
4720590-154305-228600-228600Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc and Southern Star Shipping, IncFinal ReportCLIENT WORK PRODUCTConfidenTial To: Mr. Daniel Maldonado, Bunge Latin AmericaDate: March 7, 2011Table of Contents TOC \o "1-6" \h \z \u INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc287272339 \h 4Methodology PAGEREF _Toc287272340 \h 4Southern Star Shipping Company PAGEREF _Toc287272341 \h 7George S. Coumantaros PAGEREF _Toc287272342 \h 8John G. Coumantaros PAGEREF _Toc287272343 \h 10Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc PAGEREF _Toc287272344 \h 11Nigerian Directors of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc PAGEREF _Toc287272345 \h 13INVESTIGATIVE FINDINGS PAGEREF _Toc287272346 \h 15United States PAGEREF _Toc287272347 \h 15Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc. PAGEREF _Toc287272348 \h 15Corporate Information PAGEREF _Toc287272349 \h 15Litigation History PAGEREF _Toc287272350 \h 16U.S. Federal: Criminal and Civil PAGEREF _Toc287272351 \h 16State: Criminal and Civil PAGEREF _Toc287272352 \h 17Miscellaneous Records Check PAGEREF _Toc287272353 \h 18Uniformed Commercial Codes (UCCs) PAGEREF _Toc287272354 \h 18US Tax Court PAGEREF _Toc287272355 \h 18Real Estate Properties PAGEREF _Toc287272356 \h 18Media Review PAGEREF _Toc287272357 \h 19George S. Coumantaros PAGEREF _Toc287272358 \h 19Background PAGEREF _Toc287272359 \h 19Corporate and Professional Affiliations PAGEREF _Toc287272360 \h 21Litigation History PAGEREF _Toc287272361 \h 22U.S. Federal: Criminal and Civil PAGEREF _Toc287272362 \h 22State: Criminal and Civil PAGEREF _Toc287272363 \h 22Miscellaneous Records Check PAGEREF _Toc287272364 \h 23Uniformed Commercial Codes (UCCs) PAGEREF _Toc287272365 \h 23US Tax Court PAGEREF _Toc287272366 \h 23Properties PAGEREF _Toc287272367 \h 23Media Review PAGEREF _Toc287272368 \h 24John G. Coumantaros PAGEREF _Toc287272369 \h 25Background PAGEREF _Toc287272370 \h 25Corporate and Professional Affiliations PAGEREF _Toc287272371 \h 25Litigation History PAGEREF _Toc287272372 \h 26U.S. Federal: Criminal and Civil PAGEREF _Toc287272373 \h 26State: Criminal and Civil PAGEREF _Toc287272374 \h 27Miscellaneous Records Check PAGEREF _Toc287272375 \h 28Uniformed Commercial Codes (UCCs) PAGEREF _Toc287272376 \h 28US Tax Court PAGEREF _Toc287272377 \h 28Real Estate Properties PAGEREF _Toc287272378 \h 28Media Review PAGEREF _Toc287272379 \h 29Nigeria PAGEREF _Toc287272380 \h 29Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc PAGEREF _Toc287272381 \h 29Overview PAGEREF _Toc287272382 \h 29Capital Raising & Expansion PAGEREF _Toc287272383 \h 31Directors PAGEREF _Toc287272384 \h 31Shareholders PAGEREF _Toc287272385 \h 32Subsidiaries PAGEREF _Toc287272386 \h 33Reputation PAGEREF _Toc287272387 \h 46Ahmed A Joda PAGEREF _Toc287272388 \h 50Emmanuel Ukpabi PAGEREF _Toc287272389 \h 52INTRODUCTION FTI Consulting, Inc. (“FTI”) was retained by Bunge Latin America (“Client”) to conduct a due diligence investigation of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc and Southern Star Shipping Company Inc., a United States corporation. Specifically, the focus of this investigation is to identify any information of potential material concern that may be deemed to be prejudicial against the two companies. This investigation was conducted in Nigeria and the United States. Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc. is a privately held company based in New York, USA.?As part of this investigation, two principals of Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., were also investigated to identify any possible negative issues or potential issues of material concern. These individuals are George S. Coumantaros and John G. Coumantaros. Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc is a publicly traded company on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. As part of this investigation, Flour Mills of Nigeria’s subsidiaries and two principal Nigerian Directors were also included. MethodologyThe investigation in the United States encompassed comprehensive searches of state and federal criminal and civil records to identify any past and/or current litigations, tax proceedings and bankruptcies. Additionally, U.S. public records, proprietary and restricted-access databases were searched to identify liens, tax and administrative proceedings, real estate and other financial information. Additionally, the investigation included a review of corporate registries to identify potential share holdings, directorships and/or other involvements in corporations, affiliates, and business partners and activities. Confidential inquiries were also made with high-level business sources in the industry to further establish the reputations of the individuals.Searches were conducted of in-house databases and international black lists naming individuals and organizations suspected of involvement in criminal or unethical behavior. The searches incorporate lists produced by various international organizations such as the World Bank, The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the FBI and the European Union Blacklist.Likewise, a comprehensive on-line search and review of U.S. and global media was conducted, as well as consultations of specialized, proprietary and restricted access databases, in order to develop relevant personal, professional and legal information regarding the U.S. entities and individuals. A similar investigative approach was taken in Nigeria and included collecting and reviewing corporate registry filings of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc and its subsidiaries to identify date of incorporation, shareholders, directors, and other pertinent data. Financial statements for Flour Mills of Nigeria filed with the Nigerian Stock Exchange were also obtained to identify significant shareholders.Additionally, confidential inquiries were also placed with the following sources:Senior sources at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, to identify possible past and current investigations into the Company and/or its subsidiaries. Senior political contacts in Nigeria to determine Flour Mills’ political relationships, including and any implications of the April 9 presidential election.Security professionals to identify security concerns that may exist in Nigeria or past security incidents involving the Company. Counter-parties of Flour Mills obtain information on past business transactions, relationships and any other issues that surface. Additional trusted sources to obtain reputational information on the Company. Additionally, in-depth local and international media searches were conducted through public and restricted access databases. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYFlour Mills Nigeria Plc (“FMN”) is the holding company of a diversified Nigerian industrial group with operations in food production and marketing, shipping and cement. It listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange on August 14, 1979. As reported in its 2009 Annual Financial Statements submitted to the Nigerian Stock Exchange, approximately 48% of FMN’s shares are traded publicly, without further specification of ownership in regard to these. The same report identifies the majority, private shareholder of FMN as Excelsior Shipping Company Limited, with 51.59%.George Coumantaros and his family are believed to be the owners of Excelsior Shipping Company Limited. Excelsior is incorporated in Liberia and inquiries with the Liberian registry confirmed that the company is owned by Greek interests. A 1964 U.S. civil litigation case against a Liberian registered shipping vessel names John Coumantaros, George Coumantaros’ son, as Excelsior’s sole shareholder.A source within the Nigerian Stock Exchange identified West African Investments Company Ltd. as owner of 4% of FMN publicly traded stock and stated that several FMN directors had less than a 1% ownership interest in the company. No additional information on West African Investments Company was identified at this time.The following is the summary of additional principal findings of the investigation into Southern Star Shipping Company and Flour Mills of Nigeria:Southern Star Shipping CompanySouthern Star Shipping Co., Inc., specializes in merchant shipping of bulk cargo. It shares a name with a subsidiary of Flour Mill of Nigeria, Southern Star Shipping Company (Nigeria) Limited. The company was incorporated on July 15, 1947, in New York. It is currently an active company located at 712 Fifth Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, New York 10019-4102. It was previously incorporated in Louisiana on October 13, 1978, but it is currently inactive in that state. Corporate records listed the following officers:George S. Coumantaros – CEO, CFOGeorge D. Kapetanakos – Finance Officer and Executive SecretaryMartha Romo – Agent and Sales ExecutiveFTI was initially advised by the Client that Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., was believed to be the entity through which George Coumantaros owns the majority interest in Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc. However, as mentioned previously, it is Excelsior Shipping Company which privately owns the majority interest in Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc, with 51.59%. FTI identified six federal civil records and one state civil record under the name of Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc. All of the cases appear to be related to the nature of the business and all except one are closed. The only current open case was filed in Pennsylvania on January 27, 2011, and names multiple plaintiffs and defendants, including Southern Shipping Co, Inc. The case relates to maritime commerce regulation in the U.S., specifically asbestos products.An additional court of appeals case filed in 1987 named Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., and West Wind Africa Line, Ltd. as defendants. Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was dismissed from the original case prior to trial. Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was the shipping agent of Westwind Africa Line Ltd., a Liberian corporation which media reviews indicated may be related to George Coumantaros. No state or federal criminal records were identified under the company’s name. Also, no additional tax, credit, or other regulatory issues were identified.Extensive media searches on the company did not reveal any negative information. In fact, FTI found very limited information available on the entity through detailed searches using multiple publicly accessible and restricted access databases.George S. CoumantarosGeorge S. Coumantaros and his son, John George Coumantaros, control Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc and its subsidiaries.As previously mentioned, George Coumantaros and his family are believed to be the owners of Excelsior Shipping Company Limited, the controlling shareholder of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc. Excelsior is incorporated in Liberia and details of its corporate records are held with the Greek branch of the registry, which is located in Piraeus. Since it is common for Greek shipping companies to be registered in Liberia, a corporate registries office is located there.Verbal inquiries with the Liberian registry established that Excelsior is owned by Greek interests. A 1964 case of U.S. litigation claim against a Liberian owned vessel names John Coumantaros as Excelsior’s sole shareholder. The Coumantaros family is a well-connected Greek-U.S. shipping family and has a significant profile on the New York social scene, where it appears to be extremely well connected. Politically, the family also appears to have important ties. FTI noted several contributions to the Republican Party, as well as an apparent family connection to John Negroponte, a former senior U.S. diplomat under the George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan administrations whose ambassadorial posts included Iraq in 2004 and 2005, following which he was the Director of National Intelligence until 2007. George Coumantaros holds a leadership position with the following corporations:Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc. – Founder, CEO and CFOFlour Mills of Nigeria Plc – CEOInterstate Grain Corporation (U.S. entity) – DirectorAthens College – U.S. Board of TrusteesThe West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association – Former Vice ChairmanFTI identified one federal civil litigation case naming George Coumantaros. The case was filed against Southern Star Shipping Company for alleged job discrimination demanding $250,000 in damages. The case was closed and apparently settled out of court in 1998. Research in a nationwide index of federal courts maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice did not identify any criminal, or bankruptcy proceedings involving George Coumantaros as a plaintiff or defendant.Research in statewide indices of criminal history and civil dockets did not identify any legal proceedings involving George Coumantaros as a plaintiff or defendant.Through researching address histories and registered assets, FTI established that George Coumantaros has the profile of a very wealthy individual. He owns a property on Fifth Avenue in New York appraised at US$15.4 million, a multi-million dollar sailing yacht, and five properties in the Greenwich, Connecticut. FTI did not identify any disparaging information on George Coumantaros in extensive and detailed media searches. Most media articles were related to his hobby of long-distance sailing races involving exclusive yacht clubs.Discreet inquiries into George Coumantaros’ reputation provided no negative information and depicted him in a positive manner. One Lagos-based corporate source stated that George Coumantaros is widely viewed as the driving force behind Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc and is responsible for its profitability. Another source also noted him to be well regarded among Nigerian shipping and business circles. John G. CoumantarosJohn George Coumantaros was born on December 10, 1961, and resides in New York. He is the son of George Coumantaros and information indicates that he is currently the ultimate holder of the family’s stake in the family’s companies.John Coumantaros holds a leadership position with the following corporations:Nigerian EntitiesFlour Mills of Nigeria Plc – Group Managing director Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company (Nigerian Entity) – ChairmanUnited Cement Company of Nigeria (Nigerian Entity) – ChairmanU.S. EntitiesKestral Navigation, LTD (owns the families two yachts) – PresidentGreenfield Summer, LLC – ManagerConcordia Investments, LLC – ManagerOxbow Carbon & Minerals, LLC – Former ManagerLong Island Sound Realty Corp. – Former PresidentFTI identified one federal civil litigation case naming John Coumantaros. This is the same case mentioned previously against Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., and also naming his father, which alleged job discrimination. Research in a nationwide index of federal courts maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice did not identify any criminal, or bankruptcy proceedings involving John Coumantaros as a plaintiff or defendant.Research in statewide indices of criminal history and civil dockets did not identify any legal proceedings involving John Coumantaros as a plaintiff or defendant.FTI did not identify any disparaging information on John Coumantaros in extensive and detailed media searches. Most media articles related to his sailing pursuits. Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc (“FMN”) is Nigeria’s market leader in the production and marketing of flour and flour products. It is the apex company of a diversified and vertically integrated Nigerian holding company with subsidiaries in the cement, shipping and food manufacturing industries.FMN and its subsidiaries Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company and Northern Nigerian Flour Mills are listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The group has a high profile as one of Nigeria’s largest and most established business conglomerates.An April 2010 report by analysts at HSBC’s Global Research team expected FMN’s main rival Dangote Flour Mills to remain a “distant second” to FMN, which it predicted to retain a 46% market share until 2013.The company’s 2009 Annual Report named its shareholders as Excelsior Shipping Company Limited (51.59%), West African Investments Company Ltd. (4%), with the remaining shares being publicly traded. Corporate filings in Nigeria list the company’s directors as:George Stavros Coumantaros (Chairman)Alhaji Ahmed Joda (Vice Chairman)Emmanuel Akwari Ukpabi (Managing Director)Aris PlytasAlhaji Ali KotokoFolarin Rotini Williams JuniorJohn N. KatsaounisJohn George CoumantarosAdebayo Alade-LobaRabiu Muhammad GwarzoAlhaji Abdullahi Ardos AbbaThanasis Mazarakis Atedo N. A. PetersideAlhaji Yunis Olalekan A. SaliuEric David RaintonFTI identified the following subsidiaries of FMN and FMN’s ownership interest in them:EntityStake (%)Niger Mills Company Ltd.100.0Golden Pasta Company Ltd.100.0Golden Noodles Company100.0Golden Transport Company100.0Premier Feed Mills Ltd.100.0Golden Shipping Company Nigeria Ltd.100.0 (-2 shares)Apapa Bulk Terminal Ltd.100.0 (-1 share)Southern Star Shipping Company (Nigeria) Ltd. 100.0 (-1 share)Golden Sugar Company95.0Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company Ltd.70.0Northern Nigeria Flour Mills52.6Nigerian Eagle Flour Mills51.0United Cement Company of Nigeria Ltd.22.0Maiduguri Flour Mills Ltd.16.7FMN does not appear to have a strong political alignment in Nigeria. It has benefitted from government concessions through its cement manufacturing facility and in its securing of the concession to operate two freight terminals at Lagos port. Sources believe FMN to be in good standing with the current Nigerian leadership.One Western journalistic source, who has written extensively on Nigeria, noted the extent to which FMN took care to develop relations with the administration of Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, the President of Nigeria between May 2007 and his death in May 2010. Yar'Adua served as governor of Katsina State in northern Nigeria from May 29, 1999, to May 28, 2007 and was a member of the People's Democratic Party (PDP). A source at the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission, which regulates the formation and management of companies in Nigeria, noted that filings for FMN and its subsidiary firms had been moved to the Compliance Unit for an inspection. The source was unaware of the reasons for the inspection, although he speculated that there may have been a disagreement between shareholders over share allocation. As a result of the inspection, corporate filings could not be obtained for Golden Pasta Company and United Cement Company. Research in Nigeria identified no regulatory or reputational issues concerning FMN or its subsidiaries.FMN and its group companies all have conventional profiles as listed companies in Nigeria. Media coverage of the Group is focused on their activities and capital raising. No reputational issues were identified concerning FMN or any of its subsidiaries or principals.In regard to political risk, one source noted that FMN’s level of foreign ownership could potentially pose a risk in the future, but he added that its strong Nigerian political and business connections would most likely afford it protection.Research into possible regulatory issues relating to corruption revealed that the political use of anti-corruption agencies to pursue opponents, a tactic