SCOPE - Veterans Affairs

Performance Work StatementAuditing Support ServicesDepartment of Veterans AffairsFinancial Service CenterJune 28, 2016Revision 1 SCOPEThe purpose of this performance work statement (PWS) is to provide auditing support services for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Financial Service Center (VA-FSC) and its customers. The Contractor shall provide a wide range of auditing support services. Specifically, this requirement shall provide specialized support to VA-FSC for the following auditing types.Grant Audits. Grant audits are based on customer demand with a projected requirement of between 63 and 84 engagements per year. VA-FSC anticipates an engagement timeline ranging from four (4) to six (6) weeks per engagement, broken down as follows: one (1) to (2) weeks of planning/preliminary review work; one (1) week of fieldwork; one (1) week of post fieldwork analysis; and one (1) to two (2) weeks to issue a draft report. Timelines are driven by risk, priority, and resources allocation.Internal and External Audits. Internal and External audits and reviews are driven by changes in federal legislative requirements, VA-FSC internal risk assessment, product line requirements, and ad-hoc management requests from VA Central Office. VA-FSC estimates between 16 and 24 internal audits to support this initiative. Internal audits vary in size and scope. A typical internal audit engagement may require multiple auditors depending on the level of risk, priority, and resources availability. The timeline can range from a few weeks to several months. The scope and schedule of each audit will be provided by VA-FSC prior to commencement of that audit. Auditors may work on multiple internal audits simultaneously.Audit Consultations. VA-FSC currently has between five (5) and seven (7) audit consulting engagements with major clients on an annual basis. These engagements historically last no more than three (3) days at a time.The Contractor shall provide on-site and off-site services in support of the VA-FSC’s mission initiatives as described herein to provide Operational Oversight assistance. VA-FSC projects growth in this area and associated support required over the next several years. The bulk of the work is focused on the VA-FSC internal controls program, Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act (IPERIA) support, and continuous monitoring. This will require very sophisticated data and statistical analysis for cyclical reviews and continuous monitoring. A quantifiable number of audits and reviews for this initiative are not available; however, an estimated $1.2 M commercial vendor payments and approximately $12 B in disbursements need to be continuously monitored for improper payments. The duties also include support of the President's Management Agenda addressing the initiative to reduce erroneous payments. Agencies with programs listed in Section 57 of the OMB Circular A-11 are required to report annually on the extent of the erroneous payments in those programs and actions taken to reduce erroneous payments. In 2006 Office of Management and Budget issued Parts I and II to Appendix C of OMB Circular A-123 as implementing guidance for the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (P.L.107-300), and section 831 of the Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2002 (P. L. No. 107-107, codified at 31 U.S.C. §§3561-3567), also known as the Recovery Auditing Act. This is the guidance that VA-FSC follows to support and enforce the IPERIA initiative which is comprised of these five components: Recapture and Recovery Audits, High Risk Program Testing, High Dollar Over-Payment (HDOP) Reporting, Do Not Pay (DNP), and Ad Hoc Reporting. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSIn the performance of the tasks associated with this PWS, the Contractor shall comply with the following:Federal Travel Regulations44 U.S.C. § 3541,“Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002”Title 38 U.S.C. §5725, Contracts for data processing or maintenance5 U.S.C. § 552a, as amended, “The Privacy Act of 1974” VA Handbook 6500.2, “Management of Data Breaches Involving Sensitive Personal Information (SPI)”, January 6, 2012VA Directive 6300, Records and Information Management, February 26, 2009VA Directive and Handbook 0710, Personnel Suitability and Security ProgramDepartment of Veterans Affairs 0710 Handbook, “Personnel Security Suitability Program,” VA Handbook 6500.1, Electronic Media SanitizationFederal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Alternative Workplace (Telework) Policy (VA Handbook 5011, Part II, Chapter 4)OMB Circular A-11 Preparation, Submission and Execution of the Budget (7/25/2014)OMB Circular A-123 Management's Responsibility for Internal Control (Effective beginning with Fiscal Year?2006) (Revised 12/21/2004)Pub. L. No. 107-107, Section 831 of the Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2002P.L.107-300, Improper Payments Information Act of 200231 USC Chapter 35 Accounting and Collection and Subchapter Recovery Audits (§§ 3561–3567) PERFORMANCE DETAILS3.1 FACILITY AND COVERAGE HOURSThe Contractor shall recognize the FSC Support Center facility hours of 6:00 AM (Central) to 6:00 PM (Central), Monday through Friday. The Contractor shall ensure that audit site visits are coordinated with the site Point of Contact and shall work that site’s normal working hours or as agreed with the point of contact for the specific audit.3.2 RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYSThe Contractor shall recognize the following ten (10) Federal holidays set by law (USC Title 5 Section 6103). Under current definitions, four holidays are set by date: New Year's DayJanuary 1 Independence DayJuly 4Veterans DayNovember 11 Christmas DayDecember 25 If any of the above falls on a Saturday, then Friday shall be observed as a holiday.? Similarly, if one falls on a Sunday, then Monday shall be observed as a holiday. The other six holidays are set by a day of the week and month: Martin Luther King's BirthdayThird Monday in January Washington's BirthdayThird Monday in February Memorial DayLast Monday in May Labor DayFirst Monday in September Columbus DaySecond Monday in October ThanksgivingFourth Thursday in November? 