BWCP - 8 (6/2005) Version 1 - Town of Cortlandt

BWCP - 8 (6/2005) Version 1.0



Phase II SPDES General Permit for

Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), GP-02-02


Regulated MS4:_Town of Cortlandt __ SPDES Permit Number: NYR20A181_

See information packet for information to help complete this form.

|MCC Form for year ending: March 9, ____ 2006 (Year 3) ___ 2007 (Year 4) __ X __ 2008 (Year 5) |

|Town of Cortlandt |

|Section A. MS4 Owner/Operator and Contact Person Information (contact persons explained in instructions) |

|Owner/Operator Is information below new or changed? ____ Yes __X__ No |

|Name: Ed Vergano, P.E. |Title: Director of Technical Services |Department: Technical Services |

| |and Stormwater Management Officer | |

| |Street or P.O. Box: |City: |

|Mailing |1 Heady Street |Cortlandt Manor |

|Address: | | |

| |County: |State: |Zip Code: |

| |Westchester |New York |10567 |

|Phone: |E-mail Address: |

|( 914 ) 734-1060 |edv@ |

|Local Stormwater Public Contact (Required by Minimum Measure 2) |

|Is information below: 1) new or changed? ____ Yes _X___ No |

|2) same as: _X__ Owner/Operator |

|Name: |Title: |Department: |

|See above | | |

| |Street or P.O. Box: |City: |

|Mailing | | |

|Address: | | |

| |County: |State: |Zip Code: |

|Phone: |E-mail Address: |

|( ) | |

|Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator (Responsible for implementation/coordination of SWMP) |

|Is information below: 1) new or changed? ____ Yes ___X _ No |

|2) same as: _ X __ Owner/Operator ___ Local Stormwater Public Contact |

|Name: |Title: |Department: |

|See above | | |

| |Street or P.O. Box: |City: |

|Mailing | | |

|Address: | | |

| |County: |State: |Zip Code: |

|Phone: |E-mail Address: |

|( ) | |

|Annual Report Preparer |

|Is information below: 1) new or changed? ____ Yes ___ X _ No |

|2) same as: _ X __ Owner/Operator ___ Local Stormwater Public Contact ___ SWMP Coordinator |

|Name: |Title: |Department: |

|See above | | |

| |Street or P.O. Box: |City: |

|Mailing | | |

|Address: | | |

| |County: |State: |Zip Code: |

|Phone: ( 914 ) 734-1060 (Ed Vergano) |E-mail Address: edv@ |

|IMPORTANT NOTE: Rows can be added to the tables in the following sections by going to the rightmost cell in the bottom row of the table and hitting tab. Hitting|

|return in a given row will make the row wider, creating more room to type or write. |

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|Section B. Local Water Quality Information |

| |

|Information to help complete this section can be found in the instructions. |

| |

|1. Does the MS4 discharge to 303(d) listed waters or is it in a TMDL watershed? |

| |

|__X__ Yes (complete the table below) ____ No ____ Not Yet Determined |

| |

|(Put an X in the ‘Classification’ cell to indicate if the MS4 discharges to a waterbody on the 303(d) list and / or if it is in a TMDL watershed.) |

|Impaired Waters Name |Pollutant(s) of Concern |Classification |

|(from 303 (d) list and/or TMDL) |(from 303 (d) list and/or TMDL) | |

| | |303 (d) |TMDL |

|Lake Meahagh |Recreation KNOWN to be STRESSED" | X | |

| |Aesthetics SUSPECTED of being STRESSED" | | |

| |  | | |

| |Causes: Nutrients (Phosphorous) | | |

| |Sources: Failing On-Site Systems | | |

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|2. Have you received notification from the Department that you are subject to the special conditions in Part |___ Yes |

|III.B. of the permit? |_X_ No |

| | |

|3. Have all necessary changes been made to the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) to ensure compliance with |_X_Yes |

|Part III.B. of the MS4 permit for discharges to 303(d) or TMDL waters? |___No (explain below) |

|Explanation: |

|During Year 5 of SW Phase II we continued our 3 year plan for Lake Meahgh by installing 3 aerators at a cost of approximately $60,000 and lowering the lake |

|during Winter months per recommendation of environmental consultant. Ongoing water quality testing will continue through the efforts of our consultants – |

|Allied Biological. See attached 2007 report. |

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|Section C. Partnership Information |

| |

|Information to help complete this section can be found in the instructions. |

| |

|1. Does your MS4 work with partners? X___ Yes (complete table below) ____ No (Proceed to Section D) |

| |

|List MS4 Partners with Legally Binding Agreements or Contracts in Place |

|Northern Westchester Watershed Council: Westchester County, Yorktown, Mt. Pleasant, New Castle, North Castle, Bedford, Mt. Kisco, Harrison, Somers, North |

|Salem, & Pound Ridge. Sub-Committee: Highway De-Icing which includes “Riverkeeper” and all communities above working together at the Highway level. See |

|attached report. In Year 5, the Northern Westchester Watershed Council received a $200,000 matching grant from the NYSDEC for the watershed communities listed|

|above which will be used for MM1 and MM2. |

| |

|NYSDEC Illicit Discharge Grant with 9 other communities including the Village of Sleepy Hollow, Village of Tarrytown, Ardsley, Bronxville, Dobbs Ferry, |

|Elmsford, Hastings, Irvington, Larchmont, Pelham Manor, Port Chester, Rye Brook, Sleepy Hollow, Eastchester, Harrison, Town/Village of Mt. Kisco, and |

|Peekskill. Cortlandt’s share is expected to be $50,000. The grant will be utilized to evaluate discharges entering the Peekskill Hollowbrook and the storm |

|drainage network leading to these discharge points which encompasses the NE Quadrant of Town. |

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|List MS4 Partners with Planned Legally Binding Agreements or Contracts |

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|List MS4 Partners with Other Agreements in Place |

