4048125-31432500Harris CountyAppraisal DistrictHarris CountyHouston, TexasRequest for ProposalsBID Number RFP2020-06Issued: November 18, 2020Print and Mail ServicesFOR THEHARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS BUILDING13013 NORTHWEST FREEWAYHOUSTON, TEXAS 77040Bid Number 2020-06Print and Mail ServicesINVITATION TO BIDIssued: November 18, 2020Bidding Firm Name __________________________________________________Total of Bid _________________________________________________________Request for ProposalSealed proposals will be received in the Purchasing department for the Harris County Appraisal District, Second Floor, 13013 Northwest Freeway, Houston, Texas until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, December 17, 2020. Bid OpeningAll bids will be opened and publicly read in the Board Room, 7th Floor, 13013 Northwest Freeway at 10:30 A.M. on Thursday, December 17, 2020 for the purchase of all equipment, material, labor, and performing all work required as specified in this invitation. Please be advised this location may change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to postings on .Buyer If you have any questions or comments regarding this bid package, contact Tammy Argento, Purchasing Manager, at (713) 957-7401 or targento@.Bidders’ Conference A mandatory virtual bidders’ conference is scheduled at 10:00 a.m., Monday, November 30, 2020. The conference will be hosted through a WebEx meeting. Information for the meeting will be posted under RFP2020-06 on HCAD’s website: . Select the ABOUT menu, then open the PROCUREMENT tab. The Information will be listed under RFP2020-06. Time FrameThe term of agreement shall commence on March 1, 2021 for 10 months, with four successive one-year renewal options beginning January 1, at the district’s discretion. This agreement is subject to annual renewed fiscal funding. If the District fails to appropriate funds to provide for annual renewal the District may cancel without termination charge, provided that the successful bidder receives written notice at least 30 days prior to the effective date stating the lack of funds as the reason for termination. Proposal RequirementsAll bids must be on forms provided in this invitation. Bids must be manually signed in ink by an authorized officer of the company and acknowledged by a Notary Public. In addition, an electronic copy must be submitted in PDF format. The statement “RFP2020-06 ENCLOSED” must be indicated on all bid packages. If a bid is not adequately identified, it will be opened to establish identification and will be processed as any other bid. However, this results in an unsealed bid and violates the integrity of purpose for the sealed bid procedure. Consequently, bidders are urged to make certain the envelope is adequately identified. At this date, HCAD does not have an email option for sealed bids. TIME AND DATE: Bids must physically be in the Purchasing Manager’s office, 13013 Northwest Freeway, Second Floor, by 10:00 A.M. on the date bids are due; an early postmark will not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery.WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw their proposal before the expiration of the time during which a proposal may be submitted by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the officer who holds it.NO CHANGE IN PRICE will be considered after bids have been opened.This proposal must not be altered. Any erasure or alteration of figures may void the bid on the item on which the erasure or alteration is made.All bids are for delivery not later than the time as stated in the information above, F.O.B., Destination, and Full Freight Allowed to the point of delivery stated above.Bidders are invited to be present at the BID OPENING. After opening, bids may be inspected in the Purchasing Office, Second Floor, 13013 Northwest Freeway, Houston, Texas. Please be advised this location may change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to postings on .Bidders having delinquent PROPERTY TAXES will not be considered for award.Bidders are required to submit a properly completed BIDDERS APPLICATION FORM with the proposal. It is the responsibility of the bidder to inform the District’s Purchasing Office of any changes/deletions to this form as is deemed appropriate. This application is used to establish a bidder’s database which is maintained for the purpose of a bid mailing list, and other references as required. The form can be found in the Procurement section on the district’s website. Each Bidder must furnish a list of three similar PROJECTS the Bidder has performed in the past five years with the contact name and phone number of the project owner for each project. Chapter 2270.002 of the Government Code provides that any government entity may not enter into contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it:1. Does not boycott Israel; and 2. Will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract.This proposal, if signed by the Bidder, serves as an agreement with the above two statements that the company is not affiliated with Sudan, Iran, or foreign terrorist organizations. Chapter 2252.152 of the Government Code provides that any governmental entity may not enter into a governmental contract with a company that is identified on a list prepared and maintained under Section 806.051, 807.051, or 2252.153. Therefore, if this proposal is signed by the Bidder, this serves as an agreement with the statement.TaxesThe Harris County Appraisal District is exempt from the Federal Excise and Transportation Tax, and the limited Sales and Use Tax.Termination for DefaultThe contract will remain in force for the full period specified and until the District determines that all requirements and conditions have been satisfactorily met and the District has accepted the Work, and thereafter until the Contractor has met all requirements and conditions relating to the Work under the Contract Documents following the Initial Contract Term and all subsequent Contract Terms, including