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CHAMBERLAIN CITY COMMISSION?February 19, 2019The Chamberlain City Commission held their second regular meeting on February 19, at 6:00 PM.Present: Chairman in Mayors Absence Tim Thomas and Commissioners Soulek, Ruhlman and Claussen, City Engineer Greg Powell and Finance Officer Nicky Gaulke and.Absent: Mayor Mutziger and Police Chief Jason Handel.Pledge of Allegiance Adopt AgendaMotion by Ruhlman second by Claussen, all ayes and approved the agenda.Conflict of InterestNo conflicts of interest were noted.?MinutesMotion by Claussen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved the minutes from the last regular meeting.Bills?Motion by Ruhlman second by Claussen, all ayes, approved to pay the following bills: A&R Truck Equipment $191.74 Rep/Maint; Aqua-Pure Inc $1,674.56 Chemicals; AT&T $441.58 Phone; B & L Communications $298.00 Equip Maint; Baker & Taylor Company $583.01 Books; Banyon Data Systems $195.00 Prof Serv; Brule County Lumber $68.00 Sup/Mat; BSN Sports $107.93 Sup/Mat; Burke Oil Company $6,817.41 Fuel; Byre Brothers, Inc $1,520.00 Prof Serv; C & E Enterprises $19.76 Sup/Mat; C&B Operations Llc $342.91 Sup/Mat; Card Services Center $1,473.29 Sup/Mat; Cengage Learning $223.40 Books; Center Point Large Print $93.48 Books; Central Dakota Times $465.91 Publishing; Central Electric Cooperative $1,861.37 Electric; Chamberlain Napa $106.98 Sup/Mat; Chamberlain Rec Dept $100.00 Sup/Mat; Chamberlain Wholesale Grocery $147.85 Sup/Mat; Chamberlain/Oacoma Ice Fishing $500.00 Econ. Dvlpt; Chamberlain/Oacoma Sun $60.00 Publishing; Chmela, Jade $30.00 Prof Serv; Colonial Research $182.74 Sup/Mat; Communications Center $26.00 Prof Serv; Cozine Electric $272.88 Sup/Mat; Cutler Lawfirm, Llp $1,987.50 Prof Serv; Gunners Meters & Parts, Inc $986.00 Main Maint; Hawkins $2,077.14 Chemicals; Hrabe Flying Service $1,700.00 Prof Serv; Ingram Book Company $595.60 Books; Jc Printing Inc $525.00 Sup/Mat; Kelsey, Kurt $168.00 Prof Serv; Kimball Midwest $114.44 Sup/Mat; Lakeview Sinclair $107.32 Fuel; Librarians Book Express $291.65 Books; Mid-River Veterinary Clinic $25.50 Animal Control; Midstate Communications $1,692.06 Phone; Midwest Turf & Irrigation $733.68 Sup/Mat; Mohror, Brad $11.25 Travel; Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc $796.73 Sup/Mat; Northwestern Energy $23,836.42 Electric; Onsite Service Solutions Llc $465.00 Sup/Mat; Powercom Electric&Communicatio $660.00 Rep/Maint; Productivity Plus Account $1,805.20 Rep/Maint; Rec Services $112.00 Sup/Mat; Rods Welding Inc $6,097.40 Rep/Maint; Rons Service $93.99 Equip Maint; Same Day Express, Inc $8.00 Prof Serv; SD Dept Of Transportation $9,182.34 Gasoline SEH $12,867.29 Prof Serv; Servall Uniform/Linen Company $201.29 Sup/Mat; Simonsen, Scott $80.00 Phone; Sioux Nation Ag Center $27.16 Animal Control; Sturdevants Auto Parts $390.23 Sup/Mat; Tendaire Industries Inc $81.04 Equipment; True Value $135.81 Sup/Mat; USA Bluebook $74.89 Sup/Mat; Variety Plus - Radio Shack $475.19 Sup/Mat; Vets Oil Company $122.81 Gas; Wabash Valley Manufacturing $1,156.96 Imp Other; Walker Process Equipment $376.82 Sup/Mat; Water & Environmental Engineer $117.50 Chemicals; Wendt, Blake $500.00 Deposit; Willrodt Motor $622.79 Equip Maint; General Fund: Salaries $57,474.34 Total $100,141.88; BBB: $500; Library: Salaries $4,382 Total $7,679.15; Water: Salaries $10,510.84 Total $25,250.66; Wastewater: Salaries $11,110.88 Total $23,469.68, Airport: $15,330.76; Basketball: $211.73. Public CommentsThe floor was opened for public comments with none being received. Resolution No. 2019-03 Restaurant Liquor License FeeMotion by Soulek second by Ruhlman, all ayes and approved the following Resolution No. 2019-03 which establishes the fair market value of full-service restaurant on sale licenses:RESOLUTION NO. 2019-03A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANT ON-SALE LICENSES.WHEREAS, the South Dakota Legislature has enacted SDCL 35-4-111 which authorized the issuance of additional on-sale licenses to full-service restaurants subject to certain conditions; WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority established by SDCL 35-4-111 the City of Chamberlain adopted Ordinance No. 635 to implement the provisions of the full-service restaurant on-sale license; WHEREAS, SDCL 35-4-116 requires that any municipality adopting such ordinance shall charge at least one dollar for each person residing within the municipality as measured by the last preceding decennial federal census;WHEREAS, SDCL 35-4-117 requires any municipality intending to authorize the issuance of such licenses to establish the fair market value of the full-service restaurant on-sale license by using the documented value of the arm’s-length transactions, less the value of any real or personal property included in the transaction; andWHEREAS, the City of Chamberlain has received confidential documentation indicating the value attributed to the sale of on-sale licenses by the parties involved in the transactions have not exceeded the minimum price required by SDCL 35-4-116. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chamberlain, South Dakota, that the fee for a full-service on-sale restaurant license is hereby established, pursuant to SDCL 35-4-116, at $2,387.00.Dated this 19th day of February, 2019.