favored by Olu??gun Mathew Okiki?la Ar?mu ?basanj?, a former Nigerian Army general and President of Nigeria between 1976 and 1979, and again from May 1999 to May 2007 has not been a feature of the current government of President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, former Governor of Bayelsa State until 2007.?One expert on anti-corruption issues in Nigeria thought it highly unlikely that FMN would become the focus of any Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission investigation for either political or legal reasons.Nigerian Directors of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc Alhaji Ahmed Joda, Vice Chairman of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc, is a well-respected former senior civil servant in Nigeria. Joda served as a “Super Permanent Secretary” during the military rule of Olusegun Obasanjo and remains a part of Obasanjo’s circle. Sources spoke highly of Joda’s connections and abilities.Joda is not openly affiliated to any political parties, although a Nigerian journalistic source speculated that his sympathies would lie with the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan.Research identified no criminal or civil records against Joda. Joda was not identified as implicated in any fraud allegations. Emmanuel Akwari Ukpabi, Managing Director of FMN, has served with FMN since the 1970s. He does not appear to enjoy any significant personal connections in Nigeria. Sources consulted praised Ukpabi’s performance with FMN.Ukpabi graduated from the University of Nigeria in Nsukka in 1971 with a BSc in Chemistry. He has completed advanced management programs at Lagos Business School and the University of Barcelona. Research identified no criminal or civil records against Ukpabi and he was not identified as being implicated in any fraud allegations. Research identified no red flags or reputational issues concerning either executive.INVESTIGATIVE FINDINGSThe following sections summarize the main investigative findings regarding Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., George S. Coumantaros and John G. Coumantaros in the U.S. and Nigeria. United StatesSouthern Star Shipping Co., Inc.Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., specializes in merchant shipping of bulk cargo. The Company shares a name with a subsidiary of Flour Mill of Nigeria, Southern Star Shipping Company (Nigeria) Limited. Corporate InformationAccording to the Department of State, Division of Corporations of the State of New York, Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was incorporated on July 15, 1947, and was issued the Employer Identification Number (EIN) 13-5535116. The company is currently active and in good standing. No registered agent was identified. The company is located at 712 Fifth Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, New York 10019-4102. The company was incorporated in Louisiana but currently has inactive status in that state.The company has reportedly issued 1,500 shares at no par value. It should be mentioned that the Department of State, Division of Corporations of the State of New York, does not record information regarding shareholders and only limited information on shares. Public records reviewed established that the officers and directors of Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., are George S. Coumantaros as Chief Executive Office and Chief Financial Officer, George D. Kapetanakos as Finance and Executive Secretary and Martha Romo as Agent and Sales Executive.The New York entity is currently licensed to export grain from the U.S. The first reference to this license was identified in 2002. Litigation HistoryU.S. Federal: Criminal and CivilThe name of the company, Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., was researched in an online system operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts providing direct access to the dockets of all federal district courthouses. The system covers all criminal and civil proceedings filed in any U.S. District Courts (exceptions: District of New Mexico, Southern District of Indiana, and District of the Virgin Islands). The following federal civil cases were identified:Case number 2:11-CV-31465, Craig v. A-C Product Liability Trust et al, filed on January 27, 2011, before the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania. This case included multiple plaintiffs and defendants, including Southern Star Shipping Co, Inc., as defendant. The case was filed as a “Jones Act” case, an act that regulates maritime commerce in U.S. waters and between U.S. ports. Specifically, this was an asbestos products litigation. No additional information was obtained and the case remains open. Case number 2:10-CV-38365-ER, Hollander et al v. Foster Wheeler Company et al, filed on June 11, 2010, before the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was another defendant in this case, which was also filed as a “Jones Act” case. On May 7, 2010, it was ordered by the court that all claims against all defendants to be dismissed. It was settled and dismissed on July 12, 2010.Case number 97-CV-06942, Constantine Touloumis v. Southern Star Shipping Company, et al, filed on September 17, 1997, before the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. The other defendants in the case were Atlantic Bulk Carriers Ltd, Westwind Africa Ltd, George Coumantaros, John Coumantaros and Panos Zachariadis. Constantine Touloumis filed this lawsuit claiming that his job was terminated due to job discrimination and demanded US$250,000 in compensation. The case was dismissed and terminated on September 23, 1998.Case number 2:92-CV-00457-MLCF, Jackson et al v. Belsom et al, filed on February 6, 1992, before the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Louisiana (New Orleans). Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was a “third party defendant.” The cause of this lawsuit was “marine personal injury” and it was settled and dismissed on January 7, 1993. Case number 8:90-CV-00781-WJC, Gravely v. Southern Star Shipping et al, filed on June 21, 1990, before the U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida. It was filed as a personal injury case. The lawsuit was settled and dismissed on November 30, 1991. Further details can be obtained if specifically requested from the courts.Case number 2:90-CV-04429-RFC, Feiteria Gavina et al v. Tansit Ent Ltd et al, filed on November 6, 1990, before the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Louisiana (New Orleans). Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was a defendant in this lawsuit involving several plaintiffs and defendants. The cause of this lawsuit was “personal injury” and it was settled and dismissed on December 10, 1990. Further details can be obtained if specifically requested from the courts.Further searches did not surface any federal criminal or other civil litigations, as well as no bankruptcies naming Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., as a defendant, plaintiff or debtor. State: Criminal and CivilSouthern Star Shipping’s name was researched in a commercial database that aggregates court and corrections records from U.S. states. Although the depth and breadth of coverage varies from state to state, FTI has found this data source to be an effective means of identifying records of convictions that may have occurred outside the scope of the address history. This database encompasses records from the U.S. District Courts, U.S. Supreme Court, and U.S. Court of Appeals, federal and state civil and criminal litigations. Additionally, a comprehensive search was conducted for all case records that may have been filed before the New York State Unified Court System, which includes criminal and civil cases, as well as cases filed before the Supreme Court of New York. The following civil case was identified: CV-008508-94/NY; Allstate Financial Corporation, AAO Ivory, Inc., DBA Mark Express v. Southern Star Shipping Co, Inc.; filed on March 10, 1994, before the New York County Civil Court. The case was disposed on June 7, 2008. Further details can be obtained if specifically requested from the courts.Miscellaneous Records CheckUniformed Commercial Codes (UCCs)The entity had one UCC filing in 1991 indicating a creditor registering a lien on collateral. US Tax CourtThe name of Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., was researched in an online system operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts providing direct access to the docket of United States Tax Court. No results surfaced.Real Estate PropertiesReal estate property searches were conducted under the name of Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc., through a commercial database that aggregates files from various jurisdictions and government entities nationwide, but surfaced no properties owned by the company. Additional searches were conducted through the New York City Finance Department, but surfaced no properties owned by the company. Media ReviewMedia searches were conducted through an online U.S. database that encompasses information from more 28,000 sources from more than 157 countries in 23 languages, including nearly 600 continuously updated newswires, including the combination of Dow Jones, Reuters and The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, the Times, and other local newspapers from around the globe. This source also includes more than 900 wires, including the Press Association, Asia Pulse, Agence France Presse, Agencia EFE, the Australian Associated Press, ANSA, and other industry, press release and local newswires.A court of appeals case filed in 1987 identified through media reviews named Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc., and West Wind Africa Line, Ltd. as defendants. Southern Star was dismissed from the original case prior to trial. Southern Star was the