
About MCO Business Group Inc.


“We are changing the way that business gets done…

Success through pro-active management."

Since 1993 we have worked hard to help our clients to achieve and maintain their goals of sustained profitability and growth. Our highly qualified and experienced associates have provided public and private sector clients with a broad range of Training, Human Resources & Business Management services.

Note: All courses and workshops offered in this catalogue can be customized in content, duration and for specific audiences.


About MCO Business Group Inc. i



Art of Resume and Development – CPT 101 1

Assessing Career Options & Preparing A Career Plan – CPT102 2

Career Planning and Goal Setting – CPT103 3

Create Your Career GPS ™ - CPT104 4

Create Your Career GPS® (continued) - CPT104 5

Financial Planning Seminar – CPT105 6

Impact of Change/Managers – CPT108 7

Impact of Change - Remaining Employees – CPT107 8

Interview Techniques – CPT106 9

Job Search Techniques – CPT110 10

Planning Retirement Early – CPT112 11

Pre- Retirement Planning - CPT111 12

Starting Your Own Business – CPT109 13


Art of Networking – COMM103 14

Assertive Approach to Managing Conflict – COMM104 15

Assertive Communication – COMM105 16

Building Confidence Through Assertiveness – COMM107 17

Business Writing – COMM108 18

Communicating Effectively – COMM111 19

Communication and Social Styles – COMM133 20

Conducting Effective Meetings – COMM112 21

Conducting Effective Meetings – COMM112 (continued) 22

Conflict Management – COMM113 23

Conflict Resolution – COMM114 24

Customer Relations – COMM116 25

Dealing with Difficult People – COMM117 26

Dealing with Stress – COMM118 27

Diversity – COMM135 28

Effective Presentation Skills – Train the Trainer – COMM119 29

Emotional Intelligence at Work – COMM120 30

Exceptional Customer Service - COMM121 31

Giving and Receiving Feedback - COMM122 32

Group/Meeting Facilitation - COMM123 33

Harassment awareness – Creating a Respectful Workplace - COMM134 34

Healthy Conversation at Work - COMM101 35

Healthy Conversation at Work – For Managers - COMM102 36

Intercultural Communication – COMM136 37

Internal Consulting Skills – COMM126 38

Interview Skills – COMM127 39

Negotiating Skills - COMM129 40

Negotiating Skills For Non-Specialists – COMM128 41

Networking - COMM130 42

Oral Presentations - COMM131 43

Presentation Skills - COMM132 44

Putting Your Words to Work - COMM109 45

Telephone Etiquette - COMM110 46


Coaching in the Workplace– LEAD109 47

Creating a Culture of Collaboration – LEAD110 48

High Performance Teams – LEAD112 49

Inspire Confidence: The True Power of Influence – LEAD101 50

Inspire confidence: The True Power of Influence – LEAD101 (Continued) 51

Introduction to Coaching – LEAD108 52

Leader’s DNA, Transforming Teams - LEAD102 53

Leader’s DNA, The: Transforming Teams – LEAD102 (Continued) 54

Leader’s DNA, The: Transforming Teams – LEAD102 (Continued) 55

Leader’s DNA, The: Transforming Teams – LEAD102 (Continued) 56

Leadership – LEAD103 57

Leadership – The Building Blocks - LEAD104 58

Leadership for Team Leaders & Supervisors – LEAD105 59

Manage Paradoxes: The Secret of Efficient and Incredible Leaders – LEAD107 60

Manage Paradoxes: The Secret of Efficient and Incredible Leaders – LEAD107 (Continued) 61

Responding to Employees Who Underperform – LEAD106 62

The Hard Work of Getting to the “Soft Stuff” – LEAD111 63

Management/Supervisory – SECTION 4 64

An Effective Approach to Resolving Conflict- MNT/SU102 64

Appreciative Leadership Workshop – MNT/SU114 65

Career Planning and Goal Setting – MNT/SU105 66

Career Coaching Your Employees (CCE) – MNT/SU106 67

Competency Based Training – MNT/SU108 68

Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU101 69

Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU101 (Continued) 70

Four Generations– Four Approaches to work – MNT/SU117 71

From Creativity to Innovation: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Its Organization – Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU111 72

From Creativity to Innovation: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Its Organization – Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU111 (Continued) 73

From Creativity to Innovation: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Its Organization – Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU111 (Continued) 74

Gyroscope: The Impact of Your Decisions on Human Performance – MNT/SU110 75

Leading Through Change – MNT/SU113 76

Leading Through Resistance– MNT/SU116 77

Strategic Thinking and Planning – MNT/SU109 78

Strategies to Help People During Transition and Change – MNT/SU115 79

Team Building – MNT/SU103 80

Team Building – MNT/SU103 (Continued) 81

Professional and Personal Development – SECTION 5 82

Adapting to Change – Change Management - PPD104 82

Advanced Facilitation – PPD101 83

Animation of Meetings – PPD102 84

Bringing Balance to Life – PPD105 85

Developing Your Capacity to Anticipate – PPD121 86

Developing Your Creativity: Wake Up the Creative Genius In You- PPD122 87

Developing Your Creativity: Wake Up the Creative Genius In You – PPD122 (continued) 88

Effective Team Development – PPD106 89

Evaluating Performance – PPD120 90

Group Consensus Building – PPD109 91

Innovating In The Public Service: Fiction or Reality – PPD123 92

Innovating In The Public Service: Fiction or Reality – PPD123 (Continued) 93

Managing Priorities (with In-Basket-Exercises) – PPD103 94

Performance Management – PPD111 95

Preparing for an Appointment Process – PPD112 96

Problem Solving & Solution Building – PPD113 97

Process Improvements – PPD124 98

Profitable Innovation: Focus on the Innovation Effort - PPD125 99

Self as an Instrument of Change – PPD108 100

Stress Management – PPD114 101

Time/Stress Management for Professionals – PPD116 102

Time Management - Working Smarter Not Harder– PPD117 103

Time Management and Priorities – PPD126 104

Work Planning for Better Life Balance – PPD118 105

Working in Teams – PPD119 106

Project Management – Section 6 107

Advanced Project Management – PM101 108

Basic Project Management – PM102 109

Exam Preparation Course - CAPM – PM103 110

Exam Preparation Course - PMP – PM114 111

Financial Management for Project Management Professionals – PM106 112

How to Use Collaboration Tools To Manage Projects – PM107 113

How to Write a Project Management Plan– PM108 114

MS Project Application - Advanced – PM111 115

MS Project Application - Basic – PM112 116

MS Project Server/Client – PM123 117

Performance Management – PM113 118

Performance Management– PM113 (Continued) 119

Portfolio Management – PM115 120

Problem Solving and Solution Building – PM116 121

Procurement Management – PM105 122

Program Management Fundamentals – PM129 123

Project Change Management – PM117 124

Project Communications Management – PM104 125

Project Management -Leadership and Communication – PM121 126

Project Management Terminology – PM120 127

Project Risk Management – PM122 128

Project Troubleshooting and Recovery – PM124 129

Quality for Project Managers – PM125 130

Risk Analysis – PM127 131

Schedule and Cost Control – PM128 132

Note: All courses and workshops offered in this catalogue can be customized in content, duration and for specific audiences.


Art of Resume and Development – CPT101

| | |

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Anyone wishing to establish and set career goals |

Training Objectives:

To focus on the key elements of different types of resumes and covering letters and how to best market your personal skills and competencies to perspective employers toward career success.

Course Content:

o Trends in the job market

o Getting ready to market yourself

o Identifying your personal characteristics

o Understanding values, interests and beliefs

o Reviewing personal achievements and success

o Job Search techniques

o A review of different types of resumes

o Preparing a resume and covering letter

o Establishing your references

o Preparing for the interview

o Types of interview questions

o Reasons for refusal

o Follow up

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Participants will be given the opportunity to draft several types of resumes and covering letters, share personal experiences and will also participate in an open forum as to the do’s and don’ts during an interview.


Assessing Career Options & Preparing A Career Plan – CPT102

| | |

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This workshop is designed to enable the participants to set realistic and achievable career goals and to direct participants in setting up action plans to achieve their career objectives. Participants will assess their careers to date by identifying their preferences, skills, aptitudes, interests, abilities and traits.

Course Content:

o Self-assessment - fitting work skills to work preferences.

o Patterns and trends in each participant's education, training and employment history.

o Aptitudes, interests and preferences.

o Current and ideal balance among work, family, social, recreational and intellectual activities - quality of life.

o Aspects of training and employment that are sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

o Limits on career progress arising from lack of training, skills and experience.

o Characteristics of ideal jobs (roles).

o Review of current availability and trends for jobs by occupational groups.

o Review trends in availability of work through counseling, placement and recruiting firms.

o Review of institutions providing training, their course offerings, fees and entrance requirements.

o Examine the merits and limitations of full time, part time and casual training.

o Examine the process of registration for training.

o Mentoring - how one finds and develops a mentoring relationship.

o Distinguish among and understand the interdependence of: long and short term career goals; financial and income security goals; training and development goals and quality of life.

o Prepare an action plan consistent with one's needs and constraints.

o Identify specific objectives and time frames.

o Commit one's self to implement the plan.

o Manage implementation of the plan.

o Review and evaluate results.


Career Planning and Goal Setting – CPT103

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Anyone wishing to establish and set career goals |

Training Objectives:

Enable the participants to set realistic and achievable career goals.

Direct participants in setting up action plans to achieve their career objectives.

Have participants assess their careers to date by identifying their preferences, skills, aptitudes, interests, abilities and traits.

Course Content:

Self-assessment - fitting work skills to work preferences

Patterns and trends in each participant’s education, training and employment history

Aptitudes, interests and preferences

Current and ideal balance among work, family, social, recreational and intellectual activities - quality of life

Aspects of their training and employment that are sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Limits on their career progress arising from lack of training, skills and experience

Characteristics of their ideal jobs (Roles)

Review of current availability and trends for jobs by occupational groups:

Review trends in availability of work through counselling, placement and recruiting firms

Review of institutions providing training, their course offerings, fees and entrance requirements

Examine the merits and limitations of full time, part time and casual training

Examine the process of registration for training

Mentoring - how one finds and develops a mentoring relationship

Distinguish among and understand the interdependence of: long and short term career goals; financial and income security goals; training and development goals and quality of life

Prepare an action plan consistent with ones needs and constraints

Identify specific objectives and time frames

Commit one’s self to implement the plan

Manage implementation of the plan

Review and evaluate results


Create Your Career GPS ™ - CPT104

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |4 half days or 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


Engaged employees are more productive and positively affect an organization’s success.

Employees are engaged, renewed and reinvigorated as they acknowledge workplace trends, identify their passions and talents, and discover how they can best align their career goals with their organization’s strategic objectives and business goals.

Training Objectives:

Create Your Career GPS ™ is an encouraging, stimulating and interactive program consisting of four half-day workshops, supplemented by an hour of individual coaching and an invitation to join a peer group for ongoing support. This robust workshop includes:

─ Assessment of personal goals, interest, energy, skills, values and passion

─ Exploration of workplace trends, challenges, opportunities and impact on participants

Participants will:

o Identify critical learning needs

o Assume accountability with increased awareness for self-development

o Revitalize commitment to organizational goals

o Improve performance outcomes

Organizations gain:

o Greater alignment between participants’ and organization’s objectives

o Increased retention and engagement of valuable contributors

o Reductions in unnecessary recruiting and on-boarding costs

o Integration of continuous learning as a key to organizational success

o Let Career Partners International help your organization embrace learning and development

Course Content:

o Trends, Opportunities and Letting Go

─ Describe current market trends

─ Debunk common myths with facts

─ Understand implications of holding onto expectations

─ Identify hidden attachments that impact performance

─ Identify expectations of the work environment and how they contribute to or detract from creating vitality in life and work

o Self-Awareness and Career Enhancement

─ Identify personal interests and relate them to your work

─ Uncover and use Career Anchors in making career choices

─ Apply a three-step process to assess current situation, distinguish wants and needs, and identify areas for further exploration

─ Assess current level of accountability in life choices

─ Align skills and interests to business needs

─ Review best practices and the Five C’s for Career Renewal

Create Your Career GPS® (continued) - CPT104

─ Reflect and leverage past successes for skills and attributes through Appreciative Exploration.

o Challenges and Barriers

─ Focus efforts to date to identify initial steps for moving forward Identify personal boundaries for moving forward

─ Explore conform zone and implications to career choices, decisions and performance

─ Begin to identify and focus efforts towards the check-up and Personal Contribution Statement.

o Your Career Check-up Plan

─ Apply a six-step process to write your Contribution Statement

─ Develop a self-guided Career Check-up Plan

─ Investigate alignment of knowledge, skills and interests with your organization’s needs today and in the future

─ Identify next steps and set goals for 30, 60, 90 day follow-up

─ Identify who will hold you accountable and how you will measure progress


Financial Planning Seminar – CPT105

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |½ day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Participants will be provided with tools for understanding: financial planning; preparing a financial plan; financial resources and benefits they have and determining financial needs; planning for retirement and estate planning and group and government benefits, various investment vehicles.

Course Content:

Need financial for planning, what are your goals?

Pillars of independence

Inflation, interest rates

Pensions - where do you stand?


Group plans, Private plans


Pension maximization and tax deferrals

RRSPs, converting RRSPs into retirement income

Reducing the tax bite

Powers of attorney, when and why it is used; pros and cons

Keeping your will updated

Taxes at death

Life insurance

Estate planning techniques

Gifting assets


Impact of Change/Managers – CPT108

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers responsible for employees in a downsizing organization |

Training Objectives:

Provide managers with the tools to manage the transition process and the stress involved.

