Data Flow Diagrams and Use cases


Business Analysis


Data Flow Diagrams and Use cases

? 2006 Maj ik Consult ing, All right s reserved

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? 2006 Maj ik Consult ing, All right s reserved

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? 2006 Maj ik Consult ing, All right s reserved

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M a j ik Consult ing W hit e pa pe r Se r ie s

Dat a Flow Diagram s and Use Cases Release Version 1.0

Written by Keit h J. Maj oos, MACS B. Sc. Diplom a Dat am et rics, MBA, Grad Diplom a Psychology

Ronald Kohlm an B. Bus ( Business Adm inistration)

? 2006 Maj ik Consult ing Pt y Lt d

( ABN 86 007 192 109)

? 2006 Maj ik Consult ing, All right s reserved

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TOPIC: DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS AND USE CASES.............................................6 1 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................6 2 VIGNETTE.........................................................................................................6 3 LIBRARY DFDS ................................................................................................7

3.1 Level 1 Diagrams .......................................................................................7 3.2 Level 0 Diagrams .......................................................................................8 3.3 Context Diagrams.......................................................................................9 4 FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION ..................................................................10 5 USE CASES ....................................................................................................11 5.1 Define actors ............................................................................................11 5.2 Define actor goals.....................................................................................11 5.3 Use case diagram.....................................................................................12 6 CAN WE STILL USE DFDS?...........................................................................13 6.1 DFD ..........................................................................................................13 6.2 Use Case..................................................................................................14 6.2.1 Maintains Membership .............................................................................15 6.2.2 Issues a library Card.................................................................................16 7 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................16

? 2006 Maj ik Consult ing, All right s reserved

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