THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEVERLYAPRIL 23, 20197:30PMMINUTESCALL TO ORDER- The meeting was called to order at 7:37PM.OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT STATEMENT“The Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met. Notice of this meeting, Resolution 2019-1, was posted on the Official Bulletin Board in City Hall, published in The Burlington County Times on January 9, 2019, emailed to the Camden Courier Post, filed with the Municipal Clerk on January 9, 2019 and was mailed to all persons requesting and paying for same.”Read by Council President Bancroft.FLAG SALUTECouncil President Bancroft led in the Flag Salute.ROLL CALLPresent:Mayor: Randy H. MillerCouncil Members:Robert H. BancroftGrace M. HeronRobert E. Lowden, Jr.Mark A. SchwedesRobert D. ThibaultAdministrator/Public Safety Director: Richard WolbertActing Municipal Clerk: Sheri L MedinaAbsent: NonePROMOTION OF OFFICER CURTIS DAVIS TO SERGEANTRESOLUTION 2019-53 RESOLUTION PROMOTING PATROL OFFICERCURTIS DAVIS TO THE POSITION OF POLICE SERGEANTCouncilman Thibault made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-53 as presented Second by Councilman Lowden.Ayes –, Heron, Lowden, Schwedes Thibault, Bancroft. Nays. Absent–None. Abstained-None. Sgt. Curtis Davis stated he gives his honor to God for through him all things are possible. Second to Mayor, Council and Public Safety Director gave a department wide thank you for a much needed position and thank you for appointing me to this position.PROCLAMATIONA Proclamation for PBA Local 249, Burlington County Correctional Officers for Good Deeds Day.Read and Presented by Mayor MillerAPPROVAL OF MINUTESRegular Session minutes for April 9, 2019.Councilman Schwedes made a motion to approve the minutes for April 23, 2019 as presented, Second by Councilman Thibault.Ayes – Bancroft, Lowden, Schwedes Thibault. Nays. Absent–None. Abstained- Heron.PUBLIC COMMENTNoneCouncilman Thibault made a motion to close public comment, Second by Councilwoman Heron.Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE 2019-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY, IN THE COUNTY OF BURLINGTON, STATE OF NEW JERSEY RESTRICTING PARKING ON SPECIFIC STREETSOpen to the public:1. Ronald Paice, 527 Broad Street, asked if this is the second reading for this ordinance. Mr. Wolbert stated that this was the public hearing.2. John Haaf, 124 Riverbank, What streets does this Ordinance cover. Mr. Wolbert stated it covered Cooper Street from Front Street to Veterans’ Drive. This Ordinance was created to eliminate parking and illegal activity in that area.Councilman Lowden made a motion to close public comment, Second by Councilwoman Heron.Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.Councilman Lowden made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2019-01, Second by Councilman Thibault.Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION 2019-49A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY DISCHARGE OF MORTGAGES ON THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS BLOCK 1590, LOT 25.01, FKA BLOCK 90, A/K/A 65 RAILROAD AVECouncilman Thibault made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-49 as presented, Second by Councilwoman Heron.Ayes – Heron, Lowden, Schwedes Thibault, Bancroft. Nays. Absent–None. Abstained-None.RESOLUTION NO. 2019-50 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A HANDICAP (RESTRICTED) PARKING SPACE FOR A RESIDENT OF 618 BENTLEY AVE.Councilman Thibault made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-50 as presented, Second by Councilman Lowden.Ayes – Heron, Lowden, Schwedes, Thibault, and Bancroft. Nays -None Absent–None. Abstained-None.RESOLUTION 2019-51 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT TO THE HARTFORD FOR PARADE INSURANCE FOR THE ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PARADECouncilman Thibault made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-50 as presented, Second by Councilwoman Heron.Ayes – Heron, Lowden, Schwedes, Thibault, and Bancroft. Nays- None. Absent–None. Abstained-None.RESOLUTION 2019-52 A RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF A HOMESTEAD REBATE ON 1048 NICHOLS AVECouncilman Lowden made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-50 as presented, Second by Councilman Thibault.Ayes – Heron, Lowden, Schwedes Thibault, and Bancroft. Nays- None. Absent–None. Abstained-None.OLD BUSINESSNoneNEW BUSINESSNoneBILL LISTBill list for April 23, 2019Councilman Schwedes made a motion to approve the bills list for April 23, 2019 Second by Councilman Thibault.Ayes –Heron, Lowden, Schwedes Thibault, and Bancroft. Nays- None. Absent–None. Abstained-None.CORRESPONDENCENoneCOMMENTSMayor Mayor Miller -Refreshing to be able to come to a place where government makes sense.CouncilCouncilwoman Heron- Nothing at this time.Councilman Schwedes- The Basketball court looks great and it is nice to see all the corrections officers are here to receive the proclamation. Congratulations to Sergeant Davis. It is a well-deserved promotion. The Free Library will have a presentation, “Women of WWII”.Councilman Lowden – Councilman Lowden stated the basketball courts look great. Mr. Wolbert and Mrs. Medina came out to participate. There will not be a Planning Board meeting this month. Councilman Thibault – Basketball court look great, what a great group of people doing good things for our town. Proud to be a part of Beverly. Sgt. Davis a man of his caliber and experience is a wonderful thing. To see all these things happening over the past couple of years, it shows the progress we have made as a City. Good luck to Sgt Davis in his new position. Administrator/Public Safety DirectorMr. Wolbert Congratulated Sgt.Davis on his promotion. This promotion is very well deserved.Professionals Stephen Raymond Jr. Stated there was nothing at this time.Municipal Court Report for March 2019- ReviewedEndeavor Emergency Squad Monthly Statistics Report for March 2019- ReviewedPUBLIC COMMENT1. Ronald Paice, 527 Broad Street, The Farmer’s market will not be at the Free Library on Thursday.2. Beverly Haaf, 124 Riverbank, Mrs. Haaf stated she had information for the Scouts who cleaned the yard at St. Josephs Church.3. John Haaf 124 Riverbank, This is the first Council meeting with the new central air conditioning. It is nice to be able to hear council.Councilman Thibault made a motion to close public comment, Second by Councilwoman Heron.Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.ADJOURNMENTCouncilman Thibault made a motion to adjourn at 8:04 PM, Seconded by Councilwoman Heron.Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. ................

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