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| |Dear Investor, |c] |

| |What you are about to read is something the Vanguard Group wishes no one knew. | |

| |Especially you, a Vanguard shareholder. | |

| |I can tell you the truth because our publication is INDEPENDENT of Vanguard and totally free of conflict of interest. | |

| |Built on a lie! | |

| |Vanguard wants you to "believe" in indexing. Your faith in indexing is the cornerstone of their business. | |

| |But it’s a lie. And your trust could cost you PLENTY! | |

| |Here's Why: | |

| |Indexing doesn't work for you. It works for them. The big famous Index funds at Vanguard have chronically underperformed over the last few years, | |

| |exposing conservative investors to the worst risks of bear markets and missing out on the best opportunities of bull markets. But Vanguard knows that | |

| |investors who plunk money into an index become "passive." Their money goes "dead." And Vanguard never has to worry about these clients getting antsy. | |

| |Indexing is a great business—but it's a lousy investment! | |

| |Index funds are ready to crater again. Because index funds have little value orientation, it means you're invested in lots of high-risk growth stocks.| |

| |You're up to your neck in tech! You're up to your eyeballs in banks! These are high P/E, very interest-rate-sensitive stocks. And with interest rates | |

| |rising, tech and bank stocks have taken a beating. The indexes are so vulnerable right now, I must urge you to SELL, SELL, SELL! | |

| |Worst of all, money sunk in indexes isn't growing. Our Vanguard "Best-of-the-Best" picks have beaten the indexes more than TWO-to-ONE for the last ten| |

| |years! On average, our picks have returned 19.3% a year, while the indexes have trailed behind as much as 9.9%. So if you put your faith in indexing, | |

| |it's like deciding you prefer to be HALF as wealthy! | |

| | | |

| |But even more significantly… | |

| |In indexes you’re missing out on one of the biggest bonanzas of the decade! While index funds—and many other famous "conservative" Vanguard | |

| |funds—continue to stumble in 2004, Vanguard’s "Secret 5" are positioned to rocket ahead! Indeed, according to our research, there’s an exciting profit| |

| |window about to open for investors in these funds. | |

| |But you have to get into these "Secret 5" funds, and you have to do so now! | |

| |And right now I’m going to show you how. | |

| |To maximize your profits, put your Vanguard Action Plan in place now! | |

| |My name is Dan Wiener, and my admiration for the Vanguard organization is deep. | |

| |I also hate risk. Indeed, the only person I know who is as skeptical as I am is Jack Bogle, Vanguard's founder. In a world of sugary "doughnut funds,"| |

| |Jack Bogle created the ultimate honest-to-goodness wholesome "bagel funds"--Vanguard. To him, the fiduciary responsibility of handling other people's | |

| |money was a sacred trust. | |

| |I've learned a lot from him over the years, and he might even admit he's learned a couple of things from me. Before he was pushed aside, Jack and I | |

| |asked the tough questions at Vanguard. | |

| |Now it's just me. | |

| |While this doesn't win me any popularity contests inside Vanguard, it has won me the following of ordinary Vanguard investors who, like me, hate risk | |

| |and always want to make sure they're in the best funds. | |

| | | |

| |There are 5 Vanguard funds that withstand our brutal analysis. Five funds that will most assuredly surge in the weeks and months ahead. Five funds | |

| |that will quickly put you ahead of the plan, instead of struggling "behind the curve." Five "secret" funds that are the absolute BEST to own right | |

| |now. | |

| |And chances are... | |

| |...you've never even heard of them. | |

| |Here they are. (By the way, you can get complete details on these funds in my urgent research report, Action Plan. It includes complete details of | |

| |these 5 "secret" Vanguard funds, and I urge you to get your hands on it and read it carefully. It's free, too, when you sign up for a risk-free trial | |

| |of my advisory, The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. Click Here to reserve your copy today. | |

| |5 "Secret" Funds | |

| |The Best Vanguard Fund for High Growth Now | |

| |Particularly in times of turmoil and economic uncertainty, you might suppose that a fund that promises high returns must have to take very high risk. | |

| |You'd be right...but there is a surprising exception to this rule...and it is health care stocks. | |

| |Health care stocks have proven to be an excellent prescription in uncertain markets. They march to the beat of a different drummer. This makes perfect| |

| |sense if you think about it: You don't stop taking your pills if the economy is in a slump...any more than you see your doctor more during a boom. | |

