
Class XI English Core (Retest2018-19 )Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks 80 General Instructions : i) This paper consists of 3 sections - A, B and C. ii) Attempt all questions. iii) Do not write anything on the question paper. iv) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided. v) Ensure that questions of each section are answered together. vi) Read each question carefully and follow the instructions. vii) Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question.Section –A (Reading )20Marks.Read the following passage carefully. Blood is a connective tissue transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide from lungs to tissues and vice-versa, nutrients to where they are needed, and hormones from glands to their site of action. Blood has many other constituents which help in different functions. Immune cells in blood help prevent and fight off illnesses and infections. Blood can also form clots, preventing fatal blood loss from minor cuts and scrapes. In today’s world there is an immense need for a substance that could replace human blood. The reasons for which blood substitute is in need are many. First of all, though donations are increasing annually throughout the world, but demand is climbing much more rapidly. The blood supply is not always very safe in many regions of the world. Blood transfusion is the second largest source of HIV infections. Moreover, there is no practical way to test for prior transmitted diseases in donated blood, such as Mad Cow and Cruetzfeld Jacob disease, and other diseases could emerge as problems for the blood supply, including Small Pox and SARS. Blood substitutes can eventually improve on it. Artificial blood which is being researched is basically of two kinds—one functions as volume expander and the other as oxygen carrier. Research is mostly being done on oxygen therapeutics which mimic human blood’s oxygen transport ability. They are basically of two categories based on transport mechanism: Per Fluorocarbon based, and Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carriers E 4 Per Fluorocarbons (PFCs) particles are about 1/40 the size of the diameter of a red blood cell (RBC). This small size can enable PFC particles to traverse capillaries through which no RBCs are flowing. In theory this can benefit damaged, bloodstarved tissues, which conventional red cells cannot reach. The good points associated with PFCs are that they are chemically inert and do not react with oxygen, allow easy transportation of oxygen to body parts, and minimize the effects of factors like pH and temperature in blood circulation. However, there are a few side effects too, such as it causes flu-like symptoms, a decrease in blood platelet count, and as it absorbs oxygen passively, patients must breathe at a linear rate to ensure oxygenation of tissues. Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carriers (HBOCs) vaguely resemble RBCs. They are very dark red or burgundy in colour. They are made from sterilized hemoglobin which can come from variety of sources including RBCs from cow blood or genetically modified bacteria which can produce hemoglobin, even human placenta can be used as a source. The advantages of HBOCs are that they are very similar to RBCs in working, the molecules are much smaller than RBCs and can fit into spaces that the normal red blood cells cannot. Artificial blood can be used by any person without even thinking what blood group he/she belongs to. Instances of disease transmission through blood would be reduced incredibly. There won’t be any expiry date or maximum storage period. With research in full swing it will not be long before artificial blood would replace real blood in treating injuries and disease requiring blood transfusions.On the basis of reading the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use abbreviations wherever necessary . Also supply an appropriate title to it. (5) (b) Write a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made by you. (3 marks)Read the following passage carefully.1. As students, whether in school or college, you need to realise the enormous importance of the present year as the preparation for your work in the world. With the natural impatience of youth, you are passionately eager to be acting; but do you understand, do you at all realise, that among the youths now struggling with their books are, as in every other country, the future leaders of the nation, the ministers, the statesmen, the generals, the admirals and the judges. 2. The nation of tomorrow is in the schools and colleges of today, and on the knowledge that you are there acquiring, on the characters that you are there building. On the bodies that you are there developing, depends the India of the new era. For India is changing with extraordinary rapidity, as all the world acknowledges, and you have the splendid karma of being born in the dawn of her renovated life. 3. The responsibilities of power will fall upon your shoulders; you will have to guard your land from external attack and from internal disorder; you will have to develop her arts, her manufacturers, her trade, her commerce, her agriculture, to shape her political destiny and to guide her forward evolution. How shall you discharge your mighty task unless you use well this time of preparation, this priceless time, which wasted, cannot be regained. All your life long you will go limping if you waste these years of your adolescence . 4. Another thing you should learn in your school and college days is the joy of service. Help those around you and seek opportunities to help... Sometimes a school or college can start and support a night school or a school for the submerged classes; you can, in terms visit the hospitals, write letters for patients, carry messages for them. You can start a little cooperative credit society, and help the poor to become free from debt. 5. And one thing you should all do, if are living at home; you should share your education with the ladies of your families. Teach your sisters to read and write and any others who are willing to learn. Talk with them of public matters and discuss what you read. You will soon find the charm of an educated home, of sympathy in all your interests, the sharing of your hopes and aspirations.