Sichuan Urban Development Project (SUDP)

Financed by the World Bank Loan

Suining Environmental Improvement Project

(Infrastructure Construction in Xining District )

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

(Draft for Review)

Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection (SRIEP)

August 2005

EA Certificate: GHP Class A No. 3205

Director of SRIEP: Mr. Liao Ji (Senior Engineer)

Deputy Director: Mr. Ye Hong (Senior Engineer)

Chief Engineer: Mr. Chen Daping (Senior Engineer)

Person in charge of the project:

Core Team of EA:

|Name |Title |Number of EA Certificate |Work Contents |Signature |

|Fang Zili |Senior |A32050007 |Write Introduction, and Conclusions & Suggestions; | |

| |engineer | |Revise the whole text of the report | |

|Xie Qiang |Engineer |A32050022 |EIA, Environmental protection measures and their | |

| | | |economic & technical proof | |

|Luo Menghua |Senior |A32050039 |Economic gain & loss of EI | |

| |engineer | | | |

|Luo Wei |Engineer |A32050035 |Physical & social situation, Existing environmental | |

| | | |qualities | |

|Tan Ting |Engineer | |Environmental management & monitoring plans | |

|Zuo Yuang |Engineer | |Public survey, resettlement | |

|Xu Liang |Engineer | |Alternatives | |


Examination: EA Quality Examination Department of SRIEP



1.1 Need for the Project ……………………………………….... (1)

1.2 Objectives and Principles of the EIA ………........................... ()

1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework ………….…….()

1.4 Standards for the EIA ………………………………………....()

1.5 Category of the EIA

1.6 Scope of the EIA ……………………………………………...()

1.7 Factors of the EIA …………………………………………….()

1.8 Key Points of EIA ……………………………………………..()

1.9 External Environmental Relations and Main Protected

Objects ….…….…………………………………………….. ()

1.10 Pollution Control and Environmental Protection Objectives …………………………………………………... ()

1.11 P Procedures of the EIA ………………...…………………...()


2.1 Project Description ……………………………………………()

2.2 Project Components and Analysis …………………..……..... ( )

2.3 Environmental Impact Characteristics and Mitigation Measures …………………………………………….……….. ()

2.4 Necessity and Rationality of the Project …………………...… ()


3.1 Physical Environment ……………………………………... ()

3.2 Socio-economic Environment ……………………..……….()

3.3 Xining District ……………………………………………… ()

3.4 Local Planning of Xining District ………………………….. ()


4.1 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of

Existing Surface Water Quality…….. ……………………… ()

4.2 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Quality…………………………………….……………….. ()

4.3 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Noise Environment ……………………………………….……. ()


5.1 Socio-environmental Impact Analysis…. .………..………… ()

5.2 Eco-environmental Impact Analysis….……………………... ()

5.3 Water Environmental Impact Analysis…...……….………… ()

5.4 Air Environmental Impact Analysis…...………….………… ()

5.5 Noise Environmental Impact Analysis… ……….…….……. ()


6.1 Alternatives for Road Construction of Xining District ………()

6.2 Alternatives for Embankment Construction of

Guangjiyan River ……………………………………………. ()

6.3 Alternatives for Xingning Road Construction.….……………. ()


7.1 Measures for Soil & Water Losses Control and Ecological Restoration

7.2 Measures for Water Environmental Protection and Their Proof

7.3 Measures for Air Environmental Protection and Their Proof

7.4 Measures for Noise Control and Their Proof

7.5 Environmental Protection Measures and Cost Estimate

8.0 Resettlement

8.1 Impact Scope and Affected People …………………..…….. ()

8.2 Resettlement Action Plan ……………………………..…… ()

8.3 Environmental Impact of Resettlement …………………….. ()


9.1 Social and Environmental Benefits of the Project …………… ()

9.2 Economic Benefit of the Project ………………..…….…..….. ()

9.3 Economic Benefit and Loss Analysis of Environmental Impact

………………………………………………………………... ()

10.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ……………………………...….....()




1.1 Need for the Project

Along the continuous development of the national economy and enlarging regional economic gap, the West China Development, has been initiated by the central government to speed up the development of the economy in western and middle areas of China, as well as to maintain social stability, reduce poverty and promote the balanced development of the national economy.

Suining City is directly under the administration of Sichuan Provincial Government, located in south western China and under the West China Development program. The city is located in the central part of Sichuan Basin, and is the joint between provnical capital Chengdu and one of the four municipalities with a provincial status, Chongqing. The urban center of Suining situates at the confluence of Chuan-e (Sichuan-Hubei) Highway and Mian-yu (Mianyang- Chongqing) Highway. Da-cheng (Dachaun-Chengdu) Railway and Cheng-nan (Chengdu-Nanchong) Expressway go through the city. Such convenient condition of communications makes Suining a transportation hub and an important distributing center in middle Sichuan. Since the reform and opening up policies, socio-economic development has been fast. The population in urban area of Suining City reached 423 200 in the year 2002. And the constructed urban area reached 21.6 km2 from 6.1 km2 in 1985. The whole city has already developed into a regional comprehensive center city.

In 2004, to speed up the urban development of the city, Suining Municipal Committee of CPC and Suining Municipal Government divided the urban area into four administration districts: Jiangdongxin (new area in the east of Fujiang river) District, Nanba Industrial Park, old urban center, and Economic Development Zone. At present, the most part of the old urban center has been constructed, thus few land in the district can be used for new development for meeting the demands of ever-increasing urban population. In industrial parks, most part of the land is planned to develop industries, so lands for other use are relatively small. Therefore, the two areas, Jiangdongxin District and Xining (west of Suining) District, can play a role of carrier to develop the city. Of the two areas, Jiangdongxin District has worse conditions for developing due to lack of infrastructure and lands, and beyond the Fujiang river. So only the area, Xining District has the advantages for development.

It is planned to cover a land area of 3.51 km2, and to have a population of 52 500 in Xining District. As a comprehensive economic zone of the economic development zones, there spread farmlands and few residential quarters in Xining District at present. Because of no traffic network available in the district, it develops slowly. If complete or perfect its traffic condition and infrastructure, rapid development will be achieved in Xining District then.

Xining District lies in the western part of Suining City, belonging to a sub-district under the Master Plan of Suining City. It is separated from the old urban area (urban center) by a canal, and adjacent to Guangde Temple and Wolong Park which are cultural relics at provincial protection level. This district covers an area of 3.2 km2, with a population of 35 000. The land of this district is flat, surrounded by green hills, with Guangjiyan River (a canal) running through. Mild climate, enough rain fall, clear season changes, together make this district a precious place for residence and business.

To sum up, the project of Xining District is very necessary and urgent. This project will also bring more jobs opportunities and incomes to Suining people. After the project is completed, investment and business environment will be improved, as well as the living standard of local people. The poverty problems also will be solved. The Development and Reform Committee of Sichuan Province authorized this project’s construction in October 2004, by the Document CFW No. [2004] 617.

Based on the requirements specified by Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations of Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, and Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People’s Bank of China, the Administration (Commission) of Economic Development Zone of Suining City entrusted Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection* (hereafter SRIEP in short) to conduct the EIA work for Suining Environmental Improvement Project Infrastructure Construction in Xining District) Financed by the World Bank loan.

As soon as receiving the task, SRIEP sent its professionals to conduct the environmental reconnaissance, collect the relevant data, and produce the TOR for the EA of the project in July 2005. In August 2005, the TOR for the EA was reviewed by experts invited by Sichuan EPB, and then proved by Sichuan EPB with the Document of CHJH[2005] No. 344. After the TOR for the EA being proved, SRIEP conducted the monitoring on existing environment of the project area, and collected more relevant data according to the requirements of the TOR for the EA as well as the Document. Finally SRIEP produced the EIA Report of the Project.

1.2 Objectives and Principles of the EIA

According to the characteristics of this project, this project basically is of non-pollution, and the impact upon environment mainly happens in construction phase. During operation phase, pollution happens in the form of traffic noise. For this reason, Objectives and Principles of the Environmental Impact Assessment is decided as follows:

(1) To realize the harmonious development of this district’s infrastructure, nature, economy and environment, to adopt sustainable development strategies.

(2) To assess the feasibility and rationality of this project from environmental protection point of view.

(3) According to environmental assessment, to offer a gist for environment management and protection design in construction phase and operation phase.

(4) According to the principle “ combination of spot, face and line; stressing key point”, to assess with particular emphasis on aiming at different features of construction.

(5) From the angle of economy and technology, to assess the prevention and cure measures for pollution and the feasibility of compensation.

(6) According to the features of this project, to use analytical method and simple numeration to give prominence to the positive benefit of environment improvement, while doing the assessment.

1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

1.3.1 Laws and Regulations

(1) Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China;

(3) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Urban Planning

(4) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution;

(5) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution;

(6) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste;

(7) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution;

(8) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Conservation of Relics;

(9) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Flood Prevention and Control;

(10) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation.

1.3.2 Other Relevant Laws and Regulations of Environmental Protection

(1) Regulations of Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Tentative Management Regulation on Scenic Spots, and Detailed Implementing

Measures for Tentative Management Regulation on Scenic Spots (1985.6.7);

(3) River Course Management Regulation of the People’s Republic of China;

(4) Decisions of the State Council on a Number of Problems of Environmental Protection, GF [1996] No.31 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(5) Notice of Further Promoting the Construction of Green Corridors throughout the Country, GF [2001] No.31 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(6) Decision of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on Strengthening the Work of Environmental Protection, CFF [1996] No.142;

(7) Notice of Effectively Control of Urban Flying Dust, HF [2001] No.56 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration and the Ministry of Construction;

(8) Some Suggestions on Strengthening the Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects in West China Development, HF [2001] No. 4 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration ;

(9) Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People’s Bank of China;

(10) National Compendium on Eco-environmental Protection, November 26, 2002, by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

1.3.3 Technical Codes or Specifications

(1) Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T2.1~2.3-1993);

(2) Technical Guidelines of EA (Acoustic Environment) (HJ/T2.4-1995);

(3) Technical Guidelines of EA (Non-pollution Eco-environment) (HJ/T1.9-1997);

(4) Specifications of Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway Construction (Tentative), Ministry of Communications, JTJ005-1996;

(5) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects —— Environmental Assessment (OD4.01) issued by W. B. in July 1992;

(6) Data Collection of EA (W. B. Document No. 139, October 1993).

(7) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Natural Inhabitation (OD4.04);

(8) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Cultural Property (OD4.11);

(9) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Non-voluntary Resettlement (OD4.12);

1.3.4 Data Relating to the Project

(1) Written Reply to the Proposal of Sichuan Urban Development Project (SUDP) Financed by W. B. Loan, CFGW [2004] No. 617 by the Development & Reform Commission of Sichuan Province, October 10, 2004;

(2) Letter of EIA Task Entrustment for Suining Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Xining District of Suining City);

(3) Proposal of Suining Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Xining District of Suining City), Sichuan Province Financed by W. B. Loan;

(4) Urban Master Plan of Suining City, and Detailed Controlled Planning of Xining District of Suining City;

(5) Relevant Data of nature, socio-economy, and eco-environments in the project area.

1.4 Standards for the EIA

1.4.1 Ecological Environment

As a criteria or requirement, the proposed actions will not change the existing situation of soil erosion, and will not cause any new geological disaster. The classification of soil erosion is given in Table 1-1 below.

Table 1-1 Standard for the Classification of Soil Erosion

|Class |Erosion level |Erosion modulus (t/km2·a) |

|A |Slight erosion (no obvious erosion) |< 500 |

|B |Light erosion |500 ~ 2500 |

|C |Median erosion |2500 ~ 5000 |

|D |Heavy erosion |5000 ~ 8000 |

|E |Extreme erosion |8000 ~ 15000 |

1.4.2 Standard for Water Quality

The Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) is applied for assessing local surface water. The assessment parameters and their standard values are shown in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Water Quality Standard for the EA

|Parameter |Standard value range |

|pH |6~9 |

|CODCr |≤20 |

|BOD5 |≤4 |

|DO |≥5 |

|NH3-N |≤1.0 |

|Petroleum & derivatives |≤0.05 |

|Ar-OH (Volatile phenols) |≤0.005 |

Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) is used for assessing the wastewater in construction phase as well as operation phase. The standard values of 5 parameters are shown in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Wastewater Discharge Standard

|Standard |pH |SS |NH3-N |CODCr |Petroleum & derivatives |

|Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge|6~9 |≤70 |≤15 |≤100 |≤5 |

|Standard (GB8978-1996) | | | | | |

* The unit of all the parameters in the Table is mg/L, except pH.

1.4.3 Standard for Ambient Air Quality

As the project area is a mixing area of residence, commerce, traffic, culture and education, so it belongs to the Category B of ambient air quality. The Class B of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) is used for the assessment. While the Class A of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) is used for the assessment of scenic or historic sites. The standard values are shown in Table 1-4.

The Class B of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants, (GB16297-1966) is used for assessing waste gas emission in the period both of construction phase and operation phase. The limits of 3 parameters are shown in Table 1-5.

Table 1-4 Ambient Air Quality Standard

| |NO2 |TSP |SO2 |

|Time |Class A |Class B |Class A |Class B |Class A |Class B |

|Daily average |0.08 |0.12 |0.12 |0.30 |0.05 |0.15 |

|1-hour average |0.12 |0.24 | | |0.15 |0.50 |

Note: Unit: mg/m3

Table 1-5 Waste Gas Emission Standard

|Standard |SO2 |NO2 |TSP |

|Limit value of fugitive emission of Integrated Emission Standard |0.40 |0.12 |1.0 |

|for Air Pollutants | | | |

Note: 1. Unit: mg/m3.

2. Values from Table 2 of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants.

3. Control points are set at 2 ~ 5 meters upwind of the fugitive emission sources, while monitoring points are set at 2 ~ 5 meters downwind of the emission sources.

1.4.4 Standard for Noise

During the project construction, Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-1990) is used, see Table 1-6. For regional noise of Xining Sub-distric, Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993) is adopted; while Category D of the standard is adopted for both sides of road, see Table 1-7.

Table 1-6 Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Sites

|Construction phase |Main noise source |Limit value, LAeq (dB) |

| | |Daytime |Nighttime |

|Earthwork |Bulldozer, excavator, loading and unloading |75 |55 |

| |machine, etc. | | |

|Piling |Piling machine, etc. |85 |Construction is |

| | | |prohibited |

|Structure |Mixing machine, vibrating needle, electric |70 |55 |

| |saw, etc. | | |

|Decoration |Crane, lifting machine, etc. |65 |55 |

Table 1-7 Ambient Noise Standard

|Category |Equivalent sound level, LAeq (dB) |

| |Daytime |Nighttime |

|B |60 |50 |

|D |70 |55 |

1.4.5 Standard for Sediment

Standard for Pollutants Control in Sludge Used for Farming, (GB 4284-1984) is adopted to assess the heavy metals in sediment of river. The detailed information is given in Table 1-8. At the same time, Standard for Identifying Hazardous Substances — Leached Toxicity Identification, GB 5085.3-1996 is used for analyzing harmful substances in sludge or sediment.