| |So: Risk is low with health care stocks. Now let's look at rewards. I think the old saying, "Demographics is destiny" might have been coined to apply | |

| |to health care stocks. | |

| |You see, no matter what terrible thing happens today, tomorrow over 1,000 Americans will wake up to their 50th birthday. Millions more will wake up | |

| |with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and all the aches and pains that seem to accumulate rapidly from our 50th birthday onward. | |

| |From being just 5% of the population 10 years ago, fifty-plusers are soon to account for 20% of the population. | |

| |And prescription drug use QUADRUPLES once you are over 50. That's a lot of little blue and white pills! | |

| |Profits from #1 fear | |

| |Indeed, 82% of boomers put illness as their #1 fear -- ahead of financial uncertainty. | |

| |That's why health care is an important political hot potato. A rush of new drug approvals from the FDA, a loosening of the rules that hold back | |

| |generics, and new scientific breakthroughs that focus on lowering costs of treatment...all conspire to make 2004 a health care "gold rush." | |

| |And, in the catbird seat, the most seasoned veteran health care stock picker in the land, Ed Owens, is running Vanguard's Health Care Fund. | |

| |Owens knows that risks and rewards vary hugely among drug, hospital, biotech, diagnostic and other health care companies, and he chooses very | |

| |carefully. | |

| |A lot of the genome-based stuff is too risky for his blood. Too many of the HMOs and hospitals aren't going up soon. | |

| |But medical-device companies and drugs that target boomer ailments like diabetes, arthritis and high cholesterol look like solid bets. Believe me, as | |

| |great as this area is, few of us can sort through the 15 different subsectors to find the gems. And you don't have to! Ed Owens is brilliant at it. | |

| |Very focused, very value-driven and very results-oriented. | |

| |Consider: Since 1996 he's made a solid 18% annual return. Over the last 10 years, his return is 20% a year--an unrivaled record. | |

| |There is no reason for this to change now! In fact the fund is up 17.3% over the last 12 months. So you must act quickly. Speed is of the essence. | |

| |In your free bonus report, Vanguard Action Plan, I tell you exactly how to buy Vanguard Health Care fund. Vanguard added a minimum (if it's too rich | |

| |for your blood, I do have an alternative) but I believe Health Care is worth it. You'll gain the safety of a fund not tied to the weakened economy and| |

| |market turmoil...the growth of a fund that's benefiting from the locked-in trend of an aging population, and...best of all...you'll put one of | |

| |America's savviest stock pickers to work growing your portfolio. Click here to try a risk-free subscription today! | |

| |Get religion on safety | |

| |Now that we've looked at high growth, let's boost our safety. | |

| |Careless loss of even a single dollar is a crime. That dollar had, locked-up within it, the potential to multiply to 10 dollars. | |

| |Those 10 dollars would have multiplied to hundreds over time. And those hundreds would have multiplied to thousands and hundreds of thousands more! | |

| |But now that dollar is gone. | |

| | | |

| |It will never spawn that impressive progeny. You and your family will never see and enjoy those hundreds of thousands of dollars that are the rightful| |

| |descendants of that one dollar. | |

| |Because principal has been lost. Violated. Cut off before it could multiply and accumulate unperturbed over the years. | |

| |The very rich know this... | |

| |...Do you? | |

| |The rich come to me because my first rule is to guard principal. I share my clients' abhorrence for risk. | |

| |If you have lost principal recently, I strongly suggest you, too, learn to abhor risk. That's what many subscribers to The Independent Adviser for | |

| |Vanguard Investors have done. | |

| |This protection is a unique part of our service that I can offer, not just to my wealthy clients, but to everyone who comes under my wing at The | |

| |Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. | |

| |Here's what I am advising clients and subscribers buy with their retirement money now: | |

| |5 "Secret" Funds | |

| |The Best Vanguard Fund for Retirement Now | |

| |If you were to tell me that you could buy just one Vanguard fund--or indeed, one fund in any family--this is what I'd tell you. | |

| |This is a fund that pretty much guarantees you two things that I think you'll value. One is a good night's sleep. In a world where madness stalks, the| |

| |value of discipline, logic and accountability is great. That is one reason subscribers to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors have loved | |

| |this fund since I began recommending it. | |

| |The second reason is...and this even surprises investors in the fund...a very impressive performance. It has a 3-year average return of 9.0% over the | |

