What can DOFF be used for?

How to Avoid Nightmare Exterior Building CleanersNightmare Render Cleaners!-40576522860000(Or Exterior Building Cleaners)by Alex-AmelChapter 1 – How to Avoid…Nightmare Render CleanersChapter 2 – What Kind of Experience Do You Have?Chapter 3 - What kind of Training Do You Have?Chapter 4 – What Kind of Systems Do You Use?Chapter 5 – What Kind of Guarantee Do You Have?Chapter 6 – How to Increase Your Property Value Easily!Copyright ? 2017How to Avoid Nightmare Render Cleaners! (Or Exterior Building Cleaners)This book is dedicated to everyone... because we all deserve“the most phenomenal service experience ever”Chapter 1How to Avoid... Nightmare Render Cleaners! (Or Exterior Building Cleaners)Questions to AskBefore Selecting a Professional Render Cleaner (Or Exterior Building Cleaners)Have you ever received a coupon for exterior cleaning services e.g. your driveway for something like ?39.95?Have you ever wondered what happens when you actually hire someone from one of those ads?A guy that looks a little “questionable” shows up...overcharges you, and does a lousy job on top of it!You would have been better off not even cleaning the driveway! But that’s not a good option either.As you will find in this book, actually caring for your exterior surfaces and selecting the right professional cleaning company will provide the following benefits:Your exterior surfaces will last longer.Your exterior surfaces will look better.You will have a better experience.You will add long term value to your primary asset.This book not only shows you how to avoid that exterior cleaning- coupon trap, but also teaches you seven questions to ask to find the most reputable, experienced, professional exterior building cleaner available. You will also learn what should be happening to your building that isn’t.In fact, the reason Pc com Building Cleaners exists is to help you avoid being taken advantage of by what we call “uneducated, uninformed, and sometimes downright unscrupulous” exterior building cleaners. Every day, consumers are being over charged, lied to, stood up, and generally mistreated.To add insult to injury, due to the lack of training and absence of care that many companies and individuals have in our industry, they are using techniques that are literally harming your render, brick, Stone and other exterior surfaces, and contributing to an unhealthy outdoor environment.Pc com Building Cleaners has become the most respected, experienced exterior building cleaning company in south East. We work along side of our partner company who have achieved what is now known as ISO9001.Soon after entering the business, I became aware of the bait-and- switch tactics unscrupulous exterior cleaners were using. In fact, when I first started my business, a neighbour asked me to clean her rendered surfaces. When I told her how much it would be, she responded, “I see ads in the newspaper for ?99.00!”No one can make money and run a professional business at those prices. That low price is just to get the cleaners at your door. Once started, they recommend their “deep scrub” method, which costs much more. After all, you have stains on your render! The cleaners then proceed to load your render with soap that leaves a sticky residue behind. Not only that, they use high powered pressure washers which blast off the render from your property, blaming the builders for poor workmanship. Now whatever render remains intact attracts dirt like a magnet and your problems quickly return. You call the company back, and they figure out how to blame it on you.This has to STOP!I decided to put a stop to all this nonsense. I went on a quest to learn as much as I could about the technical aspects of exterior building cleaning, to discover what the best methods were, and to set my business apart by providing what we call “the most phenomenal service experience ever”Over time Pc com has begun to become the most preferred Companies to work with Property Managers and Estate Agencies. We also began to be referred by some of the most prominent national painting contractor companies and housing associations who realised how differently we cleaned exterior building fabrics compared to other exterior building cleaning companies who mainly used pressure washers to clean everything. We gained a reputation that is second to none, now being exclusively referred by top industry experts. At the time of this writing, we are in our 5th year and looking forward to continue for many years to come. We have committed ourselves to High-class customer service, and we offer a 100% money back guarantee. We don’t want to have anyone in our community who isn’t completely thrilled with the service experience we provide. If that happens to you, we will rush back to your location to remedy the situation. If you are still unimpressed, you owe us nothing and we give you a complete refund!we use World’s best exterior building cleaning equipment and products from Florida USA. Our training for this equipment sees each of our employees undergo 40 hrs in the classroom and 20 hours online training which they must pass a written exam to prove their understanding at the end and more importantly before they go out “live” cleaning! The process we use is known as SoftWashing – and was invented by AC Lockyer. And by the way, we