warranty and guarantee periods. However, the District will have the right to terminate this Contract sooner if the Contractor has failed to perform satisfactorily the Work required as determined by the County in its discretion. BondsBid Bond is not requiredPerformance Bond is not required.Bid Deposit Bid deposit is not required. Evaluation and AwardThe District will evaluate proposals and award the contract. Lowest bid, most responsible, best value, and most advantageous to the District are criteria the bid evaluation committee will use to determine the best proposal. The purchasing manager will make the recommendation on January 20, 2021 at the scheduled board of directors’ meeting held at 9:30 a.m., on the 7th floor of the HCAD building. The District reserves the right to reject any or all qualifications and to waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received, and to accept any portion of or all items proposed if deemed in the best interest of the District to do so. Please refer to the for meeting changes due to COVID-19 pandemic.PatentsThe contractor agrees to indemnify and save harmless the District, the purchasing agent, and his assistants from all suits and actions of every nature and description brought against them of any of them, for on account of the use of patented appliances, products or processes and he shall pay royalties and charges which are legal and equitable.SECTION AOFFICIAL BID FORMBid Number 2020-06Print and Mail Services The undersigned Bidder hereby offers to contract with the Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD) upon the terms and conditions stated in the document entitled “Invitation to Bid” for the items and services specified, along with all schedules and exhibits incorporated herein by reference. This offer is made at the following prices. When issued, Letters of Clarification shall automatically become part of this bid document and shall supersede any previous specifications or provisions in conflict with the Letters of Clarification. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the Bidder has obtained all such letters. By submitting a bid on this project, Bidder shall be deemed to have received all Letters of Clarification and to have incorporated them into its bid.HCAD may accept this bid offer by issuance of a purchase order or execution of a contract covering award of said bid to this Bidder at any time on or before the 60th day following the day this Official Bid Form is opened by HCAD. This offer shall be irrevocable for 60 days but shall expire on the 61st day unless the parties mutually agree to an extension of time in writing. This contract is subject to annual appropriation by the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. If HCAD accepts the foregoing offer, this Bidder promises to deliver to the Purchasing Manager of HCAD, proof of insurance (certificate of coverage) for the duration of the project as outlined below on or before the 10th day after notification of award of the Contract. The Harris County Appraisal District shall be named as an additional insured on all coverages except Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability.Workers’ Compensation Coverage required by Section 406.096, Texas Labor Code for the Contractor and Subcontractors;General liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, with an aggregate limit of $2,000,000 for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, and products/completed operations;Automobile liability with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for any auto, hired autos, and non-owned autos;Excess/Umbrella liability with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.SECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 2Representations. The undersigned bidder:Has examined the Invitation to Bid and the proposed Contract, plans and specifications, and all other documents for the Project;Fully understands all factors and conditions affecting or that may affect the work, including the following:Extent, scope, and character of the work to be performed;Location, arrangement, and requirements for the proposed work;Anticipated labor supply and costs;Availability and cost of equipment, materials, and tools; andIssues like the above factors and conditions.Understands that HCAD may reject any or all Bids.Similar Projects. Within the past five years, the undersigned Bidder has performed the following three projects that are like this project:Project No. 1Name of project: Location of project: Project cost: Name of Project owner: Telephone number of Project owner: Email of Project Owner: ___________________________________________SECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 3Project No. 2Name of project: Location of project: Project cost: Name of project owner: Telephone number of project owner: Email of project owner: ___________________________________________Project No. 3Name of project: Location of project: Project cost: Name of project owner: Telephone number of project owner: Email of project owner: ___________________________________________Bid Prices. Furnish all equipment, material, labor, and performing all work as required in accordance with the attached specifications. Project descriptions below are general and not fully inclusive. SECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 4Scope of WorkPrint and Mail ServicesIt is the intent of this specification to secure a contract(s) for providing mailing services to the District. Any resultant agreement(s) may not be inclusive of all District mail. The District’s internal mailroom staff may continue to process some materials, and deliver the same, to the United States Postal Service (hereinafter referred to as USPS). All materials for processing, and postage will be provided to the vendor(s) by the District. All processing of mailing jobs by the vendor(s) is to be performed at the vendors’ site. There are three (3) mailing services specified in this document. A separate contract may be awarded for each of the three (3) types of services specified. Print and Mail Services is the first type of service specified which includes data that will be delivered via secure electronic data transfer (text, .ps, pfd, .doc, etc.). These services include the processing, printing, cutting, folding, inserting, metering, and delivery of mail to the USPS. Mail may require a PS-3606 Certificate of Bulk Mailing which cannot be co-mingled with the materials of any of the vendor’s other customers; however, the vendor should review these parcels for the most favorable postal rate available to the District. The District generates the following jobs in zip code order, bar-coded, with the required postal reports when the volume permits such. The District will provide a tracking sheet (affidavit) that the vendor must sign, and return within three (3) business days, stating the materials were processed as required. Volume Mail Services is the second type of service specified which includes materials that are of large quantity and cannot be processed by the District’s internal mailroom staff. These services include the cutting, folding, inserting, metering, and delivery of materials to the USPS. These jobs will be printed by the district to be picked up and processed by the mail house. The District will provide a tracking sheet (affidavit) that the vendor must sign, and return within three (3) business days, stating the materials were processed as requiredResidual Mail Services is the third type of service specified which includes materials that have been folded, inserted, and metered at the USPS first class pre-sort postal rate by the District’s internal mail room staff. These services include the pickup of the parcels, the pre-sorting, bar coding, and delivery of materials to the USPS. These services do not include those items that require special handling (i.e. certified, affidavits, other methods of delivery.) These mail parcels may be co-mingled with the parcels of the vendor’s other customers, if the result will be a cost savings to the district. The District will provide a tracking sheet (affidavit) that the vendor must sign stating the materials were processed as required. Required ServicesThe district will also require the following services to be provided. CASS/NCOAPostal paperworkSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 5Proof of drop off and mailing from USPS for bulk mailProof of drop off and mailing from USPS for bulk mailSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 5Same day pickup and mailPrinting of envelopes to meet mail deadlines Printing of inserts to meet mail deadlinesPickup from the District’s locationSecure electronic data transferUse of HCAD’s postal permit No upcharge on postage rate from USPSItemized billing to include number of letters, printed sheets and postage including rateAffidavit completion feeNext day mail Back up facility for disaster recovery with no more than 5 days interruption, to be back in full production. Alternative Mailing ServicesDue to the dates required for the mailing of certain forms, a contract with an alternative mail house would enable the district to split volume mail services between two mail houses and ensure delivery to the USPS within the required time frame. Therefore, the second-place bidder on the proposal may be offered a contract for backup services. Processes/Infrastructure – please answer the questions below on company letterhead and submit with the bid. What are the makes, models and age of all equipment used in providing print and mail services? What processes or process improvement initiatives do you have in place to continuously improve and increase quality, improve timeliness, and reduce cost? Does your equipment vendor provide you with onsite service, or do you employ dedicated certified service maintenance engineers for your equipment? If yes, what are their certifications? How much have you invested in new equipment over the past three years and what is your business strategy about continuous evaluation and implementation of new technologies? How do you capture your tracking information (e.g., number of files transmitted, number of files processed, what was printed, what inserted, total number of packages mailed/shipped, and postage applied)? In what format is the information available? Describe the quality control procedures that you have in place for ensuring consistent output quality. Include your process performance standards, quality control reports, internal tracking devices, and types and frequency of manual or machine checks. How will you provide this data back to HCAD? Describe your tracking system used to identify damaged documents and ensure that the correct number of documents are reprinted. Describe and share your disaster recovery procedures, including timeline. Include descriptions of your onsite problem prevention and maintenance programs, location and capacity of back-up facilities, equipment and capabilities used in backup facilities, and logistics of the disaster recovery.SECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 6Print and Mail Job Descriptions Print and Mail Services The District will upload electronic files for printing, processing and mailing. Job #1: Rendition LettersThese will be generated by the District in zip code order and bar coded with the required postal reports when the volume permits such.Type 1: 300,000 each in batches of 3,000, each batch will be the same number of pages. Rendition Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” blue printed cover letter (separates each account)5 pages each of 8-1/2” x 11” white sheets printed paperProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes Postal endorsement Address Service Requested All will require processing during the months of January through April Type 2: 10,000 each in small batches Supplemental Rendition Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” blue printed cover letter (separates each account)2-3 pages each 8-1/2” x 11” white sheets printed paperProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes Postal endorsement Address Service RequestedAll will require processing throughout the year Type 3: 15,000 in batches of 3,000Large Envelope Rendition Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” blue printed cover letter (separates each account)7 – 25 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheets printed white paperTwo folds required for insertionInserted into 9” x 11 ?”, 24#, white wove double window Postal endorsement Address Service RequestedMay require processing throughout the yearSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 7Job #2: Post Cards Type 1: 1,400,000 Truth in Taxation (TNT) Post Cards Printed postcards printed 4 each to an 8-1/2” x 11” sheet 65# card stockBatches of 100,000Processing requires two cutsAll will require presort processing between the months of July/August and must be presorted to achieve lowest postage rate Type 2: 750,000 Homestead Confirmation CardsPrinted postcards printed 4 each to an 8-1/2” x 11” sheet 65# card stockBatches of 100,000Processing requires two cutsAll will require presort processing in a two-week period during the month of December and must be presorted to achieve lowest postage rate Job #3: Notices of Appraised Value These will be generated by the District in zip code order and bar coded, with the required postal reports when the volume necessitates. Bulk processing during the months of March and April then small batches during the year. Type 1: 200,000 letters with 100,000 or less notices dropped per day2519-Real and Personal Property Valuation Letters (Prior Tax Years)1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed valuation letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” green printed sheet (Protest Form)1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed insert (Taxpayers Rights and Remedies)Processing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes(Postal endorsement Address Service Requested)Form 3606 requiredType 2: 175,000 each in batches of 100,000 25.192 Property Valuation Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed valuation letter2 each 8-1/2” x 11” pink printed form letter (Homestead Exemption Letters)1 each 8-1/2” x 11” printed white inserts (Taxpayers Rights & Remedies)Processing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24# white wove, double window envelopes(Postal endorsement Address Service Requested)Form 3606 requiredSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 8Type 3:1,300,000 each in batches of 100,000 25.19 Real Property Valuation Letters – Current Tax Year1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed valuation letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” green printed sheet 1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed insert (Taxpayers Rights & Remedies and 25.19(l) Insert)Processing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes (Postal endorsement Address Service Requested)Form 3606 required Type 4: 5,000 each in batches of 100,000 41.10 Real and Personal Property Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed sheet Processing requires 2 foldsInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service RequestedForm 3606 requiredJob# 4: Hearing Scheduling LettersHigh volume is anticipated during the months of April – September.Reschedule and Manual letters require same day mailing. Hearing letters require next day mailing. Type 1:125,000 eachOwner - Hearing Scheduling Letters 1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed yellow or blue bond paper cover letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed white bond paper letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed white insert (Important Information about the Protest Process)1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed white insert (Taxpayers’ Rights & Remedies)Processing requires 2 folds per insertionInserted into #10, 24# white wove, double window envelopes (Postal endorsement Address Service Requested) Form 3606 requiredType 2:25,000 each Agent – Hearing Scheduling Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed yellow or blue bond cover letter1 – 4 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed white bond paper letterProcessing requires 2 folds per insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes(Postal endorsement Address Service Required)Form 3606 requiredSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 9Volume Mail Services Jobs will be printed by the District in batches and packaged for pick up to be processed and mailed. May require next day mail. Job# 1: Exemption LettersType 1: 50,000 each Multi-Type - Owner Response Required Letters1 – 5 each 8-1/2” x 11” white or pink printed sheet 1 each 8-1/2” x 11” green separator sheet (not to be mailed)Processing required 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Return Service RequestedForm 3606 requiredAll will require processing throughout the year on a weekly basisType 2: 12,000 eachExemption Returned Letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” white printed cover letter2 each 8-1/2” x 11” pink printed formProcessing required 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes postal endorsement Return Service RequestedForm 3606 requiredAll will require processing in March/AprilType 3: 3,500 eachExemption Over 65 Letters1 EACH 8-1/2” X 11” white sheet printed cover letterProcessing required 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes Postal endorsement Address Service Requested Form 3606 requiredAll will require processing quarterlyType 4: 20,000 eachExemption Change of Owner Letters1 EACH 8-1/2” X 11” white sheet printed cover letter2 each 8-1/2” x 11” pink printed formProcessing required 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopes Postal endorsement required Return Service RequestedForm 3606 requiredSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 10Job# 2: Other Daily and Weekly MailType 1:100,000 each Commercial Grantee, Commercial Grantor and Residential