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|Section D. Geographic Areas Addressed by Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) |

| |

|Information to help complete this section can be found in the instructions. |

| |

|1. Does your SWMP cover all jurisdictional (automatic and additionally designated) areas within the MS4, as required by 40 CFR 122.32(a)? __X_ Yes ___ No |

|(Explain below) |

|Explain: |

| |

|Section E. Funding and Resource Allocation |

| |

|Information to help complete this section can be found in the instructions. |

| |

|1. Are adequate resources (funding mechanism, equipment, staff, etc.) planned or in place to fully implement your SWMP no later than January 8, 2008? __X__ |

|Yes ____ No (explain below) |

|Explain |

| |

|2. If the MS4 is receiving funding through the municipal budget, a grant, or other source, briefly explain below: what are the sources, estimated amounts, and|

|frequency of funding for the MS4? |

|Explain: |

|$50,000, EPF Grant for an Illicit Discharge Study from the NYSDEC. One time grant. In addition, through the Town’s Budget the Town receives funding from |

|Drainage Districts. Example: Retention Basin Maintenance etc. In year 5 the Town received an additional $50,000 grant for illicit discharge from Senator |

|Leibell. Aeration system for Lake Meahagh grant from Senator Leibell $50,000. |

| |

|3. If the MS4 is not receiving funding, briefly explain below: plans the MS4 has for obtaining future funding? |

|Explain: |

| |

|Section F. Compliance Certification |

| |

|Compliance Assessment - For each of the minimum control measures indicate below if your program has made steady progress toward full implementation and has |

|achieved all measurable goals scheduled to be completed during this reporting year. Refer to the NOI and prior Annual Reports for information about measurable |

|goals scheduled for this reporting year. |


| |Minimum Control Measure |FOR THIS REPORT YEAR ONLY |

| | |Steady Progress |Goals Achieved |

|IV.C.1. |Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts |__X_Yes ___No __ N/A |__X_Yes ___No __N/A |

| |Explain ‘no’ / ‘N/A’ answer: |

|IV.C.2. |Public Involvement / Participation |_X__Yes ___No __ N/A |_ X __Yes ___No __N/A |

| |Explain ‘no’ / ‘N/A’ answer: |

| |. |

|IV.C.3. |Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination |_X__Yes ___No __ N/A |_ X __Yes ___No __N/A |

| |Explain ‘no’ / ‘N/A’ answer: |

|IV.C.4. |Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control |__X_Yes ___No __ N/A |__X_Yes ___No __N/A |

| |Explain ‘no’ / ‘N/A’ answer: |

|IV.C.5. |Post-Construction Stormwater Management |__X_Yes ___No __ N/A |__X_Yes ___No __N/A |

| |Explain ‘no’ / ‘N/A’ answer: |

|IV.C.6. |Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations |__X_Yes ___No __ N/A |__ X_Yes ___No __N/A |

| |Explain ‘no’ / ‘N/A’ answer: |

| |

|Certification Statement |

|“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed |

|to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the |

|system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, |

|accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and |

|imprisonment for knowing violations.” |

| |

|Print Name: ____Linda D. Puglisi ___________ Title:______Supervisor_____________________________ |

| |

|Signature: _________________________________________ Date:___________________________________ |

| |

|This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described |

|in Part VI.I.2. of the permit. See instructions for more information about who can sign this form. |

| |

|Send two completed hard copies (an original and a photocopy) of this form, the Annual Report Table and any attachments to the DEC Central Office (MS4 Permit|

|Coordinator, 625 Broadway, Division of Water - 4th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-3505). DO NOT SUBMIT REPORTS IN THREE-RING BINDERS. |



Phase II SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), GP-02-02


Regulated MS4:____Town of Cortlandt ________ SPDES Permit Number: NYR20A NYR20A181_

|Annual Report Table for year ending: March 9, ____ 2006 (Year 3) ____ 2007 (Year 4) __X__ 2008 (Year 5) |

Information about how to complete the follow tables is in the instruction section. Please complete the tables electronically, if possible. Send two completed hard copies (an original and a photocopy) of this Annual Report Table, the MCC form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office (MS4 Permit Coordinator, 625 Broadway, Division of Water - 4th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-3505). DO NOT SUBMIT REPORTS IN THREE-RING BINDERS.

Minimum Control Measure 1. Public Education and Outreach

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.1.a, b: Plan and conduct an ongoing public education and outreach program to ensure |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|the reduction of all pollutants of concern in stormwater discharges to the maximum extent practicable (MEP).|Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

| | |

|Explain the program, including activities and materials used | |

|Identify the personnel or outside organization conducting the activity. | |

|Indicate activities planned for next year. | |

|Identification of target audience and draft public outreach plan Finalize web page. Public outreach plan |Regular meetings of the Town of Cortlandt Stormwater Advisory Committee take place several |

|includes direct mailing to residents, and sharing information in connection with programs details in this |times a year. See attached agendas. In Year 5 The Town established a Staff Stormwater |

|report with local representatives at these public outreach meetings |Committee which meets regularly in addition to our DES/DOTS (Engineering/Highway) Meetings. |

| |Again Agenda’s are attached. Town of Cortlandt webpage – has |

| |dedicated information on stormwater. |

| Collect Informational materials for contractors and developers. Send information to contractors and |Any approved project within the Town (including capital projects) requires soil eroision |

|developers. (From Year 2 report) All target groups are contacted and educated. Send information to |practices and other BMP’s. Contractors are educated on a case by case basis by Cortlandt |

|contractors and developers |staff including professional engineers at pre-construction conferences. Each BMP is reviewed|

| |at these meetings in person. |

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|Send revised information to all prime developers & contractors – From NOI Year 4 – Chose face to face |Erosion control practices are shown on approved plans and are continually inspected, |

|meetings instead – see to the right |monitored and reviewed with contractors. |

| | |

| | |

| |The Town cooperates with Westchester County Household Chemical Clean up days and advertises |

|Hazardous Waste Collection from residents |this annually in our Recycling brochure which is mailed to approximately 13,000 households– |

| |see attached. These cleanup days are also announced on our website. Please note: “Organic |

|. |Yard Waste” and “Westchester County Chemical Cleanup Days” are highlighted in this brochure.|

| |The Town of Cortlandt Recycling Brochure also dedicates space to provide notices to residents|

| |with respect to hazardous waste and how to handle proper disposal. This Brochure is mailed |

| |annually to all households and businesses in Cortlandt which receive Cortlandt garbage |

| |pickup. Our Sanitation division also responds to resident’s questions with respect to |

| |hazardous waste – we contact the County on behalf of the resident to assist them. |

| | |

| |Again in year 5 – the Town included an insert into our direct mailed Recycling Brochure |

| |“After the Storm” a 4 page Citizen’s Guide to Understanding Stormwater. |

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| |A noticeable improvement in the visual quality of Lake Meahagh has been noted in year 5. |

| | |

| |Less observed erosion and less floatables from construction sites resulting in less |

|Noticeable Improvement in Clarity of Waters – From NOI Year 4 |“complaints” throughout the Town. |

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|Additional Techniques |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

| |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

| | |

| | |

|Direct Mail to Residents & Businesses informing them about Stormwater |In 2006, 2007, and in 2008 we AGAIN included a pull out section of our Recycling Brochure |

| |which is direct mailed to all residents in the Town who receive garbage pickup. Town |

| |included in it’s brochure at a cost of approximately $3,000 for the larger 4 page pullout in |

| |2008 entitled “After the Storm” See attached |

| | |

| | |

|Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring: Ongoing for several years. Peekskill Hollow Brook and Sprout Brook. |Ongoing. For several years now our residents have participated in the “Westchester County |

|(See attached Report – Westchester County Citizen’s Volunteer Monitoring Program – Water Quality Report – |Citizen’s Volunteer Monitoring Program”. See attached report. |

|2006) | |

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|Met with Hollowbrook Water Watch. | |

| |In April, 2007 Engineering staff met with Hollowbrook Waterwatch to review the stormwater |

| |evaluation program. |

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|Explain any changes or additions to the Permit Referenced Activities / Techniques, Measurable Goals and / or Scheduled Dates above and provide a reason(s) for the change: |