Table 1-8 Standard Values and Assessment Parameters

| Parameter |Maximum allowable value |

| |pH6.5 |

|Cu |250 |500 |

|Zn |500 |1000 |

|Pb |300 |1000 |

|Cr |600 |1000 |

|Hg |5 |15 |

1.5 Category of the EIA

1.5.1 Eco-environment

The project area is in Xining District of Suining City. The construction of the project will affect the local ecological environment, such as vegetation, etc. As the affected area is at the both sides of road construction within 300 m each, so the affected area is much less than 20 km2. The project construction will not obviously affect the biodiversity or damage the vegetation due to no rare and precious animals and plants in the area. And the physical and chemical properties of surface water will also not be obviously affected in the process of project construction. Therefore, the Category C will be used to assess the bio-environmental impact according to《HJ/T19-1997》.

1.5.2 Ambient Air

The impact of the project on ambient air occurs mainly in construction phase, as the major pollutant is flying dust. By calculation, the equal-standard value of emission (P) is much less than 2.5(108 , so the Category C will be used to assess the air environment.

1.5.3 Surface Water

The impact of the project on surface water occurs mostly in construction phase. The major sources of water pollution are production/construction wastewater and domestic/living wastewater. They are in small quantity and have a simple composition. After the completion of the project, wastewaters will be intercepted. So the environmental quality of local surface water (Category C water body) will improve at certain degree. According to 《HJ/T2.3-93》, the Category C will be used to assess the surface water environment.

1.5.4 Noise

The project area falls into Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993). The number of affected people will not change so much before or after the project implementation. Category C will be used to assess the impact on acoustic environment according to《HJ/T2.4-1995》.

1.6 Scope of the EIA

The scope or range of environmental impact assessment is given in Table 1-9.

Table 1-9 Scope of the EIA

|Environmental attribute |Scope or range |

|Socio-economic environment | Socio-economic development and resettlement in the directly affected project area of|

| |3.51 km2 , and its surrounding areas |

|Eco-environment | Road construction route and its both sides with a width of 300 m, and some area used|

| |for road construction |

|Acoustic environment | Both sides of the road route, each has a width of 200 m from the central line of |

| |road |

|Air environment | Both sides of the road route, each has a width of 200 m from the central line of |

| |road |

|Water environment |Guangjiyan River and the segment of Fujiang River in the urban center of Suining |

1.7 Factors of the EIA

1.7.1 Eco-environment

Soil and water losses, vegetation and land use

1.7.2 Socio-cultural & Economic Environment

Society, economy, living standard, land acquisition and resettlement, human health, historic and cultural sites, public opinions

1.7.3 Water Environment

Factors or parameters for assessing the current situation: pH, CODCr, BOD5, petroleum & derivatives, DO, NH3-N, Ar-OH (Volatile phenols)

Forecasting factor: CODCr

1.7.4 Air Environment

Factors or parameters for assessing the current/present situation: PM10, TSP, SO2, NO2

Forecasting factor: TSP (in construction phase)

1.7.5 Acoustic Environment

Construction noise, traffic noise in operation phase.

1.8 Key Points of EIA

Based on the further analysis of project as well as the proof of environmental protection measures, acoustic/noise environment, socio-environment, eco-environment and air environment will be the key points for assessment in construction phase, while regional acoustic/noise environment and socio-economic environment, especially the positive benefit of social environment, will be the key points for assessment in operation phase.

1.9 External Environmental Relations and Major Protected Objects

1.9.1 External Environmental Relations of the Project

The project area is located in Xining District of Suining City. It is in the west of urban center of Suining, being under the administration of economic & technical development zone. The vicinities of the project area are as follows:

East: 100 m from the urban center (old urban area);

West: Adjacent to Xining Township;

North: Near Guangde Temlpe (70m far) and Wolong Lake Park.

1.9.2 Major Environmental Protection Objects

The major objects of environmental protection of the project are given in Table 1-10 below.

Table 1-10 Major Environmental Protection Objects

|Environmental |Protected object |Location |Requirements |

|attributives | | | |

|Eco-environment |Guangde Temple Scenic Area, at |West side of 4th Road |Landscape and vegetation of Guangde Temple|

| |provincial conservation level | |can not be damaged. |

| |Vegetation and water & soil |Entire roads |Vegetation coverage can not decrease and |

| |conservation of side slopes along the| |soil erosion intensity can not increase in|

| |roads | |Xining District and along Xingning Road |

|Ambient air |Existing residential quarters in |Entire roads |(1) Air quality Existing residential |

| |Xining District, and belt area along | |quarters in Xining District and along |

| |Xingning Road | |Xingning Road will get to Class B of the |

| | | |Ambient Air Quality Standard |

| |Guangde temple and Wolong Lake Park |West side of 4th Road |(2) Air quality at Guangde Temple and |

| | | |Wolong Lake Park will get to Class A of |

| | | |the Ambient Air Quality Standard. |

|Noise |Guangde Temple |West side of 4th Road |Meet the noise requirement of scenic spots|

| |Wolong Lake Park |West side of 4th Road |Meet the noise requirement of scenic spots|

| |Xining Township Middle School |South side of 2nd |Teaching environment |

| | |Road | |

| |Dormitories of Chuanzhong Oil & Gas |East side of Erjinggou |Residential environment |

| |Company |segment of 2nd Road | |

|Surface water |Guangjiyan River, and the segment of | |Water quality will get to Category C of |

| |Fujing River in the urban area of | |Environmental Quality for Surface Water. |

| |Suining | | |

| |Category B drinking water source | |Water quality will get to Category C of |

| |protection area of Nanbeiyan River | |Environmental Quality for Surface Water. |

|Social |Living level of relocated people | |Living level/standard of relocates will |

|environment | | |not descend. |

1.10 Objectives of Pollution Control and Ecological Protection

1) Control and mitigate soil erosion (water and soil losses) caused by the damage of ground cover vegetation and soils in the process of project construction so as to protect the ground cover vegetation as well as local eco-environment.

2) Solve socio-economic problems aroused by the project construction; Local environmental quality will not be substantially affected by the project construction.

3) Quickly recover or restore the vegetation that is damaged by the project construction so as to mitigate soil erosion (water and soil losses) in the project area.

4) Strengthen the management of construction activities so as to prevent flying ash pollution on air over the local area.

5) Ensure the emission standard attainment for all the pollutants.

1.11 Procedures of the EIA

The procedures of the environmental impact assessment of the project is give in Figure 1-1 below.


2.1 Project Description

According to the Master Plan of Suining City, the highlight of “Recent Urban Development” is to evacuate partial population of urban center, and to develop Beiban, Qujiagou and Liutongba (Xining District). At present, in Xining District spread large area of farmland and few industrial enterprises. In 2005, the construction of Sui-yu Express Railway is nearly its end. Xining District faces a new era of development. As a new development area of the city, Xining District will play an important role in evacuating partial population of urban center, developing local tourism in which Guangde Temple – Wolong Park are of the main scenic spots, and speeding up the economic development of the whole city. The proposed Suining Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Construction in Xining District of Suining City) is located in the western part of the urban area of Suining City. Figure 1 of Annex shows its geographical location.

2.1.1 Property of Project

New construction. One of the municipal works projects in Sichuan Province funded by the World Bank loan.

2.1.2 Scale of Project Construction

Twenty-one roads with a total length of 27.16 km and 9 river bridges will be constructed. The proposed Xingning Road has a total length of 8.52 km. River channel with a total length of 4.73 km will be rehabilitated or trained. Drainage pipes, including stormwater drains and sewers, have a total length of 21 km respectively, will be constructed. The total building demolition will have a floor area of 143 420.78 m2. The project components and their major environmental issues are shown in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Project Components and Major Environmental Issues

|Project |No. |Width (m) |Length (km) |Road hierarchy /bridge|Property of |Major environmental |

|Component | | | |load grade |construction |issues |

|Main | |1 |40 |3.95 |Trunk road, Grade B |New construction | |

|project | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Roads | | | | | | |

| | |2 |30 |3.69 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |Extension | |

| | | | | |B | |In construction phase |

| | | | | | | |: |

| | | | | | | |1. Aggravation of |

| | | | | | | |soil erosion; |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |2. Impacts of noise, |

| | | | | | | |flying dust, asphalt |

| | | | | | | |smoke, and wastewater |

| | | | | | | |on the environment; |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |3. Impact on human |

| | | | | | | |health. |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |4. Impact on |

| | | | | | | |vegetation coverage |

| | | | | | | |and water & soil |

| | | | | | | |conservation; |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |In operation phase: |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |1. Impact of |

| | | | | | | |resettlement on |

| | | | | | | |residents’ living |

| | | | | | | |quality; |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |2. Impact on local |

| | | | | | | |socio-economy; |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |3. Positive ecological|

| | | | | | | |and environmental |

| | | | | | | |benefits. |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | |3 |24 |2.75 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | | | | |C | | |

| | |4 |20 |2.0 |Branch road, Grade B |Extension | |

| | |5 |24 |1.71 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |Extension | |

| | | | | |C | | |

| | |6 |20 |1.14 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | | | | |B | | |

| | |7 |20 |1.57 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | | | | |B | | |

| | |8 |30 |1.51 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | | | | |B | | |

| | |9 |20 |2.33 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | | | | |B | | |

| | |10 |30 |1.17 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | | | | |B | | |

| | |11 |16 |0.66 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |12 |16 |0.35 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |13 |16 |1.1 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |14 |20 |0.31 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |15 |20 |0.82 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |16 |16 |0.35 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |17 |16 |0.34 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |18 |14 |0.43 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |19 |16 |0.45 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |20 |12 |0.32 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |21 |20 |0.22 |Branch road, Grade B |New construction | |

| | |Xingning |24 |8.52 |Sub-trunk road, Grade |New construction | |

| | |Road | | |C | | |

| |Bridges |1# |30 |56 m | |New construction | |

| | | | | |Grade A |(Quhe river) | |

| | |2# |40 |29 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| | | | | | |(urban center) | |

| | |3# |24 |28 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| | |4# |20 |28 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| | |5# |40 |29 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| | |6# |30 |28 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| | |7# |24 |28 m |Grade B |New construction | |

| | |8# |30 |28 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| | |9# |30 |34 m |Grade A |New construction | |

| |River |Rive channel training/rehabilitation of Guangjiyan |New construction | |

|Auxiliar|training |River with a length of 4.73 km | | |

|y | | | | |

|project | | | | |

| |Sewers |Trunk sewers of 21 km, with diameter of d300 ~ d800, and berried |New construction | |

| | |depth at starting point of some 3.0 m. | | |

| |Drains |Stormwater drains of 21 km, with diameter of d400 ~ d800, and |New construction | |

| | |berried depth at starting point of some 2.0 m. | | |

| |Environmen|Environmental improvement: |New construction | |

| |tal | | | |

| |improvemen|Green space of 272 310 m2; | | |

| |t and |Roadside green space of 118 310 m2, among which Xingning Road 68 | | |

| |landscapin|960 m2, and Binhe Road 154 500 m2. | | |

| |g | | | |

Note: The standard of flood control for river channel rehabilitation is that it has capability against a serious flood which occurs once in 50 years.

Road Alignment/Route

The road network of Xining District takes a shape of lattice, in which 8 roads are of longitudinal direction, and 3 roads are of transversal direction. Those roads will be constructed based on the local landform and the location of Guangjiyan River. The distance from east to west is 3317 m, and the distance from south to north is 2158 m. The proposed roads with a total length of 27.16 km and 9 bridges will be constructed.

The following graph gives the number or codes of roads in Xining District:


The alignment/route of Xingning Road is: Yuesahn Village (terminal, starting point) — Shizihe Village — Shuiku Village —Yaowan Village — Suihui Road (terminal, ending point). The road has a total length of 8619.25 m. It passes through the entire development area longitudinally, being adjacent to Xining District, which is the key area of economic development, in the south, and adjacent to Suihui Highway, Chengnan Expressway, and extending to the railway station in the north.

Traffic flow forecast:

Based on Urban Traffic Planning of Suining City, Xingning Road and other 21 roads in Xining District are analyzed one by one in term of their traffic flow. The traffic trends between the railway station area and Liutongba area are mainly analyzed. Then the forecast traffic flows of those roads are given in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Traffic Flow Forecasts of Roads in Xining District and Xingning Road

(Unit: vehicles /h)

|Road segment |2009 |2019 |2029 |

|1 |1997 |2774 |3425 |

|2 |1312 |1823 |2250 |

|3 |1266 |1758 |2170 |

|4 |316 |439 |541 |

|5 |1106 |1537 |1897 |

|6 |303 |421 |520 |

|7 |299 |416 |513 |

|8 |290 |403 |498 |

|9 |277 |385 |475 |

|10 |1286 |1786 |2205 |

|11 |267 |371 |458 |

|12 |278 |386 |476 |

|13 |258 |358 |442 |

|14 |241 |335 |413 |

|15 |232 |322 |398 |

|16 |226 |313 |387 |

|17 |240 |334 |412 |

|18 |246 |342 |422 |

|19 |240 |333 |411 |

|20 |240 |333 |411 |

|21 |239 |331 |409 |

|Xingning Road |1462 |2031 |2507 |

2.1.3 Total Cost Estimate of the Project

The total investment or cost of the project is RMB 353.1370 million, among which

RMB 49.1345 million of Xingning Road, and RMB 304.0025 million of public facilities in Xining District.

The total dynamic investment/cost is 575.3046 million which includes RMB 134.3146 million of land acquisition and resettlement.

2.1.4 Time Schedule

The total construction period of the project is 42 months. It is proposed to commence in January 2005, and complete by the end of June 2008. The concrete time table see Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Construction Progress of the Project

|  Year |2005 |2006 |2007 |2008 |Remarks |

| | | | | | |

|Component | | | | | |

|Preparation | | | | | |

|Road foundation | | | | | |

|works | | | | | |

|Road pavement works| | | | | |

|Bridge and culvert | | | | | |

|works | | | | | |

|Greening works | | | | | |

|River channel | | | | | |

|rehabilitation | | | | | |

|works | | | | | |

|Drainage pipes | | | | | |

|works | | | | | |

2.2 Project Components and Analysis

2.2.1 Road Traffic Road construction

At present, there is only one road of rural grade in Xining District, leading to Anju Town and the urban center of Suining City. The project involves the construction of 21 roads (18 of new construction and 3 of extension), with a total length of 27.16 km and a width of 12 ~ 40 m. The project also involves the construction of 9 river bridges. The proposed Xingning Road has a total length of 8.52 km. Table 2-4 shows the quantities of construction works. Figure 2 of Annex shows the road planning, and Figure 3 of Annex shows its external environmental relations.