don't only clean render. You can also trust Pc com for the care of your stone, bricks, concrete, cladding , roofs as well as gutters & facia cleaning. We have also use Three Step System which not only restores faded colour to plastisol type cladding and faded powder coated surfaces such as window frames, they are also designed to enhance and protect from harmful UV rays to make them fade at a much slower rate.We offer commercial and residential exterior building cleaning servicesFREE RENDER CLEANING OFFER!If you have never used our service, we want you to try us out at absolutely NO CHARGE and NO OBLIGATION. We will do a FREE sample clean for you at your premises, so you can see for yourself the effectiveness of our SoftWashing cleaning methods.Why would we want to do this?Because we know that when you experience the most phenomenal service experience ever, you will want to use us again. We want to earn your business. Don’t worry; there is no sales pitch—just clean render. The only thing we ask is that you are present when we do the free trial so we can share with you why and what we are doing is different than what anyone else does.Get FREE CASH or FREE CLEANING through ourREFERRAL REWARD Program!Every time you refer a new client to us, we automatically reward you with a referral certificate valued at 10% of their cleaning job. For example, if the new client you refer spends ?500.00, you get a ?50.00 Reward Certificate that you can use for CASH or CLEANING. It’s that simple! (You can choose to donate to your favourite charity should you prefer)There is NO LIMIT to the amount of CASH or CLEANING you can get!For each new client you send us, we will reward you with a 10% referral fee that can be used toward FREE CASH or FREE CLEANING. Your choice. Simply refer your friends, neighbours, or co-workers, and we will reward you automatically. Remember that we offer a 100% money back guarantee, so you can be sure we will take the absolute best care of your referrals!HOW TO GET MORE REFERRAL REWARDSYou will receive three Free Trial Offer Cards in the mail in a few days. Simply give those to your friends, neighbours, and co- workers. These cards entitle a new client to an opportunity to try us for free on your behalf! They must be a new client, or a decision- maker if the referral is commercial.Help Your Friends, Neighbours, and Clients Avoid Nightmare Exterior Building Cleaners!Refer Them toPc com – 01273 208077for“the most phenomenal service experience ever”“What Kind of Reputation Do You Have?”When selecting a professional exterior building cleaning company youhave three choices:Choose an exterior building cleaner that has a low, too-good-to-be-true price.You’ll likely get the worst experience you ever imagined.Choose a “commodity” exterior building cleaning company.This is typically a high-volume company that does a lot of mass media advertising. They may not be the lowest, but their prices are “competitive.” The problem is they don’t train their staff very well and they skip vital steps in the cleaning process; that ends up costing YOU in the long run.Choose a reputable, experienced, certified exterior building cleaning firm.Choose a cleaning firm that measures up to the seven questions in this book. You will end up with a phenomenal cleaning job AND a pleasant service experience.The typical scenario with the first two types is to “bait” you with a low price, then “switch” you to their “high pressure” or “deep clean” system. They proceed to soak your render and leave a soapy residue behind. Good luck getting them back again!Beware of low-priced exterior building cleaners!If their price is truly low, you should be concerned about their quality. What are they leaving out? How can they pay their technicians a decent wage and have the best products and equipment at the lowest price?They can’t.Some companies advertise a low price then charge you more when they get there. Be clear about what is included and what is not.These so-called “cleaning” companies also happen to be the ones that don’t educate themselves or their employees. The result is that render and other exterior substrates are ruined every day by uneducated, uninformed, and sometimes downright unscrupulous exterior building cleaners.They are facing soiling conditions they have never seen or heard of due to a lack of education. Or worse, they create a problem on your buildings exterior surfaces, and they have no idea how to fix it. One example is they use incorrect high pressure on the surfaces that cause expensive to repair building -notch education is readily available in our industry. There is no excuse for cleaners not to educate themselves (and provide useful education to their clients). Part of the problem is that they have fallen into the trap of viewing cleaning as a commodity, and they can’t afford to educate themselves. Education is expensive, but ignorance can result in disaster—on YOUR building!Our company invests a great deal in education. Not only do we spend thousands of pounds per year on education, we are heavily involved in our industry, which makes us well-connected with our industry leaders.This way, if a unique situation arises in the field, we have experts we can call on, thereby bringing the cutting edge of cleaning technology to you.Our industry provides courses in exterior