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Minimum Control Measure 2. Public Involvement/Participation

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.2.c.iii.: Design and conduct a public involvement / participation program. |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|Describe activities that the MS4 has/will undertake to provide program access to interested individuals and |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|to gather needed input. | |

|Indicate activities planned for next year. | |

|Public Notice and access to documents: All SW related documents are available for review in our Town Clerk’s|The Town Board meetings are the prime communication tool with the community. They are held |

|office including the Annual report and all appendices. |monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Town Hall and are televised for several weeks |

| |afterwards on our Community Channel 78. Stormwater related items are on almost every agenda. |

|Related information is available on our website. – Click Stormwater . Public notice| |

|took place prior to all meetings where SW issues were discussed. All Town Board meetings are televised to |New in 2008 – the Town of Cortlandt has started video-streaming on our website our Town Board |

|the community. All public Town Board meetings are televised to the community. |Meetings, Planning Board Meetings and Zoning Board meetings - available 2 days after the live |

| |meeting. Users are able to view various issues “on-demand”. |

|Establish Stormwater Task Force, mailing lists and email lists. Develop public participation plan. Meeting |Task Force now called Stormwater Advisory Committee. Meetings are ongoing with our Stormwater |

|with interested parties and evaluate program and solicit input – from NOI Year 3 |Committee. In addition, our staff meets regularly with concerned citizens regarding stormwater|

| |issues (see DES/DOTS notes). See Notes from Staff Stormwater Committee meetings too. |

| |Ongoing. Volunteers from the SW Committee serve on the Westchester County Citizens Monitoring |

|Organize activities including stream cleanup events |Program. See attached. In addition, the Hollowbrook Water Watch has attended Meetings at Town|

| |Hall In 2008, several residents have signed up for the Westchester County Citizens Training |

| |Program - see attached brochure. In 2007 and again in 2008, Cortlandt sponsored several |

| |“earth day” cleanups and celebrations. Volunteer groups cleaned up litter along roads and |

| |streams throughout the Town. |

|Earth Day Celebrations (including stormwater) |Members of the public and various committees attend our annual earth day celebration with |

| |educational exhibits including groups with clean water, recycling, saving our resources. |

| |During year 5 – this event was held in April, 2007. (It was held again 5/3/08). |

| | |

| |In 2006, interns began installation of approximately 800 of the 4000 drains in the Town. These|

| |are aluminum medallions which reads “No dumping – drains to river”. We are cross-utilizing |

|Begin Storm Drain Stencil Program _ NOI Year 2 & 3 |medallions as a numbering system for catch basins in our GIS system. Medallions were approved|

|Storm Drain Stencil Program Continues – Year 4 |and purchased in 2006. Expect installation to continue as summer projects in 2007 and beyond.|

|Storm Drain Stencil Program Continues – Year 5 |In 2007 another 400 medallions were installed on catch basins. Program expected to continue |

| |in Summer, 2008 |

| | |

| |Lake Meahagh Target Area: As a follow up to our year 4 efforts which included submitting |

|Clean Up activities: Lake Meahagh Target Area - As a result of several complaints received in the area – |information packets to residents living around Lake Meahagh, in Year 5, the Town installed and|

|conducted direct outreach From NOI. |activated the aeration system in the lake. |

| | |

|Lake Meahagh continues to be focus of attention in Year 5. |Noticeable improvement in the condition of the Lake. |

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| |During year 4, suds were detected periodically entering a private pond that is an integral |

| |part of the municipal drainage system. Two sets of direct mailings went out to area residents |

|Connors Pond Target Area – As a result of several neighborhood complaints – conducted direct public outreach|informing them that illegal connections to the storm drains are not permitted and they should |

| |not be discharging phosphates into the storm drains. During Year 5 there were no |

| |calls/complaints regarding suds. (However in year 6 the Town received reports of suds and once|

| |again letters were sent out to residents. ) |

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|Permit Reference IV.C.2.a, f: Develop procedures to provide public notice about and access to documents and information in a manner that complies with state and local public notice requirements. Describe|

|procedures below and state the methods used to publicize the AR public presentation. |

|Posted on the Town’s Website. The Town Clerk advertises all Town Board Meetings and all meetings are televised several times in the month on local cable channel. In addition, all Planning Board |

|Meetings are televised on cable TV and advertised in the local paper. New in 2008, the Planning, Zoning and Town Board meetings are now via web streaming available 24/7 on the Town’s website |

|. We now offer “on-demand” viewing of any Board item. |

| |

|Permit Reference IV.C.2.e: Public presentation of; f: summary of comments received on; and g: intnded response to comments on the SWMPAR. |

|Summarize attendance at the public presentation of the Annual Report. Include number of attendees and who was represented: Each year the Annual Report is received and filed by the Town Board at a |

|televised public meeting of the Town Board during which public comment is encouraged. Note: In year 5, the Annual report will be received and filed by the Town Board on May 13th, 2008. Public comments|

|will be taken at that time. Present at the meeting are all the Town Board Members and Town Engineer, Director of Technical Services and various other department head staff who prepared the report as well|

|as members of the public. |

|Comments on Annual Report Meeting |Date of Annual Report Meeting: |Approximate Date of Meeting Next Year: |

|_X__ No public comments received on Annual Report. (expected). | |May, 2009 |

|___ Comments received. Attach summary of comments and intended responses. |May 13, 2008 | |

|Additional Techniques |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

| |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Stormwater Committee Meetings – meeting quarterly solely for the purpose of focusing on SW Phase II with |SW Committee meetings were begun in 2006, continued in 2007 and 2008. |

|members of the Public. See attached agendas for specific detail. | |

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|Explain any changes or additions to the Permit Referenced Activities / Techniques, Measurable Goals and / or Scheduled Dates above and provide a reason(s) for the change: |

| |

|Change from the Minimum Measure 2 NOI: Eliminate “survey to be developed and circulated to residents”. After meeting with SW committee chose instead to do Hotline and direct mail to residents each year|

|instead. |

Minimum Control Measure 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.3.a: Develop, implement and enforce a program to detect, identify and eliminate |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|illicit discharges, including illegal dumping, into the MS4. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Explain the activities and procedures used to meet this requirement this year and planned for next year. |Example measurable goals: number of illicit discharges detected; number of illicit discharges|