Table 2-4 Road Works and Main Engineering Quantities

|Name of road |Vehicle lane |Pedestrian |Earth works |

| |(m2) |(m2) | |

| | | |Backfill (m3) |Excavation (m3) |

|No. 1 |54560 |34100 |93000 |303300 |

|No. 2 |65780 |23920 |102700 |114500 |

|No .3 |37280 |18640 |44100 |23000 |

|No. 4 |28000 |12000 |19800 |23000 |

|No. 5 |27360 |13680 |29800 |115100 |

|No. 6 |15960 |6840 |12500 |78400 |

|No. 7 |21980 |9420 |16200 |35100 |

|No. 8 |27720 |10080 |26700 |80900 |

|No. 9 |32620 |13980 |63100 |21900 |

|No. 10 |18720 |9360 |10400 |17800 |

|No. 11 |6600 |3960 |3800 |11300 |

|No. 12 |3500 |2100 |2500 |12600 |

|No. 13 |11000 |6600 |4400 |51000 |

|No. 14 |4340 |1860 |7100 |1900 |

|No. 15 |11480 |4920 |8400 |60200 |

|No. 16 |3500 |2100 |4700 |3300 |

|No. 17 |3400 |2040 |6500 |8800 |

|No. 18 |3440 |2580 |34600 |200 |

|No. 19 |4300 |2700 |300 |22800 |

|No. 20 |2560 |1280 |11800 |100 |

|No. 21 |3080 |1320 |2300 |1800 |

|Xingning Road |137920 |68960 |237300 |267200 |

|Total |521900 |258390 |742000 |1254200 | Road alignment / route design

The route or alignment of Xingning Road: Yuesahn Village (terminal, starting point) — Shizihe Village — Shuiku Village —Yaowan Village — Suihui Road — Railway Station (terminal, ending point). The road has a total length of 8516.38 m.

The standard cross-section of Xingning Road is: 4 m of pedestrian + 16 m of vehicle lane + 4 m of pedestrian.

Three alternatives of Xingning Road are compared in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Technical and Economic Parameters of Xingning Road

|Item |Scheme of Xinhning Road |

|Length |8.52 km |

|Width |24 m |

|Number of curves |14 |

|Maximum radius of curve |500 m |

|Minimum radius of curve |50 m |

|Maximum longitudinal slope |5.0 % |

|Minimum longitudinal slope |0.39 % |

|Number of culverts |22 |

|Total cost |RMB 35.4732 million |

|Per km cost |RMB 4.1635 million/km |

Route/Alignment Design of Roads in Xining District:

The road network of Xining District is divided into 3 blocks with the boundary of Guangjiyan River which takes a shape of “S”. The three blocks are the east block, the middle block and the west block. Those blocks are connected by 3 trunk roads from east to west. While from south to north, 8 sub-trunk roads and branch roads are the frame of the network, with an average distance of 180 m. The minimum distance between road mouths is 90 m, and the maximum distance between road mouths is 900 m. The minimum radius of curve is 40 m, and the maximum radius of curve is 500 m. The maximum longitudinal slope is 5.94%, and the minimum longitudinal slope is 0.3%.

Intersections of roads are of plane pattern or at same elevation without central island or guiding island. At the intersection of trunk road and sub-trunk road, the vehicle entrance will be widen to three lanes so as to benefit the waiting vehicles when traffic lights turn red. Curbs at the intersection of trunk roads will have proper radius depending on the angle of crossing. Its minimum radius is 15 m, and the design speed is 30 km/h.

Insulation or isolation measures will be taken to separate the lanes of motor vehicle and bicycles or other man-power vehicles. Traffic lights will be installed at the intersections where the traffic flow is high. Design traffic flow

According to Specifications for Urban Road Design, for motor vehicles which are not affected by plane interchanges, the potential vehicle flow is: 1640 vehicle/h when the design speed is 20 km/h; 1550 vehicle/h when the design speed is 30 km/h; and 1380 vehicle/h when the design speed is 40 km/h. The coefficient of road hierarchy is trunk road 0.8, sub-trunk road 0.85 and branch road 0.9, respectively.

The design width of Xingning Road is 24 m, among which 18 m of vehicle lanes for both motor-driven and manpower vehicles. There are 9 interchanges of the road. Their average distance is 960 m. By calculation, the affecting coefficient of interchange is 0.85, so the capacity of vehicle flow is 1120 vehicle/h. The two side lanes for manpower vehicles. Considering the affecting coefficient of manpower vehicle is 0.8, thus the traffic capacity of Xingning Road is 4032 vehicle/h.

The existing peak traffic flow rate per hour is 8.3%. With the increase of traffic, peak traffic flow rate per hour will be increase. It is forecasted that the peak traffic flow rate per hour will increase by 11% and 12% in 2010 and 2020, respectively.

The design of Xingning Road of 2 directions and 4 lanes can meet the demands of hourly peak traffic flow in 2029. Building material supply conditions

For the construction of project, some natural materials, such as sand, pebbles, broken rocks, and slag are needed. Sand and pebbles can be taken from the river bed of Fujiang River. It has good condition to excavate, and the transportation distance is less than 10 km. For taking such raw material, specific permit should be got from local governmental department. Broken rocks and slag can be got from ground leveling of Xining District as well as earth excavation of Xingning Road construction. It is estimated that the transportation distance is less than 5 km.

2.2.2 Bridge and Culvert Component Bridge and culvert works

Nine bridges will be constructed in Xining District. Among them, one bridge crosses Nanbeiyan River, and 8 bridges cross Guanjiyan River. The maximum span is 56 m and the minimum span is 28 m, with a width of 20 ~ 40 m. Two culverts will be constructed. The bridge and culvert works of Xining District are shown in Table 2-6. Design schemes of bridge and culvert

For 1st Bridge, there are two schemes: one is arc-type bridge, and the other is single span bridge of prefabricated concrete T beam with simple supporting pillars. The later one is recommended. Such scheme has some advantages of low cost, short construction period, good driving condition, good image, no extra decoration, less interference on surrounding environment, and be beneficial for civilization construction activities. The 1st Bridge will be located at Nanbeiqu River which is the drinking water source conservation area of Suining City. The proposed single span bridge of prefabricated concrete T beam with simple supporting pillars will have no impact on the water body.

Bridges 2nd ~ 9th will adopt the design of single span bridge of prefabricated concrete T beam with box-type simple supporting pillars. Among them, bridges 3rd, 4th and 8th are located at the interchanges of roads.

In order to guarantee the irrigation by the two sides of road, culverts will be constructed where Xingning Road goes. Most of them are of reinforced steel-concrete cover type, such design decrease the number of inverse-siphon facilities. Totally 22 culverts will be construction along Xingning Road. Bridge works of Xingning Road see Table 2-6.

Table 2-6 Bridge Works of Xingning Road

|Bridge |Span |Length |Road No. |Area |Type |

| | (m) | (m) | | (m2) | |

|1st(Recommended) |25+25 |56 |  |1658 |Simple supporting beam |

|1st(Comparison) |15+25+15 |56 |  |1675 |Arch |

|2nd |25 |29 |1st |1273 |Simple supporting beam |

|3rd |24 |28 |5th |1299 |Simple supporting beam |

|4th |24 |28 |4th |1118 |Simple supporting beam |

|5th |25 |29 |1st |2022 |Simple supporting beam |

|6th |24 |28 |2nd |720 |Simple supporting beam |

|7th |24 |28 |3rd |609 |Simple supporting beam |

|8th |24 |28 |2nd |1245 |Simple supporting beam |

|9th |30 |34 |1st |1049 |Simple supporting beam |

2.2.3 Drainage Pipe Works Existing sewage interception and urban drainage planning in Xining District

At present, no sewage intercepting facilities are available in Xining District. Domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater all discharge to Guangjiyan River. The existing WWTP only treat the sewage from the area south of Mingyue Bridge of the urban center of Suining City, and the area north of the WWTP. The WWTP adopts CASS technology of secondary treatment. It has a treatment capacity of 40 000 m3/d.

According to the detailed control planning of Xining District, separate drainage system is adopted in Xining District. That is, sewers receive wastewaters, and stormwater drains receive rainfalls. Each has its independent system. Stormwater will flows to the river nearby, while wastewater or sewage will go to sewers and then to wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The treated effluent will discharge into the river.

According to Urban Master Plan of Suining City, a WWTP with a capacity of 10 000 m3/d will be built in Nanba Industrial District in the near future, and it will expend to 30 000 m3/d in the far future. The WWTP will treat the wastewater from economic development district and Qujiagou industrial division. Stormwater drains works

There are two water bodies mainly in Xining District, they are Nanbeiyan River and Guangjuyan River (canals). Stormwater from roads of Xining District will flow to Guangjiyan River. Based on the principle that stormwater discharges into the nearest water body, the proposed stormwater drains will be laid along the slopes terms of the road elevation.

The total length of stormwater drains in the project area is 21 km. The trunk drain adopts reinforced steel bar concrete pipes with diameter of DN 400 ~ 800. Its starting point has a berried depth of some 2.0 m. Steel net with concrete will used to connect the pipes. Single grid type of drain inlet at the road side will be adopted as the stormwater inlet. The stormwater inlets will be connected by reinforced steel bar concrete pipes with diameter of DN300 mm. Steel net with concrete will used to connect the pipes. Manhole will have a slope of 1% to them. The branch drain of connecting the manhole adopts reinforced steel bar concrete pipes with diameter of DN300 mm too.

The manhole of stormwater has a circular or rectangular shape, and made of bricks. The stormwater manholes will be set based on the relevant specifications. Generally, the distance is in the range of 30 ~ 50 m. Sewer works

A trunk intercepting sewer along the trunk road from east to west will be constructed in Xining District. And its branch sewers will also be constructed at the lower elevation area in term of the drainage area division. All the sewage will flow to a sewerage pump station which locates at an triangle area where the trunk road (40 m wide), Nanbeiyan River and Guangjiyan River intersect. The pump station has a capacity of 20 000 m3/d. Sewage will flow to the proposed WwTP in Nanba Industrial Zone through the pump station. It is estimated that the sewage quantity from Xining District is 16 400 m3/d. Table 2-7 gives a detailed information.

At present, Nanba WwTP has a treatment capacity of 30 000 m3/d. It will increase to 80 000 m3/d after the implementation of Phase II project. Although the completion of the proposed project of roads and drainage works will speed up the local development, the existing Nanba WwTP can still meet the demands of sewage treatment in a relative long period because the development in Xining District will have a step-by-step process of construction.

Table 2-7 Sewage Forecast

|No |Place |Daily max. water |Sewage discharge |Daily max. sewage |Daily average sewage |

| | |supply |ratio |quantity(m3/d) |quantity(m3/d) |

| | |(m3/d) |(%) | | |

|1 |Residence |25056 |70 |17539.20 |14616 |

|2 |Administration |42.75 |70 |29.93 |24.94 |

|3 |Commerce & finance |1277.255 |70 |894.08 |745.06 |

|4 |Scientific research |76.25 |70 |53.38 |44.48 |

|5 |Hospital |642 |70 |449.4 |374.5 |

|6 |Warehouse |143.5 |70 |100.45 |83.71 |

|7 |Public facilities |398 |70 |278.60 |232.17 |

|8 |Road & square |1455.75 |0 |0.0 |0.0 |

|9 |Sports & recreation |486 |70 |340.20 |283.50 |

|10 |Green space |1635.30 |/ |/ |/ |

|11 |Military affair |57 |70 |39.9 |33.25 |

|12 |Water body & others |/ |/ |/ |/ |

| |Total |31269.80 |/ |19725.14 |16437.61 |

In the project area, the total length of trunk sewer is 21 km. Its starting point has a berried depth of some 3 m. Reinforced steel bar concrete pipes with diameter of DN 300 ~ 800 will be used to construct the trunk sewer. Steel net with concrete will be used to connect the pipes. The branch sewers will have a diameter of DN300. Diameters of trunk sewer and reserved branch sewer should be calculated based on the sewage quantity collected. Quantity of drainage works

Table 2-8 Quantity of Drainage Works (unit: m)

|Name of road |Sewage |Stormwater |

| |D300 |D400 |D500 |

|Embankment of gravitational mortar |Excavation |m3 |397320 |

|pebbles | | | |

| |Backfilling |m3 |217580 |

| |M10 mortar pebbles |m3 |106140 |

| |Slice rock pavement |m2 |63382 |

| |Large pebbles |m3 |26015 |

| |Lawn bricks |m2 |23650 |

| |Greening slope |m2 |10595 |

| |Fence |m |9460 |

| |Earth weir |m3 |8000 |

2.2.5 Engineering Quantity of Environmental Improvement and Landscaping

1) Total green space 272 310 m2, among which

Green spaces: 236 484 m2 (86.84% of the total),

Square pavement: 16 100 m2 (5.91% of the total),

Lane area of parks: 2300 m2 (0.84% of the total),

Water area: 926 m2 (0.34% of the total),

Riverbank pedestrian path area: 16500 m2 (6.59% of the total).

2) Road Greening

Road trees: Some 6012 trees will be planted with a space distance of every 5 m (one side, total length of road 15 030 m).

Road greening area: 118 310 m2 , of which 68 960 m2 in XinningRoad.

3) Green space area of Binhe Road 154 500 m2 , among which

Cultural Square 14000 m2   

Recreation square 6000 m2

Commercial square 24000 m2  

Relics exhibition area 6500 m2

Ecological green land 4500 m2

2.3 Identification of Environmental Impact Factors

The emission of pollutants occur mainly in construction phase of the project, while in operation of the project, traffic noise and automobile exhaust will be the major pollution due to the increase of traffic flow.

2.3.1 Identification of Environmental Impact Factors in Construction Phase

(1) Flying Dust

Flying dust generated from construction activities is one of the major reasons that cause the increase of TSP and PM10 levels in air. It has notable adverse effect on the ambient air in a small area, and reduce the air quality directly.

(2) Waste Gases in Construction Phase

In order to mitigate the impact caused by waste gases, during the construction period, asphalt, which is used for road and bridge construction, will be got from local asphalt melting plant of The Road Repair & Maintenance Brigade of Suining City in Chengnan Industrial Zone through purchasing. So it is no needed to set a special asphalt melting site for the project construction.

(3) Spoils and Debris

The Suining City has a landform of low hilly land. In order to comply with the relevant technical standard or code, road construction and river channel rehabilitation will involve the processes of high filling and deep excavation. It is primarily estimated that the earth excavation is 1 652 520 m3, and the earth filling is 959 80 m3. The earth excavation is larger than earth filling by 691 940 m3 . All the excavated earth will be used for backfilling, greening or landscaping.

(4) Construction Noise

The main noise sources are transportation vehicles, construction machines and power tools. It is estimate that the noise level is in the range of 75 ~110 dB(A).

(5) Wastewater in Construction Phase

Wastewaters generated in the period of construction phase are domestic wastewater of constructors and construction wastewater. In construction phase, it is supposed that 500 of constructors and on-site managerial staff (maximum) will take part in the construction activities. The quantity of domestic wastewater in construction phase is some 50 m3/d. Construction or production wastewater from concrete mixing, equipment cleaning and site cleaning are the main wastewaters generated from construction activities. The main pollutant of those wastewaters is SS, being in the range of 1000 ~ 3000 mg/L. They are weak acidic, and contain small amount of oils.

(6) Land Acquisition and Resettlement

The project will occupy a total land of 2331.57 mu, among which farmland 1431.57 mu, and enterprises’ land 900 mu. (1 mu = 1/15, or 15 mu = 1 ha) The project will demolish total floor area of buildings of 143 420.78 m2, among which 845 65.53 m2 of farmers’ house (including 661 m2 of private stores or shops), and 58 855.25 m2 of enterprises and schools.

2.3.2 Environmental Impact Characteristics and Mitigation Measures in Operation Phase

In operation phase, the major environmental issues are noise and exhaust generated from automobile or motor vehicles running. In the meantime, it will have positive impacts of speeding up the urbanization, improving the investment environment, and raising the land value.

