Regular Spanish Verb List

Verbs that start with “a”to advance - avanzar to affect - afectar to alarm - alarmar to alert - alertar to alter - alterar to analyse - analizar to annoy - molestar to announce - anunciar to answer - contester to applaud - aplaudir to apply - aplicar to arrest - arrestar to arrive - llegar to ask - preguntar to attend - asistir to associate - asociar to attack - atacar to avoid - evitar Verbs that start with “b”to bathe - ba?ar to behave - comportar to believe - creer to blame - culpar to block - bloquear to bother - molestar to box - boxear to breathe - respirar to break - romper to buy - comprar Verbs that start with “c”to call - llamar to carry - llevar to catch - atrapar to calculate - calcular to change - cambiar to cancel - cancelar to celebrate - celebrar to chat - charlar to crash - chocar to classify - clasificar to clean - limpiar to cook - cocinar to collect - coleccionar to combine - combinar to comment - comentar to compare - comparer to complete - completar to complicate - complicar to communicate - comunicar to confirm - confirmer to confuse - confundir to congratulate - felicitar to consist (of) - cosistir (en) to contact - contactar to contaminate - contaminar to contemplate - contemplar to continue - continuar to control - controlar to cooperate - cooperar to copy - copiar to correspond - corresponder to cut - cortar to create - crear to criticize - criticar to cross - cruzar to cry - llorar to cover - cubrir to cure - curar Verbs that start with “d”to damage - da?ar to dance - bailar to decide - decidir to dedicate - dedicar to decorate - decorar to deform - deformer to depend - depender to describe - describer to discover - descubrir to desire - desear to detest - detester to discuss - discutir to designate - designar to doubt - dudar to drink - beber Verbs that start with “e”to eat - comer to eat dinner - cenar to eat breakfast - desayunar to educate - educar to employ - emplear to enjoy - disfrutar to enter - entrar to elaborar - elaborar to end - terminar to erase - borrer to escape - escapar to examine - examinar to exist - existir to explain - explicar to express - expresar Verbs that start with “f”to fear - temer to feed - alimentar to fight - luchar to fill - llenar to forget - olvidar to formalize - formalizer to form - formar to frighten - asustar to function - funcionarVerbs that start with “g”to gain - ganar to guide - guiarVerbs that start with “h”to help - ayudar to hit - golpear to hope - esperar to humiliate - humillarVerbs that start with “i”to identify - identificar to indicate - indicar to inform - informar to insist - insistir to install - instalar to insult - insultar to interrupt - interrumpir to invent - inventar to invite - invitar Verbs that start with “j”to join - unir to jump - saltarVerbs that start with “k”to keep - guardar to kill - matar to kiss - besarVerbs that start with “l”to learn - aprender to leave something - dejar to lend - prestar to lift - levantar to limit - limitar to listen to - escuchar to live - vivir to look at - mirar to look for - buscar to love - amarVerbs that start with “m”to make - fabricar to marry - casar to memorize - memorizar to modify - modificar Verbs that start with “n”to need - necesitarVerbs that start with “o”to observe - observar to offend - ofender to omit - omitir to order - mandar to organize - organizar to owe - deberVerbs that start with “p”to pay - pagar to pass - pasar to pardon - perdonar to permit - permitir to pick - seleccionar to plan - planear to possess - posear to practice - practicar to prepare - preparar to program - programar to progress - progresar to prohibit - prohibir to pronounce - pronunciar to protest - protestar to push - empujar Verbs that start with “q”to question - cuestionarVerbs that start with “r”to raise - levantar to read - leer to receive - recibir to rent - alquilar to rest - descansar to return - regresar to repair - reparar to represent - representar to reserve - reservar to resist - resistir to respect - respetar to respond - responder to reunite - reunir to rob - robar to run - correr Verbs that start with “s”to see - ver to send - enviar to separate - separar to sew - coser to share - compartir to shout - gritar to sign - firmar to sing - cantar to ski - esquiar to sneeze - estornudar to speak - hablar to spend - gastar to spill - derramar to stop - parar to study - estudiar to sweep - barrer to swim - nadar to surprise - sorprenderVerbs that start with “t”to take - tomar to take out - sacar to talk - hablar to throw - tirar to throw - lanzar to throw out - echar to touch - tocar to tolerate - tolerar to trap - atrapar to travel - viajar to treat - tratar to trust - confiar to try - intentar to try - tratar de Verbs that start with “u”to understand - comprender to use - usar to use - utilizerVerbs that start with “v”to visit - visitar to vomit - vomitar to vote - votarVerbs that start with “w”to wait - esperar to walk - andar to walk - caminar to wash - lavar to warn - avisar to work - trabajar to write - escribir ................

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