3.3 PLACE OF PERFORMANCEThe Contractor shall perform all tasks under this PWS at the VA FSC facility located at 7600 Metropolis Drive, Austin, Texas 78744, unless on official travel status for an offsite audit at the Audit recipient’s site or have been approved by the COR to telecommute.3.4 TelecommutingIn accordance with 41 U.S.C. 3306 (f) (2), telecommuting is permitted by Federal Contractor employees (Contractor personnel). To be eligible, the Contractor personnel shall have successfully completed background checks, all initial and on the job training at the Austin, TX site; and shall have completed all other VA training to include privacy and information security, and telework (telecommute) training. The Program Manger or Equivalent (Equiv) shall provide a written list to the COR of those Contractor personnel ready to telecommute based on having completed the aforementioned requirements.Personnel may telecommute using the guidance of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Alternative Workplace Arrangement (Telework) Policy (VA Handbook 5011, Part II, Chapter 4) only as authorized by the COR. The COR will work directly with the Contractor’s Program Manager or Equiv in order to invoke this authorization. Not later than two weeks prior to planned commencement of telecommuting, the Contractor shall provide the COR with a list of individual(s) ready to telecommute (Telecommute Personnel) including: Certification of the individual’s successful completion of an initial training program; andCertification of the individual’s successful completion of telework (telecommuting) training including the VA security and privacy training. The Government may revoke telecommuting and require personnel to return to work at the VA-FSC Austin, Texas locations unilaterally. This will be at no cost to the Government. 3.5 CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS PLAN (COOP)Should the Government be required to implement its Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), Contractor personnel may be required to continue work at their audit site or their normal worksite (onsite or telecommute site, as applicable) or report to the VA-FSC Disaster Recovery site to perform normal duties. The VA-FSC Disaster Recovery site will be identified by the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) and will be followed-up with a modification to the Contract. Travel will be reimbursed in accordance with the current Federal Travel Regulations (FTR). In order for travel to be reimbursed, the location of the VA-FSC Disaster Recovery site must be more than fifty (50) miles one-way from the personnel’s normal work site. 3.6 TRAVELTravel can occur on occasion to conduct offsite audits at the Grant Audit recipient’s site. The Contractor shall adhere to the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) in the conduct of any travel under this effort. Travel that is over fifty (50) miles one-way from the Contractor personnel’s normal place of performance of services, constitutes an allowable travel charge that may be reimbursed in accordance with the current FTR. Fee or profit shall not be allowable on travel expenses. All reimbursable travel must be submitted to and approved in advance by the COR using the appropriate Travel Request and Approval form.The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Contracting Officer and COR when the travel funding amount is less than 20% of the available travel funds. The Contractor shall not exceed the maximum travel funding ceiling.4.0. KICK-OFF MEETINGWithin two (2) weeks after Contract award, the Contractor shall conduct an orientation briefing for the Government. The Government does not want an elaborate orientation briefing nor does it expect the Contractor to expend significant resources in preparation for this briefing. The intent of the briefing is to initiate the communication process between the Government and Contractor by introducing key task participants including key personnel and explaining their roles, reviewing communication ground rules, and assuring a common understanding of the Contract requirements, and other items (e.g., transition plan, Quality Assurance Plan, etc.).The Kick-Off Meeting will be held at the Government’s facility or via teleconference. The date and time will be mutually agreed upon by both the Government and the Contractor.5.0 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSThe Contractor shall provide professional auditing support services. The proposed personnel shall be highly qualified and have significant experience working with the various types of audits required for this effort. The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel that work under this requirement are qualified and prepared for the audit types that they perform.5.1 Auditing: Grants, Internal/External, and Audit ConsultingThe Contractor shall perform the following tasks for each audit type.5.1.1 The Contractor