(1) Impact on Acoustic Environment

According to design data and analogical survey, the automobile flow of different type is given in Table 2-10 by calculation.

Table 2-10 Traffic Flow Forecast of Different Type of Automobiles (unit: vehicles/h)

|Road grade |Type |2009 |2019 |2029 |

| | |Daytime |Nighttime |Daytime |Nighttime |Daytime |Nighttime |

|Trunk road |Small |1248 |277 |1734 |386 |2140 |476 |

| |Median |437 |97 |607 |134 |749 |165 |

| |large |312 |68 |433 |95 |535 |118 |

| |Total |1997 |442 |2774 |615 |3425 |759 |

|Sub-trunk road |Small |820 |183 |1139 |254 |1406 |309 |

| |Median |287 |64 |399 |88 |492 |108 |

| |large |205 |44 |285 |63 |352 |77 |

| |Total |1312 |292 |1823 |405 |2250 |494 |

|Branch road |Small |198 |44 |274 |60 |338 |74 |

| |Median |69 |15 |96 |21 |118 |26 |

| |large |49 |11 |69 |15 |85 |19 |

| |Total |316 |70 |439 |96 |541 |119 |

Three types of automobile have average radiation sound level (dB) as follows, see Table 2-11.

Table 2-11 Average Radiation Sound Level of Automobiles

|Type |Average Speed(km/h) |Radiation Sound Level(dB) |

|Small sized(S) |80 |77.7 |

|Median sized(M) |80 |88.2 |

|Large sized(L) |80 |91.6 |

(2) Impact on Air Environment

The main pollutants in automobile exhaust are: Co, CH, and NOx. For the assessment, CH and NOx (calculated by NO2) are considered. Through considering the ratio of different type of automobile as well as the traffic flow, the pollutant emission forecast are given in Table 2-12.

Table 2-12 Pollutant Emission Forecast of Automobiles in Proposed Roads

(unit: mg/vehicle . m)

|Road grade |Trunk road |Sub-trunk road |Branch road |

| | | | |

|Year Pollutant | | | |

|2009 |CO |30.05 |18.73 |4.7 |

| |NOx |1.96 |1.20 |0.33 |

|2019 |CO |41.3 |27.14 |6.53 |

| |NOx |2.72 |1.79 |0.43 |

|2029 |CO |51 |33.5 |8.01 |

| |NOx |3.36 |2.21 |0.53 |

(3) Impact on Socio-environment

After operation of the road, the traffic condition in the urban area of Suining City will be improved, and it also will promote the development of the city. It will promote the economic development of Suining, improve the infrastructure condition of Suining, and improve the living standard of citizens, especially the villagers living presently along the road.

2.4 Necessity and Rationality of the Project

Xining District is in the Economic and Hi-tech Development Zone of Suining City. The eastern new district started late, with insufficient infrastructure facilities, and separated apart by Fujiang River, thus it develops slowly. The old urban area (urban center) has left little land for further construction, and cannot meet the need of growing population. Industrial District is mainly used for industry construction and leaves little land for other use, either. To quicken the development of Suining City, more people will flood into the city and so only the Development Zone could play the role to solve the problem. While the Northern District of the Development Zone has less and less land for further development. Xining District, as a comprehensive economy district, is also developing slowly for traffic difficulty. Thus, Xining District will with no doubt develop faster after improving the traffic facilities and infrastructures facilities. This project goes on with the Detail Design of Xining District in terms of direction of route and technical parameter and the Master Plan of Suining City. The Master Plan (or Overall Urban Development Planning) of Suining City see Figure 4 of Annex.

Xinning Road lies in the western side of the Economic and Technologic Development District. It is an important part of the Western Ring Road. The construction of Xinning Road will enhance the relation of the divisions within the Development District, divert the south-to-north traffic in the center of city, and promote the development of the land on both sides of the road. The planed route is presently hilly terrain, including farmland, some pounds, which are suitable for road construction.

According to rough estimation, the project will need earth excavation 1 651 520 m3,earth backfilling 959 580 m3,earth abandoning or spoils 691 940 m3 . All the spoils will be used for filling the bottomland or low land in greening project within Xining District. Gravels and broken stone bits can be obtained within a short distance in the district and so there is no problem for fetching and abandoning earth and stones.

There are no cultural relics and precious trees along Xinning Road. The major historical site within Xining District is the provincial preserved site, Guangde Temple. Because of the 70m distance from the temple to the road and a river between them, the construction and operation of the road will not have negative impact on Guangde Temple. The stability of the land along the road is good, with little bad terrain. So generally speaking, the environment exerts no obvious restrict. The project forms no obvious restrict to the development and environmental protection of Suining City.

The construction of public facilities in Xining District all adopts underground pipe network, and separate drainage system. Underground pipe network favors improving the whole city environment, sewage management and flood discharge. At the same time, the main artery or trunk road will play both the role of traffic passage and the landscape of the city, and the green belts on both sides of the road would be good place for walking. Thus, this project is feasible from the angle of environmental protection.


3.1 Physical Environment

3.1.1 Geographical Location

This project lies in the western side of Suining City, in the west of Kaishan East Road, extending westward to Liutongba, eastward to Nanbei River, northward to Guangde Temple, Wolongshan Park, Nanya Temple, and southward to a 100m distance of southern Guangjiyan River. In the past, this district belonged to the government of Xining Town, which included Dabanqiao Village, Jinmei Village, Yueshan Village and part of Bajiaoting Committee’s land. At present, it belongs to the government of the Guangde Street Office of Suining Development Zone. Suining City lies in the middle of Sichuan Basin, the middle reaches of Fujiang River, with its geographical coordinates east longitude 105(34(22.5(,north latitude 30(30(33(. The old urban area of Suining City is 3km wide from east to west, 5km long from north to south, and its area is 15km2. It lies at the joint of Sichuan-Bubei and Mianyang-chongqing roads, 230km from Chongqing City, 180km from Mianyang City, 100km from Nanchong City and 170km from Neijiang City, and 80km railroad of Da-cheng (Dazhou-Chengdu) Railway is in Suining City. The old urban area was constructed along the western side of Fujiang River in the river valley plain, looking at each other with Hedong and Renli Towns, with Nanqiang Town in the south. The location of project area see Figure 4 of Annex.

3.1.2 Terrain, Topographical Features, and Geology

The surface configuration within Suining City is high in the western and north-eastern area, with edge above sea level around 500m and the peak 536.9m above sea level, Wenbi Mountain in Renli Town, and it is low in the middle and southern area, with lowest point 249m above sea level in the middle of Fujiang River at the joint of Lujia River of Shanxin Town in southeast and Chenjia River of Yongan Town of Tongnan; the average altitude of the whole city is 280~380m, with maximum elevation difference 287.9m and majority elevation difference under 100m. The massif within the city winds and weaves, forming the shape of the Chinese character “川 ”. In the middle area, Longdou, Hengshan, Juxianzhichi and Majia Town form a line of massif to divide the Fujiang River and Qiong River.

Suining City lies on the terrace of the right bank of Fujiang River, with topographical features: high in the western and northeastern areas and low in the middle and southern areas. Geology Report believes that beside farmland, other rock and earth layers could be taken as natural base.

Xining District is upland with a single dyke, and its elevation is about 270~375, with small hills distributed within. The topographical structure of Suining City is simple, belonging to the Drape Belt in the middle of Sichuan Sedimentation of the Third Sedimentation Belt of New Huaxia Sires, and the surface structure is the result from Indo-Chinese Epoch to Himalayas Epoch. According to geological categories, the geological structure’s feature is about from east to west or from south to north and form north to east, mostly appearing in arc shape. Within the city area, there is no big rupture, and wide and slow drapes often in ordered anticline and syncline, except a secondary constitution—Tianshan Temple turbine-like structure upon the East to West Belt 15km away from Shehong County in the west. Most of the revealed layers of the city belong to Jurassic System, Cretaceous System, and Quaternary System.

Suining City is a region stricken by earthquake with an intensity of 6 degree, so the lifeline project and big high-layer public buildings will set up defense at 7 degree of earthquake intensity.

3.1.3 Meteorology

Suining City belongs to subtropical moist monsoon climate with features of mild, clear separation of four seasons, plenty of rainfall, longer frost-free period, more fog and clouds, and less sunshine.

The annual average temperature is 17.4℃. The extreme maximum temperature is 39.3℃, and the extreme minimum temperature is -3.8℃. The annual average relative humidity is 80%. The annual average precipitation is 1006.9 mm. The annual maximum precipitation is 1371.4 mm, and the annual minimum precipitation is 736.7 mm. The annual average evaporation is 967.4 mm. The annual average sunshine time is 1306.9 ~ 1471.8 hours. The average atmospheric pressure is 970.9 ~ 981.3 Pa. The annual average wind speed is 0.6 ~ 1.8 m/s. The maximum wind speed is 18 m/s. The predominate wind direction is N (19%), and the annual average calm frequency is 68%.

3.1.4 Waters Surface water

Suining City has 46 creeks and rivers, interleaving everywhere. Xining District has rivers: Guangjiyan River, Nanbeiyan River and Fujiang River. Fujiang River originates from Shanheyi on the southern side of Ming Mountain, is 670km long with acreage of catchments 34600km2 , runs from Xiangshan of Shexing County, through the center of Suining urban area, to Shanxing Town and out of Suining to join in Jialingjiang River. Within Suining City, the running distance of Fujiang River is 176km, its rain-gathering acreage is 3953km2 , year flux 14.925billion m3, average ratio of river way dropping 0.54‰, river width 80-200m with narrowest width about 40m, the maximum flood peak flowrate 9960 m3 /second, the average flowrate 128.5 m3 /s, and the minimum flowrate 60 m3 /s.

Nanbeiyan River is a canal which is a water diversion channel of Xiobaita Power Plant at Longfeng. It originates from the Huangniantuo of Fujiang River. Its total length is 26.6km, and 18 m of fall. The maximum flowrate 151 m3/s, its minimum flowrate 70 m3/s, the design velocity is 0.9 m3/s, maximum velocity 1.15 m3/s, ratio of water level change about 0.7, average water level above city zone about 2m. The water quality is good and is the source of drinking water of Suining City.

Guangjiyan River is an upstream canal of Fujiang River, the main surface water running through Xining District, and its main function is irrigation. Because Nanbeiyan River as the water source conservation area of Suining City, Guangjiyan River does not run into but under through Nanbeiyan River to join in Fujiang River. Within Suining City, Fujiang River is mainly used for industry, agriculture, irrigation, hydropower station, navigation and flood discharge. Groundwater

Within the city zone, groundwater is mainly Fujiang River plain loose-rock small opening underwater type and red layer hill original rock cranny water type.

Fujiang River plain lose-rock small opening underwater is mainly distributed along the first grade terrain and flood plain. Water source mainly comes from rainwater, rivers and filtering water from rice paddy, gathering within the Forth loose layer in the form of small opening water. The groundwater’s burial depth is 3~5m, the extent of water level change 1~3m, waterpower grade 0.3%. Movement of groundwater is mainly vertical to rivers and slightly downward. Generally speaking, groundwater supplies the water of Fujiang River, and the water close to riverbank of Fujiang River is also the supply of groundwater. The volume of a single well on Fujiang River plain is 100~150m3/d, and that of a well near riverbank 2800m3/d.

Red layer hill original rock cranny water is distributed around within the city hilly zones: Zhongtongshaxi Group, Suining Group and Shangtongpenglai Town Group on Jurassic system. The major supply of ground water is rainwater and they are stored in reticulation cranny of air slake belt, constitution cranny and eroded cranny of leached belt. From the angle of groundwater distribution, the eastern zone of Fujiang River is rich in groundwater, while the western zone poor. Because of the flatness of layers within city zone, with terrace obliquity 1~5degree, bits and pieces of water bearing layers, the surface water easily flow away and hardly gather underground and so the volume of groundwater is usually a little. Influenced by rainfall, the volume of groundwater changes greatly from season to season. In flood season, there is a great amount of groundwater; in dry season, a lot of wells and springs dry up. The burial depth of groundwater in eastern zone of the city is 20~30m, that of western zone 10~20m. The largest volume of a single well is 50~100m3/d, the smallest volume 10~50m3/d.

3.1.5 Vegetation and Others

From the angel of geographical location and climate condition in Suining City, the original vegetation belongs to sub-tropical evergreen broad-leave forest. Because of agriculture development, the original vegetation was replaced by capacious crop vegetation, with spotted small manmade woods, trees around houses, bushes, grassy slopes and stony wasteland.

The type of vegetation within city zone is very simple. Woods are often mainly made up by evergreen cypresses, with simple structure, and clear layers i.e. arbor layer, bush layer, and grass layer. Arbors including thistles and thorns, Coriaria sinica, thorn pear, lespedeza, transplant seedlings and so on; grass layer includes pachyrhizus vines, wild cotton, dandelion, cogon, blond hair grass, cotton grass, Kongyi grass, yellow congongrass, centipede grass, Dallis grass, dog-tail grass, thin stem grass, Iridaceae and so on.

The construction zone of this project is mainly farmland vegetation, spotted trees around houses and some bushes. No precious or protected plants were found distributed within the zone possibly influenced by project construction.

3.1.6 Natural Resources Mines

Suining City is short of metal mines and rich in non-metal mines. Exploited and used mines are bittern, sand gold, shale, sandstone and so on. Bittern is one of the important mines within the city, is distributing in Penglai, Guihua, Paosheng and other places. Only in Penglai Town, bittern storage reaches 4.24 billion ton, 0.848 billion ton available for exploitation, which contains salt more than 70 million ton, and provides material for salt and salt industries. The storage of purple shale and pottery clay and sandstone is rich and used as the material of decoration brick and ceramic tile production.

2. Energy sources

Suining City has certain energy sources, which mainly are oil and gas. Moxi Gas Field has been proved up to have an acreage of 120km2, gas storage 25billion 120km2; in Penglai, Guihua and Jinhua, oil layers have been discovered and are lies in the Jurassic system layers of Daanzai Group and Secondary Alternated System layers of Xiangxiqun, Leitianjin Group, Jialinjiang Group and other places, and they are mainly gas fields. Huayingshan is rich in coal and has coal storage 18million ton. Waterpower storage is 0.5424million kilowatt. Biological energy ----sewage gas exploitation has great potentials.

3.2 Socio-environment Environment

3.2.1 Division of Administration and Population

January 5th of 1950 saw the foundation of People’s Government of Suining County. January 13th saw the establishment of Commissioner Office of Suining Sub-area and Chengguan Town was the location of both the office and government. On February 8th, 1985, the State Council authorized to remove county and establish a municipality to govern the city proper and Shehong County, Pengxi County and Daying County.

Suining City lies in the middle of Sichuan Basin, with a width of from east to west, length from south to north 52km and total acreage 1873.31km2

Suining City governs 21 towns, 13 small towns and 5 street offices. The middle area of Suining City is the location of the city government, and is the political, cultural and economical center of Suining City.

According to statistics, in the year 2002, the total population of Suining City is 1.432 million, including non-peasant 0.271 million, account for 18.9% of the total population. The population density is 764 person/km2.

