ICD-9 Codes

ICD-9 Codes

|ICD-9 Code |Diagnosis |

|521.2 |Abrasion |

|526.4 |Abscess, bone |

|Look up code |Abscess, by location (Procedure code 88304) |

|522.7 |Abscess, periapical, with fistula |

|522.5 |Abscess, periapical, without fistula |

|528.9 |Acanthoma (acanthosis), squamous |

|528.9 |Acanthosis, NOS |

|527.9 |Accessory salivary gland |

|701.9 |Acrochordon (Procedure code 88304) |

|039.3 |Actinomycosis, cervico-facial |

|528.9 |Acute inflammation, of soft tissue, NOS |

|074.8 |Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis |

|Look up code |Adenocarcinoma, by location |

|527.1 |Adenomatoid hyperplasia of minor salivary gland |

|213.1 |Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|528.9 |Allergic stomatitis |

|729.6 |Amalgam tattoo |

|170.1 |Ameloblastic carcinoma, mandible (170.0 maxilla) |

|213.1 |Ameloblastic fibroma, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|213.1 |Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|213.1 |Ameloblastoma, intrabony, all types, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|210.4 |Ameloblastoma, peripheral (not tongue or lip) |

|520.5 |Amelogenesis imperfecta |

|529.8 |Amyloid nodule, of tongue |

|277.3 |Amyloidosis |

|526.2 |Aneurysmal bone cyst |

|Look up code |Angiofibroma |

|Look up code |Angiomyolipoma |

|Look up code |Angiosarcoma |

|521.6 |Ankylosed tooth |

|520.2 |Anomalous tooth |

|471.8 |Antral polyp |

|478.19 |Antral pseudocyst |

|528.2 |Aphthous stomatitis |

|796.9 |Artifact, non-diagnostic |

|117.3 |Aspergillosis |

|528.09 |Aspirin burn |

|528.79 |Atrophy, epithelial |

|521.10 |Attrition |

|528.9 |Atypical melanocytic proliferation, oral |

|083.8 |Bacillary epithelioid angiomatosis |

|Look up code |Basal cell adenocarcinoma of minor salivary gland, of hard palate |

|Look up code |Basal cell adenoma (all variants) (210.1 tongue, 210.0 lip, 210.4 all other oral) |

|Look up code |Basal cell carcinoma, by location |

|136.1 |Behçet syndrome |

|527.8 |Benign lymphoepithelial lesion |

|Look up code |Benign neoplasm, by location |

|526.89 |bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis |

|529.3 |Black hairy tongue |

|526.9 |Bone sclerosis |

|526.0 |Botryoid odontogenic cyst |

|528.79 |Bowenoid papulosis |

|744.42 |Branchial cleft cyst |

|526.0 |Buccal bifurcation (paradental) cyst |

|529.6 |Burning mouth syndrome |

|528.9 |Calcification, dystrophic |

|526.0 |Calcifying and keratinizing odontogenic cyst (COC) (Gorlin cyst) |

|213.1 |Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor, (CEOT) of mandible |

|213.0 |Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor, of maxilla |

|523.6 |Calculus, dental |

|747.60 |Caliber-persistent artery |

|112.0 |Candidiasis |

|Look up code |Carcinoid, by location |

|Look up code |Carcinoma, adenosquamous, by location |

|Look up code |Carcinoma, by location |

|230.0 |Carcinoma-in-situ, of oropharynx, mouth, or vermilion border |

|232.0 |Carcinoma-in-situ, of skin of lip (excluding vermilion) |

|521.0 |Caries |

|078.3 |Cat-scratch disease |

|213.1 |Cementoblastoma, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|526.89 |Cemento-osseous dysplasia, all forms (focal, florid, periapical) |

|213.1 |Cemento-ossifying fibroma, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|528.5 |Cheilitis glandularis |

|351.8 |Cheilitis granulomatosa (Melkersson-Rosenthal) |

|692.79 |Cheilitis, actinic (solar) |

|528.9 |Chievitz organ |

|947.0 |Chemical burn, mouth |

|526.89 |Cherubism |

|213.1 |Chondroma, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|213.1 |Chondromyxoid fibroma, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|Look up code |Chondrosarcoma, by location |