shall provide financial advice and perform financial assistance work for internal agency operations and programs in direct support of the mission or objectives of the facility or organization. Contractor personnel shall perform a range of auditing duties associated with either financial, operational, or information technology audits of internal operating programs. This includes but is not limited to reviewing the program or organization's degree of compliance with the principles of sound financial management.5.1.2 The Contractor shall conduct and assist with complex audits, risk assessments, and special request audits conducted in the Financial Support Service. The Contractor shall have knowledge of automated auditing software such as TeamMate, Audit Management (AM)/Controls Management (CM) and Audit Command Language (ACL).5.1.3 The Contractor shall gather information about the organization or function scheduled for audit. The Contractor shall develop risk assessments, audit plans, and recommendations for those areas requiring audits along with methods to obtain valid information. 5.1.4 The Contractor shall perform financial audits by examining accounts and financial records for the purpose of recommending that the financial statements fairly represent the financial position of the fund or contract as of a predetermined date.5.1.5 The Contractor shall prepare draft audit reports and recommendations derived from the applicable work papers that identify noncompliance with regulations, inefficient operations, or improper practices. The Contractor shall develop constructive recommendations for improvements to the operational business processes, organizational internal controls, and the overall financial position of the organization.5.1.6 The Contractor shall prepare reports that include a program assessment of all significant aspects of the financial or operational program. The Contractor shall perform duties associated with examining financial books, records, and like tasks, to provide recommendations to improve productivity, cost-effectiveness, and quality of work processes.5.1.7 The Contractor shall assess financial programs to determine the need for process revisions in an effort to increase accuracy and efficiency. The Contractor shall evaluate complex financial programs on a continuing basis. The Contractor shall analyze problems that are new or novel in nature. The Contractor shall analyze the diverse needs of users and various viewpoints to develop recommendations for improving the financial program. The Contractor shall study the accounts, reports, and procedural instructions within an extensive area and considers legislative and program background materials to identify need for revision.5.1.8 : The Contractor shall accurately conduct Indirect Cost Rate desk reviews in support of VA-FSC’s Grant Consulting mission objectives as required by internal and external customers.5.1.9 The Contractor shall adhere to all Federal Auditing regulations set forth by the Generally Acceptable Government Audits Standards (GAGAS) and guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and VA-FSC. The Contractor shall provide suggestions to supplement guidelines received from VA, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Department of Treasury, or OMB.5.1.10 The Contractor shall develop and deliver all documents as drafts to the Government. The Government will review and provide feedback on the documents within five (5) business days. The Contractor shall provide final documents five (5) business days after the Government provides feedback.5.2 Support for Management OversightThe Contractor shall support functions associated with VA-FSC internal controls program, Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act (IPERIA) support, and continuous monitoring. The Contractor shall provide sophisticated data and statistical analysis for cyclical reviews and continuous monitoring. The Contractor shall provide support for continuous auditing/monitoring of various types of payment transactions to include commercial vendor, medical claims, dialysis, purchase card, and other transactions. 5.2.1 The Contractor shall provide specialized financial assistance in supporting VA-FSC’s on-site improper payment reduction mission residing in the Business Activity Monitoring Tool and/or Audit Recovery Portal. The Contractor shall perform a wide range of duties in support of the President's Management Agenda addressing the initiative to reduce erroneous payments. The Contractor shall be knowledgeable and able to apply Section 57 of the OMB Circular A-11; Parts I and II to Appendix C of OMB Circular A-123 Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (P.L.107-300), and section 831 of the Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2002 (P. L. No. 107-107, codified at 31 U.S.C. §§3561-3567), also known as the Recovery Auditing Act. The Contractor shall support and assist in enforcement of VA FSC IPERIA initiative which is comprised of these five components: Recapture and Recovery Audits, High Risk Program Testing, High Dollar Over-Payment (HDOP) Reporting, Do Not Pay (DNP), and Ad Hoc Reporting.5.2.2 The Contractor shall use VA-FSC accounting systems, such as Financial Management System (FMS), Document Management System (DMS), Invoice Payment Processing System (IPPS), Audit Recovery Portal, Business Activity Monitoring Tool, and the Financial Reporting System (FRS) to help identify, correct, cancel, or collect improper and/or duplicate payments. The Contractor shall use specialized auditing and data analyticsdata analysis software