3.2.2 Socio-economy

The total domestic output value of Suining City in year 2002 is RMB 14.062 billion, including first industry added value RMB 4.449 billion, second industry added value RMB 4.797 billion, third industry added value RMB 4.816 billion and local fiscal income RMB 0.408 billion.

3.2.3 Agriculture Output

The total domestic output value of the urban center of Suining City in the year 2002 is RMB 5814.55 million, including first industry RMB 1908.24 million, and third industry RMB 1889.63 million and its agriculture total output value is RMB 2982.66 million, peasants average income RMB 2116, total acreage of planted farmland 153326 ha, total crop output 153326 ton with crop unit output 5220 kg/ha, total cotton output 3149 tons with unit output 903 kg/he, total oil plants output 52834 tons, total fruits output 13525 tons, total aquatic products output 9860 tons, total amount of live pig in the end of the year 910 000 heads, cattle 1 heads, sheep 129 000 heads, and poultry 8.67 million.

The crop vegetation planted on farmland includes graminaceous plants, such as rice, wheat, corn, jowar, sugar cane; and convolvulaceous plants such as sweet potato; leguminous plants such as soybean, peanut, horsebean, pea, mung bean, cowpea, navy bean, haricot bean; cruciferous plants such as cole, radish; malvaceous plants such as cotton; jute and solanacous plant such as tobacco. Stockbreeding mainly includes family pig feeding, and other avocations include seiciculture, apiculture and so on.

3.2.4 Industrial Production

Textile, food, machinery industries are the support of Suining City’s industry, together with electronics, chemical, and leather industries to form a light industry system. According to statistics, within the urban area of Suining City there is a state-owned enterprise, with total output value of RMB 2.53 million in 2002, 99 collective enterprises with total output value of RMB 340.55 million, and 521 private enterprises with output value RMB 1697.89 million.

3.2.5 Traffic

Suining City lies in the middle of Sichuan Basin, and is an important hinge place of traffic. After the operation of Chengda Railway and Chengnan Highway, the traffic condition of Suining City has been greatly improved. Through railway, one now could reach Chengdu, Nanchong City, and Dazhou City. By highway, one now could reach Mianyang City, Chengdu, Chongqing and so on.

Suining City at present has 30.67 km roads, with an area of 750,400 m3 acreage and 2.5m2/person, occupying 10% of the land of the city, and the density of road network is 4 km/km2(figures above includes only over 10m long road of old urban city). Compared with the national standard of roads and roads of other cities, Suining City’s roads are still in low level, needing more construction. Within the whole city, only Suizhou Road can be taken as a main artery with 40m wide redline, 7 km long from north to south, shoulders almost all traffic flow of the city. So traffic jam happens frequently and restricts the development of the northern district of the city.

3.2.6 Education and Public Health

Suining City has 93 cultural centers and stations, 2 art performance troupes, 4 libraries, 213 medical and health organizations with 6071 sickbed, 523 people per sickbed, 5679 health technicians, 2360 primary schools, 133 middle schools, and one teacher’s training college.

3.2.7 Tourism and Protection of Cultural Relics

Suining City has picturesque mountains, lots of places of interest and historical site. It was ever famous for “ Suining Eight Spots” and “ Suining Twelve Spots”. There are protected sites of provincial importance, such as Lingquan Temple and Lingquan Scenic Spot, and tourist places such as Qi Mountain, Heming Mountain, Qi Mountain Academy of Classic Learning; tumulus such as Dengzhi’s Grave; old architectures such as Baifu Court, Bilu Temple; stone inscriptions such as Shifougou Statues of Tang Dynasty. The main historical site of Xining District is Guangde Temple in the middle and northern part of the district. The shortest distance between the temple and the designed road is 70m and there is Guangjiyan River between them.

3.3 Xining District

3.3.1 Survey of Social and natural environment of Suining District

Xining District is one of the economic and technological development zone of Suining City. It lies in the northwest of Suining City, west to Yueshanpo, east to Nanbeiyan River, north to First Water Factory of Suining City, south to Taohua Mountain, with a total area of 3.51 km2, and a population of 42000. As part of the economic and technological development zone of Suining City, its function is mainly to develop tourism, secondly to develop industry and goods transportation, and thirdly to afford people’s residency.

The main rivers in Xining District are Guangjiyan River, Nanbeiyan River and Fujiang River. Guangjiyan River is an upstream canal of Fujiang River, and its main function is irrigation.

Nanbeiyan River is a canal which is a water diversion channel of Xiobaita Power Plant at Longfeng. The water quality is good and is the drinking water source water of Suining City. The vegetation in this district is mainly farmland vegetation with spotted trees around houses and spotted bushes, but without precious preserved plants discovered.

The major large enterprises in this district are Chuanzhong Oil and Gas Company and Keweida Company. Industries are most dispersed, such as a plant oil factory near Nanya Temple, a fertilizer factory and a pencil factory along Juxian Road, Chuanzhong oil mining area and an oil machine-mending factory within the area of Liutongba. In short, the industries in this district have no sordid basis, but only out of date buildings and facilities, and a small scale.

The residency lands of this district are the dormitory area in the eastern side of Chuanzhong Oil and Gas Company, with 6 to 7 storey resident buildings that have a certain facilities, resident lands with insufficient facilities dispersed in countryside and towns. This district has one middle school, 3 primary schools and a kindergarten and all are in small scale and have poor facilities. There is a branch station of the police office and no playground for residents.

The acreage ratio of road in Xining District is low. There is east-to-west Juxian Road, connecting Xining District and central area of Suining City in the east and reaching Daanju Town in the west. The Sui-yu Railway goes through the middle area of this district from north to south elevated all the way. There is South Train Station of Suining under construction.

3.3.2 The Present Situation of Land Use in Xining District

At present, the lands for city construction and for village and town construction are intermixed together. The land occupied by city construction is 26.51 ha, 6.3% of the total used land. The land occupied by village and town construction is 324.87 ha, 92.45% of the total used land. The statistic of overall situation of land occupation of Xining District is in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Statistics of Land Occupation of Xining District

|No. |Code|Names of land occupation |Area |Proportion in |Proportion in |Remark |

| | | | |construction |total land (%) | |

| | | | |land(%) | | |

|1 |R |Second type land for residency(R21) |2.30 |4.04 |15.2 |1.15 |—— |

| | |Land for public facilities(R22) |1.74 | | | | |

|2 |C |Land for broadcast and TV(C33) |0.51 |1.07 |4.0 |0.30 |—— |

| | |Land for education and scientific research(C6 |0.56 | | | | |

| | |) | | | | | |

|3 |M |Second type land for industry(M2) |2.20 |14.86 |56.1 |4.23 |—— |

| | |Third type land for industry(M3) |12.66 | | | | |

|4 |W |Land for storage(W1) |1.68 |1.68 |6.4 |0.48 |—— |

|5 |U |Land for water supply(U11) |0.91 |4.10 |15.5 |1.17 |—— |

| | |Land for post and telecommunications |0.72 | | | | |

| | |facilities(U3) | | | | | |

| | |Land for funeral and interment facilities(U6)|2.47 | | | | |

|6 |D |Land for military use (D1) |0.76 |0.76 |2.8 |0.22 | |

|Sub- |Land for city construction |26.51 |100 |7.55 |—— |

|total | | | | | |

| |Land for water area and others(E) |324.87 |—— |92.45 |—— |

|Total |Total planned land |351.38 |—— |100 |—— |

3.4 Local Planning of Xining District

3.4.1 Functional Orientation of Xining District

According to Master Plan (or Overall Planning) of Suining City(2000~2020), there will be 8 areas: the old urban area as the center of administration, business and trade, finance, and information; Qujiaogou as the gate of traffic and storage, West Mountain as the area for junior colleges and tourism; Liutongba as the area of traffic gate, business and trade, residency, and industry; Nanba as a industry area, Yongxing as a traffic gate, business and trade, residency, and industry; Dongba as the center of the city administration, business and trade, finance, art and sports; Renli as a industry area. Xining District is included in Liutongba Division, which neighbors West Mountain and meets Nanba in the east. According to Controlled Detail Programming of Xining District of Suining City, the major function of Xining District is tourist service and entertainment, basic function residency, supplementary function goods transportation and storage.

3.4.2 Land Use Plan of Xining District

This plan employs division distribution, with mountains, sights and green belts as natural dividing lines. Planned land is divided into 3 areas and 6 divisions. Eastern area from Nanbeiyan River to Guangjiyan River includes two divisions; middle area from Guanjiyan River to Sui-yu Railway includes two divisions; western area from Sui-yu Railway westward includes two divisions. The population of the programmed area is 4200. The figures of programmed lands in Xining District are in Table 3-2. The distribution of Planned land is in attached table 5. The total planning of land use is in attached table 6.

Table 3-2 Statistics of Planned Lands in Xining District of Suining City

|No |Code |Names for land use |Area (hectare) |proportion(%) |Area per person |Remark |

| | | | | |(m2/person) | |

|1 |R |Second type land for |86.94 |125.28 |69.39 |

| | |residency (R21)| | | |

| |Water area and land for other use |14.50 | | |—— |

| |(E) | | | | |

|Total |Total Land for programming |351.38 | | |—— |

Note: The total population of the programmed district is 42000.

3.4.3 Road Plan of Xining District

According to the overall plan, the city is designed to be made up of two districts and seven industrial groups. The structure of city transportation and strategies concerning its development should be designed in accordance with the nature and function of industrial groups. In line with rules, the road will be composed of two horizontal and two vertical roads.

The two horizontal roads are: the east-to-west artery in the north, which crosses the downtown area and links the old city in the east and the new development zone in the west. In consideration of linking the overall road network and saving cost, the road will connect the old city through riverbank and a park bridge. In light with the plan, the park bridge will be widened by 30 meters in order to avoid traffic jam. The east-to-west artery in the south is a comprehensive key artery, which extends westward from East Kaishan Road to Xining District. It links former Juxian Road in the west and then the outer ring road of the city, and finally reaches the exit of Anju Town.

The two vertical roads are: a south-to-north landscape avenue will be built in the center of the district, which will extends from the logistic service section to the South Train Station, and links the 318 National Highway. The south-to-north road in the west of Xining district is an urban outer ring road. After expansion of the city, it will divert the traffic of the key artery to Suizhou Road. Therefore, the ring road will extend to 318 National Highway in the south, the North Train Station and the entrance of Chengnan Highway in the north.

Land use in the district will concentrate on the construction of arteries or sub-arties. The road network will have checked or free design. The road construction strategy of this project is consistent with that of Xining District.

3.4.4 Drainage Plan in Xining District Drainage system

In line with the requirement of high starting point and standard, and the overall plan of Suining City, the district will adopt a system of splitting the flow of wastewater and rainwater. Individual pipes will be used for them. Rainwater will be directly discharged into the river nearby. However, wastewater will be pumped to a drainage plant for treatment and then discharged into river. Sewer system

Intercepting sewers will be arranged east-to-west along the key artery. Wastewater will be piped to a drainage pump station, which is located at a delta area formed by Nanbeiyan River, Guangjiyan River and a 40m trunk road. Then wastewater will be pumped eastward to a proposed WwTP in Nanba Industrial Area. The pump station is designed to have a treatment capacity of 20 000m3/d. Stormwater drains system

Flood intercepting ditches and drains will be adopted to receive and discharge stormwater.

Taking the topography into consideration, intercepting ditches will be built in the outskirts and around the programmed area to intercept floods and guarantee safety.

Inside the area, drains will be laid along the road to discharge stormwater into Guangjiyan River.



4.1 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of

Existing Surface Water Quality

4.1.1 Environmental Monitoring on Surface Water Quality Monitoring cross-sections

Guangjiyan River and Fujiang River are the main rivers related to the assessment of the project. According to the requirement of TOR for the EA, two cross-sections will be set in Guangjiyan River to collect data of water quality, while data of Fujiang River will be got from data of regular monitoring available. The cross-sections are given in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Monitoring Cross-sections of Two Rivers

|No. |Name of cross-section |Name of river |

|1 |Entrance to Xining District where it merges to Quhe River |Guangjiyan |

|2 |50 m before cross (beneath) Nanbeiyan River |Guangjiyan |

|3 |Laoci (data of November, 2004) |Fujiang | Monitoring parameters

The monitoring parameters or items are: water temperature, pH, COD, BOD5, DO, SS, petroleum & derivatives, NH3-N, Ar-OH (volatile phenols), totally 8 items. Timing and frequency of sampling, and method of analysis

The monitoring period is July 14 ~ 18, 2005. The monitoring lasted 3 days, and one time per day. Technical Specification for Surface Water and Wastewater Monitoring, HJ/T91-2002 was used for monitoring and analyze. Monitoring results

Suining Environmental Monitoring Station was entrusted to conduct the monitoring. The monitoring results are given in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Surface Water Monitoring Results

|Cross- |Date |petroleum & |SS |pH |DO |CODCr |BOD5 |

|section | |derivatives | | | | | |

|Limit value |6~9 |≤20 |≤4 |≥5 |≤1.0 |≤0.05 |≤0.005 |

|(mg/L) | | | | | | | |

Unit: mg/L (excluding pH) Assessment method

In order to show the existing water quality, and evaluate whether water pollutants exceed the standard or not, the method of mono-index assessment is adopted , its is given by



Pi — mono-index value;

Ci — measured concentration value of pollutant i (mg/L);

Csi — assessment standard value of pollutant i (mg/L).

For pH, the calculation equation is


[pic] (pHi>7)


pHj— measured pH value;

pHsd— minimum value of the assessment standard;

pHsu— maximum value of the assessment standard.

For DO, For pH, the calculation equation is


where PDO — mono-index value of DO;

Os — Saturated dissolved oxygen concentration at certain water

temperature and air pressure (mg/L);The calculation equation

is:Os=468/(31.6+T), T is the water temperature (℃);

DOi— measured value of DO (mg/L);

DOsi— limit value of DO of assessment standard (mg/L). Analysis of assessment results

The assessment results from the calculation by using above-mentioned equations or formulas are given in Table 4-4.

The monitoring results show that at the 3 ricer cross-sections, pH, COD, BOD5, DO, NH3-H, and Ar-OH (volatile phenols) comply with Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002), except P&D (petroleum & derivatives). Petroleum and its derivatives exceed the standard value at the downstream cross-section of Guangjiyan River as well as the cross-section of Fujiang River. It is know from the analysis of monitoring results that the reason of P & D exceeding the standard is due to water pollution of Fujiang River and Guangjiyan River which receive industrial influents from the urban center and Xining District.

Table 4-4 Assessment Results of Surface Water Quality

|Parameter |Category C of Standard |Assessment index Pi |

| | |1# |2# |3# |

|Ar-OH |≤0.005 |0.60 |0.60 |0.60 |

|DO |≥5 |0.36 |0.36 |0.30 |

|COD |≤20 |0.82 |0.82 |0.90 |

|BOD5 |≤4 |0.48 |0.87 |0.52 |

|NH3-H |≤1.0 |0.74 |0.81 |0.97 |

|P&D |≤0.05 |0.97 |1.03 |1.16 |

|pH |6~9 |0.22 |0.31 |0.59 |

4.2 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Air


4.2.1 Environmental Monitoring on Air Quality Monitoring points

According to the requirement of TOR for the EA, 3 air monitoring points are set in the assessment area, see Figure 8 of Annex.