Sales Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed paper1 each #9, 20#, business reply envelopesProcessing requires 2 folds per insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service RequestedType 2:Requires processing in January & AprilAgriculture Application Letters, 10,000 each1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letter3 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed formOR1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letter4 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed formProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service Requested Agriculture Exemption Non-Renewal Letters, 13,000 each1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letterProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal Endorsement Address Service RequestedType 3:MiscellaneousMultitype Letters, 300,000 each1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letter1 – 4 white or pink 8-1/2” x 11” sheets printed paper1 each 8-1/2” x 11” green separator sheet (separates each account not to be mailed.)Processing requires 2 folds per insertionInserted into #10, 24#, wove white, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service RequestedPenalty Waiver Application Letters, 100,000 each1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letter1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed formProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24# white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service RequestedSECTION A – OFFICIAL BID FORM – PAGE 11Filling and Setting Letters, 20,0001 each 8-1/2” x11” sheet printed cover letterProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service RequestedType 4:100,000 Miscellaneous LettersInformal Meeting Letters1 each 8-1/2” x 11” sheet printed cover letterProcessing requires 2 folds for insertionInserted into #10, 24#, white wove, double window envelopesPostal endorsement Address Service RequestedBID RESPONSE SHEET 1 OF 10Print and Mail ServicesJob#1: Rendition LettersType 1: Rendition Letters page 10DescriptionCountTotal Parcels300,000White Page Count5Color Pages1Insert Pages0Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages6DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AType 2 Supplemental Rendition Letters page 10DescriptionCountTotal Parcels10,000White Page Count5Color Pages1Insert Pages0Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages6DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/ABID RESPONSE SHEET 2 OF 10Type 3 Large Envelope Rendition Letters page 10DescriptionCountTotal Parcels15,000White Page Count24Color Pages1Insert Pages0Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages25DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AJob#2: PostcardsType 1: Truth in Taxation (TNT) Postcards page 11DescriptionCountTotal Postcards1,400,000DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing PostcardPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostType 2 Homestead Confirmation Cards page 11DescriptionCountTotal Postcards750,000DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing PostcardUSPS Drop Off CostBID RESPONSE SHEET 3 OF 10?Job#3: Notices of Appraised ValueType 1: 2519-Real and Personal Property Valuation Letters (Prior Years) page 11DescriptionCountTotal Parcels200,000White Page Count1Color Pages1Insert Pages1Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages3DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsPrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostType 2: 25.192 Property Valuation Letters page 11DescriptionCountTotal Parcels175,000White Page Count1Color Pages2Insert Pages1Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages4DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing Letter1Print Cost of Inserts1Printed Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostBID RESPONSE SHEET 4 OF 10?Type 3: 25.19 Real Property Valuation Letters – Current Tax Year page 12DescriptionCountTotal Parcels1,300,000White Page Count1Color Pages1Insert Pages2Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages4DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsPrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostType 4: 41.10 Real and Personal Property Letters page 12DescriptionCountTotal Parcels5,000White Page Count1Color Pages0Insert Pages0Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages1DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostBID RESPONSE SHEET 5 OF 10?Job#4: Hearing Scheduling LettersType 1: Owner - Hearing Scheduling Letters page 12DescriptionCountTotal Parcels125,000White Page Count1Color Pages1Insert Pages2Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages4DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsPrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostType 2: Agent – Hearing Scheduling Letters page 12DescriptionCountTotal Parcels25,000White Page Count4Color Pages1Insert Pages0Separator Pages0Total Mailed Pages5DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsPrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostBID RESPONSE SHEET 6 OF 10Programming Services DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Printing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsPrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostVolume Mail Services (Printed by the District)Job#1: Exemption LettersType 1: Multi-Type - Owner Response Required Letters page 13DescriptionCountTotal Parcels50,000Page Count5Insert Pages0Total Mailed Pages5DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostType 2: Exemption Returned Letter page 13DescriptionCountTotal Parcels12,000Page Count3Insert Pages0Total Mailed Pages3BID RESPONSE SHEET 7 OF 10?DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostJob#2: Exemption LettersType 1: Commercial Grantee, Commercial Grantor and Residential Sales Letters page 14DescriptionCountTotal Parcels100,000Page Count2Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes1Total Mailed Pages2 + 1 envelopeDescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AType 