
MINUTES OF THE STANLEY CITY COUNCILJANUARY 8, 2019Mayor Gary Weisenberger called the January 8, 2019 regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The following Council Members were present: Jacob Hellman, Zachary Gaaskjolen, Ty Taylor, Gary Weisenberger, Linda Wienbar, Tim Holte and David Minton. Others in attendance were City Auditor, Allyn Sveen; Planning & Zoning Administrator, Amanda Dennis; Chief of Police, Kris Halvorson; Public Works Director, Curtis Larson and City Attorney, Jordon Evert from the Furuseth Olson & Evert P.C. Law Firm. TAX ABATEMENTSCity Auditor, Allyn Sveen, presented abatements for action. Auditor Sveen commented that Vanguard did comparisons to similar properties for the abatement submitted by Aaron Heberlie and recommended not approving the request. Also, Vanguard felt more current sales data should have been used in the appraisal and if approved would need to evaluate similar properties. Motion made by Minton, seconded by Wienbar, to deny the abatement as filed by Aaron Heberlie for property described as Lot 181B, John Rian Addition Subdivision Phase 3 in the City of Stanley (Parcel #61-0094119) as presented by Auditor Sveen. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte, and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Holte, seconded by Hellman, to approve submitting abatements to Mountrail County for City property described as Lot 41 of the Replat of Lots 40 and 41 of the 2nd Replat of Frontier Village in the City of Stanley (Parcel #61-0094340) and Sublot B of Outlot 1 of WNE of Section 29, Township 156, Range 91 in the City of Stanley (Parcel #61-0094375) as the property is exempt from taxation. Motion carried.MINUTESMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2018 regular meeting and the December 18, 2018 special meeting. Motion carried.PLANNING & ZONING RECOMMENDATIONSTodd Heidbreder, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, presented the P&Z Commission report and recommendations to the City Council.Chairman Heidbreder mentioned the P&Z Commission welcomed newly appointed member, Cassie Gerich, who will be serving an unexpired term until December 31, 2019. Chairman Heidbreder informed the Council an application was received from JEDKAS Properties LLP to rezone Sublots 1 and 2 of Lot B of Outlot 1 of the W?NW? of Section 27, Township 156N, Range 91W from Residential to C3 – Corridor – Highway Commercial. A conceptual plan was submitted showing property division and access to the property. This property was previously owned by Joyce Neether. A public hearing was set for February 11, 2019. Chairman Heidbreder also informed the Council that Gene “Skip” Wing was appointed as Vice-Chairman of the P&Z Commission. CITY HALL PROJECTMayor Weisenberger mentioned last meeting the bids were tabled for the Stanley City Hall construction project and the City Hall Building Committee has met several times since to discuss the bids. Councilman Hellman stated the Committee recommended going with the multiple low bid to comply with North Dakota Law. Attorney Evert stated the Council needs to accept lowest responsible bidder and would need substantial justification to support their decision. The Council expressed concerns of accepting the three multiple prime bids as far as coordination between the contractors and having the project run smoothly. Attorney Evert mentioned there should be a contractual provision to include liquidated damages if deadlines aren’t met. PW Director Larson asked what would happen if subcontractors didn’t get paid. Attorney Evert mentioned final payment is not made without a release of liens statement from contractors. It was mentioned the OSHA violation of First Dakota Enterprises is done and over with.Motion made by Wienbar, seconded by Hellman, to accept the low bids of the three multiple prime bids for general, electrical and mechanical for the Stanley City construction project as follows: First Dakota Enterprises in the amount of $2,027,000 for the general contractor, Minot Plumbing & Heating in the amount of $414,313 for the mechanical contractor and Rudolph Electric in the amount of $370,388 for the electrical contractor for a grand total construction cost of $2,811,701. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte, and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried. VISITORS’ PROMOTION COMMITTEEJennifer Casey, Member of the Visitors’ Promotion Committee, met with the Council to present a request from the Stanley Commercial Club for grant funding for the 4th of July celebration from the Stanley Visitors’ Promotion Fund. Becky Goettle from the Stanley Commercial Club was present. The Commercial Club was granted $9,750, 50% of their total request, at the December 11, 2018 meeting, the request was for the remaining 50%. Jennifer Casey commented the Committee is recommending the request be denied as they would like the Stanley Commercial Club to make an attempt to seek other sponsors first. Becky Goettle expressed concern that no other clubs have had to look for sponsorship and didn’t feel this was fair. Jennifer Casey mentioned that not all organizations are granted the full amount of their request. Councilman Taylor commented the Commercial Club should consider holding on to some of the funds raised from events such as the Barbeque Cook Off event rather than donating in its entirety. Becky Goettle mentioned this was a joint event and they didn’t have much control over where the funds raised were donated. Councilman Hellman asked the Commercial Club to seek funding as requested by the Committee, but would like to see this project funded if other funding is not received. Motion made by Tyler, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to approve the recommendation of the Visitors’ Promotion Committee to deny the grant request of $9,750 to the Stanley Commercial Club for July 4, 2019 celebration/events. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor and Wienbar; and the following voted “NAY”: Holte and Minton. Motion carried. BROSZ ENGINEERING UPDATESEngineer Jeff Ebsch was present to update the Council on projects being handled through Brosz Engineering.ND Street Grant Application – Engineer Ebsch mentioned the grant application was submitted on December 14, 2018 for funding for a ND Small Town Revitalization Endeavor for Enhancing Transportation project for a shared use pathway along the east side of North Main Street and south and west sides of 6th Avenue SE. The State requested the design be changed to increase the pavement thickness from 3” to 4” and the width from 8’ to 10’. The total estimated costs increased to $1,007,300 with local share being $202,700 for both segments and $713,700 with local share being $149,580 for the North Main Street segment only.Infrastructure Committee – PW Director Larson commented on the sewer backup on 3rd Avenue SE on Christmas Day and will need to conduct a camera line inspection of the sewer line to see what is causing the problem. Engineer Ebsch stated this street is part of the infrastructure improvement plan. Engineer Ebsch will continue working with PW Director Larson to develop a Long Term Capital Improvement Program. The plan information will be reviewed and in place prior to having a public input meeting. Engineer Ebsch will keep informed on legislation concerning infrastructure funding. Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) – Engineer Ebsch mentioned the questionnaire for potential financial assistance through the CWSRF was submitted to the ND Department of Health in December 2018 for the project in the Southeast part of the City (Railroad Ave to 3rd Ave SE). This project would be considered part of priority project #1.Facility Plan – Priority Project #1 – Engineer Ebsch mentioned the primary source of funding for infrastructure projects will be Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds with Bank of ND Infrastructure Revolving Loan Funds filling the gap. Engineer Ebsch explained the first step required by CWSRF and DWSRF is a Facility Plan. The Facility Plan will not be finalized until next month after public input meeting is held to prioritize capital improvement projects. Highway Safety Improvement Program – Engineer Ebsch informed the Council an application for 90% federal funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program for pedestrian crosswalk improvements was submitted to NDDOT in December 2018. The application included blinking pedestrian crossing signs at 3 locations (2 on Main Street and 1 on 8th Ave) and painted crosswalks with epoxy pavement and oversized stop signs at 12 locations. The total estimated project cost is $137,375 with grant funding being $123,637.50 and local share being $13,737.50. Development of City Engineer Standards – Engineer Ebsch discussed development of City Engineering Standards as there are gaps in the City standards with minimum right of way, minimum street width and typical pavement sections. Engineer Ebsch suggested the City adopt core standards. Mayor Weisenberger thought this process had been done. PLEDGE OF SECURITIESMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve the Pledge of Securities of American Bank Center as presented. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEECouncilman Hellman, Chairman of the Employment Committee, informed the Council two applicants were interviewed for the position of Stanley City Assessor. The Committee recommends the hiring of Hannah Collins at a starting annual salary of $35,000. Also, the Committee requested the Council approve the changes to the job description. Motion made by Holte, seconded by Hellman, to approve the Committee’s recommendation to hire Hannah Collins for the position of Stanley City Assessor at a starting salary of $35,000 per year. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Minton, to approve the updated job description for the Stanley City Assessor position. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.HOUSING COMMITTEEKris Halvorson, Chairman of the Housing Committee, reported on the January 2, 2018 meeting of the Housing Committee. The Committee recommended replacement of carpet in the City townhome at 1007 3rd St SE at the estimate of $2,500. Motion made by Wienbar, seconded by Holte, to approve the recommendation of the Housing Committee to replace the carpet in the City townhome at an estimated cost of $2,500. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Also, the Housing Committee did visit with Ron Dazell concerning mold issues at City Hall.POLICE REPORTChief of Police, Kris Halvorson, mentioned he is still checking into having a drug dog. Chief Halvorson had no other issues to report. Motion made by Minton, seconded by Gaaskjolen, to approve the Police Report. Motion carried.SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSEMotion made by Hellman, seconded by Taylor, to approve a permit to The Leader to sell alcoholic beverages at a special event at the Mountrail County Fair Building on February 8, 2019. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS REPORTCurtis Larson, Public Works Director, presented the Public Works (PW) Report to the Council. PW Director Larson mentioned improvements are needed at the old water tower; the building needs to be removed and a replacement with a new building. Also, PW Director Larson mentioned a generator needs to be purchased at the Main Lift Station; an estimate will be presented once obtained. Motion made by Hellman, seconded by Wienbar, to approve the Public Works Report. Motion carried.COUNCIL CONCERNSCouncilman Hellman commended on the efforts of the Public Works Department on the snow removal after the recent storm, and stated he only heard good comments. The Council reviewed the funding balance of the grant received through the Energy Infrastructure & Impact Office, and requested Auditor Sveen to follow-up with the State to find out if the grant has an expiration and what projects it all could be used towards.JUDGES REPORTMotion made by Wienbar, seconded by Minton, to approve the Judge’s report for December 2018. Motion carried.BILLSMotion made by Minton, seconded by Hellman, to approve the following bills:ACHPayroll$70,915.05 1206EMontana Dakota UtilitiesUtilities$8,225.66 1207ENDPERS-RetirementNovember 2018 Contributions - S. Spaeth$62.60 1209EVerizon WirelessCell Phones$1,254.84 1211EAmerican Family Life AssuranceJanuary 2019 Premiums$868.66 1213ENDPERS-RetirementJanuary 2019 Contributions$11,415.30 1214EState Tax Commissioner$776.72 1216EAmerican Bank Center Deposit Slips$122.13 1217EPayment Service NetworkJanuary 2019 Fees$626.12 15871VOID$0.00 15988American Bank Center - VisaAssessor Supplies; Membership Dues & Recording Fees$267.03 15989Mo-Williams ElectricElectricity$1,297.00 15990ND Child Support DivisionChild Support$1,066.50 15991VOID $0.00 15992Ameripride Linen & ApparelRug Service - City Hall & PW Building$1,290.26 15993Annabelle Townhome AssocHOA Dues - January$125.00 15994ASCAPYearly License Fee - Music on Main St.$357.00 15995Baker & TaylorLibrary Books $166.76 15996Banyon Data SystemsAnnual Support$3,655.00 15997Brosz EngineeringEngineering Fees$15,712.50 15998Circle SanitationDecember Garbage Services$16,766.50 15999Dakota Supply GroupWater Supplies$370.90 16000Dougherty & Company2018 Continuing Disclosure$700.00 16001Fastenal CompanySalt Melt$578.10 16002Gaffaney's of MinotCity Hall Office Supplies$125.74 16003GCR Tires & ServicesTires for Loader$8,829.00 16004GovOffice LLCAnnual Website Support$550.00 16005Gustafson's Septic ServicePump Lift Station at Golf Course$372.00 16006Holiday FleetFuel & Car Washes$1,529.46 16007ICONEngineering Fees for New City Hall Site$48,734.41 16008Information Tech Dept.PD Netmotion Fees$357.60 16009John Deere FinancialLoader Supplies$71.84 16010Kelly KudrnaReimbursement for DVD's $59.97 16011Larson's Tire ServiceNew Tires for Patrol Car$776.00 16012Margaret LagerCity Hall Cleaning$550.00 16013Matilde CramerLibrary Cleaning$1,150.00 16014Meiers Oil & TowingFuel $57.40 16015Midstate Telephone CoPhone, Fax & Internet Services$1,111.17 16016Mikes Plumbing & HeatingFixed Toilet at LE Apt #1$300.00 16017Mo. County Correctional CtrDecember Boarding Prisoners$220.00 16018Mo Co TreasurerProperty Taxes & Special Assessments$13,840.55 16019MCMCDecember City Sales Tax$35,499.64 16020ND Rural Water SystemsWa Expo Reg. Fees for PWD Larson & Emp. LeRohl$500.00 16021Network Fleet IncDecember GPS Fees$284.25 16022One Call ConceptsDecember Locates$18.65 16023PinnaclePD Fuel$281.97 16024Prairie Motors IncVehicle Repairs to P&Z Vehicle$250.88 16025R&T Water SupplyDecember Water$32,754.74 16026Ryan SeidelDisputed Transaction - Refund on Ticket$50.00 16027Secretary of StateEDC Filing Fee$10.00 16028Security PlusFire Monitoring Fees$55.00 16029Shane GoettleDecember & January Retainer$5,360.00 16030Stanley Airport Authority4th Qtr Tax Collection$63,182.79 16031Stanley Auto & TruckShop Supplies & New PD Seat Cover$300.80 16032Stanley Hardware IncPaint Supplies for PW Offices, Shop, City Hall Supplies$1,039.54 16033Stanley Park District4th Qtr Tax Collection$15,421.55 16034Stein'sPads for Floor Scrubber at Shop$30.95 16035Vanguard Appraisals IncRemote Edit Renewal$1,050.00 16036Western Area Water SupplyNovember Industrial Sales$2,971.91 16037Card ServicesPW Supplies$29.88 16038Dunn County2018 Membership Dues$700.00 16039Furuseth, Olson, & Evert, PCOctober & December Retainer$1,064.50 16040Mountrail County MedicalEmployment Physical for Officer Houser$189.00 16041VOID$0.00 16042American Welding & Gas IncTank Rental Yearly Lease$375.95 16043Blue Cross Blue Shield of NDFebruary 2019 Premiums$12,119.98 16044ND Child Support DivisionChild Support$1,066.50 16045ND Water Pollution ControlRegistration Fee for PWD Larson$20.00 16046Oilfield Rentals LLCFebruary 2019 Rent - City Hall$3,400.00 16047IAAOMembership for City Assessor Collins$210.00 16048ND State Water CommissionTemporary Water Permit Fee$200.00 16049VOID$0.00 16050NDAAO Secretary/TreasurerMembership for City Assessor Collins$30.00 ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following Council Members voted “AYE”: Hellman, Gaaskjolen, Taylor, Wienbar, Holte and Minton; and no “NAYS”. Motion carried.Motion made by Wienbar, seconded by Taylor, to adjourn at 8:00 P.M. Motion carried.ATTEST:Gary Weisenberger, MayorAllyn SveenStanley City CouncilStanley City Auditor ................

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