Sensitize managers to employee needs.

Make managers more aware of the resources that are available to them.

Assist managers to effectively and sensitively communicate with employees and restore energy, morale and productivity in a downsized environment.

Course Content:

Gaining a better understanding of the situation and its impact on managers

How to manage the process through understanding of their role, acceptance and taking responsibility

Adapting techniques which will assist in communicating clearly in times of stress

Developing a plan of action by which to better manage the transition process, the stress in their lives, and be sensitized to employee needs and be aware of the resources available to them as managers

Help employees to become less dependent on the organization for security and their self-esteem


Impact of Change - Remaining Employees – CPT107

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Employees remaining in the organization after the downsizing and those affected by |

| |privatization / outsourcing |

Training Objectives:

Re-examine employee’s career objectives.

Evaluate their capacity to contribute to the new organization.

Examine the changing balance in their life activities.

Develop confidence to constructively solicit support and ask questions.

Create the basis for an action plan for their future.

Course Content:

Stress Management

Physiological and psychological aspects and symptoms

Building a basis for better managing the stress at work and in one’s personal life


Reasons for change and why we sometimes resist change

Identify, challenge and seek possible solutions to areas of change

Review what has happened, where is the organization going, job security, roles in the changing organization, new demands, and competence to contribute what will be expected in the future

Career Management

A review of careers and career options, including skills, interest, aptitudes and preferences

How to take charge of one’s career and develop career goals and plans of action

Explore ways to effectively seek and get feedback and constructively solicit support


Interview Techniques – CPT106

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This workshop will enable participants to become comfortable with the interview process by learning how to: prepare for the interview; determine the interviewer's agenda; answer questions effectively; overcome objections; plan what to do after the interview; evaluate the interview.

Course Content:

o Interview preparation: self-assessment; experience and accomplishments; introductory statement

o Interview planning - research

o Types of interviews

o Examples of interview questions and how to answer them effectively

o The 'difficult' interview questions

o Ending the interview and planning what to do after the interview


Job Search Techniques – CPT110

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To enable participants to launch a job search campaign with confidence.

Course Content:

Sources of information for job search

Functions of referral agencies

Practice using the telephone and informal interviewing

Networking interviews

Selection / Hiring interviews

Prepare letters and action plan

Managing the job search campaign


Planning Retirement Early – CPT112

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 to 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Individuals 40 years and younger who want to plan for their retirement and achieve a |

| |balanced lifestyle. |

Training Objectives:

This highly participative instructor-led program offers basic principles and practical tools to achieve financial security and a balanced life style.

The emphasis is placed on developing financial and life goals and an action plan.

Course Content:

Identify and address challenges they face in achieving financial security

Plan their financial futures

Examine their present lifestyle

Develop goals and an Action Plan

Fundamentals of Financial Planning

Basic Tax Planning

Fundamentals of Investing

Estate Planning

Perspectives on Retirement


Pre- Retirement Planning - CPT111

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Participants gain understanding of the implications of retirement on personal life, social life, recreation, work, estate and finances as a basis for retirement decision making.

Assessments of each participants’ preparedness for retirement.

Retirement goals and action plan of each participant for a successful retirement.

Course Content:

Retirement goals

Financial planning

Pension plans: understanding, benefits, when to retire, etc.

Lifestyle changes: activities in retirement, meeting needs currently satisfied by work communications between partners and other social needs

Legal estate planning

Health, ageing and well-being in retirement

Accommodation Planning


Starting Your Own Business – CPT109

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Individuals interested in starting a business |

Training Objectives:

Prepare a plan of action outlining the necessary steps to be taken for business start-up.

Equip participants with the necessary professional and practical information to start creating a formal business plan.

Put your business plan into motion and determine the kinds of professional assistance needed.

Course Content:

Evaluation of personal qualities, skills and expectations

Portrait of an entrepreneur, assess personal entrepreneurial potential

Pitfalls and advantages of owning your own business

Various types of business (existing & emerging), legal types of business

Expertise required (legal, financial, accounting, market research, etc.)

Analysis of business financing sources

Mission Statement

Business Plan format and building blocks

Product / service identification

Market research and analysis, establishing a market niche

Marketing Plan, Legal Structure, Operation Plan, Financial Plan

Insurance requirements

Resources / staffing and risk analysis

Decision making and creating a plan of action


Art of Networking – COMM103

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Understanding the role, value, importance and benefits of networking in building working relationships. Enhancing personal and professional aspects of one’s life through networking.

Course Content:

o What is networking and what are the benefits

o Knowing yourself

o Key steps in developing your network

o A description of your transferable skills

o How to prepare for a networking function

o Developing a mentoring relationship

o Using social media to maintain and build relationships

o Developing networking communication skills

o Networking traps to avoid

o Maintaining network relationships

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Participants will work individually, in groups and teams on several activities and then come together in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning.


Assertive Approach to Managing Conflict – COMM104

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 or 4 half days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Participants gain insight into their responses and behaviours, and learn methods to appropriately express thoughts, feelings and needs. Responsiveness to others is a key concept, while incorporating skills in approachability and active listening, to more from “win-lose” or “lose-lose” to “win-win”. Participants will learn enhanced teamwork, reduced need to complain, manipulate and backstab, reduced conflict, self-awareness of behavioural /communications styles.

Course Content:

This active, highly participatory program addresses the following through structured exercises, group discussion and positive feedback:

Passive, aggressive and assertive communication

“Approach” skills

Non-verbal communication, personal boundaries

Expressing anger appropriately

Limit setting

Coping with criticism

Making requests of others

Listening skills and validating

Conflict problem-solving

Negotiating scripts


Assertive Communication – COMM105

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Provide participants with: a recognition of what constitutes appropriate assertive behaviour; insight into their present ability to assert themselves and development and application of communication techniques for responsible assertiveness at work.

Course Content:

“How assertive am I?”

A self-assessment questionnaire on Assertive Communication Techniques

Modelling and practice in applying the principles and techniques to specific work related situations

What it means to behave


Aggressively and assertively

Recognizing the consequences of each of these behaviour


Building Confidence Through Assertiveness – COMM107

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |3 half days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Participants gain insight on the emphasis on providing a safe, comfortable, sharing environment where participants gently learn and incorporate new skills that allow them to deal with others with more confidence.

With basic assertive skills as the foundation, this 3-part workshop allows for individualized goal-setting, practice and feedback.

Course Content:

o This active, highly interactive program which addresses the following through structured exercises, group discussion and positive feedback and “homework”

Differentiation between passive, aggressive, assertive communication

Self esteem as it relates to communication

Non-verbal communication, personal boundaries

Conversation skills

Active listening

Open vs closed questions

Free information and self-disclosure

Initiating, ending and joining in

Responding to requests, saying no, setting limits

Communication technique: the DESC script


Business Writing – COMM108

|Language |English |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Provide participants with practical and easy-to-use tools and skills to write clear, concise and professional business memos, letters, reports and e-mail.

Course Content:

Elements of clear, concise and effective writing

8 rules to ensure clear and concise writing

Key similarities and differences between memos, letters and reports

Identify your preferred writing style and recognize the effect it has on producing memos, letters and reports

Create a desk-top work area that promotes productivity

Tips to aid concentration, reduce distractions and eliminate writer’s block

6 key strategies for meeting writing deadlines

10 key points to review before anyone reads your document

Simple-to-follow checklist to evaluate clarity and conciseness

Ways to effectively seek and get ongoing constructive feedback


Communicating Effectively – COMM111

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Supervisory to mid-management |

Training Objectives:

Using effective communication skills in moving an organization toward realizing its vision and mission. To inspire others to feel more confident about themselves, take action and realize their own personal goals and organizational goals

Course Content:

o Understanding the key components of communications

o Gaining respect and trust through communications

o Reviewing the 7 “C’s” of effective communications

o Conveying information easily and effectively

o Assessing personal communication skill levels

o Identifying barriers to communications so that they can be addressed

o Building self-esteem and assertiveness

o Moving forward when being criticized

o Delivering effective presentations

o Understanding the art of storytelling

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Several self-assessment tools are used to help participants focus on personal areas that could be improved. Participants will also work together in groups and teams and come together in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning.


Communication and Social Styles – COMM133

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

By using appropriate exercises, this training will enable the participant to:

Understanding people's reactions towards themselves

Understanding individuals that are different from themselves and to communicate and understand others better

To know how to anticipate people’s reactions and behaviours in various situations

Learning to identify in others their social style

Course Content:


The Trima model

The origin of the Trima model

Description of the model (different behaviours in different situations)

The evolution of the profile

Custom profiles (social style)

The profile of the group

Interpret my personal profile

My profile in relations to the group

How to identify the profile of the people I work with?

Anticipate behaviour in various situations in everyday life

Communicate and interact taking into account the cerebral preferences of my surroundings

Differences in language

What annoys the speaker

How to get along with others based on their profile

Communicating in another’s language

How to influence people different from us


Conducting Effective Meetings – COMM112

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Learning the skills necessary to facilitate, lead and manage meetings and/or group efforts to obtain results. Action on individual responsibility for results through group collaboration.

Course Content:

o Module 1

─ Evaluating Meeting Competency

• Group assessment

• Individual assessment

• Responsibility and accountability factors

• Characteristics of an effective group

• Define group collaboration

o Module 2

─ Planning to Facilitate or Attend a Meeting

• Steps to plan and prepare for the meeting (List key elements to consider)

• Basic tools for planning meetings, discussion groups and group processes

• Decide what type of meeting is appropriate to the situation ( Information dissemination, Situation analysis, Problem solving, Decision- making, Planning or Creative Problem solving.)

• The Meeting quiz (Describe how you would handle the situations/ Scenarios)

• The 7 P’s of Meetings (Purpose, People, Place, Planning meeting, Personal preparation, Participation, Post-Meeting follow-through)

• Planning to facilitate a meeting/ attend a meeting: Checklist

o Module 3

─ The responsible Chair/Facilitator

• Difference between a meeting chair and a facilitator?

• Setting group goals (Goal setting activity)

• Role, Skills and Attitudes required, Behaviors

• Techniques/Tools to Unite the group, Focus the group and Mobilize the group (Discussion and theory = Process versus Task oriented …)

• Listening skills (Exercise)

• Create open-ended questions (Exercise)

• The role of “I” statements (Theory and exercise)

• Dealing with difficult situations and or people (DESC model)

Conducting Effective Meetings – COMM112 (continued)

o Module 4

─ The Considerate Presenter

• Be prepared, Read Your Audience, Organize your thoughts, How to make use of the “Remaining Time”

• How to handle questions

• Know your strengths and weaknesses

• Tips for Success

o Module 5

─ The Effective Participant

• Your participation Style (Facts, Possibilities, Process, People)

• What makes an effective meeting participant? (Discuss = Flip)

• Group Dynamics and needs(exercise to bring forth characteristics and behaviors)

• Introduce Theory Harmful and Helpful behaviors (Discussion)

• Achieving consensus, tracking progress, summarizing and concluding


Conflict Management – COMM113

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To help participants understand that conflict is the normal outgrowth of the diversity that characterizes our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and perceptions and that each of us has the power over whether conflict becomes a negative or positive experience.

Course Content:

o Reviewing the factors leading to conflict

o Examining conflict management strategies

o Six ways to turn conflict into feuds

o Factors that affect conflict resolution

o Examining the positive aspects of conflict

o A new look at conflict

o Popular but ineffective approaches to conflict resolution

o Establishing conflict partnerships

o Ground rules for effective conflict resolution

o Examining the conditions that facilitate change

o Eight essential steps to conflict resolution

o Dealing with special situations

o Moving forward

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Several case studies and assessment tools are utilized to assist in the learning process. Participants will work in groups and teams and come together in plenary for open discussion, sharing and learning.


Conflict Resolution – COMM114

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To help participants understand that conflict is the normal outgrowth of the diversity that characterizes our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and perceptions and that each of us has the power over whether conflict becomes a negative or positive experience

Course Content:

o Reviewing the factors leading to conflict

o Examining conflict management strategies

o Six ways to turn conflict into feuds

o Factors that affect conflict resolution

o Examining the positive aspects of conflict

o A new look at conflict

o Popular but ineffective approaches to conflict resolution

o Establishing conflict partnerships

o Ground rules for effective conflict resolution

o Examining the conditions that facilitate change

o Eight essential steps to conflict resolution

o Dealing with special situations

o Moving forward

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Several case studies and assessment tools are utilized to assist in the learning process. Participants will work in groups and teams and come together in plenary for open discussion, sharing and learning.


Customer Relations – COMM116

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Give participants an opportunity to: determine the calibre of service they presently provide; identify ways in which they can enhance that service and acquire tools and skills to continue improving the service they offer.

Course Content:

Trends in customer service

Providing service within the organization: the case of the Internal Customer

External customers and their expectations

The link between internal and external customers

How to establish and maintain measurable customer service standards


Dealing with Difficult People – COMM117

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To be able to identify and understand different behaviors and attitudes in others and through that understanding develop tolerance, respect, acceptance and a meaningful working relationship

Course Content:

o Examining and identifying difficult behaviors

o Understanding Myers Briggs

o Your attitude is the key

o The value of Emotional Intelligence

o Understanding the impact of change

o How to most effectively interact with difficult people

o Getting beyond anger

o Win/win strategies

o Demonstrating effective interactive communication

o Moving forward


Dealing with Stress – COMM118

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Develop greater self-awareness and personal stress management abilities by: clarifying the personal meaning of stress; identifying personal sources of stress; becoming aware of personal coping strategies; developing new coping strategies; and developing a personal action plan. Explore the patterns and barriers that keep us from adapting to change. Move from being overwhelmed to being in charge, and establishing balance in our lives by using strengths and finding ways to enhance them.

