Values Worksheet

Values Identification

Your Values are “What’s Most Important To You.” Discovering your values is a powerful tool that allows you to get in touch with the deep influencing “programs” from which you operate. Values have specific meanings and are relevant to understanding everything we say, do and/or think. Whether or not your key values are acknowledged and balanced will determine how successful you are in moving toward your desired goals.

Identifying your values reveals the unconscious directive filters that control your life. Values are connected to beliefs and a person’s motivation or lack of motivation for action. Understanding these values or “Unconscious Blueprints” can help you to learn what is directing your thoughts, decisions and actions.

1. Start your list by considering what’s important to you in life? What do you want in your life? What do you care about? (They are often qualities or characteristics, etc.) Write them down on the Values Worksheet, one value per line. Add lines if you need to.

2. Think of any “peak” experiences that you have had, when life was rich, exhilarating, flowing? It may have been days, minutes, etc, What was important about that experience, what values were you honoring? If you identify new values, add them to your list.

3. Think of things that drive you nuts or make you angry or frustrated. What values are being violated? Add these values to your list.

4. What is it that you can’t live with and still be true to yourself?

5. Now, take the values and to the right of each one, define what that value means to you. Now see if two values merge into one or mean the same thing?

6. Now prioritize them. Pick your top ten, number them in priority 1-10, 1 being most important. Which value is number one, if you had to choose the most important element, which one would you choose?

Values Worksheet

What values are you fulfilling in your life?

What values are you neglecting?

What values are you blatantly violating?

Values may change throughout your life and you may have different values for different areas of life. What you value in your career may be completely different than what do you value in a relationship, etc. Values Worksheet adapted from NLP Coaching Institute of California Training.


The Work Smart Wellness Coach

Holly Stokes, NLP Coach, Trainer, Speaker

360-837-3209 * 503-351-8021

Create the Life you were Born to Live!


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