DC PHB_Section 6_Table-S6-1 - OnlineNW

Table S6-1: Equipment List

Table S6-1a: Equipment

Item Weight Cost Availability [1]

Item Count (ea.) [1] (kg) [1] (in U.S. $) [1] Without Contact With Contact Source

Clothing and Accessories

Boots, Maxwell Cling (climbing boots) 1 pair -- 400 Common Common New

Glasses, Variable 1 -- 550 Common Common DS/104

Gloves, Maxwell Cling (climbing gloves) 1 pair -- 200 Common Common New

Parka, Grizzly (extreme cold weather) 1 set 3 150 Common Common DC1/274

Jumpsuit, UV-blocking 1 1 40 Common Common NO/14

Thermal Fatigues, Big Ben (extreme cold weather) 1 set 6 100 Common Common DC1/274

Thermal Suit, MilTech Ltd. (extreme cold weather) 1 set 3.8 970 Not Available Scarce DS/99

Sunglasses, Serengeti 1 -- 300 Scarce Common DC1/274

Umbrella, UV-blocking 1 .6 24 Common Common NO/14

Combat Gear

Body Armor

CES IIb (Combat Environmental Suit) 1 suit 10 2,700 Not Available Scarce [13] DS/40

ExoSkel Exoskeletal Armor (a.k.a. ExoArmor) 1 suit Special 775,000 Not Available Scarce [5] DS/44

ExoSkel Exoskeletal Armor, Vacuum 1 suit Special 1,150,000 Not Available Scarce [5] DS/44

Garcia-Seguro Steel Helmet 1 1 50 Common Very Common DC1/271

Miltech Ltd. KV1 Kevlar (Ballistic Nylon) Helmet 1 .5 100 Scarce Common DC1/271

RamTech Close Assault Armor 1 16 1,200 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/270

RamTech Bodyguard Kevlar (Ballistic Nylon) Vest 1 4 800 Scarce Common DC1/270

Security Industries Flak Jacket 1 8 400 Rare Common DC1/271

Ice Box (Coolant Packet) 1 2.3 1,550 (120) Not Available Scarce [5] DS/45

Shield, Tactical Riot Stun 1 2.7 116 Scarce Common New

Demolition Gear

Bomb Disposal Suit, Highcom Security Inc. EOD 2000 1 set 19.1 14,000 Not Available Common New


Czech State Factories Semitek, 20 block case (1 block) 1 30 (1) 750 (40) Not Available Rare DC1/264

Hercules Powder Co. Dynamite Stick, 100 stick case (1/4 stick) 1 30 (.25) 600 (8) Scarce Very Common DC1/264

Hercules Powder Co. Frame Charge 1 2 100 Not Available Rare DC1/265

Hercules Powder Co. Plastic Explosive, 20 block case (1 block) 1 30 (1) 600 (35) Not Available Common DC1/264

Hercules Powder Co. Primercord 1 meter .5 15 Not Available Common DC1/265

McFadden Industries Engineer Demolitions Kit (Complete Kit) 1 30 500 Rare Common DC1/264

Blasting cap, electric (50 in kit) 1 -- 2 Rare Common DC1/264

Blasting cap, non-electric (50 in kit) 1 -- 1 Rare Common DC1/264

Blasting Machine (1 in kit) 1 .5 95 Scarce Common DC1/265

Fuse, instant (2x 100m coils in kit) 1 coil 3 15 Scarce Common DC1/265

Fuse, time (2x 100m coils in kit) 1 coil 3 25 Scarce Common DC1/265

Igniter (5 in kit) 1 -- 75 Rare Common DC1/265

Igniter, fuse (50 in kit) 1 -- 3 Scarce Common DC1/265

Timer (5 in kit) 1 .25 20 Scarce Common DC1/265

Tool Set (1 in kit) 1 4 35 Common Very Common DC1/264

Wire, electrical (2x 100m spools in kit) 1 spool 5 20 Very Common Very Common DC1/264

Wire, trip (500m spool in kit) 1 spool 2 30 Very Common Very Common DC1/265

Radio Detonation Broadcast Unit, RamTech 1 .3 350 Not Available Rare DC1/264

Radio Detonation Receiver Unit, RamTech 1 -- 250 Not Available Rare DC1/264


Forged Documents

ID papers 1 set -- 1,500 Scarce Scarce DC1/260

Passport 1 -- 1,500 Scarce Scarce DC1/260

Other -- -- [2] Scarce Scarce DC1/260

Security pass 1 -- 10,000-100,000 Not Available Scarce DC1/260

Weapon Permit 1 -- 500-2,000 Scarce Scarce New

Opticard, Visamericard Credit Corporation (debit/credit card) 1 -- 0 Scarce Common DS/103

Security pass 1 -- [3] Not Available [3] DC1/260

Weapon Permits (may not be required in all locations)

Automatic Weapons (per weapon) 1 year -- 500 Not Available Rare [20] New

Concealed Pistol Carry 1 year -- 120 Scarce Common [20] New

Defensive Pistol (per weapon) 1 year -- 60 Common Very Common New

Heavy Weapons (per weapon) 1 year -- 1,000 Not Available Rare [20] New

Hunting Rifle (per rifle/shotgun) 1 year -- 60 Common Very Common New

Non-Defensive (all semiautomatic) Pistol (per pistol) 1 year -- 150 Scarce Common [20] New

Non-Hunting (all semiautomatic) Rifle (per rifle) 1 year -- 250 Rare Common [20] New

Electronic Gear

Audio Devices and Accessories

Audio Recorder Cartridge 1 -- 5 Very Common Very Common DC1/268

DBX 162X Audio Recorder (advanced) 1 2 750 Scarce Scarce DC1/267

Xomax Audio Recorder (simple) 1 .3 75 Very Common Very Common DC1/267

Communication Devices

Microwave Communicator, Large 1 23 5,800 Not Available Scarce DS/34

Item Weight Cost Availability [1]

Item Count (ea.) [1] (kg) [1] (in U.S. $) [1] Without Contact With Contact Source

Microwave Communicator, Personal 1 6 1,600 Rare Common DS/34

MilTech Ltd. 2km Hand (walkie-talkie) Radio (Mil-Spec AN/PRC-68) 1 .5 250 Common Common DC1/269

MilTech Ltd. 5/25km Manpack/Vehicle Radio (Mil-Spec AN/PRC-77) 1 5 800 Common Common DC1/269

MilTech Ltd. 5/25km Secure Manpack/Veh. Radio (Mil-Spec AN/PRC-70) 1 10 1,100 Scarce Common DC1/269

MilTech Ltd. 50km Vehicle Radio (AN/VRC-12) 1 15 1,200 Common Very Common DC1/270

MilTech Ltd. 50km Secure Vehicle Radio 1 15 1,450 Scarce Common DC1/270

MilTech Ltd. ITR-VII Individual Tactical Radio 1 .5 550 Rare Scarce DC1/269

Optilink 1 unit .6 1,950 Rare Scarce DS/96

Portaphone (multi-connection cellular phone) 1 .35 425 Common Very Common DS/36

Sony Global FAXman Portable Facsimile Machine 1 6 1,800 Common Common DC1/268

Tandy Jackrabbit Frequency-Hopping Radio 1 10 800 Rare Scarce DC1/269

Tojicorp VHC13 Cellular Telephone Unit 1 1 800 Common Common DC1/268

Zeiss-Krupp ZK-1956 PSD Portable Satellite Downlink System 1 4 12,000 Rare Scarce DC1/268

Computers and Accessories

CompuAid 1 unit 1.8 14,200 Scarce Very Common DS/29

Talk Programmer 1 .1 16,000 Rare Scarce DS/37

CompuNav 1 unit 5 21,500 Rare Scarce DS/29

CompuPad 1 unit .35 750 Scarce Common DS/30

GE9000 Personal Computer 1 8 6,500 Scarce Common DC1/268

Heads-Up Eyepiece 1 .3 525 Scarce Common DS/32

Hewlett-Zenith Palmtop Computer 1 .65 2,800 Common Very Common DS/35

Hydra Technologies Hydra II FaxMaster (portable printer/fax/copier) 1 4.6 2,650 Rare Scarce DS/94

Lee Williams & Co. Virtual Display Glasses 1 -- 8,000 Rare Rare New

NEC 686sx Featherlite Laptop 1 .9 2,100 Scarce Common DS/33

Oyama 786L Portable Computer (with holographic display) 1 .9 13,000 Not Available Rare HoD/15

Scanner, Expert 1 .6 600 Common Very Common DS/36

Tojicorp ROM Burner 1 20 275,000 Not Available Rare DC1/266

Toshiba T12886sx Notebook Laptop 1 1.6 4,200 Rare Scarce DS/33

Zenith FX2 Portable Computer 1 2 4,500 Rare Common DC1/268

Detector, Gateway 1 2 (4,000) Not Available Rare [12] New

Distorter 1 9.5 2,300,000 Not Available Rare [12] DS/31

Holoweb, Tabletop Model 1 18 780,000 Not Available Rare [12] DS/32

Holoweb, Room-Sized Model 1 340 POR Not Available Rare [12] DS/32

Range Finder, Leap Frog (ultrasonic) 1 .8 220 Common Very Common DS/33

Screen, Wall, LCD sq. meter 13 5,500 Scarce Common DS/104

Screen, Wall, Plasma sq. meter 13 26,000 Not Available Rare DS/104

Sonar, Portable 1 15.5 3,750 Scarce Scarce DS/37

Teleplex (entertainment/communication center) 1 unit 26.5 17,300 Rare Scarce DS/103