building cleaning, stain removal, stain prevention, customer service, marketing, management, and other related courses.Many of the organisations offer certification programs that involve testing, and ethics requirements. There are a variety of opportunities to stay plugged in: trade publications, websites, bulletin boards, and more.We attend every course we can in order to bring you the very best. Many of these courses require travel across the UK and in the USA, and can therefore be quite costly. However, we believe, as building technology changes and as substrates become more complex, proper education becomes even more important.The bottom line is that you have a tremendous investment in your building’s exterior substrates and it is our duty to know how to best care for them. Understanding cleaning technology at the highest level helps to reduce cleaning residues and creates a healthier outdoor environment by eliminating, man made pollutants, carbon based deposits, cyanobacterias and other organic matter from the exterior fabric of the property.Mystery Shopper Experience RevealsPoor Customer Service and Inadequate Cleaning SystemsA reputable consulting firm in the building cleaning industry undertook a “mystery shop” of three very visible companies in the building cleaning industry. The findings shocked even us!The first companyThe first company that was called not only had horrible telephone manners but sent out the rudest, most unprofessional and uninformed crew you could imagine. They acted like they were being bothered the entire time they were there—which was a total of 57 minutes! This crew did not pre-test, did not attempt to remove staining, and used too much pressure.Even though the stains were not satisfactorily removed, the crew was unconcerned and unwilling to try harder. Their one-step method doesn’t even come close to meeting minimum standards of The SoftWashing Advanced Surface Care Approved Companies. Because the crew just cold water pressure washed over the render with the cleaning wand, the organic matter started to grow back before the day was even over! They had ONLY provided the render with a haircut!At the end of the job, our consultant was required to sign a lengthy document even though the company couldn’t clearly state any reasonable guarantee. And the company had stressed their guarantee to secure the job over the telephone.To top it off, these idiots never said thank you. Not even a smile the entire time proved that a customer was just another bother in their day. How sad.The second companyThe second company sounded more promising at first. Their telephone courtesies were somewhat better but not anywhere near what they should be. This company gave us a 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. arrival window. At one o’clock the consultant called to check on the arrival time. “Toward the latter,” he was told.At 4:10 p.m. he called again. “The crew is still at their previousjob. They should be about an hour.”At 5:10, still no crew. Another call revealed that they were still at the previous job. When pressed, the operator said “Well, their previous job went from two walls on one property to two full houses.”“Oh, so you took on more work on your previous job and bumped me, huh?” the consultant replied. “Let me get the Operations Manager.”The so-called Operations Manager said, “It’s only 5:10!”, insinuating they weren’t actually late. They couldn’t give a specific arrival time, so our consultant cancelled the job. When a company doesn’t care enough to communicate with the client, turn down extra work, and offer alternate arrangements for their clients, they don’t deserve the work, no matter how good they are. If you’re not there, you can’t very well do a good job, now, can you?The third companyThe third company was better than the first two but was found to be very lacking for a company considered a “top” company. Booking the job was about as average as the other two. Incorrect information and ignorance ran throughout this experience. This company gave a two-hour window for arrival. They called the day before to confirm—which was good. The morning of the appointment, they called to confirm the arrival time. Good.When the technician arrived, he was very nice. But due to his inexperience, that was not enough to get them more than a “C average.” He didn’t know anything about the render, although he claimed to have been around render cleaning for a long time. He was baffled, and it was a basic K Rend Through Coloured Render! This technician pre- sprayed the render, but forgot to add in two of the three essential ingredients needed for long term cleanliness. Upon completion, he requested a signature beside several cleaning steps that were not provided. When pressed, we got the tired, old “well, I didn’t have it on the van.” Duh!Both companies that actually made it to the job site had cleaningsteps on their work order that they were unwilling to do. One step was pre test an insconspicous area of the render. In both cases, that step was on the job sheet (put there by their operational system to make sure they do it). Both blew it off as unimportant.Obviously, any company has their bad days or days when employees just don’t want to perform. The scary part about these three companies is that they are very visible companies