understand5.3.214.Write a brief notes on permanent magnet synchronous generators used in wind turbines.5M423.2Remember4.3.215.Write a brief notes on geared wind turbine.5M423.2Remember4.3.2UNIT – 31.Define solarinisolation.2M423.3Remember1.3.12.Define solar altitude angle.2M423.3Remember1.3.13.Write a note on total solar energy received in India.2M423.3Understand1.3.14.Explain briefly the different types of solar energy measuring instruments.3M423.3Understand5.1.25.Explain about Zenith Angle and Solar Azimuth.3M423.3Understand1.3.16.Explain about solar day length.3M423.3Understand1.3.17.Write a brief notes on observer sun angles.5M423.3Understand1.3.18.Explain about solar radiation spectra.5M423.3Understand4.3.29.Briefly explain about solar geometry.5M423.3Understand4.3.3OBJECTIVE QUESTION BANKUNIT -1 How much is the energy available in the winds over the earth surface is estimated to be?a) 2.9 X 120 MWb) 1.6 X 107 MWc) 1 MWd) 5MWHow much is the energy available in the winds over the earth surface is estimated to be?a) 2.9 X 120 MWb) 1.6 X 107 MWc) 1 MWd) 5MWWhat is the main source for the formation of wind?a) Uneven landb) Sunc) Vegetationd) Seasons?Which country created wind mills first?a) Egyptb) Mongoliac) Irand) Japan. What type of energy is wind energy?a) Renewable energyb) Non-renewable energyc) Conventional energyd) Commercial energyWhat are used to turn wind energy into electrical energy?a) Turbineb) Generatorsc) Yaw motord) Blades?What is the diameter of wind turbine blades?a) 320 feetb) 220 feetc) 80 feetd) 500 feetAt what range of speed is the electricity from the wind turbine is generated?a) 100 – 125 mphb) 450 – 650 mphc) 250 – 450 mphd) 30-35 mph?When did the development of wind power in India began?a) 1965b) 1954c) 1990d) 1985?How much power does the small scale wind machine generate?a) 18 KWb) 2 KWc) 12 KWd) 30 KW?Which type of wind machines are used at several residence or local use?a) Large size machinesb) Remote machinesc) Small size machinesd) Medium size machinesWhich type of wind turbines produce 100 kW or greater?a) Large machinesb) Small machinesc) Medium machinesd) Remote MachinesWhich part of the wind mill acts as a housing for the turbine?a) Wind Vaneb) Shaftc) Wind mill headd) TurbineA rotor installed in a fixed orientation with the swept area perpendicular to the pre dominate wind direction is called ______a) Nacelleb) Yaw fixed machinesc) Bladesd) AnemometerHow is the action of yaw controlled in small turbines?a) Tail vaneb) Bladesc) Shaftd) Yaw motor?Which part of the wind turbines senses wind speed, wind direction, shaft speed and torque?a) Turbine bladeb) Shaftc) Rotord) ControllerWhich type of wind turbine has low RPM?a) Small wind turbineb) Large wind turbinec) Medium wind turbined) Remote wind turbineWhy recommendation of fixed ratio gears done for top mounted equipment?a) Because they are easy installb) Requires less spacec) Due to its low costd) Because of their high efficiency?Which type of generator are made use in wind turbines?a) Recreational generatorsb) Synchronous generatorc) Asynchronous generatord) AlternatorIn which part do we find sensors and actuators?a) Fixed gearsb) Turbinesc) Control systemsd) BladesOn _____________ the selection of supporting structure depends.?At _________ type of location vibrations are more in the wind turbine.At __________ type of location vibrations are less in the wind turbines.Due to ___________ the blade velocity of wind turbine varies.When was the Halladay wind mill introduced?________________ is the ideal efficiency should practical turbine have.________types of forces acting on propeller type wind mil.?Maintenance of constant output at all wind speeds above rating is called _________________ is the reason of wind turbine designed to stop operation at cut out velocity.The fraction of time during a given period that the turbine is actually on line is called _________Overload factor is also called as ___________Name the windmill which has four blades mounted on a central post __________?Name the type of windmill which consists of a sloping, horizontally weather boarded or thatched tower____________________ type of wind mill has been used for primary purpose.in design consideration of wind mills TSR stands for _____________With upto _________ no. of propellers can windmills are built.?Turbines with _________ no. of propellers are used in order to avoid vibrations.___________type of cross sections does wind turbine blades haveWECS stands for _____________?_________ is the wind direction showing device that spins perpendicularly.UNIT- 2?What is the inherent weakness of all wind machines?a) Their efficienciesb) Requires powerful winds to make fan rotatec) Their dependency on the wind speedd) Cannot be easily repaired?Why severe fluctuations in power are always undesirable in windmill?a) Because they pose power oscillations problemsb) Damage of parts due to fluctuationsc) The efficiency of the plant will be reducedd) Results in damage to the whole plantMaintenance of constant output at all wind speeds above rating is called _______a) Numeric rating scaleb) Tenancyc) Flat Ratingd) TRP2. What does OTEC stand for?a) Ocean thermal energy cultivationb) Ocean thermal energy conversionc) Ocean techno energy conservationd) Ocean thermal energy consumption?Which country has world’s largest tidal power plant?a) Netherlandsb) South Koreac) Laosd) BoliviaWhich type of turbine is commonly used in tidal