Course Content:

o Definition of stress

o Source of stress

o Personal coping strategies to minimize stress

o Developing new coping strategies

Creating a personal action plan


Diversity – COMM135

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This interactive workshop will allow participants to become comfortable working with people from diverse backgrounds by learning how to: explore various elements of diversity and their impact on the workplace, recognize benefits and challenges of diversity, identify common types of misperceptions, analyze values of our own culture and other cultures, sidestep stereotypes, and create a respectful and inclusive workplace.

Course Content:

o Discuss diversity and its impact on the workplace

o Benefits and challenges

o The Canadian way, eh?

o The unwritten rules – How we do things here

o Where cultures clash - Expectations and assumptions

o Recognize cultural values, our own and others

o Generalizations versus stereotypes - Sidestep stereotypes

o Resolve real-life diversity scenarios with innovative and fair solutions

o The Platinum Rule – empathy versus sympathy

o Strategies to successfully create a respectful and inclusive workplace

o Personal commitment and action plan


Effective Presentation Skills – Train the Trainer – COMM119

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Assist participants in learning new techniques toward enhancing their presentation skills and capturing the audience’s attention. How to overcome fear and anxiety.

Course Content:

o Examining the key elements of an effective presentation

o How to deal with fear and anxiety

o The role of good communication

o Knowing the audience

o Planning, organizing and structuring the presentation

o Incorporating visual aids and handouts

o Five ways to kill a presentation

o Dealing with hostile questions

o Capturing the audience’s attention

o Tips on practicing the presentation

o Learning to “think on your feet”

o Tips for success

This is a highly participative workshop. Near the end of the workshop each participant will deliver a short impromptu speech and have it critiqued. Several self-assessment tools will be introduced to assist in the learning process and for future evaluations.


Emotional Intelligence at Work – COMM120

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To understand and explore the concept of emotional intelligence; to develop and enhance my ability to monitor my own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide my thinking and action, particularly as we live through change.

Course Content:

o Understanding change and its impact on relationships

o Fundamental competencies in partnership building and working with others

o A review of the key role emotional intelligence that plays in relationships

o Understanding personality differences and behaviors in self and others using MBTI

o The role of attitude

o Steps to managing anger

o Examining the key barriers to meaningful and sustained relationships

o Review of the seven basic elements that characterize most conflicts

o Dealing effectively with criticism

o Moving Forward

This is a highly participative workshop. Near the end of the workshop each participant will deliver a short impromptu speech and have it critiqued. Several self-assessment tools will be introduced to assist in the learning process and for future evaluations.


Exceptional Customer Service - COMM121

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 to 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Show the latest proven strategies and the understanding needed to use them effectively.

Course Content:

Ways to make a positive impact on your customers & within your organization

About valuing customers, handling complaints & creating "partnerships"

How to listen carefully, build rapport & establish trust

How to control your tone of voice

Proper body language

High-impact techniques for servicing the customer over the phone

How to defuse anger, solve problems & recovery skills

The basics of up selling & cross selling

How to develop a more supportive team attitude with your co-workers

How to identify new service opportunities for your organization

Why customers leave & 18 ways to get them to stay


Giving and Receiving Feedback - COMM122

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To understand the multiple dimensions of Feedback. To enhance your communication skills by learning proven feedback strategies and techniques. To listen, understand, and observe by using the DESC Communication Model.

Course Content:

o What is Feedback?

o Types of Feedback.

o How do we communicate?

o Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication.

o Tips – Giving Feedback

o Tips – Receiving Feedback.

o Rules – Dos and Don’ts

o DESC Model


Group/Meeting Facilitation - COMM123

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Learning the skills necessary to facilitate and manage meetings and / or group efforts to obtain results. Action on individual responsibility for results through group collaboration

Course Content:

o Deciding on what type of meeting is appropriate to the situation

─ Information Dissemination

• Situation analysis

• Problem solving

• Decision-making

• Planning

• Creating problem solving

o Meeting/discussion group planning and participant selection

─ Facilitation Skills

• Setting group goals

• Guiding without impairing participation

• Observation skills- verbal / non-verbal

• Intervention skills - behaviors which enhance or diminish

─ Participation

• Empowerment of participants

• Dealing with difficult situations / people

• Dynamics of groups and needs of group members

• Achieving consensus, tracking progress, summarizing and concluding

─ Sessions

• Assessing group success and characteristics

• Basic tools for planning meetings, discussion groups and group processes

o Exercises in facilitation techniques and group problem solving


Harassment awareness – Creating a Respectful Workplace - COMM134

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This course is designed to provide employees with information about workplace harassment. Problems arising from workplace harassment and other similar forms of discrimination can have a devastating impact upon the workplace. The costs associated with workplace harassment are extremely expensive, both in financial and human terms.

Course Content:

o Laws, Policies and Processes

o Psychology of Conflict

o Case Studies

o Applying the Information Learned


Healthy Conversation at Work - COMM101

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This session will explore various communication strategies and styles that help in workplace conversations.

Course Content:

o The session invites participants to pay particular attention to conversations and learn how to adjust or reframe their conversations with colleagues and managers to be more honest, open and helpful.

o It will also explore some of the barriers to communicating effectively and will challenge participants to increase their self-awareness and understand how they may be impacting others through their communication styles and patterns. The session will suggest some positive shifts in order to communicate more effectively.


Healthy Conversation at Work – For Managers - COMM102

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This session reviews the basic concepts introduced in the initial session, "Healthy Conversations at Work", where managers learned to pay particular attention to conversations with their employees.

Course Content:

o Managers will re-visit the skills used to adjust or reframe conversations which enable them to be more honest, open and helpful when speaking with employees.

o Participants will be invited to use practical everyday examples of “less than satisfactory” conversations with employees.

o Through a facilitative leader framework, participants will be challenged to use their observational skills (of self and of the other) more effectively and guide the conversations to be more helpful and effective.


Intercultural Communication – COMM136

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This interactive workshop will allow participants to become comfortable communicating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds by learning how to: identify elements of culture which affect intercultural interaction, recognize communication styles which contrast with our own culture, interpret messages sent in contrasting styles, recognize non-verbal cultural differences in voice, facial expression, gestures, spacing, and touch, identify and avoid typical intercultural misunderstandings and conflicts, and practice communication skills that are both effective and respectful.

Course Content:

o Discuss culture and its impact on the workplace

o Cultural dimensions and what they mean

o Different communication Styles

o The importance of context

o Nonverbal communication

o Avoid intercultural misunderstandings and conflicts

o The culturally sensitive interview, meeting and feedback process

o Strategies to effectively and respectfully communicate interculturally

o Mindfulness

o Personal commitment and action plan


Internal Consulting Skills – COMM126

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Existing or potential internal consultants |

Training Objectives:

Equip consultants or consulting teams with the necessary skills to work effectively and productively in a consulting capacity.

Course Content:

Consulting process

Roles of the consultant


Communication skills

Diagnostic and problem solving skills

Implementation skills

Consultative dilemmas


Interview Skills – COMM127

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |12 |

|Target Audience |Anyone looking to improve their interview skills, either from the perspective of the |

| |interviewer or the person being interviewed. |

Training Objectives:

To assist individuals that are preparing for an interview or considering a career change. The workshop will help them to better understand themselves, plan for the interview and be more confident in the interview

Course Content:

o Steps to career planning

o Knowing yourself

o Knowing the organization

o Understanding the importance of the Statement of Merit

o Understanding competencies and behavioral descriptors

o Preparing the resume and covering letter

o Examining different types of questions

o Understanding behavioral based interview questions

o Learning how to “answer” the questions

o Ways to succeed in an interview

o Examining the do’s and don’ts of an interview

o Practical interview skills

This course can be customized to suit either the interviewers or for people being interviewed.

This is a highly participative workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to work in groups and teams and then come together in a plenary session for open discussion, sharing and learning.


Negotiating Skills - COMM129

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Developing an understanding of the key elements and different types of negotiation and how they can be incorporated into a workplace environment. Understanding different negotiation styles and characteristics and how to move forward with each.

Course Content:

o Defining negotiations

o Examining the different types of negotiation

o The ten characteristics of a successful negotiator

o Demonstrating assertive versus aggressive behavior

o Understanding personality difference through MBTI

o The value of demonstrating emotional intelligence

o Six key components of influencing others

o Examining the three negotiation styles and characteristics and how to interact with each

o Strategies for moving forward

o Developing a negotiation action plan

This is a highly participative and interactive workshop. Several self assessment instruments are used to help in the identification and learning process. Participants will also have the opportunity to work in teams and groups on several case studies and then meet together in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning.

o Develop strategies and tactics

─ Facts and Assumptions

─ Various strategies and tactics

─ The choice of strategy

o Discussion

─ The essence of negotiation

• Opening

• The positions of departures

• Zone of agreement and discussion points

─ Communication

• Establish trust

• Language verbal / nonverbal

• The attitude / influence

─ Environmental factors

• Proposals and haggling

• Realism

• Do the right concessions

• Tactics and roles

• Techniques at the table


Negotiating Skills For Non-Specialists – COMM128

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 or 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct negotiations without this being their specialty or main activity.

For example:

─ Negotiate real estate leases

─ Negotiate the purchase of goods and services

─ Negotiate service agreements

─ Negotiate in everyday life

─ Set Dispute

Training Objectives:

o Learn how to prepare and conduct effective negotiations

─ Understand the steps of effective negotiation

─ Know and understand the different styles and approaches to negotiation

─ Be familiar with different strategies and tactics useful in negotiation and how to choose the right one

─ Know how to develop a plan and conduct a successful negotiation

─ Ability to communicate effectively in the process

Course Content:

o Negotiation

─ What is negotiation?

─ The basic conditions for effective negotiation

─ The main elements of a negotiation

─ The two main approaches (features, advantages and disadvantages)

o The negotiation process

─ Planning

• While identifying the situation and issues

➢ The purpose of the negotiation

➢ Background / Issues

➢ Consequences

• Know the stakeholders

➢ Strengths and weaknesses

➢ Needs / interests

➢ The individual trading styles

➢ Relationships / interdependence / power

• Define positions

➢ Defining its position

□ Targets / minimum acceptable

□ Priority Elements / negligible

Negotiating Skills For Non-Specialists – COMM128 (Continue)

➢ Anticipate the positions of the other parties

□ Objectives

□ Priorities

➢ Develop strategies and tactics

□ Facts and Assumptions

□ Various strategies and tactics

□ The choice of strategy

• Discussion

➢ The essence of negotiation

□ Opening

□ The positions of departures

□ Zone of agreement and discussion points

➢ Communication

□ Establish trust

□ Language verbal / nonverbal

□ Attitude / influence

➢ Environmental factors

□ Proposals and bargaining

➢ Realism

➢ Do the right concessions

➢ Tactics and roles

➢ Techniques at the table


Networking - COMM130

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

How to establish new contacts

How to overcome reluctance

How to create new opportunities

When, where and how to make and nurture contacts

How to manage your network

How to keep it up-to-date and productive

Course Content:

What is Networking?

o Benefits

o Self Concept

o Types

o What is the best use of my Time right now?

o Goal Setting

o Top Ten Tips


Oral Presentations - COMM131

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

─ Understand and overcome fear and anxiety

─ Present information logically

─ Remain concise yet dynamic

─ Evoke enthusiasm from audience

─ Be effective and productive

Course Content:

o Planning and organizing the presentation

o Preparing for the presentation

o How to practice your presentation

o Do’s and Don’ts of public speaking and presenting

o Dealing with fear and anxiety

o Communication process

o Body language

o Creating an effective environment

o Self evaluation


Presentation Skills - COMM132

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To develop effective technical and oral presentation skills

Course Content:

o Pre-Presentation Preparation

─ topic and delivery method selection

─ course/presentation title

─ gathering material/data/information

─ organizing data/information

─ sequencing information for presentation

─ opening, body and closing of presentation

─ condensing data/information for visual presentation

─ production of visuals for presentation

─ timing of presentation

─ generation of handout support materials (actual hands-on practice sessions)

o Delivery of Presentations

─ room and catering considerations

─ room set-up

─ audio-visual equipment - the new technology, LCD, panels, projectors

─ lighting

o Presentation Skills

─ operation of equipment and aids during presentation

─ conquering your fears and projecting confidence

─ presenting topics

─ tone and volume of voice, dress, body language

─ Neurolinguistic programming;

─ participant control

─ answering questions and what to do if you don't know the answer

─ trainer/program evaluation

─ reading the audience

─ humor - using it properly

─ pacing a session and breaks

─ use of handout material

─ capturing audience attention


Putting Your Words to Work - COMM109

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To provide some basic tools so that a manager can hold an effective performance dialogue with employees. This session provides an essential piece of the employee performance measurement process as it provides managers and supervisors with a number of experiences and concrete tools that they could use to provide performance feedback to employees.