|210.4 |Choristoma, cartilaginous/osseous (210.1 tongue) |

|528.9 |Chronic inflammation of soft tissue, NOS |

|528.9 |Cicatrix (soft tissue fibrous scar), all mucosal sites |

|528.00 |Cinnamon stomatitis |

|755.59 |Cleidocranial dysplasia |

|520.2 |Concrescence |

|526.4 |Condensing osteitis |

|078.11 |Condyloma acuminatum |

|210.4 |Congenital epulis of the newborn |

|555.9 |Crohn’s disease |

|702.8 |Cutaneous horn |

|526.1 |Cyst, nasopalatine duct (incisive canal) |

|526.2 |Cyst, NOS |

|528.00 |Cytology, benign inflammatory |

|796.4 |Cytology, benign mucosal (clinically abnormal) |

|078.5 |Cytomegalic inclusion disease |

|757.39 |Darier’s disease (keratosis follicularis) (skin) |

|133.8 |Demodex sp. |

|520.9 |Dental follicle |

|526.9 |Dental follicle, enlarged (hyperplastic) |

|796.4 |Dental papilla (tooth germ, normal) |

|526.0 |Dentigerous cyst (includes chronically inflamed dentigerous cyst) |

|522.3 |Dentin, reparative |

|520.5 |Dentinal dysplasia |

|520.5 |Dentinogenesis imperfecta |

|694.0 |Dermatitis herpetiformis |

|216.3 |Dermatofibroma, skin of other and unspecified parts of face |

|528.4 |Dermoid cyst, oral |

|694.9 |Desquamative gingivitis, n.o.s. |

|526.1 |Developmental cyst, NOS, intrabony |

|523.8 |Dilantin-induced gingival hyperplasia |

|527.8 |Ductal ectasia |

|527.8 |Ductal hyperplasia |

|787.2 |Dysphagia |

|528.79 |Dysplasia, epithelial |

|216.3 |Dysplastic nevus, skin of other and unspecified parts of face (oral, 210.x) |

|759.89 |Ectopic salivary gland |

|692.74 |Elastosis, solar |

|520.4 |Enamel hypoplasia |

|520.2 |Enamel pearl |

|277.89 |Eosinophilic granuloma |

|709.09 |Ephelis, skin |

|528.4 |Epidermal inclusion cyst |

|706.2 |Epidermoid cyst, of skin |

|695.1 |Epidermolysis bullosa |

|528.79 |Epithelial atrophy |

|528.79 |Epithelial dysplasia |

|528.9 |Epulis fissuratum (inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia) |

|528.9 |Epulis granulomatosum (post-extraction granuloma) |

|521.3 |Erosion of teeth |

|526.0 |Eruption cyst |

|529.1 |Erythema migrans (geographic tongue) |

|695.1 |Erythema multiforme |

|528.79 |Erythroplakia |

|526.81 |Exostosis |

|521.42 |External tooth resorption |

|526.9 |Fat necrosis of the jaw |

|528.9 |Fibrin clot |

|214.9 |Fibrolipoma (Procedure code 88304) |

|210.4 |Fibroma (210.1 tongue, 210.0 lip) |

|210.4 |Fibroma, giant cell (210.1 tongue, 210.0 lip) |

|528.9 |Fibroma, peripheral odontogenic |

|528.9 |Fibroma, peripheral ossifying |

|523.8 |Fibromatosis gingivae |

|526.89 |Fibro-osseous lesion, benign, NOS |

|526.89 |Fibrous dysplasia, monostotic |

|210.4 |Fibrous histiocytoma, benign (210.1 tongue, 210.0 lip) |

|528.9 |Fibrous hyperplasia (includes fibro-epithelial) |

|216.3 |Fibrous papule of nose |

|529.3 |Filiform papilla, hyperplastic/hypertrophic, of tongue |

|522.7 |Fistula, oral |

|213.1 |Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|520.3 |Fluorosis |

|528.79 |Focal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck’s disease) |