______________________________MayorATTEST:_____________________________Finance Officer(SEAL)Publish:Effective:Published once at the approximate cost of ________________.Scavengers JourneyGreg Olson of the Scavengers Journey asked for $1,500 for the annual Scavengers Journey for the year 2019. Last year Frank McDaniel ran a Flea market in the Community Center and also on the corner by his shop. They are hoping to find someone else to do it this year as Frank will not be doing it again.Kodoka, Belvidere and Stickney have added in 2019 while Kennebec opted out.Olson presented the financials for 2018 with discussion being held on the cost of advertising. Commissioner Ruhlman asked about the website upkeep costs and thought they were a little high and Olson stated that he was not sure what it all entailed Olson added that they are offering a $250 scholarship again to a student from one of the participating towns.Council discussed what the City previously contributed to the Scavengers Journey with 2017-18 being $1,000 and $1,500 was given from 2013-2016.Motion by Claussen, died due to lack of second, to contribute $1,500 to the Scavengers Journey for 2019.Ruhlman stated that for these kind of events she thought that the Council had decided that we eventually want them to be self-sustaining and Soulek stated that we do.Olson stated this is for many towns while Ruhlman commented that she understands this, but Chamberlain is what we are here to represent. It was added that we reduced their contribution a couple years ago by $500 in hopes that they will eventually not need these funds.Motion by Soulek second by Claussen, all ayes and approved to contribute $1,000 to the Scavengers Journey for 2019.Public Hearing – Liquor LicenseMotion by Soulek second by Ruhlman, all ayes and approved to open a public hearing at 6:10 PM for the application for retail on-sale liquor license by Foreswen, LLC.Foreswen has applied for the recently vacated liquor license by The Gateway West and will place it at the former Busted Nut location. With no further discussion, motion by Claussen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to close the hearing at 6:11 PM.Motion by Soulek second by Claussen, all ayes and approved the following license application: Foreswen, LLC for retail on-sale liquor at 309 E Glen, NW ? NE ? SE ? NW ? of Section 15 T104N, R71W, Brule County, Chamberlain, SD.Public Hearing – Malt Beverage/Wine LicenseMotion by Ruhlman second by Claussen, all ayes and approved to open the public hearing at 6:15 PM for the application for retail on-sale liquor license by Terry and Cheryl Gaulke, The Smoking Mule, LLC. at 309 E Glen.With no further discussion, motion by Ruhlman second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to close the hearing at 6:15 PM.Motion by Ruhlman second by Soulek, all ayes and approved the following license applications: Terry and Cheryl Gaulke, The Smoking Mule, LLC. for retail on-off sale wine and cider and retail on-off sale malt beverage and SD farm wine at 309 E Glen, NW ? NE ? SE ? NW ? of Section 15 T104N, R71W, Brule County, Chamberlain, SD.Public Hearing – Temporary One-Day Malt BeverageMotion by Soulek second by Ruhlman, all ayes and approved to schedule a public hearing at 6:10 PM on March 4 for the application for retail on-sale malt beverage at the Chamberlain Community Center located at 112 N Main Street by the Silver Dollar Bar for the American Cancer Society. They will sell beer for approximately two hours during the American Cancer Society event that evening.Public Hearing – Transfer LiquorMotion by Soulek second by Ruhlman, all ayes and approved to schedule a public hearing at 6:10 PM on March 18 for the following liquor license transfer: from Foreswen, LLC for retail on-sale liquor at 309 E Glen, NW ? NE ? SE ? NW ? of Section 15 T104N, R71W, Brule County, Chamberlain, SD to Terry and Cheryl Gaulke, The Smoking Mule, LLC. 309 E Glen, NW ? NE ? SE ? NW ? of Section 15 T104N, R71W, Brule County, Chamberlain, SD.SD DOT Airport Funding AgreementPowell reported that we received a letter from DOT about the process for reimbursement for the airport improvement program. This program, requires federal funding to go through SDDOT before it is transferred to a municipality. SDDOT has asked that we sign the agency agreement so that DOT can process reimbursements on airport projects including FAA funds.Motion by Claussen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved the Chairman in Mayors Absence to sign the agency agreement between the State of SDDOT and the City of Chamberlain.Water Meter ProjectPowell stated that we asked for proposals on the water meter project and we received three back. A summary of the proposals from Core & Main, Winwater Co, and Dakota Supply Group was presented by Powell.Powell recommends going with Dakota Supply Group at a cost of $118 per meter. All the meters have the ability to store information such as temperature if it were to freeze, daily water usage, etc. Most of the meters will be installed on evenings and weekends with an installation cost of around $50-$60 per meter. Powell had estimated a cost of approximately $300 per meter by the time we finish