like TeamMate AM/CM, ACL data analysis software, R (language and environment for statistical computing and graphics), and various Python, Tibco Spotfire, Microsoft Office products, such as Word, Excel, and Structured Query Language (SQL). VA-FSC uses these and like tools to research and document data elements required in identifying various risks, controls, and improper or duplicate payments.5.2.3 The Contractor shall review commercial vendor and medical payments filtered through VA-FSC web-based audit recovery portal or other oversight systems to identify, correct, cancel, or collect improper payments. The Contractor shall follow VA Financial Policy Volume XII “Debt Management” and VA- FSC local policies and procedures to prepare draft “Bill for Collection” to collect improper and/or duplicate payments.5.2.4 The Contractor shall produce various VA-FSC reports concerning improper payment recovery efforts such as status updates, review of outstanding Bills for Collection, and Interest, Discounts, Audit Recovery (IDAR) reports. The Contractor shall support IPERIA reporting requirements to include DNP, HDOP, and ad hoc reports such as VA Performance Accountability Report (PAR).5.2.5 The Contractor shall provide overall support for VA-FSC internal controls program as required by the OBM Circular A-123 Managements Responsibility of Internal Control. The A-123 implements the statue of the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982, and is at the center of the existing Federal requirements to improve internal control. The Contractor shall assist with and develop additional risk matrices, specialized risk assessments, internal controls libraries, and risk mitigation strategies. The Contractor shall use systems like TeamMate Controls Management, as well as TeamMate Audit Management and TeamRisk currently used by VA-FSC as one of many tools used in executing this objective.5.2.6 The Contractor shall provide overall systems and procedures analysis and program support assistance.5.2.7 The Contractor shall develop and deliver all documents as drafts to the Government. The Government will review and provide feedback on the documents within five (5) business days. The Contractor shall provide final documents five (5) business days after the Government provides feedback. The Contractor shall follow relevant Governmental requirements regarding documentation format, routing, retention and related administrative rules.6.0 DOCUMENTATION/DELIVERABLES6.1 Data RightsAll information acquired and documents developed during this requirement shall belong to the Government. The Government shall retain all rights and privileges, including those of patent and copy, to all Government furnished data. The Contractor shall neither retain nor reproduce for private or commercial use any data or other materials furnished under this requirement. The Contractor agrees not to assert any rights at common law or in equity or establish any claim to statutory copyright in such data. These rights are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies to which the Government is otherwise entitled elsewhere in this requirement.6.2 Delivery FormatAll written documents shall be in provided to the VA-FSC in an electronic format that can be opened and edited using standard Microsoft (MS) Windows Office products (e.g., MS Word format, MS Excel, MS Visio, etc.). All documents shall be factually accurate, grammatically correct, and written in a clear and concise manner. All reporting and documentation for the data analytics and business intelligencebusiness activity monitoring shall be delivered in the format of the application source document.6.3 DocumentsDeliverables associated with the services vary according to the program and project supported. Grant Audit review and Internal Audit & Risk deliverables consists of detailed reports addressing findings/observations, through work papers, risk assessments, and various methods of sampling/testing used to accomplish audit objectives. Deliverables will also include review/audit recommendations and any supporting documentation used to substantiate the VA-FSC’s position. Refer to Table 1 below.6.4 ScheduleThe Contractor shall submit to the COR, a schedule of deliverable dates within 5 calendar days of an Audit being assigned and as identified in Table 1 below.7.0 PERFORMANCE MEASURESThe Government will evaluate Contractor performance and deliverables against the criteria in Table 1 to determine interim and final acceptance of the services provided.Table 1. Auditing Support Services Deliverables and Performance MeasuresDeliverable or ObjectivePerformance StandardsMethod of AssessmentAccurately conduct auditing services and prepare associated reports accurately and timely. (Section 5.1 and 5.2)98% accuracy of data provided. Not more than 1 valid complaint from users/customers per quarter.COR Surveillance of audit sampleAudit Reports and other artifacts (Sections 5.0 and 5.1)Completes assigned audit reports and artifacts within the prescribed time frames. Reports are 98% accurate on initial submission and 100% for revisions. COR Surveillance of audit sampleAccurate and timely support to Management Oversight(Section 5.2)98% accuracy of services performed or data developed. Not more than 1 valid complaint from users/customers per quarter.COR SurveillanceCooperate and work effectively with audit customers and Financial Support Service(Sections 5.1and 5.2)Not more than 1 valid complaint from users/customers per quarter.COR SurveillanceMonthly Progress Report outlining all work accomplished during the previous monthSubmitted no