
Local Search Advertiser FAQ

“Why can’t I find my ad?”

• Your ad will not appear on every search engine, each time to search for it. However, it will appear with enough frequency to deliver your guaranteed number of clicks.

• The more clicks you buy, the more likely your ad is to appear when you search for it. This means that you might have to perform several searches using your keywords to see your advertisement. A vanity search can be used to find your ad, by searching for your business URL on Google, Yahoo, etc.

• On Google, you can find your ad by searching for your URL or business name. A vanity search may not produce your ad if your account has reached its performance target or has fulfilled the contracted number of clicks.

I live in Whittier. I don’t do business with anyone outside the Valley area, yet the package you sold me covers all of the Los Angeles DMA. How can I target my ads to my town?

• Search engines can only target down to the DMA level based on a user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address. TrafficMAX takes the extra step to use a local geographic term in your ad (e.g. San Gabriel auto repair). This lets the search engine user know where your service area is located. Thus, the search engine user will only click on your ad when he or she truly is interested in your business.

“I already buy clicks from Google at a lower price. Why should I do business with you?”

• You may be able to buy clicks on search engines for less, but we feel that your time has value as well. Our program purchases clicks for you on 30+ search engines that capture 98% of the search audience.

• We take the time and work with you to determine the keywords associated with your business that will draw the best results.

• We send you monthly reports and monitors your activity continuously.

“I currently buy clicks from Google and Yahoo. Can I still buy from you? Do I have to cancel my current ads on their search engines?”

• The search engines do not allow multiple buys to be entered for the same URL.

• Custom programs that exclude certain search engines can be developed, but this is not recommended.

“Can I buy all of the inventory you have and block out my competitors?”

• No. This is a performance based product, which means that you aren’t buying static inventory, you’re buying performance – clicks in this case.

• The total number of clicks generated in a given month is determined by the interest of the consumers – the search engine users. Therefore, it is impossible to “corner” the market, as the market is always changing.

If I buy clicks from you, will it help get me to the top on the left hand side of Google?”

• No, the left hand side of Google is used for organic search results. These links are based on the relevancy calculation that Google uses. These links are not for sale and cannot be impacted by Search Engine Marketing.

“How can I tell the difference between the organic clicks I receive and the ones you send me?”

• Build in trackability in their website or on their landing page

• Clicks in the monthly report are ones you received from our program.

• The report also contains a running total number of clicks since activation.

“Can I get a list of the people who come to my site? Like an AIN Telephone Number that gives me Name, address, time of day etc.?”

• Sorry, that information cannot be captured. Search Engines do not provide or capture this information.

• Build a registration form into their website to make capture of this information voluntary on the part of the user.

Can I pick what search engines my ads run on? Some of the search engines you offer I have never heard of before.”

• A click is a click, it doesn’t matter what search engine it comes from.

• How a customer arrives at your website should not be important, as long as customers are finding your web site.


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