MARK G. KLANG MS, RPh, BCNSP, PhD (516) 697-7076 Cell

21 Monroe Street (212) 639-7574 Work

Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 (646) 227-2445 Fax


Member, Investigator, Exam Item Writer; New York State Board of Pharmacy 2017 to 2022

Chief Examiner, New York State Board of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Compounding Exam LIU 2017-2022

USP Committee on Pharmaceutical Compounding , 2000 to 2010.

Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice – Experiential Education Pharmacy Program, Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions (2010 – present)

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice – Experiential Education Pharmacy Program, St John’s University College of Pharmacy (2015 – present)

Committee member, A.S.P.E.N, Abstract Review; Chapter Affairs and Research

Pharmacy Director at Large: Long Island Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2007- Present

Contributor: Science and Technology Newsletter, International Journal of Pharmacy Compounding

Chair: Drug Nutrient Interaction, Professional Interest Committee - A.S.P.E.N.

Manuscript Reviewer – AJHP, Hospital Pharmacy, JPEN, NCP, Clinical Nutrition, CJHP, JCPT

Member – Institutional Biohazard Committee - MSKCC

Member - Clinical Device and Product Evaluation Committee – MSKCC

Advisor – Nutrition Committee - MSKCC

Member/Advisor – Hematology-Oncology Pharmacists Association’s Section of Clinical Specialists

Member - A.S.H.P, Clinical Specialties Divisions, Scientists' Advisory Group Appointment

Member /Speaker- New York State Society of Hospital Pharmacists

Member / Speaker- New York City Society of Hospital Pharmacists

Member/Faculty – American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Member – American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

Member/Advisor/ Speaker - Oley Foundation

Captain – MSKCC Softball team 4th place 2015 – Zog Sports NYC


M.S. Pharmacotherapeutics (1987) - Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy

B.S. Pharmacy (1978) - Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy

Ph.D. Pharmaceutics (2008) – Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy

Rho Chi Honor Society

Board Certified Nutrition Support Pharmacist – Jan.1992, re-certified June 1999

Distinguished Nutrition Support Pharmacist Service Award 2016

Pharmacist License: New York, Maine


Oct. 1989 Core Manager – Research Pharmacy – Sloan-Kettering Institute

To Responsible for all projects and operations of a cGMP Pharmacy Research facility

Present Prepare investigational agents from raw substances. Prepare investigational biologicals. Conduct compatibility/stability assessment utilizing HPLC, light obscuration and other spectroscopy.



Klang M, Sterile Preparation Formulation, Chapter 4, in Compounding Sterile Preparations: Fourth Edition E. Clyde Buchanan, Philip J. Schneider, and Ryan A. Forrey in Compounding Sterile Preparations, 4th Edition. 2017 ASHP ISBN: 978-58528-484-9

Klang MG. Drug-Drug and Drug-Nutrient Interactions in Gastrointestinal Diseases, Chapter 25 in Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, Mullin GE, Matarese LE, and Palmer M. CRC Press, Taylor Frances Group 2012 ISBN 978-1-4398-1264-8

Klang MG. Medication Administration in the Enterally Fed Patient, Chapter 27, in Clinical Management of Intestinal Failure, Duggin CP, Gura KM and Jaksic T. CRC Press, Taylor-Frances Group, 2012 ISBN 978-1-4398-1390-4


Boullata JI, Carrera AL, Harvey L, et al. ASPEN Safe Practices for Enteral Nutrition Therapy. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2016.