Video, Still, and Holographic Cameras and Accessories

Fuji 35mm Film, Conventional (color/B&W) (24 exposures) 1 -- 8 Very Common Very Common DC1/268

Holographic Camera / Viewer 1 2 / 2 1,800 / 1,200 Rare Rare New

Kodak-Disney EZ Snap Still Camera (disposable) 1 .3 10 Common Common DC1/268

MicroCam (compact video camera) 1 .5 450 Common Very Common DS/34

MicroCam Video Tape Cartridge 1 -- 25 Common Very Common DS/34

Nikon DLR-35Advanced Still Camera Set 1 3 850 Common Common DC1/268

Nikon Special Vision Adapter 1 -- 15 Scarce Common DC1/268

Tojicorp Kapture II Video Recording Camera (digital) 1 4 500 Common Common DC1/268

Verdadero Video Recorder Cartridge 1 .2 12 Common Common DC1/268

Medical Gear

Antivenin Auto Injector 1 .3 45 Rare Scarce DC1/271

Blood, Plasma / Whole 1 unit .5 / .5 10 / 25 Not Available Common DC1/271

Chemical Analysis Kit / Air Analyzer (sniffer) 1 kit 3.5 / 3 2,100 / 750 Scarce Common DS/94

Empathy Booster Drug, 10 unit case 1 -- POR Not Available [7] DC1/271

Field Kit, Paraphysicist’s, Alba Industries (complete kit) 1 kit 5 POR Not Available [7] DC1/272

Illegal Drugs

Rage (see LW Pharmaceuticals Nephrozine) (liquid [22]) 1 -- VAR Not Available Scarce [21] New

Quicksilver (liquid [22]) 1 -- VAR Not Available Common [21] New

Medical Kits

Automated Medical Resource “Doc in the Box” (complete kit) 1 kit 30 34,500 Rare Scarce DS/94

BroMenn Corporation Doctor’s (complete kit) 1 kit 5 1,000 Not Available Common DC1/272

Steri-Med Personal 1 kit .2 100 Very Common Very Common DC1/271

Medical Drugs

Anesthetic, Local, 100 unit case (liquid/gas) 1 .5 1,000 Rare Common DC1/271

Anesthetic, Total, 100 unit case (liquid) 1 .1 1,000 Rare Common DC1/271

Antibiotic, 100 unit case (pill) 1 .5 400 Common Very Common New

Antifever, 100 unit case (pill) 1 .5 500 Common Very Common New

Antifungal, 100 unit case (cream) 1 .5 200 Common Very Common New

Antipoison, 100 unit case (liquid) 1 .5 1,000 Common Very Common New

Antiseptic, 100 unit case (cream) 1 .5 100 Common Very Common New

Pain-Reliever, Mild, 100 unit case (pill) 1 .5 500 Common Very Common DC1/271

Sedative, Mild, 100 unit case (pill) 1 .5 500 Common Very Common DC1/271

Sedative, Strong, 100 unit case (liquid) 1 .5 500 Scarce Common DC1/271

Item Weight Cost Availability [1]

Item Count (ea.) [1] (kg) [1] (in U.S. $) [1] Without Contact With Contact Source

Non-Medical Pharmaceuticals

DARPA Emphemerol II (pill) 1 -- POR Not Available [7] New

LW Pharmaceuticals Nephrozine (Mil-Spec C*1) (liquid [22]) 1 -- 95 Rare Scarce New

LW Pharmaceuticals Psychoinaltus (pill) 1 -- POR Not Available [7] New

LW Pharmaceuticals RPI*8 (pill) 1 -- 15 Scarce Scarce New

LW Pharmaceuticals Somnambutol/Snowball (pill) 1 -- 2 Very Common Very Common New

LW Pharmaceuticals Vasopressin-Y (pill) 1 -- 50 Rare Scarce New

Surgical Instruments 1 kit 5 2,500 Rare Common DC1/271

Tranq Autoinjector, Steri-Med One Count 3 .1 75 Not Available Common DC1/273

Miscellaneous Gear

Air Compressor (low pressure) 1 45 200 Common Common DC1/272

Air Conditioner, Mexican Aire Fresco 1 27 150 Very Common Very Common NO/15

Freon Refill Bottles 1 .4 7 Very Common Very Common NO/15

Aquatic Devices

Air Tank, Aqualung 1 5 100 Common Common DC1/272

Ford-Revlon Moray Rebreather 1 10 400 Common Common DC1/273

L&W Engineering Personal Submarine Suit 1 100 200,000 Rare Rare New

Pepsico Aqualung (complete set) 1 set 12 300 Common Common DC1/272

Rebreather Recharge Kit 1 5 100 Common Common DC1/273

Undersea Hardsuit 1 set 42 28,000 Not Available Rare DS/99

Arc Welder 1 75 850 Common Common DC1/265

Art, Holographic 1 .1-20 250-70,000 Scarce Common DS/102

Autobeacon, Emergency 1 3.2 1,825 Scarce Common DS/93

Chemical Handling Suit, Self-Contained (disposable) 1 2 65 Scarce Common NO/17

Flashlight 1 .2 20 Very Common Very Common DC1/274

Flashlight, Heat Light (various models) 1 .2-5 50-250 Common Very Common New

Field Pack, Grizzly 1 2 20 Very Common Very Common DC1/274


Alcohol 1 liter 1 .35¢ Common Common DC1/260

Avgas 1 liter 1 .50¢ Common Common DC1/260

Diesel 1 liter 1 .40¢ Common Common DC1/260

Gasoline 1 liter 1 .50¢ Very Common Very Common DC1/260

Jet fuel (Jet-A, JP8, commercial grade) 1 liter 1 .70¢ Rare Rare New

Gas Mask, MilTech Ltd. PSDM17 1 1 150 Scarce Common DC1/270

Geiger Counter, Grumman D3 1 .5 500 Common Common DC1/270

Grapple (hook) 1 1 60 Common Common DC1/272

Gun, Flare (loaded), Flare cartridge (may be used a weapon) 1 1.2 165 Common Common DS/95

Gun, Grapnel (loaded), Grapnel (may be used a weapon) 1 2.5 175 Scarce Common DS/95

Handcuffs, Metal 1 .2 20 Scarce Common DC1/273

Handcuffs, Plastic 1 -- 2 Scarce Very Common DC1/273

Holostars 1 -- 20-500 Common Very Common DS/102

Horse Tack (compete set) 1 set 10 50 Common Common DC1/272

Ignition Stick 1 .1 5 Scarce Common New

Jerry Can, 20-Liter (empty) 1 1 25 Very Common Very Common DC1/272

Lantern, Solar Powered 1 2.1 180 Scarce Common DS/96

Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder 1 1 45 Not Available Rare DC1/272

Netgun, Sturm, Ruger & Co. (empty) 1 6 2,132 Scarce Common New

Capture Net 1 1.5 60 Scarce Common New

Pack Saddle 1 5 40 Common Common DC1/272

Parachute, Paraglider 1 unit 16 650 Scarce Common DS/97

Portable Machine Shop (trailer mounted) 1 1.75 tons 12,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/266

Raft, Inflatable, Pepsico Eelcraft 1 30 500 Common Common DC1/272

Rescue Markers, Water 1 .2 80 Scarce Very Common DS/97

Road Flare 1 .3 10 Very Common Very Common DC1/273

Rope, 11mm (50m coil) 1 coil 5 100 Very Common Very Common DC1/273

Skis, Cross-Country, Epoke-Rosignoll (compete set) 1 set 8 250 Common Common DC1/273

Sleeping Bag, Mountainaire 1 4 50 Very Common Very Common DC1/274

Sleeping Bag, Sectra 1 .5 250 Common Very Common New

Solar Still, Bezubovo Ventures Solex 1 unit 7.1 2,800 Not Available Scarce DS/98

Spotlight, IR, MilTech Ltd. IRS-T4 1 3 5,000 Rare Common DC1/270

Spotlight, White Light, Martin Dynatech Deer Stalker 1 5 100 Very Common Very Common DC1/270

Survival Kit, Bezubovo Ventures Desert Fox (complete kit) 1 kit 2.5 470 Common Very Common DS/99


10-Man Tent 1 35 250 Scarce Scarce DC1/272

Bezubovo Ventures Desert Wind Four-Man Tent 1 12 100 Common Common DC1/272

Sectra Ultrasafe Survival Dome Tent (one-man / two-man) 1 9.2 / 12.5 1,250 / 1,750 Scarce Common New

Maxwell Liquid Recycler 1 5 750 Scarce Common New

Vermillion Space-heater 1 5 750 Scarce Common New

Tool Kits

Aircraft Tools 1 kit 22 1,100 Scarce Scarce DC1/265

Basic (Household) Tools 1 kit 5 250 Very Common Very Common DC1/265

Bug-Detecting Tools 1 kit 6 2,400 Rare Common DC1/267

Item Weight Cost Availability [1]