Course Content:

o Identify the conditions that foster effective performance management through the use of feedback

o To describe principles and strategies for giving constructive performance feedback

o Identify and review the distinction between two types of feedback— evaluative and descriptive

o To provide opportunities to practice giving and receiving feedback

o To discuss common problems in giving effective performance feedback


Telephone Etiquette - COMM110

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General (Effective for Call Centre Environment) |

Training Objectives:

Examining client service competencies and service indicators that enhance client service and improve performance. Dealing with difficult clients in a respectful and productive manner.

Course Content:

o Examining the key client service indicators

o Telephone etiquette 101

o Effective interactive communications

o Examining difference communication styles

o The do’s and don’ts of effective communications

o Understanding the value of emotional intelligence in dealing with difficult behaviors

o Dealing with conflict

o The ground rules for effective conflict resolution

o How to calm emotional clients

o Tips for battling burnout

o Tips for handling telephone calls effectively

This is a highly interactive workshop. Several self-assessment tools will be used to assist in the understanding and learning process. Participants will work in teams and groups on several exercises and then come together in plenary for group discussion, sharing, input and learning


Coaching in the Workplace– LEAD109

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Define managerial coaching in relation to other workplace accompaniment roles

Course Content:

o Explain and apply elements of the six core coaching competencies

o Apply the GROW feedback model in support of brain research and effective coaching

o Understand the commonality between coaching the boss, colleagues and employees in a framework of managing progress and accountability


Creating a Culture of Collaboration – LEAD110

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1/2 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To have members of diverse teams collaborate to create the best service model and service delivery possible. Employees in both teams seek to improve the delivery of their services by creating a culture of cooperation focused on continual improvement, and support of each other.

Course Content:

o Ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and respected

o By establishing collaboration protocols

o Setting clear collaboration goals

o Developing a system of tracking to ensure everyone’s active participation

o Acknowledging and appreciating collaborative efforts and behaviors

o Taking time to have open dialogue on what is working/not working in the collaboration

o Ensuring that tools and processes are developed to facilitate the collaboration

o Committing to working through differences in a collaborative spirit

o Ensuring that everyone understands what is required to make this change and supporting them to move in this direction


High Performance Teams – LEAD112

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


Developing High Performance Teams through collaborative team building provides realistic experiences that empower individuals to contribute to common goals, identify roles and responsibilities, address interpersonal issues, understand conflict management styles, and establish work plans for improved business performance and outcomes.

Training Objectives:

o Provides participants with an opportunity to assess current team performance against the four key dimensions of a high performance team.

o Understand the factors that influence and accelerate the five stages of team development.

o Assess whether the team has a clear and coherent mission and set of objectives with a team member buy-in.

o Identify the roles and responsibilities of the Sponsor, Team Leader and Team member at the different stages of Team development.

o Help teams that are “stuck” and provide an assessment of conflict management styles.

o Address interpersonal issues impacting performance and develop a plan for strengthening relationships.

o Review different decision-making styles and provide tools to improve decision-making.

o Address meeting process to increase effectiveness.

o Establish work plans for improved business performance and outcomes.

Course Content:

Assess team performance feedback based on participating interview sessions.

o Evaluate the team’s status versus a High Performance Team model.

o Understand the stages of High Performance Team formation.

o Work collaboratively with others to complete a team project (open session).

o Provide a safe forum for tabling issues impacting team performance (intact teams).

o Review team objectives and address gaps, different understandings and any lack of clarity.

o Identify the roles and responsibilities within the team.

o Assess Team Behaviors and individual personality type preferences using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator – value the diversity.

o Identify conflict management styles and address how to use conflict productively by using Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode instrument.

o Demonstrate the use of planning tools to facilitate decision making and problem solving processes.

o Provide techniques and process improvement recommendations to increase effectiveness.

o Create work plan objectives for the team through a variety of exercises and feedback sessions.

o Achieve real teambuilding using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator – value the diversity.

o Demonstrate the use of planning tools to facilitate decision making and problem solving processes.

o Create work plan objectives for the team through a variety of exercises and feedback sessions.

o Achieve real teambuilding.


Inspire Confidence: The True Power of Influence – LEAD101

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

We are currently experiencing a crisis of confidence globally. People are less and less confidence in institutions and governments. Employees do not trust their leaders. Young people no longer listen to parents and teachers. Consumers are wary of companies and their advertising often "flashy."

This distrust creates a huge cost to our society and its institutions as well as increasing the cost of goods and services for the population.

In this context, the leader who becomes aware of the consequences of increased distrust will take action to adapt their behavior and stand by a credible leadership to its partners and collaborators.

This workshop will bring you awareness in the following ways:

─ Revealing and supportive theories

─ The salutary reflections

─ Enriching experience

─ Apply realistic and profitable plan

─ Rich exchanges

─ A respectful feedback

In conclusion, individual and team development that transforms people.

Training Objectives:

─ Realize the impact of the presence or absence of trust between team members

─ Understand the basics of credibility

─ Know and control behaviours that impact on trust that people carry us

─ Identify what to do to build credibility in the eyes of those around him

─ Understand the role of credibility in the exercise of leadership

─ Improve the image of the team from its customers and partners

Course Content: A 2 day workshop for leaders or 1 day for the general public

o Introduction

─ A crisis of confidence global

─ The concept of trust

─ Fact and Fiction of confidence

─ People in whom we trust

─ Gestures that inspire trust

o Trust

─ On what do we put our trust?

─ The impact of our actions on trust

─ Accelerators on confidence - "Moments of Truth"

─ The foundations of credibility

─ Examples of people who inspire confidence

─ Our attitudes when one is confident

─ The behaviors that inspire confidence

Inspire confidence: The True Power of Influence – LEAD101 (Continued)

o Building Trust

─ Credibility and leadership

• Benefits of credibility for a leader

• Lead by example

• Master the foundations of trust

• Signs in assessing credibility

• Scenarios daily: maintaining trusting relationships

• Restoring confidence shaken or broken

─ Establish /maintain credibility

• My personal experiences related to trust or distrust

• My significant relationships with who I want to be credible

• Self-diagnosis of my credibility

• Develop a trusting relationship with significant people

• Establish a "trust account"

• Provide more consistency in my management

o Allow confidence

• Portrait of people who we trust

• Who I trust?

• On what basis I place my trust?

• Gains and losses to trust

• Trust Smartly

• Actions that demonstrate that there is trust

o Organizational trust

─ Confidence in Management

• Confidence - profitability factor

• The impact of trust on organizational issues

• Signs that demonstrate trust or distrust

• Positive Stories trust in the organization

• How to develop trust through our structures, policies and systems

• The symbols of trust in the organization

• The level of confidence in our organization and its consequences

• Actions to take to increase the level of confidence

─ Confidence in Team

• The impact of trust or mistrust on team results

• The current level of trust among team members

• The costs and benefits of trust, specifically to our team

• Actions to take to increase the level of confidence

• The trust of our partners

➢ Where is it located?

➢ Causes and consequences of the current situation

➢ Feedback from our partners

➢ The customer confidence

─ Confidence in the clientele

• Logos and names that speak - Reputation

• The level of customer confidence and how to increase it!


Introduction to Coaching – LEAD108

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1/2 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Understand the role of coaching in the workplace and how it can facilitate change in others.

Course Content:

o Recognise core coaching skills and techniques

o Use some of the essential techniques and tools necessary for successful coaching

o Plan and structure a coaching session

o Overcome some typical coaching barriers

o Receive feedback on coaching


Leader’s DNA, Transforming Teams - LEAD102

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |5 Days (spread out over 4 to 6 months) |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


Spread over 4-6 months, the program will further reflection and learning transfer in the workplace by adding practical exercises where participants will be able to experience the concepts and tools learned in each block of the program.


The program focuses on experimentation and reflection on one's own behavior in leadership situations. A judicious choice of exercises will help everyone understand and qualify the theoretical aspects of the program.

Each participant will also receive customized profiles on:

─ His/her social style

─ Leadership style

─ Skills

The participant will also have the opportunity to measure different aspects of his leadership through several tests:

─ Listening Skills

─ Styles of conflict resolution

─ Profile decision making

─ Ability to coaching

─ The ability of my team

Training Objectives

Develop leaders capable of leading a team to higher levels:

─ Reflect on attitudes and behaviors leading

─ Understand the impact of leadership style on team members

─ Exercise situational leadership

─ Improve communication skills

─ Develop greater credibility with its employees and partners

─ Direct its team based on key organizational issues

─ Develop individuals and teams

─ Increase operational efficiency and that of his team


Leader’s DNA, The: Transforming Teams – LEAD102 (Continued)

Course Content:

 Several books have been written about leadership in all its forms. However, there is one point on which most experts agree: no matter the management style he prefers, the leader must adapt its ways to the situations and people around him if the manager/leader wants to have success. The model of social styles Trima now provides the manager with a framework that allows it to better diagnose and understand situations around him to exercise effective "situational leadership" and that, from the style of its own. This training will therefore use the Trima model as a backdrop to allow the learning relevant to the development of inspirational leadership. You'll get your custom profiles "social styles", the "Leadership Styles" profile and skills at this workshop.

The model below summarizes the key elements of the program and shows the essential aspects of a campaign leadership.


o Introduction Program

─ Objectives / content / flow / logistics

─ Approach to Training (informational vs. transformational)

─ Key organizational problems

─ The qualities of a leader

─ Defining Leadership

─ Power and leadership

─ The successful leader

o Trima model - A tool for situational leadership

• The Trima model of social styles

• The differences between individuals

• Anticipating reactions

➢ Priorities and security sources

➢ Needs and different language

• Environment favorites

• The influence of social styles on his way to work

─ The portrait of my team

─ Risk and opportunities for my team

o Leadership Styles

─ Characteristics of successful leaders

─ My leadership style

─ Manage to "Brain total"

─ Adapt your style to the context

o The powers of leader

─ My management skills

─ To develop my skills

─ The challenges of my leadership


Leader’s DNA, The: Transforming Teams – LEAD102 (Continued)


o Provide a clear vision

─ Develop an overview of his organization

─ Establish a strategic framework for the sector

─ Develop and communicate his vision of the future

─ Perform a profitable impact / align efforts

o Empower team members

─ Influence versus power

─ Giving meaning to work

─ Obtain buy

─ Awakening passions - nurturing the desire to perform

─ Clarify team values


o Making Informed Choices

─ Decide

─ Decision-making styles

─ Decision-making

─ Establish consensus

─ Learning from experience

─ Planning Challenges

─ Set realistic goals and incentives

─ Organizes work / monitor progress

─ The art of planning steps to success

─ Eliminate barriers to success

o Providing the means

─ Manage priorities

• The priorities for results

• Unsharing the important from the urgent need

• Clear guidelines

• Manage time

─ The risk

• Understanding the concept of business risk

• Identify / assess / manage risk

• Anticipating / seize opportunities

─ Optimize Results

• Innovate

➢ Fostering Innovation

➢ The Enabling Environment

➢ Transforming Creativity

─ Encouraging Innovation: A matter of survival

• Search for challenges versus meeting the challenges

• The work environment conducive to innovation

• Listen / stimulate / encourage innovation

• Transforming creative innovation

• Managing Change

Leader’s DNA, The: Transforming Teams – LEAD102 (Continued)

─ Improve processes

• The notion of processes and conditions for successful improvement

• Develop a strategy for process improvement

• Continuous improvement and value added

• Resolve


o Developing people

─ Oversee the performance / give feedback

─ Delegate / coach / accountability

─ Manage the talent

─ Building a Learning Organization

─ Consider the people

• Know your employees and their needs

• Triggers stress and motivation

• The art of recognizing achievements

• Support in difficulties

• Refine its approach

─ Communicate intelligently

o Create synergy

─ The foundations of a successful team and its evolution

─ Develop trust and a spirit of collaboration

─ Know your team and "coach" based on its strengths and weaknesses

─ Facilitate consensus

─ Managing Conflict


Leadership – LEAD103

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Examine a broad range of concepts, principles, characteristics and styles of leadership and their value and application to achieving results through people.

Examining how to build trust and respect with employees.

Course Content:

o The building blocks – the organizational mission, vision and values

o Learning through a personal leadership assessment

o Examining key leadership competencies and their behavioral descriptors

o The new work paradigm – managing a changing workplace

o Changing an organizations “way of being”

o Challenges for leaders in today’s environment

o Leadership and management – a comparison

o Adding value to the organization

o Making a difference through leadership

o Signs of impending deterioration of leadership

o Understanding personality differences

o The role of emotional intelligence in leadership

o Examining leadership styles

o Increasing employee involvement

o Being a change leader

o Managing conflict

o Taking care of yourself

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Several instruments will be used to help participants assess their own leadership skills and examine areas for improvement. Participants will work in teams and groups on several case studies to assist in understanding the key elements of leadership.


Leadership – The Building Blocks - LEAD104

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General (should have some prior supervisory or mid-management experience). |

Training Objectives:

Examining a broad range of concepts, principles, characteristics and styles of leadership and their value and application in achieving results through people

How to add value to the organization through leadership

Course Content:

o Examining the key elements of leadership

o Identifying leadership competencies that achieve organizational results

o Adding value to the organization through leadership

o Visioning the future – then developing the team

o Examining the relationship between management and leadership

o Considering the role of emotional intelligence

o Understanding self and personality differences

o Gaining an awareness of different leadership styles

o Enhancing change management skills

o Understanding the three phases of transition

o Building trust and respect

o Empowering employees

o Examining the value of effective communication skills

o The Seven habits of effective leaders (Covey)

This is a highly participative and interactive workshop. Several self-assessment tools will be used to assist in identifying personal leadership skills and areas for improvement. Participants will also work in teams and groups on several case studies and then come together in plenary for input, group discussion, and sharing.