Klang M, Sterility Testing. Science and Technology IJPC Newsletter Vol 6, Issue 4, 10/11/16

Klang MG, Williams LA, Quality Control Analytical Methods, Method Validation. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. Vol 20, No. 5 Sept/Oct 2016 pp381-6

Zarbo A, Ouerfelli O, Klang M, Lacourture M, Increased Airport Scrutiny by the Transportation Security Administration of a Patient-Passenger carrying Ammonium Lactate-Containing Moisturizer. JAMA Dermatology Aug 3, 2016 p81-2

Klang M, Tips from the plumber, Lifeline Newsletter, Oley Foundation Fall/Winter 2015

Shor A, Klang M, Abramova I. Lidocaine and bupivacaine syringe stability study. Pharmacotherapy 36(7) May 7, 2016

Krug LM, Zauderer MG, Adusumili PS, McGee E, Sepkowitz K, Klang M, Yu YA, Scigalla P, Rusch VW. Phase I study of intra-pleural administration of GL-ONC1, an oncolytic vaccinia virus, in patients with malignant pleural effusion. ASCO Meeting Abstracts. 2015 May 18; 33(15_suppl): 7559.

Klang MG. PFAT5 and the Evolution of Lipid Admixture Stability. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. Sep 2015;39(1 Suppl):67s-71s.

Klang M, Method Validation. Science and Technology IJPC Newsletter Vol 4, Issue 6, 7/16/14

Klang M, Stability-indicating Assays. Science and Technology IJPC Newsletter Vol 4, Issue 4, 5/15/14

Klang M, Gandhi U and Mironova O. Dissolving nutrition clog with new pancreatic enzyme formulation. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2013, Nutr Clin Pract, June 2013; vol. 28, 3: pp. 410-412.

Klang M, Ng N and McLymont V. Osmolality, pH and Compatibility of Selected Oral Liquid Medications with an Enteral Nutrition Product, JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr September 2013 37: 689-694

Klang M, Graham J, Okada T and Mattson C. Improving Medication Safety – Administering Medication via feeding tubes. Clinical Nutrition 2012 (Suppl 1) Vol 7 PP245- Sun

Clegg NJ, Wongvipat J, Joseph JD, Tran C, Ouk S, Dilhas A, Chen Y, Grillot K, Bischoff ED, Cai L, Aparicio A, Dorow S, Arora V, Shao G, Qian J, Zhao H, Yang G, Cao C, Sensintaffar J, Wasielewska T, Herbert MR, Bonnefous C, Darimont B, Scher HI, Smith-Jones P, Klang M, Smith ND, De Stanchina E, Wu N, Ouerfelli O, Rix PJ, Heyman RA, Jung ME, Sawyers CL, Hager JH. ARN-509: a novel antiandrogen for prostate cancer treatment. Cancer Res. 2012 Mar 15;72(6):1494-503. Epub 2012 Jan 20.

Klang M: Drug-Drug and Drug-Nutrient Interactions (Chapter 26), in Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Nutrition Desk Reference. CRC Press Gerald Mullin Editor. August 2011

Klang M: Medication Administration in the Enterally Fed Patient (Chapter 27) Taylor Francis publisher. Kathy Gura editor: Clinical Management of Intestinal Failure. September 2011

Klang M, Rollins C and Frankel E: Tube Occlusion Module. American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, () ASPEN Self-assessment modules

Klang M: Generic Docetaxel Extended Stability Study AJHP MCM Professional Poster 3-164 December, 2011 New Orleans

Yankovich, W and Klang M: Testing Cleaners for Removal of Fluorouracil. InPHARMation (MSKCC newsletter) Vol 5 (11) November 2011

Klang M, McLymont V, Ng Nicole: Compatibility of liquid medication with enteral nutrition. Journal of Clinical Nutrition ESPEN conference, Gothenburg Sweden, Clinical Nutrition 2012 (Suppl 1) Vol 6 pp

Boules, R, Chann, V and Klang, M: An evaluation of levofloxacin and magnesium sulfate interaction. AJHP Dec, 2010 Poster

Bertin, L, Chann V and Klang, M: Effect of pH on warfarin binding to feeding tube and nutrition. AJHP Dec 2010 Poster

Bertin, L, Chann V and Klang, M: Evaluation of process to detect and clean residual fluorouracil. AJHP Dec 2010 Poster

