Journalism Ethics/List Names_____________________Conflict of InterestAs journalists work to maintain their independence and the credibility of their news organizations, would their editors allow them to: (Yes or No)Cover the American Civil Liberties union if they’re members? _____Donate money to a local, state or national political campaign? _____ Donate money to a charitable organization like Doctors without Borders? _____Vote in local, state and national elections? _____Cover state politics if they’re married to a local Republican politician? _____Do a story about health conditions in the local high school after their child, who is a student there, got food poisoning from eating the school lunch? _____Cheer for their hometown football team while covering games? _____Cover a gay pride march if they’re gay? _____Write a story about a Pulitzer Prize winner if the person is also their best friend? _____Write a story about cancer survivors if they’re a cancer survivor? _____ Participate in a “He Is Not My President” march? _____Have a lavish meal, for which they pay themselves, at a restaurant about which they just posted a glowing review that morning? _____Get a job as the Democratic governor’s spokesperson and then, when her term expires, return to their old political reporting job? _____Accept a free ride on Air Force One so they can be part of the pool coverage of the President’s weekend at Mar-a-Lago? _____ Let a source pay for their dinner and drinks? _____ Buy their source a coffee? Not the source’s usual Venti iced skinny vanilla latte, but a small hot coffee with cream? _____Have a second job as a public relations person for a major business in town? _____Wear a Bernie for President t-shirt when in public, but not on the job? _____Share Elizabeth Warren posts on Instagram? _____Tweet on their professional Twitter account about Joe Biden’s financial contribution to his local foodbank? _____ ................

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