Leadership for Team Leaders & Supervisors – LEAD105

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Provide participants with: a greater awareness of the abilities and traits essential to leaders, an opportunity to examine their working environment and explore changing paradigms; a better understanding of their own leadership style and its impact on their present ability to influence others; new skills to enhance their present leadership abilities and understanding team dynamics, team evolution and cohesion.

Course Content:

The new leadership paradigm

The evolution of management and leadership

Skills and traits of effective leaders

Self-assessment of leadership model

Identifying support and resources for the team

Obtaining team empowerment, terms of reference and mandate

The role of personal power and influence in leadership conflict resolution

Win-Win correction of performance problem

Negotiation skills as they apply to leadership in organizations


Manage Paradoxes: The Secret of Efficient and Incredible Leaders – LEAD107

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Professionals, leaders, managers and change agents |

Our managers are mostly becoming adept in solving everyday problems. However, they feel helpless about some chronic problems and difficult choices for their team and their organization. These problems often include competition between them interdependent elements, called polarity paradox or dilemmas. Include for example: Centralization and decentralization, stability and change, short term and long term, the individual and team, reduce costs and improve services, Action and reflection, customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction.

Research is inconclusive, leaders and organizations that manage polarities outperform. Indeed, managing complex situations inherent to our organizations has become an essential skill for the modern leader.

We offer a workshop to distinguish the polarity problems and address the past in order to achieve the balance necessary to optimize the underlying potential. You will experience a simple, inspiring and motivating way to approach these complex situations.

Training Objectives:

Understand and manage the dynamics of the paradoxes in its environment.

Know how to establish a clear and objective portrait of a complex situation

Know how to turn the tensions and contradictions to your advantage

Creating values through better management of the paradoxes inherent in its environment

Improve the cohesion of your team

Become a more complete and balanced manager

Course Content:

Introduction: The bipolarity in our organizations

Trends / complex challenges

Reactions of leaders and of the environment

The leader and problem-solving


Setting a polarity

The dynamics of a polarity

The tensions related to polarity and blindness "involuntary"

The portrait of a polarity

Origins and consequences of resistance to change

The dynamic thinking "One and the other one vs. one or the other"

Recognize polarities

Where do we find the polarity?

The great difficulties in our organizations

Distinguish problems and polarities

Manage Paradoxes: The Secret of Efficient and Incredible Leaders – LEAD107 (Continued)

Manage polarities

Identify / understand / evaluate / act

Understanding the dynamics of the environment

Mapping polarity (Goal, fears, pole impacts)

Evaluate its position

Anticipating skids

Plan strategy

Polarities and creating value

Four conflicting and interrelated strategies

Develop a creative balance of value

Polarities and development of leadership

My leadership style

My strengths and polarities

Avoid excess

The real situational leadership

Polarities and Conflict Management


The essence of true leadership

Manage polarities and priorities

Applications of the management of polarities


Responding to Employees Who Underperform – LEAD106

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Provide an understanding of how motivation drives behavior and how to use this knowledge in managing employees.

Course Content:

Highlight the importance of establishing a solid personal relationship with the employee that is focused on organizational goals

Offer theory and practical exercises aimed at helping integrate the principles of effective performance management, particularly when performance improvement is required

Provide a foundation in providing effective descriptive performance feedback to employees

Understand how to use the skills and capacities learned in coaching employees to improve their performance.

Learn how to engage in difficult conversations focused on unsatisfactory performance (that is not improving) and establish a performance agreement

Learn how to proceed in situations where disciplinary action is required

• management/supervisory


The Hard Work of Getting to the “Soft Stuff” – LEAD111

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

New insights into the brain and what this means in leading others.

Course Content:

o How we see leadership and leading is undergoing a radical shift as we gain insight into how the brain functions.

o Invite participants to challenge their thinking of the role of the leader by using recent research on how the brain “thinks”.

o New insights are emerging and this research points to a new way of thinking, a new way of listening, a new way of speaking, a new approach to every conversation, a leader has with their people.

o The basic premise is that the role of a leader is to help others improve their thinking and to help them develop insight.

o They improve their employees’ thinking – literally improving the way their brains process information – without telling anyone what to do.

o Given how many people in today’s companies are being paid to think, improving thinking is one of the fastest ways to improve performance.

o This session will outline some practical steps that leaders can take to facilitate this learning.

o With the assistance of some videos and interactive activities, participants will have a chance to apply what is being presented and challenge what is being presented.

Management/Supervisory – SECTION 4

An Effective Approach to Resolving Conflict- MNT/SU102

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Team members, team leaders, managers or anyone who is often in contact with people. |

Training Objectives:

Working within a team environment can have its advantages and disadvantages. Teams have been shown to produce far more than a single individual. The synergy and creativity that can be developed within a high performing team can be amazing. However, along with working closely with others comes the challenge of working and communicating effectively.

Emotional intelligence has been shown to be the single most important factor in an individual’s success. How well you do is largely dependent on how well you communicate, listen and interact with others. Similarly, Group Emotional Intelligence (the collective emotional intelligence within a group) has been linked to how productive and effective a team will be.

In any work environment, there is bound to be conflict. How well an individual or group handles this conflict will determine whether this conflict will propel you forward to uncharted territory or send you spinning downward in a destructive spiral.

Course Content:

Understand perceptual differences

Evaluate your own listening skills

Determine your most preferred method for communication and conflict resolution

Understand the importance of rapport building

Learn to recognize and avoid the most common causes of conflict

Discover methods and tools for dealing with conflict within a group scenario

Practice using the 5-step process for resolving conflict

Develop an action plan for developing your communication and conflict resolution skills


Appreciative Leadership Workshop – MNT/SU114

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

This is a workshop focused on developing an appreciative leadership approach in the workplace.

Course Content:

o To enhance awareness of your leadership gifts, success patterns and strengths.

o To practice appreciative coaching to uncover, validate and bring out the best of another person.

o To explore appreciative leadership: definitions, principles, practices and benefits.

o To reconnect with and reenergize to your leadership dreams.


Career Planning and Goal Setting – MNT/SU105

|Language |English, French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Enable the participants to set realistic and achievable career goals. Direct participants in setting up action plans to achieve their career objectives. Have participants assess their careers to date by identifying their preferences, skills, aptitudes, interests, abilities and traits.

Course Content:

Self-assessment - fitting work skills to work preferences

Patterns and trends in each participant’s education, training and employment history

Aptitudes, interests and preferences

Current and ideal balance among work, family, social, recreational and intellectual activities - quality of life

Aspects of their training and employment that are sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Limits on their career progress arising from lack of training, skills and experience

Characteristics of their ideal jobs (Roles)

Review of current availability and trends for jobs by occupational groups:

Review trends in availability of work through counselling, placement and recruiting firms

Review of institutions providing training, their course offerings, fees and entrance requirements

Examine the merits and limitations of full time, part time and casual training

Examine the process of registration for training

Mentoring - how one finds and develops a mentoring relationship

Distinguish among and understand the interdependence of: long and short term career goals; financial and income security goals; training and development goals and quality of life

Prepare an action plan consistent with ones needs and constraints

Identify specific objectives and time frames

Commit one’s self to implement the plan

Manage implementation of the plan

Review and evaluate results


Career Coaching Your Employees (CCE) – MNT/SU106

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Managers will be able to prepare and conduct an effective career development discussion with employee(s).

─ Describe your role as a career coach

─ Describe the roles and responsibilities of your employees for career development

─ Prepare for the career development discussion (job-aid)

─ Conduct the career development discussion

─ Set immediate and longer term career development objectives with your employees

─ Select appropriate tools and services to support career development activities

Course Content:

o What is a Career Coach?

o How do we manage career development?

o The benefits of career coaching

o Roles of the Manager, the Employee and the Human Resources professional

o The Barriers to career coaching

o Your own career development

o The career coaching process

─ Preparing for the career development discussion

─ Conducting the career development discussion

─ Coaching and communication skills

─ Providing support and feedback to your employees

o Case study or exercise(s)


Competency Based Training – MNT/SU108

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Federal Government managers and employees |

Training Objectives:

Assess personal and organizational skill requirements and capabilities within the new competency framework.

Course Content:

Treasury Board, PSC and Department or Agency competency profiles

A flexible work force with work assignments oriented more towards tasks, projects and activities than functions

What people do, and how well they do it, regardless of how these competencies were acquired.

Transferable skills or competencies - more important, to ‘getting the job done’ than technical knowledge

The future skill and competency requirements of your organization

Establish existing skill and competency profiles through the use of a customized questionnaire from which the ‘gaps’ between what exists and what is required are tabulated and ranked

Identify competency needs

Both the quality of product and that the human resource needs of the organization are met

The issues and promote the skills and attitude helpful to building a unified culture throughout competency-based training program

The values and ethics required of greater consumer orientation as each of the different required skills or competencies is addressed


Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU101

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |5 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

o Know how to facilitate working groups work when challenged and / or to resolve problems

o To develop tools to better facilitate these teams

o Bring your organization to innovate more

o Improve your facilitation skills / facilitation

o Being recognized as a creative facilitator

o Adapt interventions to the target groups and challenges

Course Content:

o Introduction

─ Innovation: A matter of survival

─ The need and context of group facilitation

o The group facilitator

─ The qualities and characteristics of the host

─ The learning needs and styles of learning

─ The learning styles

─ Communication

o The consultation process

─ The role of the consultant

─ The process steps

o The development of creativity

─ Define imagination, creativity and innovation

─ Different forms of creative intelligence and how to develop

─ The blockages to creativity and how to get around

─ The behaviors that foster creativity

─ The secrets of creative geniuses

• The creative genius innate or supported by technical?

• Some technical creative geniuses

• Make new combinations: The essence of creativity

• Look at things differently

o The management of creativity and innovation

─ Unleashing Creativity

─ The enabling environment

─ Organizational brakes

─ The Leader of Innovation


Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU101 (Continued)

o The innovation process and its tools

─ The process steps

─ The rules of effective thinking: Divergence and Convergence

─ Tools to diverge and converge

─ Use the right tools

─ Tips on animating


Four Generations– Four Approaches to work – MNT/SU117

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |½ Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

This interactive workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to explore generational diversity in the workplace, and to learn to: develop an appreciation for the different generational cultures, worldviews and core values, understand the impact on communication and organizational performance, recognize shared values, and identify strategies for managing generational differences to maximize unique generational contributions.

Course Content:

o Generational breakdown of the Canadian workforce

o Generational Diversity: A deeper look at each generation

o Different generational cultures, worldviews and core values

o Intergenerational influences

o Implications

o Impact on communication and organizational performance

o Shared values

o Resolve real-life scenarios with innovative solutions

o Strategies for managing generational differences to maximize unique generational contributions

o Personal commitment and action plan


From Creativity to Innovation: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Its Organization – Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU111

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 (can be customized workshop to accommodate individual organization and/or team needs).|

|Target Audience |Managers and Leaders of all levels |


Everywhere we talk about the need to innovate for our organizations. Easier said than done! Where to start? From over 20 years of research and work with international experts, the host has developed an approach to maximize the creative potential of teams. Besides being very practical, lively and participatory, this workshop presents the results of several serious research and numerous application examples.

Training Objectives:

How to understand an individual’s creativity

Discover the secrets of innovative organizations

Explore management practices that foster innovation

Understanding the use and application of tools for creativity in the pursuit of innovation

Know transforming its organization to make innovative

Course Content:

The Innovative Organization

What is creativity and where does it come from?

The difference between creativity and innovation

The need for innovation

Study "IBM Global CEO study"

The strategies of the past and the future

Examples of success

Three components to transform creativity into innovation

Creativity and Personal Development

Creativity accessible to all

The characteristics of a creative person

Creativity and intelligence

2 types of thinking / 2 types of jurisdiction

The secrets of creative geniuses

DNA Innovator: The behaviours that lead to creativity

The personal qualities of the innovator

Support the development of innovation skills

From Creativity to Innovation: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Its Organization – Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU111 (Continued)

Transforming the Creativity and the Innovation

Create winning conditions

Where and how to innovate?

Different stimulants

Potential actors

Clients and Innovation

The ability to innovate: Five essential conditions

A culture of innovation

The three pillars of an innovative organization


The creative skills

Expertise and knowledge

The motivation for the task

The work environment


The team

Management practices

Leadership Innovation

A shared vision

The innovation strategy

Structure and Process

Develop a Strategy for Innovation

Implement pillars: Four large blocks of decision and action

The guidelines

Roles and responsibilities

Support mechanisms

Monitoring mechanisms

Some considerations in the innovation strategy

• Governance

• Principles of Management

• Adaptation of existing processes

• Allocation of resources

• The stimulation activities and exchange

• Talent Management: Attracting, developing and retaining talent

• The management ideas

• Communication / mobilization

• Understand our organizational barriers to innovation and eliminate them

From Creativity to Innovation: Harnessing the Creative Potential of Its Organization – Facilitate Innovation – MNT/SU111 (Continued)

Tools of Creativity

Facing the challenges with a creative process

Measuring out divergence and convergence

Ask the right questions / identifying issues

The role and deployment of creative tools

The conditions for successful ideation sessions

Must have tools


The coming decades

The challenges of innovation in our organizations



Gyroscope: The Impact of Your Decisions on Human Performance – MNT/SU110

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 (can be customized workshop to accommodate individual organization and/or team needs).|

|Target Audience |Managers and Leaders of all levels |

Training Objectives:

o Be aware of the major impact of the manager's actions in times of turbulence and change

o Understanding human dynamics in organizations and assess the impact of decisions on it

o Understanding and anticipating the reactions of employees at the actions and decisions of the manager

o Improve its own ability to increase productivity while considering the human aspect

Course Content:


In teams of 3 to 6 people and through a simulation, participants will have to take various decisions that impact human performance of a fictitious organization. After each of the three parts of the simulation, they can see the impact of their actions on the various components of human performance:

o Their leadership and energy level

o Employees

─ The level of influence

─ The level of risk-taking

─ The energy level

─ The quality of work life

─ Confidence in the leader


o Back to the simulation / analysis of our performance

o What influences human performance

o Discussion in small groups

─ Follow-up of actions

─ The effects of the manager’s behavior

PART 3: MY ORGANIZATION’S DEVELOPMENT (for training 1 ½ to 2 days)

o Diagnosis of my organization (the face of human performance)

o Major causes of the current situation

o Upcoming events that will affect individuals

o The fragile factor

o Potential Actions / Action Plan


Leading Through Change – MNT/SU113

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

This workshop will increase your personal and social competencies as a leader. It will provide managers and supervisors with a number of experiences and concrete tools that they could use as they lead others through change. This workshop is meant as a complement to any organizational change process undertaken in the workplace in that it provides basic managerial skills to effectively lead others by focusing on the personal and social competencies required of a manager as they guide others through a change.

