Three Dimensional Magnetic Modeling with FerrofluidsAnna Sullivan, Brad Riotto, Harrison Shipp, Kinsly Smith, Nick PampeHUNCH/ Jackson Hole High SchoolIntroductionThe researchers are the Jackson Hole High School HUNCH team from Jackson, Wyoming. We used a wax based ferrofluid in our experiment in order to create three dimensional parts in a zero gravity environment. Our work this year served as a proof of concept and we hope to take the idea further in the coming years. The ultimate goal of the experiment is to develop a process to create parts on the ISS by only having the magnets and the materials. This would limit the need for bringing extra parts into space.AbstractIn order to shape parts, we used a wax based ferrofluid that is solid at room temperature but can be melted to a liquid. The ferrofluid was sealed between one Lexan sheet and one aluminum sheet. A magnet and a heating strip were attached to the outside of the aluminum sheet. The slides were heated to melt the carrier material. Once the substance became a liquid, it shaped itself to the magnetic field. After the ferrofluid was completely shaped, we cooled the carrier material using ice packs that were attached to the top of the slides, and waited until the fluid hardened to a solid. We examined the parts for consistency and quality.Statement of the Research ProblemAccording to our research, no method has been developed to three-dimensionally model in space. It is not only difficult to use three dimensional printers in a microgravity environment, but they are large and bulky. In order to prepare for part failure on the ISS, extra parts would have to be brought into space. This takes up room, payload weight, and costs more money.MethodThe team began by researching problems that astronauts face on the ISS. Through this research, we discovered that there is currently no way to create parts in micro-gravity. We discovered an article by Markus Zahn, the director of electrical engineering at MIT, who used wax-based ferrofluids to create Nano parts. This article suggested the plausibility of using magnetic modeling in a zero-g environment. We decided to take this idea and apply it to the macroscopic scale. We researched several forms of carrier materials, and from experimentation, found that wax was the material best suited for our applications. In our experiment, the wax-based ferrofluid is placed between a Lexan and aluminum slides that are held together by bolts and spaced by 1/8” washers. There is parchment paper around the wax to prevent adhesion to the slides. A heating strip is attached to the outside face of the aluminum sheet. A washer shaped neodymium magnet is then attached to the center of the heating strip using thermal tape. There are four slides attached aluminum side down to a 3D printed ABS plastic test bed. Two heating strips are plugged into a DC power supply, set to 35V and 200mA, to heat up and melt the wax. Gel ice packs are then removed from a cooler and attached to the Lexan sheet with Velcro. This cools the wax and returns it to a solid. We hypothesized that we would create washer shaped wax parts that match the shape of the magnet. We predicted that this would happen regardless of the amount of gravity affecting it, due to the presence of the magnet holding the wax in place. We tested the entire experiment at different orientations to ensure that gravity was not aiding our results. In 1g, we successfully created multiple parts that matched the magnet. These parts had small spikes on one side that matched the magnetic field of the magnet. Although the parts were not perfect, our hypothesis was proven correct. ResultsIn 1g, we successfully created multiple parts that matched the magnet. Our hypothesis was proved right. In 0g and hyper-g, washer shaped parts were created but there were waves as well as spikes on the tops of the parts. However, parts with waves were more frequent than parts with spikes. After further testing in the lab, we found that the waves were caused by the new parchment paper that we used on the flight, creating a variable. Even though the parts were slightly different in zero-g than they were in 1-g, we were still able to create parts. Our hypothesis was proved right for 0g and hyper-g.DiscussionOur main challenge was finding the right carrier material for the ferrofluid. The team had to find a material that was miscible with iron particles and a surfactant, but that could be fully melted to a liquid under 140 ° F. Although we made a wax based ferrofluid in our lab, we discovered that the ferrowax that a company called FerroTec makes, worked best for our experiment due to its lack of residue and strong magnetic capabilities. We worked through other setbacks along the way, such as what heater to use, how much material is necessary between the slides, and the most effective way to cool the slides, but were able to overcome these problems. Our biggest success was being prepared and completely an experiment that worked as we expected. ConclusionWe now believe that the concept of three-dimensional magnetic modeling in space is plausible. Creating parts on a larger scale will be more difficult, but we can now start working on future applications. We will have to take into consideration the heating method for larger parts, the containment for greater amounts of ferrowax, and the placements of magnets. We also learned that is it difficult to make ferrofluids with different carrier materials than we anticipated. Since our experiment consisted of wax parts, this will prove to be challenging when we begin to make larger parts with sturdier carrier materials. If we were to retest our experiment, we would want to have a faster and more effective cooling method. This way the wax will cool and harden during 0g only. Our experiment could potentially make it possible to create any part on the ISS that is necessary using only magnets and materials. This will eliminate the need to bring extra parts on the ISS and could allow for longer and more adventurous missions. For our outreach items we brought jelly beans, a Frisbee, and sticky frogs to see how they acted in a micro-gravity environment. ReferencesAluminum bolts, nuts, and washers. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2012, from McMaster-Carr website: magnets. (n.d.). Retrieved January 24, 2013, from Applied Magnets website: . (n.d.). Interfacing with Hardware. Retrieved January 24, 2013, from Arduino Playground website: . (n.d.). High-Power Control: Arduino + N-Channel MOSFET [Blog post]. Retrieved from website: research group. (2012). Retrieved January 24, 2013, from CRG website: , G. C. (2012). 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