TYA Board – Minutes of Meeting

|24th February 2016 |

|Location: Christie Trust Administration, meeting room 3. |

|Time: 2-4pm |

|Attendance |Representation |

|Michael Leahy |Pathway Director |

|Deborah Sullivan |Lead Cancer Nurse, ELTH |

|Wiebke Appel |LTHTR Lead TYA clinician |

|Margaret Rokicka |TYA Lead Clinician ELTH |

|Maggie Parkman |Lead Cancer Nurse Stockport |

|Charlene Jones |Clinical liaison nurse specialist, TYA. Christie Hospital |

|Apologies | |

|Jonathan Vickers |Lead Clinician, SRFT |

|Julie Orford |TYA Lead Nurse UHSM |

|Rick Brough |TYA Lead Clinician SFT |

|Mark Grey |TYA Lead Clinician BFW |

|David Fyfe |Morecambe |

|Deborah Loftus |Lead Nurse End of Life Care BFW |

|Michelle Eden-Yates |TYA Lead Clinician SRFT |

|Jessica Jones |BFW TYA Lead Nurse |

|Angela Dixon |CLIC Sargent Social Work Team Leader |

|Kerrie Waterhouse |TYA MDT Coordinator Christie |

|Anne Tomlinson |LTHR |

|Paul Hickey |CNS SRFT |

|Sally Lees |Pennine Acute Lead TYA Nurse |

|Sarah Burns |TYA Lead Clinician CMFT |

|Louise Pennington |TYA CNS Manchester |

|David Wright |CHRISTIE TYA Lead Nurse |

|Satarupa Choudhri |TYA Lead Clinician Pennine |

In Attendance:

James Leighton, Acting Associate Director Manchester Cancer

Hodan Noor, Pathway Manager, Manchester Cancer

Tanya Humphreys, Macmillan User Involvement Lead, Manchester Cancer

Janet Thomas, SCN

|Agenda Item |Action |

|Apologies | |

|Apologies were noted | |

|Minutes from the last meeting and matters arising | |

|Minutes could not be agreed as accurate as the meeting was not quorate | |

|ToR – Identify leads | |

|Early diagnosis – HN introduced Dr Choudhuri to the Vanguard programme and Manchester Cancer Managers responsible for the | |

|development of the early diagnosis agenda. | |

|Objective 1- Improving outcomes/survival rates | |

|Draft TYA development of annual plan 2015/16 | |

|Members discussed the draft annual plan, it was agreed to include Education and to roll out TYA master class and general role of | |

|TYA. | |

|TH proposed to include user involvement; the focus group held identify key areas that would be relevant for the group to take | |

|forward. | |

|Due to the low numbers members felt Health and Wellbeing clinics are not useful to run solely in each area however there is an | |

|opportunity to include PTC services survivorship course residential to be hosted in Preston. | |

| | |

|Reports from TYA Leads | |

|WP update in Lancashire; The peer review is compliant regarding representation of the key members, there is better contact with | |

|patients and the support they get from the team have been positive. There are some challenges with the Nero team but with the | |

|improved links with CNS should build a better referral and communications. CJ job role has changed, her role is currently being | |

|advertised with possible gaps 2 to 3 months service provision in Lancashire and south Cumbria however there is a care co-ordinator | |

|who will capture those young people and DW and CJ can provide telephone service. However the one2one at diagnosis and face to face | |

|support will not be available, the youth worker and social workers will still remain in contact. | |

|MP update in Stockport; notifications are improving neuro-endocrine notifications are still an issue particularly colorectal. | |

|Update; Pennine raised concerns in relation to not receiving notifications from the PTC however it has been identified only 4 | |

|patients have been referred by Pennine last year this could be due to the low number of referrals. | |

|Objective 2- Improve Patient Experience | |

|Manchester Cancer User Involvement | |

|TH informed members there are engaged young people who could nominate a representative to attend this board and the group can work | |

|as a small community to discuss issues affecting them. ML raised concerns with regards to lack of engagement and low attendance can | |

|demotivate however on reflection the members felts it would be useful to have representatives in this group at the net meeting. | |

|Objective 3- Research and clinical innovation | |

|Clinical Trials report | |

|Quarter 3 report was discussed and was identified the numbers being low as Some of the studies are not open in the Manchester Cancer| |

|and some are individually open in different areas, also the research activity in Mid Cheshire is recorded under Liverpool. | |

|Objective 4- Improving and standardising high quality care across the whole service | |

|Peer review: Member to begin planning and share the draft annual plan and report of the board. | |

|TYA quality standards update – Members agreed there are no further standards ti include other than what is nationally mandated, | |

|identifying new standards will also require resource to move forward. | |

|Review of operational policy update of TYA Directory: DL leave in March from Blackpool, CJ moved from Lancashire to Manchester area.| |

|Manchester Cancer Vanguard update |[pic] |

|HN provided an overview of Cancer Vanguard detail presentation attached . | |

| | |

|The proposal for a Cancer vanguard initiative was developed through Manchester Cancer Provider Board, The Christie and Trafford CCG | |

|( as lead cancer commissioner). This was fully supported and submitted () and was announced as| |

|being successful in September 2015. Approval of the vanguard was dependent on the GM team working in partnership with 2 similar | |

|scale applications covering all of Greater London, and this has now been formally agreed. | |

| | |

|There is now a single national cancer vanguard to explore new models of delivering care to cancer patients: the London partners are| |

|The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and University College Hospitals London NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH), who lead South London | |

|and North London collaborations respectively. Since the GM proposal covers 3 million people, the vanguard provides additional scale | |

|taking the total combined population to over 10 million residents. The national vanguard approach provides opportunities to share | |

|learning and expertise in piloting changes to the cancer healthcare system, but still allows for GM to develop a local approach to | |

|transformation. | |

| | |

|The vanguard provides Greater Manchester with the opportunity to radically restructure both the commissioning and provision of | |

|cancer care across the entire patient pathway in order to realise fundamental improvements in clinical outcomes and patient | |

|experience and to also secure long term financial and clinical sustainability. This work will form a key transformational work | |

|stream in the Devolution Manchester programme and will complement the new organisational forms and functions currently being | |

|considered. | |

| | |

|The cancer vanguard is a two year programme and includes Living with and beyond/supportive care and palliative care as part of the 6| |

|work streams described below. The work streams will include commissioners, providers, professionals and people affected by cancer. | |

|A.O.B | |

|Date and time for the next meeting to be confirmed | |

|25th May – possible date for the next meeting | |

| | |


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