in the market they serve. The inadequacies and poor attitudes were obviously routine.At Pc com, we are extremely passionate about raising the standard of our industry. We commit to be courteous, to do our very best to show up on time, to educate you, to inform you, and to give your building the absolutely most thorough cleaning we possibly can. If we ever fail you on that, we will not only express deep regret and concern but will insist on refunding your money if we can’t satisfy you.CHAPTER2“What Kind of Experience Do You Have?”A number of situations that arise in professional cleaning requireexperience to get the best cleaning and avoid problems.First, the cleaner must understand what type of substrate they are working on. The type of soiling and why certain walls are more stained than others are important factors. Are pets and/or children present?Second, experience is a factor in knowing how to handle other situations that aren’t even related to cleaning, but have to do with customer service. Do the exterior building cleaners know how to treat me and others they may come in contact with during the service experience? Training is a good start towards understanding these factors, but nothing replaces the right kind of experience. And I do stress the right kind of experience. Practicing something the wrong way for years just means that doing it wrong becomes a habit.One thing you want to ask is “how long have you been in business?” If they have been in business for a while and the references check out from Chapter 1, then you are most likely on your way towards a good fit.Finally, your professional cleaners need to understand and be experienced in the reason you are cleaning. There are actually six reasons people clean, and many times the cleaning is for more than one reason:What prompted you to have cleaning done at this time?The Three Reasons...Reason 1EventsExperience proves that events drive more exterior building cleaning than any other reason. Whether it is getting ready for an important customer, visitor or VIP is coming, events create a sense of urgency that doesn’t exist otherwise. Although showing your buildings natural beauty to your guests is a fantastic idea, don’t let this be the only reason you clean.Reason 2Visible SoilingThe second most common reason for cleaning is some type of visible soiling. Whether it is a stain or a North facing wall that has heavy organic growth, it just becomes unsightly. Many times, waiting until your building’s facade is visibly soiled is waiting too long. Substrate damage may have occurred, and stains may have become permanent.Reason 3MaintenanceThis is one of the best reasons to order cleaning. By properly caring for your building, you will dramatically increase the useful life of your property and it will look better all the time—even when your biggest customer springs a surprise visit!Regardless of what your reason is for cleaning, our company is at your service. We are available for the most routine or complex questions you have.CHAPTER3“What Kind of Training Do You Have?”The number one reason for poor building cleaning services is technicianerror. Would you be surprised to learn that most exterior render cleaning companies have no formal training? That they are not required to be licensed? That there is no requirement to have any certification whatsoever? Is training and certification important? After all, isn’t exterior building cleaning a “menial” task that anyone can perform?Actually, an exterior building cleaning professional is working with one of your most valuable assets. Should it be trusted with just anyone? Unfortunately, our industry is full of “rogues” who only care about how much money they can get from you, and who care nothing about the life of your building. They do not care about the industry in which they work.Have you ever noticed that in many counties, air-conditioning companies, plumbers, and pest-control companies are required to be licensed? Not so for building cleaners. Fortunately for you, and for me, there are many fine people in the exterior building cleaning industry who realise the standard must be raised. Those of us in that process help to police our own industry. In order to do this, associations and certification organisations were created.Cleaning has historically been viewed as a commodity—a menial task that anyone can do. Long before sophisticated exterior substrates and complexly-built outdoor environments were created, cleaning may have been a simple task, but that is no longer the plex building systems, sensitive surfaces, and new-age soiling conditions have created a need for advanced education in the cleaning industry. Unfortunately, many cleaners (and consumers) have not understood this concept. We still see ads for ?15.00 for whole house window cleaning and driveway cleaning for ?45.00. The cleaner puts the ads out, never intending to clean for those prices, and the consuming public gets the idea that cleaning should be cheap.These so-called “cleaning” companies also happen to be the ones that don’t educate themselves or their employees. The result is that render, stone, brick, cladding and many other types of construction materials are being ruined every day by uneducated, uninformed, and sometimes downright unscrupulous exterior building cleaners.They are