Stanley, ND

MINUTES OF THE STANLEY CITY COUNCILAPRIL 14, 2020Mayor Gary Weisenberger called the April 14, 2020 regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held by teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following Council Members were present: Jacob Hellman, Zachary Gaaskjolen, Ty Taylor, Gary Weisenberger, Tim Holte and David Minton. Council member Linda Wienbar was absent. Others in attendance were City Auditor, Allyn Sveen; Planning & Zoning Administrator, Amanda Dennis; Chief of Police, Kris Halvorson; Public Works Director, Curtis Larson and City Attorney, Jordon Evert from the Furuseth Olson & Evert P.C. Law Firm. TAX EQUALIZATIONThe City Board of Equalization met at 7:00 P.M. City Assessor, Hannah Collins, reported that 55 Notices of Increase were sent to property owners this year as compared to 38 last year. These notices were the result of new construction, completion of construction, or improvements to existing property, as well as the result of some changes that were made with the merger of the City of Stanley and Mountrail County with the Vanguard CAMA system.City Assessor Collins stated there were 25 valid sales from 2019 used for the Sales Ratio Study. The map area factor was raised as the results of the study showed that residential values seemed to be slightly low. This brought residential values up and brought the sales ratio median up to 95.06%, which is within the State mandated range of 90%-100%.City Assessor Collins explained changes made to the way detached garages are valued. During the meeting with the County, it was discussed that when detached garages were being entered into the system, the value the program was generating when compared to the actual cost was not meeting up, so values in the system were raised to better compare. The manual level was increased for detached garages to value them at the same level as houses and attached garages. This is another reason for some of the Notices of Increase.City Assessor Collins reported there were 16 Homestead Credit Applications and 13 Applications for Property Tax Exemption submitted to and approved by Lori Hanson, County Tax Director, and the City. There also was one new Disabled Veteran’s Application along with two individuals with increased disability rating. City Assessor Collins stated three valuation appeals were received via email with all three being resolved prior to this meeting. For one of the appeals, the City was provided an income and expense report for a four-plex in the John Rian Addition. Based on that information, an adjustment was made to not only the value of the property, but the other similar four and five-plexes in the area as well so as to keep values equitable. Duplexes were adjusted lower earlier this year as well following a review of their values with the County.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to approve assessments of real property for the City of Stanley as set by the City Assessor for the 2020 assessment year. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Minton, seconded by Hellman, to adjourn the City Board of Equalization at 7:10 P.M. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.MINUTESMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Minton, to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2020 regular meeting as corrected. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.PLANNING & ZONING RECOMMENDATIONSTodd Heidbreder, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, presented the P&Z Commission report and recommendations to the City Council. Chairman Heidbreder commented on the application submitted by Mountrail Builders/Kraft Real Estate Holding LLC-Michael D. Kraft to rezone property from Commercial to C3 – Corridor-Highway Commercial. Chairman Heidbreder mentioned two letters were received from residential property owners requesting a buffer zone be required to separate this commercial property from adjoining residential property. Chairman Heidbreder stated the P&Z Commission recommended approval of this application but did not stipulate a buffer zone as the Zoning Ordinance does not require a buffer zone. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to approve the rezone from Commercial to C3 – Corridor-Highway Commercial for property described as Lot 7 Country Meadows Subdivision to the City of Stanley located at 1 Meadow Lane as requested by Mountrail Builders/Kraft Real Estate LLC-Michael D. Kraft and as recommended by the P&Z Commission. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Chairman Heidbreder commented on the application submitted by Mountrail Builders to replat the property into 10 lots for shop condos. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the plat of Lots 7A-7J of the Replat of Lot 7 of Country Meadows Subdivision located in the NW?NW? of Section 27, Township 156N, Range 91W to the City of Stanley as requested by Mountrail Builders for property located at 1 Meadow Lane contingent upon County review and approval. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Minton, seconded by Hellman, to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the plat of Outlot 11 located in the NW?SE? of Section 16, Township 156N, Range 91W and the plat of Outlot 12 located in the NE?SW? of Section 16, Township 156N, Range 91W for property owned by James Dennis located at 8140 Old Highway 2 contingent upon County review and approval. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Chairman Heidbreder commented on the application from Mountrail Builders for a variance to allow a front setback from the required 35’ to 28.64’ and allow up to 12 signs on the building at 1 Meadow Lane. The Zoning Ordinance allows a maximum of two signs for a business or profession conducted on the premises. The P&Z Commission recommended approval. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve a variance as recommended by the P&Z Commission, to allow a front setback from the required 35’ to 28.64’ and to allow placement of twelve signs total, which includes the two signs allowed by ordinance, on the property located at 1 Meadow Lane. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Chairman Heidbreder commented on the application from Dustin Kerzmann for a variance to extend his existing carport leaving only about 12 feet between the street and the carport on property located at 525 4th Street SW Lot #13 of West Side Park owned by Ryan and Beth Gjellstad. Mr. Kerzmann would be turning the existing carport into a garage. The P&Z Commission denied the request as the addition would be too close to the access road impeding the traffic flow and causing potential safety issues especially for emergency service vehicles. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to deny the variance as recommended by the P&Z Commission for the extension of an existing carport as requested by Dustin Kerzmann for property at 525 4th Street SW Lot #13 of West Side Park owned by Ryan and Beth Gjellstad. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.PLANNING & ZONING ADMINISTRATOR REPORTAmanda Dennis, P&Z Administrator, presented the following permits for the Council’s approval:Building PermitsPermit #AddressNameImprovement5-20111 2nd St SWDiane HellmanFence w/Consent Form6-20525 4th St SW Lot 7Anthony BishopMobile Home7-208149 Hwy 2PinnacleConcrete Pad8-20417 2nd St SWJoey Delfin & Sarahi CarachureGarage, Deck & Cover for Front PorchDemolition PermitsPermit #AddressNameType of StructureD2-20321 5th St SEGreg Alberts24 x 34 HouseMotion made by Minton, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to approve the above permits in the April 2020 P&Z Administrator Report. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.EDCSteve Springan, President of the Economic Development Committee (EDC), met with the Council to present requests for EDC grant/loan funding. President Springan stated the EDC is recommending approval of the applications for Joyce’s Café/Jamie & Cory Rice and Rustic Bean/Wade & Carol Maurer allowing a 2 year loan of $25,000 for each business at 0% interest. The applicants will be required to payback the loan in two years with a possible 25% forgiven at the end of the loan. Mayor Weisenberger asked about businesses qualifying for federal stimulus dollars. President Springan mentioned there are stipulations in the stimulus dollars, maintaining a percentage of your payroll is one of them. In this case, neither business would likely qualify. Discussion was held on the fund balance for the EDC portion of the sales tax dollars. Currently there is roughly $150,000 in the fund with $23,500 of this amount committed to Rolling Plains Sportsmen’s Club. Councilman Hellman commented he is concerned with businesses being able to remain open and would like to see funds disbursed as grants not loans. President Springan stated EDC felt it would be best to fund these requests by loan at this time with some forgiveness at the end. President Springan commented there will be other businesses coming forth and the EDC is discussing ways of helping businesses if there is a complete shutdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. President Springan stated the recommendation by EDC for funding to food service businesses are both being handled in a fair manner. Motion made by Gaaskjolen, seconded by Minton, to approve an interest free loan of $25,000 to Joyce’s Café/Jamie & Cory Rice and an interest free loan of $25,000 to Rustic Bean/Wade & Carol Maurer with applicants paying back the loan within a two year period with a possible loan forgiveness of 25% at the end of the loan upon review and approval from EDC and the City as recommended by the EDC. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Mayor Weisenberger asked that everyone to keep in mind that it is likely that sales tax revenues will decrease drastically as well as oil and gas production tax revenues.FIRE HALL ADDITION – RESOLUTION & DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTCouncilman Taylor explained the intent of the Stanley City Fire Department and the Stanley Rural Fire District is to build a 30’ X 70’ addition for a wash/service bay and truck housing on the North side of their existing Fire Hall at 9 2nd Ave SE. The fire departments are proposing this construction be accomplished by a lease to purchase option through American Bank Center as allowed by Chapter 48-02.1 NDCC. Councilman Taylor stated by using this option, the City would be able to forgo some of the fees charged for architects and engineers. Heath Hetzel with American Bank Center was present for discussion and commented this would be a public/private partnership allowing the bank to construct this building. Upon approval from the City, the Bank will move forward with guidance to construct the estimated $674,000 addition to the Fire Hall. Also, Mr. Hetzel commented American Bank is proposing to lease the entire site not just the proposed new addition. Attorney Evert stated the documents are in order and the Council would only need to move forward with the resolution to authorize a public hearing at this time. Attorney Evert suggested the City obtain an estimated value on the existing property and the proposed new construction in order to determine the amount of real estate taxes over the next five years as the land and structures would possibly be taxable if leased by American Bank.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to pass the following resolution and hold a public hearing on May 12, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of receiving comments on the proposal submitted by American Bank Center for the construction, ownership and operation of an addition to the Stanley Fire Hall located at 9 2nd Ave SE:RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLIC HEARINGWHEREAS, American Bank Center, a North Dakota chartered bank (the “Bank”), has requested the City of Stanley, North Dakota (the “City”), to conduct a public hearing on the proposal submitted by the Bank under Chapter 48-02.1 of the North Dakota Century Code (the “Act”) to construct, equip and furnish an addition to the Fire Hall and functionally related facilities (the “Project”), and to lease the Project to the City.BE IT RESOLVED, by the governing body of the City as follows:That a Notice of Public Hearing, in substantially the form attached hereto as Attachment 1, (the “Notice”) regarding the proposal submitted under the Act by the Bank for the Project is hereby approved for publication.That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to publish such a Notice upon direction of and at the expense of the Bank.That it is expressly resolved that it is the intent of the City to proceed with a hearing reference in such a Notice in accordance with the Act.ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Absent and not voting was Wienbar. Motion carried and resolution declared adopted.ENBRIDGE – BOOM DEPLOYMENT EXERCISEThe Council reviewed the March 18, 2020 letter from Enbridge regarding a full-scale boom deployment exercise that Enbridge would like to hold on May 20, 2020, but could be pushed back due to the COVID-19 pandemic, at the Stanley Reservoir using City property for access to the Reservoir and for activities that would be held in conjunction with the exercise. Discussion was held on liability issues. Attorney Evert suggested if approval is granted that it is contingent on Enbridge signing a hold harmless agreement with the City. Motion made by Minton, seconded by Taylor, to approve the request of Enbridge to use City property located in the NW? of Section 33, Township 156, Range 91 along 82nd Ave NW for a full-scale boom deployment exercise contingent upon Enbridge signing a hold harmless agreement with the City as recommended by Attorney Evert. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.LIQUOR LICENSE REQUESTNotification was received from the management of Black Gold Suites that their business no longer wants the On-Sale Liquor License approved by the Council on March 10, 2020. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to rescind the motion of March 10, 2020 approving an On-Sale Liquor License to Cross Country Equity LLC DBA Black Gold Suites with license fee pro-rated to June 30, 2020 based on notification from the applicant. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.BROSZ ENGINEERING UPDATESEngineer Jeff Ebsch was present to update the Council on projects being handled through Brosz Engineering.Reservoir Road Improvements – Engineer Ebsch updated the Council on the progress of the Reservoir Road Improvement Project. The bid advertisement will start tomorrow, April 15, 2020 with bid opening on May 7, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. at the Brosz Office Building. The 4th Ave SW Project will be bid with the Reservoir Road Improvement Project. The 4th Ave SW Project will have a completion date of August 1, 2020 and the Reservoir Road Project will have a completion date of October 15, 2020. Country Estates – Engineer Ebsch updated the Council on the Country Estates sewer project. Auditor Sveen presented resolutions needing approval for a special improvement district.The City Council next took into consideration the question of the establishment of a sanitary sewer improvement district for the City of Stanley. Member Hellman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CREATING SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 52OF THE CITY OF STANLEY, NORTH DAKOTAWHEREAS, Jeff Esbch, a Registered Professional Engineer, is the Engineer for the City of Stanley, and the City Council has consulted with him relating to the establishment, size, and form and other matters with regard to Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52 of the City of Stanley; andWHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to establish a sanitary sewer improvement district within the said City of Stanley;NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows:That there is hereby created Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52 of the City of Stanley, North Dakota, the boundaries of which shall be as follows:Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Sublot A of Outlot 1 of the W?NW? Section 27, Township 156 North, Range 91 WestSublots C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J of Outlot 1 of the W?NW? Section 27, T 156 N, R 91 WThe motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Minton. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton. The following members voted nay: none. The following members were absent and not voting: Wienbar. The majority having voting aye, the motion carried and the resolution was duly adopted. Member Hellman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DIRECTING ENGINEER TO PREPARE REPORTBE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Stanley, deeming it necessary to make certain improvements consisting of construction of sanitary sewer mains, along with miscellaneous installations and all other appurtenances, contrivances and structures used or useful in connection with the above specified improvements, be constructed and made in Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52 of the City of Stanley, the City hereby directs Jeff Ebsch, the Engineer for the City of Stanley and being a competent engineer, to prepare a report as to the general nature, purpose, and feasibility of the proposed improvement and an estimate of the probably cost of the work. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Holte. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton. The following members voted nay: none. The following members were absent and not voting: Wienbar. The majority having voting aye, the motion carried and the resolution was duly adopted. Member Minton introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER’S REPORTBE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Stanley, that the report of the Engineer for the City of Stanley as to the general nature, purpose and feasibility of the proposed improvement in Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52 and an estimate of the probable cost of the work has been filed with this Council and that the same is hereby approved. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Taylor. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton. The following members voted nay: None. The following members were absent and not voting: Wienbar. The majority having voting aye, the motion carried and the resolution was duly adopted. Member Hellman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DIRECTING ENGINEERTO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSBE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Stanley, deeming it necessary to make certain improvements consisting of the construction of sanitary sewer mains and miscellaneous installations be constructed and made in Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52 of the City of Stanley, the City hereby directs Jeff Ebsch, the Engineer for the City of Stanley and being a competent engineer, to prepare plans and specification for such work. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Minton. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton. The following members voted nay: none. The following members were absent and not voting: Wienbar. The majority having voting aye, the motion carried and the resolution was duly adopted. Engineer Ebsch presented Task Order No. 1 for the Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52 for the Council consideration. Motion made by Minton, seconded by Hellman, to approve Task Order No. 1 for preliminary engineering services for Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 52. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Councilman Gaaskjolen abstained from voting. Motion carried.Stanley Pond Rehabilitation – Engineer Ebsch informed the Council the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s contractor will begin rehabilitation of the City of Pond in 3 or 4 weeks. The contractor will be working in conjunction with the Public Works Department and the Boy Scout Trust to coordinate trucking of excavated material. PW Director Larson suggested the contractor let the excavated material set on the shoreline for a period of time to let the water drain out to reduce the volume of loads to be hauled. Lagoon Slide Repair – Cell 2 – Engineer Ebsch mentioned quotes will be obtained from multiple contractors to complete the slide repair and gravel project for Cell 2 along with placement of cement treatment. The work will commence in June and will be done by Labor Day 2020. CITY HALL PROJECT & PAY REQUESTSMotion made by Holte, seconded by Hellman, to approve payments as follows for work completed on the Stanley City Hall Project: First Dakota Enterprises in the amount of $157,950 for Pay Application #12, Rudolph Electric in the amount of $45,000 for Pay Application #4 and Minot Plumbing & Heating in the amount of $14,619.11 for Pay Application #10. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.P&Z Administrator Dennis presented a quote in the amount of $6,043.29 for two 75” commercial TV’s and accessories including labor for installation and setup from Tricorne Audio Inc. This quote is for the Conference Room in the new City Hall. P&Z Administrator Dennis commented that originally the old TV’s in the existing City Hall were going to be utilized but they are not compatible with the new system that is being installed in the City Hall. Mayor Weisenberger and Councilman Hellman expressed concerns of whether two TV’s were necessary in the conference room.P&Z Administrator Dennis also presented two options for TV’s for the Council Chamber of the new City Hall; , either two 82” TV’s at a cost of $8,039.82 or two 86” TV’s at a cost of $9,907.32, both include accessories and labor for installation and setup. The Council was informed that it is required to use a sub-contractor through Rudolph Electric and with Tricorne Audio already doing the audio system, it was recommended to use their company. The company would not charge any mileage if work could be done at the same time the audio system is installed. P&Z Administrator Dennis also presented an optional quote in the amount of $8,110.00 for a video capture system for the Council Chamber. The cameras and quad viewer would allow live streaming of meetings and has the capability of recording an entire meeting to the server, capturing audio and video. Mayor Weisenberger asked if this feature could be added at a later date. It was indicated it could be added later. Motion made by Gaaskjolen, seconded by Hellman, to accept the quote from Tricorne Audio for one 75” commercial TV and accessories for the conference room in the amount of $2,314.15 plus cost of installation and setup and the quote in the amount of $8,039.82 from Tricorne Audio for two 82” TV’s, accessories and installation and setup for the council chambers. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Holte; Councilman Minton voted “NAY”. Motion carried.Auditor Sveen presented the Council with a Notice of Delay from Hannaher’s Workplace Interiors for delay of furniture for the new City Hall due to the COVID-19 pandemic.COVID-19 / UTILITIES Discussion was held on assisting water/sewer users because of hardships that many residents and businesses are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After much deliberation, the Council agreed assistance should only be provided to users within Stanley City limits and only on active water/sewer accounts. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve a $100.00 one-time credit on each active water/sewer account within Stanley City limits with a note explaining the credit. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.CITY POND / FISHING PIERNotification was received from Bob Frohlich with the ND Game & Fish Department recommending that the City postpone installation of the new fishing pier at the Stanley Pond due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the G&F Department also recommended the existing pier be removed to achieve proper social distancing and prevent potential further spread of the PLAINTA letter of complaint was received from Renee Grinolds concerning parking on 1st Street SE adjacent the Memorial Building. This issue would be placed on the next Police Committee agenda. POLICE REPORTChief of Police, Kris Halvorson, met with the Council. Chief of Police Halvorson updated the Council on procedures being used by dispatch and officers due to the coronavirus pandemic. Chief of Police Halvorson mentioned officers are trying to handle issues mainly by phone and not in-person and are keeping track of where they have been. Chief of Police Halvorson commented the Zuercher software program went live on March 26th and the City Police Department is now utilizing the program. Also, Chief of Police Halvorson mentioned Cashwise donated a box of hand sanitizer. The Council asked Chief of Police Halvorson to send a letter of appreciation to Cashwise. Motion made by Minton, seconded by Hellman, to approve the Police Report. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.PUBLIC WORKS REPORTCurtis Larson, Public Works Director, presented the Public Works (PW) Report to the Council. PW Director Larson mentioned he was going to discuss landfill disposal fees but due to the coronavirus pandemic felt increasing rates at this time would not be feasible. Also, PW Director Larson mentioned spring cleanup will also be delayed and landfill is closed until coronavirus is under better control. ATTORNEY UPDATESAttorney Evert mentioned he continues to work on items for Auditor Sveen.Discussion was held on declaring a health emergency in order to use emergency funds if it becomes necessary because of COVID-19. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Holte, to pass the following declaration:HEALTH EMERGENCY DECLARTIONCITY OF STANLEY, NORTH DAKOTAWHEREAS, THE City of Stanley, North Dakota continues to monitor COVID- 19 Activity;WHEREAS, on January 13th, 2020, US Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency of the United States to aid the nation's health care community responding to COVID-19; andWHEREAS, on March 13th, 2020, President Donald Trump declared a National Emergency;WHEREAS, on March 13th, 2020, The Governor of North Dakota issued Executive Order 2020-03 declaring a state of emergency within North Dakota in response to the public health crisis, pursuant to his constitutional and statutory authority; andWHEREAS, North Dakota Century Code Chapter 37-17.1 contemplates that cities may declare an emergency, and state and local jurisdictions may work cooperatively to address emergency situations; andWHEREAS, the impact of COVID-19 and cascading events threaten the health, well-being, and safety of the citizens of the City of Stanley; andWHEREAS, the City of Stanley Departments are undergoing efforts to mitigate the activity through education, reviewing continuity of services, and the purchasing of supplies for increased cleaning efforts and supplies needed to for virus protection; andWHEREAS, the mitigation efforts may have a serious financial effect in excess of City of Stanley resources due to the unknown COVID-19 duration.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Stanley City Council declares a state of health emergency exists in the City of Stanley, North Dakota.ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and the following Council Members voted “NAY”: None; Absent and not voting: Wienbar. THEREUPON, this Resolution was declared and adopted and carried. COUNCIL CONCERNSThe Council expressed gratitude to City employees for working during the COVID-19 pandemic with no interruption of services. Mayor Weisenberger asked that everyone be mindful on what they are spending because of revenue shortfalls.Auditor Sveen asked about renewal of certificate of deposits. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to authorize the City Auditor to use her judgment to reinvest CD’s becoming due at the best rate available at American Bank Center. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.JUDGES REPORTMotion made by Minton, seconded by Hellman, to approve the Judge’s report for March, 2020. All present voted yes. Motion carried.BILLSMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Minton, to approve the following bills:ACHPayroll$70,930.52 1370EVerizon WirelessCell Phones$1,128.76 1372EAmerican Family Life AssuranceApril 2020 Premiums$868.66 1374ENDPERS-RetirementApril 2020 Contributions$11,362.32 1375EState Tax Commissioner$725.68 1376EPayment Service NetworkApril 2020 Fees$862.02 1377EFarmers AllianceTownhome Insurance - 4-15-2020 to 4-15-2021$888.00 17060American Bank Center - VisaAssessor Supplies, Yearly Amazon Prime Membership, MS Office Renewal, PD Safety & Health Conference$476.05 17061Montana Dakota UtilitiesUtilities$7,529.06 17062Mo-Williams ElectricElectricity$848.00 17063ND Child Support DivisionChild Support$1,066.50 17064Abel EnterprisesPD Toughbooks, Installed Software, Network Switch for City Hall Project, Installed NAS Digital Device, New Hard Drives @ City Hall$34,481.36 17065ACME ToolsStreet Supplies$57.30 17066Ameripride Linen & ApparelRug Service - City Hall & PW Building$1,027.23 17067Annabelle Townhome AssocHOA Dues - April$150.00 17068Baker & TaylorLibrary Books & DVDs$652.47 17069Batteries PlusFlashlight Batteries$71.80 17070Brosz EngineeringEngineering Fees$81,297.50 17071Card ServicesPW Supplies$83.22 17072Circle SanitationMarch Garbage Services$16,553.00 17073Collaborative Summer Lib. ProgramLibrary Supplies$159.50 17074Core & MainNew Handheld$2,200.00 17075Craft ElectricReplace Globe on St Light$120.00 17076Cummins Sales & ServicesFull Service at Pump House$802.91 17077D&L Heating & A/CFixed Fuse & Faulty Belt @ PW Bldg$413.24 17078Dakota Fire ExtinguishersNozzle for Public Works Dept.$224.40 17079Design Solutions & IntegrationReporter Addition for Scada Upgrade$4,242.75 17080Dustin KerzmannRefund Bldg & Variance Permit @ 525 4th St SW$150.00 17081Ellvanger PlumbingCleaned Sewer Main @ Library$300.00 17082First Dakota Enterprises IncPmt #12 - City Hall Project$157,950.00 17083First District Health UnitWater Analysis$75.00 17084Furuseth, Olson, & Evert, PCMarch Retainer$2,306.50 17085Gaffaney's of MinotCity Hall, Judge, & PW Office Supplies$818.26 17086Galls, LLCPD Supplies$964.67 17087Gustafson's Septic ServicePump @ J. Nelson's; Sewer Jet @ Library; Pump Wastewater @ Lift Station$1,308.00 17088Hannaher'sDown Pmt on Window Blinds for New City Hall$2,617.50 17089Holiday FleetFuel & Car Washes$1,220.43 17090ICONEngineering Fees for City Hall Project$4,271.02 17091Information Tech Dept.PD Netmotion Fees$342.60 17092Joyce's CaféEDC Loan - Equipment Upgrades$25,000.00 17093K Squared ElectricLabor & Materials for 3 Sirens$9,987.00 17094Kelly KudrnaReimbursement for Supplies & DVDs$122.02 17095Larson's Tire ServicePD Tire Repairs & PW's Vehicle Tire Rotation$136.00 17096Locators & SuppliesSt Supplies$15.44 17097Maintenance Plus IncCarpet Cleaning @ Library$263.80 17098Margaret LagerCity Hall Cleaning - March$350.00 17099Meiers Oil & TowingFuel $1,727.25 17100Midstate Telephone CoPhone, Fax & Internet Services$1,168.43 17101Minot Plb & HeatingCity Hall Project - Pmt #10$14,619.11 17102Mo. County Correctional CtrMarch Boarding Prisoners$300.00 17103Mountrail BuildersSnow Removal Services March 16 & 19$800.00 17104Mountrail County AuditorVanguard Merge County & City Data$1,750.00 17105MCMCCity Sales Tax$22,259.13 17106NDPOAPD Membership Renewal Thru 7-31-2021$40.00 17107NDIRFAdded New Sirens$11.07 17108Newman SignsLandfill Sign$219.54 17109One Call ConceptsMarch Locates$20.50 17110PinnacleFuel$53.21 17111Powerplan OIBSt Supplies & Loader Repairs$2,190.15 17112Productivity Plus AccountRepairs to Tractor$1,323.21 17113R&T Water SupplyMarch Water$36,947.40 17114Rudolph ElectricCity Hall Project - Pmt #4; Rewired New Pumps @ Main Lift & County Lift$45,260.00 17115Safari FuelsMarch PD Fuel$117.20 17116Security PlusFire Monitoring Fees at Cop 4Plex$55.00 17117Share CorpLift Station Degreaser$4,136.26 17118Springan FurnitureNew Carpet @ LE Apt #1$3,433.70 17119Stanley Airport Authority1st Qtr Tax Collection$55,079.32 17120Stanley Auto & TruckShop Supplies, PD Masks, Sewer & St. Supplies$93.74 17121Stanley Fire DeptReimbursement for Bunker Gear, Supplies & Tests$9,476.41 17122Stanley Hardware IncPW, Sewer & St Supplies$199.33 17123Stanley Park District1st Qtr Tax Collection$38,738.01 17124Stanley Welding & Rental20# Tank & Supplies$330.25 17125Starion Bond ServicesBond Pmts - Principal, Interest & Fees$677,148.75 17126Team Lab ChemicalRoad Patch Supplies$1,427.00 17127Tioga Machine Shop Inc.Repairs to Blade$1,696.86 17128Tractor Supply Credit PlanPD Masks, PW & St. Supplies$94.17 17129Vanessa KarliCity Hall & Library Cleaning$400.00 17130Verizon ConnectMarch GPS Fees$284.25 17131Wade or Carol MaurerEDC Loan - Rustic Bean$25,000.00 17132Western Area Water SupplyMarch Industrial Sales$2,063.46 17133Blue Cross Blue Shield of NDMay 2020 Premiums$10,341.08 17134Electric Properties LLCMay 2020 Rent - City Hall$3,400.00 17135ND Child Support DivisionChild Support$1,066.50 ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried. Motion made by Taylor, seconded by Minton, to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. All present voted yes. Motion carried.ATTEST:Gary Weisenberger, MayorAllyn SveenStanley City CouncilStanley City Auditor ................

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