Point 1: Recreation Square of Chuanshan District;

Point 2: Guangde Temple;

Point 3: Chuankuang Monitoring Station at Erjinggou. Monitoring parameters

The monitoring parameters for the environmental assessment are SO2, PM10, TSP, and NO2, totally 4 items. Timing and frequency of monitoring

Suining Environmental Monitoring Station was entrusted to conduct the monitoring in continual 5 days.

Among which 4 times per day for SO2 and NO2

7:00~8:00 11:00~12:00 15:00~16:00 19:00~20:00;

One time for TSP and PM10

07:00~19:00 Assessment analysis

Monitoring and analysis are conducted based on the relevant standards under strict quality control and synchronous meteorological observation. The methods of analysis are given in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5 Analytical Methods for Air Quality

|Parameter |Analytical method |Remarks |

|SO2 |Colorimetry |GB/T15262-94 |

|NO2 |Spectrophotometry |GB15435-95 |

|PM10 |Weight |GB/T15432-95 |

|TSP |Weight |GB/T15432-95 | Monitoring results

Monitoring data provided by Suining Monitoring Station are shown in Table 4-5.

4.2.2 Assessment on Existing Air Environmental Quality Assessment parameters

Four assessment parameters or factors are: SO2, PM10, TSP, and NO2. Assessment standard

The project area belongs to mixing area of residence, commerce, traffic, and culture, and falls into Class B of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) . But Class A of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) is used for Guangde Temple Scenic Area. The limit values of parameters are given in Table 4-7.

Table 4-6 Monitoring Results of Ambient Air Quality (unit: mg/m3)

|Point |Time |TSP |PM10 |NO2 |SO2 |

| |(day) |7:00- | |7:00- |

| | |19:00 |Daily average |19:00 |

|Catgory |A |B |A |B |A |

|Daytime |45.7 |48.2 |51.6 |47.0 |50.9 |

|Nighttime |41.8 |42.1 |43.6 |42.8 |43.8 |

Unit: equivalent sound level LAeq(dB)

4.3.2 Assessment on Existing Acoustic Environmental Quality Assessment standard

Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3095-1993) is used for the assessment in Xining District, while Category D of the Standard is used for the assessment of belt zones at road sides. The limit values of the Standard are given in Table 4-10.

Table 4-10 Limit Values of Urban Regional Noise Standard

|Standard |Equivalent sound level LAeq (dB) |

|Category |daytime |nighttime |

|B |60 |50 |

|D |70 |55 | Assessment method

The comparison between measured values (LAeg) and standard values is used for the assessment. Assessment results and its analysis

It is known from Table 4-9 that noise level of the 5 bmonitoring points can meet the requirement specified by Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3095-1993). That means the local acoustic environment is good.

4.4 Monitoring and Assessment on Existing Environmental Quality of Sediment

4.4.1 Monitoring t on Existing Environmental Quality of Sediment Monitoring points

Three monitoring points are set at the inlet and the outlet of Guangjiyan River in Xining District, and the point 100 m downstream of Chuanzhong Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant. The layout of those points is shown in Figure 8 of Annex. Monitoring parameters

The monitoring parameters for sediment are pH, total Cr, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Hg, totally 6 items. Monitoring results

The monitoring results are shown in Table 4-12.

Table 4-12 Monitoring Results of Sediment

|Point |pH |T-Cr |Pb |Zn |Cu |Hg |

|1# |7.68 |110 |126 |175 |50.1 |0.12 |

|2# |7.73 |141 |143 |198 |52.6 |0.13 |

|3# |7.78 |166 |154 |184 |57.8 |0.11 |

Unit: mg/kg(excluding pH)

4.4.2 Assessment on Existing Environmental Quality of Sediment Assessment standard

Standard for Pollutants Control of Sludge Used for Farming (GB4284-1984) is used to evaluate the contents of heavy metals in river sediment. The limit values of the Standard are given in Table 4-8 below.

Table 4-8 Assessment Standard and Parameters

|Parameter |Maximum allowable value |

| |pH6.5 |

|Cu |250 |500 |

|Zn |500 |1000 |

|Pb |300 |1000 |

|Cr |600 |1000 |

|Hg |5 |15 | Assessment results and analysis

Compared with the standard, Standard for Pollutants Control of Sludge Used for Farming (GB4284-1984), heavy metals of the 3 monitoring points of Guangjiyan River all meet the requirement of the Standard. That means, the sediment of Guangjiyan River has not been polluted by heavy metals.

4.5 Monitoring and Assessment on Existing Environmental Quality of Sediment

The project involves the dredging of Guangjiyan River. The dredged sludge or sediment will be used to greening in Xining District. From the monitoring results, heavy metals of Guangjiyan River comply with the requirement of Standard for Pollutants Control of Sludge Used for Farming (GB4284-1984). But according to the requirement of the W. B., Standard for Identifying Hazardous Substances — Leached Toxicity Identification, GB 5085.3-1996 should be used for analyzing harmful substances in sludge or sediment. Whether the sludge or sediment can be used for greening will be finally decided by the analytical results of GB 5085.3-1996.

Four monitoring points are selected to collect sediment samples. Samples will be analyzed according to GB 5085.3-1996. The 4 points are: 2 cross-sections of water sampling, the third one is located at the Guangjiyan River, 50 m downstream from the Phosphorus Fertilizer Factory, the fourth one is at downstream of the main outlet of domestic wastewater.

As the process of toxicity identification will last a period of time, the analytical results have not been got yet at present. As soon as the results are got, the relevant assessment on sludge or sediment will be done, and the proper disposal methods will be proposed and proved.


5.1 Socio-environment Impact Analysis

5.1.1 Environmental Impact Brought by Local Urbanization

The completion of the proposed project in Xining District will dramatically improve the local traffic condition, speed up the process of urbanization, accelerate the development of third industry, mainly tourism and recreation, and help to form a better environment of inhabitation. But in the meantime, it will also arouse some environmental issues. After the completion of local planning, the population will be up to 52 500 from 42 000 nowadays, and the touring quantity of Guangde Temple Scenic Area will be up to 1000 persons /d. Wastewater and refuse generated from local residents and tourists will put a pressure or stress on the local environment.

Based on surveys, the existing wastewater treatment capacity of Suining City is some 40 000 m3/d, and it will be up to 80 000 m3/d when the expansion project (Phase Two) implementation. Therefore, it is considered that the development of local WwTP can meet the demands of local urbanization. At present, the refuse disposal capacity of sanitary landfill is 200 t/d. It can meet the demands of refuse disposal even if the increase of future residents and tourists through the relevant analysis.

Therefore, problems, which are arisen by the increment of environmental load due to local urbanization and tourism development after the project implementation, can be effectively solved through the planned facilities of wastewater treatment and refuse disposal. So no notable negative impact will occur then.

5.1.2 Impact on Local Land Use

This project will occupy 2331.57 mu of acquisition land, in which 1431.57 mu are in rural area, including 732.99 mu of paddy fields and 698.58 mu of dry land; and 900 mu are industrial area. (1 mu = 1/15 ha, or 1 ha = 15 mu) Land use in rural area is mainly flatland along the line and low hills. Main crops there are rice, wheat, corn and beans. According to statistics, this project will only occupy less than 1% of the land of Suining city. Therefore, it has no obvious impact on agriculture of the area. Moreover, land use of this project belongs to that of the planned urban construction area. Farmland will be turned into urban area when the project is completed. However, the change of situation and function of land is acceptable and unavoidable. It complies with the requirement of land use in Xining District, and will not do harm to the overall land use of the area.

Table 5-1 Land Use for Municipal Administration of Xining District

|Commune |The number of |Amount of land occupation (mu) |

| |household under | |

| |influence | |

| | |Amount of land occupation |Paddy field |Dry land |

|Dabanqiao Village |

|1st Commune |40 |121 |59.48 |61.52 |

|2nd Commune |35 |99 |42.3 |56.7 |

|3rd Commune |42 |120.4 |65.05 |55.35 |

|4th Commune |21 |45.7 |20.9 |24.8 |

|Total |137 |386.1 |187.73 |198.37 |

|Wenxingqiao Residents Committee |

|1stGroup |21 |56.35 |33.68 |22.67 |

|2nd Group |13 |21.2 |10.7 |10.5 |

|Total |34 |77.55 |44.38 |33.17 |

|Yueshan Village |

|1st Commune |14 |61.2 |42 |19.2 |

|2nd Commune |49 |156.29 |75.32 |80.97 |

|4th Commune |27 |73.4 |33.24 |40.16 |

|5th Commune |10 |28.9 |25.4 |3.5 |

|6th Commune |36 |98.75 |73.8 |24.95 |

|7th Commune |13 |27 |23.6 |3.4 |

|8th Commune |5 |12.2 |6.9 |5.3 |

|Total |154 |457.74 |280.26 |177.48 |

|Qiliqiao Residents Committee |

|2nd Commune |14 |30.8 |15.4 |15.4 |

|4th Commune |18 |65.94 |28.13 |37.81 |

|5th Commune |7 |21.54 |8.7 |12.84 |

|Total |39 |118.28 |52.23 |66.05 |

|Bajiaoting Residents Committee |

|2nd Commune |23 |49.1 |10.5 |38.6 |

|3rd Commune |22 |47.3 |36.15 |11.15 |

|Total |45 |96.4 |46.65 |49.75 |

|Yaowan Village, Beigu Town |

|2nd Commune |3 |4 |0.9 |3.1 |

|3rd Commune |12 |25.6 |11.2 |14.4 |

|5th Commune |12 |29 |14.97 |14.03 |

|6th Commune |15 |36.2 |11.9 |24.3 |

|Total |42 |94.8 |38.97 |55.83 |

|Shuangongqiao Village, Xining Town |

|1st Commune |31 |81.9 |1 |80.9 |

|2nd Commune |7 |13.5 |10.2 |3.3 |

|3rd Commune |5 |11.7 |2.5 |9.2 |

|4th Commune |13 |22.5 |19.57 |2.93 |

|5th Commune |21 |49.5 |27.9 |21.6 |

|Total |77 |200.7 |82.77 |117.93 |

|Total of rural land |528 |1431.57 |732.99 |698.58 |

|occupation | | | | |

|Total of industrial land |20 |900 | | |

|occupation | | | | |

|Grand total of and | |2331.57 | | |

|occupation | | | | |

5.1.3 Impact on Living Quality of Relocated People Impact in construction phase

1) Resettlement and its impact on living quality of relocated people

This project will lead 14324 m2 of houses to be demolished, among them 84565 m2 are farmhouses (661m2 are private shops), the rest are industries. The municipal government will arrange resettlement caused by city improvement construction. According to analysis, at present, resettlement work of city construction in medium and large cities of Sichuan Province is successful. Related compensation policies also have been made in these cities. People of land acquisition and resettlement of this project will get compensation according to related policy of Suining City. It will not impact the living quality of relocated people.

2) Impact on residents

The construction work will lead wires for electricity, telecommunication and broadcasting as well as some power transformer built on stilts and pipes to be demolished. However, the demolishment of wires will only cause short-time cut-off of power or communication. It will not exert much impact on production and life. Road construction probably will bring inconvenience to people’s life, learning, traffic or going-out. Noise, dirt and wastewater caused by the spread of pipes may do some harm to the environment along the line as well as people’s living quality.

Drawing an analogous analysis of city construction of the same kind, experts hold that the negative impact on people along the line could be minimized so long as related protective and alleviative measures are adopted, and the impact will be eliminated after construction phase. Impact in operation phase

The operation of this project will improve urban living environment. Residents along the line will be direct beneficiaries; their living standard will be improved. Along with urbanization, the project will bring benefit to more people. In a word, it is helpful in improving living standard of residents there.

5.1.4 Impact on Urban Traffic Impact in construction phase

Construction of this project mainly concentrates on the programmed area of Xining District. During road construction phase, a large number of vehicles will be used. In a time, traffic jam will be caused in nearby area. Moreover, development of this district lags behind other areas, and the distribution of population is not concentrated. Therefore, during construction phase, it is necessary to strengthen the management of building materials and reduce the piling of materials in construction site, to enforce control of vehicles. In this way, it would not do much harm to traffic. Impact in operation phase

After construction, urban traffic will be greatly improved. The project will link industrial groups in Qujiagou and that in Yongxin. It will exert positive impact on the fast development of Xining District, on the improvement of road network. Therefore, it will improve traffic condition of the city.

5.1.5 Impact on Socio-environment

After the completion of roads, bridges and river course involved in the project, city traffic will be improved. It will reduce noise and the discharge of tail gas. The quality of local environment will be improved by comprehensive renovating of river course. In this way, a favorable investing environment will come into being. It will increase the charm and influence of the city; promote economic development of Xining District as well as Suining city

5.1.6 Impact Analysis of People’s Health

The project needs non-native construction labor force. This would cause the spread of contagious diseases, such as dysentery, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis and so on. Moreover, during construction phase, because constant flow of labors as well as their simple condition in the supply of drinking g water, board and living, peptic and respiratory contagious diseases also may become spread in the area.

It is hold that construction units should have the living place of workers sterilized regularly, and conduct checking and protective work regularly in collaboration with local epidemic prevention station. In this way, negative impact on people’s health during construction phase could be minimized.

5.1.7 Impact Analysis of Scenic Spots and Historical Sites

There is no historical sites or precious plants around Xingning Road. As to Xining District, the only one is Guangde Temple, a provincial historical site, located at the outskirts of the middle-north part of the district. The distance between the temple and the road is at least 70m, with Guangjiyan River between them. Therefore, road construction and its later operation would not do harm to the temple and its religious activities or tourism. It is not necessary to adopt protective measures.

5.2 Eco-environmental Impact Analysis

5.2.1 Impact Analysis of Water and Soil Losses Impact analysis in road construction phase

1) Analysis of the cause of water and soil losses

The project of road construction will occupy 2331.57 mu of land (1 mu =1/15 ha, or 1 ha = 15 mu). Previous surface cover will be removed. Meanwhile, the degree of horizontal slope will be controlled within 5%. Filling and digging during construction will cause water and soil losses and aggravate soil erosion.

2) Impact analysis of the balance between the cubic meter of earth and stone as well as soil piling site and material site

Suining city is characteristic of low hills, rising and falling topography. In order to come up to technical standard of improving riverbank and roads, high filling and deep digging is unavoidable. See table 5-2

Table 5-2 Cubic meter of earth and stone in the improvement

Of road base and riverbank in different sections

|Name of road |Length |Cubic meter of earth |

| | |Cubic meter of earth |Cubic meter of earth |

| | |filling (m3) |digging (m3) |

|No.1 |3.41 |93000 |303300 |

|2 |2.99 |102700 |114500 |

|3 |2.33 |44100 |23000 |

|4 |2.0 |19800 |23000 |

|5 |1.71 |29800 |115100 |

|6 |1.14 |12500 |78400 |

|7 |1.57 |16200 |35100 |

|8 |1.26 |26700 |80900 |

|9 |2.33 |63100 |21900 |

|10 |1.17 |10400 |17800 |

|11 |0.66 |3800 |11300 |

|12 |0.35 |2500 |12600 |

|13 |1.1 |4400 |51000 |

|14 |0.31 |7100 |1900 |

|15 |0.82 |8400 |60200 |

|16 |0.35 |4700 |3300 |

|17 |0.34 |6500 |8800 |

|18 |0.43 |34600 |200 |

|19 |0.45 |300 |22800 |

|20 |0.32 |11800 |100 |

|21 |0.22 |2300 |1800 |

|Xingning Road |8.62 |237300 |267200 |

|Embankment renovation |4.73 |217580 |397320 |

|Total | |959580 |1254200 |

From the table we can see, high filling and deep digging in the project are common. There is a large area of permanent slope formed during construction. Water and soil conservation must be concentrated on preventing water and soil losses of roadside slope. Meanwhile, we can see the amount of digging is far more than that of filling. The amount of digging is 1651520 m3,that of filling is, 959580 m3 and of deserting is 691940m3.

