
LNF Key Stage 4, Year 10 – OracyElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsDeveloping and presenting information and ideasSpeaking10.OS2present ideas and issues to meet the demands of different audiencesI can present ideas and issues to meet the demands of different audiences.10.OS4respond to how listeners react, and adapt their use of language for different contexts and purposesI can respond to how listeners react, and adapt my use of language for different contexts and purposes.10.OS4aspeak fluently, using a range of techniques, expressions and gesturesI can speak fluently, using a range of techniques, expressions and gestures.10.OS4bconfidently use formal language in a range of contextsI can confidently use formal language in a range of contexts.10.OS5sustain a convincing point of view, anticipating and responding to other perspectives, e.g. in role or debateI can sustain a convincing point of view, anticipating and responding to other perspectives, e.g. in role or debate.10.OS5aconfidently explore challenging or contentious issues through sustained role playI can confidently explore challenging or contentious issues through sustained role playListening10.OL1respond to the ideas of others in thoughtful and considerate ways, seeking clarification through appropriate questioning I can respond to the ideas of others in thoughtful and considerate ways, seeking clarification through appropriate questioning.10.OL3listen to a range of information and ideas from different viewpoints, identifying how different speakers present specific points of view. I can listen to a range of information and ideas from different viewpoints, identifying how different speakers present specific points of view. ElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsDeveloping and presenting information and ideasCollaboration and discussion10.OC1adapt talk in a range of roles, including in more formal situations, contexts and purposes, e.g. speaking to larger audiences in a formal debateI can adapt talk in a range of roles, including in more formal situations, contexts and purposes, e.g. speaking to larger audiences in a formal debate.10.OC2use a range of options and strategies to enable the group to progress and reach agreement.I can use a range of options and strategies to enable the group to progress and reach agreement.LNF Year 10 – ReadingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsLocating, selecting and using informationReading strategies10.RS2use their knowledge of: word roots and familiesgrammar, sentence and whole-text structurecontent and contextto make sense of words, sentences and whole textsI can use my knowledge of: word roots and familiesgrammar, sentence and whole-text structurecontent and contextto make sense of words, sentences and whole texts.10.RS5use a range of strategies, e.g. speed reading, close reading, annotation, prediction, to skim texts for gist, key ideas and themes, and scan for detailed information, extracting and commenting on key ideas and themesI can use a range of strategies, e.g. speed reading, close reading, annotation, prediction, to skim texts for gist, key ideas and themes, and scan for detailed information, extracting and commenting on key ideas and themes.10.RS8use the internet to search selectively, assessing the reliability and significance of what they findI can use the internet to search selectively, assessing the reliability and significance of what I find.Responding to what had been readResponding to what had been readComprehensionComprehension10.RC1read and analyse a range of unseen printed and multi-modal texts with concentration and independenceI can read and analyse a range of unseen printed and multi-modal texts with concentration and independence10.RC3analyse texts and subtexts, responding and conveying ideas clearly and appropriatelyI can analyse texts and subtexts, responding and conveying ideas clearly and appropriately10.RC4gain a full understanding of texts using inference, deduction and analysis, understanding how the context of the text may influence the readerI can gain a full understanding of texts using inference, deduction and analysis,understanding how the context of the text may influence the reader10.RC5compare and contrast themes and issues across a range of texts and make text-to-text connectionsI can compare and contrast themes and issues across a range of texts and make text-to-text connections.10.RC6independently research a wide range of sources to develop a full understanding of unfamiliar topics or issuesI can independently research a wide range of sources to develop a full understanding of unfamiliar topics or issues.Response and analysis 10.RA3synthesise and analyse information to gain in-depth understanding from sources which may have conflicting viewsI can synthesise and analyse information to gain in-depth understanding from sources which may have conflicting views.10.RA4understand and distinguish between facts/evidence and bias/argument commenting on both obvious points and inferencesI can understand and distinguish between facts/evidence and bias/argument commenting on both obvious points and inferences.10.RA5comment on different interpretations of issues and ideas, using the text to support opinionsI can comment on different interpretations of issues and ideas, using the text to support opinions.10.RA6evaluate the purpose, impact and reliability of textsI can evaluate the purpose, impact and reliability of texts.LNF Year 10 – WritingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsOrganising ideas and informationMeaning, purposes, readers10.WM1write both extended pieces, which include detailed evidence and information, and shorter pieces which summarise concisely, showing clear awareness of the reader or intended audienceI can write both extended pieces, which include detailed evidence and information, and shorter pieces which summarise concisely, showing clear awareness of the reader or