energy?a) Francis turbineb) Kaplan turbinec) Pelton wheeld) Gorlov turbineHow is water trapped from coastal waters?a) By building canalsb) By building damsc) By digging wellsd) By storing in tanksWater to the turbine is allowed through the ______a) Pipesb) Sluice gatesc) Canalsd) PumpsFor exactly how much time does it take for one tidal cycle?a) 22h, 20minb) 24h, 50minc) 20h, 10mind) 22h, 50minWhat type of tide is it if the difference between high and low tide is greatest?a) Diurnal tideb) Neap tidec) Spring tided) Ebb tide. A tide whose difference between high and low tides is least is called as ______a) Diurnal tideb) Neap tidec) Spring tided) Ebb tideWhich of the turbine can be mounted vertically and horizontally?a) Pelton wheelb) Kaplan turbinec) Gorlov turbined) Francis turbine. What types of tides occur when there is so much interference with continents?a) Diurnal tideb) Neap tidec) Spring tided) Ebb tide?How many basins does a single pool tidal system have?a) 1b) 2c) 3d) 4?How much energy is estimated as total tidal power that is generated throughout the world?a) 2.4 X 106?MWb) 8.3 X 106?MWc) 4.9 X 106?MWd) 12 X 106?MWWhat is time period for one tide to occur in a day?a) 6h, 12.5 minb) 6h, 40.5 minc) 6h, 0 mind) 6h, 25.6 min. Any location where the fresh water meets salty water is called _________a) Dredgingb) Riverc) Deltad) Estuary. Difference between water height at high tide and water height at low tide is called _______a) Tidal Variationb) Tidal volumec) Tidal Ranged) Tidal Current. What is the movement of water generated by or associated with the change in mean sea level called?a) Tidal Variationb) Tidal volumec) Tidal Ranged) Tidal Current.What is the movement of water away from the shore called?a) Flood tideb) Spring tidec) Ebb tided) Neap tideOne Terra-watt is equal ______________?Kinetic energy that results from the oscillation of water is called ________oscillatory motion at ocean produce____________________are used to reduce the motion of floats A _______ attached to the float moves up and down inside a cylinder Wave energy is ___________ type of energy.Motion of water in a wave is primarily ____________ in direction.__________number of manifolds are part of a platform of floating device__________ type of device uses the float that has two motions.In ___________ type wave machine instead of compressing air, the water itself is pressurized.Water _________ decreases with an increase in temperature.________is the working fluid in open cycleA continuous movement of water in specific direction is called as _________The amount of energy available in the wind at any instant is proportional to ___ of the wind speed.Wind energy is harnessed as ______ energy with the help of windmill or turbine.Global Cold wind move from _______ region to _________ regionGlobal Cold wind generated from Oceans moves to _______________ force is responsible for forcing the global winds towards westernly direction.Global winds towards westernly direction are known as __________Uneven heating occurs on land surface and water bodies are due to _____ UNIT - 3Which of the following energy has the greatest potential among all the sources of renewable energy?a) Solar energyb) Wind Energyc) Thermal energyd) Hydro-electrical energyWhat is the rate of solar energy reaching the earth surface?a) 1016Wb) 865Wc) 2854Wd) 1912WWhat is total amount of solar energy received by earth and atmosphere?a) 3.8 X 1024 J/yearb) 9.2 X 1024 J/yearc) 5.4 X 1024 J/yeard) 2.1 X 1024 J/yearWhich is most common source of energy from which electricity is produced?a) Hydroelectricityb) Wind energyc) Coald) Solar energyOil is estimated to last for ________ more.a) 100 yearsb) 500 yearsc) A decaded) 800 years. In what form is solar energy is radiated from the sun?a) Ultraviolet Radiationb) Infrared radiationc) Electromagnetic wavesd) Transverse waves. What does MHD stands for in the energy field?a) Magneto Hydro Dynamicb) Metal Hydrogen Detoxc) Micro Hybrid Drived) Metering Head Differential. Solar radiation which reaches the surface without scattering or absorbed is called _____________a) Beam Radiationb) Infrared radiationc) Ultraviolet radiationd) Diffuse radiation?The scattered solar radiation is called ____________a) Direct Radiationb) Beam Radiationc) Diffuse radiationd) Infrared Radiation. Solar radiation received at any point of earth is called ______________a) Insolationb) Beam Radiationc) Diffuse Radiationd) Infrared raysWhen the sun is directly on the top of head, it as referred to _________. Path length of radiation through the atmosphere to the length of path when the sun is at zenith is called ___________?Radiation intensity ‘I’ normal to the surface is given by __________Angular distance of sun’s rays north or south of the equator is called _______solar declination is denoted by _______ symbolThe angle through which the earth must turn to bring the meridian of a point directly in sun’s rays is called _________Solar Altitude is also called as ________The angle between the sun’s rays and a line perpendicular to the horizontal plane through angle the beam of the sun and vertical is called __________The solar angle in degrees along the horizon east or west of north or it is the horizontal angle measured from north to the horizontal projection of sun’s rays is called _________Angle made by plane surface with horizontal is called ________ ................

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