Building materials needed in the project are sandy pebbles and stone materials. The former can be fetched from the material site of Fujiang River, which is within a distance of 10km and has a favorable mining condition. However, it is necessary to get the approval of related department and go through formalities. Stone materials can be prepared from the site smoothing project of Xining District and the construction of Xingning Road. It is estimated that the distance is within 5km.

At present, the landscape project of Suining city plans to build 272310 m2 of Greenland and parking lots, 154500 m2 of riverbank Greenland and squires also will be built along Guangjiyan River. Earth produced in the project will be used to fill the low-lying land (about 310,000 m2) involved in the project of municipal administration. Silt produced in the renovation of river course can be recycled for farming or greening. According to preliminary analysis, earth produced in the project can be filled back for use in Xining District. However, earth produced for the time being must be piled in assigned site. Measures of preventing dirt, seeping and soil losses must be adopted in residue site. Residue can be discarded directly in rivers nearby, especially in rain season, in order to avoid water and soil losses. In order to prevent the stirring of dust in dry or windy days, it is necessary to cover the top of residue piles.

According to analysis, if measures can be adopted to conserve water and soil as well as bio-environment, such as building protective slopes, walls, drainage ditches or planting vegetation, water and soil losses can be controlled in those road sections or residue sites.

3) Impact analysis of unfavorable topography

There is no unfavorable terrain in the site of the project. Such disasters would not happen as soft soil, collapse, uneven subsidence of riverbank, unsteadiness of roadside slope and water and soil losses.

4) Detection of water and soil losses

Water and soil losses would happen in construction phase. In light of previous experience, soil erosion would be 3 to 4 times serious than its previous state if conservation measures are adopted during construction, or else it will reach 5 to 10 times.

The formula of detecting new water and soil losses during construction phase is:


where Q - the amount of new water and soil losses (t/a)

E - potential intensity of soil erosion (t/km2.a)

E0- the intensity of soil erosion before construction,i.e. the constant (t/km2.a)

A - the area of water and soil losses (km2)

The road slope of all section of the road is within 10%, so the intensity of soil erosion is calculated to be 3 times of usual state if conservation measures is adopted, or else the number will be 5 times. Moreover, the project will occupy 2331 mu of land. Soil sites and transferring material sites also will be set in different sections, which will occupy 20 mu of land. Therefore, the constant of soil erosion in Suining city will be the constant (E0) of land occupation. See table

5-3 Potential Water and Soil Losses in Construction Phase

|Type |Unit |Amount |

|Area (A) |km2 |1.55 |

|Constant soil erosion before construction E0) |t/km2.a |2300 |

| |Conservation measures |Intensity of soil erosion (E1) |t/km2.a |6900 |

| |adopted | | | |

|Soil erosion in | |New increase of soil erosion during |t/a |7130 |

|construction phase | |construction phase (Q1) | | |

| |No conservation |Intensity of soil erosion (E2) |t/km2.a |11500 |

| |measures adopted | | | |

| | |New increase of soil erosion during |t/a |14260 |

| | |construction phase (Q2) | | |

From Table 5-3, we can see, there is an annual increase of 14,200 tons of water and soil losses if conservation measures are adopted during construction phase. The intensity of erosion upgrades from ordinary to a severe situation. However, if conservation measures are adopted, the annual increase of losses is only 7130 tons, the intensity only upgrades from ordinary to a little high. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt measures to check water and soil losses. According to analysis, annual losses will be obviously reduced if construction is conducted in line with related technical standard, conservation measures is adopted and management is enhanced. In this way, negative impact on environment and hidden danger of the project could be alleviated or eliminated. Impact analysis of operation phase

According to plan, ditches will be digged along road base in sections where digging has been conducted. The amount of digging and filling in those sections will be higher than that of the road with a height of three meters. The diamond frame of side slope will play a protective role; also vegetation will be planted in them. Road surface will be covered with asphalt and its side slope will be protected. Greenbelt also will be planted along the road and its side slope. Therefore, after being put into operation, soil erosion temporarily aggravated during construction will gradually get recovery or improvement.

After the embankment is completed, the previous topography will be changed. This will influence the distribution of water. However, sections or the distance between embankments will be set according to related standard to prevent floods. To sum up, water and soil losses in the area will be alleviated during operation phase.

5.2.2 Impact on Bio-diversity Impact on bio-diversity in construction phase

Activities of construction workers and noises of building machines may disturb the living environment of field wild animals. Construction work will also bring harm to plants and crops along the road or along construction sites. According to analysis, the area along the line has been intensively developed; therefore it has a low level of bio-diversity. There are no definite precious plants needing special protection. Moreover, the construction will not last long. After completion, damaged plants will be recovered or replanted. Therefore, the construction work will not exert much serious impact on upland bio-environment.

In a word, the construction will have little negative impact on bio-environment and bio-diversity. Impact on bio-diversity in operation phase

The completion of road and embankment will not split the previous field bio-environment; will not influence the living, hunting for food, reproduction and transmitting of messages of those wild animals. Meanwhile, the greening project conducted later will increase the habitat of wild animals. Moreover, the increasing change of certain part of bio-system will have positive impact on bio-diversity.

To summarize, the construction area is in the near suburb of the city, which has a high frequency of human activity. The existing structure of bio-system is basically consistent with human activities. Therefore, there is no obvious negative impact on bio-environment and bio-diversity in construction phase.

5.3 Water Environmental Impact Analysis

5.3.1 Impact on Water Environment in Construction Phase Impact analysis of embankment construction

A large amount of silt or sludge, magma and waste residue will be produced in embankment construction. If directly deserted into river or flood passage without treatment, they will block riverbed and disturb the water. Oil also will be used to run building machines during construction. Oil leaking or random discharge of waste oil into water would also bring pollution to environment. Moreover, water would also be polluted by solid waste residue discarded in it.

It is required that strict measures and management be adopted during embankment construction, especially through signing contract and supervising to check the discarding of waste residue or the discharge of waste oil. Impact analysis of wastewater produced in construction encampments

During construction, workers are concentrated in construction sites; therefore, living wastewater will be produced. The number of workers needed is related to the scale of construction, the number of machine and season. Drawing an analogous comparison with other projects, it is estimated that 5 encampments will be set, with 500 workers in each site. 50m3 of living wastewater will be produced per day according to the standard of 0.1 m3/d per person.

Similarly, 100m3/d of production wastewater will be produced according to the standard of 20m3/d per construction sites. See detail in

Table 5-4 Wastewaters Produced from Construction Encampments

|Item |SS (mg/L) |CODCr (mg/L) |BOD5 (mg/L) |Petroleum & |Quantity (mg/L) |

| | | | |derivatives (mg/L) | |

|Living wastewater|100~350 |250~1000 |110~400 |10~50 |28 |

|Production |1000~3000 |150 |40 |20~30 |80 |

|wastewater | | | | | |

From the table above we can see, the parameters of CODCr, petroleum & derivatives and SS of the two types of wastewater exceed the values specified by Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). They will bring pollution to water body nearby if discharged without treatment.

It is required that measures be adopted to treat the two types of wastewater individually. As to living wastewater, it can be treated in pits and then used for irrigation. As to production wastewater, it can be recycled through precipitating or removing oil to avoid direct discharge.

The impact on water environment would not be obvious if protective measures are adopted in construction phase.

5.3.2 Impact on Water Environment in Operation Phase

After the project completion, Xining District will have a separate drainage system, that is, stormwater is collected by drains and sewage is intercepted by sewers, each has its individual system. Stormwater flows to the river nearby, while sewage flows to the WwTP through sewers, and then discharge to the river after complying the relevant standard. The project components themselves (road construction, drainage pipe construction and river channel rehabilitation) do not have any impact on water environment. So in operation phase, the major consideration is whether the capacity of WwTP is suitable or not.

The wastewater quantity forecast of Xining District is 16 400 m3/d. Sewage will flows

eastwards to the WwTP at Nanba Industrial Park through a pump station. The sewage pump station has a design capacity of 20 000 m3/d which can meets the demands of sewage flow.

At present, Nanba WwTP has a sewage load of 30 000 m3/d. It will increase to 80 000 m3/d after the implementation of Phase II project. Although the completion of the proposed project of roads and drainage works will speed up the local development, the existing Nanba WwTP can still meet the demands of sewage treatment in a relative long period because the development in Xining District will have a step-by-step process of construction.

5.4 Air Environmental Impact Analysis

5.4.1 Impact Analysis of Air Environment in Construction Phase Analysis of pollution sources

It is not necessary to set specific asphalt extracting sites in road and bridge construction phase. Asphalt used in construction can be bought from a factory in the industrial area’ road maintenance section of southern Suining city. Therefore, the main sources of air pollution are dust and tail gas discharged from building machines driven by internal combustion engine. Dust mainly comes from the stirring of concrete, materials scattered during transporting of building materials, earth and stones as well as flying dust stirred from earth surface or the spreading of road face. According to the analysis of results got from monitoring, the most obvious impact on environment is from the flying dust produced in construction phase. Impact analyses

Dust stirred by vehicles on the unpaved road will generate serious pollution. Flying dust has a small diameter of 10 to 20(m. According to analogous analysis, 8% of the dust on unpaved road surface has a diameter less than 5(m, 24% of them have a diameter of 4 to 30(m, and 68% of them have a diameter larger than 30 (m. therefore, dust is easy to be stirred on roads under construction. See Table 5-5

Table 5-5 TSP Results from Monitoring in Construction Sites

|Analogous comparison |Wind speed |Place of monitoring |Density |Class B of Standard GB 3095-1996) |

| |(m/s) |(m) |(mg/m3) | |

|Transporting of lime or |2.3 |50 |11.02 |Exceed 35.7 times |

|powder materials | | | | |

| | |150 |5.01 |Exceed 15.7 times |

|Storage site of lime or | |50 |8.96 |Exceed 28.8 times |

|powder materials | | | | |

| |1.2 |100 |1.65 |Exceed 4.50 times |

| | |150 |1.0 |Exceed 2.8 times |

|Mixing lime and earth |1.2 |50 |1.0 |Exceed 2.8 times |

|along the lines | | | | |

| | |150 |0.271 |Normal |

|Mixing lime and earth |1.5 |100 |2.00 |Exceed 5.7 times |

|along the lines | | | | |

| | |150 |0.81 |Exceed 1.7 times |

We can see from TSP results got form monitoring in construction site, a 50m area from leeward to the road mouth will under the influence of dust. The density of TSP will fall sharply outside the area.

In a word, the construction will exert certain impact on air environment around the site. But the impact could be reduced to a degree the environment can endure as long as carrying out environmental monitoring, supplementing the rules of dust preventing and perfecting contract system. It is also necessary to put strategies of environmental management and project complementing into practice, especially in choosing proper address, carrying out dust preventing and removing, arranging transporting line reasonably, and so on.

5.4.2 Impact Assessment of Air Environment in Operation Phase

The main source of pollution in operation phase comes from tail gas discharged from vehicles. Pollution will increase along with the increase flow of motor vehicles. Pollutants from tail gas mainly are CO, CH, NOx. This project will take CO and NO2 into consideration. Forecast model

1-hour Average Concentration

When an automobile runs on a straight and plane highway, its exhaust can be considered as the dispersion of an equivalent linear source. Therefore, Gauss point source dispersion equation can be used to calculate the concentration of air pollutants.

[pic] (5-1)


C (x,y) — Concentration of a pollutant at the point (x,y) (mg/m3);

qadL — Emission intensity at dL, i.e. equivalent intensity of point source (mg/s);

qa — Emission intensity of linear source (mg/m·s);

Uh — Wind velocity at the Effective emission height of automobile on highway (m/s);

(y、(z— Horizontal dispersion coefficient, and vertical dispersion coefficient (m);

L — Length of linear source (m).

In the equation, it is necessary to solve the problem of influence by the angle between the wind direction and the linear source.

(1) The wind direction is perpendicular to the linear source.

Figure 5-? Wind direction perpendicular to linear source



When y0((, the concentration equation of infinite linear source is got as below

[pic] (5-2)

(2) The wind direction is parallel to the linear source.

Figure 5-??? Wind direction parallel to the linear source

In Figure 5-???, if taking x axle as the direction of the linear source,


When (z/(y = B (constant) and (y = az, get


When the linear is infinite long, x0((, then get

[pic] (5-3)

where:r1 = (y2 + H2/B2)1/2

[pic] (error function).

(3) Arbitrary angle between the wind direction and the linear source

When the angle between the wind direction and the linear source is arbitrary, the simple internal insert method can be used to calculate the concentration.

C(r, () = sin2(Cx + cos2(Cy (5-4)

where:Cx、Cy— pollutant concentration when the wind direction is perpendicular or parallel to the linear source (mg/m3);

(— angle between the wind direction and the linear source;

r— angle between receptors and the direction of linear source

Daily Average Concentration

[pic] (5-5)

where:[pic]— daily average concentration in typical day (mg/m3);

Chi— 1-hour average concentration in the first hour of typical day (mg/m3) Parameters selection

(1) Vehicle exhaust pollutants

By calculation, the traffic flow on various classes of road in rush hour is as follows. Based on the analogy survey & the design data, the traffic flow for light, medium and heavy vehicle is around 10:3.5:2.5.

Table 5-6 Traffic Flow on Different Roads (unit: vehicle/h)

|Road |Vehicle type |2009 |2019 |2029 |

| | |Daytime |Nighttime |Daytime |Nighttime |Daytime |Nighttime |

|Trunk road |Light |1248 |277 |1734 |386 |2140 |476 |

| |Medium |437 |97 |607 |134 |749 |165 |

| |Heavy |312 |68 |433 |95 |535 |118 |

| |Total |1997 |442 |2774 |615 |3425 |759 |

|Sub-trunk road |Light |820 |183 |1139 |254 |1406 |309 |

| |Medium |287 |64 |399 |88 |492 |108 |

| |Heavy |205 |44 |285 |63 |352 |77 |

| |Total |1312 |292 |1823 |405 |2250 |494 |

|Branch road |Light |198 |44 |274 |60 |338 |74 |

| |Medium |69 |15 |96 |21 |118 |26 |

| |Heavy |49 |11 |69 |15 |85 |19 |

| |Total |316 |70 |439 |96 |541 |119 |

a. Calculating formula

[pic] (5-6)

where Qj — the pollutant amount discharged on a certain length of road, i.e. pollutant quantity (mg/m)

Aj — traffic flow of a kind of vehicle (Vehicle/Hr)

Kij — the pollutant amount per meter of a kind of vehicle. (mg/m);

K(I — upgrading index for a kind of vehicle.