Item Count (ea.) [1] (kg) [1] (in U.S. $) [1] Without Contact With Contact Source

Construction Tools 1 kit 30 400 Very Common Very Common DC1/265

Electrical Repair 1 kit 3 275 Very Common Very Common DC1/265

Electronic Repair 1 kit 3 350 Very Common Very Common DC1/265

Excavating Tools 1 kit 20 250 Very Common Very Common DC1/265

Heavy Ordnance Tools 1 kit 25 2400 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/265

Lockpick Tools 1 kit .5 50 Not Available Common DC1/266

Power Hand Tools 1 kit 35 1,200 Very Common Very Common DC1/266

Small Arms Tools 1 kit 5 750 Scarce Common DC1/266

Heavy and Tracked Vehicle Tools 1 kit 15 2,200 Not Available Scarce DC1/266

Wheeled Vehicle Tools 1 kit 10 800 Very Common Very Common DC1/266

Wire-Tapping Tools 1 kit 2 300 Rare Common DC1/267

Vision Devices

GE 25x Image Intensifiers 1 1 2,500 Rare Scarce DC1/270

MilTech Ltd. Multiband IR Goggles/UV Goggles 1 .5 850 Rare Common DC1/270

UV Goggles 1 .3 450 Scarce Rare DS/100

Zeiss-Krupp 4x Binoculars 1 .5 75 Very Common Very Common DC1/270

Outer Space Gear

Airlock, External 1 2.8 tons 8,000,000 Not Available Rare [15] DS/92

Ball, Emergency 1 2.2 65,000 Not Available Rare [15] DS/93

Hardsuit, Vacuum 1 set 38 2,150,000 Not Available Rare [15] DS/100

Multitool, EVA (integral grapnel gun, multitool grapnel) 1 8.2 63,000 Not Available Scarce [15] DS/96

Patch, Vacuum 10 .75 400 Rare Scarce DS/100

Spacesuit, Standard 1 unit 29 1,250,000 Not Available Rare [15] DS/98

Zero-G Transfer System (ZTS) (loaded) 1 unit 8.7 17,400 Rare Scarce [15] DS/101

Robots and Accessories

Domestic Robot, Mitsubishi Maid4U 1 135 6,920,000 Scarce Common DS/78

Domestic Robot, Spassmacher 4+ 1 135 13,660,000 Scarce Common DS/81

Farming Robot, Kraus Maffei-Deere Auto-Farmer 1 65 tons 30,000,000 Not Available Rare DC1/313

Farming Robot, Kraus Maffei-Deere Cropscout 1 60 tons 12,565,000 Scarce Common DC1/313

Cargo/Freight Robot, Ingersoll-Rand Loadmaster 1 1 ton 1,380,000 Scarce Common DS/78

Security Robots (Guardbots)

Honeywell-Breyer (or Tojicorp) Watchdog 1 375 448,360,000 Not Available Rare [10] DS/85

Kraus Maffei-Deere GB-1000 1 110 1,600,000 Not Available Rare [10] DC1/314

Kraus Maffei-Deere GB-2000 1 160 4,875,000 Not Available Rare [10] DC1/314

Masdon Global Armed Defense Response Robot Mark 2 (ADRR Mk2) 1 120 4,300,000 Not Available Rare [10] New

Masdon Global Armed Heavy Robot Mark 1 (AHR Mk1) 1 450 54,000,000 Not Available Rare [10] New

Masdon Global Internal Security Mark 5 (ISM Mk5) 1 80 1,300,000 Not Available Rare [10] New

RamTech Roboguard-III 1 220 43,250,000 Not Available Rare [10] DC1/315

RamTech Roboguard-IV 1 240 67,750,000 Not Available Rare [10] DC1/315

Telepresence Operation Station 1 unit 200 2,550,000 Not Available Rare DS/89

Telepresence Operation Drones (TOD)

Construction 1 800 742,500 Not Available Scarce DS/90

Probe 1 190 255,000 Not Available Scarce DS/90

Repair 1 12 102,000 Not Available Scarce DS/91

War, Hover/VTOL, ACJD (Air Cushion Jumpjet Drone) 1 300 POR Not Available Rare [9,12] DS/91

War, Tracked 1 300 11,750,000 Not Available Rare [13] DS/91

Telepresence Operation Robots (TOR), Submersible

Patrol/Attack 1 -- 810,000 Not Available Rare DS/88

Probe/Repair 1 -- 145,000 Not Available Scarce DS/88

Recovery/Construction 1 -- 760,000 Not Available Scarce DS/89

Security Gear

Beam Alarm (Generator / Receiver) 1 set 5 / 2 700 Common Very Common DS/28

Broadcast Monitoring Equipment 1 1 400 Rare Common DC1/267

Cable Tap 1 unit .5 325 Scarce Common DS/28

Communication Scrambler/Decoder, Detachable 1 unit .4 500 Scarce Common DS/29

Eavesdropper I, Radio Shack 1 -- 120 Common Very Common DC1/267

Eavesdropper II, Radio Shack 1 -- 450 Scarce Common DC1/267

Eavesdropper III, Radio Shack 1 -- 1,100 Rare Scarce DC1/267

Eavesdropper Monitor, Radio Shack 1 .6 550 Scarce Common DC1/267

Generator, White Noise 1 2.4 450 Rare Scarce DS/38

Maglock (magnetic locks), Large 1 set 18 2,300 Rare Scarce DS/33

Maglock (magnetic locks), Small 1 set 7 550 Scarce Common DS/33

Microphone, Directional, Shure SM80&D 1 5 3,000 Common Common DC1/269

Microphone, RASL (Reflective Audio Sensor, Laser) 1 9.2 11,500 Rare Scarce DS/36

Motion Detector, Radio Shack MST 3000 1 2 3,600 Rare Scarce DC1/266

Multiple Lock, MaxiGard MultiLock (Lock / Clearance Monitor) 1 unit 4.2 / 3.4 2,675 Scarce Common DS/34

Radio Direction Finder, Teledyne S1965B 1 2 1,500 Common Common DC1/269

RPV (Remote-Piloted Vehicle) 1 set 32 3,500 Scarce Common DS/97

Scanner, Genetic, Zeiss-Krupp ZK-90 1 unit 13 223,600 Not Available Rare DS/97

Scanner, Retinal, Zeiss-Krupp ZK-32 1 unit 8 24,100 Not Available Scare DS/98

Scrambler/Descrambler. Militech Ltd. Model IX 1 -- 2,000 Rare Scarce DC1/268

Shreek ‘N’ Shok 1 .75 260 Common Very Common DS/37

Item Weight Cost Availability [1]

Item Count (ea.) [1] (kg) [1] (in U.S. $) [1] Without Contact With Contact Source

Transponder, Micro, Tojicorp Discreet 1 -- 1,800 Not Available Scarce DC1/269

Transponder, Tagalong, Tojicorp 1 -- 1,800 Scarce Common DC1/269

ViSMAP (Visual Sensor, Mosaic Assessment Polling) (expansion module) 1 8.2 (.2) 4,800 (1,150) Scarce Very Common DS/38


Cable TV ($150 start-up fee) month -- 50 Common Very Common New

Interactive (or Web) TV ($350 start-up fee) month -- 100 Common Very Common DS/103


Academic Publications (electronic or hard copy) hour -- 30 -- -- DS/31

Bootleg/Pirated Software program -- 5-1000 -- -- DS/31

Business, Internet (account, bills, stocks, etc.) month -- 35 -- -- DS/31

Coded SIGs (Special-Interest Groups) -- -- [11] -- -- DS/31

CompuNav Global Location Satellite service -- 50 -- -- DS/31

Corporate (or Government) Reports hour -- 5 -- -- DS/31

Dating, personals, escort services hour -- 15 -- -- DS/31

Electronic Mailboxes (email) hour -- 2 -- -- DS/31

Entertainment (various) hour -- 3-30 -- -- DS/31

General Libraries hour -- 15 -- -- DS/31

Help Wanted Compendiums hour -- 10 -- -- DS/31

Mail Order / Electronic Malls -- -- Free -- -- DS/31

News Items (general or sorted by subject) hour -- 5 -- -- DS/31

Professional Publications (electronic or hard copy) hour -- 20 -- -- DS/31

Real-Time Informational Services hour -- 35 -- -- DS/31

Shareware Software program -- 1-100 -- -- DS/31

SIG (Special-Interest Groups) hour -- 2 -- -- DS/31

Special-Topic Encyclopedias hour -- 25 -- -- DS/31

Transportation (scheduling, booking) hour -- 10 -- -- DS/31

Weather (local, regional, global) hour -- 1 -- -- DS/31


Airline Ticket Prices (one way / round trip to New Orleans, coach)

Chiwaukee (Chicago/Milwaukee) -- -- 1,062 / 1,770 -- -- NO/8

Cincinnati -- -- 1,407 / 2,345 -- -- NO/8

Dallas/Fort Worth -- -- 248 / 412 -- -- NO/8

Denver -- -- 1,995 / 3,325 -- -- NO/8

Frisco (San Francisco) -- -- 1,587 / 2,644 -- -- NO/8

Gold Coast (east coast of Florida, Jacksonville/Miami) -- -- 582 / 970 -- -- NO/8