|Revise as procedures are updated. |eliminated. |

|Identify personnel or outside organization conducting the activities | |

|IDDE: In Year 4, our consultant Leggett Brashears and Graham (LBG), an environmental consulting firm tested| Test results were received in Year 5. See attached LBG reported dated 12/13/07. The tests |

|eight (8) outfall structures leading to the HollowBrook River which provides drinking water to the City of |revealed illicit discharges of surface water which are most likely occurring from septic |

|Peekskill. These 8 structures collect runoff from a majority of the NorthEast Quadrant of Town. LBG was also|systems. |

|retained to manage a team of in house inspectors who will be inspecting catch basins in drainage areas where| |

|contaminants were discovered from the testing just described. |Additional testing will be undertaken. Next Phases will include video testing and smoke |

| |testing to ascertain exactly where illegal connections are. |

|Test results are expected during year 5. | |

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|IDDE Testing Lake Meahagh. Stephen W. Coleman and Allied Biological tested Lake Meahagh as part of the |See attached report dated 4/3/07 from Steve Coleman and report from Allied Biological |

|aeration system installation. | |

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| |Plan to be complete in year 5. Engineering staff worked closely with Operational departments|

|Train public employees re- detection of illicit discharge. |to determine the best method for training. Videos were selected and a plan is in place to |

| |conduct this training in June, 2008. |

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| |DES-Sanitation conducts massive public outreach regarding hazardous waste cleanup days (See |

|Households participate in regular hazardous waste collection days |MM1 and MM2 for more details. Including annual mailings and discussion at televised Town |

| |Board Meetings. Our DES working in conjunction with Westchester County regularly advertises |

| |the Household Chemical Cleanup days. In addition our DES Sanitation department publishes and |

| |mails an annual instruction booklet with respect to Hazardous waste cleanups. (See attached) |

| | |

|Most illicit discharges are detected and eliminated |To date we have identified various sources of erosion, suds, pollutants and have addressed |

| |the sources. This practice will continue into year 5 and beyond. We will continue to |

| |physically test outlets and when needed, video, smoke test etc. any section of the drainage |

| |system to further identify and address illicit discharges. |

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|Permit Reference IV.C.3.b: Develop and maintain a map showing the location of all outfalls and the names and|Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|location of all waters of the US that receive discharges from outfalls. Explain activities performed this |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|year and planned for next year, including work on the following IDDE guidance prerequisites: |Example measurable goals: percent of outfalls mapped |

|field verification of outfall locations;mapping all inter-municipal subsurface conveyances;delineating storm| |

|sewershed; and | |

|Developing and retaining MS4 mapping as needed to find the source and identify illicit discharges. State if | |

|maps are in GIS. | |

|1. Initial Outfall Mapping is complete and plan a more comprehensive mapping. |1. Proposals for a more comprehensive outfall mapping were received in year 5. Program |

| |expected to be underway in year 6. |

| | |

|2. Maps are in GIS format - catch basin and outlets/inlets |2. Ongoing – continue to verify and update. See attached Azertia document. |

|3. Retention Pond Mapping |3. Meetings were held with Engineers and Highway personnel to identify locations of smaller |

| |detention/retention ponds. In year 5 we continue to map locations for retention ponds. New |

| |constructed ponds are placed into GIS through electronic as-builts. |

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Minimum Control Measure 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Regulatory Mechanism

|Permit Reference IV.C.3.c: Prohibit, through an ordinance, local law or other regulatory mechanism, illicit discharges into the MS4. The MS4s have until year 5 to complete the local law work. See the |

|instructions for information about completing this section. |

|Does the MS4 have the legal authority to enact ordinances, local laws or other regulatory mechanisms? |___ No (go to ADDENDUM 1) |

|Yes |__X_Yes (complete questions below) |

|Assessment of Regulatory Mechanism (Local Code) |

|When was this assessment completed or planned to be completed? |Date completed: __Received & Filed as final in Year 4 |

|In year four (4) the Town received and filed a new ordinance entitled “Stormwater and Erosion Sediment|__Not yet completed (proceed to next table) Will be adopted in Year 5 |

|Control”. Ordinance was adopted in Year 5. |Plan to complete for reporting in year: ___4; _X_5. |

| | |

| |See attached finalized, adopted Stormwater Ordinance. |

|Is there an existing ordinance, local law or other regulatory mechanism? |___ No (go to question 5) |

|Yes. The Town’s existing Wetlands Ordinance and Steep Slopes Ordinances reference Westchester County |_X__ Yes |

|Water Conservation Districts BMP’s manual and NYS Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control. | |

| | |

|Does the existing regulatory mechanism prohibit illicit discharges as required by the MS4 Permit? |__ No (amendments needed) |

|There are existing enforcement procedures and in Year 5, the Town of Cortlandt adopted the stand-alone |X Yes |

|IDDE Local Law. | |

| |See attached IDDE Law. |

|4) Does the existing regulatory mechanism include enforcement authorities and procedures as required by|___ No (amendments needed) |

|the MS4 Permit? Yes. |___X__Yes |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Development of Regulatory Mechanism (Local Codes) |

|5) When was this work completed or planned to be completed? The proposed local law as noted above was |Date completed: ____9/18/07_________________ |

|adopted on 9/18/07. |___Not yet completed (proceed to next table) |

| |Plan to complete work below for reporting in year: __X_4; ___5. |

|6) If you answered ‘No’ to question 1, 2 or 3, what regulatory mechanism or amendments will be adopted |__X_ NYS IDDE Model Law in its entirety |

|to meet the MS4 permit requirements? (see above) |___ Selected NYS IDDE Model Law articles adopted as amendments to existing code(s) that are |

|Stand alone IDDE Ordinance adopted under Chapter 263, Storm Sewers on 9/18/07 |equivalent to the NYS IDDE Model Law |

| |___ MS4 will write language equivalent to NYS IDDE Model Law |

|7) If you answered ‘No’ to question 1, 2 or 3, has a list of needed changes to local codes been |___ No |

|developed for adoption of the regulatory mechanism?(yes--see above) |__XYes, list the local code(s) that will be changed: |

| |Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations Ordinances are in the process of being updated to |

| |incorporate references to new Stormwatater locals laws and regulations. |

| | |

|8) If the existing regulatory mechanism does not require amendments, what language is in the mechanism?|__X_ NYS IDDE Model Law in its entirety |

| |___ Selected NYS IDDE Model Law articles adopted as amendments to existing code(s) that are |

| |equivalent to the NYS IDDE Model Law |

| |___ Language equivalent to NYS IDDE Model Law |

|9) What was the date or is the planned date of local law adoption? |9/18/07 |

|10) Provide a web address if adopted local law can be found on a web site. |The local law will be available Click on Town Code |