|528.9 |Focal melanosis, oral |

|750.26 |Fordyce granule |

|935.0 |Foreign body entering through orifice, oral |

|998.4 |Foreign body left accidentally |

|528.9 |Foreign body reaction (foreign body granuloma), oral soft tissue |

|521.89 |Fracture (of tooth) |

|520.2 |Fusion, tooth |

|528.1 |Gangrenous stomatitis (noma) |

|526.4 |Garrè osteomyelitis (proliferative periostitis) |

|529.1 |Geographic tongue |

|526.3 |Giant cell lesion, central |

|523.8 |Giant cell lesion, peripheral |

|523.8 |Gingival cyst of the adult |

|523.00 |Gingivitis, acute |

|101 |Gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative (ANUG) |

|523.1 |Gingivitis, chronic |

|523.1 |Gingivitis, chronic hyperplastic |

|523.01 |Gingivitis, plasma cell |

|526.2 |Glandular odontogenic cyst |

|529.0 |Glossitis, NOS |

|529.6 |Glossodynia, Glossopyrosis |

|274.9 |Gout |

|528.9 |Graft versus host disease |

|210.1 |Granular cell tumor, of tongue |

|528.9 |Granulation tissue, NOS |

|522.6 |Granuloma, periapical |

|528.9 |Granuloma, pyogenic |

|528.9 |Granuloma, suture |

|528.9 |Granulomatous inflammation, NOS |

|528.6 |Hairy leukoplakia, oral |

|529.3 |Hairy tongue |

|759.6 |Hamartoma, not elsewhere classified |

|213.1 |Hamartoma, gingival/odontogenic, central or peripheral |

|228.09 |Hemangioma, all types, oral |

|228.01 |Hemangioma, all types, skin and subcutaneous |

|796.4 |Hematopoietic bone marrow |

|528.9 |Hemorrhage (hematoma) (Procedure code 88304) |

|757.39 |Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis (HBID) |

|448.0 |Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasis (Rendu-Osler-Weber disease) |

|054.2 |Herpes simplex gingivostomatitis |

|053.9 |Herpes zoster |

|277.89 |Histiocytosis, idiopathic (all forms) |

|115.90 |Histoplasmosis |

|Look up code |Hodgkin lymphoma (five digit code) |

|090.5 |Hutchinson's tooth |

|528.9 |Hyaline angiopathy (foreign body reaction) |

|521.5 |Hypercementosis |

|528.6 |Hyperkeratosis (except alveolar ridge 528.71, 528.72) |

|528.9 |Hyperplasia, pseudoepitheliomatous |

|526.9 |Hyperplastic dental follicle |

|289.3 |Hyperplastic lymph node, lymphoid tissue |

|529.3 |Hypertrophic foliate papilla |

|529.3 |Hypertrophic tongue papilla |

|350.2 |Idiopathic oral pain |

|526.1 |Incisive canal cyst (nasopalatine duct cyst) |

|796.4 |Incisive canal, contents of (normal) |

|075.0 |Infectious mononucleosis |

|528.9 |Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (includes fibro-epithelial) (epulis fissuratum) |

|528.9 |Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia (palatal papillomatosis) |

|799.9 |Insufficient for diagnosis |

|521.41 |Internal tooth resorption |

|216.3 |Intradermal nevus, skin |

|210.4 |Intraductal papilloma (210.0 lip, 210.1 tongue) |

|526.9 |Jaw, unspecified disease of |

|213.1 |Juvenile ossifying fibroma, mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|Look up code |Kaposi sarcoma |

|701.4 |Keloid, skin and subcutaneous |

|235.1 |Keratoacanthoma, vermilion and oral cavity (or SCC, look up code) |

|526.0 |Keratocyst, odontogenic (OKC) |

|213.1 |Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT), mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|702.0 |Keratosis, actinic, solar |