LA (Los Angeles) -- -- 1,317 / 2,194 -- -- NO/8

New Boswash (New York City/Boston/Washington D.C.) -- -- 1,521 / 2,534 -- -- NO/8

Nornews (Norfolk/Newport News) -- -- 2,250 / 3,750 -- -- NO/8

Phoenix -- -- 1,493 / 3,731 -- -- NO/8

Salt Lake City/Ogden -- -- 2,476 / 4,126 -- -- NO/8

Seacouver (Seattle/Vancouver B.C.) -- -- 4,791 / 7,984 -- -- NO/8

St. Louis -- -- 417 / 694 -- -- NO/8

Bus (public transportation) mile -- 2-4 -- -- AtD/61

Subway/Elevated Train (public transportation) trip -- 2 -- -- AtD/61

Taxi mile -- 15 -- -- AtD/61

Vehicle Rental Prices (fuel not included)

Bicycle (Conquistador) day -- 5 -- -- NO/8

Economy Car, 2-Door / 4-Door (Yugo Contempo / Zil Tovarisch) day -- 35 / 45 -- -- NO/8

Full-Sized Car (Chrysler LeBoeuf) day -- 110 -- -- NO/8

Limousine (Mercedes-Benz 750 SLX) day -- 25,000 -- -- NO/8

Luxury Car (GDM Ariel) day -- 200 -- -- NO/8

Motor Scooter (Suzuki Sparrow) day -- 10 -- -- NO/8

Off-road Motorcycle (Yamaha Apache) day -- 15 -- -- NO/8

Sports Car (Ford-Revlon Elite) day -- 170 -- -- NO/8

Street Motorcycle (Harley-Davidson) day -- 19 -- -- NO/8

Table S6-1b: Vehicles

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

Aerospace Craft

Aerodyne, Ducted-Fan, Mitsubishi P-15 1 4.5 tons 800,000 Scarce Scarce New

Air Cushion Jumpjet Vehicle (ACJV), USAF/DARPA X-12 1 6.55 tons 1,850,000 Not Available Rare [14] DS/71

Air Cushion Jumpjet Vehicle (ACJV), NASA/DARPA X-14 1 6.6 tons 2,250,000 Not Available Rare [14] DS/72

Autogyro, HiCycle 1 200 10,000 Common Common New

Helicopter, Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche [13] 1 4.5 tons 6,500,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/312

Helicopter, MBB/Bell/Textron Model 256 Voyager (Mil-Spec OH-62 Shawnee) 1 2.5 tons 1,750,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/311

Private Jets

Lockheed Javelin 1 14 tons 3,250,000 Not Available Scarce DS/64

McDonnell-Sukhoi Nochvyeter (Nightwind) 1 4.5 tons 10,650,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/312

Petrel IId 1 5.6 tons 1,100,000 Not Available Scarce DS/57

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

250-liter external fuel tanks 1 -- 250 Not Available Scarce DS/57

Private Plane, Boeing Windsprite/Seasprite (seaplane) 1 38 tons 6,000,000 Not Available Scarce DS/66

Tilt-Rotor VSTOL, Sikorsky-Fleetcraft JumpAbout 1 20 tons 1,750,000 Not Available Scarce DS/65

Tilt-Rotor VSTOL, Teledyne Dornier CV-27 Peregrine 1 24 tons 3,200,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/311

Wing-In-Ground Effect, Williams & Sullivan Aerospace EK-21 Wingship 1 141 tons 10,795,000 Scarce Scarce New

Wing-In-Ground Effect, Williams & Sullivan Aerospace ES-001 Patrol Craft 1 14 tons 2,350,000 Not Available Rare [13] New


All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV)

Argo 6x6 Conquest (amphibious) 1 450 7550 Scarce Scarce New

Ford/NASA/NRC Far Travelmaster 1 47 tons POR Not Available Rare [14] DS/70

Ford Travelmaster 1 47 tons 6,100,000 Not Available Rare [14] DS/70

Ingersoll-Rand Big Foot 1 38 tons 1,470,000 Not Available Scarce DS/68

Suzuki QuadRunner QuadSport Z250 1 166 2400 Very Common Very Common New

Suzuki QuadRunner Vinson 500 4x4 1 274 3800 Very Common Very Common New

Yamaha Raptor 350 1 170 3100 Very Common Very Common New

Armored Personnel Carriers (APC), Cadillac-Gage Commando V-300P 1 12 tons 230,000 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/308

Armored Personnel Carriers (APC), RamTech P-230 1 12 tons 690,000 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/308


BMW 1700xhi 1 1.4 tons 190,000 Not Available Scarce DS/67

Bosar FF900 1 700 4,900 Common Common New

Chrysler LeBoeuf 1 1.6 tons 25,000 Common Common DC1/303

Ford-Revlon Elite 1 1 ton 55,000 Scarce Common DC1/302

Ford-Revlon Police Interceptor 1 1.9 ton 48,500 Not Available Rare New

GAWAG 1000 Series Hatchback [16] 1 850 8,900 Common Common New

GAWAG 1400 Series Police [18] 1 1.2 tons 21,000 Not Available Rare New

GAWAG 1400 Series Sedan [16] 1 1.2 tons 18,000 Common Common New

GAWAG 1400 Series Sport Coupe [16] 1 1 ton 45,000 Scarce Scarce New

GAWAG 1400 Series Station Wagon [16] 1 1.5 tons 21,000 Common Common New

GAWAG GTZ-V8 [17] 1 1.2 tons 550,000 Rare Rare New

GAWAG T603 Streamliner [16] 1 1.3 tons 100,000 Scarce Scarce New

GAWAG Z111 Limousine [17] 1 2.5 tons 800,000 Rare Scarce New

GAWAG Z111 Limousine, Armored [17] 1 3 tons 1,400,000 Rare Scarce New

GAZ Volga Chaika-13 Sedan (commercial) [16] 1 1.3 ton 100,000 Rare Scarce New

GAZ Volga Chaika-13 Sedan (police/security) [18] 1 1.3 ton 200,000 Not Available Rare New

General Dynamics Motors Ariel 1 1 ton 85,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/303

General Dynamics Motors Lancer 1 1.2 tons 695,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/303

Gibbs Aquada (amphibious car) 1 .8 ton 155,000 Rare Rare New

Jaguar XJS 1 1.2 tons 800,000 Rare Rare New

Mazda Firefly Convertible 1 1.1 tons 300,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/304

Mercedes-Benz 750 SLX 1 2 tons 1,910,000 Rare Scarce DC1/304

Mitsubishi-Ferrari Kamikaze 1 1 ton 980,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/304

Smart City Car 1 480 6,000 Common Common New

Subaru ElectroStar (electric car) 1 .8 ton 4,600 Scarce Common DS/69

Yugo Contempo [16] 1 1 ton 7,000 Common Common DC1/302

Zil Tovarisch [16] 1 1 ton 6,000 Common Common DC1/302

Bicycle, Conquistador (mountain) 1 15 120 Very Common Very Common DC1/300

Bus, Roadrunner Passenger 1 11 tons 100,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/307

Camper / Motor Coach / Recreational Vehicles

Cool Amphibious Manufacturers Int’l Terra Wind (amphibious) 1 14 tons 850,000 Rare Rare New

Cool Amphibious Manufacturers Int’l Terra Wind (armored amphibious) 1 15.5 tons 1,300,000 Rare Rare New

Cool Amphibious Manufacturers Int’l Amphibious Auto-Trailer 1 1.6 tons 8,500 Rare Rare New

Winnebago Nomad 1 2 tons 580,000 Common Common DC1/305

Horse, Broken 1 350 2000 Scarce Scarce DC1/300


GAWAG Patroller 1 500 8,000 Common Common New

Harley-Davison 1 140 8,500 Common Common DC1/301

Suzuki Sparrow Motor Scooter 1 95 950 Common Common DC1/300

Yamaha Apache 1 156 5,000 Very Common Very Common DC1/301


Arctic Cat ZR 900 1 230 5500 Common Common New

Yamaha RS Venture, Touring (2-seater) 1 262 5600 Common Common New

Yamaha VK 540 III, Utility (2-seater) 1 291 4800 Common Common New


Chrysler Conestoga 5/4-Ton (1¼-ton) Pickup 1 2 tons 35,000 Scarce Common DC1/305

GAWAG 1000 Series Cargo Van / Pickup [16] 1 850 8,200 Common Common New

GAWAG Cossack Mark 3 [17] 1 1.4 tons 35,000 Rare Scarce New

Gibbs Humdinga (amphibious truck) 1 2 ton 250,000 Rare Rare New

Hummer or “Humvee” (Mil-Spec HMMWV) 1 2 tons 18,000 Common Common DC1/306

Kenilworth Piledriver Semi-Trailer Tractor 1 9 tons 87,000 Common Common DC1/307

Enclosed Trailer 1 16 tons 24,000 Common Common DC1/307

Land rover 110 Defender 1 2 tons 47,200 Scarce Scarce New

Land rover Range Rover II 1 1.5 tons 35,000 Scarce Scarce DC1/306

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

Orca “Duce and A Half” 2½-Ton Truck 1 4 tons 50,000 Common Common DC1/306

UAZ 469 Sportabout [19] 1 1.6 ton 8,000 Rare Scarce New

UAZ 2206 Konalu Cargo Van [16] 1 2.5 tons 30,000 Common Common New

UAZ 2206 Konalu Minibus [16] 1 2.5 tons 40,000 Common Common New

UAZ 3171 Overlander [16] 1 1.4 tons 18,000 Scarce Common New

Volkswagen Kartoffeln Van 1 2 tons 83,000 Common Very Common DC1/305


Aerospace Plane, X-30 National Aerospace Plane (NASP) 1 75 tons 2,300,000,000 Not Available Rare [15] DC1/126

