Extension Crawford County

Crawford County Master Gardeners Membership Meeting MinutesAugust 14, 201914 members in attendance On-Line RecordingThe new reporting systems will provide more meaningful and immediate information on our local and statewide efforts. All projects will eventual be load in the system and hours will be recorded relative to the projects. Two attachments to this email give basic steps on how to complete hours. A suggestion to make it easier is to consolidate hours weekly, instead of daily, for the same project. You can enter a block of time for the entire week. If you want to group hours, please do not group more than a month at a time. You do not need to breakout driving hours but can leave them in place if already entered. Please record ALL hours…not just the minimum required. This impacts funding for our programs.This takes time so don’t wait until the last minute. Hours need to be reported by 9/30/2019.Dates thru October9/4 Board Meeting9/11 Membership Meeting (Octoberfest discussion!)9/14 WIMGA Superstar Training session in Madison – fee $15.00 (CE hours!) Need to send registration in with postmark by 9/1/19. Session includes lunch.9/22 LCL for “Weedy to Wonderful”10/2 Board Meeting10/9 Membership Meeting (finalize Octoberfest plans & cut fleeces for scarves)10/19 Octoberfest! 10/26 WIMGA Meeting in Stevens Point – Board and representatives (?)Fair PotsSignage for pots need to be sent to Donna ASAP so she has time to print/laminate. Remember not to cover up legal verbiage.During the fair, we will be helping the UW Extension with collecting surveys and handing out food coupons. Think of it as another way to attract people to our booth!Fair set up is Wednesday at 4PM (no fee).Reference books will be available for “Ask a Master Gardener”.Butterflies hatched during the fair will be released in front of the office at 5PM.This project falls under educational opportunities for the public. Be sure to keep track of your time!Project ReportsProject reports need to be updated annually. Information to include:- nature of project - how many volunteers involved- how many non-members involved- time frame- what were the results- what was the impact on volunteersWIMGA GrantsNeed ideas for new grants…Deb Rider’s idea: plants for PdC library? It’s looking a little bare and the city grant will not be enough.Presentations for 2020Please send your ideas for the 2020 group presentations to Sandi Vold.OtherDonna Teynor will be working with inmates on the clean up of the St. Feriole Island gardens.Monica Horner will be working with UW Dept of Horticulture on project for “seed to kitchen” as part of an adult education program.Marla Cameron is proposing a pollinator garden challenge for Octoberfest…open to suggestions?Mike Maddox looking for list of youth programs in our area – members provided names of 6 in current operation.Julie Hazen as membership about ideas for 2020 Wellness Days at Seneca Schools. What can we share with the students – culinary herbs for the kitchen? These can be started at various dates to show growing progress. Presentation date is in the 2nd Wednesday in March.Julie asked membership to think about Lawn Chair Learning…is there anything we need to do differently for next year to streamline sessions or possibly break up longer sessions.Donna Teynor working on Hoffman Hall winter program…inside gardening. May include seed mats, pollinating plants, forcing bulbs, starting cuttings or making seed bombs.Submitted by Cheryl Frazier8/28/19 ................

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