shipping agent of Westwind Africa Line Ltd., a Liberian corporation which media reviews indicated may be related to George Coumantaros. No negative information surfaced during the media search of Southern Star Shipping Company, Inc. George S. Coumantaros BackgroundGeorge S. Coumantaros was born on July 23, 1922, in London, England. He was issued a social security number in New York, U.S.A., between 1936 and 1951. Media searches identified that he has been married for more than 52 years, has four children and 11 grandchildren. He is the patriarch of a well-connected Greek-US shipping family. The current ultimate holder of the family’s stake in the family’s companies is his son, John George Coumantaros. The Coumantaros family is noted to have a significant profile on the New York social scene, where they appear to be extremely well connected. The Coumantaros family is believed to be connected to U.S. former senior diplomat John Negroponte through his mother, Catherine Coumantaros. Negroponte, whose father was a Greek shipping magnate, served under the George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan administrations and his ambassadorial posts included Iraq in 2004 and 2005, following which he was the Director of National Intelligence until 2007. Negroponte’s mother has only a six-year age difference with George Coumantaros, and may be either a sister or cousin. In February 2011 George Coumantaros received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Nigerian This Day Group of Newspapers for his services to Nigerian corporate life. Sources close to George Coumantaros describe him as loyal to those who have helped him. A shipping executive consulted pointed out that when his good friend Folarin Rotini Abiola Williams died, George Coumantaros replaced him on the FMN board by his son. The source noted that the Williams’ chamber was one of Nigeria’s most prestigious law firms. Abiola Williams Junior currently serves on the board of FMN.An address history for George Coumantaros was developed through a collection of public records in order to locate the specific jurisdictions where he has resided; and, thus perform further public records inquiries. Based on these searches, it was determined that George Coumantaros resides at 944 Fifth Ave, Number 12, New York, NY 10021. According to his biography, published on the Athens College Board of Trustees, New York Office, website, George Coumantaros graduated from the Makris School in Athens, Greece. Corporate and Professional AffiliationsGeorge Coumantaros is the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) of Southern Star Shipping Co, Inc. Also, Media sources established that George Coumantaros was its founder. George Coumantaros is the CEO of Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc, established in 1962, the largest single-site flour mill complex in the world, capable of milling 6,000 tons of wheat per day, in addition to importing bulk cement, fertilizers and the manufacture of polypropylene bags. A Lagos-based businessman stated that George Coumantaros is widely viewed as the driving force behind FMN and is responsible for its profitability and success. A source also noted him to be well regarded in the Nigerian shipping and business circles.George Coumantaros is part of the U.S. Board of Trustees of Athens College, located in New York. George Coumantaros retired last year as Vice Chairman of The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association. He has served on the Board of the American Bureau of Shipping and on various banks and organizations along with many Hellenic shipping groups. According to the U.S. Board of Trustees, George Coumantaros is a member of several yacht clubs and many social organizations. According to database and media searches, Mr. Coumantaros has also been associated with the following U.S. entity:Interstate Grain Corporation – George Coumantaros serves as a director. The company’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) was identified as 74-1986508. This entity is a private company categorized under Grain Elevators. Reportedly, it was established in 1978 and incorporated in Texas. The company is associated with two Addresses: 5700?up River?Rd,?Corpus Christi? TX?78407 and Po Box 9924,?Corpus Christi? TX?78469. As of 2010, the company was in good standing.Litigation HistoryU.S. Federal: Criminal and CivilThe name of George Coumantaros was researched in an online system operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts providing direct access to the dockets of all federal district courthouses. The system covers all criminal and civil proceedings filed in any U.S. District Courts (exceptions: District of New Mexico, Southern District of Indiana, and District of the Virgin Islands). George Coumantaros was identified as a defendant in the same lawsuit identified above involving Southern Start Shipping Co, Inc. This lawsuit was:Case number 97-CV-06942, Constantine Touloumis v. Southern Star Shipping Company, et al, filed on September 17, 1997, before the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. The lawsuit was filed claiming job discrimination and the plaintiff demanded US$250,000 in compensation. The case was dismissed and terminated on September 23, 1998.Further searches did not surface any federal criminal or any other federal civil litigations, as well as no bankruptcies naming George Coumantaros as a defendant, plaintiff or debtor. State: Criminal and CivilGeorge Coumantaros’ name was researched in a commercial database that aggregates court and corrections records from U.S. states. Although the depth and breadth of coverage varies from state to state, FTI has found this data source to be an effective means of identifying records of convictions that may have occurred outside the scope of the address history. This database encompasses records from the U.S. District Courts, U.S. Supreme Court, and U.S. Court of Appeals, federal and state civil and criminal litigations. Additionally, a comprehensive search was conducted for all case records that may have been filed before the New York State Unified Court System, which includes criminal and civil cases, as well as cases filed before the Supreme Court of New York. No civil, criminal or family cases were identified naming George Coumantaros as either defendant or plaintiff.Miscellaneous Records CheckUniformed Commercial Codes (UCCs)FTI identified 12 UCC “fixture filings” under George Coumantaros’s name in New York. Fixture filings are security interests filed against permanent property to insure the ability to collect collateral on a loan. The filings were made between 1987 and 1990. One additional filing was identified in Connecticut. US Tax CourtGeorge Coumantaros’ name was researched in an online system operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts providing direct access to the docket of United States Tax Court, which surfaced no results.PropertiesReal estate property searches were conducted under the name of George Coumantaros through a commercial database that aggregates files from various jurisdictions and government entities nationwide, but surfaced no properties owned by the company. Additional searches were conducted through the Finance Department of New York State. The following properties were identified owned by George Coumantaros:944 Fifth Ave, number 12, New York, NY 10021. This residence has an appraised value of $15.4 million. 0 Broad Raod, Greenwich, CT. This lot has an appraised value of $1.9 million.511 Field Point Road, Greenwich, CT. It has an appraised value of $5.6 million.501? Field Point Road, Greenwich, CT. It has an appraised value of $2.3 million.0 Shore Road, Greenwich, CT (parcel number 02-1302/S). It has an appraised value of $1.97 million.0 Shore, Road, Greenwich, CT (parcel number 02-1303/S). It has an appraised value of $2 million.Also, public records searched identified that George Coumantaros is the owner of a 72.83 ft boat named “Baccara”. Its registration number 105470 is current valid.Media ReviewMedia searches were conducted through an online U.S. database that encompasses information from more 28,000 sources from more than 157 countries in 23 languages, including nearly 600 continuously updated newswires, including the combination of Dow Jones, Reuters and The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, the Times, and other local newspapers from around the globe. This source also includes more than 900 wires, including the Press Association, Asia Pulse, Agence France Presse, Agencia EFE, the Australian Associated Press, ANSA, and other industry, press release and local newswires.These searches identified that George Coumantaros yearly donates to the Republican Party and its members. According to the Newport Bermuda Race, George Coumantaros is a veteran sailor who has participated in 26 races since 1952. He has set the record for the most elapsed-time victories. This same source indicated that in 1996 George Coumantaros set a new speed record of 57 hours, 31 minutes (an average speed of 11 knots) and accomplished a rare double victory by also winning that race on handicap. No negative or additional information surfaced during the media search of George Coumantaros. John G. Coumantaros BackgroundJohn G. Coumantaros was born on December 10, 1961. He was issued a social security number in New York between 1974 and 1975. An address history for John Coumantaros was developed through a collection of public records in order to locate the specific jurisdictions where he has resided; and, thus perform further public records inquiries. Based on these searches, it was determined that John Coumantaros resides at 535 Park Ave, Apt. 2A, New York NY 10065. His voter’s registration is currently active, registered with the Republican Party. He last voted in November 2006.Corporate and Professional AffiliationsJohn G. Coumantaros