Combination System, NASA Space Transportation System (STS) 1 75 tons 300,000,000 Not Available Rare [15] DC1/126

Shuttle Orbiter 1 75 tons 2,000,000,000 Not Available Rare [15] DC1/127

Shuttle-C (Cargo Module) 1 50 tons 200,000,000 Not Available Rare [15] DC1/127

Launch Systems

Glavkosmos Zenit (Russia) 1 -- 55,000,000 Scarce Scarce [15] DC1/127

Modèles Orbitaux Ariane 4 (France) 1 assy. -- 90,000,000 Scarce Common [15] DC1/125

NASA Atlas (U.S.) 1 -- 45,000,000 Common Very Common [15] DC1/125

Multipurpose Craft, Williams & Sullivan Aerospace CA 92 Ferryman (U.K.) 1 -- 45,000,000 Not Available Rare [15] New


Motor Boat, Cris Craft Foamdancer, Medium 1 -- 300,000 Common Common DC1/310

Motor Boat, Cris Craft Runabout, Small 1 -- 30,000 Common Common DC1/309

Patrol Boat, River (PBR) 1 -- 490,000 Rare Rare [13] DC1/310

Patrol Craft, Sea Hawk Class 1 30 tons 770,000 Rare Rare New

Personal Watercraft, Yamaha Waverunner FX Cruiser (3-seater) 1 375 6200 Common Common New

Personal Watercraft, Yamaha Waverunner SuperJet (stand up) 1 132 4000 Common Common New

Sailing Boat, Pepsico Sunray, Small 1 -- 15,000 Common Common DC1/309

Small Open Boats (4 meters or less)

Rowboats/canoes/assault boats, Inflatable 1 -- 900 Common Common DC1/309

Rowboats/canoes/assault boats, Metal 1 -- 300 Common Common DC1/309

Rowboats/canoes/assault boats, Wood 1 -- 2300 Rare Common DC1/309

Submarine, Minnow Class Mini-Sub 1 10 tons 960,000 Rare Rare New

Underwater Sled 1 50 675 Scarce Common DS/75

Table S6-1c: Weapons

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source


Holster, Bianchi, Shoulder / Small Concealable 1 1 / .3 50 / 15 Common Common DC1/274

Holster, Uncle Mike’s, Belt (standard or cross draw) 1 .3 25 Very Common Very Common New

Laser Sight (aim point) 1 1 800 Scarce Common DC1/274

Laser Sight, AN/PAQ-4A IRLS/Technologies Espion UV 1 1 1,800 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/274

Magazines (without ammunition)

5, 6, or 7 round 1 -- 2 Common Common DC1/262

8 or 10 round 1 -- 3 Common Common DC1/261

12 or 13 round 1 -- 4 Common Common DC1/261

14 or 15 round 1 -- 5 Common Common DC1/261

20 round 1 -- 7 Common Common DC1/261

25 or 27 round 1 -- 8 Common Common DC1/261

30 round 1 -- 10 Common Common DC1/261

32 round 1 -- 11 Common Common DC1/261

35 or 40 round 1 -- 13 Common Common DC1/261

50 round 1 -- 17 Scarce Common DC1/261

Drum, 75 round (AK-47 or AK-74 series) 1 -- 90 Not Available Scarce New

Drum, 100 round 1 -- 200 Not Available Scarce DC1/260

Backpack, 1000 round (XM214 MiniGun) 1 3.5 2,000 Not Available Rare [13] New

Crossbow Magazine, 6 / 10 (Sun XX and XLE) 1 -- 30 / 50 Common Common New


Lee Williams & Co. Ultraviolet Videosight 1 .3 1,800 Rare Scarce New

Teledyne Catseye Starlight Scope 1 2 1,250 Rare Scarce DC1/270

Weaver M-22 Telescopic Rifle Sight 1 .5 750 Common Common DC1/270

Silencer/Suppressor, Pistol / Sub-Machine Gun / Rifle 1 kit .5 / 1 / 1 1000 Scarce Common DC1/273

Tripods and Mounts

Medium (for the PKM) [16] 1 10 450 Not Available Rare [13] AtD/77

NATO Heavy (for the M2HB and Mk 19 AGL) 1 22 500 Not Available Common [13] DC1/260

NATO Light (for the M60 and MG3) 1 7 500 Not Available Common [13] DC1/260

NATO Medium (for the MAG series and PKM) 1 10 650 Not Available Common [13] DC1/260

PHC, Wheeled Carriage (for the DShK) [19] 1 81.3 500 Not Available Common [13] AtD/77


.22 Long Rifle (.22LR), 500 round brick 1 2 20 Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Magazine, 10 / 30 round, loaded -- .1 / .3 -- -- -- DC1/261

.22 SCAMP, 50 round box 1 .5 6 Not Available Rare [8] SCV3/104

Magazine, 27 round, loaded -- .3 -- -- -- DC1/261

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

.30-06 Springfield, 500 round case (20 round box) 1 15 (.6) 95 (4) Common Common DC1/261

.30-30 Winchester, 20 round box 1 .4 3 Very Common Very Common DC1/261

.30 Mauser, 50 round box 1 .75 20 Rare Rare New

.32 Automatic Colt Pistol (.32 ACP), 50 round box 1 .5 6 Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Magazine, 10 / 20 round. loaded -- .1 / .2 -- -- -- DC1/261

.357 Magnum

50 round box 1 .9 5 Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 8 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 8 Common Common New

Magazine, 9 round, loaded -- .2 -- -- -- DC1/261

.38 Special

50 round box 1 .75 5 Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 8 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 8 Common Common New

.380 Automatic Colt Pistol (.380 ACP)

50 round box 1 .5 8 Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 12 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 12 Common Common New

Magazine, 7 round, loaded -- .1 -- -- -- DC1/261

.44 Magnum

50 round box 1 1 6 Very Common Very Common` DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 9 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 9 Common Common New

Magazine, 8 round, loaded -- .2 -- -- -- DC1/261

.45 Automatic Colt Pistol (.45 ACP)

Case, 1000 rounds (50 round box) 1 20 (1) 110 (6) Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 9 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 9 Common Common New

Magazine, 7 / 30 round, loaded -- .3 / 1.3 -- -- -- DC1/261

.45 Long Colt (.45 LC)

50 round box 1 1.4 11 Common Common New

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 17 Rare Rare New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 17 Common Common New

.454 Casull (.454)

20 round box 1 .25 11 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 20 round box -- .25 17 Scarce Scarce New

.470 Nitro Express (.470 NE), 20 round box 1 2.5 109 Rare Rare New

.475 Wildey Magnum (.475 WM)

Box, 50 rounds 1 1.8 11 Scarce Scarce DC1/261

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 17 Rare Rare New

Magazine, 7 round, loaded -- .4 -- -- -- DC1/261

.50 Action Express (.50 AE)

50 round box 1 2.5 50 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- 2.5 75 Rare Rare New

Magazine, 7 round, loaded -- .4 -- -- -- DC1/261

.50 Browning Machinegun (.50 BMG)

Case, 95 rounds (individual) 1 12 68 Scarce Very Common New

Belt, 105 round 1 13 75 Scarce Very Common DC1/261

. Saboted Light Armor Piercing (.50 SLAP), 105 round belt 1 13 375 Scarce Very Common DC1/261

.500 Smith & Wesson Magnum (.500 S&W Magnum)

20 round box 1 1.8 23 Scarce Common New

Hollow-Points, 20 round box -- 1.8 35 Scarce Common New

12 Gauge, #00 buckshot or slug, 250 round case (5 round box) 1 16 (.3) 115 (3) Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Magazine, 10 / 12 round, loaded -- 1 / 1.2 -- -- -- DC1/261

410 Gauge, #00 buckshot or slug, 5 round box 1 .7 4 Very Common Very Common New

4.7mm Caseless, 1800 round case (50 round box) 1 10 (.3) 1,300 (37) Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/260

Magazine, 50 round, loaded -- 1 -- -- -- DC1/260

5.45x39mm [19]

Case, 840 rounds (10 round stripper clip) 1 10 (.1) 170 (3) Scarce Common DC1/261

Armor Piercing, 10 round stripper clip -- .1 15 Not Available Rare New

Magazine, 30 / 45 / 75 round, loaded -- .5 / .7 / 1.2 -- -- -- DC1/261

5.56mm NATO (.223 Remington)