| |last three years. A time when most investors lost their shirts! (Not to mention it's up 30.8% in the last 12 months.) | |

| |What's the secret? Well, if Warren Buffett has a long-lost brother, his name is James Barrow. And Barrow is this fund's secret. You see, Barrow | |

| |doesn't "pick" stocks, any more than Buffett does. | |

| |He collects, and owns, companies. | |

| |Companies that are simple. That have high current cash flow. That you can buy and hold for a long time. That are unaffected by business fads. That | |

| |boast yields 150% greater than the index, price-to-book that's two-thirds of the index, and P/Es that are 35% less than the index. Like a great | |

| |athlete, Barrow makes his results look effortless, graceful and deceptively easy. | |

| |He knows, in Jack Bogle's words, "the majesty of simplicity." Which may account for his ability to rise above market turmoil and deliver such stunning| |

| |results, so consistently. | |

| |As Vanguard investors, you and I are blessed to have access to James Barrow. But be careful. In the fund he's best-known for, Windsor II, you only get| |

| |Barrow at "half-strength." Yes, Windsor II is a great fund, but he has another fund, much smaller, and it is all Barrow, and leaping ahead right now. | |

| |This is the fund to buy. | |

| |As you can tell, I admire Barrow hugely. I've studied him all through the 1990s, and there was never a time when he strayed from very clear | |

| |principles. | |

| |Others derided him when technology took off in 1998 and 1999—just as they denounced Warren Buffett. But today, again like Buffett, Barrow has been | |

| |totally vindicated. Vindicated with boring food companies, dull utilities, stodgy energy companies and unglamorous retailers. All bought for cents on | |

| |the dollar. All making huge profits. In Buffett's own self-deprecating words, "Contain your excitement." | |

| |What if you already own Windsor II? I think it's OK to hold, but I want you to consider adding Barrow's other fund to your portfolio. I'll give you | |

| |the name of this "all-Barrow" fund, and complete particulars in the free report I want to send you, introducing you to the advisory I write, The | |

| |Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. This report is called Vanguard Action Plan, and it is FREE with your no-risk trial. Click Here to get your| |

| |copy. | |

| |I am so enthusiastic about this fund that I am putting a great deal of my own money...my family's money...and the money of my wealthiest clients into | |

| |it. | |

| |That's how much I believe in James Barrow and his own fund. | |

| |In your free report, I also tell you exactly how to time your purchase--a critically important factor at this time of year. Get all the information | |

| |free, without risk, by clicking here or calling 1-800-211-7642 right now. | |

| | | |

| |5 "Secret" Funds | |

| |Best Vanguard Fund for Your Sweet Tooth! | |

| |When I awarded this fund my #1 Best-of-Best fund three years ago, I got a ton of mail telling me I was crazy. | |

| |And, looking at past results, the comments were actually fair! | |

| |But remember, it's not the fund that matters at Vanguard. It's the manager. And management had just changed. The fund was now in the hands of a man | |

| |I'd tracked closely for years, and I knew exactly what he'd do, so I had confidence. | |

| |My confidence—and that of my subscribers who followed me—paid off big-time. The fund went on to post a stunning 97.8% gain in the next year. | |

| |So—why isn't it my #1 pick now? Well, I still have tremendous faith in the manager, and I believe his fund will far outstrip the market this year. | |

| |But...this fund is a "buy" only if you have first bought the two other funds I recommend in this report. Once you've done that, you have "covered your| |

| |bases"—and that's why I rate this fund tops for NEW money only. In other words, get your basic portfolio in shape as I've described here—then buy this| |

| |fund. | |

| |Let me tell you a little more. | |

| |"Last of the Gumshoes" | |

| |Howard Schow, the fund's manager, is the last of the gumshoe stock-detectives. The information he digs up is so stunning, it takes the Wall Street | |

| |regulars months to figure out what he knows and has already built a huge position in. | |

| |Example: He figured out that a little $6-stock, Ortel, would get swallowed up. Schow took a big position. Ortel went to $60 when it was taken over. | |

| | | |

| |He did it again with Centocor, which was purchased by Johnson & Johnson—a move so brilliant it caused Business Week to ask, "What does Schow know that| |

| |we don't?" | |

| |It has always been said, winning on Wall Street is a matter of having better information, but in the last 5 years, everyone there has come to rely on | |

