Value of Life Essay – Format & Structure Essay Due Date: Friday, 11/13 – if your email says, Saturday, 11/14, your paper is late and will not be graded. The readings, audio, and videos are here: Writing Timeline: ALWAYS COME TO CLASS FIRST Mon. 11/2 = complete graphic organizer: daily write + text + comment Tue. 11/3 = same Wed. 11/4 = same Thu. 11/5 = write introduction (in class)Fri. 11/6 = write first sub claim (in class)Mon. 11/9 = write second sub claim (type in library) Tue. 11/10 = write conclusion (type in library) Wed. 11/11 = NO SCHOOL Thu. 11/12 = type in library Fri. 11/13 = type in library Essay Prompt: How do society’s values assign value to people’s lives? How do society’s values determine whether all lives are valuable or whether some lives are more valuable than others? Explanation of the PromptSociety has certain values that it automatically assigns to individuals that live within it. For example, in California, society’s values dictate that its citizens do not smoke in public buildings – or cannot sell alcohol to minors, or that people cannot buy alcohol in bars after 2:00 a.m., or that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman only, or that marijuana is legal for medicinal reasons. So, society has values and assigns those values to people’s lives – and we follow them for the most part. But society’s values sometimes determine the quality or the value of people’s lives. For example, people who have committed felonies cannot serve on a jury, or people who have committed sex crimes cannot live within a certain number of miles of schools or parks and must register their names with local law enforcement for the rest of their lives – every time they live in a new location – so that the members who live in the community know that a sex offender lives in their neighborhood. So, in this sense, society’s values add or detract value from these people’s lives. Society has determined that all lives are valuable, but some lives are more valuable than other lives.You must select at least four of the sources below – and at least one must come from audio/video. You must include all eight daily write reflections in your essay. Determine which source best matches your thinking in your daily writes. Complete the graphic organizer (see subsequent pages). You will need to submit the graphic organizer after your essay is finished.Readings #1 – Hamlet (3 questions from Activity 3)#2 – “You’ve Got to Find What You Love” – Steve Jobs #3 – “What is the Value of a Human Life” – Kenneth Feinberg (ERWC workbook, pages 66-67)#4 – “Jim Crow Policing” – Bob Herbert #5 – Your article: racial profiling#6 – “New California Law Aims to Curb Racial Profiling by Police” – Matt Ferner Videos or Audios#1 – Video #1 – ABC News #2 – Video #2 – Face the Truth#3 – Video #3 – Scars of Stop and Frisk#4 – Video #4 – What is Black Lives Matter?#5 – Video #5 – Underlying Goal of Papers Please Law #6 – Audio #1 – Traffic Stop Bias Scrutinized #7 – Audio #2 – Latino USA – Papers Please Law#8 – Officer Neil Raumann – racial profiling talkFormatTyped: 10-12 point fontNo more than 2 single-spaced pages (this is not MLA format, but it’s my policy; double space when you get to college)Proper MLA format for everything else (in-text citations and Works Cited page) – but not spacingGive the work a Title (that includes a verb – and a hint of what the paper will discuss)Works Cited page (that includes the list of work that you cited in your paper)Submit with your essay (staple in this order) DUE: Mon. 11/16 – your essay is due Fri. 11/13 before midnightAnnotation of “Jim Crow Policing” – Bob Herbert Annotation of the racial profiling article you printed in the libraryAnnotation of “New California Law Aims to Curb Racial Profiling by Police” – Matt Ferner Annotation of “You’ve Got to Find What You Love” – Steve Jobs Annotation of “What is the Value of a Human Life” – Kenneth Feinberg Annotation of “Value of Life” – OrenK, student from New YorkActivity 1 – Meaning of LifeActivity 3 – Hamlet questionsDaily Write + Text Commentary Daily Writes to include in your essay (you must include every daily write question someplace in the essay + the notes from Officer Neil Raumann’s visit)What does being alive mean to you? How do you assign value to life? Give details and examples.What makes life challenging? What makes life worth living? Describe a few examples that help show your thinking about how people should value life.What determines whether a person's life has value? ?How do you judge the worth of a person? ?Are there ever any good reasons to contemplate (think seriously about) suicide? ?Why or why not? ?Give reasons to support your answer - along with the consequences for such action. Would you risk your job to save someone else’s life if you lived in a very poor country and your job was the only means you had to feed your family? Why? Why not?Are all lives valuable, or are some more valuable than others? Explain the details of your answer.How do values add value to a person’s life?What are Steve Jobs’ values? How did they add value to his life?To what extent is value added or taken away from a person’s life who is racially profiled? Explain your answer with details and examples.Notes and reflections from Officer Raumann StructureEssay Prompt: How do society’s values assign value to people’s lives? How do society’s values determine whether all lives are valuable or whether some lives are more valuable than others? (see explanation of the prompt on page one)INTRODUCTIONContextualization Background on what values are, the definition and what they mean to you: notes from your daily writes.Background on racial profiling, the definition and what your perspective is on itNotes from Officer Raumann or any of the articles, audios, videos, or notes from your daily writes.Main Claim (thesis)Answer the prompt question: How do society’s values assign value to people’s lives? How do society’s values determine whether all lives are valuable or whether some lives are more valuable than others? A person’s life is valuable when _____, but – and – so – when racial profiling happens in a person’s life it _____ (you do not have to use this sentence starter, but it is here just in case you need it.)BODYSub Claim #1 – 1st reason you believe the main claim is true – the first reason why you believe that whatever you wrote about racial profiling is true.Explain what you mean about the sentence above – give reasons why you made the statementEvidence x 43 from readings1 from audio or video Commentary that explains how each piece of evidence supports your claimTRANSITION SENTENCE THAT MOVES READER FROM RACIAL PROFILING SUB CLAIM TO THE VALUE OF LIFE SUB CLAIMSub Claim #2 – 2nd reason you believe the main claim is true – the second reason why you know a life is valuable (discuss what it means to have a valuable life)Explain what you mean about having a valuable lifeEvidence x 43 from readings1 from the audios or videos Commentary that explains how each piece of evidence supports your claimCONCLUSIONRestate main claim, using different wordsAnswer the “so what” question. Why do the values you have discussed matter? Why should anyone care about them in relation to racial profiling? ................

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