intended audience.10.WM2construct responses that connect and develop ideas to fully cover the topicI can construct responses that connect and develop ideas to fully cover the topic.10.WM3plan appropriately to develop writing for a range of different purposes and audiencesI can plan appropriately to develop writing for a range of different purposes and audiences.10.WM4use the tools and conventions of ICT creatively and appropriately to communicate effectively in a range of contextsI can use the tools and conventions of ICT creatively and appropriately to communicate effectively in a range of contexts.10.WM5improve the content, structure and accuracy of their writing through independent review and editingI can improve the content, structure and accuracy of my writing through independent review and editing.Structure and organisation10.WS1write independently in an appropriate form with increasing confidence, ensuring content is organised, detailed and relevant, e.g. how best to present opinions, information and explanations.I can write independently in an appropriate form with increasing confidence, ensuring content is organised, detailed and relevant, e.g. how best to present opinions, information and explanations.10.WS1ashow clear awareness of different readers by selecting from a range of styles and structures, and adapting their use of languageI can show clear awareness of different readers by selecting from a range of styles and structures, and adapting their use of anising ideas and informationStructure and organisation10.WS4organise writing in an appropriate form, ensuring content is detailed within and between paragraphs or sectionsI can organise writing in an appropriate form, ensuring content is detailed within and between paragraphs or sections.Writing accuratelyLanguage10.WL1use language to convey objectivity and impartiality, acknowledging that there may be more than one viewpoint, e.g. arguably, it can be seen that…I can use language to convey objectivity and impartiality, acknowledging that there may be more than one viewpoint, e.g. arguably, it can be seen that…10.WL2use a wide range of technical terms, appropriate vocabulary, and expression for different purposes and to create different effects, e.g. to persuade, inform, entertainI can use a wide range of technical terms, appropriate vocabulary, and expression for different purposes and to create different effects, e.g. to persuade, inform, entertain.LNF Year 10 – WritingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statements Writing accuratelyHandwritingGrammarPunctuationSpelling10.WG1vary sentence structures to engage and sustain the reader’s interest and write with grammatical accuracyI can vary sentence structures to engage and sustain the reader’s interest and write with grammatical accuracy.10.WG3use the full range of punctuation in order to vary pace, clarify meaning, avoid ambiguity and create deliberate effectsI can use the full range of punctuation in order to vary pace, clarify meaning, avoid ambiguity and create deliberate effects.10.WG4use a variety of strategies and resources to accurately spell an increasing range of familiar, unfamiliar and subject-specific wordsI can use a variety of strategies and resources to accurately spell an increasing range of familiar, unfamiliar and subject-specific words.10.WG6cpresent their handwritten or on-screen work effectively, choosing form, images and graphics to enhance meaning.I can present their handwritten or on-screen work effectively, choosing form, images and graphics to enhance meaning.LNF Year 11 – OracyElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsDeveloping and presenting information and ideasSpeaking11.OS2present ideas and issues to meet the demands of different audiencesI can present ideas and issues to meet the demands of different audiences.11.OS4adapt their use of language for different purposes within a wide range of contextsI can adapt my use of language for different purposes within a wide range of contexts.11.OS4aspeak fluently and confidently, using a range of techniques, expressions and gestures I can speak fluently and confidently, using a range of techniques, expressions and gestures.11.OS4badapt their use of language for different purposes within a wide range of contextsI can use formal language in a wide range of contexts.11.OS5speak from a range of convincing perspectives to meet the demands of different situations, contexts and purposes I can speak from a range of convincing perspectives to meet the demands of different situations, contexts and purposes.11.OS5aconfidently and consistently explore challenging or contentious issues through sustained role playI can confidently and consistently explore challenging or contentious issues through sustained role playListening11.OL1respond with confidence and sensitivity to the ideas of others in different situations, reflecting on information and ideas and asking relevant questions I can respond with confidence and sensitivity to the ideas of others in different situations, reflecting on information and ideas and asking relevant questions.11.OL3listen to a range of information and ideas from different viewpoints, identifying how different speakers present specific points of view I can listen to a range of information and ideas from different viewpoints, identifying how different speakers present specific points of view.Developing and presenting information and ideasCollaboration and discussion11.OC1adapt talk in a range of roles with increasing confidence, including in more challenging and formal situations, contexts and purposes, e.g. presenting a pitch to an external/unfamiliar audience I can adapt talk in a range of roles with increasing confidence, including in more challenging and formal situations, contexts and purposes, e.g. presenting a pitch to an external/unfamiliar audience.11.OC2use a range of options and strategies to enable the group to progress and reach