serves as the Group Managing Director of Flour Mills of Nigeria and the Chairman of Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company. Mr. Coumantaros is also the Chairman of United Cement Company of Nigeria (UNICEM). According to database and media searches, Mr. Coumantaros’s other past and present affiliations include:Kestral Navigation, Ltd – John G. Coumantaros serves as the president. The company possesses two vessels named “Bambakou” and “Bambakou 52.” This entity is associated with following address: 11 Memorial Blvd, Newport RI 02840-3596. Greenfield Summer, LLC – John G. Coumantaros serves as the manager. The company is currently active and it is associated with the following address: 101 Federal St, Boston MA 02110-1817.Concordia Investments, LLC – John G. Coumantaros serves as the manager. The company’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) was identified as 64-0953281. The entity’s current status is “inactive – consolidated” and is associated with the following address: 101 Federal St, Boston MA 02110-1817.Oxbow Carbon & Minerals, LLC – John G. Coumantaros served as the manager as of July of 2007. The company’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) was identified as 23-2432218. The entity’s current status is active and is located at 1601 Forum PL #P-2, West Palm Beach Fl 33401-8101. According to the company’s website, Oxbow Carbon and its two affiliated companies – Gunnison Energy and Oxbow Steel International – have yearly sales in excess of $4 billion, combined assets of nearly $2 billion and over 1100 employees worldwide. Oxbow’s primary businesses are the mining and marketing of energy and commodities such as coal, natural gas, petroleum, metallurgical and calcined coke.Long Island Sound Realty Corp. - John G. Coumantaros served as the president as of November of 2007. This entity is associated with following address: 11 Memorial Blvd, Newport RI 02840-3596 and with the phone number 401-849-1510. Litigation HistoryU.S. Federal: Criminal and CivilThe name of John Coumantaros was researched in an online system operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts providing direct access to the dockets of all federal district courthouses. The system covers all criminal and civil proceedings filed in any U.S. District Courts (exceptions: District of New Mexico, Southern District of Indiana, and District of the Virgin Islands). John Coumantaros was identified as a defendant in the same lawsuit identified above involving Southern Start Shipping Co, Inc., and George Coumantaros. This lawsuit was:Case number 97-CV-06942, Constantine Touloumis v. Southern Star Shipping Company, et al, filed on September 17, 1997, before the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. The lawsuit was filed claiming job discrimination and the plaintiff demanded US$250,000 in compensation. The case was dismissed and terminated on September 23, 1998.Further searches did not surface any federal criminal or any other federal civil litigations, and no bankruptcies naming John Coumantaros as a defendant, plaintiff or debtor. State: Criminal and CivilJohn Coumantaros’s name was researched in a commercial database that aggregates court and corrections records from U.S. states. Although the depth and breadth of coverage varies from state to state, FTI has found this data source to be an effective means of identifying records of convictions that may have occurred outside the scope of the address history. This database encompasses records from the U.S. District Courts, U.S. Supreme Court, and U.S. Court of Appeals, federal and state civil and criminal litigations. Additionally, a comprehensive search was conducted for all case records that may have been filed before the New York State Unified Court System, which includes criminal and civil cases, as well as cases filed before the Supreme Court of New York. No civil, criminal or family cases were identified naming John Coumantaros as either defendant or plaintiff.Miscellaneous Records CheckUniformed Commercial Codes (UCCs)FTI identified two “Cooperative” UCC filings under John Coumantaros’ name in New York. UCC filings are made to ensure a creditor’s ability to collect on the collateral. The filings were in 2001 and 2004.US Tax CourtJohn Coumantaros’s name was researched in an online system operated by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts providing direct access to the docket of United States Tax Court, which surfaced no results.Real Estate PropertiesReal estate property searches were conducted under the name of John Coumantaros through a commercial database that aggregates files from various jurisdictions and government entities nationwide, but surfaced no properties owned by the company. Additional searches were conducted through the Finance Department of New York City. No real estate properties surfaced under the name of John Coumantaros.However, John Coumantaros’ current address listed below is currently owned by his wife Elena Coumantaros:535 Park Ave Apt 2A, New York, NY 10065-8167. This residence was appraised at US$12.4 million. Public record searches identified that John Coumantaros owns a 2006 52 ft vessel named “Bambakou.” Its registration appears under the name of Kestral Navigation Ltd and it is currently valid. The vessel number is 812328. Media ReviewMedia searches were conducted through an online U.S. database that encompasses information from more 28,000 sources from more than 157 countries in 23 languages, including nearly 600 continuously updated newswires, including the combination of Dow Jones, Reuters and The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, the Times, and other local newspapers from around the globe. This source also includes more than 900 wires, including the Press Association, Asia Pulse, Agence France Presse, Agencia EFE, the Australian Associated Press, ANSA, and other industry, press release and local newswires.Media searches identified that John Coumantaros yearly donates to the Republican Party and its members. According to The Daily Sail, John Coumantaros is a veteran sailor who has participated in many races, including in the Mediterranean. NigeriaFlour Mills of Nigeria PlcOverviewFlour Mills Nigeria Plc (“FMN”) is the apex company of a diversified Nigerian industrial group with operations in food production and marketing, shipping and cement. FMN was established on 29th September 1960 under registration number 2343. FMN was previously called Golden Penny Flour Mills. It markets its flour products in Nigeria under the Golden Penny brand. It listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange on 14th August 1979. FMN lists a registered office address at Apapa Mills, 2 Old Dock Road, Apapa, Lagos.FMN is one of Nigeria’s largest and most established industrial groups, operating both directly and through a number of subsidiaries incorporated in the country. FMN’s immediate activity is the milling and distribution of flour and flour products. Its wheat milling complex at Apapa, reputed to be the world’s largest, was thought by a journalist source to be its central asset. The complex has a daily milling capacity of 6,200 metric tons. Through its subsidiaries, FMN is active in other food production, bag production, shipping and cement and has recently announced plans to diversify into sugar production. The activities of FMN group subsidiaries are closely integrated. In August 2009 media reports noted that FMN was collaborating with the management of the Nigerian Railway Corporation to procure five new locomotives to improve rail freight capacity between Kano, Maiduguri and Lagos.An April 2010 report by analysts at HSBC’s Global Research team expected FMN’s main rival Dangote Flour Mills to remain a “distant second” to FMN, which it predicted to retain a 46% market share until 2013.In its annual report for the year ended 31st March 2009 FMN reported a turnover of NGN 180.07 (US$1=NGN146 as of 3/31/2009) billion and a profit before tax of NGN 11.92 billion. This was revised to NGN 5.47 billion after “exceptional item” tax and NGN 3.89 billion after tax. FMN paid a dividend of 50 kobo per share, amounting to NGN 854.19 million. In February 2011 FMN announced pre-tax profits for the first nine months of its financial year ending 31st March 2011 of NGN 12.5 billion. Turnover rose over the period to NGN 117.5 billion as compared to NGN 112.2 billion the previous year. It expected profits for the year to reach NGN 16.5 billion.FMN is audited by Akintola Williams Deloitte.Capital Raising & ExpansionFMN raised NGN 37.5 billion through a December 2010 corporate bond issue, the first in Nigeria outside the banking sector for a number of years. The issue was oversubscribed with the Group claiming to have received NGN 49.8 billion in bids from banks and a variety of other institutional investors.The issue was the first of a planned NGN 70 billion debt programme.Following the issue, Treasury Director Vlassis Liakouris (“Liakouris”) was quoted in the media stating that FMN was aiming to invest at least NGN 20 billion per year in expansion and acquisitions before 2014. The plans included adding four to six new mills to increase daily production capacity at its Apapa facility to over 8,000 tons. On 28th January 2011 FMN concluded a US$143.3 million, five-year loan with a group of Nigerian banks to finance the construction of a sugar refinery complex in Lagos. The refinery was expected to include a 65,000 ton capacity storage facility and a 12 MW gas fuelled power plant.The loan also included a US$13.3 million credit facility to partly finance the development of a sugar farm. Media reports have estimated FMN’s total investment in the project at $200 million. The facility is expected to be completed by 2012.FMN’s sugar investment supports the government’s target of achieving 70% raw sugar self-sufficiency. DirectorsCorporate filings