facing soiling conditions they have never seen or heard of due to a lack of education. Or worse, they create a situation on a render or other substrate that they have no idea how to fix. One example: they cold water pressure wash the render (basically giving it a quick haircut) that cause the render to re-soil rapidly or even worse BLAST it off the building!Top-notch education is readily available in our industry. There is no excuse for cleaners to not educate themselves (and provide useful education to their clients). Part of the problem is since they have fallen into the trap of viewing cleaning as a commodity themselves, they can’t afford to educate themselves. Education is expensive, but the result of not getting the necessary knowledge is much more costly.Our company invests a great deal in education. Not only do we spend thousands of pounds per year on education, we are heavily involved in our industry, making us well connected with our industry leaders.This way, if a unique situation arises in the field, we have experts that we can call on, thereby bringing the cutting edge of cleaning technology to you.Our industry provides courses in exterior render cleaning, cladding restoration cleaning, customer service, marketing, management, and other related subjects.Many of the organisations offer certification programs that involve testing and ethics requirements. There are trade publications, websites, bulletin boards, and a variety of other opportunities to stay plugged in.We attend every course we can in order to bring you the very best. Many of these courses require travel across the U.K. and can therefore be quite costly. However, we believe, as building technology changes and as wall coverings become more complex, proper education becomes even more important.The bottom line is that you have a tremendous investment in your building and it is our duty to know how to best care for it. Understanding cleaning technology at the highest level helps to reduce cleaning residues and creates a healthier environment by eliminating invisible germs and cyanobacteria. It also empowers the cleaner to remove more soil, thereby creating a longer-lasting clean surface.CHAPTER4“What Kind of Systems Do You Use?”There is much debate about whether you should go with “SoftWash Systems “Pressure Washers” or “Doff Steam Cleaners” for your building’s exterior rendered surfaces. And as usual, this is only a tiny part of the picture. In this chapter, you will learn about cleaning methods and, more importantly, what steps are required for maximum soil and spot removal without damaging the render or leaving a sticky residue behind.Also, you want to know what kind of customer service systems the company has in place. Our world-class customer service means we will show up on time in a clean, lettered vehicle. Our technicians are clean-cut, in uniform, and ready to serve. They will treat you, your employees, and your office with the utmost courtesy and respect.We will communicate with you throughout the cleaning process and do our best to answer any questions you have after the job. In fact, we will call you a few days after the job to make sure you are 100% satisfied.SoftWashing is normally the best cleaning practice for most exterior building substrates, it is the least harsh and offers no damage to the rendered surface. SoftWash Systems equipment have been designed with ease of use for the operator. Using Blend modules which correctly mix the cleaning chemicals for the user means exact science is used to remove all organic and atmospheric pollutants.SoftWash Systems is very unique in the market place when it comes to SoftWashing chemicals. Their Original SoftWashing additive Green Wash has been in use since 1994 (lovingly referred to as Duck sauce) and has gone through several generational changes for the better through the years.In 1994 this SoftWashing additive was tested in a major shingle manufacturers laboratory and judged safe for use on shingle roofs. In the testing process two shingles were taken directly from the manufacturing line for testing purposes. One was coated in a bleach and water solution that also contained our additive. The other was not treated at all. Both shingles were then placed in testing ovens at 300 degrees and 100% humidity for thirty days. (This test simulates 30 years of shingle ageing)After that the two shingles were removed from the testing ovens and examined. The shingle treated with our SoftWashing solution had no further aging than the one that was not treated at all. Based upon that test AC’s company was chosen to perform cleanings on that manufacturers shingle roofing products. Pc com’s SoftWash Systems in the UK have performed similar non laboratory testing on grey slate roof tiles, render and stone with impressive long lasting results.In 1998 the chemical makeup of their SoftWashing additive was changed to be completely biodegradeable. This adjustment took phosphates completely out of their chemicals. Phosphates are what is added to most soaps to make them foam/create suds. Since 1998 all SoftWash chemicals have met the definition of biodegradable and they break down into carbon and water within twenty (20) days of their introduction into the environment.By 2002 AC’s company now a decade old, had cleaned in excess of 55,000 roofs throughout