| |the same information. The result is that most fund managers don't add value. So when you do find a loner like Schow, you strike gold. | |

| |I especially like what he's been doing in the last 12 months—finding big winners in discount retailers. This is an area most analysts have loathed | |

| |because they thought consumer confidence was too shaky. Schow scooped up Lowe's, Target and Linens 'N Things—all moneymaking companies—and it's paying| |

| |off. The fund is up 38.8% in the past 12 months! | |

| |Please note that Vanguard has recently closed this superstar fund to new investors. | |

| |However , subscribers to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors always get my expert guidance on fund alternatives whenever Vanguard closes a | |

| |fund. So please consider a risk-free trial today -- so you can get the name of the best alternative fund to this one! Plus, with your subscription | |

| |I'll include "The Answer Book for Vanguard Investors," which includes my EXCLUSIVE list of secrets for getting into Vanguard's closed funds. Don't | |

| |miss this opportunity! Click here now. | |

| |5 "Secret" Funds | |

| |Best "Safe Haven" for 2004 | |

| |Now I want to tell you about a Vanguard fund that you should buy today—and forget about for 5 years! | |

| |Many years ago, Jack Bogle reminded us, "Anything can happen." He was scoffed at then. But he kept saying it. People would ask, "Hadn't he heard about| |

| |the power of pure possibility?" Anything could be achieved, and you didn't need earnings to do it with. Indeed, the greater a company's losses, the | |

| |more amazing were its "pure possibilities!" | |

| |Then reality hit. The terrorist strikes, and the subsequent war have jolted into clear consciousness a truth that all investors had been groping | |

| |towards for years: We are vulnerable. Anything can happen. Bogle was right. | |

| |Which is why you should buy this fund and tuck it away in your portfolio. Tuck it away, and forget it. | |

| |Jeremy Grantham is a man famous—infamous on Wall Street—for his publicly stated suspicion of the nineties' go-go stocks. He made fortunes from being | |

| |bearish on U.S. stocks in October 1987 and bearish on Japan in 1989. So when we learned that his firm has been secretly approached to launch a new | |

| |Vanguard stock fund, we were intrigued. | |

| |[pic] | |

| |It would be an understatement to call this fund "contrarian." It is an out-and-out old-fashioned fund. And, right now, that is wonderful news! | |

| |Grantham may be one of the finest investors of our age, but what he does is unglamorous. He digs through Wall Street's garbage stocks. | |

| |Sears Roebuck. Who wants that? Grantham does. | |

| |Apple. Grantham sees value. Timber companies. Grantham likes the way they march to the beat of a different drummer. | |

| |He's plucked diamonds out of diaper pails so consistently, he has become one of the world's most successful investors. | |

| |And now, his firm has been quietly running a brand new fund that most Vanguard investors have never even heard of! He couldn't have come along at a | |

| |better time for us. | |

| |But remember: This is a relatively new fund, so there's not much of a track record. However, I've found a similar Grantham fund offered only to | |

| |investors with $1 million-plus to invest, and it has done fabulously well! | |

| |Plus, you will have hired the firm of Jeremy Grantham, the man who, along with Jack Bogle and me, has been most outspoken in telling us that "anything| |

| |can happen." | |

| |Now that it has, you can be assured that a goodly portion of my own family's and my clients' wealth is in this fund. Good thing -- it's up 22.1% over | |

| |the last 12 months. | |

| |5 "Secret" Funds | |

| |The Best Fund for Safety and High Yield Now | |

| |Considering that the stock market is an inherently risky place to invest, it would be fair to assume, wouldn't it, that investors get paid a premium | |

| |to put their money into stock funds? | |

| |But that just isn't so! | |

| |The returns that investors have received over the last five years (remember, that includes a bull market, not just a bear) in Vanguard bond funds | |

| |average out at just 6.2%. | |

| |Now think of the complete assurance and utter predictability that came with that return of 6.2%. | |

| |Not to have had a sizable chunk of your portfolio in bond funds over the last five years would have been a terrible mistake. | |

| |But what about now? | |

| |Well, ask yourself these two questions. Will the stock market transform itself from being a risky place to invest to being a safe place in the next | |

| |few months? | |

| |Well, you know, stranger things have happened, but let's agree that it's unlikely. | |

| |So bond funds definitely have a role to play in your portfolio if you want good returns without stock market risks. | |