consensus. I can use a range of options and strategies to enable the group to progress and reach consensus.LNF Year 11 – ReadingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsLocating, selecting and using informationReading strategies11.RS2use their knowledge of:word roots and familiesgrammar, sentence and whole-text structurecontent and contextto make sense of words, sentences and whole textsI can use their knowledge of:word roots and familiesgrammar, sentence and whole-text structurecontent and contextto make sense of words, sentences and whole texts.11.RS5use a range of strategies, e.g. speed reading, close reading, annotation, prediction, to skim texts for gist, key ideas and themes, and scan for detailed information, extracting and commenting maturely on key ideas and themes I can use a range of strategies, e.g. speed reading, close reading, annotation, prediction, to skim texts for gist, key ideas and themes, and scan for detailed information, extracting and commenting maturely on key ideas and themes.11.RS8use the internet to search selectively, assessing the reliability, significance and accuracy of what they find I can use the internet to search selectively, assessing the reliability, significance and accuracy of what they find.Responding to what had been readResponding to what had been readComprehensionComprehension11.RC1read and analyse a range of unseen printed and multi-modal texts with concentration and independenceI can read and analyse a range of unseen printed and multi-modal texts with concentration and independence11.RC3analyse and respond to texts and subtexts confidently, understanding and interpreting meaningI can analyse and respond to texts and subtexts confidently, understanding and interpreting meaning11.RC4gain a full understanding of texts using inference, deduction and analysis,understanding how the context of the text may influence the readerI can gain a full understanding of texts using inference, deduction and analysis,understanding how the context of the text may influence the reader11.RC5compare and contrast themes and ideas in a range of texts confidently, exploring how they vary in purpose and effectI can compare and contrast themes and ideas in a range of texts confidently, exploring how they vary in purpose and effect11.RC6independently research a wide range of sources to develop a full understanding of an increasingly complex topic or issueI can independently research a wide range of sources to develop a full understanding of an increasingly complex topic or issue.Response and analysis11.RA3synthesise and analyse information to gain a broad and balanced understanding from sources which may have conflicting views I can synthesise and analyse information to gain a broad and balanced understanding from sources which may have conflicting views. 11.RA4understand and explore in detail how texts may be interpreted differently, distinguishing between facts/evidence and bias/argument I can understand and explore in detail how texts may be interpreted differently, distinguishing between facts/evidence and bias/argument.11.RA5explore in detail different interpretations of issues and ideas using the text to support opinionsI can explore in detail different interpretations of issues and ideas using the text to support opinions.11.RA6confidently evaluate the purpose, impact and reliability of texts.I can confidently evaluate the purpose, impact and reliability of texts.LNF Year 11 – WritingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statementsOrganising ideas and informationMeaning, purposes, readers11.WM1write both extended pieces, which include detailed evidence and information, and shorter pieces which summarise concisely, confidently adapting style and form for the reader or intended audience and purpose for writingI can write both extended pieces, which include detailed evidence and information, and shorter pieces which summarise concisely, confidently adapting style and form for the reader or intended audience and purpose for writing11.WM2construct detailed responses confidently, connecting and developing ideas to ensure full coverage of topicI can construct detailed responses confidently, connecting and developing ideas to ensure full coverage of topic.11.WM3plan appropriately to develop writing for a challenging range of different purposes and audiencesI can plan appropriately to develop writing for a challenging range of different purposes and audiences.11.WM4use the tools and conventions of ICT creatively and appropriately to communicate in a range of increasingly varied and challenging contextsI can use the tools and conventions of ICT creatively and appropriately to communicate in a range of increasingly varied and challenging contexts.Structure and organization11.WM5improve the content, structure and accuracy of their writing through independent review and editingI can improve the content, structure and accuracy of their writing through independent review and editing.11.WS1write independently in an appropriate form with confidence, ensuring content is organised, detailed and relevant, e.g. to explain a process, convey an argument I can write independently in an appropriate form with confidence, ensuring content is organised, detailed and relevant, e.g. to explain a process, convey an anising ideas and informationStructure and organisation11.WS1ashow sustained awareness of different readers by selecting from a range of styles and structures, and adapting their use of language confidently I can show sustained awareness of different readers by selecting from a range of styles and structures, and adapting their use of language confidently.11.WS4organise writing in an appropriate form, ensuring content is detailed within and between paragraphs or sections, developing and sustaining ideas coherently I can organise writing in an appropriate form, ensuring content is detailed within and between paragraphs or sections, developing and