Course Content:

o Identify personal and social competencies that facilitate my capacity to lead through change.

o Enhance my personal and social competencies through exercises and tools so that I could respond to changes more constructively

o Create an individual possibility statement that will act as a guidepost for leading others through change.


Leading Through Resistance– MNT/SU116

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

This workshop is designed for people interested in learning how to become an effective facilitator in order to facilitate small and large group meetings and events effectively. The goal of this workshop is to develop the necessary skills and techniques to be an effective facilitator. Topics include how people learn, the role of the facilitator, and tools and techniques for designing and facilitating participatory lessons. Additional topics such as assessment and evaluation, cross-cultural facilitation, conflict resolution, and working with a facilitation team will also be explored. The workshop will incorporate various training materials and resources of the International Association of Facilitator’s into the training sessions.

Course Content:

o To distinguish between a reaction to change and a resistance to change

o To develop effective managerial skills in front of resistance

o To use resistance as a building block for employee engagement


Strategic Thinking and Planning – MNT/SU109

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To develop, strengthen and encourage strategic thinking and understand factors that build strategic alliances and partnerships:

Know why a Strategic Plan is necessary.

Learn the key steps in leading a strategic plan preparation.

Understand how and why to use expert resource (internal and external).

Understand the importance of individual and team effort in strategic planning

Learn how to set realistic, achievable goals in building a strategic plan.

Develop performance indicators.

Apply Results Based Management (RBM) in monitoring performance.

Course Content:

Develop vision, mission, strategic objectives

Conduct SWOT Analysis: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

Conduct Stakeholder Analysis (internal, external)

Identify strategic issues and strategies

Determine current objectives

Understand Results Based Management (RBM) concept and apply performance measurements


Strategies to Help People During Transition and Change – MNT/SU115

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

People have different needs at different stages of transition. This workshop will help you develop strategies that are responsive to people’s needs at each stage of transition.

Course Content:

o During transition, doing the right thing at the right time can make all the difference to the success of your plans.

o How to communicate a change, built commitment for a change, anchor a change or renew your team, department or unit after a change.

o Learn about the two stages to developing and implementing successful transition strategies.


Team Building – MNT/SU103

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Use the social styles model Trima and lay a foundation for a better team by allowing them to:

─ Understanding and dealing with the diversity within their team

─ Better interact and get along with their team members

─ Develop trust and collaboration among team members

─ Better perform individually and collectively

Course Content:

1. The team and its members

o The social styles

─ Diversity sources of complementarities

─ The five social styles

─ Main differences between styles / each person is unique

─ Get to know your teammates to better understanding them

o The successful team

─ Video: "Building a Team"

─ The four dimensions of successful teams

─ The profile of the team: challenges and sources of opportunity

─ The influence of social styles in the work of the team

─ Accountability

─ The development team

o The normal stages of evolution of a team

o Accelerate the development team / become a real team

2. The team at work

o Decision-making

─ The impact of the decision making style

─ Consensus building

─ Useful to achieve consensus behaviors

─ The decision-making process

o The team’s roles

─ Various approaches to work / problems

─ Roles relevant to task

─ Relational Roles

─ The complementary roles

o Performer

─ My role / contribution in my team

─ Plan and execute tasks cohesively

─ Optimizing Outcomes

Team Building – MNT/SU103 (Continued)

o The team’s communication

─ Communicate intelligently

• language differences

• Communicate to understand

• Giving and receiving feedback

─ Listening

• The reality of listening

• The dimensions of active listening

• My listening skills

o The Leadership Team

─ Different forms of leadership

─ Sharing leadership

─ The exercise of my leadership

3. Relationships in the team

o Getting along

─ Respecting Differences

• Understanding different ways of acting and the needs of others

• Dealing with different ways of seeing / different priorities

─ Establish a positive climate

• Collaboration

• The impact of trust

• Establish a climate of trust and collaboration

o Conflict

─ The basis for improved relations

─ Attitudes in conflict resolution

─ Benefits / adverse effects

─ Differences in perception

─ Prevent / resolve conflicts through collaboration

─ Matrix diagnosis/finding solutions to real causes

Professional and Personal Development – SECTION 5

Adapting to Change – Change Management - PPD104

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 or 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To understand and apply key change principles to the workplace. Understanding the three phases of transition and how to move forward in each.

Course Content:

o Understanding the stages, impact, personality differences, common reactions and emotions in situation of change and transition.

o Gaining a better understanding of personality differences and integrating this into the change management process.

o Identifying and discussing employees personal reactions related to change and turning it into a positive experience.

o Learning strategies for coping with change and developing “change hardiness”

o Identifying self-management and personal leadership strategies for working in uncertain and constantly changing environments.

o Understanding the need and process for receiving management support during change and transition

o Dealing with change cheers, fears and unclear.

o Developing a change action plan.

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Several self-evaluation tools will be used to assist in the learning process. Participants will also work in teams and groups on several change management exercises and then come together in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning.

Professional and Personal Development

Advanced Facilitation – PPD101

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Gain skills in facilitating teams and work groups to achieve their objectives based on a foundation of basic facilitation skills including: understanding the role of the facilitator; questioning techniques; use of flip chart; sorting, organizing and summarizing and seeking consensus and closure.

Course Content:

Refresher of basic facilitation skills

Understanding team and group development

Active listening and mirroring

Giving feedback

Dealing with conflict and interpersonal differences

Defining the problem

The problem solving process

Win-win, win-lose, lose-lose

Building an action plan

Mini-lectures, reading, videos, problem-solving tools, conflict styles, FIRO-B or other self-evaluation instruments, all participants will practice facilitating, will be taped and provided with immediate feedback

This workshop incorporates problem solving; conflict resolution, consensus building and advanced facilitation practice depending on length of course and background of participants.

Professional and Personal Development

Animation of Meetings – PPD102

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

─ To enable participants to identify and tame the anticipated difficulties in conducting an assembly

─ Develop communication skills

─ Know how to prepare and organize a meeting

─ Reacting to events and disruptive behavior

Course Content:

o Meetings

─ Anticipated difficulties and problems encountered

─ Meeting Types - Particulars and conditions for success

─ The overall role of the facilitator

o The preparation of the meeting

─ Basic questions

─ The need for the meeting - Alternatives

─ Selection of participants – How to recognize them!

─ Develop an agenda

─ To do list

o Animating a meeting

─ The behavior of the facilitator

• The different roles of the facilitator

• Types of facilitator to not imitate

• Common behavioral errors Facilitator

─ Manage disruptive behavior and events

─ Communication during the meeting

• Disturbances

• Vocabulary to ban

• Handle objections

• Stimulate discussion / encourage participation

o The follow-up of a meeting

─ The minutes / log execution

─ Monitoring actions

─ Evaluation of the meeting

Professional and Personal Development

Bringing Balance to Life – PPD105

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

As life becomes more complicated, with new demands added daily, employees have to learn to be as creative and flexible as possible, to better manage themselves and bring balance to life.

Course Content:

o This seminar helps participants examine:

─ Old patterns that don’t work

─ Find new alternatives that will work

─ Making “choices” out of “have to’s”

─ Proposed method to prioritize demands

─ Manage your time

─ What is important

Throughout the seminar, the facilitator and participants will share tips and ideas.

Professional and Personal Development

Developing Your Capacity to Anticipate – PPD121

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

o Learn to act rather than react

o Learn to read and understand its environment

o Learn to better anticipate the market and events

o Ability to use its distinctive strengths to meet the trends

Course Content:

o Introduction

─ Agility; The basis for success

─ Anticipate and "timing"

─ Intuition and anticipation

o Understanding the Context

─ Customers and markets

─ What the customer really buys

─ The concept of tasks

─ The universal needs

─ Our organization

─ Our distinctive strengths / our vulnerabilities

─ The problems experienced / issues

─ Information sources

─ The environment

─ Stakeholders

─ The current and potential competition

─ The effect of the balance

o Strategies and tools to advance

─ Behaviors to better "see"

─ Challenging / think in terms of possibilities

─ Understanding the warning signs / evolving signals

─ Collect / information segments

─ Use stakeholders

─ Evaluate opportunities / develop scenarios

─ Some tools

o Stand out

─ Targeting the right customers with the right products

─ See the usefulness of technology to better meet the needs

─ Develop an agile organization to adapt quickly

─ Anticipate problems before they occur

─ Decisions and accept errors / learn from experience

Professional and Personal Development

Developing Your Creativity: Wake Up the Creative Genius In You- PPD122

| | |

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


An extensive IBM study published in 2012 puts creativity at the top qualities of the leader today and concludes with the need to innovate to survive in an economy increasingly competitive, hence the importance of developing this skill throughout our organizations. During the last twenty years, the facilitator has studied and worked with international experts to better understand the development of creativity. He will share his thoughts with the participants of this workshop to help them maximize their creative potential and thus ensure their place in a labor market increasingly demanding. A practical workshop, interactive and dynamic, where everyone will come out with ready to use tools.

Training Objectives:

─ Learn to look and think differently;

─ Explore the behavior of creative people;

─ Discover the secrets of creative genius;

─ Understanding and experience some creativity tools;

─ Develop your personal creativity.

Course Content:

Creativity and Development

o Creativity and creative person

─ Define imagination, creativity and innovation

─ Different forms of creative intelligence and how to develop them

─ Personal qualities of creative people

o Optimize your creative potential

─ The mental process of creativity

─ The blockages to creativity and how to get around

─ The secrets of creative geniuses

• The creative genius: innate or supported by techniques?

• Some techniques from creative geniuses

• Make new combinations: The essence of creativity

• See differently

─ The behaviors that foster creativity

Developing Your Creativity: Wake Up the Creative Genius In You – PPD122 (continued)

Creativity and Tools

o The creative process of problem solving

─ Ask the right questions / identifying issues

─ Divergence and Convergence: two distinct needs for innovation

─ The rules of divergence

─ The conditions for successful ideation sessions

o Tools / Techniques

─ Brainstorming and brain writing

─ Visual techniques

─ Multiple perspectives

─ Fantasy

─ Analogies and Metaphors

─ Technical Association

─ Provocative techniques

─ Convergent techniques


o Several reasons to cultivate creative abilities

o Additional exercises to develop and take advantage of your creativity

o Personal Action Plan

Professional and Personal Development

Effective Team Development – PPD106

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |12 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Examining how to use the team concept toward achieving personal and organizational success. Using teamwork toward developing a sense of ownership, empowerment, personal pride, camaraderie, belonging, challenges and job satisfaction.

Course Content:

o Using organizational values as team building blocks

o Examining the key elements of teams

o Building relationships through understanding personality differences

o Emotional intelligence and the role it plays in building relationships

o The role of attitude

o Understanding the value of competencies and behavioral descriptors

o The five dysfunctions of a team (Lencioni)

o Developing an action plan for success

o Building fun into the process a team activity

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. Participants will work in groups and teams on several exercises and then come together in plenary for group discussion, sharing, input and learning. Several assessment instruments are used to enhance the understanding and learning process.

Professional and Personal Development

Evaluating Performance – PPD120

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |10 (varies with specific audiences) |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors in leadership positions |

Training Objectives:

Provide participants with a systematic step-by-step process for conducting appraisals that reduce defensiveness and conflict while increasing quality and productivity.

Course Content:

Identify why managers and employees dread performance appraisals

Demystify the process for employees and make the process power tools for managers

Review performance appraisal options

Discuss universal techniques and principles for effective management

Define performance factors and standards using actual case studies

Create an “Employee Development Plan” through the appraisal process

Write an appraisal

Prepare for an appraisal meeting

Building a productive atmosphere

A performance appraisal plan with ongoing coaching and counselling throughout the year

Techniques on productive communication and defusing defensiveness

Professional and Personal Development

Group Consensus Building – PPD109

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Gain skills in facilitating and participating in teams and groups to reach consensus within work units and across work units.