K((j — depreciating index for a kind of vehicle.

n — Vehicle types.

b. Exhaust emission rate

By forecasting traffic in 2009,2019, 2029 (see Table 5-6 above), we worked out an estimated exhaust emission rate as table 5-7.

Table 5-7 Vehicle exhaust discharge rate (unit: mg/vehicle.m)

|Section |Trunk road |Sub-trunk road |Branch road |

| | | | |

|Year contaminant | | | |

|2009 |CO |30.05 |18.73 |4.7 |

| |NOx |1.96 |1.20 |0.33 |

|2019 |CO |41.3 |27.14 |6.53 |

| |NOx |2.72 |1.79 |0.43 |

|2029 |CO |51 |33.5 |8.01 |

| |NOx |3.36 |2.21 |0.53 |

(2) Dispersion parameters

Resulting from traffic flow, the tail gas is both in vertical and horizontal dispersion; the air can hardly effect the dispersion. Yet traffic disturbance weakens as the gas becomes far away from the road. Thus the actual vertical and horizontal dispersion parameters 0z, 0y should take traffic flow disturbance and environmental impact into consideration. OZ, OY can be calculated by formula below.



where (za — vertical dispersion parameters caused by environmental impact.

(ya — horizontal dispersion parameters caused by environmental impact.

(z0 — vertical dispersion parameters caused by traffic flow

(y0 — horizontal dispersion parameters caused traffic flow.

(3) Wind speed

Wind speed Uh observed from a wire system concerns with not only the alignment height of vehicle and road structure, but also with road traffic. If adopting the 10m-high wind speed got from weather observatory, it must be changed into the speed got from an effective height of 300m and complies with Schmit theory.

Uh = U10 (h/10) p + u0

where Uh — revised wind speed observed by the wire system (m/s);

U10 — the average wind speed at a height of 10m on local observatory (m/s);

H — valid discharging source height (m);

P — verified wind speed index.

U0 —verified wind speed value caused by traffic flowing and discharging (m/s).

(4) The height of mixed layer

Discontinuous air current will arise between the upper and lower layer inside the atmosphere-bounding layer under both thermo and dynamic pressure, which then leads to the generation of mixed layer. The deeper of the mixed layer, the lower the ground gas density. The depth of the mixed layer is fixed according to The Technical Method of Formulating Local Air Pollutant Discharging Standard. Forecasting result

We give a conservative calculation of contaminant density on the road based on maximum traffic flow in 2029. If the calculation meets the criterion, so do the other road sections besides rush hour. So we get the density value of CO, NO2 at different surrounding sites. See below Table 5-8 to 5-10.

Table 5-8 CO Forecast in 2029 (unit:mg/m3)

|Distance |10 |20 |30 |40 |

|Air | | | | |

|steadiness| | | | |

| | | |10(m) |

| | | |2009 |2019 |2029 |

| | |

|Alternative 1 |1. Using division layout, taking the advantage of the mountain, and so producing small earthwork and |

|(recommended) |causing little alternation of the natural environment; |

| |2. Traffic route takes the advantage of the physiognomy, avoiding tunnel digging and reducing cost; |

| |3. This plan emphases the supplementing between tourism exploitation and district construction, and |

| |gives prominence to tourism culture. |

|Alternative 2 |1. Using “ two horizontals, one vertical” as the road frame of the district; |

|(comparison) |2.”Two horizontals” includes one road trough the tunnel from the Park Bridge to the centre of the new|

| |district, and turning westward, and another road from Kaishan Road, bridging the northern and |

| |southern river embankments, to connect the old roads; |

| |3. The first road is the important passage connecting the district centre and the old urban area, and|

| |is closely related to the development of this district. |

According to analysis, the alternative plan, which adopts the tunnel connecting Park Bridge and the center of the new district, will cover shorter road distance, but increase about 57 000 m3 earthwork and cost of about RMB 20 million. According to analysis, the alternative plan needs dealing with a great amount of earth, and goes against the balance of earthwork of the whole project. What’s more, according to the alternative plan, the new road connecting the old urban area will be in the protected area of Guangde Temple. After construction, the trunk road of the district will be near the gate of Guangde Temple, and so bring negative impact to the temple. Thus, if adopting the alternative plan, the view will be unsatisfactory from ecological esthetics point of view. According to the recommended plan, the No.4 Road of Xining District will be archaized street. Along the street, native trees will be selected to be planted with the supplement of Suining antique scenery, such as memorial archways, ancient lamps, and stone chairs. The pavement will be covered by materials such as light blue stone with ground embossment to express the antique culture and long history of Suining. This archaized street will be in harmony with the thousand year old Guangde Temple.

To sum up, from ecological esthetics and balance of earthwork point of view, it is recommended for this project to adopt No. 4 archaized street plan.

6.2 Alternatives for Embankment Construction of Guangjiyan River

6.2.1 Contents of Alternatives

The standard embankment model of Guangjiyan River will be vertical. Vertical embankment has three options in framework pattern and they are Gravity Type Paste and Gravel Embankment, Counterweight Paste and Gravel Embankment and Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Embankment. Stone bars will cover the surface of these three embankments. The details of these options are in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 The quantity of work in Guanjiyan River embankment construction

|Name |Schemes |

| |Gravity Type Paste and |Counterweight Paste and|Reinforced Concrete |

| |Gravel Embankment |Gravel Embankment |Cantilever Embankment |

|Earth digging (m3) |397320 |480095 |645645 |

|Filling (m3) |217580 |340560 |799370 |

|M10plasm gravel (m3) |106140 |227163 |109575 |

|Stone bar (m2) |63382 |63382 |63382 |

|Filling large gravel (m3) |26015 |24028 |28760 |

|Lawn brick (m2) |23650 |23650 |25542 |

|Greening pitch (m2) |10595 |  |  |

|Baluster (m) |9460 |9460 |9460 |

|Clay bank cofferdam (m3) |8000 |8000 |8000 |

6.2.2 Comparative Analysis of the Alternatives

Comparative analysis of the three vertical embankment plans from gravel, technology,

the amount of earthwork and land occupation, see table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Alternatives for Guanjiyan River Embankment Construction

|Embankment pattern |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|Gravity Type Paste and Gravel|1.Xining District of Suining city has an abundance of |1 base ground bearing more weight; |

|Embankment |gravel storage with good quality, short distance for |2. Longer work time; |

| |transportation and convenience of exploitation; |3. Difficult to press hard the filling |

| |2. Simple, mature technology; |area. |

| |3. Cost-saving. | |

|Counterweight Paste and |1.Xining District of Suining city has abundance of gravel|1 Base ground bearing more weight; |

|Gravel Embankment |storage with good quality, short distance for |2. Longer work time; |

| |transportation and convenience of exploitation; |3. Earth work and amount of gravel |

| |2. Simple, mature technology; |needs more than that of Gravity Type |

| |3. Cost-saving. |scheme |

|Reinforced Concrete |1. Base ground bearing less weight; |1. Larger cost; |

|Cantilever Embankment |2. Shorter work time; |2. More project procedures; |

| | |3. More base ground digging。 |

|Rolled Sand and Gravel |1. Base ground bearing less weight; |1. More house dislocation and land |

|Water-tight Slope Embankment |2. Shorter work time; |occupation; |

| |3.cost saving. |2. Against drainage。 |

To sum up, Gravity Type Paste and Gravel Embankment needs gravel which could be obtain within the district with an abundance of storage, good quality, short transportation distance, convenient exploitation, available mature and simple technology, and produces less earthwork and needs less cost. Compared with Rolled Sand and Gravel Water-tight Slope Embankment, this plan causes smaller land occupation, and favorable for the drain-ff of floodwater. Thus, the recommended plan Gravity Type Paste and Gravel Embankment should be the most preferable, from the point of environment protection, construction technology and cost.

6.3 Alternatives for Xingning Road Construction

6.3.1 Contents of Alternatives

There are three plans for Xining Road. Plan 1(for recommendation): Yueshan Village (starting point)—Shizi River Village—Shuiku Village—Yaowan Village—Suihui Road—train station (destination), with total length 8516.38m. Plan 2(alternative): Yueshan Village (starting point)—Shizi River Village—Xiangshan Village—Mingyue Road (destination), with total length 4924.3m. Scheme 3(alternative): Yueshan Village (starting point)—Shizi River Village—Xijia Wan—Suihui Road-- train station (destination), with total length 6003.62m. The details of the above three plans see Table 6-4.

Table 6-4 Comparison of Alternatives for Xingning Road Construction

|Project |Plan 1 |Plan 2 |Plan 3 |

|Length |8.52Km |4.95Km |6.00Km |

|Width |24m |24m |24m |

|Even curves |14 |6 |6 |

|Radius of the largest even curve |500m |1000m |400m |

|Radius of the smallest even curve|50m |100m |150m |

|Maximum of vertical slope |5.0% |5.19% |7.0% |

|Minimum of vertical slope |0.39% |0.46% |0.67% |

|Culverts |22 |18 |29 |

|Total cost |35 473 200yuan |20 674 600yuan |32 541 900yuan |

|Cost per km |4 163 500 yuan/km |4 176 700 yuan/km |5423700 yuan/km |

6.3.2 Comparative Analysis of Alternatives

After exploration of the site and negotiation with related departments of Suining, from the point of cost, road function and environment protection, we have done comparative analysis of the plans for Xingning Road construction. Details see Table 6-5.

Table 6-5 Comparisons of Alternatives of Xingning Road Construction

|Alternative |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|Alternative 1 |1. it is harmonious with collective |1. Total cost will be high for total length is 3592m longer|

| |plan of the whole district; |than that in plan 2. |

|(recommended) |2.it could be a part of ring road and | |

| |reduce the traffic pressure of northern| |

| |city; | |

| |3. It is convenient for exploitation of| |

| |the land on both side of the road.。 | |

|Alternative 2 |1. making use of old road about 2.6km |1Increasing traffic pressure of Mingyue Road will easily |

| |(Mingyue Road near train station) and |bring traffic jams. |

| |so saving some cost. |2.For mountainous west side and east side with |

| | |Suining-Chongqing railroad, both side land has low use and |

| | |so the function of city road cannot be fulfilled. |

|Alternative 3 |1. total length will be 2513m shorter |1. Although with shorter distance, The road will pass a lot|

| |than that in plan 1 |of hills and so increase cost for earthwork and bring |

| | |damage to natural environment; |

| | |2. Both side land of the road will have low use and the |

| | |function of city road cannot be fulfilled |

According to analysis, among the three alternatives the recommended plan has the longest road distance, lowest cost per km, and is harmonious with the total design of the district and fully displays the function of city road, and both side land of the road can be used conveniently as part of city construction. In the sense of natural environmental protection, the recommended route will pass fewer hills and so produces fewer earthworks and less damage to natural environment. To sum up, the recommended plan is the most preferable, in considering protecting natural environment and fully playing the function of city road.

6.4 Comparative Analyses of Alternatives for No. 1 bridge Construction

6.4.1 Plan contents of Alternatives

Two alternatives for No. 1 bridge construction:Arch Bridge or Single-span Pre-stressed Concrete Pre-cast T Beams Bridge.

Alternative 1:pre-stressed concrete pre-cast T beams bridge

① Using Single-span Pre-stressed Concrete Pre-cast T Beams, the radius spans 48m.

② Pre-cast T Beams will be constructed by pre-cast hoisting.

③ Bridge abutment will be gravity U type; the top of abutment will strapped joint with approach road.

④The foundation of abutment will be enlarged.

⑤ Deck: light-duty mental baluster; 10cm pitch and concrete cover; 6cm middle grain middle and lower layer; 4cm SMA up layer.

Alternative 2: reinforced concrete arch bridge

①The moment of span of the major bridge opening will be 25m. The bridge will be of 3 opening combination; the major opening’s ratio of rise to span is 1/5.75; lateral opening’ s ratio of rise to span is 1/4.

② the lower structure will be rigid combined abutment.

③ full framing and instant casting.

④ deck: the same as alternative 1

6.4.2 Comparison of Alternatives

Comprehensive analysis the Arch Bridge Plan and Single-span Pre-stressed Concrete Pre-cast T Beams Plan, short for T Beams Plan, in terms of the impact on environment, traffic, project cost and bridge appearance. Details see table 6-6.

Table 6-6 Characteristics of Alternatives for No.1 Bridge Construction

|Plans |Characteristics |

|Single-span pre-stressed |1. Low cost and short work time; |

|concrete Pre-cast T beams |2. After reinforcing the horizontal rigidity, condition for driving would be super well. |

|bridge, |3. The bridge body will be bright and neat and needs no extra decoration after some measures taken |

| |trough molding board and concrete pouring. |

| |4. bringing little interference to traffic and surrounding environment. |

|Reinforced concrete arch |1. Total firmness degree is high and creates super condition for driving; |

|bridge |2. beautiful bridge appearance; |

| |3. Bringing a lot of interference; long work time; higher construction technology; larger cost. |

According to analysis, the recommended plan pre-stressed concrete pre-cast T beam requires lower construction technology, shorter work time and brings less interference to traffic and surrounding environment, and results in a bright and neat bridge appearance and smaller cost. In short, the recommenced plan is more preferable, in terms of environment protection and interference to traffic.


7.1 Measures for Soil Erosion Control and Ecological Restoration

7.1.1 Objectives

(1) Reduce spoiling devices of soil conservation as possible during construction and restore the devices spoiled.

(2) Surely control the soil erosion and restore ecologic state of the subgrade and cutting along the road, keeping the function of soil conservation and ecologic reconstruction.

(3) Properly disposal the engineering spoils to prevent any collapse. Take measures to control and restore the ecologic state. Plant trees on transfer stations or reuse it as farm land.

(4) Avoid any hurts to the Natural environment, organizations and human resulting from soil erosion.

7.1.2 Measures to Control Soil Erosion Measures to control soil erosion during design

When make decision of the pathway during design of a public works, keep the equilibrium of backfilling and excavation in the area as possible, reducing borrowing and spoiling of soil. The amount of excavation will much more than backfilling for this project, so no large sized borrow pit and stone pit are needed. The waste soil will be transported and piled at appointed spoil ground at Xining District of Suining City. The road project affects the soil conservation much. The following points must be noted when design:

1. Determination of the high wall slope for the subgrade

(1) For the subgrade relating truck sewer, when the height of backfilling is less than 8 meters, the high wall slope is 1:1.5. When the height of backfilling ranges in 8-16 meters, set a 1.5-meter-wide platform at the place of 6 or 8 meters. The high wall slopes are 1:1.75 and 1:1.5 for the lower and higher part to the platform respectively. When the height of backfilling ranges is higher than 16 meters, set a 1.5-meter-wide platform at the place of 16 meters. The high wall slope is 1:2 for the higher part to the platform. As for the lower part, it is the same as that when the height of backfilling ranges in 8-16 meters.

(2) For the cutting, the high wall slop can adopt different value depending on the rock property and excavation depth according to Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Determination of High Wall Slope for Cuttings

|Rock Sort |Height of highwall |

| | ................

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