Minimum Control Measure 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.3.e: Inform public employees, businesses and the general public of hazards associated |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Explain activities and materials used to meet this requirement this year and planned for next year | |

|Identify personnel or outside organization conducting activities | |

|1. See MM1 and MM2. (Direct Mail of stormwater notification do’ and don’ts” |1. See MM1 and MM2 regarding public outreach. |

|2. Discussion with business owners regarding on site practices to minimize illicit discharges. |Ongoing. All proposals are reviewed by Engineering division where applicants are advised of|

| |updated/ongoing stormwater procedures. All commercial proposals now require stormceptors on |

| |private sites that will be discharging into Town system which exceed Phase II requirements. |

| | |

| | |

| |3. For Peekskill Hollowbrook, the Town has retained an environmental consultant (LBG) to test|

|3. Peekskill Hollowbrook is monitored by outside consultant for water quality |water quality in the Hollowbrook and in year 5 in the tributaries upstream from the |

| |Hollowbrook. Surface water and ground water tests including pesticides are ongoing. There |

| |are testing wells in the area as a result of recently approved Golf Course in the area of the|

| |Hollowbrook. |

| | |

|We regularly issue violations notices to those businesses guilty of illicit discharges. |Ongoing. See attached Code Enforcement list. |

| | |

|Additional Techniques | |

| | |

|Direct Mailing to all residents and businesses – see MM1 and MM2. Please see the attached specific brochures|Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|in the Recycling Brochure which is received by all commercial businesses receiving Town garbage pickup. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) When |

| |the final round of testing by LBG is complete a brochure explaining illicit discharge rules |

| |and consequences, will be sent to all residents and businesses within the sewer shed. |

| | |

| | |

|Explain any changes or additions to the Permit Referenced Activities / Techniques, Measurable Goals and / or Scheduled Dates above and provide a reason(s) for the change. |

Minimum Control Measure 4 and 5. Construction Site and Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff Control Regulatory Mechanism

|Permit Reference IV.C.4.b.i, 5.a.i: Require development and implementation of erosion and sedimentation controls through a local law or other regulatory mechanism. Report on assessment process used |

|(Stormwater Management Gap Analysis Workbook for Local Officials or equivalent process). The MS4s have until year 5 to complete the local law work. See the instructions for information about completing |

|this section. |

|Does the MS4 have the legal authority to enact land |___ No (go to ADDENDUM 2) |

|use ordinances, local laws or other regulatory |__X_Yes (complete questions below) |

|mechanisms? | |

|Preliminary Assessment of Regulatory Mechanism (Local Code) |

|1. When was the preliminary assessment of existing |Date completed: ___March, 2005____________ ___Not yet completed (proceed to next table) |

|local codes completed or when will it be completed? |Plan to complete for reporting in year: ___4; ___5. |

|Year three (3) |___Did not do preliminary assessment; proceeded directly to Gap Analysis Worksheets 1-4 or adopted Sample Local Law for Stormwater Management and |

| |Erosion & Sediment Control (Sample Local Law). |

|2. If preliminary assessment was completed, indicate |___ If none of Sample Local Law provisions appear in local code; consider adopting Sample Local Law or equivalent |

|the results. |___ If few Sample Local Law provisions appear in local code; major revisions needed or consider adopting Sample Local Law or equivalent |

|Need to adopt revised ordinance as described in MM3 |___ If most of the Sample Local Law provisions appear in local code; minor revisions needed |

|above |Full Stormwater and IDDE ordinances were adopted on 9/18/07 – see attached. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessment and Development of Regulatory Mechanism (Local Code) (continued on next page) |

|3. When was the Gap Analysis or equivalent process |Date completed: _____March, 2006 __ ___Not yet completed (proceed to next table) |

|completed or when will it be completed? |Plan to complete work below for reporting in year: _X__4; ___5. Stormwater Ordinance was adopted on 9/18/07 (Year 5). |

|4. How was the local code adopted or how will it be |a. _X_ The entire Sample Local Law adopted as amendments to existing code or as stand alone law. |

|adopted*? |If no portions of the Sample Local Law were moved or deleted, all provisions would be exactly the same as the Sample Local Law. |

| |If ANY provisions of the Sample Local Law were moved or deleted, the moved or changed provisions must be reviewed (use the Gap Analysis or |

|*If MS4 has some existing local code equivalent to the|equivalent process) to ensure the intent of the law has not been changed. |

|Sample Local Law and adopted parts of the Sample Local|b. __ Parts of NYS Sample Local Law to be adopted as amendments to existing code. |

|Law as amendments to make a complete local code, check|c. ___ Language developed by municipality was demonstrated to be equivalent. |

|b and c. | |

Minimum Control Measure 4 and 5. Construction Site and Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff Control Regulatory Mechisnism

|Permit Reference IV.C.4.b.i, 5.a.i (continued) |

|Assessment and Development of Regulatory Mechanism (Local Code) (continued) |

|5. Answer the following questions about the Gap Analysis or equivalent processes. |

|Clauses are defined as: All the Sample Local Law sections or subsections in the Gap Analysis Worksheets 1-4 that have a box in the “Equivalence” column, meaning that there is an associated “Equivalence” |

|sheet (with the exception of Article 6, Section 4 which does not have an Equivalence sheet).Total number of clauses in each worksheet: Sample Local Law Article 1 (Gap Analysis Worksheet 1) - 8 clauses; |

|Sample Local Law Article 2 (Gap Analysis Worksheet 2) - 51 clauses; Sample Local Law Article 3, 4, 5 (Gap Analysis Worksheet 3) - 3 clauses; Sample Local Law Article 6 (Gap Analysis Worksheet 4) - 9 |

|clauses. |

| |

|MS4s that adopt the entire Sample Local Law as amendments to existing code or as stand alone law need to indicate the number of clauses being adopted that are exactly the same as the Sample Local Law, or|

|equivalent, in the right-hand column below. |

|Sample Local Law |Number of Required Clauses in Local Law |

|Articles | |

| |Existing clauses exactly the |Existing clauses equivalent to the Sample Local Law language (see Gap |Sample Local Law or equivalent language to be adopted, listed as |

| |same as the Sample Local Law |Analysis Workbook Equivalence Sheets for information to help determine |legislative agenda items. |

| |language |equivalence) | |

|1 | | |8 Clauses |

|2 | | | 51 Clauses |

|3, 4, 5 | | | 3 Clauses |

|6 | | | 9 Clauses |

|TOTAL | | | 71 Clauses |

|6. Has a list of needed changes (legislative agenda) |___ No |

|been developed for adoption of amendments to local |__X_ Yes, list the local codes that will be changed: |