Case, 800 rounds (100 round belt) 1 10 (1.25) 160 (20) Scarce Common DC1/261

Case, 840 rounds (20 round box) 1 10 (.2) 160 (4) Common Common DC1/261

Armor Piercing, 20 round box -- .2 20 Not Available Rare New

Drum, 100 round, loaded -- 1.5 -- -- -- DC1/260

Backpack, 1000 round, loaded -- 16 -- -- -- New

Magazine, 20 / 30 / 35 round, loaded -- .3 / .5 / .6 -- -- -- DC1/261

7mm Remington Magnum, 20 round box 1 .6 15 Common Common New

7.62x39mm [19]

Case, 600 rounds (10 round stripper clip) 1 10 (.2) 180 (3) Scarce Common DC1/261

Armor Piercing, 10 round striper clip -- .2 15 Not Available Rare New

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

Drum, 75 round, loaded -- 2.5 -- -- -- New

Magazine, 30 round, loaded -- 1 -- -- -- DC1/261

7.62x54mm Rimmed (7.62x54R) [19]

Case, 400 rounds (50 round belt) 1 15 (1.5) 50 (7) Rare Scarce AtD/76

Case, 440 rounds (5 round stripper clip) 1 15 (.2) 50 (1) Common Very Common AtD/76

Armor Piercing, 5 round stripper clip -- .2 5 Not Available Rare New

Magazine, 10 round, loaded -- .75 -- -- -- AtD/76

7.62mm NATO (.308 Winchester)

Case, 500 rounds (100 round belt) 1 15 (3) 75 (15) Scarce Common DC1/261

Case, 600 rounds (20 round box) 1 15 (.5) 75 (3) Common Very Common DC1/261

Blank, 20 round box -- .5 15 Scarce Common New

Armor Piercing, 20 round box -- .5 15 Not Available Rare New

Magazine, 20 round, loaded -- .75 -- -- -- DC1/261

7.62mm Tokarev, 2500 round case (50 round box) [16] 1 35 (.7) 375 (8) Rare Scarce DC1/261

Magazine, 8 round, loaded -- .2 -- -- -- DC1/261

8mm Mauser (7.92x57mm Mauser), 70 round bandoleer (5 round stripper clip) 1 11 (.15) 14 (1) Common Common DC1/261

8x56mm Hungarian Rimmed (8x56R), 10 round box (5 round enbloc clip) 1 1.5 (.75) 8 (4) Rare Rare New

9mm Parabellum (incl. 9mm Luger)

Case, 1500 rounds (50 round box) 1 15 (.5) 195 (7) Very Common Very Common DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 11 Scarce Scarce New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 11 Common Common New

Magazine, 8 / 13 & 15 / 25 / 32 round, loaded -- .1 / .2 / .3 / .4 -- -- -- DC1/261

9x18mm (9mm Makarov), 500 round case (50 round box) [19] 1 5 (.5) 85 (9) Scarce Very Common AtD/74

Magazine, 8 / 20 round, loaded -- .1 / .3 -- -- -- DC1/261

10mm Automatic

50 round box 1 18 (.6) 205 (7) Scarce Scarce DC1/261

Defensive, 25 round box -- .25 11 Rare Rare New

Hollow-Points, 50 round box -- .5 11 Rare Rare New

Magazine, 6 / 14 / 30 round, loaded -- .1 / .2 / .3 -- -- -- DC1/261

12.5mm Caseless, 1800 round case (50 round box) 1 11 (.3) 1,100 (31) Not Available Scarce [5] DC1/261

Magazine, 20 round, loaded -- .4 -- -- -- DC1/261

12.7x109mm (12.7mm)

Belt, 50 rounds [16] 1 5 38 Not Available Common AtD/77

Armor Piercing, 50 round belt [16] -- 5 190 Not Available Rare New

15mm Dart Cartridge 1 .1 45 Not Available Scarce DC1/261

18mm Caseless, 1800 round case (20 round box) 1 12 (.1) 1,400 (16) Not Available Scarce [5] DC1/261

Magazine, 50 round, loaded -- 1.2 -- -- -- DC1/261

20mm XM1018 High Explosive, Air Bursting (HEAB), 72 round case (1 each) 1 15 (.2) 1,250 (18) Not Available Rare [5] New

Magazine, 6 round, loaded -- 2.2 -- -- -- DC1/261

20x118mm (20mm Short), 100 rounds case (10 round boxes) 1 32 (3.2) 110 (11) Not Available Scarce [5] DC1/262

Magazine, 5 round, loaded -- 2 -- -- -- DC1/262

25mm High Explosive (HE), 33 round belt 1 100 950 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/261

25mm Grenade Launcher Rounds

XM1019 High Explosive, Air Bursting (HEAB), 72 round case (1 each) 1 15 (.2) 1,300 (19) Not Available Rare [5] New

XM1049 Armor Piercing (AP), 72 round case (1 each) 1 15 (.2) 1,300 (19) Not Available Rare [5] New

XM1060 Thermobaric, Air Bursting (TAB), 72 round case (1 each) 1 15 (.2) 2,000 (28) Not Available Rare [5] New

Magazine, 5 round, loaded -- 2 -- -- -- DC1/261

40mm Grenade Launcher Rounds

Chemical (CHEM), tear gas, 44 round case (1 each) 1 25 (.3) 200 (5) Not Available Scarce [13] SC3/103

Chemical (CHEM), Somnambutol, 44 round case (1 each) 1 25 (.3) 400 (10) Not Available Scarce [13] New

Grapple (rope not included), 36 round case (1 each) 1 20 (.3) 800 (20) Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/262

High Explosive (HE), 72 round case (1 each) 1 25 (.3) 300 (5) Not Available Very Common [13] SC3/103

High Explosive, Dual Purpose (HEDP), 72 round case (1 each) 1 25 (.3) 375 (6) Not Available Common [13] SC3/103

Illumination (ILLUM), 44 round case (1 each) 1 20 (.2) 120 (3) Not Available Very Common [13] SC3/103

Stun, bean bag, 44 round case (1 each) 1 20 (.3) 800 (20) Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/262

58.3mm Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) Rockets [17]

High Explosive (HEAP), 4 round case (1 each) 1 5 (.2) 100 (30) Not Available Scarce [13] AtD/76

High Explosive, Anti-Tank (HEAT), 4 round case (1 each) 1 5 (.2) 100 (30) Not Available Scarce [13] AtD/76

60mm Mortar Rounds

High Explosive (HE), 12 round case 1 25 72 Not Available Common [13] DC1/263

Illumination (ILLUM), 12 round case 1 25 75 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/263

White Phosphorus (WP), 12 round case 1 25 75 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/263

82mm Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW) Rockets

High Explosive (HE), 6 round case (1 each) 1 7 (.2) 180 (35) Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/262

High Explosive, Anti-Tank (HEAT), 6 round case (1 each) 1 7 (.2) 180 (35) Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/262

127mm High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) 1 7 3,000 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/263

152mm High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) 1 10 5,000 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/263

Black powder paper cartage (or equivalent cap, ball, powder) 40 1 25 Common Common DC1/261

Crossbow Bolt

Hunting/Broad head 24 3 36 Common Common DC1/260

Razor Tip 24 3 48 Common Common New

Razor Tip, Carbon 24 3 72 Common Common New

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

Target 24 3 24 Common Common New

Magazine, 6 / 10 round, loaded 1 .8 / 1.3 -- -- -- New

Flare cartridge (illumination / signal) 1 .2 2 / 1 Common Common DS/95

Fuel canister, flamethrower 1 10 120 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/260

Grapnel (hook / magnet / penetrator) 1 .5 7 / 25 / 105 Scarce Common DS/95

Grapnel, Multitool (magnet / penetrator) 1 .5 45 / 175 Not Available Scarce [15] DS/96

Longbow Arrow

Hunting/Broad head 24 3 36 Common Common DC1/260

Target 24 3 24 Common Common New

Rifleman’s Assault Weapon (140mm RAW) Rocket Propelled Grenades

High Explosive (HE) 1 3 36 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/262

High Explosive, Anti-Tank (HEAT) 1 3 48 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/262

Rifle Grenades

High Explosive (HE), 10 round case (1 each) 1 20 (.7) 65 (8) Not Available Common [13] DC1/262

Remington Motion Restraint Canister 1 .5 150 Rare Rare New

White Phosphorus (WP), 10 round case (1 each) 1 20 (.7) 100 (14) Not Available Common [13] DC1/262

Spear, light under water 1 .4 22 Common Very Common DS/52

Stun dart package 10 1 50 Not Available [4] Rare [4] DC1/261

Surface-to-Air Missiles

FIM-92A Stinger 1 16 450 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/263

FIM-99 Scorpion 1 12 595 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/263

MBB-7 Venusfliegenfalle 1 11 595 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/263

SA-27 Grappler 1 12 250 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/263

Taser Cartridge 1 .1 22 Common Very Common New

Energy (Small Arms and Heavy Weapons)


Armington AHL Heavy Laser (tripod) 1 set 32 (22) 75,000 Not Available Scarce [5] DC1/295

Cooling system (generator) -- 35 (60) -- -- -- DC1/295

Armington ALP Laser Pistol (belt pack) 1 set 1 (3) 3,200 Not Available Rare [5] DC1/282

