



1. Assistance - Press Fleet Allocation:

• To assist with press fleet allocation, journalists who do regular "road tests" are identified with a special icon in the AJAC Directory and the words "Regular Road Tests" written underneath.

• To be identified as such, the journalist has provided recent road test work samples to the AJAC office and evidence that road test reports are published on a "regular" basis.

• In addition, corporate members receive a quarterly "Road Test Report" indicating which journalists have published or broadcast regular road tests within the past three months.

2. Communication:

• Press releases to journalists can be sent to the AJAC office for immediate distribution via our continually updated e-mail database.

• A confidential Calendar of Events is available to corporate members only. The calendar keeps track of press trips and avoids potential date conflicts. The calendar is distributed by e-mail and fax on an as needed basis.

• It can also be accessed via the AJAC web site with a special password that allows corporate members to add their own press dates to the calendar and / or verify possible conflicts with other manufacturers.

• Newsletter and e-mail communications keep you up-to-date on news within the Canadian automotive world.

• At no charge, corporate members are invited to distribute press releases and / or other material along with AJAC's quarterly newsletter.

3. Networking:

• Annual AJAC Directory lists names, and pertinent contact information, for automotive journalists, other car manufacturers and after-market companies.

• The circulation and audience figures for journalists' outlets are verified by an independent audit agency. The results are printed in the directory.  

• Updates are continual.  

• Audit takes place once a year.  

• Directory available in Excel format to adapt to manufacturers' own database. 

• AJAC's web site provides links to a manufacturer's own web siteEmployment Opportunity Alerts are e-mailed to all members as they come into the AJAC office. Corporate members are invited to send out Employment Opportunity Alerts at no charge through AJAC's e-mail or direct mail network.

4. Arbitration:

• In cases where a journalist repeatedly brings back dirty or damaged press cars, a manufacturer may complain to the AJAC Arbitration Board to ask AJAC to intercede on their behalf.

• Other examples of a manufacturer's grievances against a journalist can be found in the AJAC Vehicle Loan Conditions or Ethics document.

7. Product Information

• Specifications on a manufacturer's fleet of press vehicles are distributed to all AJAC journalists for their editorial use via AJAC web site.

8. AJAC Web Site

• Continually being improved to offer more time efficient services to manufacturers.  

• On-line Calendar of Events:  manufacturers post info to Calendar themselves; notification when new entry on Calendar.

• Automation of vehicle tracking process at CCOTY TestFest:  spec. sheets, AJAC i.d. numbers, key fobs and ballots.

• On-line Directory improved:

i)  can now print a hard copy of the directory directly from the internet

ii)  notification goes out to members whenever there is an update;  Excel version of directory created, updated and sent to manufacturers for their own use.

• Bulletin Boards:  notices to members re latest developments



Corporate members are companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of vehicles. Corporate members do not have voting rights but have the right to ongoing input and consultation regarding matters which affect their relationship with journalists.

Annual Dues: $3,051.80 (plus GST = $3265.43)



CITY /Province:




Additional Contacts / Zone Offices

Name of contact: _______________________Work Phone:___________________

Title _____________________________. Fax Number:______________________



Postal Code: ____________E-mail address::________________


Once your application has been processed and approved, you will be issued the current AJAC Directory that lists all of our members and their outlets. Your own information will be included in the next directory update. You will also begin to receive regular newsletters on a quarterly basis and will be part our e-mail communication system.



PO Box 398, Main Post Office

Cobourg, Ontario

K9A 4L1

NOTE: Please note that the AJAC mailing address is at a post office. They do not accept courier packages. If you wish to send your application by courier, please call the AJAC office at 1-800-361-1516 for specific instructions. Thank you.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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