in Nigeria list the following directors for FMN:George Stavros Coumantaros (Chairman)Alhaji Ahmed Joda (Vice Chairman)Emmanuel Akwari Ukpabi (Managing Director)Aris PlytasJohn N. KatsaounisRabiu Muhammad GwarzoAtedo N. A. PetersideAlhaji Ali KotokoJohn George CoumantarosAlhaji Abdullahi Ardos AbbaAlhaji Yunis Olalekan A. SaliuFolarin Rotini Abiola Williams (Junior)Adebayo Alade-LobaThanasis Mazarakis Eric David RaintonJames Oladipo FagbemiShareholdersFMN has NGN 854,186,000 of paid-in capital, distributed between over 60,000 registered FMN private and public shareholders. According to its annual report for 2009, FMN’s largest shareholders are:EntityStake (%)Excelsior Shipping Company Limited 51.59Public44.41Excelsior Shipping Company Limited (“Excelsior”) is incorporated in Liberia. Inquiries with the Liberian registry established that Excelsior’s details are held with Nigerian registry branch located in Piraeus and that the company is owned by Greek interests.Excelsior’s ultimate beneficial owners are believed to be New York-based shipping magnate George Stavros Coumantaros and his family. Media reports describe George Coumantaros as FMN’s founder. One 1964 case of US litigation named John George Coumantaros as Excelsior’s sole shareholder. SubsidiariesResearch suggests that FMN holds stock in the following companies:EntityStake (%)Niger Mills Company Limited100.0Golden Pasta Company Limited100.0Golden Noodles Company100.0Golden Transport Company100.0Premier Feed Mills Limited100.0Golden Shipping Company Nigeria Limited100.0 (-2 shares)Apapa Bulk Terminal Limited100.0 (-1 share)Southern Star Shipping Company (Nigeria) Limited 100.0 (-1 share)Golden Sugar Company 95.0Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company Limited 70.0Northern Nigeria Flour Mills 52.6Nigerian Eagle Flour Mills 51.0United Cement Company of Nigeria Limited 22.0Maiduguri Flour Mills Limited 16.7FMN’s activities are centred on the southern Nigerian cities of Lagos and Calabar. Northern Bag Manufacturing Company, Northern Nigerian Flour Mills and Kaboji Farms operate in the northern city of Kano. Maiduguri Flour Mills is also located in the north of Nigeria.A source at the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission, which regulates the formation and management of companies in Nigeria, noted that filings for FMN and its subsidiary firms had been moved to the Compliance Unit for use in an investigation. Access to the documents is only available following a formal written application and files cannot be removed from the unit in order to prevent tampering. ?The source was unaware of the reasons for the investigation, although he speculated that there may have been a disagreement between shareholders over share allocation. He did not believe the investigation would have a negative impact on the firm. He stated: ?''I will not attribute much to this investigation. I think it is basically routine, and aimed at resolving disagreements.'' ?Inquiries with sources close to FMN identified no further information concerning the investigation.Due to the investigation, filings for Golden Pasta Company and United Cement Company were also unavailable.Apapa Bulk Terminal LimitedApapa Bulk Terminal Limited (“ABT”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FMN. It was incorporated in 2005 with registration number 632098. ABT holds the concession for the operation of terminals A and B at the Apapa Port Complex. Under the terms of the concession, FMN will undertake a US$14 million redevelopment of the quay at terminal A. ABT’s registered address is:2 Old Dock RoadApapaLagosPO Box 341ABT was awarded the concession to operate terminals at Apapa port by Nigeria’s Bureau of Public Enterprises (“BPE”) in April 2006.ABT has 20 million issued shares. A single share is held by FMN director Aris Plytas, with the remainder owned by FMN.According to Nigerian Corporate Filings, ABT’s directors are:Emmanuel Akwari UkpabiEric David RaintonAris PlytasAnthony Osahon OgbeborYunus Olalekan SaliuEmmanuel Sunmola OmotayoAthanasios MitrofanisMurray MacMillanMedia reports name Emmanuel Sunmola Omotayo as ABT’s Managing Director.Research has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning ABT. ABT has a low media profile. No reputational issues were identified concerning ABT.PrivatizationThe privatization of Nigeria’s ports has been the subject of strong opposition from the country's trade union movement. BPE’s Director General, Irene Chigbue, has claimed that the program will earn Nigeria US$2.5 billion from port concessions over 10 years.One former Nigeria correspondent for a Western international business paper noted the allocation of terminal operating concessions to be a tool of political patronage in Nigeria. He pointed out that the privatisation of Nigeria’s port operations had come at a time when then President Olusegun Obasanjo was seeking to build a constituency in the business and political elite to support his bid to change the constitution to allow him to stay on in power for a third four-year term. He continued:“The Apapa Shipping Terminal concession is hugely strategic and potentially highly lucrative. It is therefore inconceivable that the award might have been based on technical expertise or financial capacity alone. While it may indeed prove the case that a process of tendering was completed, there can be no doubt that 'political factors' would have played a significant role in the award of the concession. This, however, would be consistent with most government contract awards in Nigeria and may not necessarily indicate clear proof of any wrong doing.”Research has not identified any allegation that any of Nigeria’s port concessions have been awarded improperly. Golden Pasta Company LimitedGolden Pasta Company Limited (“GPCL”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FMN. It began operations in 1972. GPCL produces pasta products for FMN and is considered to be one of its key areas of growth. Speaking in December 2010, FMN’s Vlassis iakouris was quoted as stating that FMN enjoyed a 50% share of pasta sales in Nigeria and expected to double its business within four years.In the year ending 31st March 2009 GPCL had a turnover of NGN 14.5 billion and a profit before tax of NGN 870 million.Media reports name the following GPCL executives:Yannis Katsichtis (General Manager)Paul GbededoResearch has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning GPC. GPC has a low media profile. No reputational issues were identified concerning GPC.Golden Shipping Company Nigeria LimitedGolden Shipping Company Nigeria Limited (“GSC”) was incorporated on 21st September 1992 with registration number 205362. It began operations on 1st April 1995. GSC’s official address is:Flour Mills Building2 Old Dock RoadApapaLagosPO Box 428GSC is a shipping agent engaged in clearing and forwarding activities at the Apapa docks. Its clients include FMN and its subsidiaries.GSC has 10 million issued shares. FMN Managing Director Emmanuel Ukpabi (“Ukpabi”) and GSC director Dennis Muakpo Osah each hold a single share, with the remainder held by FMN.Filings with the Nigerian corporate registry name the following GSC directors:Emmanuel UkpabiEric David RaintonAris PlytasYunus Olalekan SaliuDennis Muakpo OsahEmmanuel Sunmola OmotayoResearch has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning GSC. GSC has a low media profile. No reputational issues were identified concerning GSC.Niger Mills Company LimitedNiger Mills Company (“NMC”) was incorporated in 1967 with registration number 5480. It produces wheat flour and other flour products for FMN. NMC’s registered address is:79 Murtala Mohammed HighwayCalabarPO Box 339NMC was jointly owned by the government of Cross River State until it was bought out by FMN in March 2002. In 2009 NMC had a turnover of NGN 6.3 billion, making a loss after tax of NGN 107 million. NMC has 33,860,500 issued shares, all held by FMN. NMC’s directors are:Olabode Debayo-DohertyEmmanuel Akwari UkpabiYunus Olalekan SaliuSolomon Ubaka UbichukwuNnamdi OkudoOgban Ekpei OgbanResearch has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning NMC. NMC has a low media profile. No reputational issues were identified concerning NMC.Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company LimitedNigerian Bag Manufacturing Company Limited (“BagCo”) was established in 1972 with registration number 3584. It listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 2007. In its annual report for the year ending 31st March 2009 FMN stated it held a 70% shareholding in BagCo. The remainder is publicly traded. BagCo’s registered address is:Plot 45 Eric Moore Road Iganmu Industrial Layout SurulereLagosPO Box 589BagCo manufactures a variety of types of bag for industrial concerns. According to information published by the company, BagCo has a production capacity of 30 million sacks per month. According to FMN’s annual report for 2009, BagCo controls two subsidiaries: Northern Bag Manufacturing Company (“NBMC”), established in 1990, and BagCo Morpack (“Morpack”), established in 2007. Morpack produces high quality plastic film packaging for the consumer products industry.In the year ending 31st March 2009 BagCo made a loss after tax of NGN 310.8 million on a turnover of NGN 10.3 billion. Much of this was attributable to losses associated with the establishment of Morpack, which generated a loss of NGN 246.2 million.BagCo is audited by Akintola Williams Deloitte.BagCo’s directors are:John George Coumantaros (Chairman)Emmanuel Akwari UkpabiPeter Soutar LowAbiodun Sunday OgunkoyaPeter BarracloughPaul MurphyRabiu Muhammad GwarzoJohn KatasaounisThanakis MazarakisEric David Rainton Alhaji Yunus Olalekan A. SaliuMuhammad M. DaggashJerry GanIn the notes to its 2007 prospectus BagCo noted long-term contracts with Nigerian cement companies including FMN subsidiary United Cement Company of Nigeria Limited (“UNICEM”). It stated its expectation that it would profit from the government-backed growth of the Nigerian cement industry. Media reports in Nigeria have noted BagCo to be supplier of first choice to UNICEM, a factor in its dominance of services to the Nigerian cement industry. Research has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning BagCo. No reputational issues were identified concerning BagCo.Northern Bag Manufacturing CompanyNBMC was incorporated in 1990 with registration number 157093. NBMC is a subsidiary of BagCo which produces bags for industrial and commercial use at a factory in Kano. NBMC’s registered address is:47/48 Sharada Industrial EstatePhase 111KanoPO Box 10602According to filings with the Nigerian corporate registry, NBMC has 20 million issued shares. Ukpabi holds a single share with the remainder retained by BagCo. NBMC has the following directors:John George CoumantarosPeter Soutar LowPeter BarracloughAlhaji Hamisu DankakaEmmanuel Akwari UkpabiEric David Rainton Alhaji Yunus Olalekan .A. SaliuAbiodun Sunday OgunkoyaRabiu Muhammad GwarzoJohn KatasaounisDeclan Joseph GriffinResearch has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning NBMC. No reputational issues were identified concerning NBMC.Northern Nigeria Flour MillsNorthern Nigeria Flour Mills (“NFMN”) was incorporated on 29th October 1971 with registration number 9409. It listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 1978. NFMN is one of Nigeria’s largest flour milling concerns. Its official address is:15 Mal Malari RoadBompal Industrial EstateKanoPO Box 6640NFMN produces Golden Penny branded flour and semovita. It has a milling capacity of 1,750 tons per day. According to an analyst’s report published by FSDH Securities Limited in December 2009, NFMN controls a market share of around 60% of the flour milling market in Northern Nigeria. At its stock price on 3rd March 2011 NFMN had a market capitalisation of US$38.3 million. In the year ending 31st March 2009 NFMN had a turnover of NGN 8.5 billion and a profit before tax of NGN 236.3 million.As at 31st March 2009 NFMN had the following shareholders:EntityStake (%)Flour Mills of Nigeria 52.61Northern Nigeria Investment Ltd 8.01Dantata Investment and Securities Ltd 6.45 Kano State Investment and Securities Ltd 5.10Public 27.83NFMN’s directors are:Aminu Dantata (Chairman)George Stavros Coumantaros (Vice Chairman)Rabiu Gwarzo (Managing Director)Trevor Augustine Emmanuel Ukpabi C. Theodorakopoulos Alhaji Yunus Olalekan .A. SaliuJohn Coumantaros Abbas Gashash Alhaji Mahmoud Isa Dutse Muhammad Gwarzo Alhaji Abbas Aliyu WaziriResearch has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning NNFM. No reputational issues were identified concerning NNFM.Southern Star Shipping Company (Nigeria) LimitedSouthern Star Shipping Company (Nigeria) Limited (“SSS”) was incorporated on 22nd December 1961 with registration number 6726. SSS’s official address is:Flour Mills Building2 Old Dock RoadApapaLagosPO Box 318SSS provides forwarding and clearing services at the Apapa docks.SSS has 3,999,998 issued shares. They are wholly owned by FMN with the exception of a single share which is held by Ukpabi. Filings with the Nigerian corporate registry list the following directors for SSS:Emmanuel Akwari UkpabiEric David Rainton Alhaji Yunus Olalekan .A. SaliuAris PlytasEmmanuel Sunmola OmotayoA Swiss entity called Southern Star Shipping was identified in US media reports in August 2002 as a vehicle for illicit payments made by a group of Miami investors. Research suggests that it does not relate to the Subject.Research has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning SSS. SSS has a low media profile. No reputational issues were identified concerning SSS.United Cement Company of Nigeria LimitedUNICEM was established in 2002 as a joint-venture between FMN and Egyptian Cement Company, a partnership between Switzerland’s Holcim Group and Egyptian construction firm Orascom. It acquired the assets of the state-owned Calabar Cement Company, which was at the time in liquidation, following two payments to the Cross River State government totalling NGN 1.04 billion. UNICEM’s address is:Spring RoadDiamondHillPMB 1017CalabarUNICEM secured investment from Aliko Dangote’s Dangote group in 2004, and from international cement firm Lafarge SA in December 2007.UNICEM operated the original factory after some outlay in improving its facilities. In March 2007 UNICEM received a $205 million syndicated loan from a group of Nigerian banks in order to help in the funding of a new facility on the site. In May 2009 UNICEM inaugurated a new cement factory in the town of Mfamosing. The factory has a capacity of 2.5 metric tonnes per annum. The estimated cost of the plant’s construction was $428 million. Shortly following the plant’s inauguration, UNICEM mothballed the site’s original facility.At the plant’s inauguration in May 2009 UNICEM was praised by then-President Ummaru Yar'Adua for its contribution to the government’s efforts to increase cement production in the country. Yar’Adua noted the “landmark achievement” by UNICEM to have demonstrated the success of the Federal Government's policy on cement production in the country.UNICEM is one of Nigeria’s largest cement companies and has been at the centre of developments in the country’s national cement policy. Cement production has been an issue for the Nigerian government since 2001 when President Olusegun Obasanjo banned imports of bagged cement and ordered that imported cement be bagged locally in order to stimulate domestic industry. UNICEM is one of a small number of Nigerian cement producers with its own bag production facilities. It has historically been able to secure substantial import licenses for non-bagged cement. In August 2008 UNICEM was one of 13 local manufacturers licensed to import bagged cement to ease cement supply issues to Nigeria. In July 2010 President Goodluck Jonathan approved the import of 2.5 million metric tonnes of bulk cement by local manufacturers. UNICEM received a license for 600,000 tons – the second largest after Dangote Cement, which was allocated 895,000 tons. Achike Udenwa, Nigeria’s former Minister of Commerce and Industry has forecast that the country will become self-sufficient in cement production by the year 2013.In September 2010 current Minister of Commerce and Industry Senator Jubril Martins Kuye was quoted at the opening of an international cement conference in Lagos stating that the government would seek to regulate cement imports more closely. Kuye also praised the new UNICEM facility as an example of investment in indigenous production. UNICEM has the following shareholders:EntityStake (%)Lafarge SA 28Holcim Trading SA 28Dangote Cement Company22Flour Mills 22In an earnings call for the second quarter of 2010 Holcim Trading SA stated its share of losses for the year from UNICEM was CHF 44 million. In November 2008 Nigerian newspaper Vanguard reported that UNICEM was collaborating with Nigeria’s Federal Road Safety Commission to promote safety measures along major roads between Mfamosing and Calabar, including the provision of infrastructural support to FRSC.Research has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning UNICEM. No reputational issues were identified concerning UNICEM.Kaboji Farms LimitedKaboji Farms Limited (“KFL”) is not a direct subsidiary of FMN, although it is identified in media reports and corporate profiles as a related concern. KFL is a farming concern which grows maize, soya beans and rice. It owns 10,000 hectares of land in Niger State, 3,000 hectares of which are under cultivation. KFL sells produce to FMN and its subsidiaries and has been described in the media as an example of FMN’s “backward integration” policy.KFL has 30 million issued shares split equally between its two directors, both executives with FMN: Rabiu Muhammad GwarzoEmmanuel Akwari UkpabiResearch has identified no legal or regulatory issues concerning KFL. No reputational issues were identified concerning KFL.ReputationFMN and its group companies all have reasonable profiles as listed companies in Nigeria. Media coverage of the Group is focused on their activities and capital raising. No reputational issues were identified concerning FMN or any of its subsidiaries or principals.Corporate and journalistic sources consulted all commented on FMN’s profile and reputation as one of the country’s most respected and durable companies. One source described FMN as “a rare example of a Nigerian business success story.”One corporate source noted: “FMN is highly regarded in the West African region and is noted for its quality products and reputable brand name.”He continued:“FMN is considered to have one of the best dividend policies as a quoted company in the Nigerian economy. The company has recovered fully from the capital market crisis, its share price has been on the upward swing and it is considered one of the most stable stocks on the country’s capital market.” FMN’s directors and senior managers were also generally noted by sources to be well-regarded in the Nigerian corporate world and considered to be professional and capable.A senior analyst in a Lagos-based investment advisory noted:“FMN is a good, safe investment because they have survived the vagaries and unfriendly environment of doing business in Nigeria for over half a century. They must know something. Very few start ups survive in Nigeria after five years. FMN has beaten the odds.” This view was echoed by an investment banker, who described the company as one of Nigeria’s “soundest” businesses, continuing:“You have to credit their efficiency. For example, they are in a business where 40% of overheads goes into generating private power supply – by Nigerian standards, that puts FMN definitely ahead of the herd.” One owner of a finance and investment company explained that while FMN was a