(A) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions by choosing the best of the given options : (1*6=6)(a) The Nation of tomorrow isin the natural impatience of youth in the schools and colleges of today in the hands of politicians in internal disorderAccording to the author, the youth is – patient irresponsible passionately eager to be acting lethargic An educated home can be achieved byimparting education to the ladies of the family educating children only educating the boys only unwilling learnersAs students, one needs to learn- (i) the joys of the past (ii) the joy of service (iii) to respect politiciansto think of only individual needs (e) Choose the correct synonym for the word ‘renovated’ from the options (i) constructed (ii) destroyed (iii) repairedreused (f) Find the antonym of the word enormous from the options given below (i) huge (ii) gigantic (iii) miniscule (iv) vestigial 2. (B) Answer the following questions : (1*6=6) (a) Why is the present very important to a student? (b) How can a student experience the Joy of Service? (c) What are the duties of the youth? (Mention any two) (d) How can students help the poor get rid of debt? (e) Which word in paragraph 3 means the same as 'gradual development'? (f) Which phrase in paragraph 4 is the same as 'deprived people'?Section –B (Writing skills and Grammar)30Marks3.You are Raman/Rashmi, the senior incharge of Green Fields School, Kanpur. Draft a notice to be put in the school notice board announcing remedial classes for weak students of classes IX to XII. Give relevant details. (50 words). (4)ORYou are Amit/Amita. You want to sell your car as you have been transferred to Mumbai. Draft an advertisement to be published in the classifieds columns of a local newspaper. (4)4. You are Rajan/Rajni Mehra, a software engineer, residing at 47 A, Ranjit Nagar, Chandigarh. You read an advertisement seeking web designers for a private company called Infinite Solutions, B-140, Sant Road, Mohali. Apply for the post with complete bio-data to the Personnel Manager of the company. (120-150 words) (6)ORYou are Vriti / Vikas staying at 16 Yojan Apartments, Dwarka, Delhi. Last month you bought an electric steam iron from “Electronic Palace” Pitampura, New Delhi against a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that there is something wrong with the gadget. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about it. (120-150 words) (6) 5. In most Indian families, particularly in rural areas, the girl child is considered inferior to the male child. As a result of this bias, a daughter is considered a burden and she suffers discrimination in the matter of food, freedom, health and education. Write an article in about 150-200 words showing how such an attitude is harmful and unjust. You are Siddharth /Simran. (10)ORThe flood in the Kosi river uprooted millions of people in Bihar. Write a report on‘River in Flood’ in about 150-200 words describing the cause of flood, loss of life, crops, property etc. and the relief measures taken. You are Kartik / Amrita, correspondent, The Times of India. (10)6. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Find the error and write the error and the correct word in your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example. (?×8=4) Error Correction He just did not knew what to say. e.g. knew know Till a short while before his (a) __________ ____________race about the Springs (b) ____________ ____________ had seem so important but (c) ____________ ____________ now it is the last thing on his mind. (d) ____________ ____________ And Vimal which he had thought (e) ____________ ____________ a useless person has proved so (f) ____________ ____________ thoughtful but efficient. (g) ____________ ____________ He awkward shook hands with Vimal. (h) ____________ ____________7. Read the words and phrases given below . Re-arrange them to form meaningful sentences. (4marks)(a) a lost world is/believe that /waters of / Many people /the Atlantic Ocean / buried under the(b) mentioned in the/ It is first / writings of / Plato /a Greek scholar named (c) the story/ Before this/ on by word/ had been passed/ of mouth. (d) the story /Greek / had heard/in Egypt/ scholar.8. Transform the sentences as directed: (1*2=2)(a) The cat took the loaf of bread . (Change the Voice)(b) The phone rang. He was sleeping. (Join using a subordinate clause)Section –C (Literature) (30marks)9.Read the extract given below and answer any three of the questions that follow : (1*3=3)And the sea, which appears to have changed less, Washed their terribly transient feet.Whose feet have been mentioned in the lines ? Mention the contrast that has been brought out. Explain ‘terribly transient feet’ Mention the figure of speech in this line.Name the poem and the poet of the above lines.ORThen sleek as a lizard, and alert, and abrupt, She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up Of chitterings, and a tremor of wings, and trillingsThe whole tree trembles and thrills.Who is ‘she’ in the first line? What is the ‘machine’ referred to in line 2?Explain the meaning of the last line.Find a word in the extract which means the same as ‘excited’. Name the poem and the poet.10. Answer any three of the following questions in 30-40word each. (3*3=9)(a) What problem did Carter face when he reached the Mummy of King Tut? How did he find a way out? (b) Mention any two ways in which Mr. Crocker Harris is different from the other teachers.(c) What is common in pranayama and the Middle Void?(d) How does Khushwant Singh describe his grandmother?(e) What ultimatum does Mrs. Pearson give to her family ?(f) Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address ?11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 120-150 words (6)(a) How human actions have made this earth a patient ?(b) Comment on the title of the story ‘Ranga’s Marriage’.(c) What do you learn about the sytem of education in old British School from the play ‘The Browning Version’?12. Answer any one of the following questions in about 120-150 words (6)(a) Inspite of malignant brain tumour and awareness of approaching death, Shahid was the centre of a perpetual carnival. Elucidate.(b) What impression do you form of Andrew Manson on the basis of the story ‘Birth’?(c) What do you think makes ‘the tale of Melon city’ interesting and amusing?12. Answer any one of the following questions in about 120-150 words (6)The author’s meeting with Norbu in a small, dark café proved to be both an advantage and a disadvantage for him. Elaborate.What damage did ‘Wavewalker’ suffer as a result of bad weather?Explain the concept of Shanshui and the fundamental notions of Daoism. ................

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