2: Agriculture Application Letters (Certified Mail) page 14DescriptionCountTotal Parcels2,000Page Count5Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes0Total Mailed Pages5BID RESPONSE SHEET 8 OF 10?DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateCertified Mail ChargeUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AType 2: Agriculture Application Letters (Not Certified Mail) page 14DescriptionCountTotal Parcels8,000Page Count5Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes1Total Mailed Pages5DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AType 3: Multitype Letters page 14DescriptionCountTotal Parcels300,000Page Count5Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes0Total Mailed Pages5DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/ABID RESPONSE SHEET 9 OF 10?Type 3: Multitype Letters page 14DescriptionCountTotal Parcels100,000Page Count2Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes0Total Mailed Pages2DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AType 3: Multitype Letters page 14DescriptionCountTotal Parcels20,000Page Count1Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes0Total Mailed Pages1DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/ABID RESPONSE SHEET 10 OF 10?Type 4: Informal Meeting Letters page 15DescriptionCountTotal Parcels100,000Page Count1Insert Pages0Business Reply Envelopes0Total Mailed Pages1DescriptionCost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Processing LetterPrint Cost of InsertsN/APrinted Envelope CostsPostage RateUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostN/AResidual Mail Services Daily mail to be picked up by vendor and delivered to USPS. These services include the pickup of the parcels, the pre-sorting, bar coding, and delivery of materials to the USPS. Use the quantity of 50 parcels per day.Description – Page 8Cost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)Daily Pickup Trip ChargeUSPS Drop Off CostForm 3606 CostDescription – Page 8Cost Estimate (To be filled in by bidder)CASS/NCOA per 100,000 ParcelsPrinted Address Service Requested Envelopes per 100,000Printed Return Service Requested Envelopes per 100,000d Printed Business Reply Envelopes per 100,000 Black and White 1 Page Simplex Insert per 100,000 Black and White 1 Page Duplex Insert Per 100,000Black and White 1 Page Duplex Insert on Color Paper Per 100,000Affidavit Completion FeeBIDDER’S ATTACHMENTS: Detail below all attachments, which are submitted with your Bid Form. This list will be used by the Purchasing Manager to verify contents of your sealed bid submission. Labeling your bid attachments with the same titles as shown below will facilitate this process. (NOTE: This listing should also include separate attachments, which are too large, or for some other reason cannot be placed into your sealed envelope containing the bid documents. These separate attachments should be placed in an envelope or wrapped and should include a label clearly identifying the bidder’s name and the HCAD bid number and title, as well as the bid-opening date.)Bidder’s ApplicationCertificate of InsuranceConflict of Interest FormW-9 FormDetailed Quote on Bidder’s Letterhead(If additional space is needed, please attach a separate space to continue the list.)BIDDER’S QUALIFICATIONSThis list is submitted in connection with the attached proposal, submission or bid of(“the firm”), whose business mailing address is _____________________________ The firm is organized as a (check one as applicable):2847085311100Sole proprietorship whose proprietor is (include the business mailing address of the proprietor or note “same” if it is the same as above).228600-63500A partnership, each of whose partners having an equity interest of ten percent or more are including the business mailing address of each person or note “same” if it is the same as above).2286005542300A corporation, each of whose officers, each of whose directors and each of whose holders of ten percent or more of the outstanding shares of stock are ___________Include the business mailing address of each person or note “same” if it is the same as above).I certify that I am duly authorized to submit this list on behalf of the firm, that I am associated with the firm in the capacity noted below and that I have personal knowledge of the accuracy of the information provided herein.PreparerPrinted NameTitleNOTE: This list constitutes a government record, as defined by Section 37.01 of the Texas Penal Code. Submission of a false government record is punishable as provided in Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code. Attach additional pages if needed to supply the required names and addresses.The undersigned hereby offers to furnish and deliver the goods and/or services as specified at the prices and terms herein stated and in accordance with the Invitation to Bid, Clarification Letters, and General Conditions of Bidding, all of which are made a part of this offer. All pages of the HCAD form, including but not limited to the conditions of bidding and page one of this bid invitation are incorporated into this bid for all purposes.096520SUBMIT ORIGINAL BID ONLY, NO COPIES NECESSARY. BID MUST BE MANUALLY SIGNED IN INK (BLUE INK PREFERRED) BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC.00SUBMIT ORIGINAL BID ONLY, NO COPIES NECESSARY. BID MUST BE MANUALLY SIGNED IN INK (BLUE INK PREFERRED) BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC.Respectfully submitted,Bidder: _____________________________________(Print or type name of Bidder-Company Name)Federal ID Number: By: ________________________________________(Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent)Name: Title: Date: Address (Street or P. O. Box)Street-City-State-Zip CodeCity-State-Zip CodeEmail: _________________________________Telephone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this the _________ day of , 2020.Notary Public, State of . ................

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