|528.72 |Keratosis, alveolar ridge, excessive |

|528.71 |Keratosis, alveolar ridge, minimal |

|528.6 |Keratosis, snuff dipper's |

|526.0 |Lateral periodontal cyst |

|709.09 |Lentigo, "senile" |

|Look up code |Leukemia |

|528.6 |Leukoedema |

|697.0 |Lichen planus, all types |

|528.00 |Lichenoid mucositis |

|759.2 |Lingual thyroid |

|528.9 |Lipogranuloma |

|214.8 |Lipoma (all types), specified site (Procedure code 88304) |

|214.0 |Lipoma, skin of face (Procedure code 88304) |

|695.4 |Lupus erythematosus, discoid |

|710.0 |Lupus erythematosus, systemic |

|289.3 |Lymphadenitis |

|457.1 |Lymphangiectasis |

|228.1 |Lymphangioma, all types, all sites |

|528.4 |Lymphoepithelial cyst |

|527.8 |Lymphoepithelial lesion, benign |

|528.9 |Lymphoid hyperplasia, reactive |

|200.20 |Lymphoma, Burkitt, extranodal and solid organ site |

|202.80 |Lymphoma, diffuse, NOS, extranodal and solid organ site (202.81, in head and neck node) |

|202.00 |Lymphoma, nodular/follicular, NOS, extranodal and solid organ site |

|Look up code |Malignant tumor, by location |

|056.9 |Measles (rubella) |

|055.9 |Measles (rubeola) |

|526.1 |Median palatal cyst |

|529.2 |Median rhomboid glossitis |

|528.9 |Melanoacanthoma |

|235.1 |Melanocytic hyperplasia, atypical, lip and oral cavity |

|528.9 |Melanosis, oral |

|528.9 |Melanotic macule, oral |

|520.1 |Mesiodens |

|528.9 |Metaplasia, cartilaginous |

|528.9 |Metaplasia, osseous |

|198.5 |Metastatic malignancy to bone (maxilla, mandible) |

|198.89 |Metastatic malignancy to oral soft tissue |

|520.2 |Microdontia |

|078.0 |Molluscum contagiosum |

|528.9 |Morsicatio buccarum (cheek chewing habit) |

|528.9 |Mucinosis, oral focal |

|527.6 |Mucocele (mucous extravasation phenomenon) (Procedure code 88304) |

|Look up code |Mucoepidermoid carcinoma |

|117.7 |Mucormycosis |

|528.00 |Mucositis, acute |

|528.00 |Mucositis, granulomatous |

|528.00 |Mucositis, nonspecific chronic |

|528.00 |Mucositis, vesicular |

|694.60 |Mucous membrane pemphigoid (cicatricial pemphigoid), without ocular |

|528.4 |Mucous retention cyst (mucous duct cyst) |

|203.0 |Multiple myeloma, all locations |

|238.6 |Myeloma, solitary (plasmacytoma) |

|524.60 |Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (TMD) |

|Look up code |Myofibroma |

|729.1 |Myositis |

|728.12 |Myositis ossificans |

|526.4 |Myospherulosis (extraction site foreign body) |

|213.1 |Myxoma, odontogenic, of mandible (includes myxofibroma) (213.0 maxilla) |

|471.9 |Nasal polyp (Procedure code 88304) |

|528.4 |Nasolabial cyst |

|526.4 |Necrotic tissue, jaw |

|528.9 |Necrotic tissue, oral soft tissues |

|527.2 |Necrotizing sialometaplasia |

|210.4 |Neoplasm, benign, all other oral soft tissue |

|210.3 |Neoplasm, benign, floor of mouth |

|210.0 |Neoplasm, benign, lip |

|210.0 |Neoplasm, benign, lip vermilion |

|216.0 |Neoplasm, benign, skin of lip |

|210.1 |Neoplasm, benign, tongue |

|Look up code |Neoplasm, malignant |

|729.2 |Neuralgia, idiopathic oral |

|729.2 |Neuralgia, not elsewhere coded |

|237.71 |Neurofibromatosis type I (von Recklinghausen disease) |

|957.0 |Neuroma, traumatic, head and neck superficial (Procedure code 88304) |

|528.9 |Neuroma, traumatic, oral soft tissue (Procedure code 88304) |

|216.3 |Nevus, melanocytic, all types, of facial skin |

|210.4 |Nevus, melanocytic, all types, of oral mucosa (210.1 tongue, 210.0 lip) |

