December 6, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

An unhealthy practice is emerging at the high school and other area high schools called “vaping” or juuling.” These types of electronic cigarettes are devices that utilize stored electricity to heat a liquid into vapors, which are then inhaled by the user. The liquid can be anything from a flavored water-type mixture to liquid nicotine to THC, the principal active element of marijuana. These devices are relatively easy to conceal and very easy to disguise. The vapor produced is relatively odorless, or may have a vanilla or floral smell, depending on the chemicals added by the manufacturer.

Scientists are still learning how e-cigarettes affect health. However, there is already enough evidence to justify efforts to prevent e-cigarette use by young people, including recent studies that suggest e-cigarettes are the latest “gateway” to harder drug use. Many young people think that this practice is healthier than smoking. It is not. The vapor from e-cigarettes, when used with liquid nicotine or THC, is unsafe and harmful to young people. In fact, since the concentration of the nicotine or THC in a Juul is often markedly higher, the use of these substances in this form shows evidence of being severely more damaging. We know that nicotine exposure during adolescence can cause addiction and can harm the developing brain.

Besides partnering with you to help prevent these items from coming into school, I am sharing this information to alert you to the possible risk to your child’s health. I encourage you to have a frank conversation with your son/daughter about their health and your expectations for their choices regarding electronic cigarettes of any sort.

Our students report that purchasing Juuls is easy to do online through Amazon, , or other websites. Students may even be using their parents’ credit card to make a purchase. Often, students sell them to other students as well. Extra vigilance is necessary here at school but also at home as Juuls look like something we use every day, like a charger, flash drive, pen, or sharpie. The use of these devices in school or on school grounds is against school policy. Students caught using or in possession of these devices are subject to school discipline Student/Parent Handbook, Section B: Substances, pg. 47).

Here are a couple examples of what these devices look like:

• This is a brand of a type of e-cigarette called "Juul." 

• [pic]

• Here is a Juul device disguised as a Sharpie Pen:


• Another style that looks like a ball-point pen at first glance:


Here are two informational resources for your reference:

There was also a similar article on Fox News referencing Newton schools:

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.



Anthony Parker








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