|codes (or for deletion of existing codes that are | |

|addressed by adoption of a stand alone law)? |The Stormwater Regulations and the IDDE regulations were adopted in year 5. |

|7. What was the date or is planned date of local code |Date: September 18, 2007. |

|adoption? | |

|8. Provide a web address if the adopted local law can | click on “Stormwater” or if seeking the specifics on the Local Law - Click on “Town Code” |

|be found on a web site. | |

Minimum Control Measure 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.4.b. v: Develop and implement procedures for site plan review by the MS4 that |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and review individual pre-construction site |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|plans to ensure consistency with local sediment and erosion control requirements. |Example measurable goals: number of plans received; number of plans reviewed; percent of |

|Describe the procedures below. Revise as procedures are updated. |plans received that are reviewed. |

| | |

|List of major projects under construction during year 5. |Major Projects under construction 3/9/07 - 3/9/08 |

| | |

|Appropriate Engineering personal from the Town Engineering Division are assigned projects to review proposed|Hudson Valley Hospital Site Plan - 133,200 sq. ft. addition, 377 car parking garage on 12 |

|infrastructure and sediment and erosion control procedures for all projects in front of the Planning Board, |acres. |

|Zoning Board, Town Board. Those projects that require the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements | |

|are reviewed by selected consultants. All building permits for new construction go through a through review |Hollowbrook Town Houses – 85 Townhouses on 20 acres. |

|by Engineering Department staff. | |

| |Cortlandt Ridge total of 62 units on 110 acres. |

| | |

| |Maple Avenue Partnership - 4 lot major sub. of 22.35 acres |

| | |

| | |

| |Major Projects projected to be in construction in year 6 |

| |Furnace Dock Inc. – 16 lot subdivision of 42.43 acres |

| |Henning Drive – 2 lot major subdivision of 13.68 acres |

| |Martinez – 3 lot major subdivision of 3.83 acres |

| |Valeria – 143 lot major subdivision of 731 acres |

| |Tim Cook – Site Plan approval for a contractor’s yard on 11.4 acres |

| |Jesse Stackhouse/John DeIulio –5 lot major subdivision of 6.6 acres |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|List of major public projects under construction during year 5. Ongoing construction monitoring And Post |  |

|Construction Monitoring | |

| |Major Public Projects Under Construction in Year 5 |

| | |

| |Route 202 & Lexington Avenue Improvements – Construct a left turn lane on Route 202 to |

| |Lexington Ave. and a right turn lane on Lexington Avenue to Route 202. |

| | |

| |Broadway Streetscape Phase I – From 5th to 8th Streets. |

| | |

| |Kings Ferry Rd. sidewalk – Construct sidewalks from Lake Meahagh to Hendrick Hudson Library |

| |on Kings Ferry Rd. |

| | |

| | |

| |Meahagh Park Restoration – Removing existing deteriorated park equipment, install new |

| |playground equipment and basketball court. |

| | |

| |New Water Storage Tank at Jacobs Hill – Construct a 1 million gallon storage tank at the |

| |Jacobs Hill Senior Complex site. |

| | |

| |Upcoming in Year 6 – Major Public Projects: |

| | |

| |Continued construction on Route 202 & Lexington Avenue Improvements – Construct a left turn |

| |lane on Route 202 to Lexington Ave. and a right turn lane on Lexington Avenue to Route 202. |

| | |

| |Route 202/35/Lafayette/Conklin – Intersection improvement on Route 202 at Hudson Valley |

| |Hospital, new signals, turn lanes. |

| | |

| |Town of Cortlandt Youth Center – a 5,200 square foot facility on 1 acre. |

| | |

| |Town Dog Park on ½ acre. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Wendy’s/Mobil Access Drive – Provide access to the Cortlandt Town Center Access Rd. for |

| |Wendy’s & the Mobil Station. Patrons leaving the business cannot make a left on Route 6 due |

| |to traffic congestion. This improvement will allow the cars to get to a signal controlled |

| |intersection. |

| | |

| |Annsville Creek Marsh Path – Construct an approximately 500 lf path to connect the New York |

| |State Park at the Paddlesport Center to the Annsville Creek Bridge and the City of Peekskill |

| |trail system. |

| | |

| | |

| |Continental Village Water Main Replacement – Replace/Reline old water lines in area. |

| | |

| |Root Street Culvert Replacement & Drainage improvements |

| | |

| |Carchi/Bushman – Culvert cleaning at Gallows Hill Rd ongoing. Major future project of full |

| |culvert replacement |

| | |

| Capital projects that are designed in house or out sourced are review by the appropriate Engineering |See above |

|Division personal for compliance with applicable practices. | |

| | |

|Coordination between intra-departments (Engineering and Highway) take place every month in the form of |Stormwater and Drainage issues are discussed at EVERY DES/DOTS meeting. Ongoing (see |

|meetings. |attached). |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Permit Reference IV.C.4.b. vi: Develop and implement procedures for the receipt and consideration of |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|information submitted by the public. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Explain the procedures below. Revise as procedures are updated. | |

|Identify the responsible personnel or outside organizations. | |

|For Planning Board applications with land disturbance activities, applicants are required to post a |Ongoing |

|notification placard on the property alerting the public to an application. For public hearings- adjacent | |

|property owners are notified. Members of the public attend the hearings, which court stenographer minutes | |

|are taken at. Therefore all public comments are memorialized whether received verbally or in writing and | |

|are evaluated by Town staff or consultants. All applications are advertised in the local papers and on the| |

|website. | |

| | |

|In the event an EIS is required for the project, all comments made by the public during the DEIS are | |

|responded to in the FEIS. Stormwater practices and erosion control measures are discussed as part of all of | |

|this. |Ongoing. |

| | |

|For Building Permits – Applicants are required to post notifications placards on the property alerting the |Ongoing. |

|public to an application. The public can view building permit applications and review any concerns with | |

|respect to stormwater or other concerns with Town Staff. For Steep Slope or Wetland permits (that may be | |

|required as part of Building Permits), an additional measure of public notification is required. | |

|Specifically, the applicant has to notify adjacent property owners and have a 20 days waiting period to | |

|allow the public to respond. | |

| | |

Minimum Control Measure 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.4.b. iii, vii: Develop and implement procedures for site inspections, enforcement of |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|control measures and sanctions to ensure compliance with GP-02-02. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Describe each procedure below. Revise as procedures are updated. |Example measurable goals are number of: inspections; fines assessed; stop work orders; other |

| |sanctions. |

| | |

|In house Environmental Monitor inspects all sites that are under construction for compliance with local |During site inspections, the engineer and the environmental monitor meet on site to evaluate |

|codes and approved plans. The Town Code Division is informed of violations and issues “violations” with an |environmental issues including stormwater, erosion control. See attached Environmental |