|702.8 |Nevus, sebaceous, of facial skin |

|528.79 |Nicotinic stomatitis |

|799.9 |No diagnosis rendered |

|796.4 |No evidence of disease |

|728.79 |Nodular fasciitis |

|796.9 |Non-diagnostic specimen |

|528.9 |Non-specific ulcer |

|522.1 |Non-vital tooth |

|796.4 |Normal histopathology (abnormal clinical presentation) |

|526.0 |Odontogenic cyst, orthokeratinizing, NOS |

|213.1 |Odontogenic fibroma, central, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|526.0 |Odontogenic keratocyst |

|213.1 |Odontoma, compound or complex, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|528.8 |Oral submucous fibrosis |

|473.0 |Oral-antral fistula |

|526.0 |Orthokeratinizing odontogenic cyst |

|528.9 |Osseous and chondromatous metaplasia, oral |

|213.1 |Osseous dysplasia, mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|709.3 |Osseous metaplasia, skin |

|213.1 |Ossifying fibroma, central (213.0 non-mandible) |

|210.4 |Ossifying fibroma, peripheral (gingiva) |

|731.0 |Osteitis deformans (Paget disease of bone) |

|715.8 |Osteoarthritis, other specified site (neck, TMJ) |

|213.1 |Osteoblastoma, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|213.1 |Osteochondroma, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|213.1 |Osteoid osteoma, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|213.1 |Osteoma, of mandible (213.0 non-mandible) |

|526.4 |Osteomyelitis, acute |

|526.4 |Osteomyelitis, chronic |

|526.4 |Osteomyelitis, chronic sclerosing |

|526.89 |Osteonecrosis, bisphosphonate-associated |

|756.52 |Osteopetrosis |

|526.89 |Osteoporotic/hematopoietic bone marrow defect |

|526.89 |Osteoradionecrosis |

|Look up code |Osteosarcoma, by location (maxilla 170.0, mandible 170.1) |

|350.2 |Pain, atypical facial |

|731.0 |Paget disease of bone |

|529.3 |Papilla, hyperplastic/hypertrophic, of tongue |

|210.2 |Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum (Warthin's tumor), parotid |

|528.9 |Papillary hyperplasia |

|212.0 |Papilloma, nasal |

|210.4 |Papilloma, oral squamous, other than tongue or lip (210.1 tongue, 210.0 lip) |