Armington ALP/UV Laser Pistol (belt pack) 1 set VAR (3) 6,400 Not Available Scarce [5] DC1/282

Armington Model 2 Laser Carbine (ALC-2) (backpack) 1 set 5 (21) 12,000 Not Available Scarce [5] DC1/290

DARPA High-Cycle Laser Pistol (belt pack) 1 set 1.25 (3.25) 350,000 Not Available Scarce [5] DS/45

LazBlinder 1 800 135,000 Not Available Rare [5] DS/48

LazBlinder, UV 1 800 380,000 Not Available Scarce [5] DS/48


SOCCM (Sonic Crowd Control Machine) 1 175 372,500 Not Available Scarce [5] DS/51

Sonic Stunner (magazine) 1 7.5 (1.5) 23,000 Not Available Rare [5] DS/51

Taser, Air Pistol, Armscor P18/05, Taser Cartridge 1 2.5 280 Common Very Common New

Tover Shadowbreaker Pistol (belt pack) 1 set 1.5 (3.5) (4,500) Not Available Rare [5] New


Anti-Tank Weapons, Missile Launchers

Dragon PIP, 127mm HEAT 1 8 9,000 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/297

Tank Breaker, 152mm HEAT 1 18 7,500 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/298

Flamethrower, M9A1, fuel canister 1 unit 23 1,200 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/298

Grenade Launchers

Hawk MM-1, 40mm grenade 1 9 1,275 Not Available Rare [13] New

M203, 40mm grenade 1 1.4 550 Not Available Common [13] DC1/296

M203 PI (Product Improved), 40mm grenade 1 2 700 Rare Scarce [13] DC1/296

Mk-19 Automatic Grenade Launcher (AGL), 40mm grenade (tripod) 1 40 (22) 5,000 Rare Scarce [13] DC1/296

Sting Ball, Pneumatic, Sting Ball grenade 1 2 550 Scarce Very Common New

XM109 Anti-Material Payload Rifle, 25mm Grenade 1 15.1 14,500 Not Available Rare [5] New

XM307 Objective Crew Served Weapon, 25mm Grenade (tripod) 1 12.3 (5) 24,000 Not Available Rare [5] New

Mortar, 60mm, 60mm mortar rounds [13] 1 unit 20 5,000 Not Available Common [13] DC1/298

Rocket Launchers

LAW 80 (Light Anti-armor Weapon) [6] 1 9.5 250 Not Available Common [13] DC1/297

M12 SMAW, 82mm rockets [9] 1 3.5 1,800 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/297

M136 [6] 1 6 200 Not Available Common [13] DC1/296

RPG-16 (Rocket Propelled Grenade), 58.3mm rockets [17] 1 10 1,000 Not Available Scarce [13] New

Surface-to-Air Missiles Launchers

FIM-92A Stinger [6] 1 20 1,500 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/299

FIM-99 Scorpion [6] 1 16 1,750 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/299

MBB-7 Venusfliegenfalle (Venus Flytrap) [6] 1 14 1,850 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/299

SA-27 Grappler [6] 1 15 1,000 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/299


Axe (may be used as a tool) 1 2 50 Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Bayonet 1 .25 20 Common Common DC1/279

Bottle 1 .2 -- Very Common Very Common DC1/323

Brass Knuckles 1 .2 10 Common Common ES/14

Chain, 4 feet 1 1.8 -- Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Club / Nightstick / Baton 1 2 -- Very Common Very Common New

Garrote 1 .1 -- Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Hatchet (may be thrown, may be used as a tool) 1 1 20 Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

Knife (may be thrown, may be used as a tool) 1 .25 5 Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Machete 1 1.5 50 Common Common DC1/279

Minisaw 1 .9 650 Rare Scarce DS/49

Nunchucks 1 1 100 Scarce Common ES/14

Power Baton, Monadnock Powerstaf KA-1 1 2.6 87 Scarce Very Common New

Quarterstaff 1 2 10 Very Common Very Common ES/14

Sai 1 .5 75 Rare Scarce ES/14

Spear (may be thrown) 1 2 10 Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Stun Stick 1 1.2 250 Not Available Rare DS/54

Sword 1 2 350 Common Common DC1/279

Sword-Cane 1 .7 500 Rare Scarce ES/14

Tonfa 1 1 50 Scarce Scarce ES/14

Small Arms (Firearms and Fired Weapons)

Fired Weapons

Crossbow (incl. ancient, modern, and homemade), bolts 1 4 350 Common Common DC1/279

Longbow/Hunting Bow (incl. composite and recurve), arrows 1 1 300 Common Common DC1/279

Speargun, light underwater spear 1 1.75 275 Common Very Common DS/52

Sun HVP Crossbow, XX / XLE, bolts 1 3 / 3.5 250 / 350 Common Common New


American Derringer Legendary Model 1 Derringer 1 .4 to .48 211 Very Common Very Common New

American Derringer Legendary Model 1 Derringer Combo 1 .49 261 Common Common New

Beretta M92S, 9mm Parabellum (Mil-Spec M9) 1 1 350 Common Very Common DC1/282

Black Powder (incl. Flintlock & Percussion), black powder paper cartridge 1 .5 125 Scarce Scarce DC1/279

Browning/Inglis Hi Power HP-35, 9mm Parabellum (shoulder stock) 1 1.1 450 Scarce Common DC1/281

Charter Arms “Off-Duty”, .38 special 1 .45 147 Common Common New

Colt Krait, 10mm Automatic 1 1.4 400 (150) Scarce Common DC1/281

Colt Model 1851 Navy, .36 percussion (see black powder paper cartage) 1 1 121 Scarce Common New

Colt Model 1873 Peacemaker, .45 LC (copy or clone) 1 1 to 1.1 730 (415) Scarce Scarce New

Colt Model 1911A1, .45 ACP or 10mm Automatic 1 1.4 175 Common Very Common DC1/282

Colt Python, .357 magnum 1 1.6 425 Scarce Scarce DC1/280

Cz-52 (Vz-52), 7.62mm Tokarev 1 .5 350 Not Available Scarce DC1/283

Freedom Arms 454 Casull Model 83, .454 Casull 1 1.4 or 1.6 1,290 Scarce Common New

Hi Standard .22, .22 LR 1 1.3 250 Common Common DC1/281

Magnum Research Desert Eagle, .357 magnum, .44 magnum / .50 AE 1 1.3 750 / 950 Scare Scarce DC1/281

Makarov PM, 9x18mm (in eastern Europe/CIS) [16] 1 5 500 (150) Rare Common New

Martin Dynatech Pacifier Stun Gun, stun dart package 1 .5 600 Rare Scarce DC1/280

Mauser Model 1896 “Broomhandle”, .30 Mauser (shoulder stock) 1 1.25 (.4) 590 (150) Rare Rare New

Ruger Old Army, .45 percussion (see black powder paper cartridge) 1 1.5 560 Scarce Scarce New

Ruger Redhawk, .44 magnum 1 1.5 439 Common Common New

Smith & Wesson Hand Cannon (Shotgun) Derringer, 12 gauge 1 .68 253 Rare Scarce DS/50

Smith & Wesson Model 29, .44 magnum 1 1.5 500 Rare Scarce DC1/280

Smith & Wesson Model 36, .38 special 1 .7 315 Scarce Scarce DC1/280

Smith & Wesson Model 500, .500 S&W magnum (4” / 8⅜” barrel) 1 1.6 / 2.1 713 / 765 Scarce Common New

Smith & Wesson Model 627, .357 magnum 1 1.25 754 Rare Rare New

Thunder5 Thunder Five, .45 LC & 410 gauge 1 1.36 300 Rare Scarce New

Tokarev TT M1933, 7.62mm Tokarev (in eastern Europe/CIS) [16] 1 .5 350 (100) Not Available Scarce New

Walther P-38 / P1, 9mm Parabellum 1 .95 / .75 650 / 319 Rare Rare New

Walther PPK, .380 ACP 1 .8 350 Scarce Scarce DC1/282

Wildey Wolf, .475 WM 1 1.5 1,900 Not Available Rare [8] DC1/283

XM26 Advanced Personal Weapon, 12.5mm Caseless 1 1.4 900 Not Available Rare [5] DC1/283

Zip Gun, .22 LR or .380 ACP 1 .5 75 Very Common Very Common DC1/279

Machineguns and Squad Automatic Weapons

DShK, 12.7mm [19] 1 set 46.7 (81.3) 2,000 Not Available Common [13] New

General Electric XM214 “Six Pack” Gatling Gun (battery belt) 1 14 (3.5) 25,000 (250) Not Available Rare [13] New

Kalashnikov PKM, 7.62x54R [16] 1 10 2,000 Not Available Rare [13] New

Kalashnikov RPK-74, 5.45x39mm [16] 1 4.5 1,000 Not Available Scarce [13] New

L86A1 LSW (Light Squad Weapon), 5.56mm NATO 1 4.5 1,500 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/294

M2HB, .50 BMG (tripod) 1 51.2 (19.3) 3,500 Not Available Common [13] DC1/295

M60, 7.62mm NATO 1 10 1,800 Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/294

