Indianola Beach Improvement Club

Minutes for IBIC Board of Trustees Meeting - April 11th, 2019Trustees Present: Kathy Caldwell, Madison Duckworth, Catherine Freeman, Bob Kernaghan, Bob Kraft, Dave Mcilvena, Kayleen Pritchard, Emily ReckordTrustees Absent: Mary Benning-Hughes, Dionne Deschenne, Sonja SelboeCommunity Members Present: Paul Pritchard, Sarah RunnelsI. ?Call to order - Emily called the meeting to order at 7:30 PMII. Approval of March Minutes - Called for and unanimously approved III. Reports:A. Treasurer - Bob Kraft reported as of March 31 a balance of $44,884 was in IBIC Kitsap Bank checking and $125,083 in the IBIC Kitsap Bank Money Market Plus. Of the $125,083 in MM, $100,000 will be placed in an online high yield bank as directed by the board. The remainder of the MM, $25,083, will be designated as capital budget (Generations Fund). The board unanimously approved a Broker commission of $1980 used to settle the USPS lease of the Post Office, be taken from the Management Reserve. The Board unanimously approved authorization for Robert (Bob) Kraft (Treasurer) and Emily Reckord (President) to access the IBIC safe deposit box at Kitsap Bank Poulsbo.B. Membership - Catherine reported a total of $3520 collected for membership with $3160 in dues and remainder of $360 in donations (Mutt Mitts $195, landscaping $55, Generations $25, Security $65, other $20). C. Merchandise - Kathy reported (Madison absent) that she has been training three or four more people for the IBIC store. She mentioned that the credit card machine is presently working.D. Clubhouse Rentals – Judy’s report was provided by Kathy. Only one rental in April and that was last weekend.?In May we have the Repair Café and West Sound Academy is going to have their Spring Dance (they hope to get in at 4:00 to decorate) on May 4.?May 11, Thomas Kolb’s Bicycle team will use the clubhouse. Craig Jacobrown’s event has been rescheduled from May 17 & 18 to September 20 & 21. Judy mentioned she has been trying to get the floors stripped, waxed and sealed, but has not yet gotten a date to do that. The Tuesday Bridge Club is not disbanding. They will continue under the ““management” of IBIC member Glen Malin. A discussion followed about the possibility of raising the cleaning fee for clubs with ongoing use. No decision was made.E. Properties - Bob Kernaghan reported that the generators had gone out again and was fixed. Two new locks were purchased for the locked dumpster.F. Security - Emily sent a letter to Officer Montigue to secure a Merchant Patrol by Memorial Day. Signs are being made to indicate security areas being patrolled and rules of use of area. Don reported that the security cameras are up for the Pavilion and Clubhouse. The video will be easily controlled and information will be captured to be filed with the Sheriff if needed when suspected misuse of the facilities is recorded. The next security meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 23 at Wiseacres Common.G. Adult & Children Activities - Emily reported that the Egg Hunt would be followed by the Beach Cleanup on Saturday April 19. H. IBIC Generations - Kayleen and Dave reported that the pledge drive met and exceeded the community pledge goal by raising a promise of $20,800. Kayleen mentioned that this should not discourage anyone from pledging beyond the goal, but that showing such solid support from the community will help grant finding and funding. Eric Cookson and Mary McCluskey have joined Russ Sciandra in finding and writing for grants. Bob Kraft set up a special account to receive grant and pledge money when a grant is secured and pledges are collected.IV. Old BusinessA. Big Rock Stairs Update - Emily and Bob Kernaghan reported that volunteers have come forth and wood is being purchased to repair and replace what Pete Brockman suggested would secure the safety of the stairs at this time. The board had already approved $4,000 from the Generations Fund to do this work and hire Pete for securing the base of the stairs.B. Budget - Bob Kraft handed out with his usual report a “Current Budget” which explained the breakout of capital spending. No explanation was needed at this time.C. Indianola Ready - Dave reported that at their last meeting Susan Hancock and Gael Owens reported that they are checking on using the Clubhouse as a Red Cross center. Three neighborhoods met and mapped their resources for supporting each other, should the need arise. There will be a table set up at the Repair Café with information on how to organize your neighborhood. On September 8 there will be a Readiness Awareness kickoff event at the Clubhouse for all community to attend.V. ?New BusinessA. Post Office Lease - Bob Kraft negotiated (over a period of four months) a renewal option for the USPS rental of the post office. The board unanimously approved Bob’s suggestion for a five-year option locked at 10% raise of rental fees.B. Nominating Committee - Emily called for volunteers to serve on the nominating committee. There will be need for four new trustees and all officer positions will be on the ballot for the annual meeting in August. Anyone slated must have been a member of the IBIC by March 31, 2019 to qualify for being slated or placed on the ballot.C. Community Input - Sarah Runnels expressed concern that the monitoring and care of Rosemary Park needed more attention. The fire pit needed to be cleaned and perhaps needed to be locked to prevent fires from being lit after the hours allowed for this park’s use. Don volunteered to secure the fire pit with locks and Kayleen and Paul Pritchard volunteered to clean the fire pit.VI. CalendarA. Meetings for the year – SECOND THURSDAYS - June 13, July 11, August 8, Annual Meeting August 18B. Community Events - Indianola Days Aug 2-4C. Other Events - Beach Cleanup and Easter egg hunt April 20; Repair Café, Solar Raise the Roof and Indianola Ready May 4Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PMRespectfully Submitted,Kayleen PritchardIBIC Secretary ................

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