|526.0 |Paradental cyst |

|136.9 |Parasite, unspecified |

|522.7 |Parulis |

|694.60 |Pemphigoid, cicatricial, without ocular involvement |

|694.4 |Pemphigus vegetans |

|694.4 |Pemphigus vulgaris |

|526.9 |Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia |

|522.8 |Periapical cyst (radicular cyst) |

|526.69 |Periapical fibrous scar |

|522.6 |Periapical granuloma (dental granuloma) |

|523.3 |Pericoronitis |

|523.33 |Periodontitis, acute |

|522.4 |Periodontitis, acute apical |

|522.6 |Periodontitis, chronic apical |

|523.42 |Periodontitis, chronic, generalized |

|523.41 |Periodontitis, chronic, localized |

|523.40 |Periodontitis, chronic, unspecified |

|526.4 |Periostitis |

|459.89 |Phlebolith (phlebosclerosis) |

|238.6 |Plasmacytoma, solitary |

|288.64 |Plasmacytosis, gingival |

|471.9 |Polyp, nasal (Procedure code 88304) |

|471.8 |Polyp, maxillary sinus (Procedure code 88304) |

|526.0 |Primordial cyst |

|528.9 |Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia |

|696.1 |Psoriasis |

|522.2 |Pulp stones |

|522.0 |Pulpal fibrosis |

|522.0 |Pulpitis, acute |

|522.0 |Pulpitis, chronic |

|522.0 |Pulpitis, chronic hyperplastic (pulp polyp) |

|528.9 |Pyogenic granuloma |

|528.01 |Radiation mucositis (additional code E879.2) |

|527.6 |Ranula (Procedure code 88304) |

|526.4 |Reactive bone |

|520.4 |Regional odontodysplasia |

|588.0 |Renal osteodystrophy |

|522.8 |Residual cyst |

|478.19 |Retention cyst of the maxillary sinus |

|525.3 |Root fragment |

|527.1 |Salivary gland hyperplasia |

|135 |Sarcoidosis |

|Look up code |Sarcoma, by location |

|528.9 |Sclerosing pyogenic granuloma (HIPGN) |

|526.69 |Scar, periapical |

|528.9 |Sebaceous hyperplasia, oral |

|706.9 |Sebaceous hyperplasia, skin |

|702.19 |Seborrheic keratosis |

|702.11 |Seborrheic keratosis, inflamed |

|520.4 |Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia |

|526.4 |Sequestrum of jawbone |

|527.2 |Sialadenitis, acute, chronic, chronic sclerosing |

|527.2 |Sialodochitis |

|527.2 |Sialometaplasia, necrotizing |

|527.5 |Sialolithiasis, sialolith |

|526.2 |Simple bone cyst (hemorrhagic bone cyst, traumatic bone cyst) |

|478.1 |Sinus mucocele |

|461.0 |Sinusitis, acute maxillary |

|473.0 |Sinusitis, chronic maxillary |

|522.7 |Sinus track (fistula), oral |

|710.2 |Sjögren syndrome |

|216.3 |Skin tag (Procedure code 88304) |

|528.6 |Snuff dippers keratosis |

|692.74 |Solar elastosis |

|702.0 |Solar keratosis (actinic keratosis) |

|Look up code |Squamous cell carcinoma, by location |

|528.9 |Squamous metaplasia |

|213.1 |Squamous odontogenic tumor, of mandible (213.0 maxilla) |

|210.4 |Squamous papilloma (210.0 lip, 210.1 tongue) |

|526.89 |Stafne bone defect |

|520.1 |Supernumerary tooth |

|528.00 |Stomatitis, n.o.s. |

|526.0 |Surgical ciliated cyst |

|091.2 |Syphilis, primary, of lip or tonsils |

|091.3 |Syphilis, secondary, of skin or mucous membranes |

|710.1 |Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) |

|729.6 |Tattoo (foreign body in soft tissue) |

|520.2 |Taurodontism |

|448.9 |Telangiectasia |

|520.8 |Tetracycline stain |

|453.8 |Thrombus (thrombosis) |

|759.2 |Thyroglossal tract cyst (thyroglossal duct cyst) |

|759.2 |Thyroid nodule, lingual |

|474.8 |Tonsillith |

|520.9 |Tooth fragment |

|873.63 |Tooth, fractured due to trauma |

|520.6 |Tooth, impacted (for "gross only") |

|520.8 |Tooth germ (tooth bud, developing tooth) |

|526.81 |Torus mandibularis |

|526.81 |Torus palatinus |

|528.9 |Traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia (TUGSE) |

|528.9 |Traumatic neuroma, oral soft tissue (Procedure code 88304) |

|350.1 |Trigeminal neuralgia and neuritides |

|017.95 |Tuberculosis |

|528.2 |Ulcer, aphthous |

|528.9 |Ulcer, nonspecific, all other oral sites |

|529.0 |Ulcer, nonspecific, of tongue |

|528.9 |Ulcer, traumatic eosinophilic, all other oral sites (TUGSE) |

|529.0 |Ulcer, traumatic eosinophilic, of tongue (TUGSE) |

|456.8 |Varix, all other mucosal sites (Procedure code 88304) |

|456.3 |Varix, sublingual (Procedure code 88304) |

|747.69 |Vascular anomaly, oral soft tissue |

|078.19 |Verruca plana |

|078.10 |Verruca vulgaris |

|528.6 |Verrucous hyperkeratosis |

|528.6 |Verrucous hyperplasia |

|528.79 |Verrucous hyperplasia, atypical |

|694.9 |Vesiculobullous condition |

|528.6 |Viadent leukoplakia |

|528.79 |Warty dyskeratoma |

|446.4 |Wegener granulomatosis |

|750.26 |White sponge nevus |

|526.4 |Xanthogranuloma, bone |

|272.7 |Xanthoma |

|528.9 |Xanthoma, verruciform |

|527.7 |Xerostomia |


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