
Below are several groups of tools that are intended to serve the all-source intelligence analyst and to some extent the intelligence user. Each grouping was made with different needs in mind, and so they are not direct competitors. Clearly, some tools could easily swap in and out of the different groups. None of the groups is highly integrated, though there are often pairs of applications that are undergoing integration. None of these groups (except for some in the DARPA group) handle truly massive ingest and semantic markup, and thus the AONS TeraText can serve as the shared repository, while all these tools sets can work on extractions from the repository and do on the the analysts desktop (or via portal).

SOCOM, in use in SOJICC/SOCJIC, but SOJICC also is capable of using tools in the RDEC experimental network


Copernic Pro (Internet search and download engine)

Teleport Pro (Internet spider)

Convera Spider (Spider -- downloads all or selected parts of a website)

Inxight StarTree / Crawler (Internet web site relationship mapper)


Copernic Summarizer (Summarizes individual files)

SummIT! (Specialty summarizer embedded within Retrievalware and Semio)

Convera Retrievalware (Data indexing and free text search engine)

Inxight ThingFinder (Categorizing entity extractor, allows for determination of relationships between known entities and unknown people, places, things, etc.)

Semio Taxonomy (Automatically put data into pre-determined taxonomies for methodological retrieval)

Apptek Machine Translation

Database (Ibase / Ibridge) ((database for analyst notebook))

Inxight Categorizer (Smart categorizer)


Convera Retrievalware (Data indexing and free text search engine)

Inxight ThingFinder (Categorizing entity extractor, allows for predetermination or relationships between known entities and

unknown people, places, things, etc.)

Semio Taxonomy (Automatically put data into pre-determined taxonomies for methodological retrieval)


Webtas (Allows you to put data into a timeline with corresponding map information)

Analyst Notebook (De-facto standard product for link product development)

Spire (Visualization application with "terrain" map view of data

MapInfo (Mapping package)

ARCView / ArcIMS (Mapping package)

Propeller (data linages (primarily communications focused)

Intranet Brain (Web site mapping)

EnFish Onespace (Indexing engine for analyst pc's

RDEC, simplest of various versions

• Request for HTC (holistic target characterization)


• Refine request, problem decomposition


– Groove

– Compendium

– CIM (which can operate as a tool inside Groove)

• Data call


– (and perhaps Smart Discovery against data inside ProtoJ)

• Populate HTC, identify gaps, and COA precursors

– Analyst Notebook

– ArcGIS and other family tools

– iBase and other family tools

– NetViz

– Starlight

– Target

– Smart Discovery

– XML Spy

– Oracle

– SQL Server

– GeoRover

• Deliver HTC


• Military Planning

– IWPC (external, used by CoCom planners)

Additional tools evaluated for RDEC and of interest to all-source analysts

I*Map, VizServer, Crystal Reports, Intelligenxia

Iowa, Alaska, Nebraska, Idaho (all from national labs)

Inspire, DCTS, Visual Links, Objectivity, PathFinder, NetOwl, Comotion, ION, IOPC

Sensor Harvest


GeoRover, Athena, LSI, Trellis, SIAM

MapPoint, Centrifuge, Fetch, Clementine, Clear Forest

• Candidate Visualization Tools and Techniques

– Oculus – display of complex time and space relationships.

– Questerra – web-based workbench for threat assessment, disaster analysis, and others. Scalable, secure, multiple data formats.

– AT&T Suite of tools (GraphViz, XGOBI, Xgvis) – interactive tools for highly dimensional network data displays and analysis

– DaVinci – Directed digraph visualization tool

– Mage – kinemage graphics (3D interactive scientific data display)

– NewsMap – dynamic display based on filtered news feeds from Google.

– Dimension5 – 3D and 2D visual analysis tool for data mining, charts, reports, etc.

– PV-WAVE – array-based programming language for developing customized visualizations for patterns, trending, anomalies, etc.

– TouchGraph – visualization of interrelated information networks.

– Others

• Candidate Data Fusion Tools and Techniques

– Digital Harbor – platform for fusing multiple back-end applications into a common, user-facing composite application

– SAFE – NASA Ames tool for collaborative project management and data fusion

– Paryon – agent-based programming environment for distributed data collection and feed forward of findings.

– Xythos – webDAV based file server

– Others


A portal-based approach, no client:




Strong Angel

VSee ()

Groove ()

GeoFusion ()

UNM Mapserver


















Buckminister Fuller Institute

DARPA’s Novel Intelligence from Massive Data

- Topsail (combines SIAM influence modeler as a reference point for SaffronTech concept matcher, and determines what is novel from within what is relevant)

- several others


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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