M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon), 5.56mm NATO 1 7 750 Not Available Common [13] DC1/292

MAG / MAG-58 / L7A2 GPMG, 7.62mm NATO 1 12 1,500 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/295


Armalite AR-27 Keyholer, 7.62mm NATO (Mil-Spec M27) 1 8 950 Not Available Rare DC1/288

Barrett Model 82A1 (Mil-Spec M107), .50 BMG 1 12.9 4,900 Scarce Scarce New

Colt AR-15, 5.56mm NATO 1 3.8 500 Common Common DC1/290

Colt M16A1 / M16A2, 5.56mm NATO 1 3.8 400 Not Available Common [13] DC1/290

Colt M177, 5.56mm NATO 1 2.5 750 Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/284

Colt M231, 5.56mm NATO 1 3 700 Not Available Common [13] DC1/284

Fabrique Nationale (FN) FAL, 7.62mm NATO 1 5 750 Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/290

Fabrique Nationale (FN) LAR, 7.62mm NATO (Mil-Spec LAR and L1A1) 1 5 940 Rare Common DC1/290

Israeli Military Industries Galil ARM / SAR, 5.56mm NATO 1 5 / 4 400 / 550 Not Available Rare [13] New

Heckler & Koch G3, 7.62mm NATO 1 5 750 Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/291

Item Weight Cost Availability

Item Count (ea.) (kg) (in U.S. $) Without Contact With Contact Source

Heckler & Koch G11, 4.7mm Caseless 1 4.5 800 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/289

Heckler & Koch M91, 7.62mm NATO 1 5 940 Rare Common DC1/291

Kalashnikov AK-47, 7.62x39mm (semiautomatic) 1 4 625 Scarce Common DC1/289

Kalashnikov AK-74, 5.45x39mm 1 4 500 Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/288

Kalashnikov AKM, 7.62x39mm (select-fire AK-74) 1 4 500 Not Available Common [13] DC1/289

Kalashnikov AKMR, 5.45x39mm 1 4 550 Not Available Common [13] DC1/289

Kalashnikov AKR, 5.45x39mm 1 4 500 Not Available Common [13] DC1/283

Kalashnikov SVD “Dragonov”, 7.62x54R [16] 1 4.6 500 Not Available Rare New

Marlin .30-06 Bolt-Action, .30-06 Springfield 1 4 300 Common Common DC1/286

Mauser KAR-98K, 8mm Mauser 1 4 300 Rare Scarce DC1/291

Mosin-Nagant M38 / M44, 7.62x54R [18] 1 3.5 / 4 195 / 175 Scarce Common New

Mosin-Nagant Model 1891/30, 7.62x54R [18] 1 4.6 275 Rare Scarce New

Parker Hale, 7.62mm NATO (Mil-Spec C3) 1 4 800 Common Common DC1/286

Remington-Peters .22 Bolt-Action Rifle, .22 LR 1 2 150 Common Common DC1/286

Ruger 10/22 .22 Semiautomatic, .22 LR 1 2.27 235 Common Common DC1/286

Ruger Mini-14, 5.56mm NATO 1 3.1 425 Common Common New

Savage 110G, 7mm Remington Magnum 1 3.4 495 Common Common New

Simonov SKS, 7.62x39mm 1 4 250 Common Very Common New

Springfield M1 “Garand”, .30-06 Springfield 1 4.3 835 Rare Scarce New

Springfield M1A, 7.62mm NATO (Mil-Spec M21) 1 5.4 800 Scarce Scarce DC1/288

Springfield M1903, .30-06 Springfield 1 3.9 600 Rare Scarce New

Steyr-Mannlicher Model 1895 Stutzen, 8x56R [16] 1 3.6 150 Rare Rare New

Tranquilizer Gun, 15mm Dart Cartridge 1 3 1200 Not Available Rare DC1/287

Webley Boxlock Double Rifle, .470 NE 1 3.5 10,000 Rare Rare New

Winchester Model 1894, .30-30 Winchester 1 3.1 275 Common Common DC1/287

Winchester Model 1894 Trapper, .45 LC 1 2.7 275 Common Common New

XM7 Storm Gun, 20mm Short 1 29.5 27,000 Not Available Rare [5] DC1/292

XM22 Advanced Infantry Weapon, 18mm Caseless 1 3.5 1500 Not Available Rare [5] DC1/291

XM29 Objective Individual Combat Weapon [23] 1 5.5 7,500 Not Available Rare [5] New


Armalite AR-12 Stormcloud, 12 gauge 1 4 1,200 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/293

Browning Autoriot, 12 gauge 1 4 450 Scarce Scarce DC1/293

Heckler & Koch CAW (Combat Assault Weapon), 12 gauge 1 4 1,100 Not Available Scarce [13] DC1/293

Mossberg M500, 12 gauge 1 4 350 Common Common DC1/294

Remington 870 Express (18” barrel), 12 gauge 1 3.2 210 Common Common New

Savage 311-R (double barrel), 12 gauge 1 3.5 350 Common Common DC1/292

Sawed-0ff “Whippit Gun”, 12 gauge 1 2.5 475 Not Available Scarce DS/51


Colt SCAMP 1 1.5 1,800 Not Available Rare [8] SCV3/104

Heckler & Koch MP5N, 9mm Parabellum 1 2.93 1,100 Not Available Very Common [13] New

Heckler & Koch MP5K, 9mm Parabellum 1 2 900 Not Available Very Common [13] New

Heckler & Koch MP5SD, 9mm Parabellum 1 3.46 950 Not Available Very Common [13] New

Heckler & Koch MP7, 10mm Automatic 1 3 750 Not Available Common [13] DC1/285

Ingram M10 “Mac-10”, .45 ACP / 9mm Parabellum 1 3.8 650 Rare Rare [13] DC1/284

Ingram M11 “Mac-11”, .380 ACP 1 3.8 650 Rare Rare [13] ES/15

Israeli Military Industries Uzi, 9mm Parabellum 1 4 500 Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/285

Israeli Military Industries Uzi, Mini, 9mm Parabellum 1 3 600 Not Available Scarce [13] New

M3A1 “Grease Gun”, .45 ACP 1 4.5 500 Not Available Rare [13] DC1/284

MAT-49, 9mm Parabellum 1 4.8 650 Not Available Common [13] DC1/285

Stechkin APS, 7.62mm [16] 1 1.6 750 Not Available Rare [13] New

Vz-61/62 Skorpion, 32 ACP (in eastern Europe/CIS) [16] 1 1.6 800 (250) Not Available Rare [13] DC1/285


Hand Grenades

Anti-tank, 15 round case (1 each) 1 25 (1) 325 (24) Not Available Common [13] DC1/263

Chemical (CHEM), tear gas, 16 round case (1 each) 1 16 (.5) 500 (36) Rare Scarce DC1/263

Chemical (CHEM), smoke, 16 round case (1 each) 1 16 (.5) 250 (18) Scarce Common DC1/263

Chemical (CHEM), Somnambutol, 16 round case (1 each) 1 16 (.5) 500 (36) Rare Scarce New

Concussion, 20 round case (1 each) 1 20 (.5) 120 (8) Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/263

Fragmentation, 30 round case (1 each) 1 30 (.5) 150 (10) Not Available Very Common [13] DC1/263

Thermite, 16 round case (1 each) 1 20 (1) 250 (18) Scarce Common DC1/263

Chris Carpenter, Inc. Sting Ball, 10 round case (1 each) 1 10 (.5) 200 (20) Scarce Very Common New

White Phosphorus (WP), 16 round case (1 each) 1 20 (1) 170 (12) Not Available Common [13] DC1/263

Chris Carpenter, Inc. Foam Canister, Mark I / Mark II / Mark III 1 .2 5 / 15 / 35 Rare Common New

Nachtmacher Gas Canister 1 .2 30 Not Available Rare New

Remington Motion Restraint Canister 1 .2 75 Rare Rare New

Throwing Knife 1 .5 15 Common Common DC1/90

Consolidated Notes

[1] – for column definitions see Table S6-1: Equipment List Definitions, pg.83; [2] – base price is $1,000, actual price set by GM; [3] – not normally for sale; [4] – police or military contact required; [5] – advanced weapon/defense research lab (military) contact required; [6] – single shot weapon, disposable (surface-to-air missile launchers are depot/factory reloadable); [7] – available to paraphysicists only; [8] – custom firearms contact required; [9] – Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon; [10] – advanced robotics research lab (business) contact required; [11] – free, by invitation or discovery, typically with ever-changing decoding requirements; [12] – advanced electronics research lab (business) contact required; [13] – military or equivalent contact required; [14] – advanced vehicle research lab (government) contact required; [15] – advanced space research lab or government (for all spacecraft) contact required; [16] – if purchased in eastern Europe/Russia (CIS), availabilities are one category more common (AtD/74); [17] – If purchased in eastern Europe/Russia (CIS), availability is S / S; [18] – If purchased in eastern Europe/Russia (CIS), availability is NA / S; [19] – If purchased in eastern Europe/Russia (CIS), availability is C / VC; [20] – government or equivalent contact required; [21] – criminal or equivalent contact required; [22] – uses/includes auto injector; [23] – ammunition- 5.56mm NATO and 20mm Grenade.


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