later than the 10th day of each month.COR SurveillanceKick-Off Meeting(Section 4.0) Meeting is conducted within two weeks of contract award and at the agreed time and location. The Contractor shall provide the Contractor’s plan to meet requirements for this PWS including the staffing plan for badging and clearances and quality assurance planning. Government/COR observation at the meetingPersonnel Roster(Section 9.1)Initial submittal is received NLT thirty (30) working days after contract award in order to commence Contractor personnel in-processing at VA-FSC. The Roster shall identify the Contractor personnel’s normal work location and duty hours and shall contain accurate, up-to-date information. Submit updates on the 10th day of each month if changes have occurred from previous submission.COR SurveillanceTelecommuting Approval(Section 3.4)Submit telecommuting paperwork and required certificates NLT two weeks prior to start of telecommuting. CORElectronic format* The Government COR will review all complaints. Only those complaints resulting from an error on the part of the technician will be considered valid. The Government will document performance in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS).8.0 Government Furnished Equipment/Government Furnished Information8.1.1 Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) will be provided to the Contractor for work performed at the Government’s site to include a work area, phone, and computer. 8.1.2 GFE will be provided to the all Contractor personnel conducting offsite audit travel to include a laptop, mobile scanner, Verizon wireless aircard or Verizon wireless MiFi (NOTE: only an aircard or MiFI will be issued to each, not both). Refer to Attachment 2 for the equipment list.8.1.3 If the COR has approved telecommuting, a laptop will be provided by the Government with all VA-unique software necessary to accomplish the work within this PWS.9.0 KEY PERSONNELThe Key Personnel are Audit: three (3) Senior Auditors. Key personnel for Audit Services: Senior Auditor must have at least five years’ experience conducting audits and experience managing a team of 5 + auditors conducting internal and external audits; related to governance, risk management, internal controls and Grants . Key Personnel are essential for successful Contractor accomplishment of the work to be performed under this contract and subsequent option years. The Contractor shall not remove, divert, or replace Key Personnel from the contract without written approval of the Contracting Officer (CO).Requests to substitute Key Personnel shall be provided to the CO and the COR for approval within thirty (30) calendar days prior to making any change. The request shall be in writing, providing a detailed explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitution of key personnel. The Contractor shall submit a complete resume for the proposed substitute Key Personnel, and any other information requested by the CO in order to approve or disapprove the proposed substitution. The CO will evaluate such requests and notify the Contractor of approval or disapproval thereof in writing.9.1 Personnel RosterThe Contractor shall provide an initial personnel roster within 30 days of contract award that lists all personnel, their title planned work site (Austin and/or telework Austin); and planned hours of duty.The Contractor shall update the roster monthly; not later than the 10th calendar day of the month for subsequent rosters. Updates are not required if no changes occur.10.0 POSITION/TASK RISK DESIGNATION LEVEL(S) AND CONTRACTOR 10.1 SECURITY AND PRIVACY REQUIREMENTSIt has been determined that protected health information may be disclosed or accessed and a signed Business Associate Agreement (BAA) shall be required. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements set forth within the BAA, referenced in Section D of the contract. 10.2 Personnel security requirements The Contractor shall adhere to the following personnel security requirements to include the Position/Task Risk level(s) shown in Table 2.Table 2 POSITION/TASK RISK DESIGNATION LEVEL(S)Position SensitivityBackground Investigation (in accordance with Department of Veterans Affairs 0710 Handbook, “Personnel Security Suitability Program,” Appendix A)Moderate / Tier 2Tier 2 / Moderate Background Investigation (MBI) A Tier 2/MBI is conducted by OPM and covers a 5-year period. It consists of a review of National Agency Check (NAC) records [OPM Security Investigations Index (SII), DOD Defense Central Investigations Index (DCII), FBI name check, and a FBI fingerprint check], a credit report covering a period of 5 years, written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment; an interview with the subject, law enforcement check; and a verification of the educational degree.The position sensitivity and the level of background investigation commensurate with the required level of access for all tasks within the Performance Work Statement are Moderate/MBI (Tier 2). All contractor personnel performing work on this contract shall undergo and successfully pass an MBI. The current cost for this is $1,632.00.10.3 Contractor Personnel Security Requirements 10.3.1 The Contractor shall prescreen all personnel requiring access to the computer systems to ensure they maintain the appropriate Background Investigation, and are able to read, write, speak and understand the English language. 10.3.2 The Contractor shall bear the expense of obtaining background investigations. 