Engr 160, Section DExam 2 InformationFall 2015When: Tuesday, Nov. 10, 8:15 – 10:15 PMWhere: Hoover 2055What to Bring:reference sheet (hand out from the first day of class; also available on Blackboard)cheat sheet (one 8.5” by 11” page of notes; can have writing on both sides)scientific calculator fitting NCEES (Engineering Licensing Board) calculator policyTexas Instruments (all TI-30X or TI-36X models), Hewlett Packard (HP 33s or 35s models) or Casio (all fx-115 models)pencilruler (optional, but very good idea!)Topics Included on the First Exam:Engineering CalculationsStatistics (mean, mode, median, standard deviation, variance, histograms, frequency distributions, normal distribution)Least squares curve fitting (linear regression) for linear, exponential and power functions, and calculating and interpreting the correlation coefficientStatics – finding the x and y components of a force ? finding the magnitude and direction of a force, vector addition, finding resultant force, drawing well-labeled free body diagrams, writing the three equilibrium equations (x, y and moment balances) and solving for unknowns Excel spreadsheet formulas using cell references (absolute and relative) and built-in functionsaverage, median, mode, min, max, stdev, var, slope, intercept, rsq, correlVBA programming Note: your code will be written by hand, not on the computerFlowcharts (read only – no drawing flowcharts, just writing VBA code that follows a flowchart)Option Explicit statementSub Name() and End Sub statementsCreating variables with the Dim statement (String, Single and Integer types)Assignment statements – may need to use VBA’s built-in math functions (Appendix B)Abs, Atn, Cos, Exp, Log, Rnd, Sgn, Sin, Sqr, TanInput using the InputBox function and output using the MsgBox function (Appendix B & C)Creating multiple lines using vbNewLineFormatting functions - Format, FormatNumber, FormatPercent and FormatCurrencyBranching using the One-Line If statement and the Block If structureLooping using the Do … Loop structure and the For … Next structureBuilding and using subprograms (Functions and Subs)Opening and closing files (Open and Close statements)Input from files (Input statement) and output to files (Print statement)Creating and using one-dimensional arrays ................

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