

| |Session |Whole-class teaching |Individual Work |Plenary |Resources |

| |Learning | | | |Including |

| |Objective | | | |ICT |

| | | | | | |

| |To use a protractor to measure angles to 180(. |Review angle names. |Measure angles accurately using protractor – complete task on |Review angle names. |IWB |

| | |Estimate angles up to 180( (IWB |p.34 of Cambridge Maths 2 in workbooks. |Play internet game |Angle Games |

|Tues | |Game). Rules of using protractor| |(‘Shoot the Alien) |Cambridge Maths Books |

| | |(IWB Game 2) | | |Workbooks |

| | | | | |Protractors |

| | | | | |Pencils |

| | | | | | |

| |To draw angles to 180(. |Review measuring angles – |Ch. to accurately draw angles in maths workbooks using |Which type of angle |IWB |

| | |practice with ‘What’s My Angle?’|protractor (angles to draw in Word Doc on IWB) |have we not drawn |Angle Games |

|Wed | |Game. Demo drawing angles on IWB| |today? |Maths W’books |

| | |– ch. to participate. | |Play game – going round|Protractors |

| | | | |tables – angle types. |Pencils |

| | | | | | |

| |To learn that there is 180( in a triangle and 360( in a |Review protractor rules. |Ch. to complete ‘Find the Missing Angle’ worksheet – no |Play Standing up / |IWB |

| |square. |Demo angles in triangle, |protractors. |Sitting down game – ch.|Worksheets |

|Thurs | |quadrilateral and circle – ch. | |to answer Q’s. |Pencils |

| | |to front to demo. | | | |

| | |Maths SATS Q on IWB | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Consolidation and extension of week’s work – pick up on | | | | |

| |weaknesses and review. | | | | |

|Fri | | | | | |

|Evaluation and future action Vocabulary |


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