Agency: UTAH STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Program or Request Title: Utah ...

Utah State Board of Education Policy Request / Business Case Request 2022 General Session


Program or Request Title: Utah School Leadership Development Initiative

Summary of Request: (briefly articulate the need for the policy change or funding

request and the anticipated outcomes)

This request will support LEA efforts to develop and support effective school leadership through the implementation of evidence-based principal pipelines. The funding was awarded during the 2020 General Session and then was pulled back due to COVID-19.

Before funding was pulled, the Utah State Board of Education approved R277-327. School Leadership Development Grant. It describes how the funds will be used and the anticipated outcomes.

What is the nature of your request?

Please select one: POLICY REQUEST ? You are seeking changes to Utah State Code to improve your program/services. BUSINESS CASE - You are seeking new or additional financial resources to support a program/service for education. BOTH POLICY and BUSINESS ? You are proposing a new program or expansion of an existing program that will require new/amended state code and financial resources.

Questions? Please contact: Angie Stallings for questions related to a policy request and Dale Frost for questions related to a business case/funding request.

USBE Lead Point of Contact:

Name: Lisa Young Email Address: lisa.young@schools. Phone Number: 801-538-7837


USBE Section: Teaching and Learning

Additional USBE points of contact (as needed):

Name: Darin Nielsen Email Address: darin.nielsen@schools. Phone Number: 801-538-7811 USBE Section: Administration, Teaching and Learning If you are already working with a policymaker or member of USBE leadership on this request, please identify them below: Senator Ann Millner and Assistant Superintendent Darin Nielsen



This section only needs to be completed if you are making a business case request (only if you are seeking new or additional funding).

1. Total Amount Requested:

Funding Source FY 2022 one-time funding FY 2023 one-time funding

FY 2023 ongoing funding TOTAL funding requested

Amount ($) $ $

$5,000,000 $5,000,000

2. Describe how the business case supports the goals and metrics of the USBE Strategic Plan.

This business case supports Goal 2, Strategy F because it provides funding and technical assistance for LEAs to implement the Board-approved school leadership development recommendations through evidence-based principal pipelines.

A 2019 RAND study Principal Pipelines: A Feasible, Affordable, and Effective Way for Districts to Improve Schools confirms that principal pipelines are feasible, affordable, and effective in developing the kind of school leadership that contributes to better outcomes for students and schools. Comprehensive, aligned, principal pipelines are a district-led, evidence-based approach to developing effective leaders. They are comprehensive in that they support district leaders' strategic implementation of school leadership development policies, processes, and infrastructures across seven interrelated domains through collaboration with a variety of partners. They are aligned in that the efforts of district leaders and pipeline partners are coordinated within and across the domains and are focused on districts' specific school leadership development priorities.


3. Identify how the business case aligns with specific action steps within Strategic Priority #2 (Education innovation and investment) of the One Utah Roadmap.

This business case closely aligns with the specific action steps within the Education Innovation and Investment strategic priority.

Funding - This business case supports the funding action step because it provides funding to support effective school leadership that improves outcomes for leaders, teachers, and students.

Teachers- This business case supports the teachers action step because effective leaders play a significant role in the recruitment, retention, and development of highly effective teachers for every child (see The Role of Principals in Addressing Teacher Shortages).

Equity - This business case supports the equity action step because evidence-based principal pipelines lead to academic gains, increased attendance, and reductions in exclusionary discipline (see Principal Pipelines: A Feasible, Affordable, and Effective Way for Districts to Improve Schools and How Principals Affect Students and Schools A Systematic Synthesis of Two Decades of Research).

Governance - This business case supports the governance action step because evidence-based principal pipelines coordinate and focus the efforts of pipeline partners around a shared commitment to developing effective school leaders who are prepared to lead for positive outcomes for teachers and students.

4. Explain how the business case advances the Board's mission of "creating equitable conditions for student success: advocating for necessary resources, developing policy, and providing effective oversight and support."

Principal pipelines are strategic, comprehensive approaches to developing effective school leaders for every school in Utah. The implementation of evidence-based principal pipelines will ensure that every school in Utah is led by an effective school leader who is prepared to lead for positive outcomes for teachers and students.

5. Which populations or geographic areas will benefit most from this request? What safeguards will be implemented to prevent inequities or other unintended distributional consequences as it relates to this request?


All students served by districts who have implemented evidence-based principal pipelines will benefit. A 2019 RAND report, Principal Pipelines: A Feasible, Affordable, and Effective Way for Districts to Improve Schools, confirms that districts that implemented evidence-based principal pipelines saw increased student achievement in reading and math for students in elementary, middle, and high schools. They also saw positive and statistically significant student achievement effects for schools in the lowest quartile of student achievement. In addition to academic gains, districts saw an increase in student attendance and reductions in exclusionary discipline (see How Principals Affect Students and Schools A Systematic Synthesis of Two Decades of Research).

Additionally, all eligible applicants (LEAs, consortiums of LEAs, and LEAs served by RESAs) will benefit through access to the non-competitive planning grant funds and the support that will be provided during the planning grant process.

Finally, safeguards will be built into the rubric for the competitive implementation grant, the selection process, and the support that will be provided during the implementation grant process.

6. Which stakeholders have you engaged and coordinated with during the development of this request?

Many stakeholders have been involved in the development of this request. Stakeholders Across the State: The Utah Education Interim Committee in 2017 created a task force to focus on the development of a Utah school leadership initiative. The Utah State Board of Education created the school leadership working group in December of 2017 led by Assistant Superintendent Darin Nielsen. The working group identified 15 recommendations to improve the preparation, development, and support of all Utah principals. The Utah State Board of Education: The Utah State Board of Education approved the working group recommendations in December 2018. The working group recommendations led to the development of this business case in 2019. The Board identified school leadership as one of their top five priorities for the 2019-20 legislative session. Legislature: During the 2019-20 legislation session, Senator Millner sponsored the bill as a priority bill (SB99) and the legislature awarded $5,200,000 in ongoing funds. The Utah



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