the project. It was noted that we do have water fund cash that we can use if neededMotion by Claussen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved the proposal from Dakota Supply Group for the water meter project at a cost of $118 per meter.RLF ApplicationsNatalie Murato, executive director for LFCD informed the Council that she received an RLF application from Tina and Lee Dehaai. The Board reviewed their financials and business plan and have recommend that the City award the Dehaai’s $90,000 at 2.5% with a 20 year amortization and a 5 year balloon.Powell asked if lowering the loan from their original request of $100,000 affects the SBA loan and Murato stated that no it will not.Powell recommended to the Council that the accept the LFCD recommendation.Motion by Soulek second by Claussen, all ayes and approved an RLF loan with Dahaai’s Processing, LLC for $90,000 at 2.5% with a 20 year amortization and a 5 year balloon.Lake Francis Case DevelopmentNatalie Muruato introduced herself to the Board and also Rachelle Hopkins who has been hired as the operations manager for the Chamber/Lake Francis Case Development. Muruato stated that she has been here around 6 weeks and has already attended 4 conferences. Muruato presented the Council with information that she has compiled from other groups about branding our communities. She went on to note such things as the river, recreation, shopping, interstate traffic, positive experiences, training staff of local businesses, tours, etc Muarato stated that we need to rebrand our community.She went on to state that we are very limited when it comes to bringing in anything manufacturing because of the lack of buildings, workforce and natural gas. Muruato also stated that we need to change where we sit as a tourism destination with the State of South Dakota.She noted that 80% of expansion in jobs comes from existing businesses and we need to work more on helping what we have already and keeping them.Need more unique experiences, people want trails, 4-wheelers, walking, biking.Since Steve Schomp closed, she has contacted barber schools and the state barber association trying to fill the spot. Muruato stated that she also put our name out there for a possible barber school to be placed in Chamberlain.Jim Swenson stated that he was in Lead at a meeting and the guy sitting next to him told him that when you crest that hill at Chamberlain and Oacoma and see that river, it is a treasure.Further discussion was held on our areas strengths and weaknesses and what we can do to make it better,Commissioner Thomas commented that we used to have a sweet corn feed in town many years ago and asked if we could possibly do something like that again, Jim and Kari Swenson said they would donate the use of land at the for the planting of sweet corn for this event.RLFCommissioner Soulek stated he believes the RLF Loans should go through LFCDC first before ever coming to the City. He stated that LFCDC did not have the application or the guidelines for RLF loans.Powell stated that they do have that information and that they have board members that have been there for many years that know the guidelines and have them.Muruato would like to offer more microloans to businesses for small repairs, minor help like paint, signage, etc. Both Powell and Gaulked stated that after attorney fees and lien research, etc we would not be interested in doing these smaller loans and Muruato stated that is something that they may be able to do themselves through LFCD.Powell stated that he also will not support that the City give up our RLF program and funds and Muruato stated that is not what they are trying to do.Claussen asked about our current cash balance and what’s available to disburse out for new loans and it was noted that we currently have $290,000 with approximately $5,400 coming in monthly from loan payments. We also currently have just over $400,000 out in loans and have had no problems with collections on any of these loans.Powell added that it frustrates him that LFCDC is asking for the guidelines and loan information because they have had these guidelines for many years. He added that Barry Kuke actually even tried to rewrite the guidelines and take over the funds. Other MatterSoulek stated that he did not know that the A-Square building sold. Natalie stated that was one of the first things she worked on when she started. She added that it would probably be easier to build a new spec building because of the limitations that come with how this building was constructed. Executive Session – Contract Negotiation, Legal Matter, Economic DevelopmentMotion by Soulek second by Claussen, all ayes and approved to enter into executive session at 7:50 PM for contract negotiation, legal matter and economic development.Motion by Claussen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to exit executive session at 8:26 PM.AdjournMotion by Soulek second by Claussen, all ayes and approved to adjourn at 8:27 PM. ?_____________________________________Tim Thomas, Chairman in Mayor Absence ?Attest:SEAL_____________________________________Nicky Gaulke, Finance OfficerPublished once at the total approximate cost of __________. ................

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