Hatashima, A, Arriola, TA and Klang M: Evaluation of Extended-release Pancreatic Enzyme to dissolve a clog. Nutrition and Clinical Practice, Oct; 2010 25(5):563-4

Klang, M. Recommendations for Compounding Medications for feeding tube administration. Int J Pharm Cmpd 14(4) July/August 2010 276-282

Hatashima, A, Arriola, TA and Klang, M: A Comparison of Oral Magnesium Supplements. InPHARMation (MSKCC newsletter) Vol 4 (8) August 2010

Arriola, TA and Klang, M. Lidocaine-Bupivacaine Stability Study. InPHARMation (MSKCC newsletter) Vol 4 (6) June 2010

Klang, M., D. Graham, and V. McLymont. 2010. Warfarin bioavailability with feeding tubes and enteral formula. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 34 (3):300-4

Klang, M, Bertin, L, and Chann V. Fluorouracil surface contamination. J Oncol Pharm Pract Vol 16, No 1, Supplement 2010 page 9

Klang M Compatibility of Levofloxacin injection and magnesium sulfate. Letters, AJHP Vol. 66 (17) Page 1520. Sept. 1, 2009

Chann V, Bertin L and Klang M. Fluorouracil Contamination Study. InPHARMation (MSKCC newsletter) Vol 3 (9) September 2009

Shenderov F ,Klang M, Schattner M, Chan A, Lai C ,Muller R, Siena G, Ling So Y, Striffler D , Chao C, Chuy F. Medication Administration in Patients With Enteral Feeding Tubes Nutrition and Clinical Practice. Vol 24(2) Apr-May 2009

Klang M. Issues for the Pharmacist Monitoring Post-Pyloric Administration of Drugs. InPHARMation (MSKCC newsletter) Vol 2 (8) August 2008

Klang M. Declog a feeding tube. InPHARMation (MSKCC newsletter) Vol 2 (6) June 2008

Okada T, Klang M, McLymont V, Symonette. Pilot Study of tube-fed Patients: Link between Diarrhea

And Medication Administration. Nutrition and Clinical Practice. Vol 23(2) Apr-May 2008 P30-540

Nygen H, Lewars K, Klang MG Calcium Phosphate precipitation in TPN solutions as measured by tubidnometer. P- 450 JPEN 2008

Klang MG, Interactions of Phenytoin with Enteral Nutrition. New York State Journal of Health-system Pharmacists 25(5) 2006 pp 15-20

Klang MG, Influence of Enteral formula on Ciprofloxacin Suspension dissolution. Nutrition and Clinical Practice. P-626-NW January 2006

Klang MG. Phenytoin dissolution: influence of enteral nutrition and feeding tubes. Clinical Nutrition, Volume 23, P339 August 2005

Klang MG. Phenytoin Binding to Enteral Formulas in an Equilibrium Dialysis Model as Analyzed using HPLC P-071 Nutrition and Clinical Practice. January 2005

Bianco F, Klang M, Mulhall JP, Time-Dependent Alprostadil Concentration Alterations in Trimix Solution Journal of Sexual Medicine Time-Dependent Alprostadil Concentration Alterations In Trimix Solution. Journal of Sexual Medicine 11/2004; 1:135-135.

Klang MG, In-vitro model of Phenytoin availability in gastric or intestinal fluids and the effect of protein. Clinical Nutrition Volume 23, Issue 4, Pages 439 (August 2004)

Klang MG. Working with Latex Closures. New York State Journal of Health-system Pharmacists 23(4) 2004 pp 18-21

Klang MG, Graham D, McLymont V, Sharpe J and Barrera R. Warfarin bioavailability with feeding tubes and formula  Clinical Nutrition, Volume 22, Supplement 1, August 2003, Page S104

Kelly W. Richon VM. O'Connor O. Curley T. MacGregor-Curtelli B. Tong W. Klang M. Schwartz L. Richardson S. Rosa E. Drobnjak M. Cordon-Cordo C. Chiao JH. Rifkind R. Marks PA. Scher H. Phase I clinical trial of histone deacetylase inhibitor: Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid administered intravenously Clinical Cancer Research. Vol. 9(10 I) (pp 3578-3588), 2003.