Course Content:

Definition of consensus

Establishing norms

Using “I” and DESC language

Facilitator role/differences in facilitating own work group or crossing work groups

Identify current situation/issues

Finding common ground

Move to win-win


Professional and Personal Development

Innovating In The Public Service: Fiction or Reality – PPD123

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


Everywhere we talk about the need to innovate for our organizations. The market forces companies to innovate, but what about our public organizations? Is it possible to innovate in the public service, and if so, how? Besides being very practical, lively and participatory, this workshop represents the results of several serious research and numerous application examples. The facilitator has developed an approach to maximize the creative potential of teams and will pursue this discussion with the participants in the context of the public service.

Training Objectives:

─ To understand individuals’ creativity

─ Discover the secrets of innovative organizations

─ Consider innovation in the context of the public service

─ Explore management practices that foster innovation

─ Understanding the use and application of tools for creativity in the pursuit of innovation

─ Know how to use the internal skills and structure its organization to innovate

Course Content:

o Innovation in the Public Service: Possibility or Necessity?

─ The reality of public service

─ The features, myths and challenges of public service

─ Organizational culture: The benefits and misfortunes

─ The opportunity to become a model of public management

o The Innovative Organization

─ What is creativity and where does it come from?

─ Difference between creativity and innovation

─ The need and applications of innovation in the public service

─ The strategies of the past and the future

─ Examples of success

─ Three components to transform creativity into innovation

o Developing Creative Skills

─ Creativity accessible to all

─ The characteristics of a creative person

─ Creativity and intelligence

─ 2 types of thinking / 2 types of jurisdiction

─ The secrets of creative geniuses

─ DNA Innovator: The behaviors that lead to creativity

─ The personal qualities of the innovator

─ Support the development of innovation skills

Innovating In The Public Service: Fiction or Reality – PPD123 (Continued)

o Transforming the creativity to innovation

─ Create winning conditions

• Where and how to innovate?

• Different stimulants

• Potential actors

• Clients and Innovation

• The ability to innovate: Five essential conditions

• A culture of innovation

─ The three pillars of an innovative organization

• Individuals

➢ The creative skills

➢ Expertise and knowledge

➢ The motivation for the task

• The work environment

➢ Resource

➢ The team

➢ Management practices

• The leadership of innovation

➢ A shared vision

➢ The strategy of innovation

➢ Structure and Process

o Develop a strategy for innovation

─ Implement pillars: Four large blocks of decision and action

• The guidelines

• Roles and responsibilities

• Support mechanisms

• Monitoring mechanisms

─ Some considerations in the innovation strategy

• Governance

• Principles of Management

• Adaptation of existing processes

• Allocation of resources

• The stimulation activities and exchange

• Talent Management: Attracting, developing and retaining talent

• The management ideas

• Communication / mobilization

• Understand our organizational barriers to innovation and eliminate

o Tools of creativity

─ Meeting the challenges with a creative process

─ Measuring out divergence and convergence

─ Ask the right questions / identifying issues

─ The role and deployment of creative tools

─ The conditions for successful ideation sessions

─ Must-tools

o Conclusion

─ The coming decades

─ The challenges of innovation in our public organizations

Professional and Personal Development

Managing Priorities (with In-Basket-Exercises) – PPD103

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |


Imagine that when you arrive at the office the president asks you to replace the victim of a heart attack vice-president. Her basket of mail overflows. But you have a plane to catch, leaving you little time to perform these various tasks. Will you succeed?

The one-day workshop includes an exercise of about 2 ½ hours “basket correspondence "(In-Basket). The second part of the workshop includes a return to the exercise to deepened management of priorities.

Training Objectives

Master the art of managing priorities

Learn to work under pressure

Improve your ability to make decisions

Develop your ability to analyze, assess and resolve problems quickly

Know how to delegate properly

Course Content:

Exercise of correspondence (In-basket)

Manage priorities

Assessing priorities

Urgency and importance

The organizational priorities: The Strategic Framework


The delegation for managers

The role and importance

When, how and why

The steps

Empower: A RICH model

12 Decision making

Types and Characteristics

The decision process

Professional Trends

Professional and Personal Development

Performance Management – PPD111

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General (Participants should have some supervisory or mid-management experience.) |

Training Objectives:

How to develop a systematic, data oriented approach to managing people at work that relies on positive reinforcement as the major way to maximizing performance.

Identifying essential job functions relevant to the mission, vision and values of the organization and developing realistic and appropriate performance standards.

Course Content:

o What is performance management

o Organizational/Employee value of performance management

o Adding value to the organization

o Behavior versus results

o The ABD model of behavior change

o The basic reasons why people do not do what we want them to do

o Increasing the frequency of positive behavior through positive reinforcement

o Developing ongoing and key commitments

o Guidelines for giving constructive feedback

o Preparing the performance planning and reporting document

o Delivering the performance evaluation

o Opening the lines of communication

o Guidelines for correcting unwanted behavior

o This is a highly interactive workshop. Participants will work in teams and groups on several activities and then meet in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning

This is a highly interactive workshop. Participants will work in teams and groups on several activities and then meet in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning

Professional and Personal Development

Preparing for an Appointment Process – PPD112

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General (Participants should have some supervisory or mid-management experience.) |

Training Objectives:

Provides participants with tips, tools and techniques essential to effectively prepare for the appointment process, in particular within the Federal Government. The workshop will address key areas to focus on when applying to an appointment process and preparing for the interview.

Course Content:

o Overview of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA)

o Overview of the Statement of Merit (S of M)

Key Elements:

o Knowing Yourself

o Knowing the Organization

o Letter of Introduction

o The Resume

o Follow-up

o Preparing for the Interview

The workshop can be customized to meet specific client needs.

Professional and Personal Development

Problem Solving & Solution Building – PPD113

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To understand and apply the problem solving process to any workplace problem and to build solution.

Course Content:

Basic facilitation skills or refresher depending on background of participants

Multi-voting technique

Nominal group technique

Common problem solving pitfalls

Defining the problem

Analyzing potential causes – the why technique/ fishbone diagram

Identifying solutions

Selecting the best solution

Developing an Action Plan

Implementing solutions and evaluating progress


Mini-lectures, reading, problem solving tools including; brainstorming, cause and effect diagram, SWOT

All participants will practice using different problem solving tools, facilitating a group to solve a problem, and receive feedback

Note: More advanced workshops would include more problem solving tools such as: force-field analysis, matrix diagram, criteria rating form instruments.

Professional and Personal Development

Process Improvements – PPD124

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General - Staff responsible for improving a process (es) |

Training Objectives:

Experience the concept of process improvement

Learn a structured process improvement approach

Understand the methodology and conditions for success

Know and understand the tools available to optimize a process

While identifying the roles and responsibilities of such a move

Course Content:


Objectives / Content

Exercise icebreaker "improve"

The concept of process

What is a process?

Process improvement

Why improve processes

The objectives of process improvement

The strategy process improvement

Prioritize (criteria)

Roles & Responsibilities

Improvement plan

The conditions for success

Process improvement and continuous improvement

Manufacturing golf balls (simulation of the improvement of a process)

A structured improvement of a process approach


Define process (diagram)

Customers Process

Analyze business process




Update Process

Initiate an effort for continuous process improvement

Professional and Personal Development

Profitable Innovation: Focus on the Innovation Effort - PPD125

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Understanding the phenomenon of market innovation

Know innovate in response to a need

Understand the basics to target a market for an innovative product

Organizing to achieve a breakthrough in a market

Course Content:


Why good companies stumble

The challenges of innovation

Clients and markets

What the customer really buys

The concept of tasks

3 types of tasks

The universal needs

The context of use

The product function: Support the tasks

The purchasing criteria and their evolution

Disruptive Innovation or building

Differences and features

Disruptive Innovation

Myths about disruptive innovation

Theories Christensen

Technological challenge or marketing

The potential for new products

Priority product attributes for different markets

5 revealing principles

Harnessing markets

Different starting points of innovation

Innovation and competition

Existing Vs Emerging Markets

Dominant / small market

Strategic Innovation

The innovative organization

The 3 pillars

Organizational Competence and Innovation

The innovation strategy

Leader or Follower?

Target efforts

Use distinctive competencies / technology

Sales Cannibalization

Keep his place while taking a new place

Learning Plan Vs implementation plan

Professional and Personal Development

Self as an Instrument of Change – PPD108

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |½ Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

The objective of this session is to help us understand that the most powerful instrument we have in helping others navigate change is ourselves. Our ability to use ourselves potently relies in large part on the level of awareness we have about the impact we have on others, and our ability to make choices to direct and modify that impact.

Course Content:

Customized to clients requirements.

Professional and Personal Development

Stress Management – PPD114

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

To help participants identify stress in the workplace or in their own personal experiences.

To understand the impact that it has on one’s health and effective steps for reducing it.

Course Content:

o What is stress

o Understanding personality differences

o Knowing yourself

o Steps for effectively reducing stress

o Conducting a stress analysis

o Asserting your rights

o Learning to say “no”

o Looking after your health

o Turning your day into laughter, fun and play

o Moving forward

This is a highly participative workshop. Several assessment tools will be use to help participants better understand stress and how to measure stress within the workplace. There will be group and team activity followed by plenary sessions for group discussion, sharing and learning.

Professional and Personal Development

Time/Stress Management for Professionals – PPD116

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Management |

Training Objectives:

Provide participants with: an understanding of stress, its physiological and psychological aspects; ways to identify the sources of stress; basis for better managing stress and fundamentals of priority setting & workload planning and use of various techniques.

Course Content:

Develop a plan of action

To better manage stress in their lives

Apply time management principles

Use delegation techniques

Professional and Personal Development

Time Management - Working Smarter Not Harder– PPD117

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

Examining the key factors that influence workload management and steps toward improving productivity. Examining a work-life balance.

Course Content:

o What is the “psychology” of workload management

o Examining what motivates us

o Ten strategies in dealing with procrastination

o Examining the key elements of effectiveness and efficiency

o Understanding the time management matrix

o Applying the 80/20 rule

o Tips for improving productivity (Jan Jasper)

o Factors that negatively impact on workload management

o Techniques for working smarter

o Setting and managing priorities

o Managing stress

o The four “A’s” in dealing with stressful situations

o Examining work-life balance

o The role of “what I value”

o Developing a personal goal

This is a highly interactive and participative workshop. A number of instruments are used to assist in understanding and learning. Participants will work on several exercises individually, and in teams and groups and then come together in plenary for group discussion, sharing and learning.

Professional and Personal Development

Time Management and Priorities – PPD126

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |General |

Training Objectives:

o Review work habits to best use his time

─ Learn to master time management

─ Learn to work according to priorities

Course Content:

o My personal choice

─ My motives and my preferences

─ The balance in my life

─ The laws of time

o Analyze the use of my time

─ My work habits

─ My productive periods

─ Mail and meetings

─ Know your business (Role, challenges, threats and opportunities)

─ Urgent and important Unsharing

─ Time management and my preferences

─ My relationship with time and priorities

─ The vicious circle of time

o Control Over Time

─ Save time and make sense of his time

─ Take advantage of productive hours

─ Organize your time / plan / manage his agenda

─ The time deterrent / strategies time savers

─ Manage Information

• Access

• Filtering

• Treatment

o Maintain control / manage priorities

─ Identify priority activities

─ Make choices / say no

─ Avoid disruptions

─ Manage emergencies

─ Habits to expand / develop effective strategies

─ Avoid procrastination

o Personal Action Plan

Professional and Personal Development

Work Planning for Better Life Balance – PPD118

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Employees who aspire to or who may be required to be team leaders or team members |

Training Objectives:

This highly interactive workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to explore their work-life balance, what it means to them, how they would plan to achieve their “personal balance”, strategies to remove barriers, change response, and to move towards the desired “personal balance”.

Course Content:

o Discuss work/life balance and what it means to us.

o Talk about our roles, responsibilities and choices.

o How do we respond to change?

o Identify barriers and obstacles:

─ Problems/challenges and difficulties

─ Social pressure and expectations

─ Adapting to life.

o Develop strategies to achieve personal work/life balance.

o Set goals, determine where you want to go and what you need to do, stay on track and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

o Personal commitment, support system and action plan.

Professional and Personal Development

Working in Teams – PPD119

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Employees who aspire to or who may be required to be team leaders or team members |

Training Objectives:

Prepare participants to take effective roles in teams, as leaders or members.

Create effective teams to enhance individual effectiveness and development.

Develop attitudes and behaviours that support teams.

Course Content:

Team characteristics and behaviours

Teams as learning environments

Needs of individuals on teams

Interpersonal relations and communications in teams

Team leader / member roles and responsibilities

Team dynamics - readiness

Organizational context

Functional roles

Power and Influence

Models of teams in action

Feedback and communication

Impact of real situations on leadership style in teams

Existing team diagnosis, process and difficulties, as well as conflict reduction / consensus building techniques

Models and simulations of teams at work in organizing and achieving project objectives


Project Management – Section 6

MCO Business Group offers project management training for which its content has been developed by their sister company EDUCPRO.

EDUCPRO is a Registered Education Provider recognized by the Project Management Institute.


Participants will accumulate Professional Development Units or PDUs when attending MCO training to maintain their CAPM or PMP certifications.

Project Management

Advanced Project Management – PM101

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |


To teach participants various project management elements and to increase their efficiency in the implementation / monitoring and controlling and project closure phases.

Training Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to show participants the processes, tools and techniques, and best practices of Project Management throughout the project life-cycle.