solid company, it was unlikely to prove a star performer compared with other investment opportunities for speculative shareholders. He stated:“I will always advise clients not to look at fundamentals alone without the background story. FMN is great but I think Nigerian banks are a better buy. FMN is a sound institution by Nigerian standards and certainly stands miles ahead of its peers as a business, but as an investment it’s not going to set the world alight.” A commodities trader noted: “The company is still a desirable destination among top graduates who are entering the industry.”He continued:“Their greatest competitor is Dangote Flour Mill, but FMN is a more established company with a corporate structure not built around an individual. In that sense, I think in another 50 years the company will still be standing but I may not say that about Dangote, which is built around an individual and sometimes on the vagaries of Nigerian politics.”Another trader noted:“I have dealt with the company many times over supplying refined products, their margin is cut throat but they pay and from a Nigerian point of view, you can get funds to activate an LPO (Local Purchase Order) if it’s from FMN. For me that is the true test of their credibility from a Nigerian economic point of view.” A Nigerian journalist who has covered the Nigerian Stock Exchange for a number of years stated:''To the best of my knowledge, Flour Mills is one of the most stable and reliable firms in the NSE. It is a toast of investors, and that explains why it is highly capitalized. In my daily interaction with brokers and shareholders here, they have continued to hold the company up as an epitome of good management, and its Managing Director, Mr. Emmanual Ukpabi, has always been singled out as the main driver of the company's phenomenal growth. But I also know that the political connection of the company's Vice Chairman, Ahmed Joda, has been a great asset to the company. As you know, in this country, you are as good as your connections. Having served creditably and reached the highest echelon of the public service, it is little wonder that Joda can penetrate any layer of government bureaucracy to the benefit of this company.''One Western journalistic source, who has written extensively on Nigeria, noted the extent to which FMN took care to develop relations with the Yar'Adua administration after the change in government in 2007.Change of Political Climate and FMNThe source noted the Nigerian cement industry to be “hugely lucrative and highly politicized”, speculating that FMN had enjoyed some support during the rule of President Yar'Adua as part of a general strategy to cultivate a rival business constituency to that favored by Former President Obasanjo, who had been the previous incumbent. Under Former President Obasanjo, Dangote had enjoyed significant government support. FMN had historically been a major obstacle to his efforts to establish a near monopoly in cement. Dangote enjoyed far weaker connections to Yar'Adua and to the current incumbent, President Jonathan.The source noted Jonathan to have retained an ambiguous position – he has not worked hard to develop relationships with former allies of Obasanjo and Yar'Adua, but had generally favored a less confrontational approach to politics. According to a Lagos-based former intelligence officer who has also worked as an investigative journalist, FMN appears well equipped to weather the vagaries of Nigerian political instability and appears to have adapted well to the country’s shifts to and from military and civilian rule. In the last decade of civilian rule, lobbying by the company appears to have produced good results.The source noted that FMN’s level of foreign ownership could potentially pose a risk in future, although he stated that despite the presence of several Greek and US nationals on the FMN board, they would most likely be protected by their very well-connected Nigerian colleagues. The source considered FMN’s Nigerian directors to have the necessary connections to prevent aggressive moves by competitors and to block deportation orders – a common move made by competitors of Nigerian firms with foreign stakeholders.Anti-Corruption AgencyA source who has written extensively on the Nigerian corporate environment noted that the political use of anti-corruption agencies to pursue opponents, a tactic favored by Former President Obasanjo, has not been a feature of President Jonathan's government.? The source thought it highly unlikely that FMN would become the focus of any Economic & Financial Crimes Commission investigation for either political or legal reasons.Ahmed A JodaAhmed A Joda (“Joda”) was born in 1930. He is Vice Chairman of Flour Mills. A Nigerian source noted Joda to be a part of the?traditional elite in the predominantly Islamic north, from Yola, in Adamawa state. A source familiar with the Nigerian corporate environment noted that, as a well-respected northerner, Joda’s presence on the FMN board was important for the company to retain a truly national image. Joda is a high-profile former civil servant?who became a federal permanent secretary in?1967 and served in the ministries for Industries and?Education. He is noted to be particularly close to former President Obasanjo and during his military rule served as a “Super Permanent Secretary” between 1976 and 1979. Following his retirement from state service in 1978, Joda remained involved in government and sources noted him to be highly respected. One source noted that Joda was briefly considered a contender for the Nigerian Presidency during the rule of Babangida, when politicians with previous experience in elected office were banned.?Joda is a past chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission, the independent national regulatory authority for the telecommunications industry. He has won three major national honors, awarded to him by the Federal Government in recognition of his services to the Nigerian state. He is the former publisher of national broadsheet newspaper, The Democrat, and a former Chairman of the?Nigerian-French chamber of commerce.?Joda holds stock in Nigerian companies including Scoa Nigeria Plc and Nestle Plc. He was one of the major investors in the now defunct Credit Lyonnais project, Commercial Bank.A business source said of Joda: “He is generally seen as one of the very few Nigerians who reached the peak of their career without fraudulently enriching themselves.”Another noted Joda to be regarded “as a man of integrity”.Joda was described by a journalistic source as “an establishment person.” The source noted: “He is highly connected with the bureaucratic class and still has connections in government because of his record in the civil service.”Another business source described Joda as “an encyclopedia of civil service policies and ministerial development strategies”, who still gets “top government institutional appointments.”Joda is noted to be a close friend of George S. Coumantaros. One source claimed that?Coumantaroswas guardian to Joda’s children when they were at school in the US. Joda is not openly affiliated to any political parties, although a Nigerian journalistic source speculated that his sympathies would lie with the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan. Research identified no criminal or civil records against Joda. Joda was not identified as implicated in any fraud allegations. Emmanuel UkpabiEmmanuel Ukpabi (“Ukpabi”) is from the town of Arochukwu in Abia State. He has been Managing Director of FMN since January 2002.Ukpabi joined FMN as a trainee in 1972, rising to serve as Production Director, Personnel Director and Flour Operations Director.Research identified no criminal or civil cases brought against Ukpabi. Ukpabi has not been implicated in any fraud allegations. In recognition of his contribution to the Nigerian business world, Ukpabi was recently awarded an honorary doctorate degree in business administration.Ukpabi graduated from the University of Nigeria in Nsukka in 1971 with a BSc in Chemistry. He has completed advanced management programs at Lagos Business School and the University of Barcelona.An expatriate business source noted that Ukpabi enjoyed a high level of access to government officials by virtue of his commercial success. The source noted in particular that Ukpabi enjoys high-level access in the Ministry of Finance, Customs, the Ministry of Transport and the Central Bank of Nigeria. Research identified no suggestion that Ukpabi had used political patronage to advance his commercial career. Ukpabi is not openly affiliated to any political parties. Ukpabi appears to have a good reputation in Nigeria. He was widely credited by corporate sources for the success of FMN and for diversifying the company away from food processing and milling. Sources at the Nigerian Stock Exchange and the Securities Exchange Commission also spoke highly of Ukpabi. Ukpabi was described by a business source as “quiet and self-effacing”. The source continued:“Ukpabi’s reputation is very good in the industry...he is regarded by his colleagues as transparent and a stickler for high standards.” A senior executive of a construction company that has dealt with Ukpapi at FMN noted:“He is thorough, and when you operate a manufacturing and trading concern of that magnitude in this kind of hostile Nigerian business climate bedevilled by lack of infrastructure, you must give kudos to Ukpabi and his board.”A source at a major distributor of FMN stated: “This guy is seriously old school but it seemed to have worked for him and his company”A source close to Ukpapi noted him to be: “A decent man and a very serious old school accountant. I worked with him once during an audit – it was an education.” Research identified no red flags or reputational issues concerning Ukpabi. ................

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