Klang M, Gabovich N, Barrera R. Influence of Calcium and Magnesium on Degradation of Injectable Ascorbic Acid in Ethyl Vinyl Acetate Containers Journal of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition January 2003

Timoney JP, Malkin DM, Leone DM, Groeger JS, Heaney ML, Keefe DL, Klang MG, Lucarelli CD, Muller RJ, Eng SL, Connor M, Small TN, and Saltz LB. Safe and effective use of alteplase for the clearance of occluded central venous devices. J of Clin Oncology 20(7) April 2002, pp 1918-22

Klang MG, Evaluating Intravenous Compatibility Literature – New York State Journal of Health-System Pharmacists – 21(1) page 4-7 Jan-Feb 2002

Klang MG, Compatibility Study of Parenteral Nutrition and Levofloxacin Injection Nutrition and Clinical Practice. Jan 2002

Klang M, Gabovich N, Khvatyuk O, Simon N, MG, Barrera R. Ciprofloxacin compatibility with parenteral nutrition solutions as measured by changes in UV absorbance. Journal of the European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 20 (Suppl 3) page 28 August 2001

Klang MG, Patient-Counseling Program for Drug-Nutrient Interactions - New York State Journal of Health System Pharmacists. – September-October Vol 18 (5) page 9-13 1999

Klang MG, Hayes E, Bloss C. Drug Nutrient Interactions in Adult Parenteral Nutrition - Chapter of A.S.P.E.N. Textbook.

Schiano TD, Klang MG, Quesada E., Scott F, Tao Y, Shike M. Thiamine Status in Patients Receiving Long Term Home Parenteral Nutrition - American Journal of Gastroenterology, 91 (12): 2555 - 9, Dec. 1996

Klang MG., Are TNA’s medically necessary - NY- Health-system- Pharm; 1996; 15(Jun); 5-8

Klang MG, Brehio R. Medicating tube-fed Patients - Nursing; 1996; 26(Jan); 18

Klang MG Drug Administration through feeding tubes - Reply to the editor Journal of the New York Hospital Pharmacist. Sept. 1995

Klang MG. Issues for the pharmacist monitoring medications administered through a feeding tube - NY State J Pharm; 1994; 13(4) 81-82, 84

Hornsby-Lewis L, Shike M, Brown P, Klang M, Brennan MF. L-Glutamine supplementation in home total parenteral nutrition patients: stability, safety and effects on intestinal absorption - J Parenteral Enteral Nutrition, 1994; 18(May-June) 268- 273.

Klang MG. Drug - Nutrient Interactions: Part II - Nutrition Update Vol. 3, Number 1. Page 6 - M.S.K.C.C. Clinical Dietician's Newsletter.

Klang MG, Ng B. Proposed method to compare the pulmonary effects of 3-in-1 total parenteral nutrition (TPN) vs. conventional TPN administration - Abstract - ASHP Mid-year Clinical Meeting; 1993; 28 (Dec); P-450 (R)

Klang MG. Specialty Amino Acid Formulations in Acute Myelocytic Leukemia - Journal Review - L.I.S.P.E.N. Newsletter - Vol. No. 1 page 3-4, Nov. 1993

Cleary K, Klang MG, Tong W. Broviac occlusion: possible ceftazidime and vancomycin incompatibility ASHP - Midyear Clinical Meeting; 1992; 27(Dec); P-168D

Klang M, Proposed Method to Evaluate Total Nutrient Admixture Stability - Abstract - ASHP- Midyear Clinical Meeting; 1992; 27(Dec) P-425R

Nolte MJ, Cleary K, Keefe D, Klang M Retrospective evaluation of pentamidine associated cardia abnormalities- ASHP - Midyear Clinical Meeting; 1992; 27(Dec); P-456 (E)


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