|“order to remedy” immediately. If compliance is not achieved the violator is issued a “Ticket” to appear in |Monitor Report for Maple Ave. Partnership. |

|court. | |

| |The Town conducts weekly “New Housing Meetings” where various staff including the building |

| |inspectors, engineers and environmental monitors meet to review various aspects of building |

|New Housing Meetings |permit applications including stormwater. See attached New housing meeting agendas. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Permit Reference IV.C.4.b. viii: Educate and train construction site operators about requirements to develop|Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|and implement a SWPPP and any other requirements they must meet within the MS4s jurisdiction. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Explain the activities and materials used to meet this requirement. | |

|Identify the personnel or outside organization conducting this activity. | |

|Indicate activities planned for next year. | |

|1.Three on staff PE’s and the Town’s Environmental Monitor conducted training for eight (8) local | |

|contractors in year three (3) explaining proper erosion control practices and the need to follow all |Procedures are reviewed with contractors on each project before construction. |

|procedures in the SWPPP. | |

|2. DES completed its own “Stormwater II Operations and Maintenance Manual”. |2. Manual completed. Plan a full training and review of BMP’s with in house staff in Year 6. |

| | |

| | |

|Additional Techniques |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

| |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Procedures are explained at pre construction meetings. Design is reviewed by staff. |Same plus specific reference will be required on site plans to new SW ordinance. PB |

| |Resolutions routinely reference SW ordinance. |

|Weekly staff meetings are conducted with various divisions – including Code, Engineering, Planning, | |

|Environmental Monitor, Open Space committee Representative entitled “New Housing Committee”. Purpose of |Ongoing. |

|committee is to review all new applications for building permits. | |

|Explain any changes or additions to the Permit Referenced Activities / Techniques, Measurable Goals and / or Scheduled Dates above and provide a reason(s) for the change. |

Minimum Control Measure 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.5.a, c. Develop and implement a post-construction stormwater management program that |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|addresses stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment and will reduce the discharge of |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|pollutants to the MEP. Program requirements should include: | |

|A combination of structural and/or non-structural management practices. | |

|Identify and describe below procedures to ensure installation of post-construction management practices. |DO NOT ENTER INFORMATION IN THIS CELL |

|Revise as procedures are updated. | |

|1. Environmental Monitor and Engineering staff inspects construction of retention basins, etc. as shown on |Planning Board Projects (see above) |

|approved plans. Bonds and letters of credit are held by the Town for maintenance and performance. These | |

|are only released when the project is deemed to be complete by the Town. | |

| | |

|Procedures for site plan and SWPPP review to ensure SWMPs meet state standards. |Example measurable goals include: number of plans received; number of plans reviewed; percent|

|Describe procedures below. Revise as procedures are updated. |of plans received that are reviewed. |

|1. Construction plans do not receive final approval until the in house PE or outside consultant approves the|1. 100% of all projects go through the engineering department for review. |

|SWPPP. | |

| |2. Town Staff (especially our Engineers and Environmental Monitor attend several Stormwater |

|2. In house staff regularly attends County and State Storm Water training sessions. |training courses throughout the year including those at the Association of Towns, those |

| |offered by Westchester County and several offered by NYSDEC in various locations. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Reduce percent of impervious surfaces for new developments – NOI Year 4 |The scope of most if not all of the proposed developments when initially submitted are |

| |reduced, thereby reducing impervious coverage. |

| | |

| |In addition, the Town is considering removing impervious surface in one of our larger |

| |oversized cul-de-sac – Lakeview Avenue W. in 2008-2009 |

Minimum Control Measure 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management

Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed.

|Permit Reference IV.C.5.a, c. (continued): Develop and implement a post-construction stormwater management |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|program that addresses stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment and will reduce the |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|discharge of pollutants to the MEP. Program requirements should include: | |

|Procedures for inspection and maintenance of post-construction management practices. |Example measurable goals are number of: inspections maintenance activities performed. |

|Explain procedures below. Revise as procedures are updated. | |

|1. Environmental Monitor and Engineering staff inspects construction of retention basins, etc. as shown on |1. See specific list of examples above of Planning Board projects. Town staff continually |

|approved plans. Performance bonds are held by the Town and are only released when the project is deemed to |monitors sites in connection with project approved by the Planning Board during construction |

|be complete. |to assure compliance with site plan approval and storm water regulations. |

|2. All Planning Board applications are reviewed with an eye towards reducing impervious surfaces. |2. Often at final approval, planning board projects are reduced in size and scope to reflect |

| |increased buffers and less impervious surface. |

|Procedures for enforcement and penalization of violators. |Example measurable goals: number enforcement activities performed. |

|Explain procedures below. Revise as procedures are updated. | |

| | |

|All approved projects require payment equal to 5% of the construction cost to fund in house and consultant |(NOTE PROJECTS AS LISTED ABOVE) |

|inspections | |

|Violation Notices are issued on an ongoing basis. Court appearance tickets are issued when violators do not |Specific examples include: “Dumping septic waste into drains and improper erosion control on|

|comply with required remediation. |various properties” See attached Code Enforcement Log – Illicit Discharges. |

| | |

Minimum Control Measure 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations


| |

|This table is for MS4s to report on their OVERALL Municipal Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping Program. |

|A separate table follows that is for MS4s to report on management practices performed in identified municipal operations. |

|Refer to the Municipal Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping Assistance document for example best management practices, policies and procedures. |

|Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed. |

|Permit Reference IV.C.6.a: Develop and implement an operation and maintenance program to reduce and prevent |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|pollutant discharges from municipal operations to the MEP. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|List pollutants that will be addressed by the municipal pollution prevention program. |

|Salt, phosphates, oils, sediment |

|Set and describe pollution prevention priorities by geographic areas, municipal operation type, and | |


| | |

|1. Two major drainage basins in Town – Hudson River and Croton River. The policy of pollution prevention |1. Ongoing, |

|applies everywhere in Town. | |

| |2. Conducted in the Spring and Fall of each year and as needed by weather conditions and |

|2. Street cleaning is conducted twice a year. |other incidents. |

| | |

|3. Catch basin cleaning is conducted throughout the year on both routine maintenance and emergency basis. |3. Ongoing. Approximately 1000 catch basins are cleaned per year and 200 “problem” catch |

| |basins are repeatedly cleaned during the year. |

|4 Since 2003, the Town has eliminated the use of sand during winter maintenance programs. Road application | |

|is now 100% road salt and magnesium chloride until ground temperature is below 25 degrees. |4. During Year 5 of the reporting period sand was not applied to roads at all. There has |

| |been no sand applied to Town roads since 2003 due to cost of cleanup and impact on |

| |drainage/environment. |

|5. Pesticide use in Municipal parks and buildings is limited to licensed contractor employed by the Town and| |