Florida. Various surfaces had been cleaned using their SoftWash additives without any kind of damages. Their SoftWashing technique and additives had cleaned surfaces like shingle roofs, tile, brick walls, membrane roofs, awning fabrics, concrete and render without power washing any surfaces.In early 2004 Ac’s company and chemicals reached another milestone. The largest theme park company in Florida needed a clean to a resort that was centred around a preserve of African Animals and their habitats.With careful consideration and examination of the products, this famous theme park’s veterinary services department approved the use of AC’s SoftWashing techniques and chemicals.Now by 2017 AC and SoftWash Systems SoftWashing equipment and chemicals have been used in 40 states of the US and 6 countries worldwide. Their in-network companies have cleaned in excess of 500,000 roofs and structures throughout the world and their products have been approved for use by major theme parks, property management companies, UK hospitals, government buildings, schools and universities. To date there is no safer, better respected and more widely used SoftWashing products line available.Pc com is proud to be associated with this outstanding company and uses all their equipment, chemicals and training for exterior building cleaning projects in the UK.Doff Steam cleaning equipment manufactured in the UK by Stonehealth.The DOFF is an expertly engineered system that utilises a normal water supply to remove some of the more resistant forms of dirt or markings from a range of surfaces.The water supply is fed into a hot-box where it is subjected to temperatures as high as 150℃. The resultant heated water, or vapour, is then filtered through the heat resistant hoses to the nozzle at a rate of between 3 to 10 litres per minute.Once cleaned, the surface dries within minutes to prevent any long-term damage as a result of trapped moisture.“If you want a medical analogy for the DOFF it’s like the difference between leeches and penicillin!”DOFF is a steam based stone cleaning system. It’s unlike any other steam system and can achieve temperatures of up to 150°C at the nozzle end – making it a ‘superheated water system’. The operator is able to vary the temperature and pressure to remove many different?types of paint and?biological matter.What can DOFF be used for?The steam/superheated water will remove moss, algae, fungi and other biological matter and will also kill off spores. This means there’s then no need to use a chemical biocide during the removal process or as a protection against further biological activity.How does it work?DOFF cleans stonework and masonry using high temperature steam. Whilst the temperature in the system is high, the pressure on the surface being cleaned is very gentle and the volume of water is low. The surface is therefore not saturated and will be dry within minutes.Pressure WashersHot and Cold Pressure Washers are still used by Pc com, they are ideal for washing away muddy deposits found in car parks and lorry yards for example. A good flow of water is needed when using such equipment and our vans have buffer tanks fitted.CHAPTER5“What Kind of Guarantee Do You Have?”The goal of every great service company is to do the right thing every time. But the real strength of a service company is how they handle things when you feel that you didn’t get what you paid for.A quality exterior building cleaning company should guarantee their work. If you ask the average building cleaning technician what their guarantee is, they will usually look confused. They might even ask “what do you mean?” This actually happened in a mystery shopping experience during a “mystery shop” a very reputable consulting firm in the cleaning industry did.Once the cleaning job was supposedly finished, the technician presented the invoice that had a FULL PAGE contract on the back. The consultant asked, “Do you want me to read this whole thing?” “That’s up to you, sir,” the technician replied. (By the way, the technician wanted the mystery shopper to sign off on steps the technician didn’t even do. He made excuses why each step wasn’t needed.)The mystery shopper continued, “Can you tell me what your guarantee is?” “What do you mean?” “For example, what happens if my spots come back?” “Then we come back.” “And if they come back again?” “We come back again.” “Do I ever get my money back if you can’t completely remove them?” Now, prepare yourself for his response! True story: “Naw sir, those are your spots”!You’ve got to be kidding me! And this cleaning company had a well-known name in the cleaning industry! The problem with this particular company is their residential driveway cleaning department had become something they no longer put any effort into. They obviously sent the most uncaring crew they could find to do the residential cleaning job.This is what we are facing out there. So, always ask what the guarantee is and what it includes.Our company offers a 100% money back guarantee on exterior building cleaning jobs.Our guarantee is simply this: If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with the service experience you receive from us, we will rush back to your location at no charge and no obligation. If you are still “unimpressed,” we will refund 100% of your investment.How