10.3.3 Within 30 business days after award, the Contractor shall provide an initial personnel roster of Contractor and Subcontractor personnel to the COR to begin their background investigations. The roster shall contain each Contractor personnel’s Full Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, email address and individual background investigation level requirement (based upon Section 6.2 Task). The Contractor shall submit full Social Security Numbers either within the Personnel Roster or under separate cover to the COR. The Personnel Roster shall be updated and provided to VA within 1 day of any changes in personnel status, training certification completion status, Background Investigation level status, additions/removal of personnel, etc. throughout the Period of Performance. The Contractor Staff Roster shall remain a historical document indicating all past information and the Contractor shall indicate in the Comment field, personnel no longer supporting this contract. The preferred method to send the Personnel Roster or Social Security Number is by encrypted e-mail. If unable to send encrypted e-mail, other methods which comply with FIPS 140-2 are to encrypt the file, use a secure fax, or use a traceable mail service. The final roster shall be provided 30 days before the Period of Performance (PoP). 10.3.4 The Contractor should coordinate the location of the nearest VA fingerprinting office through the COR. Only electronic fingerprints are authorized.10.3.5 For a Low Risk designation the following forms are required to be completed: 1.OF-306 and 2. DVA Memorandum – Electronic Fingerprints. These initial documents should be submitted to the COR within 5 business days after award; final documents shall be submitted no later than 30 days before the PoP.For a Moderate Risk designation the following forms are required to be completed: 1.OF-306; 2. VA Form 0710; 3. Security Investigation Center Self Certification of Continuous Service Form; and 4. DVA Memorandum – Electronic Fingerprints. These initial documents should be submitted to the COR within 5 business days after award; final documents shall be submitted no later than 30 days before the PoP. 10.3.6 The Contractor personnel shall submit all required information related to their background investigations (completion of the investigation documents (SF85, SF85P, or SF 86) utilizing the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) after receiving an email notification from the Security and Investigation Center (SIC). 10.3.7 The Contractor personnel shall certify and release the e-QIP document, print and sign the signature pages, and send them encrypted to the COR for electronic submission to the SIC. These documents shall be submitted to the COR within 3 business days of receipt of the e-QIP notification email. (Note: OPM is moving towards a “click to sign” process. If click to sign is used, the Contractor personnel should notify the COR within 3 business days that documents were signed via eQIP).10.3.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for the actions of all personnel provided to work for VA under this contract. In the event that damages arise from work performed by Contractor provided personnel, under the auspices of this contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for all resources necessary to remedy the incident. 10.3.9 A Contractor may be granted unescorted access to VA facilities and/or access to VA Information Technology resources (network and/or protected data) with a favorably adjudicated Special Agreement Check (SAC) or “Closed, No Issues” (SAC) finger print results, training delineated in VA Handbook 6500.6 (Appendix C, Section 9), and, the signed “Contractor Rules of Behavior.” However, the Contractor shall be responsible for the actions of the Contractor personnel they provide to perform work for VA. The investigative history for Contractor personnel working under this contract must be maintained in the database of the OPM. 10.3.10 The Contractor, when notified of an unfavorably adjudicated background investigation for Contractor personnel as determined by the Government, shall withdraw the personnel from consideration in working under the contract. 10.3.11 Failure to comply with the Contractor personnel security investigative requirements may result in loss of physical and/or logical access to VA facilities and systems by Contractor and Subcontractor personnel and/or termination of the contract for default.Identity Credential Holders must follow all HSPD-12 policies and procedures as well as use and protect their assigned identity credentials in accordance with VA policies and procedures, displaying their badges at all times, and returning the identity credentials upon termination of their relationship with VA.Attachment 1 – New Contractor Personnel FormAttachment 2 – Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) for Auditing Support ServicesThe following Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) will be provided for FSC Auditing Services to the extent that the corresponding services are funded.Table 3. Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) list for Auditing ServicesItem No.Equipment NamePart Number/ DescriptionManufacturerModel NumberGFE tracking IDNational Stock NumberQty/Unit of MeasureEst. Cost1Laptop ComputerHP Elitebook 8470pHewlett Packard8470pTBD1/Each$1,249.002Mobile ScannerTBD1/Each$499.953a ORVerizon Wireless Air CardVerizonTBDSee note$599.993bVerizon Wireless MiFiJetpack MiFi 6620LVerizonTBDSee note$599.99Note: Items 3a or 3b are authorized for use when conducting official offsite audits only. ................

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