Me llamo - Chandler Unified School District

Me llamo ___________________

Spanish 2 Fall 2012 Review Packet

1. Daily Routine. Write 2 sentences for each picture. Mention what they are doing and at what time they are doing it – use reflexive verbs!

______________________ ______________________ _____________________

______________________ ______________________ _____________________

______________________ ______________________ _____________________

______________________ ______________________ _____________________

2. Going On Vacation. How do you prepare for a vacation, and what do you do once you get there?

a. Write 3 sentences explaining what you do to prepare for a vacation.




b. Write 3 sentences explaining what happens when you arrive at the hotel.




c. Write 3 sentences describing some things you can do once you are there.




3. Weekend Activities. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb IR.

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|Todos los sábados, mi familia y yo ___________ a la casa de mis tíos. Después, yo ________ a la piscina.|

|Mis padres __________ al gimnasio y mi hermano _________ al parque para correr. A veces, nosotros |

|________ a un restaurante para almorzar. Por la noche, mis padres __________ al teatro con mis tíos y |

|mis primos y yo siempre _________ al cine. ¡Nos gustan películas! ¿Y tú? ¿Adónde ________ los sábados? |

Fill in the IR six pack below:

Ir = to go

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4. Direct Object Pronouns.

a. Fill in the DOP six pack. b.

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5. Travel Vocabulary. Translate the sentences in the previous activity to English.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________________________

6. Indirect Object Pronouns.

|Completa las oraciones cambiando el objeto indirecto a me, te, le, nos o les. (Complete the|

|sentences with the correct indirect object pronouns.) |

|modelo: |

|el agente / vender / los boletos de ida y vuelta / a nosotros |

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|[pic] |

|El agente nos vende los boletos de ida y vuelta. |

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|Special Characters |

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|1. |

|el agente / dar / el itinerario / a mis padres |

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|[pic] |

|Top of Form |

|Bottom of Form |

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|2. |

|mi padre / paga / cuatrocientos dólares / a la agente de viajes |

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|[pic] |

|Top of Form |

|Bottom of Form |

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|3. |

|mis abuelos / dar / equipaje nuevo / a mí y a mi hermano |

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|[pic] |

|Top of Form |

|Bottom of Form |

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|4. |

|mi madre / regalar / un nuevo traje de baño / a mí / para el viaje |

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|[pic] |

|Top of Form |

|Bottom of Form |

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|5. |

|yo / dar / mi perro / a ti / cuando voy de vacaciones |

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|[pic] |

|Top of Form |

|Bottom of Form |

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a. Complete the IOP six pack. b.

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7. Personal A. Write the rule to explain WHEN you need a personal A.


Circle the correct answer:

8. Preterite Verbs. Complete the six packs for the following verbs in the PRETERITE TENSE.

hacer = to do/make ir = to go comprar = to buy

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dar = to give ver = to see mandar = to send

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9. Preterite Verbs. Graciela y sus padres dieron una fiesta de sorpresa para su hermano Tomás. ¿Qué le dice Graciela a su amiga de Costa Rica? Completa el párrafo con el pretérito de hacer, ver o dar. (Complete with the appropriate verbs in the preterite tense.)

10. Culture/Day of the Dead/Día De Los Muertos. Answer the following questions in Spanish.

a. ¿Cuándo se celebra el día de los muertos?


b. ¿Qué construyen las familias para sus difuntos?


c. ¿Con qué preparan las tumbas?


d. ¿Cuándo se celebra el día de los angelitos?


e. ¿Qué venden las panaderías?


f. ¿Qué es mole?


11. Sports vocabulary. Match each picture with the correct word or expression.

Translate the following into Spanish.

12. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns. Refer to the following charts to answer the questions.



13. Daily Routine. Using the word bank to the

right, conjugate the verbs and finish the sentences

to describe your morning routine.

1. Primero yo ________________ y __________________.

2. Entonces yo ________________.

3. Luego, yo ________________ y ___________________.

4. Más tarde, yo _________________.

5. Por fin, ___________________.

14. Present Progressive. “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that –ing”

Formula : _______________________ + ar verb (- ar) ______________________

+ er verb (- er)______________________

+ ir verb (-ir) _______________________

You must always have the verb _______________ when using the present progressive.

Take off the ______, _______, and/or ________ ending and add its appropriate new ending.

*If it’s a reflexive verb, remember it must ALWAYS HAVE the correct reflexive Pronoun. It goes either before estar (conjugated) or attached to the –ing with an accent on the third vowel from the end.

Conjugate estar: Examples: Estoy bailando, estamos comiendo,

se está duchando, estás maquillándote

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