sustaining ideas coherently.Writing accuratelyLanguage11.WL1convey objectivity and impartiality on complex topics using a range of linguistic devices I can convey objectivity and impartiality on complex topics using a range of linguistic devices.11.WL2accurately use a wide range of technical terms, appropriate vocabulary, and expression to reflect the demands of the task and create different effects, e.g. summarising an argument I can accurately use a wide range of technical terms, appropriate vocabulary, and expression to reflect the demands of the task and create different effects, e.g. summarising an argument.HandwritingGrammarPunctuationSpelling11.WG1vary sentence structures to engage and sustain the reader’s interest and write with grammatical accuracy I can vary sentence structures to engage and sustain the reader’s interest and write with grammatical accuracy.11.WG3use the full range of punctuation in order to vary pace, clarify meaning, avoid ambiguity and create deliberate effectsI can use the full range of punctuation in order to vary pace, clarify meaning, avoid ambiguity and create deliberate effects.11.WG4use a variety of strategies and resources to accurately spell an increasing range of familiar, unfamiliar and subject-specific wordsI can use a variety of strategies and resources to accurately spell an increasing range of familiar, unfamiliar and subject-specific words.11.WG6cpresent their handwritten or on-screen work effectively, choosing form, images and graphics to enhance meaning I can present their handwritten or on-screen work effectively, choosing form, images and graphics to enhance meaning.LNF Key Stage 4 Extension – OracyElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statements Developing and presenting information and ideasSpeakingE4.OS1confidently vary sentence structures and choose from a broad repertoire of vocabulary to express information and feelings in an engaging and creative mannerI can confidently vary sentence structures and choose from a broad repertoire of vocabulary to express information and feelings in an engaging and creative mannerE4.OS2make effective presentations in a wide range of contexts, presenting complex information, ideas and news persuasively.I can make effective presentations in a wide range of contexts, presenting complex information, ideas and news persuasively.ListeningE4.OL3listen to complex information, giving relevant, cogent and engaging responsesI can listen to complex information, giving relevant, cogent and engaging responsesCollaboration and DiscussionE4.OC1make a range of contributions to discussions in a wide range of contexts and in a range of formal and informal situationsI can make a range of contributions to discussions in a wide range of contexts and in a range of formal and informal situationsE4.OC2independently fulfil the demands of a range of roles and move discussions forward skilfullyI can independently fulfil the demands of a range of roles and move discussions forward skillfullyLNF Key Stage 4 Extension – ReadingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statements Responding to what had been readComprehensionE4.RC3select, analyse and evaluate information, ideas, opinions, purpose, implicit meaning and/or bias within a wide range of textsI can select, analyse and evaluate information, ideas, opinions, purpose, implicit meaning and/or bias within a wide range of textsResponse and analysisE4.RA3summarise and synthesise information and ideas succinctly from different sourcesI can summarise and synthesise information and ideas succinctly from different sourcesE4.RA4make assured and astute responses to key ideas and themes and use inference, deduction and analysis effectivelyI can make assured and astute responses to key ideas and themes and use inference, deduction and analysis effectivelyE4.RA5demonstrate a secure overview of challenging texts when gathering information, ideas, arguments and opinions for different purposesI can demonstrate a secure overview of challenging texts when gathering information, ideas, arguments and opinions for different purposesE4.RA6make cogent and critical responses and show originality in analysis and interpretationI can make cogent and critical responses and show originality in analysis and interpretationLNF Key Stage 4 Extension – WritingElementsAspectsCodeLearners are able to:Learner friendly statements Organising ideas and informationMeaning, purposes, readersE4.W1write showing confident, assured control of a range of forms and styles appropriate to task and purposeI can write showing confident, assured control of a range of forms and styles appropriate to task and purpose Structure and organisationwrite in an engaging manner, holding the readers’ interest through logical argument, persuasive force or inspired originalityI can write in an engaging manner, holding the readers’ interest through logical argument, persuasive force or inspired originalityuse linguistic and structural features skilfully to sequence texts and achieve coherenceI can use linguistic and structural features skilfully to sequence texts and achieve coherencewrite documents on complex subjects, concisely and clearly, logically and persuasively, including extended texts that communicate information, ideas and opinions effectively and persuasivelyI can write documents on complex subjects, concisely and clearly, logically and persuasively, including extended texts that communicate information, ideas and opinions effectively and persuasivelyuse a wide range of accurate sentence structures to ensure clarityI can use a wide range of accurate sentence structures to ensure clarityuse an advanced vocabulary appropriately and with precisionI can use an advanced vocabulary appropriately and with precisionuse correct grammar, punctuation and spellingI can use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling ................

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