| |But don't be tempted to go far out on the yield curve! Yes, the yield is better, but remember, safety is our top concern. Remember: Always ask, "What | |

| |if?" | |

| |Meet the "Wizard of Bonds" | |

| | | |

| |In your FREE report, Vanguard Action Plan, I am going to introduce you to a man acknowledged to be one of the smartest bond traders alive. This | |

| |"Wizard of Bonds" almost never grants an interview, so few outside the world of bond trading even know he exists. | |

| |But--luckily for us--he works for Vanguard. His name is Robert Auwaerter, and all he does all day is find safer bonds at higher yields. He loves the | |

| |slowing economy, and uncertainty plays into his hands because...it makes his high-grade bonds more valuable. | |

| |What's especially heartening is the way he trades. He would make Scrooge look profligate! He'll make several calls to shave a basis point off a $15 | |

| |million trade. The savings is only $1,500--but that's free money you're giving away! | |

| |In bond funds, this attention to detail can add up to a substantial advantage. | |

| |I've said before that knowing your managers really pays off at Vanguard, and this is especially true of Auwaerter. I implore you to put him to work | |

| |for you to make you rich and safe right now! It is the smartest thing you could do, and you will thank me, not just next year, but for many years to | |

| |come. | |

| |Your Situation Is Unique | |

| |So far, I've given you a step-by-step guide to surviving--even thriving--in the coming months. But in your free report, Vanguard Action Plan, I go | |

| |even further. I recognize that each of us is in a unique situation. So I've written an entire chapter to address the special situation you might find | |

| |yourself in just now. | |

| |For example, you'll read about: | |

| |Vanguard's best place for cash now. Use cash to temper the volatility of the markets. Cash--even a little--significantly reduces downside risk. And, | |

| |of course, Vanguard wins hands down at the cash game because their funds are so low-cost, so high-yield and so safe. Vanguard's money market funds | |

| |make dollar-cost-averaging and reallocation a snap--plus it's easy to jump on a big market up--move with a single phone call. | |

| |But with 10 money markets to choose from, which is best? Several of the biggest just don't make sense for most investors. Some stretch too far for a | |

| |microscopically higher yield--and endanger their chief virtue, safety. One even has a ridiculous minimum. But one is perfect--and it's not even called| |

| |a money market fund! It is named in your free report, Vanguard Action Plan. | |

| |Hidden snakebite. Vanguard takes $50 to convert index fund shares into VIPERS. Behind the hype, it's a rotten deal. | |

| |I'll also tell you about our... | |

| |Best annuity. Almost no one knows this, but the great James Barrow recently launched an annuity fund for Vanguard, and it is sizzling! In certain | |

| |circumstances, an annuity fund gives you a huge advantage, and if you invest in Barrow's annuity fund, it's like hitting the ball out of the park! | |

| |Full details in your free report, Vanguard Action Plan. | |

| |Best high-yield fund. A return as high as 11% must mean it's a junk bond fund, right? Not in this case. Just a very smart bond fund with holdings of | |

| |AA--or better. This yield is really mouthwatering in times like these. You'd have to get a very high pretax stock fund return to match that 8–11% and | |

| |take much more risk. You've just got to put a little money in this gem! Again, it's named in your Vanguard Action Plan. | |

| |Best state tax-exempt. Most state funds have long maturity bonds, and that makes them risky. But there's one exception. This is the only state fund I | |

| |recommend. | |

| |Safest moment to buy a tech-heavy fund. Yes, tech will come back, but you must be very disciplined on two points: what to buy and when to buy it. In | |

| |your Vanguard Action Plan, I tell you the only fund to buy for the tech snapback, and I give you the exact month to buy it. This is extremely | |

| |important. I expect it to soar over the next 12 months. I'll tell you why. | |

| | | |

| |Best index fund. Most of Vanguard's index funds fail certain crucial safety tests. Or they underperform or are tax-inefficient or mimic one another, | |

| |causing investors to reduce their diversification. But one index passes all our tests with flying colors. Named in your Vanguard Action Plan. | |

| |Best way to sell. Little things count. Before you sell, do these three things. As you make the selling transaction, do these two things. Immediately | |

| |after selling (don't even wait for the check!), you must do this one thing. | |

| |Vanguard lost its low-fee religion! Just because Vanguard's steadily hiking fees for the small investor, you don't have to take it. Receive "Flagship"| |