|used and a highly restricted basis. |5. The Town does not fertilize any Town owned property. Mongero Park off Route 6 is a |

| |ceremonial park let that we use application to control weeds. Application for bees and |

| |insects is done on as-needed basis on Town owned property. There is NO generalized spraying.|

| | |

|6. The Town’s road salt delivery will be maintained INSIDE a salt dome. |100 % stored of salt stored in Salt Dome. Completed in Fall, 2005. |

| | |

| | |

|7. Cook Pool backwash disposal |7. Backwash disposal of grey water from Town municipal swimming pool is trucked off-site by |

| |a private contractor and disposed of appropriately. |

| | |

|8. April, 2007 Nor’easter Storm and Impacts to Town |There were many submerged areas of the Town due to the 3 day storm. Facilities were flooded, |

| |stream banks were exceeded, erosion along waterways. These projects all became FEMA |

| |remediation projects. Several remediation projects are ongoing. |

| |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|Permit Reference IV.C.6.a: Include a municipal pollution prevention training component for staff (where all |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|staff are trained). | |

|Explain activities and materials used to meet this requirement. | |

|Identify training needs and design training components | |

|Determine the adequacy and appropriate frequency of staff training. | |

|Identify personnel or outside organization conducting activities. | |

|Stormwater II Operations and Maintenance Manual was completed in Year 3 |Staff training to include erosion control measures and training in the field will be |

|O&M Manual contains 13 sections for Highway, Parks and Sanitation housekeeping functions. |initiated in Year 6. |

|DOTS staff – specifically the P.E.’s will be assisting in the training sessions. |Ongoing training will be conducted as needed after year 6. The target population of staff is|

| |90 employees. |

|A spill response plan is in place. |Yes. During year 5 – there were no known discharges to groundwater, land or drainage system.|

| | |

|Additional Techniques |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

| |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

| | |

| | |

|Explain any changes or additions to the Permit Referenced Activities / Techniques, Measurable Goals and / or Scheduled Dates above and provide a reason(s) for the change: |

Minimum Control Measure 6. Municipal Operations: __X_Street and Bridge Maintenance; _X_Winter Road Maintenance; __X_Stormwater System Maintenance; __X_Vehicle and Fleet Maintenance; _X__Park and Open Space Maintenance; __X_Municipal Building Maintenance; _X__Solid Waste Management; _X__Other:__________________________________________________________

| |

|Copy this page and give it to each municipal office or department responsible for reporting. |

|Put an ‘X’ in front of each municipal operation type addressed by the Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program in that office or department. |

|Refer to the Municipal Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping Assistance document for example best management practices, policies and procedures. |

|Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed. |

|Permit Reference IV.C.6.a, c: Develop and implement an operation and maintenance program to reduce and |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|prevent pollutant discharges from the municipal operation(s) indicated above to the MEP. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Describe how the bulleted items below focus on pollutants addressed by the municipal pollution prevention | |

|program and the pollution prevention priorities. | |

|Briefly describe or reference any existing policies and procedures | |

|Briefly describe or reference any policies and procedures being developed |DO NOT ENTER INFORMATION IN THIS CELL |

|See MM6 Charts above. |See MM6 Charts above. |

| | |

|Briefly describe or reference any existing best management practices | |

|Briefly describe or reference any planned best management practices |DO NOT ENTER INFORMATION IN THIS CELL |

|See MM6 Charts above. |See MM6 Charts above. |

| | |

|Identify and describe the equipment and staff that are in place |DO NOT ENTER INFORMATION IN THIS CELL |

|See MM6 Charts above. |See MM6 Charts above. |

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Minimum Control Measure 6. Municipal Operations: _X__Street and Bridge Maintenance; _X__Winter Road Maintenance; __X_Stormwater System Maintenance; __X_Vehicle and Fleet Maintenance; __X_Park and Open Space Maintenance; __X_Municipal Building Maintenance; __X_Solid Waste Management; __X_Other:__________________________________________________________

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|Copy this page and give it to each municipal office or department responsible for reporting. |

|Put an ‘X’ in front of each municipal operation type addressed by the Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program in that office or department. |

|Refer to the Municipal Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping Assistance document for example best management practices, policies and procedures. |

|Use separate rows to explain the different processes, activities, procedures, practices, etc. used by the MS4. Add additional rows as needed. |

|Permit Reference IV.C.6.a, c (continued): Develop and implement an operation and maintenance program to |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|reduce and prevent pollutant discharges from municipal operations to the MEP. |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|Assess if existing programs adequately reduce and/or prevent pollutant discharges | |

|Determine and list any operation type, location or facility that is in need of modification or updates. |DO NOT ENTER INFORMATION IN THIS CELL |

|See MM6 Charts above. |See MM6 Charts above. |

| | |

|Permit Reference IV.C.6.a: If there is a training component for staff specific to these municipal |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

|operations: |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

|explain the activities and materials; | |

|identify the personnel or outside organization conducting the activities. | |

|See MM6 Charts above. |See MM6 Charts above. |

| | |

| | |

|Additional Techniques |Describe Measurable Goals and Results (when applicable) |

| |Indicate: Date Completed, Ongoing Task, or Scheduled Date (for next years activities) |

| | |

| | |

|Explain any changes or additions to the Permit Referenced Activities / Techniques, Measurable Goals and / or Scheduled Dates above and provide a reason(s) for the change: |

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|Did you include any of the following documents as appendices? Put a mark each appended document. |

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|1. __X__ Summary of public comments received on the annual report at the public presentation (Required) and _X_ Intended response to comments on the annual report (Required) |

|2. __X__IDDE Reports: LBG, Coleman and Allied Biological. Results of information collected and analyzed, including monitoring data; evaluation of assessment (modeling) of pollutant |

|discharges, including modeling results and pollutant transport trends. |

|3. _X__ Northern Westchester Watershed Committee Highway Deicing Task Force Report dated November, 2007 and samples of catch basin medallion program – “Don’t dump, Drains to River”. |

|4. __X__the 2008 Recycling Brochure including Stormwater insert “After the Storm”. |

|5. __X_GIS Support Log from Azertia showing updates to Stormwater Mapping. |

|6. __X_Adopted Stormwater Ordinance (Chapter 262) and Adopted IDDE Ordinance (Chapter 263) |

|7. __X_Environmental Monitor Report for Maple Avenue Partnership |

|8. __X___New Housing Committee Meeting agendas |

|9. __X__Other – Code Enforcement Complaint Log of all stormwater complaints received and addressed in Year 5 |

|10. _X__Other – Stormwater Volunteer Citizen Committee Agendas, Stormwater Staff Committee Agendas and DES/DOTS agendas. |

|11. _X__the 2007 “Westchester County Citizens Volunteer Monitoring Program – Water Quality Report for 2007”. |

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