much should I pay for exterior building cleaning?Professional, certified exterior surface cleaning provided by a reputable, experienced, and well-trained cleaning firm is not cheap. But it is an investment that pays great dividends. Two common ways of pricing in the exterior building cleaning industry are by the square foot or by the height. In either case, there are questions you want to ask...Cleaning Questions...What method do you use? (SoftWashing is the most thorough system)Questions about the CompanyDo you have recent references? (Are they referred by seasoned professionals?)How long have you been in business? (If they just started, find out more about their training, guarantee, and references.)Are you certified by SoftWash Systems and Stonehealth? (Many exterior building cleaners don’t even know what this is!)Do you offer a 100% money back guarantee? (Ask how that is determined.)Do you have an on-time guarantee? (What’s your reward if they don’t show up on time?)Do you use subcontractors or employees? (If they don’t use employees, don’t hire them.)Do you do background checks on employees? (If they don’t, don’t hire them.)Do you have liability insurance? (They need to have coverage in case they break something.)Do you have a re-soiling guarantee? (If the render doesn’t stay as clean as you think it should, our company will come back and re-clean it for you.)Our company obviously measures up to all of these questions.We feel that the more educated you are, the better experience you can get from any service company you use.Chapter 6How to Increase Your Property Value Easily?The easy way to increase property value is to keep it clean and well maintained.Spending between 3% to 4% (or even less in most cases) of your properties value on having it professionally cleaned will increase your property value by up to 10% or higher in some areas.When cleaned your building will attract more visitors and more visitors often means more income for you.Saving money in the future by protecting your primary asset now is a wise move, especially when you are renting on a full insuring and repairing lease.Costly dilapidation orders are served at the end of your lease agreement, which insist the building is given back in its original condition. You probably don’t realise that you NEED to keep your building in a clean and tidy condition throughout your tenure.Render when left unclean for many years often cracks and falls off when lichens and mosses are left to grow untreated. The cost of replacing render far outweighs the relatively low cost of keeping it clean. Investing in a long term scheduled cleaning plan will work out much cheaper than costly replacement. A cost of a few % now will save you thousands and thousands of pounds in the future. Don’t Wait until it’s too late! Call in a professional render cleaning company today.Your visitors will come in greater numbers, as everyone prefers visiting a clean and pristine building rather than a shabby looking one.Many of us overlook the damage being caused by not maintaining our properties well enough.Selling your building?Command a higher price and receive a faster sale. Would you rather buy a building that is ready to go, or one that looks awful and needs extra money spending on it after you have bought it – either way whoever pays for it cleaning will make the instant profit!Render Cleaning in the UKWhen You Want Your Buildings Rendered Surfaces to be Cleaned to as NEW Condition, You Should Choose an Experienced Render Cleaning Company.Removing Contaminants Such as Organic Matter and Atmospheric Pollutants is Not Always as Straight Forward as Some Building Owners & Managers May Presume.Render Cleaning AdviceWhen you decide to save your hard earned money, why don’t you put it in the newly opened Dodgy Bank run by Ronnie Biggs?You would be crazy to do that! Right!So,When you choose an exterior render cleaning company to clean your prime asset, which is probably the most expensive thing you own. Why let NO EXPERIENCE RENDER CLEANERS experiment on your property? FACEBOOK is full of render cleaning forums with NEWBIES asking “how to” clean render because they have been asked by property owners to clean the render on their buildings. They simply do not understand the correct way to clean your render. They currently clean windows and decide overnight to become an “expert” in something they simply do not understand.When NO EXPERIENCE RENDER CLEANERS are given advice on FACEBOOK how to clean render – they experiment on your property, and can leave you with thousands of pounds worth of damaged render! At BEST they will ONLY give your render a haircut! WHO they get their advice from is any bodies guess?The amount of render buildings cleaned where render becomes green again soon after being cleaned is criminal! Don’t become a victim by choosing NO EXPERIENCE RENDER CLEANERS who offer too good to be true low prices – Take off your Rose Tinted Glasses – Your Building is Worth a Lot of Money! Why Take a Risk?Your render can be cleaned properly and should look bright, white and clean, and should last a long while before it needs re cleaning.Choose ONLY Certified Applicators who have undergone SoftWash Training at an approved SoftWash render cleaning training centre ................

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