| |investor treatment with small bucks. Full instructions in your Vanguard Action Plan. | |

| |What's the name of your Vanguard account rep? What do you mean, you don't have one?! It is quite easy to get VIP treatment at Vanguard, if you know | |

| |how. You'll be assigned an account rep who will return your calls, help you out with the IRA versus taxable account questions, give you a heads-up on | |

| |exclusive or new services, and treat you like royalty. If you know how to ask. | |

| |Get rid of Vanguard's most annoying fee. Vanguard customers complain most about the $10 "account maintenance" fee, and rightly so. If you and your | |

| |family members have a handful of Vanguard funds each, you're paying hundreds of extra dollars a year. Well, you don't need to. | |

| |Minimum? What minimum? Vanguard says you have to send them at least $100 every time you want to add to your fund. For investors with say, four funds | |

| |and a systematic investment plan, this presents a problem. What to do? Answer: Forget the rules. If you want to split a spare $80 among 4 funds, go | |

| |ahead and write four checks for $20. By waiting to invest your money, you lose. Don't wait. And remember: As a shareholder in Vanguard, you own the | |

| |company. | |

| |Best way to make a trade in times of crisis. Even Vanguard's famous customer service center can get swamped. Imagine wanting to sell -- or buy -- and | |

| |hear a busy signal all day long! Not only would it drive you crazy, it could cost you thousands of dollars. But now you have a way to make your trade | |

| |even on the most frantic days. | |

| |It's all spelled out for you in the Vanguard Action Pan. | |

| |100% Money-Back Guarantee. | |

| |As you know by now, I am passionate about reducing risk, and I hope you feel the same. That's why I protect you with... | |

| |...my double guarantee of satisfaction. | |

| |No-risk guarantee #1: If at any time during the first 6 months you change your mind about The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors, just give us| |

| |a call. I guarantee a full and prompt refund of every cent you paid. All the free reports and issues you've received are yours to keep, free. | |

| |No-risk guarantee #2: If you decide to cancel at any time after your first 6 months, I guarantee to send you a 100% refund for the balance of your | |

| |subscription. Again, all your reports and issues are yours to keep, free with my thanks for giving me a fair try. | |

| |...and a $79 Savings. | |

| | | |

| |A one-year subscription to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors, normally costs $179. For a limited time you can sign on for a full year at | |

| |only $99.95. That's only about 27 cents a day (less than the price of a cup of coffee each morning!) to protect everything you've ever worked for. I | |

| |think you'll agree, as so many other Vanguard investors have, that this is a real bargain. | |

| |And that leads me to my final point, which is about trust and faith in the future. Let me ask you this simple question... | |

| |Do you feel vulnerable? | |

| |I wouldn't blame you if you said,"Yes." In the opening lines of his book Common Sense on Mutual Funds, Jack Bogle wrote these words, which, in the | |

| |aftermath of war, terror, crisis and panic, are important to remember: | |

| |"Investing is an act of faith. We trust our capital to corporate stewards with the faith that...the long-term success of our nation's economy and | |

| |financial markets alike will continue in the future." | |

| |In this time of market uncertainty and international turmoil, I have faith in the massive strength of our nation, in its economy and markets. I | |

| |believe in the future, and I am sure you do, too. | |

| |But while faith is necessary to our ultimate success, it may not be sufficient. | |

| |I am an idealist, yes, but I never, ever want to feel vulnerable because of that. | |

| |I never want you to feel vulnerable, either. That is one of the most important qualities of our service: security. | |

| |So if you crave security now, join us today. You have nothing to lose because you are protected by my money-back guarantee. Just click here or call | |

| |1-800-211-7642 (mention priority code 4LL155 to order.) | |

| |I'll see that the full write-ups on all the funds I've mentioned here, and our complete Vanguard Action Plan, are rushed to you immediately. | |

| |Join us now today! | |

| |Sincerely, | |

| |[pic] | |

| |Daniel P. Wiener | |

| |Chairman, FFSA | |

| |Editor-in-Chief | |

| |The Independent Adviser | |

| |for Vanguard Investors | |

| |P.S. BEST DEAL-- You'll receive two extra reports, plus $140 in savings when you take advantage of our risk-free two-year trial. The first report, The| |

| |2004 Independent Guide to the Vanguard Funds, takes a magnifying glass to every one of Vanguard's 103 funds--all right there at your fingertips.  | |

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