Course Content:

o Process Groups according to the Project Life Cycle

─ Initiating

─ Planning

─ Executing

─ Monitoring and Controlling

─ Closing

o Knowledge Areas

─ Ten knowledge areas identified by the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK)

o Project Initiating (Identification)

─ Identify a problem or requirement

─ Identify Stakeholders

─ Identify and analyze options and solutions

─ Recommend a project

─ Create a project brief (project charter)

o Project Planning

─ Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

─ WBS Dictionary

─ Task Sequencing

─ Critical Path – Network Analysis, Gantt Chart

─ Resources – Technical Knowledge, Availability, Allocation

─ Duration – Productivity / Lost Productivity

─ Estimating and Costing

─ Risk Management / Quality

─ Project Approval

Project Management

Basic Project Management – PM102

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

The participants will learn the project management methodology based on the Project Management Institute, as well as group processes, processes, inputs, tools and techniques, outputs and project management best practices.

Course Content:

o What is a project?

o What is the difference between the project sponsor and the people doing the work?

o Project: five process group

o Project: forty-seven processes

o Inputs

o Tools and Techniques

o Outputs

o Project management best practices

Project Management

Exam Preparation Course - CAPM – PM103

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 5 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

Learn the ten knowledge areas of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Fifth Edition. Learn the five process groups: Initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing. This course covers the process list of project management and defines the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs for each area.

Course Content:

The student must answer questions (multiple choice questions based more on theory) at the end of each knowledge area to build their knowledge of project management.

The student will use various methods to solidify what you have learned.

At the end of the course the student will write a simulated CAPM exam to prepare to write the CAPM exam from the Project Management Institute (PMI)®.

Project Management

Exam Preparation Course - PMP – PM114

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 5 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

This intensive workshop prepares the PMP certification candidates to write the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) PMP certification exam. Focusing on the PMI terminology, specific test questions and the exam’s important topics and question styles, this program helps a candidate master the relevant content and maximizes the opportunity to pass the exam the first time.

Course Content:

During the training, the participants develop high level scope documents, risk plans, project schedules, and communication plans, as well as acquiring the tools, skills, and techniques to:

o Use the PMBOK project framework

o Creatively brainstorm and clarify project ideas

o Create a clear vision statement and obtain buy-in

o Analyze project risks

o Plan for project risks

o Develop a Project Communication plan

o Understand Quality and Procurement Planning

o Create a work breakdown structure and critical path

o Ensure the appropriate go or no-go decisions are made during the process

o Learn to manage multiple projects, delegations, communication, conflicts, or change during implementation

o Close a project by evaluating success and identifying future improvements

Project Management

Financial Management for Project Management Professionals – PM106

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

This course offers a comprehensive approach to understanding the importance of Financial Management in managing projects and programs. Corporations invest large amount of money in capacity creation based on certain financial assumptions that protects the asset of organizations.

Project managers thus have the obligations and responsibility to ensure proper use of capital assigned to them and meet all project objectives. Time is money and project managers need to appreciate, in their execution of projects and programs, the relevance and importance of financial management in the following areas to make effective project decisions: Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Corporate Finance.

Project Management

How to Use Collaboration Tools To Manage Projects – PM107

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

The participant will learn the various tools to collaborate with local, national and international project team members.

Course Content:

o The participant will look at various collaboration tools to manage projects:

─ Skype

─ Join - Me

─ Net Meeting


─ Illuminate

─ Others

Project Management

How to Write a Project Management Plan– PM108

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

This course focuses in the development of a project management plan.

Course Content:

o Learn how to develop a project management plan including subsidiary plans.

─ Stakeholder Management Plan

─ Scope Management Plan

─ Schedule Management Plan

─ Cost Management Plan

─ Quality Management Plan

─ Human Resources Plan

─ Communication Management Plan

─ Risk Management Plan

─ Procurement Management Plan

Project Management

MS Project Application - Advanced – PM111

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

This hands-on lab allows users of Microsoft Project who already understand the basics of building a project schedule to learn more of the advanced features to plan, track and communicate effectively for any type of project.

Course Content:

o This lab includes the following topics:

─ Getting started: start dates, project options, project templates, import/export, change work time

─ Plan: work break down structure, manage multiple projects, critical plan

─ Communicate: customizing

─ Track and analyze: update tasks, baseline data, adjust dates, combine projects.

o Project Implementation/Control

─ Project Management Tool

─ Monitoring

─ Tracking

─ Control

o Project Closure

─ Lessons Learned

─ Delivering the Product

─ Project Closure Report

Project Management

MS Project Application - Basic – PM112

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

This is a hands-on, practical approach to the concepts and application of project management using Microsoft Project 2007 as the scheduling software. In t his lab participants will learn how to set up project plans, use Microsoft Project communication tools, and manage their projects.

Course Content:

o This lab includes the following topics:

─ Understanding the Microsoft Project environment

─ Creating a project plan

─ Task relationships

─ Resource assignments

─ Communicating the plan

─ Updating and tracking

─ Closing a project

─ Customizing Microsoft Project for your environment.

Project Management

MS Project Server/Client – PM123

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

The participant will learn the advantages of using the MS Project /Client in an enterprise environment.

Course Content:

o Learn the advantages of using server/client platform to manage projects

o Simulate an enterprise environment with various projects

o Look at the schedules, resource allocation, costs, and risks

o Control and monitor the projects

o Look at various reports that will assist upper management to make decisions based on data


Project Management

Performance Management – PM113

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

o Understanding the process of performance management, its implications and conditions for success

o Understanding the sharing of responsibilities in the process

o Establish challenging and realistic goals

o Prepare a performance assessment reflecting the performance of the employee

o Communicate performance in a positive way

Course Content:

o Basics Principles

─ Apprehended difficulties

─ Why manage performance

─ Requirements to be effective

─ The approach

o Plan Performance

─ Responsibilities

─ The specified expectations

o Useful questions

o Establish / develop goals

o The "SMART" objectives

o Two types of objectives

o The expected behaviors

➢ Clear and meaningful expectations

➢ Behaviors in keeping with the values ​​of the organization

─ Individual performance and team performance

o Manage the daily performance

─ Responsibilities

─ Regular Feedback

─ Follow-up meetings

─ Data collection

o The assessment interview

─ Planning and Preparation

─ The favorable atmosphere

─ Promote respectful and honest discussion

─ Dealing with good and bad results

─ Communication: the key to success

─ Developing the potential of the employee

o Performance problems

o Interests and ambitions

o Development plan

o The means of improvement

o Monitoring / coaching

Performance Management– PM113 (Continued)

o The approach

─ Different approaches to performance management

─ The elements of an effective approach

─ A good policy on performance management

o Conclusion

─ What to do and what to avoid

─ Benefits of managing performance well

─ The importance of applying yourself

Project Management

Portfolio Management – PM115

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |4 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

To learn how to develop a Project Management Portfolio (PPM)

Course Content:

Ensure Project Success

Project Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management Strategy

Project Selection

Project Prioritization

Best Practices for PPM

Project Management

Problem Solving and Solution Building – PM116

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

This course includes the basic facilitation skills or refresher depending on background of participants.

Course Content:

Multi-voting technique and nominal group technique.

Defining the problem and common problem solving pitfalls.

Analyzing potential causes - the why technique/fishbone diagram.

Identifying solutions and selecting the best solution.

Developing an Action Plan.

Implementing solutions and evaluating progress.


Mini-lectures, reading, problem solving tools including; brainstorming,

cause and effect diagram and SWOT.

All participants will practice using different problem solving tools,

facilitating a group to solve a problem, and receive feedback.

Project Management

Procurement Management – PM105

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |

Training Objectives:

This course focuses on training the participant in Project Procurement Management . The participant with the help of examples and practical exercises will acquire knowledge to plan purchases and acquisitions, plan contracting, request seller responses, select sellers, administer contracts and close contracts.

Course Content:

In this course, you will learn:

How to manage all aspects of project procurement effectively.

The logic behind contracting principles and practices.

The terms, techniques, and tools of converting project needs into outsourced goods and services.

To ensure successful procurements by gaining an understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the internal and external stakeholders involved in the procurement chain. In this skills-building course,

Spend 70% of class time working on contracting activities, from requirements documentation through to contract closure.

Exercises will include the development of a procurement strategy, contract selection, revising and updating SOWs, risk management, negotiating claims settlement, and collection of lessons learned.

Project Management

Program Management – PM129

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Learn how to manage programs using tools and techniques and apply best practices.

Course Content:

This course will teach you:

Effectively manage a program.

The program framework and discover what it takes to ensure program success.

In this skills-building course, you'll focus on practical tools and techniques as you spend 75% of the course working on a program.

Practice using estimating techniques, dependency analysis, and network diagramming.

Leave class with the knowledge and tools to immediately manage a program.

Project Management

Project Change Management – PM117

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

The course is designed as a review of the major influences and processes to be considered in the development of effective Change Management Tools and Techniques. The Focus of the Training is to identify change management tactics and methodologies, which contribute to the overall project objective and ultimate client satisfaction.

Course Content:

The course addresses a strategic as well as a tactical approach to Project Change Management.

Project Management

Project Communications Management – PM104

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |2 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads/Team Members |


To teach participants various communications methods to inform stakeholders and project team members of the project status.

Training Objectives:

This course focuses on training the participant in Project Communication Management. The participant with the help of examples and practical exercises will acquire knowledge to plan communication, distribute information, report performance and manage stakeholders.

Project Management

Project Management -Leadership and Communication – PM121

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

The discipline of project management has traditionally focuses on the more technical aspects of planning, scheduling and control. That is now changing. People are at the center of every project and without the effective management of a project's human resources the best plan in the world will not ensure project success. The challenge that many project managers face is to inspire initial commitment and sustain it over the life of the project and then, if necessary, to address performance problems.

Course Content:

o This three-day workshop targets the center of every project manager's people management challenge

o How to inspire team members to want to work on your project and, above that, to aspire to excellent performance.

─ Through a combination of lecturette, small group discussion, and individual analysis and reflection, the challenge of cultivating team member commitment and sustaining it for the duration of the project is addressed.

─ Performance problems and their impact on team motivation are also covered

Project Management

Project Management Terminology – PM120

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Participants will learn the project management terms.

Course Content:

o Exercises will be provided to help participants remember day to day terms used in Project Management.

Project Management

Project Quality Management – PM125

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

"Finished" Isn't Enough: Learn the Importance of Quality.

Course Content:

o Learn how to develop or improve the quality programs at your workplace.

o Use systems thinking to plan quality into your project, prioritize requirements to meet customers' quality needs. Select quality assurance and quality control activities that are tailor-fit to your project, and use quality management processes, tools, and metrics to increase the likelihood of project success.

o Use a Quality Management Plan to document and structure a thoughtful approach to project quality management.

o Gain insight into applying quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control to real-world projects.

Project Management

Project Risk Management – PM122

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length |3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Avoid project catastrophe by developing expertise in risk management. Why be reactive, when you can be proactive? If you are tired of having to pull your team off critical path activities to deal with the crisis of the day, effective risk management is the solution. Risk management, as an integrated component of successful project management, allows you to understand the uncertainty that is part of all project work and plan how to effectively manage that uncertainty. Go from leading your team through crisis after crisis, to effectively planning so you and your team can easily handle any surprise that might arise. Without risk management, projects are subject to surprising, sometimes devastating, events.

Course Content:

This course focuses on:

o The concepts and building blocks of creating successful risk management within a project.

o Project managers must be aware of common risk traps and know how to identify, assess, and manage risks without jeopardizing the project success.

Project Management

Project Troubleshooting and Recovery – PM124

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Regain control when you are behind schedule, over budget, under quality, and beyond the scope. Learn how to get an out-of-control project back under control through effective project rescue techniques. This course teaches realistic analysis and control techniques to help you identify the root cause of your problems, analyze the potential solutions, and select the solution that will rescue your project.

Course Content:

o Manage the important measures of your project's health, monitor them, and take action to keep the project on track.

o Project rescue exercise, to master techniques for identifying unrealistic expectations and renegotiating commitments.

o Practice communicating effectively with stakeholders to ensure that they all understand the problems, the actions that need to be taken, and the project's progress as you regain control.

o Hands-on exercises: you'll troubleshoot and recover a project during the class. In just three days,

o Learn the process: work with the tools and templates, and practice the techniques that will enable you to quickly put your own project back on track.

o Leave the course with a proven recovery strategy that can be implemented on all projects, regardless of size and scope.

Project Management

Risk Analysis – PM127

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 1 Day |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

This highly experiential workshop provides participants with the tools to identify risk, quantify the risk by assigning impact and probability values, prioritize the risk, determine risk response, manage and track the risk, and prepare a Risk Plan.

Course Content:

o Identify risks

o Quantify the risk

o Prioritize the risks

o Determine risk response

o Tracking, reporting, and managing the risk

o Project Risk Plan

Project Management

Schedule and Cost Control – PM128

|Language |English and French |

|Course Length | 3 Days |

|Maximum Students |15 |

|Target Audience |Manager/Supervisor/Team Leads |

Training Objectives:

Learn the skills you need to effectively establish and manage a realistic schedule and detailed budget.

Course Content:

Through hands-on exercises, you'll learn:

o To develop a work breakdown schedule, grasp diagramming techniques, identify task relationships, determine the critical path, employ estimating techniques, and analyze resource utilization. Once the project schedule is complete, you'll create a budget that includes all direct and indirect costs associated with the project.

o The importance of base lining project schedules and budgets to make reporting and tracking progress easier.

o Understand how to use earned value analysis and other reporting techniques to ensure that your project progress is clearly identified and communicated to stakeholders.

o Create schedule and cost management plans, and control changes through an integrated change management process.

o To use a variety of tools that will ensure that your project is delivered on time and within budget.





































































































































































































































































































































































































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