Mutual Fund Search

Mutual Fund Search

Your goal is to find a mutual fund that has the following characteristics:

• 5 year rate of return – minimum of 5%

• Low initial investment – maximum of $2500

• Low expenses and fees – no load and under 1% expenses

There are numerous “Fund families” to choose from, but here are a couple that you can use. Choose others is you wish.

• Fidelity –

• Vanguard –

• Janus –

• Dreyfus –

• Franklin Templeton –

Choose a fund that meets the above criteria. Complete the following information about that fund.

Fund name – Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

Symbol - FBCVX

Type of Fund – Seeks capital appreciation

Morningstar Rating and Category – 2 out of 5

12 month Hi-Low – $14.88 - $17.08

Current NAV – $16.21

YTD Return – +0.58%

1 year Return – +1.59%

5 year Avg annual return – +11.97%

10 yr avg annual return – +4.29%

Expenses and Fees – 0.83%

Holdings (top 5) –






Minimum Initial Investment – $2,500

1. Why might you choose a mutual fund over a stock or bond?

A mutual fund combines funds of different investors and then invests money into a portfolio of stocks and bonds.

2. Using the 10 year average return rate what would be your return on your fund if you had invested $5,000 for the last 10 years? Remember mutual funds are compounded annually at least.



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